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Evelyn & David: Who Let Them in Here?

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My daughter is an unbiased source because she never watched 90DF, has watched AI since the very beginning (we have friend involved with the show), works in music industry AND is remarkably unsnarky (where did I go wrong?)

She's bummed I'm not watching this season because she thinks the finalists are really talented (she likes Madison and Jeremiah to go far). 

I asked what she thought of Evelyn  ... her reaction was that she couldn't stand her style or voice and fast-forwarded through all of her performances and that's without knowing what a smug prig she is

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1 minute ago, sasha206 said:

Totally agree.  Can't figure out what those judges had in their drink glasses that would compel them to give her a standing ovation.  

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She faltered under the stress of it all?  This is what a singing career is; it's stressful- you are performing and everyone is a critic.  Evelyn just wanted head pats and then instant fame. She also comes off as smug and like she knows it all so she would never ever learn or be taught new things. I don't think she could cut it in the real world  of music.  It's best for her to return to her beloved apples and settle for locally produced albums that she cut in some guy's basement recording studio that she can sell at church functions.  buh-bye.  Please do not grace a reality show again.  Watch her turn up on a future version of HEA.  She is the poor man's Fiona Apple.

And what was with her tacky clothing choices????  She's pretty but has terrible style.  and in the clips AI showed they credit her as "teacher" , um she has no college degree and works at (probably) an unaccredited private religious school.  She is not really  a teacher.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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31 minutes ago, doyouevengohere said:

She also comes off as smug and like she knows it all so she would never ever learn or be taught new things.

When Carson was asking the contestants  if they slept last night EVERY OTHER contestant said no.  When he asked Evelyn she rather smugly said "yes."  I think she realized that was the wrong answer because she quickly changed it to I prayed about it and slept, but not well.

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I get that she has a vocal "style" that she thinks is PERFECT, but it really annoys me that that is all she does over and over for every song.  She might have won me over if she had changed it up and sang normally and showed the range she could do and tried to show her talent.  But, no, Evelyn knows best and now she can know it all back in Claremont.

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13 hours ago, RedBagWithMakeup said:

So Evelyn has failed to get on any season of Happily Ever After (thank you, TLC!), ****AND**** she got voted off American Idol? My lawdy, what will she do with her life now? Hopefully this has taken her smugness down a notch or ten.

Don't bet on it.  Right now, she's a big fish in a very little pond, and she's been told her whole life how awesome she is.  She will just figure that people just don't "get" her, and she'll be as smug as ever.

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On 4/18/2019 at 4:23 PM, funky-rat said:

But then she'd have to leave behind the best apples ever, and the best breakfast ever....and she doesn't drive in big cities...and....and....and.....🤣

... what happens to her recording studio....and her voice coach....and her apple industry contacts....and her adoring fans family....

Edited by OldButHappy
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It sometimes takes me a while haha, but I just realized Evelyn and David weren't filmed for Happily Ever After, because Evelyn assumed she'd be busy launching her multi-platinum singing artist career on American Idol. So, we can thank AI for sparing us a season of Evelyn on HEA. I need a flow chart for this. Too much reality show hopping, people!

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13 hours ago, Izzy said:

Another brainwashed, idiotic and uncultured American woman/girl! Why do these stupid ass Americans believe the brainwashing that goes on in their country? It isn’t the best place in the world to live! Not everyone is trying to get into the US to live and work. Fuck me, what an uneducated moron! 

We aren't all stupid Americans who do this. Evelyn was barely out of childhood in this season. This isn't exclusive to Americans, either. I have lived all over the world and have found many people who think this about their countries. May we introduce you to this season's Mursel and the incomparable Turkey...

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3 hours ago, Izzy said:

So have I lived and vacationed all over the world, also spent many months travelling around the US.

Great country, nice people but so uneducated about the rest of the world and what other countries have to offer. 

