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14 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Do these women realize that it's mostly the duds that go over there? Not always, but mostly.

They may realize it, but those are the men they have to choose from.  Annie may just be able to wait it out, the way David P is going.  I agree with your assessment of her, and I wish her the best.  

24 minutes ago, shockermolar said:

It CAN be just sex. And there's nothing wrong with that. And telling teenagers that it always has to be special is doing them a disservice. Whether they are boys or girls.  

Right you are.  As long as they are protected from pregnancy and STDs I'm all for it.  

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Just as a general FYI regarding the sheep's head:

Sheep's head is considered a delicacy in many countries. It's not an exclusively Moroccan thing. It's also eaten in Iceland, Finland, South Africa, Mongolia, etc. Not my cuppa tea, but I did want to point out Morocco isn't an outlier country in thinking sheep's head is tasty tasty yum yum. I also want to mention that certain parts of animals, especially tongue and brain, that gross many of out now were quite popular here in the U.S. during WWII and before. In WWII, rationing was in full force, the better cuts were expensive and difficult to find, so thrifty cooks found ways to make these less popular parts more palatable. I'm somewhat of a cookbook collector, and I do have several older cookbooks that explain in great detail how to prep both tongue and brain (it's a LOT of work, BTW).

My mother was born in 1917, and was a young housewife during the war. She often told me stories about how the availability of common meats and cuts were restricted during the war, and how that affected her meal planning. I remember her telling me about saving up her ration coupons to buy a whole chicken for a special meal once, and discovering it had not been eviscerated when she got it home....quite the surprise! IIRC, she called up one of her older sisters to ask for instructions on how to proceed. I guess the point I'm trying to make is not every country has a Stop & Shop, Kroger, or Albertson's in every town even today, a place where the more tasty and attractive cuts of meats are not only available, but practically "oven ready." We're really lucky.

Insofar as the discussion about how animals for food are kept and slaughtered in the U.S., my daughter has been a vegetarian ever since she saw the documentary "Food, INC." in high school. I won't watch it. I consider myself an animal lover, but I do eat meat. I realize that makes me a hypocrite. I'm very tiny, and use a wheelchair full-time for mobility. Because of my size and low physical activity level, I only eat one meal a day (1000 calories a day is about right to maintain my weight). Any more than that, and I will gain weight, which will negatively impact my mobility. It would be very difficult for me to meet my body's need for protein if I were to stop eating meat. That being said, I do try to work in one or two vegetarian meals a week. That's the best I can do right now.

I'm not fond of Nicole for many of the same reasons already mentioned here. She's lazy. She's immature. Yadda, yadda.  But as far as her eating habits go, those were established when she was a child. Honestly, who doesn't know the difference between green beans and peas? I blame her parents for that. If the best you can do is spin through the drive-thru or occasionally open a can or box and zap its contents in the microwave, don't be surprised if your child grows up with eating habits that closely mirror Nicole's. I love good food and when my daughter was born I was determined she'd grow up to love good food, too. Everything I fed her, from the time she first started on solid food, was homemade. Not once did a jar of baby food enter my home. Fast food? She's 21 now and if she's eaten from a fast food restaurant more than a dozen times in her entire life I'd be surprised! Consequently, she grew up to love all kinds of foods and there are very few things she won't eat. (The vegetarian thing should not be interpreted as her not liking the taste of meat. She does. It's a morality thing with her).

Edited by TwirlyGirly
Punctuation correction
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14 minutes ago, Bryce Lynch said:

While I agree about everything else about David Poor, is he really an alcoholic?  We saw him get a little drunk,  once, during their party.  

I don't see Chris and Nikki helping Annie.   

I'm not sure how much better Annie can do, unfortunately.  She claims to be 24, but seems much older and is slightly above average looking.  I'd imagine there are a lot of younger, prettier Thai women looking for men to take them to American or elsewhere, so she might be left with the dregs, like David Poor.  

