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S12.E10: The Next Step

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14 minutes ago, beachespeaches said:

My high school's dance team (very rangerette-esque, both directors were former rangerettes) HAD to address the directors like that. They would all say "yes ma'am, thank you ma'am" in unison. It was kind of creepy lol. I think it might be a drill team thing because all the dance teams in my district were like that. 

Interesting. Maybe it's just part of the dance world culture or something. At least in your example you were high schoolers, technically still kids. It's just odd to hear a 20 something year old woman saying it all the time. I live in the south and hear it all the time. I don't know why it bugs me so much! Lol!

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5 minutes ago, tootiejr34 said:

Are they going to still let erica and holly be in the calendars?? 

I think if Erica left due to injury, possibly.  I doubt they would pick Holly due to forced retirement.

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20 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

That conversation with Gina sounded fake as shit.  And I have no problem with it.  Kelli and Judy asked her to make a change and she did.  But that change didn't seem natural for Gina.  Poor girl.  I'm still a fan.

Aw Brennan, girl. My heart breaks for her.

I am not a fan of Gina.  I can't believe talking heads 1 & 2 thought that she wasn't fake!  That was laughable.

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21 hours ago, Smplsimon said:

So glad we don't have to look at Holly anymore.  Hasta la vista!

Why so bitter sweetheart? She was a fantastic dancer and quite frankly this years squad can't really absorb the loss. Not that she shouldn't have been cut, it was the right thing to do but your attitude suggests you have one heck of beef with her.

Gina's story sounded fake... her "east coast/west coast squad" line sounded so awkward and made up at the last minute.

Tasha and Stephanie making Show Group is an example of just how slim the pickings are this year.... the Oxnard footage shows them making mistakes and being out of time with the rest of the group multiple times. I thought the whole point was to have the "best of the best" and all I can think of is "not really" when I see them. Not bad but certainly not among the best.

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8 hours ago, DCCFanInKy said:

  Also the more I think about it as a Kentucky resident I'm really irritated (for lack of a better word) about Kelli's mocking of KaShara's accent.

I think you may be right.  I am going to rewatch that.  Kelli normally likes different accents and I remember she would comment on Danielle's Jersey accent.  I do think the KY comment was a little snarky.  Wonder what that was about.  It's not like the Texan accent is "the Queen's language" lol.

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47 minutes ago, Mardo2044 said:

I could understand if she was tearing up a little.  But, I think she is too tall for point IMO.  I am a huge Lacey fan, always have been since she kicked herself in the head.  I replayed the tape and it did not look to me like she was crying.  One of the VG sleuths will have to screen shot it for me to convince me otherwise.  But Lacey love whether point or not.  XXOO

Lacey isn't that tall. She's only 5'6" or so. 

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Gina, I'm not buying what you're selling but I appreciate that you tried to get closer to people. I don't think you're a bad person, I just think you were forced to be someone you're not. I hope you have close friends at this point in your cheer season now. 


Kashara, I have a girl crush. You go girl!


Like others who have commented, I also enjoyed the blocking. I had anxiety watching the struggle to hit the yard lines. How do they not sweat buckets?! I'm a sweat-er lady. Always have been. How are they not shiny AF, hair drenched, and they still look fabulous. I'd be begging J & K for another water break ?


I liked Brennan and I was rooting for her. I see what they mean re: her solo 'tude and field presence. She trained so hard--DCC isn't a joke if you can train for a whole year and still get cut. I hope she doesn't let it devastate her. 


I was happy for Tasha-what a relief for her. I  know the DCC have weight requirements and Tasha has to meet it as well but I wish I had her weight "problem." ?I probably outweigh her by a good 30-40 pounds. Go Tasha!


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1 hour ago, Mardo2044 said:

  I replayed the tape and it did not look to me like she was crying. 

I didn't think so either, I thought she was squinting into the sun.

Well, now we know how Lauren juggles her busy career...she doesn't.

Edited by ByTor
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3 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:


I am pretty certain Kelli and Judy have stated in that first meeting when they get the book how they would like to be addressed.  I am from the North and now live in the South and this sort of thing used to bother me but now I am used to it... it just shows respect. 

