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Season 5 Discussion


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  On 11/6/2017 at 6:43 AM, millennium said:

I doubt an American would go off to Spain and start dictating terms about how traditions and ceremonies have to be altered to accommodate American expectations.  


I don't know about every American doing this, but Evelyn sure as shit would do this. It's her day and all about her no matter what continent she is on. She is the center of the universe..  I certainly don't think asking to wear suits instead of tuxes is a huge, unreasonable demand. Also, asking for some Christian charity from your oh so religious fiancee for your friends and family does not seem like over reach. What would Jesus preach in the case? Given that there was no room for him at the inn, don't you think he would preach about sharing your resources to help your fellow human out a little. If David is supposed to just suck it up and have no friends and family at his wedding because he chose to marry an American, why can't Evelyn do the same because she chose to import a foreigner? What's good for the gander can also be good for the goose from time to time. 

  On 11/6/2017 at 7:01 AM, millennium said:

And if Evelyn's family is footing the bill for the wedding (which it seems, since David seems completely uninvolved in the preparations), then I think she/they get to decide what's appropriate and he should more or less shut up and be grateful.


I think taking your high ground advantage and using it to your benefit makes perfect sense in business. However, marriage is not a business. It is an equal partnership. Evelyn is smugly using her high ground advantage  to her total benefit at David's expense to get her way in EVERYTHING right now. But girlfriend is playing a very dangerous game because you rarely ever maintain the upper hand throughout an entire marriage. How will Evelyn feel when she is a stay at home mommie with three kids and David smugly tells her that he is footing the bill for her lifestyle, so she should more or less shut up and be grateful. What will our pretty, pretty princess do then? It doesn't feel so good when the shoe is on the other foot.

David is one cold, calculating motherfucker. His take down of Mikayla shows his true colors. He came to the US with a plan. He mentioned friends in Virginia and has not been in the US for more than 48 hours and is already talking about moving there.. He is giving in to Evelyn because he is savvy enough to recognize the power imbalance for now. But if you watch his face, he is making a mental note of all  her shit and just biding his time to strike back. And when he does, he will use all of Evelyn's bullshit arguments against her to press his advantage when the time is right. 

I am not sure if all fundie groups are the same, but don't they all more or less believe that the man is head of household and the wife must yield in all things to her husband? Evelyn better watch out because if David does not already know about that little detail, he is going to have a field day when he figures out he has that little trump card in his back pocket. That may be why Evelyn's face clouds over so quickly when talk of a move comes up, and why her parents seem a little passive about the possibility of their golden goose moving. They know that David will be Lord and Master, and Evelyn won't be able to do shit about if after she says "I do." It will be game over. It's enough to almost make me feel bad for her, but not really, because there is no reason to rush into a marriage with a  complete stranger. You reap what you sow. 

  • Love 14
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:02 PM, MrSmith said:

David Poor's Friend: How about you give me a massage? Gross! She's not a whore, no matter how much money you spent on her (And yes I realize David Poor has no funds and I have no idea how he got approved for a K1 visa). I thought the friend's wife was the sane person but... I watched her closely. She didn't even blink while he was proposing that. What happened?!


I KNOW!!!  What is wrong with that picture?  Friend's wife is 6 months pregnant and taking a trip like that?  I took my then 3 year old son to Disney World when I was 7 1/2 months pregnant and I thought that was a big trip.  

The whole money thing is what amazes me, why do all of these couples who have no visible means of support rush in to costly relationships? I bet finances were issues they had in previous relationships within the US so how does the money issue work out for the K1 relationships?  Why is it always such a rush, rush to get the visa process going? This is why I think 99% of these couples are green card marriages, the fiance's just want out of what ever indoor plumbingless village they live in ASAP and a mature conversation about fiscal planning is the least of their worries, they just want out.  OR the owness can be placed on the shopper, why wouldn't they do some research and financial planning before they select one from column A or B?  

This makes me want some sort of K1 visa reform, a sanity test should be added to the process. 

  • Love 1
  On 11/6/2017 at 1:22 PM, jumper sage said:

First off - no all women have grown up dreaming about their wedding day.  This is what you do if you want to have a wedding where everyone has a good time:  Ceremony and reception in the same space, only 1 attendant for each, short ceremony, no tuxedos but a suit for the men (even nice pants and white shirt), good food, open bar, DJ.  That's it!  Cut the damn cake right away so those of us who hate weddings can eat and take cake home.  We don't want to eat on a beach, outside or any other insane venue.  Don't waste money on the wedding we all appreciate it when we see you save for the marriage.  The larger/lavish the wedding the quicker the divorce.  So the groom should just shut up?  Way to start a marriage.  I will agree that this groom is an asshole but so is the bride.

The "American girl's" dream wedding is a joke.