Annie mentioned that it had happened several times before, and she hasn't known him very long. Also, his own friend talked about it and how it had been a problem for him. He may not be an alcoholic, but just the fact that he drinks like that with his serious health problems is a very big issue. Watching him talk to the cameras at the party, what little brains he did have seemed to be on vacation.

Also, she seemed to think he was drinking to escape from the problem of telling his children as opposed to celebrating. Again, we can't know for sure but it doesn't look good.

I think you're right about Annie. She is older, and if she could have done better, she would have, much earlier on. It's just so sad to think about her tumbling around in bed with that dude. 

I agree with an earlier assessment made that she was most likely a working girl, and I say that with compassion and a bit of sadness. Nobody wants to be in that line of work, and most of them are forced into it as girls. She's probably been turned off of sex forever at this point. Sex with him is like cleaning the cat litter box or taking out the trash, just something she has to do to get through the day. And what a dope he is if he either doesn't realize it or more likely than not, doesn't want to realize it!

It's inevitable that she will get away from him. I wish her the best.

Edited by CoachWristletJen
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10 hours ago, Desert Rat said:

Actually, the agency and owner have been in the talent business in the Phoenix area for a long time. I don't know why they agreed to be in this show.

I live in the valley also, I had wanted to go back & check the name to Google them, but forgot to before deleting the show.  It just reminded me of an office that was quickly set up, no other people in the office, the other 2 women sitting on the sofa seemed very out of place.

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18 minutes ago, CoachWristletJen said:

My hope for Annie is that through the show's exposure, she can find someone else in the U.S. who will treat her better. She will have no trouble divorcing David Poor. He's a nonfunctioning, abusive alcoholic. (And, he needs to clean up his act and lose weight again before he has another serious health scare!)

She sees the dismal picture in front of her and she's clearly not sticking with him out of that 90% love so it must be desperation. (I'm guessing that whenever people start putting percentages on emotional commitment it's a sign of trouble.) 

Hopefully, David Poor's friend, Male Hormone Replacement Therapy Dude, will take pity on Annie. I think his wife certainly will. (Sorry I can't remember her name, but I really liked her! She already doesn't like David Poor, hereinafter referred to as DP.)  Anyway, their resources would be far better invested helping Annie get on her feet instead of propping up DP.  

Annie can find someone better. After all, there's nowhere to go but up! She seems fairly energetic and on the ball and I'm guessing she's a hard worker.

Do these women realize that it's mostly the duds that go over there? Not always, but mostly.

90% love LOL

Could "nonfunctioning, abusive alcoholic" be an overstatement?

Annie complained to her girl friend that David Poor had done "this" several times before. What exactly did he do? He embarrassed her somehow? He got tipsy? He raised his voice during an argument? Started on-too-many conga lines? Annie said the girl friend had to change seats bc of what David Poor was doing? What exactly was he doing? Or was he just being himself and am inebriated Annie just couldn't contain her total repulsion by him?

Didn't he own a business before he suffered a stroke? If so, I'm not sure you can label him nonfunctioning. Not clear on whether he works at all in Thailand. How long has he been there? It prbly started as an Eat, Pray, Love thing and just went on too long. LOL

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1 minute ago, alegtostandon said:

I live in the valley also, I had wanted to go back & check the name to Google them, but forgot to before deleting the show.  It just reminded me of an office that was quickly set up, no other people in the office, the other 2 women sitting on the sofa seemed very out of place.

I agree with how the office looked.  It's not in a ritzy part of town, but given that it's a business that sells "image," one would think they would spruce it up a bit.  Some of the models on their webpage look like the ladies that were sitting there during Aika's "audition."  With that many slinky young girls sitting around doing nothing (waiting for customers?), I was wondering whether it was a different type of business.  Even that would probably be okay with Josh.  

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13 hours ago, Tuneful said:

I wouldn’t have pegged David Pour as a juicehead, but if so it might explain some things. The man is clearly ill and should have come back to the U.S. ages ago to get medical treatment and rehabilitation counseling, rather than he and his enablers thinking getting a foreign wife would fix him.

