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Kevin (Probably) Saves The World - General Discussion

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On 10/4/2017 at 11:54 AM, AnnaRose said:

Plus, the whole scene with her getting picked up by a helicopter to brief people on sciencey stuff was very similar to a scene Amy did in Arrival.

I liked this, but worry about how long they can sustain the premise. 

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4 hours ago, msrachelj said:

watched it for jason ritter. don't really like joanna garcia even though she was ok on reba. on a shallow note, have her ears always stuck out a little? i never noticed this before. also don't like the hair color.

i also don't buy her as whatever the hell she is supposed to be. 

she leaves in a helicopter, the daughter says this is not  a usual occurrence but neither she nor her uncle are all that frantic about it.

and..the mother leaves her brother who only weeks ago tried to commit suicide, therefore he is most likely pretty fragile right now, in charge of her daughter without letting him know she was leaving for who knows how long.

i thought she mentioned what her profession was at the start of the show and it was not this. i don't buy her in this role

will give it another try but i just don't know. 

reaper! i loved that show.

She taught engineering, which is only peripherally connected to what she's supposed to do for the government. Plus, she's apparently stymied by "new math."

  • Love 2

The pilot was okay, I enjoyed it mostly because of Jason Ritter. The angel woman and the niece were also pretty good.

I generally liked the sister at home but her job was weird and felt out of place and it led to some problems, I hated how she just disappeared in the middle of the night leaving her daughter with her unstable brother who JUST survived a suicide attempt and then calls him irresponsible when he doesn't pick his niece up from school? She is responsible for her daughter and of course she can ask him for help but she didn't do that, she dumped her on him while running out of the house. She obviously knew the helicopter was coming but she couldn't wake Kevin up to tell him she had to leave because of an emergency.


I'm not even sure what the point of those military scenes was, just to establish that it had been 36 asteroids from different directions? Somehow I don't think the military stuff will be an ongoing thing, it's like the actress took the wrong turn some day, ended up on the set of some military/government drama and they said "Sure, why not, let's shoot a scene!".

  • Love 4

Jason Ritter is a very, very good actor. I always find myself surprised at how much I love seeing him in things. He's just as talented as his father was. He really delivered some layers to Kevin in this pilot that make him very endearing to watch. 

This, a thousand times.  His facial expressions and physical moves are amazing.  I've always been a huge John Ritter fan, and I still can't get over how I see him in Jason, and how talented and likeable Jason is as a performer.  On a shallow note, he scruffy goatee is not my favorite, but I don't think I've ever seen him clean-shaven.  Wonder what the deal is with that.


he's also really selling that Kevin is a somewhat tortured character- there is this desperation and sadness in his eyes.

  Absolutely.  Liked it, and so did hubby and 13 year old daughter.  Yeah!  A new show to watch.

Also, from a set design perspective, loved the house and the front porch (reminds me of Fixer Upper homes on HGTV).  Didn't love the kitchen backsplash, but did like the sink and faucet.

  • Love 5

Jason Ritter was clean shave on Joan of Arcadia, if I'm remembering correctly.

What I didn't get about "you're so irresponsible for not picking my daughter up from school" is that HIS CAR WAS WRECKED. Surely that's a legitimate excuse? He was driven home by the cop who determined that he was not at fault for the accident. Surely if you see your family member arriving home in a cop car-- and especially if he's just past a suicide attempt-- your first reaction is to be concerned and want to know what happened?

  • Love 6
16 hours ago, Grischa said:

I'm not even sure what the point of those military scenes was, just to establish that it had been 36 asteroids from different directions? Somehow I don't think the military stuff will be an ongoing thing, it's like the actress took the wrong turn some day, ended up on the set of some military/government drama and they said "Sure, why not, let's shoot a scene!".

I think they were trying to establish that something supernatural was going on with those meteors, but we kind of knew that because the angel said it later They could have easily just shown a clip of someone watching the news But I guess they wanted to make it clear the military noticed, and maybe the angel will be at risk down the line from that?

I'm wondering the significance of the angel (I can not remember her name) saying the other 35 chosen ones died, and their were 35 other meteors. 

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On 10/4/2017 at 7:59 AM, icemiser69 said:

Jason looks so much like his dad, especially around the eyes.