David Spain and David Poor - excellent!

How can these people pass the K-1 visa requirements when a lot of them can't even support themselves?


Jumper Sage were you at my wedding?  I got married when I was 32. I had no desire to spend ridiculous amounts of money for just one day; we had a small wedding inviting only close friends and family, saved the money to put the down payment to buy a house.   I spent less on my wedding than my brother and SIL (who are now separated) spent on their rehersal dinner. 

I had zero sympathy for Elizabeth whining about having to address all of the invitations by herself and having to stay "up all night".  It's your "dream" day girlfriend, how hard can it be to spend some time addressing envelopes.  Or as others have suggested, print address labels.  I think David Spain had the right idea, its the 21st century after all - they could have saved a boatload on printing/postage and just used Evite, Punchbowl, or Anyvite.  Guess that Evelyn and her "dream" are stuck in the 1950's.

I've been invited to a few weddings that are out of state.  If I couldn't afford to attend them, I wouldn't go.  I'd never expect the family to pay for my accomodations, as a rule there's usually information that comes with the invitation that has information about hotel (the hosting family will get the hotel to hold a block of rooms), but never had anyone offer to pay for my room.  Personally, I wouldn't be comfortable spending a couple of nights staying with complete strangers, but that's just me.

  • Love 8

Does anyone actually use printed RSVPs that you mail anymore? I don't go to a lot of weddings, but it's been years since I RSVPed by sending back that card. My oldest got married a few years ago and she used a website where people could RSVP. I thought that was pretty standard nowadays. Also, etiquette  dictates that the bride or couple place postage on the return envelope. Is princess planning on doing that? 

Also, out of town guests are typically given a list of local accommodations. The bride and groom try to do legwork by attempting to block rooms and negotiate a cheaper rate. I have gone to weddings where the family doing the arrangements will pay for accommodations for the wedding party and parents, but it doesn't extend past that. Evelyn looking blankly at David when he says where will my guest stay isn't helping. But to expect all Evelyns friends to let David's family and friends crash at their homes is asking too much. What they could do is just have a wedding with Evelyn's side, then travel to Spain and do something with David's family? I know, it makes too much sense. That's why I will would not be a good choice for a trainwreck like this show. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 6
  On 11/6/2017 at 5:46 AM, Jeanne222 said:

I just can't believe Molly is trusting her precious daughter to this stranger!!!  What an imbecile.


I am furious about this! Some people should not ever have kids. How dare she leave that precious, very intuitive little girl with that manchild. I hope the bio dad is a decent person, see's this episode and takes the daughter. 

  • Love 11
  On 11/6/2017 at 5:17 AM, gavinmac said:

It was incredibly inappropriate, but having visited Thailand many times, I can't agree with your comment that "She's not a whore."

1. David met her in a bar, one presumably frequented by and oriented towards Western men
2. Many Thai women who work in bars frequented by white men, who are open to "dating" those white customers, are whores

3. She has multiple tattoos. Many, many thai hookers have tattoos and most Thai women who are not hookers don't have tattoos.

4. She's from a poor village but was working in Bangkok and speaks English OK despite presumably being not well educated due to her poverty. Those are commonalities with many Thai hookers

5. She's marrying a white guy twice her age, who she says is not handsome, which many Thai hookers aspire to.

6. She suggested that a proper sin sot for herself might be 2 million- 3 million baht, which is absurdly high for someone of her status, age and appearance. This, and her other financial demands,  suggests hooker-like scamming.

In short, I'm getting a fairly strong whore vibe from her.


I can't blame her for it, though.  However, your assessment seems reasonable. 

  • Love 7
  On 11/6/2017 at 1:22 PM, jumper sage said:

How can these people pass the K-1 visa requirements when a lot of them can't even support themselves?



I have screamed that same thing at the TV during this show more than I have screamed at the TV during the Raven's games and they suck!

  • Love 2
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:32 PM, poeticlicensed said:

Does anyone actually use printed RSVPs that you mail anymore? I don't go to a lot of weddings, but it's been years since I RSVPed by sending back that card. My oldest got married a few years ago and she used a website where people could RSVP. I thought that was pretty standard nowadays. Also, etiquette  dictates that the bride or couple place postage on the return envelope. Is princess planning on doing that? 


We are using a website for my daughter’s wedding but we did notice that  RSVP cards are still sold and some even come in sets with the invitations. I think the website is much more convenient for those who mostly have computer savvy guests, but I’m sad to see the RSVP cards go. I still have mine from my wedding and many people wrote nice notes on them that I love as a momento. 

  • Love 4
  On 11/6/2017 at 7:14 AM, Chippings said:

And what we saw tonight was, I thought, pretty scary.  Elizabeth was probably too pushy about "cramming for the test", but he was really hostile and misunderstood everything she said on purpose. 