 You mean a "drunk," right? Not someone abusing steroids? (I've always heard "juicehead" to refer to a steroid abusing athlete or bodybuilder.)

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1 minute ago, balisticnikki said:

90% love LOL

Could "nonfunctioning, abusive alcoholic" be an overstatement?

Annie complained to her girl friend that David Poor had done "this" several times before. What exactly did he do? He embarrassed her somehow? He got tipsy? He raised his voice during an argument? Started on-too-many conga lines? Annie said the girl friend had to change seats bc of what David Poor was doing? What exactly was he doing? Or was he just being himself and am inebriated Annie just couldn't contain her total repulsion by him?

Didn't he own a business before he suffered a stroke? If so, I'm not sure you can label him nonfunctioning. Not clear on whether he works at all in Thailand. How long has he been there? It prbly started as an Eat, Pray, Love thing and just went on too long. LOL

At least that is a lot better than the 40% that Azan trusts Nicole. :)

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1 minute ago, balisticnikki said:

Not clear on whether he works at all in Thailand. How long has he been there? It prbly started as an Eat, Pray, Love thing and just went on too long. LOL

I think there are details in the David/Annie thread about his current line of work.

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15 hours ago, Splithair said:

I'm also not buying that this meal was served in her honor, as was the case with Larry and the pig. I think it was payback for Nicole rejecting vegetables and getting all squeamish about the live chickens. Azan was like "oh yeah, take this!" Aunt Azan seems like a playful, good-natured person. I doubt she thought Nicole would eat it and I equally doubt she was offended when she didn't. 


Larry and the pig!!! Too much cause now I'm singing Benny and the Jets!!!

That was so funny.!

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10 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

I live in the valley also, I had wanted to go back & check the name to Google them, but forgot to before deleting the show.  It just reminded me of an office that was quickly set up, no other people in the office, the other 2 women sitting on the sofa seemed very out of place.

It's Signature Talent in south Scottsdale.  They used to be Bobby Brown/ Plaza Three.  They have been around for a long time, but I didn't recognize the new name until I looked it up. It's a legit company, but you're right it looked shady and fake on the show. They did not get a good edit. 

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1 hour ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Josh's friend was rude, but accurate when he said she chose America, not Josh. Still, it was rude to say that.

I would still find a silver lining for Josh. Yes, she chose America, but in America, she picked Josh, even though there probably were other candidates.

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On 11/13/2017 at 10:49 PM, lilsadone said:

I can't for the life of me understand how people turn their nose up at something an elderly person spent hours making, or making in their honor - simply because it's unusual.


If you eat meat, you should not have any issues eating sheep head.


If you eat gummy bears or anything else with gelatin you have eaten every disgusting part of every animal you can imagine - including boiled skin, hooves and horns. Same with sausage. 


Grow the F up. 

I eat meat, but no organ meat, brains or tongue. Just my preference. I won't eat venison or veal either.

I didn't view "Aunt" as being elderly...older than Nicole but not elderly. She's his aunt, she is probably in her 50's.  JMO but that is far from elderly! (Being in my 50's, I would hate to be referred to as "elderly").

I know being in a different country, different culture, there would be different foods. But if someone were to set a platter with nothing but a full cooked head, teeth, eyeballs & all,  surrounded by foil, then watch as the head is split down the center, I would be pushing little Mae out of the way to get to the bathroom. 

The way Aunt Sheephead sat down with a smile & declared the kitchen to be closed, plus the fact that there was nothing else being served, makes me believe this was set up.. Maybe to scare Nicole back to Florida.

My stepmom, who is strictly kosher, served tongue for Thanksgiving one year cuz she couldn't find a kosher turkey.  Mr Tostandon & I nibbled on the sides then stopped & ate on the way home. 

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1 minute ago, alegtostandon said:

She's his aunt, she is probably in her 50's.  JMO but that is far from elderly! (Being in my 50's, I would hate to be referred to as "elderly").