I've never seen Jason Ritter in anything, so seeing so much of his dad in him, from his eyes, to how he moved or talked, was wonderful. For those of us who loved John, it was great to get little pieces of John.

On 10/4/2017 at 11:12 AM, Bobbin said:

.... I wish it well, especially Jason Ritter. Dad John did good.

Agreed. I have my DVR set up to record the series - I hope it sticks around.

On 10/4/2017 at 0:07 PM, Lady Calypso said:

Jason Ritter is a very, very good actor. I always find myself surprised at how much I love seeing him in things. He's just as talented as his father was. He really delivered some layers to Kevin in this pilot that make him very endearing to watch. 

Agree to this as well.

On 10/4/2017 at 4:55 PM, DeLurker said:

Jason Ritter and Joanna Garcia Swisher both have off the charts charisma in my book, so that is a plus for the show right there.  The woman who played Yvette is extremely likable.

Jason Ritter does a fantastic job at vacillating between pure comedy and drama.  I see the resemblance to his dad, but John Ritter always seemed almost vaudevillian to me and that never appealed.  Maybe I just never saw him in any dramatic roles.

I needed a dose of whatever this show provides.

All three of them are great. I don't hate on anyone in this show. I think this show may be a nice counterpoint to obnoxious sitcoms, vapid reality shows and torture-porn crime dramas.

On 10/6/2017 at 4:38 AM, Grischa said:

I'm not even sure what the point of those military scenes was, just to establish that it had been 36 asteroids from different directions? Somehow I don't think the military stuff will be an ongoing thing, it's like the actress took the wrong turn some day, ended up on the set of some military/government drama and they said "Sure, why not, let's shoot a scene!".

I believe this scene was to show that there are 35 other mysterious meteorites out there, all over the world, that may be either other angels or something related to the Righteous.

On 10/6/2017 at 0:48 PM, MoreCoffeePlease said:

This, a thousand times.  His facial expressions and physical moves are amazing.  I've always been a huge John Ritter fan, and I still can't get over how I see him in Jason, and how talented and likeable Jason is as a performer.  On a shallow note, he scruffy goatee is not my favorite, but I don't think I've ever seen him clean-shaven.  Wonder what the deal is with that.

I dig a scruffy guy, so this was nice eye-candy for me! (See also: John Ritter in IT, the TV miniseries; he had a trimmer beard, but still scruffy).

  • Love 3

RE the Amy Adams lookalike issue:

I was so convinced it was Amy Adams, I didn't even question it, and I was shocked to find out it wasn't.

And then I saw this on YouTube:

This interview doesn't mention Joanna Garcia Swisher, but it does reference Jessica Chastain.... apparently there is a lot of confusion out there....

Edited by possibilities
  • Love 1

Finally watched this, and I pretty equally like and dislike it so far. Jason Ritter, the best, no question. Pushy angel, I like her, I guess, but agree that she's way too pushy so I can't completely tell yet. I liked that the sister genuinely loves her brother. I liked the daughter/niece and her explanation of why she didn't want to play soccer, and that she went after Kevin at the airport, even if she still blamed him for not only considering them. She's young, and she didn't know about the conversation between him and her mother. She mostly just wanted him there. I liked the moments where Kevin discovered that he could feel good and appreciate beauty in simple things. I liked that the kid in the airport wasn't one of the 36, but Kevin acted spontaneously and felt good anyway. I like that part of his guidance is to follow what feels right. I like that they're trying to do something lighter and more positive in this climate.

However, one big problem I had from the start: Kevin is not a terrible person. He's not terrible because he tried to kill himself and didn't stop it only because his sister was also in pain. He's not terrible because he was so overwhelmed he couldn't take care of her after her husband's death. I'd say he's immature, but he's not terrible, and he's far from the worst in the world. Him saying that about himself -- and and angel only telling him how selfish and weak and what a loser he's been -- felt all kinds of wrong. Surely she has a larger perspective.