Interesting take.  I thought he took it all very well.  I miss stuff though, so there's that.....

  • Love 2
  On 11/6/2017 at 5:55 AM, pollywood said:

I am watching the episode now. Azan and Nicole could work, if Nicole would just grow up and act like she's in an adult relationship. Azan and May melt my heart. I died when Luis and Molly's young one were together and she told Luis that he is not her father. From personal experience I can say trying to force a kid to accept having a new dad will backfire badly. I don't care about the Moldovan-Irish dude right now. Evelyn is a bitch and the Makayla-David interaction at the party felt really unnatural. I don't know why they're exploiting her being single like it's such a bad thing. I just got to the Thai massage scene. Fuck that's inappropriate. Why not just ask to wife swap? Now I'm on Molly at her family farm. I used to work in rural northwest GA and that accent pierces my eardrums. I still can't make out half of what people with that accent are saying. TLC should use subtitles on them rather than the foreigners speaking english clearly enough.


Molly uses baby talk and exagerates her Southern accent. When Luis said he was a bartender. Molly said in total baby talk: "That's where I met him, he was working" That sentence made me want to smack her. There is no reason for a grown woman to speak like a 2 year old. It is NOT cute. Anyway re-watching pay attention to that. I wanted to slit my wrists.

  • Love 10
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:32 PM, bichonblitz said:

I just can't believe Molly is trusting her precious daughter to this stranger!!!  What an imbecile.


I also think that little one was fed lines to say to (as Molly says, "Louise) Luis while they were on the deck.  

When Luis skyped home and described the suburbs where he is living made me wonder again, do the Molly's etc...ever talk about where/how they live or do their conversations really go no deeper than "I can't wait to feel you in person, my love." 

  • Love 3
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:35 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

How can these people pass the K-1 visa requirements when a lot of them can't even support themselves?


Let's count, shall we? 

Nicole, we already know can't sponsor Azan

David Poor admits no money, no job, can't sponsor

Evelyn, doubtful. She's 18 and it seems that the family band is her livelihood. Is she in school?

Molly, yes

Elizabeth, probably, because daddy employs her and it looks like she lives in one of daddy's apartment complexes

Josh, probably, although who knows? Dude has several ex-wives, roommates, I assume to save on expenses. Installs home theaters for a living. Not sure how lucrative that is. (probably not enough to buy a Porsche)

So out of the six, only half of them actually have the means to make even the minimum required by the govt. Yet they throw thousands into airfare and other bullshit. Sad. 

  • Love 6
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:31 PM, zoemom said:

I'd never expect the family to pay for my accomodations, as a rule there's usually information that comes with the invitation that has information about hotel (the hosting family will get the hotel to hold a block of rooms), but never had anyone offer to pay for my room.


It just goes to show how unsophisticated Evelyn and David are.  They could have gone to local hotels and inquired about blocking off however many rooms they might need and getting a discount for out of town guests as a compromise between paying for the accommodations or having Pastor Tim farm out visitors on his congregants.  Maybe to sweeten the deal, they could have rented a big van or large vehicle to make travel from Logan to their tiny town easier.  But these two aren't going to compromise on anything because they are idiots who should not be married at all, let alone to each other, until they mature.

Anyone else here a RHoNY fan?  Every time the Nicole/Azan story is on, I hear Luann saying, "This is MOROCCO" in response to Nicole's bitching about whatever local thing (nixed room sharing, eating of vegetables, etc.).

  • Love 5
  On 11/6/2017 at 5:37 AM, gavinmac said:

If I have learned one thing from 90DF, it's that welcoming parties for foreign fiances are the perfect time for friends and family members to awkwardly confront him or her by saying "Hi, nice to meet you, I think you're using my friend for a green card." 


True, but what it the right time to do this?  The rehearsal dinner?  The wedding reception?

  On 11/6/2017 at 5:58 AM, HappyDancex2 said:

I thought I'd get used to the tongue-trilling over pronounciation of Andrrrrrrrei's name but I haven't.  It grates.  I'm exercising my right as a Merican and annoyingly shortening his name to Dray.

It will look more menacing on his Americas Most Wanted poster anyway.


Dray is a good idea, but unfortunately Elizabeth will pronounce it "Drrrray".  I think Andy is our only option. 

Edited by Bryce Lynch
  • Love 12
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:23 AM, CofCinci said:

Furthermore, he had a satisfied grin when the little girl ran off upset.  Is he trying to get her to avoid him?


I think he just grins at everything and sometimes he sticks his tongue through the grin.

Either way, it was horrible, what he was doing to that little girl! He's not her father. She has a father. Why he's trying to take over and become Dad after a few days I don't know.