Off-topic a bit, but . . . 

On our local news yesterday, they reported about a "92-year-old elderly woman."  Really?  They had to tell us that 92 is elderly?

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2 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

On our local news yesterday, they reported about a "92-year-old elderly woman."  Really?  They had to tell us that 92 is elderly?

And Nicole is a 20-something year old toddler.

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8 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

My stepmom, who is strictly kosher, served tongue for Thanksgiving one year cuz she couldn't find a kosher turkey.  Mr Tostandon & I nibbled on the sides then stopped & ate on the way home. 

You should have put some horseradish on it, that's what makes it ☺

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11 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

I eat meat, but no organ meat, brains or tongue. Just my preference. I won't eat venison or veal either.

I didn't view "Aunt" as being elderly...older than Nicole but not elderly. She's his aunt, she is probably in her 50's.  JMO but that is far from elderly! (Being in my 50's, I would hate to be referred to as "elderly").

I know being in a different country, different culture, there would be different foods. But if someone were to set a platter with nothing but a full cooked head, teeth, eyeballs & all,  surrounded by foil, then watch as the head is split down the center, I would be pushing little Mae out of the way to get to the bathroom. 

The way Aunt Sheephead sat down with a smile & declared the kitchen to be closed, plus the fact that there was nothing else being served, makes me believe this was set up.. Maybe to scare Nicole back to Florida.

My stepmom, who is strictly kosher, served tongue for Thanksgiving one year cuz she couldn't find a kosher turkey.  Mr Tostandon & I nibbled on the sides then stopped & ate on the way home. 

Stepmom couldn't find a kosher chicken either?  

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I once saw a British documentary show about a boy who didn't eat anything but fries. His parents didn't know how to change his eating habit (he was about 4-5 years old). Turned out that when he was 2, he got meningitis, and he was very ill for a long time during the time when his eating habits were supposed to be forming. As a result, all food seemed scary and foreign to him. When the parents tried to make him eat normal food, he would freak out.

The expert started by placing bowls of mystery goo in front of the parents and asking them to eat it. They understandably couldn't. He then explained that normal food is like this mystery stuff for their son. He said that they were making a mistake by not letting him play with the food and by forcing him to eat normally. He encouraged the child to touch the food, smell it, rearrange it and do all the things that kids aren't supposed to do. The parents did this for a few weeks and he started eating.

Edited by Ivanova
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12 minutes ago, AZChristian said:

Off-topic a bit, but . . . 

On our local news yesterday, they reported about a "92-year-old elderly woman."  Really?  They had to tell us that 92 is elderly?

Yes! That poor woman! A very strong willed 92 year old

8 minutes ago, Ivanova said:

You should have put some horseradish on it, that's what makes it ☺

It probably is delicious but I just can't bring myself to do it. 


7 minutes ago, Baltimore Betty said:

Stepmom couldn't find a kosher chicken either?  

This is what happens when you have strict dietary rules & procrastinate! She even tried Trader Joe's. 

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16 minutes ago, Ivanova said:

I once saw a British documentary show about a boy who didn't eat anything but fries. His parents didn't know how to change his eating habit (he was about 4-5 years old). Turned out that when he was 2, he got meningitis, and he was very ill for a long time during the time when his eating habits were supposed to be forming. As a result, all food seemed scary and foreign to him. When the parents tried to make him eat normal food, he would freak out.

The expert started by placing bowls of mystery goo in front of the parents and asking them to eat it. They understandably couldn't. He then explained that normal food is like this mystery stuff for their son. He said that they were making a mistake by not letting him play with the food and by forcing him to eat normally. He encouraged the child to touch the food, smell it, rearrange it and do all the things that kids aren't supposed to do. The parents did this for a few weeks and he started eating.

 You play with a boiled sheep head for two weeks, it will make you sick when you eat it.