This reminded me of the hysterical scene a few seasons back where TCC Megan was told to loosen up and walked into Kelli's office with a dopey smile and chirped, "Hi Kelli!  Hi Judi!"  I know the TCC mention them by name in talking heads, but I'm not sure if they address them by name to their faces. 

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11 hours ago, DCCFanInKy said:

Jenna should have been cut right along with Holly from the get go (and not given the chance to resign).  Now she needs to just go away.  Also the more I think about it as a Kentucky resident I'm really irritated (for lack of a better word) about Kelli's mocking of KaShara's accent.

Even though Kashara's family lives half a mile from me, she has a much thicker accent than me (and a lot of other people in our town). However, I think it's adorable. I love our mountain accents, the thicker the better. Like you, this irritated me. I never think it's funny when someone mocks someone else's accent and when they do it in front of the person, it's very awkward. It's like you're meant to be polite and laugh with them and, if you don't, then you're being rude-even though they're essentially making fun of you. "Oh, ha ha, how funny! You're making fun of the way I talk, ha ha! How clever of you!" (Bitch.) My father-in-law is from England and he has a terrible habit of repeating my sentences back to me, in a fake, thick, southern drawl. I would never do the same to him in a mock British accent. Somehow, though, it is acceptable to do it to southerners. 

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3 hours ago, nikkichan said:

I know saying yes or no ma'am is a respect thing, especially in the South, but it annoys me to no end on this show. These are grown women and they sound like little children every time they respond that way. I wonder if they are actually instructed to refer to Kelly and Judi as ma'am or if the vets just tell them that's what they should say.

It’s a sign of respect.

3 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

I am going to rewatch that.  Kelli normally likes different accents and I remember she would comment on Danielle's Jersey accent.

Long Island.

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11 hours ago, Preity said:

I loved this episode! So much focus on the vets was nice for a change, even seeing them be corrected a lot. It made them seem more like normal dancers, less perfect.

the blocking was fun, in general getting that kind of 'insider' stuff is really cool and exactly what we are always interested in.

i feel so sad for Brennan. Last year, I didn't care much for her, but she really has grown on me. I like her determination and I really was rooting for her this year. I wouldn't have minded her look on the team. Everyone likes something different and why should they all be the same type of pretty..

there was one scene where the vets were practicing the kick line and that's pretty much the only time this season that I noticed Jessika.. and only because she looked out of shape. 

Jessica is thick and soft in the middle.  Annoying how they address this stuff w/ some vets (Tasha and Selina this year), but not others.   I've noticed Heather O looking thick in the middle more than once too. 

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2 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Even though Kashara's family lives half a mile from me, she has a much thicker accent than me (and a lot of other people in our town). However, I think it's adorable. I love our mountain accents, the thicker the better. Like you, this irritated me. I never think it's funny when someone mocks someone else's accent and when they do it in front of the person, it's very awkward. It's like you're meant to be polite and laugh with them and, if you don't, then you're being rude-even though they're essentially making fun of you. "Oh, ha ha, how funny! You're making fun of the way I talk, ha ha! How clever of you!" (Bitch.) My father-in-law is from England and he has a terrible habit of repeating my sentences back to me, in a fake, thick, southern drawl. I would never do the same to him in a mock British accent. Somehow, though, it is acceptable to do it to southerners. 

I thought that was inappropriate how Kelly mimicked Kashara too...however, I also suspect that Kashara exaggerates her accent for attention (I know a couple people on here know her and said that's not the case...but c'mon...it hasn't faded at all, and may have even got worse, and she's how many years removed from living in her hometown now?) - so in that respect I didn't feel bad for her.   

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This episode was redeeming for the last episodes I hated.  No celebs, no guest choreographers, no Melissa.....please, more of this!

Good riddance, Holly.  I'm not sorry to see her narcissistic personality gone, even if she was a good dancer.  Jenna should have been shown the door as well, but maybe there's more drama headed our way after seeing next week's preview.  Jenna's congratulations to KaShara was SO staged, and KaShara needs to chill on the tanning - it's aging her.