He's not the sharpest knife in the drawer either.

  • Love 8
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:52 PM, Lizzing said:

It just goes to show how unsophisticated Evelyn and David are.  They could have gone to local hotels and inquired about blocking off however many rooms they might need and getting a discount for out of town guests as a compromise between paying for the accommodations or having Pastor Tim farm out visitors on his congregants.  Maybe to sweeten the deal, they could have rented a big van or large vehicle to make travel from Logan to their tiny town easier.  But these two aren't going to compromise on anything because they are idiots who should not be married at all, let alone to each other, until they mature.


I wonder if they could have planned a second, smaller ceremony a year from now over in Spain?

Alexi was a grownup, and he didn't expect to have all of his family and friends present and accommodated for. Instead, they did a second ceremony in Israel. In fact, Alexi seems ten years older than David by comparison even though I think he's the same age if not younger.

But would Evelyn's family be willing to make the trek to Spain?

  • Love 2
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:43 PM, calpurnia99 said:

Molly uses baby talk and exagerates her Southern accent. When Luis said he was a bartender. Molly said in total baby talk: "That's where I met him, he was working" That sentence made me want to smack her. There is no reason for a grown woman to speak like a 2 year old. It is NOT cute. Anyway re-watching pay attention to that. I wanted to slit my wrists.


I noticed that, too. It's NOT attractive.

Even less attractive are her baby decisions, like leaving her daughter alone for hours on end with a man she barely knows. A man who, it turns out, it is someone creepy and will try to emotionally muscle his way into a father/daughter relationship with a child he barely knows.

She better have an iron-clad prenup or she's going to wind up giving that idiot half of her fancy house!

  • Love 8
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:27 PM, Chickabiddy said:

David is one cold, calculating motherfucker. His take down of Mikayla shows his true colors. He came to the US with a plan. He mentioned friends in Virginia and has not been in the US for more than 48 hours and is already talking about moving there.. He is giving in to Evelyn because he is savvy enough to recognize the power imbalance for now. But if you watch his face, he is making a mental note of all  her shit and just biding his time to strike back. And when he does, he will use all of Evelyn's bullshit arguments against her to press his advantage when the time is right. 


Excellent observation. I agree. Once his position in this country is secured, we will see another David. 

  • Love 7
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:53 PM, Bryce Lynch said:

True, but what it the right time to do this?  The rehearsal dinner?  The wedding reception?


Umm,  I don't know, how about  never! It's one thing to strongly express your concerns to your good friend about his choices, but is it really a good idea to jump into some stranger's shit to basically tell them you think they are a no good, dirtbag con artist out to use and abuse your bestie. Talk about how not to to win friends and influence people. Let;s see, let's pounce all over some jet lagged foreigner who is not a native speaker and maybe feeling afraid and out of sorts in a totally new environment for like 48 hours. And then let's get all pouty and "I told you so" when said foreigner/con artist responds in a less than loving way. And if these spouses are truly the con artists the friends suspect them to be, why to they think that their powers of interrogation are enough to make the conning spouse give up the game and admit it was a ruse? All these surprise pile ons do is sow discord and enmity.

It also cracks me up that most of these crusading friends are out their protecting pals that are hardly a catch. I'm looking at you Josh for the moment. Dude has been married three times, has kids he has no relationship with, has not financial stability at 43 and is kinda funny looking...more than most even. Where do his friends get off holding Aike's feet to the fire about her motives? I mean Josh already admitted she is his trophy. It doesn't really get more childish and mercenary than that.  He wants a hot piece of ass on his arm. The details and the important stuff like shared values and life goals aren't even a factor. Broke Ass David's (BaD) friend Chris is a disgusting dirtbag to be sure, but at least he has the sense to realize that BaD is damaged goods as well. I'm so tired of the friends of the American spouse looking down their noses as these foreigners as somehow broken merchandise when the American spouse also hails from the "As is" section of life's furniture store. 

  • Love 11
  On 11/6/2017 at 10:24 AM, millennium said:

Evelyn's a brat but I think there's still hope for her if she can ever break free of the people exploiting her for their own purposes, namely her parents and David.  David, in my opinion, will prove to be unworthy of the early sympathy he has garnered.

You know, there's no obligation for David's friends and family to fly 3700 miles or to shell out thousands of dollars.   

If anyone is to blame for the predicament in which David's friends and family find themselves, it's David.  He could have flown Evelyn to Spain and had a ceremony there either before or after the American ceremony (a la Lauren and Alexei).     He seems to have placed the burden of international wedding attendance on the shoulders of his family, his friends, and his bride to be -- in other words, everybody but himself.