I'm curious to know more about their background, because both siblings seem to lack parenting. The sister is an achiever, maybe an over-achiever, and seems to have been tasked with caring for her brother. Even though they're twins, it feels much more like an older sister, younger brother dynamic. Kevin obviously uses humor as a defense tactic, and he has no self-worth -- so where did that come from? All he's gotten, apparently, is reinforcement for how awful he supposedly is, and so that's all he believes.

Next: The angel's confession that she gave up paradise for Kevin bothered me. Kevin didn't ask her for that. She took the job - and apparently it was her choice. That's not Kevin's problem. She comes in and dumps this huge responsibility on him out of the blue, insults and demeans him, doesn't give him any time to adjust before tearing him down (demolishing his car when he'll obviously need transportation?), and then makes him responsible for her choice? Uh-uh. Even if the situation is urgent, give the guy a break for not jumping on board the instant you appear. Nor do I like her bursting in and making trouble while he was talking to his ex, and thus making him look crazy. That wasn't tough love, it was just inconsiderate. Talk to him later about why this might not be the best time for a relationship or a hookup. Also, if they don't give him some kind of workaround for public conversations, it's going to be really irritating.

Next: Compassion, cooperation, random acts of kindness--all good things to learn. However, I don't like the apparent message that complete self-sacrifice is the only way to be "good" or worthwhile, or that someone cannot be spiritually enlightened and still have/enjoy material things. It's called balance. Money, possessions, and having fun are not evil in themselves. Could Kevin stand to grow up a little and find some balance himself? Yup. But how about treating him with the same kindness and understanding that you want him to show? So far, the angel hasn't done that. It's just about how wrong he is as a human being (which he's not), and then a little pat for producing butterflies.

Lastly: If Kevin is the last "righteous" person on the planet and is tasked with finding and anointing another 35 of them, what were the other meteors and the "colleagues" for? Or is he the last one in some particular region? I might have missed something there.

Anyway, I'll watch for now in hopes that they'll calm down the, well, righteousness a bit, and also hope they avoid becoming too schmaltzy. Balance, please.

  • Love 8
59 minutes ago, justmehere said:

Even if the situation is urgent, give the guy a break for not jumping on board the instant you appear.

And why do angels wait til the last second to intervene, anyway? If there's supposed to be a higher power that has divine insight, why are its minions such procrastinators who only show up when they need a human to do something on a dire emergency basis?

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, taragel said:

Jason Ritter broke the world record for most hugs given in a minute on The View this morning. Very cute:


Oh my, I just have this big smile on my face right now. Jason Ritter is so damn cute. His realization when he did it was absolutely infectious. 

  • Love 2

This show still makes me so happy. This episode was even better than the pilot for me. Jason Ritter is literally a joy to watch. I also love his relationship with his family and Yvette. So many great moments. I had to laugh at Kevin's "vision" in the ocean and the shark. 

I also love how he patched things up with his ex. I also love how remorseful Kevin was when he realized what an asshole he was to her. But not even just her; it's his realization with how he's treated everyone in his life. I love that this is a learning experience to him. 

Just an awesome show. I'm really hoping this show lasts a few seasons. 

And, on the plus side, no stupid work scenes with Amy. Hopefully, the show has realized that those scenes need to remain as few as possible. 

  • Love 16

I loved Joan of Arcadia and, while the humor is a lot broader here, I am willing to give this show a chance to grow. I thought when Kevin caught his sister talking to the truck that it was going to turn out that she was one of the Righteous or talking to some other angel. Glad it turned out not to be. so. I also liked that the beer son didn't proclaim his desire to write the Next Great American Novel or to save the whales, but just didn't like beer.

  • Love 4
10 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

This show still makes me so happy. This episode was even better than the pilot for me. Jason Ritter is literally a joy to watch. I also love his relationship with his family and Yvette. So many great moments. I had to laugh at Kevin's "vision" in the ocean and the shark. 

I agree with your entire post, but I wanted to point out that was a boat, not a shark. 

10 hours ago, ketose said:

I didn't watch much of Wonderfalls, but the whole injury to prevent a worse health crisis reminds me of an episode.