I KNEW that Lauren wasn't working a normal nurse's schedule!  I loved her hair on the day she styled it more in waves than the pageant curls.  And those abs!!!!!

I think they should have sent Savannah home with Brennan.  In fact, they could easily send home half of the rookies that are still there - they are that weak.  This year's training camp is severely lacking these "world class" dancers K&J brag of.

Do they have Erica in witness protection or what?

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4 hours ago, Tdoc72 said:

This reminded me of the hysterical scene a few seasons back where TCC Megan was told to loosen up and walked into Kelli's office with a dopey smile and chirped, "Hi Kelli!  Hi Judi!"  I know the TCC mention them by name in talking heads, but I'm not sure if they address them by name to their faces. 

Omg was she the "timid" girl who quit before they could cut her? The one taking "anatomy" classes? She was so odd

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10 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

I think if Erica left due to injury, possibly.  I doubt they would pick Holly due to forced retirement.

Too late as calendars were in production or for sale already.  Clearly the people who went on the trip are on the various different calendars.   Check out at www.calendars.com

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Hi all!   I am currently traveling and haven't read all of the posts here, but I have a question about Holly.  I was curious if she was really off the team, since the other day I saw her account on Twitter still said she was a DCC.   So when I saw the episode and Judy said Holly resigned, I checked it again.  Sure enough it still says Holly and that she is a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader. Can they keep their DCC Twitter handles when they are not on the squad anymore?   I will miss her dancing, but I'm sure she will dancing for another team soon.   She probably is, I just don't know since I don't read the spoiler forums.

I am loving KaShara!

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7 minutes ago, jenngirl said:

I was curious if she was really off the team, since the other day I saw her account on Twitter still said she was a DCC.   So when I saw the episode and Judy said Holly resigned, I checked it again.  Sure enough it still says Holly and that she is a Dallas Cowboys Cheerleader.

I am loving KaShara!

Holly has a new twitter account as of August at @hpmoves2. They apparently haven't erased her from the DCC yet.

I'm really missing Judy's gargoyle perch over Kelli's right shoulder.

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SO happy for KaShara!!

Holly, I hope you take the time to mature. 

Step aside, Jenna. 

((HUG)) So sorry to see you go, Brennan. I hope you end up a Charger Girl, an MDC or on another great team. You deserve it. :)

Edited by tinabee1967
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10 hours ago, Cappuccinagina said:



THIS x 1,000,000! I felt like saying, "Just feel lucky you are even on the team at all." Put her in the back row the rest of the year and force her into retirement after this. She comes across as a spoiled rotten princess. UGH!!!

I also felt Kelli mocking Kashara was uncalled for. We know she has an accent, but so does Kelli. It alarmed me a bit, like "Inappropriate!"

As for the "ma'am" thing, I am 50 and still address my superiors/boss that way. Old habits never change. 

36 minutes ago, Random Noise said:


I'm really missing Judy's gargoyle perch over Kelli's right shoulder.

Hahaha! I love this! ?

Edited by tinabee1967
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I like Gina and think she will loosen up if she makes the team.  She apparently has a very competitive edge and at her age it probably is hard to balance that with being overly warm with girls considered competition.

You don't lose a southern accent, especially when you are reared in the deep south.

The flashback to Kashara's rookie year when she wore the wrong outfit to training camp was great.  I didn't think she would make it then.  She is a perfect example of of TCC embracing and listening to the guidance and instruction given by Kelly, Judy and others to become an almost perfect DCC.  I wonder what her parents are like or perhaps a better question would be was she raised to stand on her own two feet or to be a snowflake.  I don't think she is a snowflake.

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Aww, I felt like she was joking about the accent, which is rich coming from a Texan lol (to me, anyways!). She did it with Danielle, too, and as a California-South-New York transplant, I can vouch that miss-scar-a is a thing ?I think she was doing it in a kind way. 

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10 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

I thought that was inappropriate how Kelly mimicked Kashara too...however, I also suspect that Kashara exaggerates her accent for attention (I know a couple people on here know her and said that's not the case...but c'mon...it hasn't faded at all, and may have even got worse, and she's how many years removed from living in her hometown now?) - so in that respect I didn't feel bad for her.   