So I am American and have been for 40 years. I don't mean to be argumentative,but how is a blanket statement stereotying all of us as "uneducated" any different from Evelyn's attitude about France? It is a little offensive. We are a very large country and you will find various levels of education, understanding, and acceptance of other cultures depending on where you go. As a well-traveled person I try to refrain from generalizing people from other countries because people in general are far more complicated than superficial stereotypes, and it is difficult to make real generalizations and solid observations  after a quick jaunt through a place on vacation. We are a huge place filled with hundreds of dialects, subcultures, educational systems, local governments, and geographical features . Many of our states are larger than entire European countries. My own state is so big that we have more than 100 counties, it takes 10 hours to drive from one end to the other, and you are going to find differences in each locality. It would take far more than a "couple of months" to get to really know us. While it is true that some people here are convinced that 'murica is the best place in the world and they have no desire to travel to or learn about anywhere else, others love to travel abroad and have a healthy respect for lots of different places. Many of us here on this forum are American and I think you will find that, by and large, we are very open minded about other cultures.

Evelyn is obnoxious and a little ignorant, but she is not representative of us as a whole.

Edited by mamadrama
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3 hours ago, Izzy said:

Ask an American to point out Austria or Australia on a map! 
Open about other cultures? I bet if I asked the majority of African Americans they would disagree.  

Many of us are well traveled, I grew up in a military family and went to school in France for first grade, where they spoke only French.  Three years in Puerto Rico. All over the U.S.

I guarantee you I can find most countries on a map. Yes, plenty of ignorance here, just like everywhere else. 

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14 hours ago, Izzy said:

So have I lived and vacationed all over the world, also spent many months travelling around the US.

Great country, nice people but so uneducated about the rest of the world and what other countries have to offer. 

Lol. I have not two shits to care what the rest of the world thinks. Neither does the rest of the world, coming here in droves.

USA! USA! Now what does all this have to do with Evelyn? 

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Most of the Americans on this show do represent the bottom of the barrel type of American; Evelyn included.  I've traveled all over the world for work and vacation and there is ignorance in all nationalities.   This show highlights a certain demographic for both Americans and foreigners alike.  David sure didn't mind dumb, barely legal, apple-pickin Evelyn as long as she was young and a virgin and looked great in a bikini.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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I'm terrible at geography, but I watch the newshour religiously and I watch a ton of documentaries about issues affecting different regions.  My 11 year old nephew has a thing for maps so he could probably point out any country....but I'm not sure that means much of anything.  

Its funny to me that people around the world have more similarities than differences but so many look for a basis upon which to claim they are superior.  

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Ì find generalizations like this just highly hypocritical. If I, as an American, say "Well people from ______ country are mean/mostly stupid/lack common sense/uneducated" then it turns into "Wow, that is such an ignorant, American thing to say". Yet many people find it perfectly acceptable to say such things about us. It isn't okay either way. I lived in England for many years, am married to a Brit, and have 2 children with dual nationalities and I still don't feel comfortable making a sweeping generalization about everyone in the UK. 

Evelyn is a real piece of work, but it's hard to say how much of that was her acting a part, youth, isolation (her family was kind of cultish), or just her own brand of special ignorance. I wound up not caring much for David either so they kind of canceled each other out in the end. Her personlity was slightly more palatable on AMERICAN IDOL. Too bad her singing wasn't.

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I can’t even find Delaware on a map. Mostly because I think it’s a hoax and doesn’t even exist.

Evelyn is an awful singer. I met a girl who was on idol with her and tried to get the poop on her, but she was nice and had no bad things to say. You know Evelyn was throwing her weight around such as it is since she was already a “star”. 

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24 minutes ago, Mu Shu said:

I can’t even find Delaware on a map. Mostly because I think it’s a hoax and doesn’t even exist.

Evelyn is an awful singer. I met a girl who was on idol with her and tried to get the poop on her, but she was nice and had no bad things to say. You know Evelyn was throwing her weight around such as it is since she was already a “star”. 

Don't you just hate it when your gossip source lets you down? I need intel on Evelyn, too. If she turns out to be a friendly, polite, loving young woman then I will be pissed.

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She probably does have a nice, polite, and loving side to her.  People usually aren't all bad (except for maybe Ledia and Angela, and Tania).  She also has a terrible side to her; if it was production telling her to show a certain side or act more demanding and she bit or she truly is a spoiled little self-righteous brat.....it came out and she brought it.  I never will forget how she and David treated her nice, polite, sensible best friend Mikayla for being single at 17 or 18 and daring to question why Eveyln didn't wait a little to get married and like get an education or something instead of marrying a 28 year old man.  David may be okay with his dummy wife while she has her looks and figure, but later on down the line when she's never let him leave Appleville or grow professionally or follow any of his passions while he's been shackled to her dreams and town....well  I don't think it will end pretty for them.  Or maybe he's just whipped.  Either way I find her life and their life together to be really depressing and I already feel sad for any kids they may have.