You saw different aspects than I did.    Evelyn will never "break free" from her perfect little fantasy life--and why should she?  For these 18 years, it has been All About Evelyn.  David is the one who should break free...and he has 90 days in which to decide if he wants to be imprisoned with the princess.  The best thing that could happen after the wedding is for Evelyn and David to move to a large city where she will have to learn to adjust to the real world and lean on David a little (at first).

Those people flying from Spain are David's groomsmen.  Because things are different in his culture, they innocently believed they could wear "street clothes" to the wedding AND that they would be staying with the bride's relatives and friends while in America.   Not to worry...Evelyn will find some appropriate "friends" to stand up on David's side.

Additionally, he DID suggest that he and Princess be married in Spain...several times, I'd bet.  He explained on camera how much easier things would have been for everyone (Spaniards and Americans) had the wedding been held in Spain.   Considering flights and expenses of the same number of people, the wedding in Spain would have cost mucho menos.

  • Love 10

In general, with Americans, we don't mind taking people in, even if we don't know them. I would certainly host a friend's friend if they came in from another country to help save them money. She says to him "Oh no, no one here would want to do that!". I bet they would, unless people in New Hampshire are some kind of different breed? These Christian people won't open their homes? I think she is wrong, it is HER who is assuming her friends would be against it. I hate her! My son goes around the USA as a competitive cyclist and he stays with host families all the time- yes he is a stranger to them.  I hate her!

Also in the modern world everyone has a wedding website where you can RSVP. She sucks. 

Edited by calpurnia99
  • Love 22
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:43 AM, Adeejay said:

I don’t understand how these unemployed Americans with nary a pot to piss in or a window to throw it out of, are qualifying for fiancé visas. 


This!  I know some of the "fiancés" are mostly going along with the relationship to escape and are probably expecting too much from moving to America,but how canthe Americans expect them to be happy when they will be totally dependent on them (because they can't work) and they haven't been honest they have no money.

  • Love 4
  On 11/6/2017 at 7:12 AM, biakbiak said:

They clearly aren' footing the bill for the tuxes and David's friends are going to be the ones spending the most money given airfare and other travelling expenses even if they have accomadations.

I know of no woman, or rather no woman I am close to, has spent their lives dreaming of their wedding and all of my friends and family who have gotten married planning the wedding was an equal partnership where each made compromises or held firm on what was important to them and all had great weddings. Most of the weddings I have been to where it was declared "the brides day" and the bride behaved like Evelyn tended to be stress filled and joyless for most people involved guests included.

Luckily I told my parents at 5 that I never wanted to get married and found a partner who felt the same way so haven't had to plan my own but none of the planning processes I have been closely involved with have been bride centric which I think sets a very bad precedent for marriage.

Telling the groom to shut up and be grateful strikes me as a guarantee that this marriage will end up in divorce court.


Without commenting on Eveylyn in particular, I think it is very common for an American woman to dream about her wedding and for it to be viewed primarily as "her day".  I think a woman can want her dream wedding and still be ready for all the commitment of marriage, or she can be totally unprepared for it.  Likewise, some women (and men for that matter) who get married at City Hall or in a cheap Vegas wedding chapel are just as selfish and unprepared for marriage as women who want traditional, big weddings, while others are ready.  

As for the tuxedos, I believe the American tradition is that the groomsman pay for those themselves, just as the bridesmaids pay for their own dresses.  Now, given that David's friends are traveling so far and spending so much on airfare, it would be nice for Eveylyn's family to pick up at least part of the cost, and to try to find them some places to stay, if possible.  Of course, that would make for boring reality TV.  

  • Love 6

Evelyn and David are arguing about the hotel room situation and who should pay...I bet we can count on one hand minus a few fingers of who will actually would be even planning to attend their wedding...so the point is moot.  I suspect that someone in the Band Evelyn's church has a spare room for David's parents to stay.  

If Evelyn is staying up all night addressing envelopes makes me wonder how many people are they inviting to this quickie wedding?  To be fair anyone flying in for this backyard(?) shindig would need some advance notice to get good airfare rates, makes me think E does not realize David has a family or friends and really does not care what sort of relationship she will have with them in the future.  Family members hurt feelings over wedding things can last an entire marriage.  I stupidly asked the band at my first wedding to not play New York, New York, (I hate the sight of impromptu kick lines by drunken people) and my first husbands family were from the NY area, I never heard the end of it.

  • Love 5
  On 11/6/2017 at 7:31 AM, millennium said:

I have a bad feeling David Poor will be homeless in about a year.   I felt anxious as he kept handing out money he doesn't have, further indenturing himself to his friend (who already wants massages from David's fiance).  David has no place of his own to live, he is entirely dependent on his weirdo friend (who could toss him out if he doesn't get the, um, Thai cooking he's jonesing for).  David has no job.   No car.  No finances.  He dances really bad.   There are animal shelters that would forbid David from adopting a puppy because of his impoverished circumstances.  Where does he get off thinking he has any right to ask someone to marry him?   How can the government allow him to import another mouth to feed when he can't even support himself?


