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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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I totally came on here to see if Jeremy was wearing a headband last night (I had the episode on as background noise while I was tidying up so wasn't paying close attention).  I dislike his hair immensely.


Ugh. The headband.  What is that?  Hipster?  Hipster douchebag?  I suppose he's a fine human being, but that headband seemed very LA to me.  Blech.


Jacob reminds me of the kid in Boyhood.  Not much emotion.  He seems to not want to have anything to do with filming which sucks 100% for him.  Now that he's 18 can he say he doesn't want to be on the show?  But I guess if he wants to travel the world he's going to need the paycheck.


Sully's dog house was very cute.  Good job, Matt.

  • Love 1

Regarding the mess . . . I always felt it was an indication of Amy's level of care and concern about Matt.  The man is on crutches, for goodness sake, and had to maneuver around mounds of junk.  And when he would complain, she made it sound like HE was being selfish.  I'd have moved out a long time ago.

I can see that! It almost seemed like the more he complained the less she did to make it better.

  • Love 2

Ugh. The headband. What is that? Hipster? Hipster douchebag? I suppose he's a fine human being, but that headband seemed very LA to me. Blech.

Jacob reminds me of the kid in Boyhood. Not much emotion. He seems to not want to have anything to do with filming which sucks 100% for him. Now that he's 18 can he say he doesn't want to be on the show? But I guess if he wants to travel the world he's going to need the paycheck.

Sully's dog house was very cute. Good job, Matt.

My whole thing is Jacob moving out with his GED. .brand new truck. .not thinking he is ready for a job...how the hell do these kids do that? Their parents must support them financially? Or maybe they saved money earned being on the show? I do like Molly and much more Zach.Also liked Tori. Jeremy's wife reminds me of Madame...that old puppet. I'm aging myself here but she really is "too much." Edited by MarysWetBar
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Okay, I haven't watched much of the last few seasons.  Why did Jacob drop out of high school?  Was it an academic thing or was he not fitting in?  A GED is not a ticket to do much, and I was taken aback by how nonchalant Matt and Amy were about it.


Let's hope Amy's future plans don't include a lot of baking. 


The doghouse was adorable.  Still kind of annoyed that Matt had to be talked into honoring Zach & Tori's wishes about the engagement party.

Edited by IndianPaintbrush
  • Love 2

l Why did Jacob drop out of high school?  Was it an academic thing or was he not fitting in?  A GED is not a ticket to do much, and I was taken aback by how nonchalant Matt and Amy were about it.

Jake was kicked out of faith bible in eighth grade and Matt applauded himself for parenting a creative child. Then Jake went to homeschooling/internet high school mostly because his parents didn't give a shit. That Matt and Amy basically shrug and act like it's no biggy is just an indicator of how little they give a shit at this point.

  • Love 3

Damn...Jacob couldn't get out of there fast enough. I don't think they'll be getting too many visits from their youngest. That's what happens when you completely ignore a kid and talk about your empty nest while he's sitting in the room next to you. This is what happens when something on your property almost kills the kid and you still keep it around to make a buck. This is what happens when the kid is screaming out for attention and you cover your ears.

Fuck these people. They acted shocked that Jacob was burning rubber to get the hell out of there when it was their fault.

I hope he finds his way. Jake was always my favorite.

Edited by Maharincess
  • Love 6

Well there is always one who hears the beat of a different drummer.  I actually enjoyed seeing the episodes, although I still there are a couple this summer I haven't viewed yet.  They may have been old news to most of you but to me they were new.  I didn't get TLC for over a year due to a whole host of problems, none of them my doing.  So I was surprised Jeremey was married and liked the wedding.  Nice to see Molly.  I missed Zach getting engaged and married if that happened.  I missed the dog house building, but glad they got another dog, I guess.  Haven't seen it, but saw a clip of Tori's dog.  I kind of hope Matt and Amy remain on the farm and they just go on as they were, just not married.  In which case, why divorce?  But I guess legally it is important, especially if Matt continues to drive drunk.  The house was always a mess, but that's the way Amy is.  There are those who just don't see what to do, and those who notice everything.  It's hard when they are married an live in the same house.  Gets on the neat one's nerves, and he then annoys the hell out of the messy one.  Both are right, or at least not wrong, that's just how they are.  I imagine the neat one really wishes to be more relaxed and the messy one wished she could be more organized.  I am currently in a house with hundreds of boxes back from storage and no furniture.  So no place to sit, and no place to put whatever is in the boxes.  When my house burned I was almost relieved.  No more crap to bother with.  And they threw out almost everything I valued and whatever is in the boxes are probably things I didn't know what to do with anyway.  I may hire an estate sale person to come over and open up the boxes and sell almost everything.  I lile the family tho, and from the way they were talking there are more seasons ahead.  Did anyone else get that impression?  Really, do you think there are more episodes coming up heavily featuring Jer and Zach?  Say whenever their next season of episodes would be?  I did get that impression from the TH.