I loved every second of Wonderfalls, but it's been awhile and I don't remember this type of situation.  Maybe I should do a rewatch.  ;)

I inexplicably love this show and it's 99% due to Jason Ritter.  He's just so charming and doesn't come off as totally creepy.  I loved him trying to figure out what Jake needed his help with.  I am very interested in seeing where these visions are leading to.  I'm happy that the daughter is kind of coming around, too, because honestly I found her totally grating the first episode.  The only part I liked her was in the pilot episode was the discussion about why she didn't wan to do soccer anymore.

  • Love 8

Jason Ritter is literally a joy to watch. 

I agree about Jason Ritter and that's really the only reason I even watched the second episode. The show just isn't cutting it for me though. Yvette is actually kind of a jerk and isn't really doing a damn thing to help Kevin. She's just upending his life without giving him any specific directions. The elevator scene was bizarre and Yvette couldn't even explain what that meant. "It's a vision!" Oh really? Thanks, Captain Obvious. She's useless. 

Ratings aren't good, I don't see much of a future for this show.

  • Love 6

The problem is that I don't know what the heck Kevin is supposed to do except "learn to embrace his righteousness" and even that doesn't mean anything to me. How is he supposed to find these 35 other righteous souls? What does it even mean to be righteous, and what exactly is their purpose WRT saving the world? There is a vague religious connotation to this premise but obviously the network doesn't want to alienate any one demographic so the whole plot is ill-defined. 

In Jason Ritter they've found the embodiment of rootability but I have no idea what his objective is.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, icemiser69 said:

Yvette was kind of an asshole throughout much of this episode.  I almost turned the show off after the first half-hour, because Kevin was getting blasted from everyone.  He was getting crap from his sister and his niece.   It is fine to worry about him, but if they constantly rag on him, they aren't doing him any favors.  That doesn't make them caring.  It makes them  more than a bit bitchy.  In the real world, that could drive someone away.

He was getting crap from his ex-girlfriend.  His ex-girlfriend was holding a grudge for that length of time and decided to give him the same treatment when she hooked up with him in present day?  Really?   She needs to get over herself.  Yes,  Kevin should have told her it was over back when they were just leaving for college, but he failed to do so.  How long ago was that?  Somewhere in the neighborhood of twenty years (assuming Kevin is in his mid to late thirties)?  Wow.

Kevin said he graduated in 1999, so that's a good 18 years.  Did she just sleep with him so she could ghost him right after, or was she actually into it and just got upset when he tried to make it more than just sex?

I think one issue I have with this show is we keep hearing people talk about "horrible" things Kevin did in the past, but Jason Ritter is so charming that I have a hard time seeing his character doing them.  I also can't picture him as some big finance guy in New York.

  • Love 5

I could have sworn it was a shark not a boat. Oh Well.

Slogged through the first 1/2 hour. Almost turned it off. And 2nd half hour was pretty decent. I don't see Kevin as some big bad guy either. Show us what he did! At least on The Good Place we saw how awful those people were. 

I'll keep watching. For now. Not my favorite but not horrible. Just middle of the road. 

  • Love 1
54 minutes ago, eurekagirl mOo said:

I could have sworn it was a shark not a boat. Oh Well.

Slogged through the first 1/2 hour. Almost turned it off. And 2nd half hour was pretty decent. I don't see Kevin as some big bad guy either. Show us what he did! At least on The Good Place we saw how awful those people were. 

I'll keep watching. For now. Not my favorite but not horrible. Just middle of the road. 

I thought it was a shark at first too.  But, you can hear someone yell something and then we see the boat, or I guess I should say canoe.  boat.thumb.JPG.1a6fce3f6fe5eebbc47f59e43e34cab8.JPG

  • Love 3

I am watching this show just for Jason Ritter.  The episode (which I watched last night) did not have the charm of the pilot.  I agree that everyone dumping on Kevin is going to get old and I agree with iMonrey that his mission is just too vague.  And now we've got visions too?!  It is a good thing I am a Jason Ritter fan!

  • Love 2

I loved Joan of Arcadia so I was excited to see this incarnation, with Jason Ritter! So far, so meh. My 12-year-old has taken an interest in it, so it's fun to watch with her. But cranky old mother that I am, I wish they'd leave sex out of it. (I know, I know.) It's so rare to have a show that we can all watch and enjoy together. I even had to screen The Good Doctor for appropriateness. I don't think it's as strong as Joan, but I'm willing to stick with it. The murkiness of the righteous and being open to the universe need a little more fleshing  out. I like Yvette, but she does need to be a little more of a guide and less of a nag. (Although those are my 12-year-old's favorite parts.)