I LOVE this sentence.  It puts things perfectly into perspective.  

  • Love 13
  On 11/6/2017 at 3:52 AM, CofCinci said:

Buddies --- So, Nicole has cheated on Azan twice now?  Yikes.

Boredom + emasculation = cheating. 


I wonder if she really "cheated" on him.  She seems to get off on the whole "teen scene" drama trip.  You could practically see her salivating when the bomb was dropped that it was a "man" she was out with. I'm sure it made her feel very loved and cherished to see Azan play the part of the hurt/betrayed again fiance. She's like a 12 year old.  Maybe she really has some disability.  If so, I guess I shouldn't knock her.

  • Love 18
  On 11/6/2017 at 8:15 AM, millennium said:

He was 100% serious when he made the massage "request."  It may shed some light on why he has been so freely giving David one infusion of cash after another.  



See the couples thread for David Poor and Annie, if you want Tobo explained.  I don't think this should be discussed in the episode threads.  

  • Love 1
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:27 PM, Chickabiddy said:


David is one cold, calculating motherfucker. His take down of Mikayla shows his true colors. He came to the US with a plan. He mentioned friends in Virginia and has not been in the US for more than 48 hours and is already talking about moving there.. He is giving in to Evelyn because he is savvy enough to recognize the power imbalance for now. But if you watch his face, he is making a mental note of all  her shit and just biding his time to strike back. And when he does, he will use all of Evelyn's bullshit arguments against her to press his advantage when the time is right. 



I couldn't agree more! Sure, it's his welcome party, and, sure, Mikayla has ZERO tact. But, she does have a heart. And, he's a grown-assed man. Instead, he reacts like some tender little offended snowflake! (Evelyn wasn't much help, stoking the flames before her friend arrived, reporting the worst of the worst to her virgin fiancé.) 

And, he goes for the jugular, shutting her down cruelly and quickly. He's absolutely biding his time. Evelyn is going to be under his thumb.

Poor Mikayla is like the harbinger of doom in a Greek tragedy, the only one in this mess who sees how it's going to turn out.

  On 11/6/2017 at 3:20 PM, LocalGovt said:

I wonder if she really "cheated" on him.  She seems to get off on the whole "teen scene" drama trip.  You could practically see her salivating when the bomb was dropped that it was a "man" she was out with. I'm sure it made her feel very loved and cherished to see Azan play the part of the hurt/betrayed again fiance. She's like a 12 year old.  Maybe she really has some disability.  If so, I guess I shouldn't knock her.


She took off her engagement ring because she thought she was going to get laid.

The reason he's "only a friend" is because he didn't want her that way.

Nicole needs her sex!

And she did enjoy the fact that he got mad. It was a little sadistic. And it was all about Nicole.

Azan should trust her 0%.

  • Love 13
  On 11/6/2017 at 3:14 PM, Bryce Lynch said:

I believe the American tradition is that the groomsman pay for those themselves,


My son just got married in September and the tuxedos were $250 each to rent, crazy but that was our option at both places we looked.  All of the groomsmen paid for their own, nobody balked and his best man even had to fly in from San Francisco.  This situation with E and the tux's shows she is not taking in consideration that this actual wedding is not going to be the fantasy in her head where money is not a problem.  She does not know her audience, reality vs. fantasy will be a horrible wake up call for this girl.  Does E expect that after the wedding David will suddenly be able to support her, buy a house, a car and a luxury honeymoon?  She will be losing her virtue in the local Red Roof Inn. Mazel tov!

  • Love 5
  On 11/6/2017 at 9:09 AM, Desert Rat said:
  On 11/6/2017 at 3:49 AM, Frozendiva said:

Maybe it was less expensive for Josh to pick up Aika at LAX than to have a connecting flight to Arizona. Might just be a couple hours' drive.


It's a 6 hour plus drive one way, 12 hours total, depending on traffic.  Picking her up in LAX made no sense unless they wanted to spend some time in LA for some reason.


I did notice that they were in a Sky Harbor (Phoenix) parking area at some point.   My theory is that Phoenix wouldn't allow the chaos of reality TV filming within the airport...Los Angeles considers film and TV "their business," and almost anything goes (within schedule constraints).

  • Love 7
  On 11/6/2017 at 3:24 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

I couldn't agree more! Sure, it's his welcome party, and, sure, Mikayla has ZERO tact. But, she does have a heart. And, he's a grown-assed man. Instead, he reacts like some tender little offended snowflake! (Evelyn wasn't much help, stoking the flames before her friend arrived, reporting the worst of the worst to her virgin fiancé.) 