  • Love 1

I feel so sorry for Jacob.  I will never understand why Amy went on and on about her "empty nest" when the twins graduated high school and Molly and Jacob were both still young and IN THE HOUSE.   Scratched my head on that one.  Jacob seems lost and checked out of life.  Hope he finds some peace living away from the farm and Mom and Dad. 


I never understood why Matt did not hire a cleaning lady.  If the mess bothered him so much (as it would have me), have someone come in and at least straight things up so that the trash was picked up and rooms were functional.  I know Amy had a problem with having to deal with her stuff but that could have been worked around.  It isn't like Matt couldn't afford to pay someone to come in once or twice a week. 


I'm really happy for Zach in that he found a wife/fiancé like Tori.  What a jackpot for him. 


Jer and Audrey are free spirits.  Flow with the wind. 

  • Love 1

My whole thing is Jacob moving out with his GED. .brand new truck. .not thinking he is ready for a job...how the hell do these kids do that? Their parents must support them financially? Or maybe they saved money earned being on the show?...

It seems obvious that people on these reality shows get paid a significant amount, whether TLC will admit that or not.  Look at Kate Gosselin, the Little Couple, Duggars, Roloffs, etc. Within a short time of their show debuting they all built large custom-made houses, started traveling around the world, and, with a few exceptions (Jennifer Arnold) don't have any visible jobs that would support this lifestyle. 


Jeremy's earnings were probably kept in trust until he was 18 which is the law for child actors and as soon as he got the money he was out of there. 

Edited by remotecontrolfreak
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Jeremy's earnings were probably kept in trust until he was 18 which is the law for child actors and as soon as he got the money he was out of there.


You're thinking of california and child actors. The law for child actors doesn't cover reality show participants and Oregon has no protections.


None of the kids were paid directly until they turned eighteen. Prior to that the *family* was paid with Matt and Amy controlling the money.

  • Love 1
I never understood why Matt did not hire a cleaning lady.  If the mess bothered him so much (as it would have me), have someone come in and at least straight things up so that the trash was picked up and rooms were functional.  I know Amy had a problem with having to deal with her stuff but that could have been worked around.  It isn't like Matt couldn't afford to pay someone to come in once or twice a week.

If I'm remembering correctly, he offered many times to hire someone and Amy flat out said no. I think Matt just gave her that one because he was already overriding her when it came to the farm. Wasn't there an episode when his mom was going to come over and help with the cleaning and Amy was pissed. I think that she felt like the house was her domain and she felt judged and like she wasn't capable. But seriously, there are some homes that are cluttered and then there was the Roloff house. It was really and truly filthy. Jeremy and Zach's room being one of the grossest I've ever seen and that was through a tv screen. I can't imagine what it looked and smelled like in person. Every where you looked, it was just piles everywhere, moved out of the way so that you could walk in the house.I can't even really fault Amy much, because there's really only so much she could do. She is a woman who doesn't let her size stop her from doing anything, but that house really, really needed things done that she couldn't do. I never understood why she didn't make the kids pitch in.


Regarding Jacob, I was barely paying attention so I might have missed it, but did he say where he was going? All I seem to remember is him getting his GED, Amy asked what was next and he said moving out and then, next thing you know, he's moving out. Does he have a job somewhere?

  • Love 1

They said Jacob was moving in with friends.  Jacob said he had no plans other than travel.

Yes, they said that and I still wondered how he was going to pay his share of the bills and travel. I guess if he still films the show he' ll get paid, but what happens when the money/ show ends? There was no discussion about practical plans for the future. Barely a blip in the show.

On another note, it really annoyed me that Matt had to be convinced to follow Zach and Tori's wishes-- after he acted all insulted about his ideas being shot down, boo hoo. Of course, it was golden child Jer who had to talk him down from from going overboard.

  • Love 2

On another note, it really annoyed me that Matt had to be convinced to follow Zach and Tori's wishes-- after he acted all insulted about his ideas being shot down, boo hoo. Of course, it was golden child Jer who had to talk him down from from going overboard.


And don't forget, Matt was all "yes sir, Jeremy sir!" to any request Jeremy made for Jeremy's wedding.


I'm genuinely curious what Jacob is planning to do with himself. The show won't last forever and I have not gotten the impression that the girlfriend is wealthy.

  • Love 2

Count me in as another who wonders about Jake.  Does he have t.v. money to live off of until he gets a job (even though he doesn't want one).  Does he have really nice and generous friends who will let him live with them for free and eat their food?  Who puts gas in the truck and pays for the license and insurance? 


I really like Amy, but I agree with the messy house.  People were filming in your home!!!  Hire a maid with some of your t.v. money.  I can't belive 4 kids were not told to do chores.  One loads and unloads the dishwasher.  One takes out the trash daily.  One vacuums once a week and one cleans one of the bathrooms once a week.  Rotate every month.   That would not take up too much of the kids' "free time that they need per Amy" and teach them some valuable skills, AND put a dent in what needs to be done around every home.

  • Love 3

Count me in as another who wonders about Jake.  Does he have t.v. money to live off of until he gets a job (even though he doesn't want one).  Does he have really nice and generous friends who will let him live with them for free and eat their food?  Who puts gas in the truck and pays for the license and insurance? 