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I don’t know, New Hampshire is a beautiful place. A lot of people live there and commute to Boston for work and entertainment. Why do people think crowded cities are the end all, be all? They’re full of uneducated people living at the poverty line. Full of intolerant people masquerading as liberals. It’s a myth sold to you by Hollywood that small town people are stupid and narrow minded. NH is full of independent minded people, and there is tons to do all year. You just can’t be a couch potato. 

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On 12/1/2019 at 5:20 AM, Izzy said:

Ask an American to point out Austria or Australia on a map! 

My adult son (smart, well-educated--college degree) KNOWS that Alaska is "above" the Lower 48 but his mind continues to tell him it's down by Florida because that's what all the maps in his elementary/middle school years depicted.


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1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

I don’t know, New Hampshire is a beautiful place. A lot of people live there and commute to Boston for work and entertainment. Why do people think crowded cities are the end all, be all? They’re full of uneducated people living at the poverty line. Full of intolerant people masquerading as liberals. It’s a myth sold to you by Hollywood that small town people are stupid and narrow minded. NH is full of independent minded people, and there is tons to do all year. You just can’t be a couch potato. 

I don't think small towns are full of yokels.  They can be quite lovely.  I think it's just that in this situation David doesn't have that many job prospects where they are, Evelyn doesn't seem interested in any sort of higher education (even if she wants to still teach in a private school; a degree would help her), and she was quite adamant that they will never ever leave the best apple picking town in America (unless her music dreams come true) definitely NOT for any jobs or professional opportunities that come his way.  They are only allowed to move IF she hits it big (which will never happen).

ETA: I just looked at her IG and it seems they just moved to LA last week so she could pursue her music 'dreams'; I'm sure she thinks she can be an actress /model too.  It's probably better for David so he can use his degrees and ability to speak other languages to be gainfully employed instead of just teaching Spanish at her church school and coaching basketball.

Edited by doyouevengohere
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5 hours ago, Mu Shu said:

I don’t know, New Hampshire is a beautiful place. A lot of people live there and commute to Boston for work and entertainment. Why do people think crowded cities are the end all, be all? They’re full of uneducated people living at the poverty line. Full of intolerant people masquerading as liberals. It’s a myth sold to you by Hollywood that small town people are stupid and narrow minded. NH is full of independent minded people, and there is tons to do all year. You just can’t be a couch potato. 

You don't have to sell me on small town living. I live in the mountains on a 200 acre farm in a community so rural that it takes more than an hour to reach the nearest Wal-Mart or Kroger. Our county has 6,000 people. Some people came in and bought the farm, 5 miles away, next to us last year and now we're worried about the community getting too crowded. I enjoy visiting the city, but I would live even further back if I could.

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On 4/9/2019 at 3:20 PM, PamelaMaeSnap said:

My daughter is an unbiased source because she never watched 90DF, has watched AI since the very beginning (we have friend involved with the show), works in music industry AND is remarkably unsnarky (where did I go wrong?)

She's bummed I'm not watching this season because she thinks the finalists are really talented (she likes Madison and Jeremiah to go far). 

I asked what she thought of Evelyn  ... her reaction was that she couldn't stand her style or voice and fast-forwarded through all of her performances and that's without knowing what a smug prig she is

I don't like her voice at all.  But, that breathy, haunting tone seems to be kind of popular these days, at least based upon what I hear my daughters listen to in the car on trips.  She sort of sounds like a much worse version of Lana Del Rey, who she listed as one of her influences.   That could be why she made it so far on AI, though I still don't get it.  

I never found her all that smug on 90DF.   She loved her hometown and thought it was the best place in the world and she was a mildly delusional, carried away, young bride, which is kind of par for the course.  Her singing bothered me a lot more than her attitude.   

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1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

You don't have to sell me on small town living. I live in the mountains on a 200 acre farm in a community so rural that it takes more than an hour to reach the nearest Wal-Mart or Kroger. Our county has 6,000 people. Some people came in and bought the farm, 5 miles away, next to us last year and now we're worried about the community getting too crowded. I enjoy visiting the city, but I would live even further back if I could.