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Get out your crockpots! (Sorry. I really "crossed the line." My apologies for the gross picture, I should have used a "spoil your appetite" tag) 

Edited by magemaud
I really wanted to post a link to the picture to view at your own risk
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1 hour ago, Forum member said:

 You play with a boiled sheep head for two weeks, it will make you sick when you eat it.

I was mostly talking about Nicole's relationship with veggies ☺

Edited by Ivanova
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15 hours ago, millennium said:

"Girl's night out" strikes me as a sexist concept that many women cluelessly perpetuate.   I think they believe it's empowering to announce "I'm taking a special night to go out with my friends" but if you look at it conversely, it becomes "I am not permitted to go out with my friends any old time I like."   Worse, it seems some women passively-aggressively seek permission from their husbands/boyfriends before going, needing their approval so they can drink or dance with a clear conscience.   From that perspective, "girls' night out" only confirms that the men in their lives have an unnatural stranglehold on their time and self-expression.

I agree...I think the phrase is silly and dont feel compelled to use it myself.  When I go out w my friends, travel w my friends - it doesnt need a label/special term. I definitely dont meed permission either.  Nor does my husband, from me...if he goes out w his friends or takes a trip with them. Thats just me tho. Maybe Im just too old for all the BS.  LOL

12 hours ago, Emkat said:

I think Brother Molly is cute. Send help.


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12 hours ago, mamadrama said:

My mom's first husband came back into her life 20 years after the fact. They became friends and he started emailing me in college. At one point he asked how tall I was and when I told him 4'10", he replied, "I love tiny, petite girls. They're just like little flowers, ready to open and be plucked." That was kind of the end of our correspondence. My mom didn't think it was strange at all but it made ME uncomfortable and that's all that mattered. Listen to those warning bells. 

Ugh...I dont blame you.

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3 hours ago, Chickabiddy said:

I really think this depends on the couple and their individual needs. My husband and I have been married for 20 years and are perfectly happy at the prospect of 20 more. If either of us wants to go out with our pals, we just tell each other - not to ask permission, but to keep each other up to date. Neither of us has ever been into the club scene, but we each totally trust each other and give one another a long leash. We each also like to have a little alone time at home. For us, it's healthy. He is even cool with me taking a weekend trip with my friends on my own once or twice a year...GASP! There is no one size fits all.  Married couples may be a unit, but it is a unit made up of two individuals who still have their own free will and right to self determination. 

With that said, I think it is cool for Andrei to express what he wants from the relationship. I think if Libby could use those big pink lips to make a a reasonable argument, he would listen. All successful relationships involve some negotiation. 


We got married young...and we've been married more than 25 years...ready for 25 more.  We do plenty of socializing together...and apart. We definitely also enjoy our "alone time" (me prob more than him).  We trust each other, love one another - if you dont have trust from the beginning, I dont know that you can build a good relationship w out it - seems fundamental to me.

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5 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

He's not going to be able to use the 'culture' excuse when he gets to America.   Nicole will cuddle him to death on the sidewalk.

With or without him wearing a stuffed sheep shaped backpack-leash?

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4 hours ago, Sprockets said:

I was thinking she could find someone and kind of keep him on the back burner.  The way Anfisa did.

what's this????


3 hours ago, TwirlyGirly said:

I consider myself an animal lover, but I do eat meat. I realize that makes me a hypocrite

No it doesn't...it only makes you an omnivore.   Eating meat is natural...other animals do it as well.  Just because we eat animals, though, doesn't mean we want them to be treated cruelly.   You couldn't watch the documentary, which means you CARE about them.  So no, no hypocrisy.

Edited by Granny58
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We will eat a cows butt but not his tongue! We will happily eat a pigs hind leg and his rearend and his rib and his intestinal lining, but God forbid we had to eat his tongue! It is all learned. In China and in Africa and Asia they eat bugs. If you grew up with it, it would seem normal. All meat was once a living thing with body parts- it is interesting which body parts are okay to eat and which are disgusting to eat!