And, he goes for the jugular, shutting her down cruelly and quickly. He's absolutely biding his time. Evelyn is going to be under his thumb.

Poor Mikayla is like the harbinger of doom in a Greek tragedy, the only one in this mess who sees how it's going to turn out.


I said it before, and I'll say it again... Evelyn and David have physically been in the same town for a total that can be counted in hours, and they're already having constant tiffs like an old married couple. My wife and I certainly have similar passive aggressive arguments (I think everyone does from time to time), but the key difference is that we have a ridiculously strong foundation of love, fun and good memories to constantly fall back on.

None of these couples have any history to support the drama. I genuinely don't understand David. He proclaims to have loved Grenada, proclaims to hate NH already, doesn't really seem to have anything in common with Evelyn, is certainly seeing her selfish and me-first attitude rapidly emerging, and he's not getting to bed her in the process.. Yet he's still moving full speed ahead to a marriage. Something just does NOT add up.

  • Love 12
  On 11/6/2017 at 3:22 AM, Cbean Girl said:

Aika is so abrasive it makes me cringe. Something about her is just too much and I wish she and Annie would meet up and get their eyebrows fixed. Distracting as hell. 


Oh, you mean her blue contacts, fake lashes, inappropriately short shorts, and general, overall skankiness? Oof! Those eyebrows! Even drag queens think they’re extreme. 

  • Love 6
  On 11/6/2017 at 3:10 PM, Chickabiddy said:

Umm,  I don't know, how about  never! It's one thing to strongly express your concerns to your good friend about his choices, but is it really a good idea to jump into some stranger's shit to basically tell them you think they are a no good, dirtbag con artist out to use and abuse your bestie. Talk about how not to to win friends and influence people. Let;s see, let's pounce all over some jet lagged foreigner who is not a native speaker and maybe feeling afraid and out of sorts in a totally new environment for like 48 hours. And then let's get all pouty and "I told you so" when said foreigner/con artist responds in a less than loving way. And if these spouses are truly the con artists the friends suspect them to be, why to they think that their powers of interrogation are enough to make the conning spouse give up the game and admit it was a ruse? All these surprise pile ons do is sow discord and enmity.

It also cracks me up that most of these crusading friends are out their protecting pals that are hardly a catch. I'm looking at you Josh for the moment. Dude has been married three times, has kids he has no relationship with, has not financial stability at 43 and is kinda funny looking...more than most even. Where do his friends get off holding Aike's feet to the fire about her motives? I mean Josh already admitted she is his trophy. It doesn't really get more childish and mercenary than that.  He wants a hot piece of ass on his arm. The details and the important stuff like shared values and life goals aren't even a factor. Broke Ass David's (BaD) friend Chris is a disgusting dirtbag to be sure, but at least he has the sense to realize that BaD is damaged goods as well. I'm so tired of the friends of the American spouse looking down their noses as these foreigners as somehow broken merchandise when the American spouse also hails from the "As is" section of life's furniture store. 


I had a 45 year old friend who found the guy (or he found her) on social media that she had a summer fling while doing a study abroad in Italy when she was 20. next thing I know she is flying to Italy, comes back announcing they are in love and getting married. She proceeds to buy a wedding gown, pays shitloads of money to travel and pay something called a banns in Italy. Then he is going to emigrate to the US and she is going to sponsor him. He is on travel visas so he is going back and forth every few months so he doesn't overstay and she is footing the bill for everything. Me and all her friends and colleagues are like what do we do, what do we say. She's hard headed so we know that if we say something she will ignore it and if we say something to him it would only serve to estrange us. We id try to gently suggest that she didn't need to marry him because it wasn't like they were going to have kids, which she ignored because they were in LOVE.

Anyway, they get married, he comes over here, she applies to sponsor him. Within a few months of him moving into her house, he starts physically abusing her, then his application gets turned down anyway because  he had a criminal record (hi Andrei!) in Italy. He has to leave which ends the abuse, but then she had to pay a crapload of money to divorce his ass. 

Bottom line it really doesn't matter what other people say. These dopes will move forward. I truly think most the post international flight confrontations are producer driven to create drama. Gotta love TLC!

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 12
  On 11/6/2017 at 3:49 AM, Frozendiva said:

Maybe it was less expensive for Josh to pick up Aika at LAX than to have a connecting flight to Arizona. Might just be a couple hours' drive.

So she wants a Porsche? Don't we all. And she doesn't like Josh's roommates. Maybe America isn't the land of milk and honey. Maybe the house costs a lot and that is why there are roomies.


LA is a 6 hour drive from Phoenix.

Yemen is the land of milk and honey.

Mesa isn't super expensive and Josh should be able to afford a house or apartment of his own. We're gonna find out his finances are fucked up like Jorge.