 But but but, there is no CULTURE there! What would educated people, with DEGREES do there? 

Just kidding. I grew up in SW La, went to high school in Western Il. (Gen X for reference). Most of the successful farmers sent their kids to college. Farming requires business skills, level headedness, innate intelligence, and the willingness to take risk. Never mind the dawn to dusk labor. 

I once went on a hog hunt with one of those superior urban geniuses and his bad tempered, stupid fighting dog. It didn’t end well for the dog, (macho idiot encouraged stupid dog to charge the hog) and the idiot was thrown off the owners land. My group assumed guilt by association. What kind of genius thinks the dog takes a wild hog down? 

Its all moot anyway. We live in 2019. As long as you have a strong internet connection, you can bring jobs to you. That dog don’t hunt no more. 

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1 hour ago, Mu Shu said:

 But but but, there is no CULTURE there! What would educated people, with DEGREES do there? 


If that was directed at me, I don't think that at all of small towns.  In this situation with Evelyn and David, it was addressed on the show that he wanted to move for job prospects (he had just graduated with 2 degrees if I remember) and Evelyn was adamant that they wouldn't ever move because of the apples and breakfast places.  Let's mock the participants of the show; not each other.

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2 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

If that was directed at me, I don't think that at all of small towns.  In this situation with Evelyn and David, it was addressed on the show that he wanted to move for job prospects (he had just graduated with 2 degrees if I remember) and Evelyn was adamant that they wouldn't ever move because of the apples and breakfast places.  Let's mock the participants of the show; not each other.

Now that they are living in LA I'm wondering how much of that attitude was just for show. On the show she acted like she never wanted to leave her town, David's job prospects be damned, and she wouldn't dream of breaking up the family band. And, yet, here we are...I also have to wonder how much of it was "editing". (Yeah, yeah, I know that's what they all blame it on.) Like maybe she picked an apple and said, "My town has the BEST apples" but they cut the scene before we could hear her say, "but they're nothing compared to the fruit/vegetable/whatever in _______."

I kind of ignored her attitude about her hometown, it was her singing and the fact that it riled up my cats and puppies that had me hating on her scenes. 

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I get nervous in small towns, but there are good people and bad people everywhere.  I think that perhaps the edge bigger cities have is greater exposure to a multitude of different people.  Which is that nature of a big city.  

Also, I'm greatly comforted knowing that there are numerous cuisines available to me 24 hours a day.  I don't want all that food, but I feel better knowing that IF I want Sudanese food right now.....I can get it.  Or maybe I DO want Sudanese food.  

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David found a job stat in LA; he is a bi-lingual real estate agent now.  I think the move was for her to launch her singing career.  Maybe she got an offer for something music related after being on idol.  Her IG shows that right before they moved she 'toured' London with her dad giving concerts in bars so who knows?

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7 hours ago, doyouevengohere said:

David found a job stat in LA; he is a bi-lingual real estate agent now.  I think the move was for her to launch her singing career.  Maybe she got an offer for something music related after being on idol.  Her IG shows that right before they moved she 'toured' London with her dad giving concerts in bars so who knows?

The more I read, the more convinced I become that the whole "won't leave my small town and family" was just a part of their narrative. I'm sure there was some truth to it, I'm sure she really does love her hometown and hated to leave her family, but I think some of the stuff was just highly exaggerated. 

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15 hours ago, RealReality said:

I get nervous in small towns, but there are good people and bad people everywhere.  I think that perhaps the edge bigger cities have is greater exposure to a multitude of different people.  Which is that nature of a big city.  

Also, I'm greatly comforted knowing that there are numerous cuisines available to me 24 hours a day.  I don't want all that food, but I feel better knowing that IF I want Sudanese food right now.....I can get it.  Or maybe I DO want Sudanese food.  

And see, my husband is greatly comforted by the fact that when all the bathrooms are full he can pee off the front porch and nobody can see him. 

It's really just down to individual tastes. 

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16 hours ago, mamadrama said:

The more I read, the more convinced I become that the whole "won't leave my small town and family" was just a part of their narrative. I'm sure there was some truth to it, I'm sure she really does love her hometown and hated to leave her family, but I think some of the stuff was just highly exaggerated. 

I also take into consideration that when she was on this show she was like what - 18?  Perhaps with some maturity has come some confidence in her ability to take on a larger town.

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