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16 hours ago, mamadrama said:

My mom's first husband came back into her life 20 years after the fact. They became friends and he started emailing me in college. At one point he asked how tall I was and when I told him 4'10", he replied, "I love tiny, petite girls. They're just like little flowers, ready to open and be plucked." That was kind of the end of our correspondence. My mom didn't think it was strange at all but it made ME uncomfortable and that's all that mattered. Listen to those warning bells. 

Oh. My. God! How did your mother fail to react to this? If I'd been your father, brother, or boyfriend, I'd have been ready knock his head off and shove it up his ass! Even if I'd just been your friend, I'd have done that favor for you on request! I mean, I'm fucking offended by that now and I don't even know you!

ETA: Even my wife was appalled when I read this to her. She completely understands my reaction to it, too. She agreed that I wouldn't hesitate to give anyone a quick trip to the floor if they said that to her.

Edited by MrSmith
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1 minute ago, calpurnia99 said:

We will eat a cows butt but not his tongue! We will happily eat a pigs hind leg and his rearend and his rib and his intestinal lining, but God forbid we had to eat his tongue! It is all learned. In China and in Africa and Asia they eat bugs. If you grew up with it, it would seem normal. All meat was once a living thing with body parts- it is interesting which body parts are okay to eat and which are disgusting to eat!

I would eat a bug before organ meat or pick meat off a toothed sheep's head.  

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3 hours ago, balisticnikki said:

90% love LOL

Could "nonfunctioning, abusive alcoholic" be an overstatement?

Annie complained to her girl friend that David Poor had done "this" several times before. What exactly did he do? He embarrassed her somehow? He got tipsy? He raised his voice during an argument? Started on-too-many conga lines? Annie said the girl friend had to change seats bc of what David Poor was doing? What exactly was he doing? Or was he just being himself and am inebriated Annie just couldn't contain her total repulsion by him?

Didn't he own a business before he suffered a stroke? If so, I'm not sure you can label him nonfunctioning. Not clear on whether he works at all in Thailand. How long has he been there? It prbly started as an Eat, Pray, Love thing and just went on too long. LOL

I agree..my feeling was she was more embarrassed of the "man" who was taking her away from all of this & having a few drinks herself,  it was dawning on her what this man was:  An older, overweight, unemployed, broke, homeless father who is too afraid to even tell his children he's getting married. I am really hoping, for her sake & David Ppoor's kids sake, she changes her mind about marrying him. From what I recall, she was a singer in a bar when he met her. I think he said she had the "voice of an angel".  Maybe thru this show, she can find a good career & find someone she'll love 100%.

Re: the lip girl & her controlling "brute" (I can never remember their names), from what I remember of her 'GNO' episode, they had gone to a quiet place for appetizers & drinks.  He told her doing that was fine. She was so focused on the negative-that's all she was hearing

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3 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

My hope for Annie is that through the show's exposure, she can find someone else in the U.S. who will treat her better. She will have no trouble divorcing David Poor. He's a nonfunctioning, abusive alcoholic. (And, he needs to clean up his act and lose weight again before he has another serious health scare!)


Hopefully, David Poor's friend, Male Hormone Replacement Therapy Dude, will take pity on Annie. I think his wife certainly will. (Sorry I can't remember her name, but I really liked her)


3 hours ago, CoachWristletJen said:

Do these women realize that it's mostly the duds that go over there? Not always, but mostly.

Right?!? God forbid something happens to him and he's stuck in the hospital, or left with complications/debilitating issues that will require Annie to play nurse...and not in the fun way! He strikes me as the type of person who would not have health insurance either, leaving another $$$ mess for Chris & Nikki to take care of. I really hope their kids won't need braces!

I have the same ponderings as you re: how do the foreign (to us) women NOT realize what losers guys like DavidPoor are, especially when they have the benefit of interacting with the guys in person over a period of time instead of "falling in love" in two days via a dating app and THEN realizing they are stuck with a freakin' Pole or Larry?