  • Love 6
  On 11/6/2017 at 3:24 PM, CoachWristletJen said:

I couldn't agree more! Sure, it's his welcome party, and, sure, Mikayla has ZERO tact. But, she does have a heart. And, he's a grown-assed man. Instead, he reacts like some tender little offended snowflake! (Evelyn wasn't much help, stoking the flames before her friend arrived, reporting the worst of the worst to her virgin fiancé.) 

And, he goes for the jugular, shutting her down cruelly and quickly. He's absolutely biding his time. Evelyn is going to be under his thumb.

Poor Mikayla is like the harbinger of doom in a Greek tragedy, the only one in this mess who sees how it's going to turn out.


Cosign every last word!

David really knows how to zero in on a person's vulnerabilities and he sure does pounce.  He could have just shut Mikayla down with "This is hardly the right time, but let's meet for coffee tomorrow." But no, he had to send out a zinger that was calculated to do the most damage in the most humiliating way on national TV. He is one stealth SOB. 

Evelyn is in for a world of hurt when she gains a few pounds or her last record sells less than a 1,000 copies. David will shut down any delusions she has about being a yummy mummy or a successful songstress. She will be his for the manipulating. It actually really pisses me off at her parents for not only sitting by so passively, but for encouraging this train wreck to happen. Too bad someone never called CPS to save Evelyn from parents who are so checked out that they can't see the writing on the wall. 

  • Love 4
  On 11/6/2017 at 2:32 PM, poeticlicensed said:

Also, out of town guests are typically given a list of local accommodations. The bride and groom try to do legwork by attempting to block rooms and negotiate a cheaper rate. I have gone to weddings where the family doing the arrangements will pay for accommodations for the wedding party and parents, but it doesn't extend past that. Evelyn looking blankly at David when he says where will my guest stay isn't helping. But to expect all Evelyns friends to let David's family and friends crash at their homes is asking too much. What they could do is just have a wedding with Evelyn's side, then travel to Spain and do something with David's family? I know, it makes too much sense. That's why I will would not be a good choice for a trainwreck like this show. 


I get that arranging homestays might be uncomfortable but my problem is that Evelyn doesn't even want to discuss alternatives or compromises. Why not at least ask or see if Family Evelyn has suggestions? I hope it's the editing, but Evelyn's refusal to even consider another viewpoint is not a good look. If anything, it serves as proof that she doesn't have the maturity needed to get married.

  • Love 13
  On 11/6/2017 at 3:28 PM, Baltimore Betty said:

My son just got married in September and the tuxedos were $250 each to rent, crazy but that was our option at both places we looked.  All of the groomsmen paid for their own, nobody balked and his best man even had to fly in from San Francisco.  This situation with E and the tux's shows she is not taking in consideration that this actual wedding is not going to be the fantasy in her head where money is not a problem.  She does not know her audience, reality vs. fantasy will be a horrible wake up call for this girl.  Does E expect that after the wedding David will suddenly be able to support her, buy a house, a car and a luxury honeymoon?  She will be losing her virtue in the local Red Roof Inn. Mazel tov!


My guess is that David brings very little to the table financially. I don't know what kind of job he will be getting, but I'm sure it will be in Virginia. It's going to be a rude awakening for Evelyn who won't have her Mommy there to cook her single Egg every morning. The band will break up. And she won't find another gig because Fun Fact: She really can't sing! The soprano in the choir at David's new church can belt her off the stage, guaranteed.

She'll be expected to cook and clean whatever crappy little apartment they rent. And, when she gives David attitude, he will cut her down to size, quickly. David will have his friends, Evelyn will have no friends except perhaps those she meets at the local McDonald's where she works. He'll insist that she work until she delivers the baby.  I'm starting to think that the guy wanted to come to this country all along because he's sure as hell not content ton comfortably nest near her family where she would be happy. Her parents don't realize that it's recklessness and not providence to let your precious daughter go off with a man she barely knows, especially when she's been taught to bow to his judgment and never divorce.

  • Love 10
  On 11/6/2017 at 3:36 PM, Chickabiddy said:

He could have just shut Mikayla down with "This is hardly the right time, but let's meet for coffee tomorrow."


It's possible he said this...more than 2-3 times. We get to see so litle.  If Production doesn't like where you're taking THEIR storyline, they will regroup.  As another poster mentioned, it's so much less expensive to get all participants in the same room for conversation: lights, cameras, crew.  No David and a handmaiden meeting for coffee--too expensive for Production and that's probably "cheating" on The Princess.   To me, David seems quiet and polite--and was probably urged into that conversation by Production or Princess.  The conversation took longer than we saw...long enough for Micaela (Mikayla?) to come to tears.

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