I don't know. I moved away from my southern hometown to another region of the country 20 years ago and I still have my accent. I get asked about it daily. My kids put on an exaggerated version and tease me about it. I choose to believe it is out of love and comfort, not mocking. :)

Edited by veronicamers
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15 hours ago, LaurenBrook said:

It was so fun to see everything get blocked...sometimes I feel like they edit it so it looks like Judy doesn't do much but sit on her stool and nod or say 'that was a mess.' It was nice hearing more from her and some explanations of how she decides where people should go. I loved her taking off her heels LOL I also appreciate her being so honest, yet classy, about how she felt about Jenna's behavior.  It's a HUGE inconvenience for her to have to reblock everything, especially at the last minute. I'd be ticked too. 

I figured they'd do a talking head for Holly's exit instead of a scene a la Kaitlin LeGrande where they are asking her friends where she is and if anyone has heard from her.  I actually thought it was well done the way they presented it. Whatever, we all know what really happened but time to let bygones be bygones.  Kelli is probably thinking of her own daughter like, ok, if Sam screwed up like Holly did, I'd want her to know she is expected to follow rules and not lie to me, but at the same time I dont want to alienate her forever or throw her to the wolves.  Do I think Holly would make it back if she ever auditioned? Eh...it's hard for me to imagine since I can't even picture Holly ever being interested in coming back.  But who knows.  Again, I think Kelli saw more of her outside of DCC world and if she thinks there is something in Holly that can change and mature and be a good DCC down the road, I trust her judgment. 

Love Kash. LOVE HER. She is so sweet and humble and I LOVE that Kelli made a point of praising her - her work ethic, her attitude and what a good teammate she is.  A nice contrast.  I didn't even notice Lacey crying, I"ll have to rewatch, but considering Lacey is one of the sweetest girls on the planet I can't even imagine her being upset that she didn't get point.  

I know Tasha has had a lot of air time this season but I think it's good they did another meeting with her - people have been VERY vocal that they dont get why she made it back when she bombed her interview and gained weight.  Thank you, Kelli, for showing us why - her maturity, her hard work and her ability to take criticism (and clearly she got a lot of it during camp) and DO something about it instead of acting like she's too good for it. Team Tasha. I hope she sticks around another year. (ps interesting that they got on her for her hair too??? dont' they decide on her hair color??) 

Strange that we got 'introduced' to Alexandria twice and they still didn't mention that she lived with Holly Arielle during camp? Also, have we 'met' Alexis yet?  I'm starting to get them confused at this point. 

Who is Alexis? ? Seriously, who? 

20 hours ago, lindsayz18 said:

*Ginas face continues to big me

* I love savannah, but based on what im seeing, no way she should have made the team. Also, her teeth bug the crap outta me

*Brennen just didnt have the look......

*Tired of seeing tasha

*Loved seeing the blocking and Kashara at point

Savannah's teeth are freakishly white. I'm pretty sure they glow in the dark!

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I must admit, it never knew that imitating someone’s accent could be offensive. My bff has one and I will imitate it sometimes when speaking with her. She never said that it bothered her. Then I imitated a coworker’s accent while speaking with her and she became really angry and said she would report me to our boss. That’s when I started wondering if it really was offensive. So I asked my bff if it offends her when people imitate her accent and she said ever so nicely “Well, what can you do?”  I felt so bad because I knew she must have been offended but didn’t really want to tell me because I had done it so often. ?


Sometimes I wonder if I would be upset if say someone imitated my Jersey/Philly accent. I suppose it might be humorous a couple of times but then I’d probably be well over by the 50th time. 


I remember Oprah saying that she does this and isn’t even aware of it. 

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10 hours ago, mamadrama said:

Even though Kashara's family lives half a mile from me, she has a much thicker accent than me (and a lot of other people in our town). However, I think it's adorable. I love our mountain accents, the thicker the better. Like you, this irritated me. I never think it's funny when someone mocks someone else's accent and when they do it in front of the person, it's very awkward. It's like you're meant to be polite and laugh with them and, if you don't, then you're being rude-even though they're essentially making fun of you. "Oh, ha ha, how funny! You're making fun of the way I talk, ha ha! How clever of you!" (Bitch.) My father-in-law is from England and he has a terrible habit of repeating my sentences back to me, in a fake, thick, southern drawl. I would never do the same to him in a mock British accent. Somehow, though, it is acceptable to do it to southerners. 