I gather the show isn't going to answer a lot of questions about what's going on, although I have the feeling there's going to be an adversary / devil involved.

I suspect the original script for the pilot had a more clearly defined goal but the network probably stepped in and wanted a lot of the religious content toned down so as not to alienate anyone. It's pretty clear that there's a Christian basis to whatever story they're trying to tell here but it seems like the show has completely lost its essence in the translation to something the network found palatable enough for a wide audience.

9 hours ago, mookster said:

I loved Joan of Arcadia so I was excited to see this incarnation, with Jason Ritter! So far, so meh. My 12-year-old has taken an interest in it, so it's fun to watch with her. But cranky old mother that I am, I wish they'd leave sex out of it. (I know, I know.) It's so rare to have a show that we can all watch and enjoy together. I even had to screen The Good Doctor for appropriateness. I don't think it's as strong as Joan, but I'm willing to stick with it. The murkiness of the righteous and being open to the universe need a little more fleshing  out. I like Yvette, but she does need to be a little more of a guide and less of a nag. (Although those are my 12-year-old's favorite parts.)

Joan almost had sex with her boyfriend until she figured out he just needed a life lesson.

14 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

It sounded like a form of revenge sex to me.  I don't defend what Kevin did when he was young, but if his ex wanted an apology for what happened, she should have sat down and talked with him about it like a grown adult.  She looks far worse now than he does.


If Kevin has done some really bad crap, then I really haven't seen it yet.  He has done things that make him look like a complete jerk, but nothing yet that makes him look like an irredeemable scumbag.


Many years ago, back in the sixties and can be seen now in rerun form, was a series called, "My Mother the Car".  It was so awful, that I could not stop watching the reruns.  It really is kind of weird.  So horrible I couldn't change the channel.


I don't think Amy is headed down that path.  At least I hope not.  It sounds to me like she is trying to work things out by talking it out, out loud.  Not all that unusual.  For example, some people talk to their pets.    It is is just the way that some people cope in stressful situations. 

Maybe, but it sets off my plot-twist radar that Amy is being shown carrying on a conversation with 'herself', which Kevin walks in on and in another scene we see Kevin talking to Yvette and Reese rides up on her bike to call him out for acting crazy because from her POV Kevin is carrying on a conversation with himself.

  • Love 1
4 hours ago, Racj82 said:

She is literally a magical being that happens to be black. That was always going to be the case if one wants to see it that way.

Fiji on Midnight, Texas was "a magical being that happens to be black", but she didn't exist solely for the sake of the white character(s).  She had her own history, wants and needs and that's what we need from Yvette.  They almost went there when Kevin asked about her story, but the writers punted, keeping her a Magical Negro.

  • Love 2

A better episode than last week, and still some issues about Kevin supposedly needing to be completely selfless now. I still say balance is better.

I really liked that the sister (I don't have names down yet) opened up to Kevin about the truck. I still want to know about how they grew up, because she really is like a surrogate mom and very overprotective -- as if their parents put a lot of responsibility on her always to watch out for him. It is exaggerated by having recently lost her husband, I'm sure, but it feels like more than that. --Jason Ritter is still the main draw for me, but I did tell my mother about the show. I think she'd like it.

  • Love 2

I didn't realize this was John Ritter's son as the lead in this, and I kept thinking "this guy looks so much like John Ritter."  Then I checked and saw it was his son!  Wow.  His eyes look just like John Ritter's and they even get the same expressions in them somehow.

This show is not what I was expecting.  The way they advertised it, with a picture of "Kevin" looking confused and the little red "probably" scribbled into the show title just looked very sitcom-y to me.  But that's not what it actually is at all.  I guess it is a dramedy as others have described.  I'll give it a chance, but it seems like it might run a little slow for me.

On 10/4/2017 at 0:00 PM, Bobbin said:

Kevin earnestly trying to reveal his secret and instead confessing to (and confronting) misdeeds from his sordid past made me think of Jim Carrey's compulsively honest attorney in "Liar, Liar."