Shouldn't there be Caution signs posted in bathrooms or have classes available (taught either by Anfisa or her fellow "alumni") about how to at least choose someone relatively normal and self-sufficient? 

No one is forcing anyone to choose a DavidPoor/Pole/LarryLove/Sean, but from the extreme poverty we have seen that these girls/women live in, I can understand just how desperate some, not all, are to escape and put up with Grade A morons.

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2 minutes ago, Bridget said:

how do the foreign (to us) women NOT realize what losers guys like DavidPoor are, especially when they have the benefit of interacting with the guys in person over a period of time instead of "falling in love" in two days via a dating app and THEN realizing they are stuck with a freakin' Pole or Larry?

I think they do realize exactly who they are dealing with, but a combination of desperation and unrealistic expectations about America clouds their vision.  

1 minute ago, jumper sage said:

Did you all notice that Moroccan boy was explaining why Nicole sends him money and then he is recounting the amounts and I swear to God he said, "The other one sent me$?".

Azan did say that, but his English is not so good.  

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I don't when they were taking David Poor to Annie's village she kept saying "So many girls can't find foreigner" And her friends and family were saying "Annie is so lucky she found foriegner". It seems like a Big Fat White Foreigner is something they look up to like it is some kind of God It's the only explanation.

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20 minutes ago, alegtostandon said:

I agree..my feeling was she was more embarrassed of the "man" who was taking her away from all of this & having a few drinks herself,  it was dawning on her what this man was:  An older, overweight, unemployed, broke, homeless father who is too afraid to even tell his children he's getting married. I am really hoping, for her sake & David Ppoor's kids sake, she changes her mind about marrying him. From what I recall, she was a singer in a bar when he met her. I think he said she had the "voice of an angel".  Maybe thru this show, she can find a good career & find someone she'll love 100%.


Maybe Annie can join Evelyn's band!?!?!?!

Can anyone EVEN imagine?

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BTW Evelyn is reading the comments on her youtube video. Perhaps she is removing the negative ones. She told one person who said she was a bitch for saying there is no European Dream that the show is highly edited and her and David are doing just fine, fun fact, thank you very much. She seems to be thrilled that the 90 day fiance show has got her a few fans of her singing and brought people to her youtube video. 

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4 hours ago, Ivanova said:

I would still find a silver lining for Josh. Yes, she chose America, but in America, she picked Josh, even though there probably were other candidates.

Yes, this. Regardless of why she chose to come, its her business, and Josh's, not Hitler Youth Boy's. Its not his life so he should butt out.

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8 hours ago, Bryce Lynch said:

Probably based upon the idea that there is no such thing as bad publicity.  

And we all know how that works for these reality "stars". Theresa Guidice and her husband ended up in jail after flashing all of that cash. Mark husband Nikki saw his piano business take a dive. Chrisfriend David Poor has his Fantasy Thailand tour business look like a sex tourism outfit. Paola's modeling company comes off as an escort catalog after that meet and greet where the models dance for the old men.

The best thing that you can do is stay off of the TV screen and out of the newspapers. 

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1 hour ago, calpurnia99 said:

It seems like a Big Fat White Foreigner is something they look up to like it is some kind of God It's the only explanation.

Maybe BFWF is the new “White Elephant”?

And, since I can’t find the earlier post, the doughboy looking creature from Ghostbusters (Nicole and David Bahtman were both compared to this) was actually a The Stay-Puff Marshmallow Man. 

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2 hours ago, Bridget said:


Right?!? God forbid something happens to him and he's stuck in the hospital, or left with complications/debilitating issues that will require Annie to play nurse...and not in the fun way! He strikes me as the type of person who would not have health insurance either, leaving another $$$ mess for Chris & Nikki to take care of. I really hope their kids won't need braces!

I have the same ponderings as you re: how do the foreign (to us) women NOT realize what losers guys like DavidPoor are, especially when they have the benefit of interacting with the guys in person over a period of time instead of "falling in love" in two days via a dating app and THEN realizing they are stuck with a freakin' Pole or Larry?