She sounds thicker in TV than in person. I think that's true of most accents. 

3 hours ago, cherryblossom said:

Too late as calendars were in production or for sale already.  Clearly the people who went on the trip are on the various different calendars.   Check out at www.calendars.com

Most calendar buyers don't care who is in the current team or that they even have names.

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1 hour ago, cherryblossom said:

Our son lives on the east coast and he is told he has an accent and he was raised in a large city in the midwest!

I live in Wisconsin. One year DH, DD, and I went to Virginia on vacation. I was told I have  an accent. I don't think I do but can understand how in the south I probably  sound different to them. I personally love accents because I think it makes people unique.

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5 hours ago, veronicamers said:

I don't know. I moved away from my southern hometown to another region of the country 20 years ago and I still have my accent. I get asked about it daily. My kids put on an exaggerated version and tease me about it. I choose to believe it is out of love and comfort, not mocking. :)

I had a grandmother who come over from Ireland when she was 25 and still had her brogue until the day she died at 104:) I don't think Kelly was mocking her but did it in a way that shows she has a good relationship with her. I love the way Kashara smiles with her eyes!

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2 hours ago, bigskygirl said:

Erica and Holly would not be in the twelve month calendars, but they may be in the day to day calendar. I have seen vets who were cut at finals or during TC in the day to day calendars.






There is another calendar that doesn't have an image for the 12 months but these listed are the mini 12 month or 18 month calendars

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That show group event-- the song that dude was singing over the DCC performance (the "I am a champion") --holy cheeseball!   All I could wonder is how much that company paid the Cowboys for that DCC performance.  

Hated to see Brennan cut at the end there.. Again.   That just seems cruel when they do that.   I think bottom line with her is they thought she wasn't facially attractive.    Don't know why they had to drag her all the way through training camp again.  I would trust this girl more with the uniform than Christina who is not impressive at all.  

Gina regurgitating facts about her teammates to prove she wasn't a terrible teammate-- haha. 

Savannah has some big teeth.  

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15 hours ago, MyFavShows said:

I thought that was inappropriate how Kelly mimicked Kashara too...however, I also suspect that Kashara exaggerates her accent for attention (I know a couple people on here know her and said that's not the case...but c'mon...it hasn't faded at all, and may have even got worse, and she's how many years removed from living in her hometown now?) - so in that respect I didn't feel bad for her.   

I've known her all her life. There are 2,000 people in our town: one middle school, one high school in the county. Nobody slips by undetected. The accent you hear on television is the same accent she's had since she was a kid. It is not put on. 

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Absolutely loved this episode, showing all dancing and blocking.  I wish the majority were this way.  

I enjoy watching them actually perform.  

So glad Holly quit and Kelli spoke about it and moved on.  Also, good for Holly that she has moved on from the area.  I wish her the best of luck.  She's very talented, and as long as she has learned a lesson from this, then she should be just fine.

Really wish Jenna had done the same. Since CMT only showed Jenna hugging Kashara it looked fake and it appeared to me like she was looking for K&J like...see? I'm being nice!  If other girls congratulated/hugged Kashara CMT should have showed that.

I feel for Brennan.  It's a shame her looks (something she cannot help) keeps her off the team.  It's one thing I do not like about the show, that looks are very important.  Christina, Lauren will make the team because of their (unusual for DCC) hairstyles & Savannah because of her experience and hair color.  I love Lauren (her attitude, abs, hair) but she does seem to make a lot of mistakes.  

I'm happy for Kashara, it's obvious that she is a Kelli favorite.  Also, I'm very happy that they show Maddie often as well as she has improved significantly since last year. It was nice to see them bring Tasha in for positive feedback.  I think they should do a little bit more of that. 