Yes, even down to trying to write instead of speak what he wanted to say, but that didn't work either.  Of course Kevin was trying to tell the truth instead of a lie like Jim Carrey's character, but definitely similar scenes.

  • Love 2

Why are people seeing the ex thing as revenge sex? I mean, I know how and to me it seems like it has more to do with projection than actually taking in what the character has been like thus far and what she said and acted like in the episode. She clearly likes him, and if anything, the sex was about her getting some closure. She was upfront about why she doesn't want another try at a relationship and was forgiving about past Kevin. Not a vindictive move. She even still likes that past Kevin despite the ghosting, as shown by her acknowledging he was too "smooth" but still had a lot to like about him. Then with the reactions during and after ending the phone call, she's clearly got butterfly's, that is also not a vindictive person. 

The revenge thing is one way to read that, but it's not the message the show is emitting. 

I like both her and the cop character. I hope we get to see more of them. Specifically more of the cop interacting with Amy and him not coming off like a kicked puppy. I liked that we got to see some of Amy's faults--not communicating effectively with people who are still alive and not taking her own advice about looking after herself. I'm hoping we get to see more of them as a full family unit soon.

  • Love 4
On 10/5/2017 at 6:28 PM, msrachelj said:

watched it for jason ritter. don't really like joanna garcia even though she was ok on reba. on a shallow note, have her ears always stuck out a little? i never noticed this before. also don't like the hair color.


On 10/8/2017 at 0:41 PM, possibilities said:

RE the Amy Adams lookalike issue:

I was so convinced it was Amy Adams, I didn't even question it, and I was shocked to find out it wasn


Joanna Garcia Swisher has been in several TV series (Privileged, Better with you, Animal Practice, Once Upon  a Time) since "Reba" and has had red hair since that show ended. The look alike conversation is amusing. If all actresses with long red hair look alike, better add Jessica Chastain, Bryce Dallas Howard and even Julianne Moore to the mix. Amy Adams early in her career did a network sitcom, The Office. With her resume now, no way would she do another network series. 

As for this pilot, I enjoyed it more than I thought I would. I do like both Joanna and Jason, so that's why I tried it even though the premise sounded so outdated. I'm going to give it time to see where they are going with the aerospace engineer angle and the meteors. Show runners are smart enough to know that shows that are too simplistic like Touched by an Angel and Highway to Heaven aren't going to do well today. I'm sure they have plans for some sort of tie in with government keeping secrets and Swisher's characters job. 

I was never a big John Ritter fan as, like others have mentioned, I found his comedic style too broad and over the top, but he was quite good as a dramatic actor. Jason seems to be gifted in both comedy and drama.

  • Love 1

I love Jason Ritter. And I loved his dad, John. Who in addition to doing great physical comedy, was also a very good dramatic actor. I think his last dramatic role was in Law & Order: SVU--where he attacked his wife and killed the baby, thinking the baby wasn't his. And when he learned it was, that last scene, oh boy! Ironically, Jason also starred on SVU, though on a different episode as a fucked up suspect. I can't remember if he was the rapist in addition with his brother or just a murderer.


I love Jason's character. I can't stand Yvette, can't stand Reese. And to be honest, Swisher looks nothing like I remember her when she was on Reba, but I do remember her voice was whiny (because the character was), but it didn't sound like Amy Adams's voice. And yet, when I saw her in the pilot, she does look and sound like Amy Adams!

I do see that Jason has inherited his dad's comedic timing and even some of the physical. He's just so beyond adorable. But like others, I'm having issues with the fact that Kevin trying to kill himself makes him a terrible person, or even selfish, like Amy accused him of being. It shows such a lack of understanding for those that attempt and/or succeed at committing suicide. Amy came off like you didn't think or care about meeee!

And as for Reese, well, I could understand her brattiness and hostility if Kevin had been her deadbeat dad. Not that her dad was a deadbeat, but the way she's treating him, came off as such. So I don't like her already. It was her frackin' idea to go to the meteor site and then she's all what the fuck is wrong with you?! When something happened to him and he managed to bring the rock from which Yvette sprung out of, into his car.

I'm in this show for Jason alone.

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
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