Shouldn't there be Caution signs posted in bathrooms or have classes available (taught either by Anfisa or her fellow "alumni") about how to at least choose someone relatively normal and self-sufficient? 

No one is forcing anyone to choose a DavidPoor/Pole/LarryLove/Sean, but from the extreme poverty we have seen that these girls/women live in, I can understand just how desperate some, not all, are to escape and put up with Grade A morons.

In this internet age, I don't understand why these girls aren't doing online background checks.  Or even just a basic Google search, FGS. For a relatively small fee, they can get all the dirt they need to make an informed decision, bankruptcies, judgments, criminal records, etc.  If it were me, I'd demand a credit check, as well. In a community property state, you can't afford to to marry a financial loser.  With all the "dating" these gals do, they can probably get a volume discount for online background checks, say $75 a month for unlimited background checks. If you're looking for the American dream and a life of luxury, it seems a small price to pay to ensure the quality of your investment. Kinda of like reading the prospectus before buying a stock.  They are not doing adequate due diligence.

Edited by Desert Rat
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I have a theory that Olivia is already an adult and they made her 17 to create bratty teen being a little shit drama.  Molly’s pearl clutching at Luis’ insinuations and speech looked kinda fake.  Otherwise, would she have had to have given permission to script Luis talking like that.  These are all reenactments anyway.

But, any girl or any woman of any age needs to know that it’s not okay to be talked to like that and no means no and stop means stop. And guys need to learn that’s not okay.  For being so sexually free spirited, Luis is certainly behaving like a payaso (clown).  TLC is portraying him as a buffoon and putting him in a bad light.  I would not be down with my personal character being portrayed like that. How much reality is in reality TV?

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3 hours ago, Bridget said:

have the same ponderings as you re: how do the foreign (to us) women NOT realize what losers guys like DavidPoor are, especially when they have the benefit of interacting with the guys in person over a period of time instead of "falling in love" in two days via a dating app and THEN realizing they are stuck with a freakin' Pole or Larry?

For the same reason Azan is with Nicole.   Ya take whats you can get to get that green card.  A smart, rich American will not fall for the bhatploitation.    These are not beautiful women in the sense of "take your breath away."   These are decent looking women who are 10s to the men they are marrying but would be only 7 or 8s to someone with more options.    The really pretty and/or smart foreign women get the rich guys.    The rest get the ones who are easily manipulated into believing "You are so good looking I'm going to marry you" means love at first sight.   


All Aika and Annie have to do is wait out the 2 years for the conditons to be removed from their green card, then apply for citizenship.   Then they can go become American success stories -- with or without a man.    Annie might not have to even wait 2 years if he is drunk and abusive.   

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56 minutes ago, Desert Rat said:

In this internet age, I don't understand why these girls aren't doing online background checks.  Or even just a basic Google search, FGS. For a relatively small fee, they can get all the dirt they need to make an informed decision, bankruptcies, judgments, criminal records, etc.  If it were me, I'd demand a credit check, as well. In a community property state, you can't afford to to marry a financial loser.  With all the "dating" these gals do, they can probably get a volume discount for online background checks, say $75 a month for unlimited background checks. If you're looking for the American dream and a life of luxury, it seems a small price to pay to ensure the quality of your investment. Kinda of like reading the prospectus before buying a stock.  They are not doing adequate due diligence.

They should do that. But even that won't tell you his net worth. Or if he is crass, controlling, abusive, etc. Karine couldn't speak a word of English, so she wasn't in a position to ask Pole what county he lives in and then execute a search. And IDK if they really understand money from an American POV, like how much it costs to enjoy a decent middle class standard of living...if their family at home gets by on $15/month. They can see a pic of a guy standing next to a typical suburban home w/ a big yard and think he's loaded.

Except Aika. She's got all the status symbol clothing, the fake boobs, the perfect English and she lives in the capital city of Manila right? She's the one I don't understand.

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