I really like Amy, but I agree with the messy house.  People were filming in your home!!!  Hire a maid with some of your t.v. money.  I can't belive 4 kids were not told to do chores.  One loads and unloads the dishwasher.  One takes out the trash daily.  One vacuums once a week and one cleans one of the bathrooms once a week.  Rotate every month.   That would not take up too much of the kids' "free time that they need per Amy" and teach them some valuable skills, AND put a dent in what needs to be done around every home.


I remember thinking I would never want to eat a meal at that house because it was so dirty with stuff strewn everywhere.  If that was her attitude with raising her kids she just raised 4 more slobs!    

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I watched the episode last night with Zach and Tori's engagement party. There is no way to be Team Matt or Team Amy, is there? Every time Matt annoyed me enough to sympathize with Amy, she would then do something mean to him for no apparent reason. I know the reason for both their behavior is their complicated history, but they both come across as so unpleasant.


I will say that I adore Tori. Seeing her reaction to the doghouse made me grin ear to ear. That was a genuine reaction from someone I'm confident is a really sweet, genuine person.

Edited by truebluesmoky
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Audrey (refuse to call her Auj) had so much make up on, her eyes were completely overdone and that lipstick!  Then later on I caught a glimpse of her with very little if any makeup and she looked so much better.  Jeremy's hair, well not much to say!  Looks like A cuts it too!  I thought their apartment was an indoor yard sale.  They are very full of themselves!

Edited by Foghorn Leghorn

Was the sleeping bag scene an advertisement? I didn't get the point of that whole thing.

I viewed it as the two claiming to be such free spirits, ready-for-anything outdoorsy royal fucking assholes. Sorry. I just don't like those two. 'Marriage is a club. Blah blah.' Shut the fuck up 'Jer.'

I do like the show though :)

  • Love 2

I haven't watched this show in years but after seeing it advertised 108 times during a Say Yes to the Dress marathon one afternoon I was lured back in.  Especially with the twins' wedding story lines.  Last time I watched Jacob was a little kid and now the twins are getting married!  Jeez.  Time flying and all of that. 


I am happy that I tuned back in and I am especially loving the things that come out of Zach's  mouth.  I highly enjoy his somewhat dry, sarcastic wit.  Favourites from last night:


When Matt was drilling him on all of the things he should have done now for the wedding and he keeps rhyming off this & this & that & that and says 'what you need to do is get a binder.' And Zach says in his talking head clip afterwards, 'Does he have a binder to give us?  Perhaps presenting us with a binder would have been more helpful.'  hee!


Then when "Auj" baked them gluten-free choco chip cookies (huge shocker that this Special Snowflake is gluten-free!) he says how Jeremy was fine with eating gluten before but now he's suddenly gluten-free, too, because of "Auj." 


Lastly, when "Jer" was pointing out just how awesome he & "Auj" are at decorating because they have this amazing collection of mismatched random items over there on their kitchen dining cabinet, he says 'that's fascinating.'   LOL. 

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I am a hodgepodge of Auj Pojness. A walking collage or raspy loudness, frizzy redness, running craziness, redeemed brokenness, persevering faithfulness, and striving to reflect more of Christlikeness. 


I am so embarrassed for Jesus right now.



That's a dollop of me.


Kill me.


Over the years I have kept every pair of running shoes that I have ever had. I spray paint them red, write notes on/in them, say a prayer, and throw them on telephone wires near places significant to my life.


So, you litter. Fancifully.

  • Love 16

Yeah, I have never gotten the impression Auj's thoughts swim in a particularly deep pond, if you get my meaning.


I won't bag on their eclectic decorating choices in that I personally have a two foot high dinosaur made of seashells  eating a Mcdonalds Beanie Baby seal sitting on my bookshelf. But I do call bullshit on how utterly condescending they were to Zach. I mean, am I the only who kinda thinks Zach and Tory already live together? In Zach's *house*? That seemed nicely decorated?


Admittedly, they're all sucking off the show, and Zach is lucky Tory seems to have a steady job but really, I hope both couples think long and hard about how much money they make outside the show before they get knocked up.

  • Love 5

Walnut - Audrey *had* a job in Los Angeles. Jeremy and Audrey have "temporarily" moved or are moving back to Oregon "for filming" and in theory plan to move back to Cali....


Otherwise yes, I also see a trend here although I think Zach's job at the soccer place, while probably low paying, seems to suit him, especially if Tory is working.

  • Love 2

Tori wears little or no makeup, and is sooo much prettier than Audrey.  Audrey just seems fake....and flakey.


I hate those short pants that Jacob wears.

Agree with all of this.


Though I do give big props for Jer and Audrey leaving the state and living alone.  I did that.  My married kids are doing that.  It really does bind  you together as a couple and helps you to put each other first.  Especially the first year.  My bro and sis-in-law have one married kid, married for 5 years, and that kid and their spouse do not RSVP to any thing you send them and they are still included on the bro's Christmas card, signed with their names too.  I just want to scream "Aren't you adults?  Quit having mommy be your social secretary."

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