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Once again, I guess I am in the minority because I do not think Breenan should have made TC or even be considered for the squad. She does not say DCC to me dance wise. She is cute, but her personality does not say DCC to me either. I also do not understand why Lauren would give up a nursing career where she can actually help patients instead of putting on a small uniform to shake her cash and prizes for men and a few bucks. Yes, being a DCC is all fine and dandy for a few years, but a nursing career while hard and demanding would be more of a career in the long run. I guess I do not understand the strong need to be a DCC and giving up something even for a short while you work so hard to achieve in the first place.

Edited by bigskygirl
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31 minutes ago, bigskygirl said:

Once again, I guess I am in the minority because I do not think Breenan should have made TC or even be considered for the squad. She does not say DCC to me dance wise. She is cute, but her personality does not say DCC to me either. I also do not understand why Lauren would give up a nursing career where she can actually help patients instead of putting on a small uniform to shake her cash and prizes for men and a few bucks. Yes, being a DCC is all fine and dandy for a few years, but a nursing career while hard and demanding would be more of a career in the long run. I guess I do not understand the strong need to be a DCC and giving up something even for a short while you work so hard to achieve in the first place.

Wasn't Lauren a pro cheerleader somewhere else for years though?  I guess I can understand her going out for DCC with that background.   Not like she was a just a nurse for years that decided to go for DCC. 

Actually I think her nursing career won't suffer a bit. She's got the RN credentials and lots of hospital work experience it sounds like.  It isn't a biggie to do fewer shifts for a while.  Think of all the nurses who temporarily stop or do very infrequent shifts when kids are little. Nursing is one of the few careers where this is very possible due to high demand.  

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31 minutes ago, Rubyslippahz said:

Wasn't Lauren a pro cheerleader somewhere else for years though?  I guess I can understand her going out for DCC with that background.   Not like she was a just a nurse for years that decided to go for DCC. 

Actually I think her nursing career won't suffer a bit. She's got the RN credentials and lots of hospital work experience it sounds like.  It isn't a biggie to do fewer shifts for a while.  Think of all the nurses who temporarily stop or do very infrequent shifts when kids are little. Nursing is one of the few careers where this is very possible due to high demand.  

She was a Miami  Dolphins cheerleader.

 An article about her being a nurse and a MDC (from 2015)


Edited by MrsEVH
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4 minutes ago, PBSLover said:

Thanks.  Ha.  I know exactly who Alexis is now. For me no camera time = no clue.

She was called into the office once when Kelli told her to take a Kitty spice class.  She hasn't been featured that much since.

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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

I also do not understand why Lauren would give up a nursing career where she can actually help patients instead of putting on a small uniform to shake her cash and prizes for men and a few bucks. Yes, being a DCC is all fine and dandy for a few years, but a nursing career while hard and demanding would be more of a career in the long run. I guess I do not understand the strong need to be a DCC and giving up something even for a short while you work so hard to achieve in the first place.

A really good friend of mine graduated with a degree in nursing and worked at the hospital here for two years. During that time she also got her ACLS (Advanced Cardiac Life Support) qualifications and used it as a doorway to get hired for Holland-America Lines. She cruised the Caribbean for a year, the California-Alaska route the following year, and the Mediterranean the year after that.

After she was content travelling, she came back, settled down, and continues to work as a nurse with lots of stories to tell. 

Nurses don't necessarily need to work in hospitals, they can also work in extended-care facilities, and many seniors homes have nurses on hand as well. I'm sure she could continue nursing in Dallas somewhere while a DCC.

Edited by Random Noise
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1 hour ago, bigskygirl said:

Once again, I guess I am in the minority because I do not think Breenan should have made TC or even be considered for the squad. She does not say DCC to me dance wise. She is cute, but her personality does not say DCC to me either. I also do not understand why Lauren would give up a nursing career where she can actually help patients instead of putting on a small uniform to shake her cash and prizes for men and a few bucks. Yes, being a DCC is all fine and dandy for a few years, but a nursing career while hard and demanding would be more of a career in the long run. I guess I do not understand the strong need to be a DCC and giving up something even for a short while you work so hard to achieve in the first place.

I got the impression she was putting it on hold until after training camp.

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