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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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4 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

This! Zach and Tori took full advantage of Matt and ChaCha’s childcare services and had no problem leaving the kids with them ALL THE TIME! 

in a preview for the new episode Matt has taken the time to drive all the way to Z&T’s new home and Tori walks right past him like the immature spoiled child that she is meanwhile Zach seems uncomfortable and tries to make small talk.

Toris family moved to Portland to be closer to her and her family and Tori decides to move away… she’s acting like a selfish child.

I think Tori seems more pissed off than Zach and I think part of the problem is that Tori has always felt second fiddle to Auj and she was counting on being the one to move in to the farmhouse and her and Zach being the new stars of the show and king and queen of the Roloff family and when that didn’t happen she couldn’t handle it and has been throwing tantrums ever since.

Auj married Jeremy the favorite son and Tori married his dwarf brother, Auj is way more successful with her MLM, books and online influencing… Tori often copies Auj with the merchandise she promotes, when Auj and Jers offer to buy the farm fell through Tori seemed very upbeat and excited hanging with Matt and ChaCha all the time even to the point where her and Zach were rude to Amy, remember them giving Amy the cold shoulder when she announced she was engaged to Chris?

Sure Zach said he didn’t want to discuss it on camera but looking back Zach and Tori acted like it was such a big deal and gave Amy the cold shoulder like “how dare she do that to them!!” 🙄 they’ve been cultivating a very entitled persona for a while now where everyone has to walk on eggshells for fear of upsetting them.

I’m really enjoying snarky Chris, he speaks his mind and doesn’t seem intimidated by them. 👍🏻

I think Chris and Amy have discussed this and that’s why Chris was free to state his opinion .

Zack has always been Amy’s boy and perhaps she’s not happy with the choices they (Tori) is making!

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I think Amy wants and needs to tread lightly.

1) I think she went a bit further than she probably should have when she likened the Zach situation to her buyout from Matt.  Amy said Matt didn't treat her like family in the divorce settlement (not sure why she would ever think that one ex-spouse should get more than the state allows--Oregon is 50-50).  Later we had a whole season of Amy dragging her heels in selling her remaining interest because she thought Matt might be getting the better deal.

2) And although Matt may have negotiated the right of first refusal to buy her half of the farmhouse property, those are usually time bound.  I think she probably could have flat out given the property to one of the kids.  Or put in a clause that the kids had the right of first refusal when the divorce settlement was negotiated.  But then she would have given up some of her million dollars from the second buyout.

3) I also suspect that she agrees with Matt that neither Jeremy nor Zach could actually run the farm and they would have been better off with the farmhouse and the acreage that Matt offered rather than buying half of the farm.

Amy knows her boys are selfish, dirty layabouts without the skills to run the farm.

4) Finally, most married people choose their spouse over their parent.  I fell out with my mother years ago when she refused to come to my wedding (Many years later I am recently divorced and still have a poor relationship with my mother).  Whenever she said anything nasty about him or my stepkids it deepened the divide.  

So even if Amy thinks Tori is being a selfish shrew, she'll need to hold her tongue.

She can really only make things worse here.  Letting burglars know she is off to Alaska for a month and her home is empty is still a better move than injecting herself into the Matt v. Zach and Tori drama.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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On 6/2/2022 at 10:29 AM, Redrum said:

They aren't unemployed. They make money from being on the show and from social media influencing. We may not like that they make a nice wage being filmed or from internet posting but by no definition are they unemployed. As long as their moving expenses weren't paid for by a gofundme, they have every right to spend their earnings on things that make their lives easier. 

Matt wasn't playing with him because he was wanting to film a scene with Zach and Tori so he could demonstrate how he "made time" for them. 

Frankly a little less "Everyone focus on Jackson and make sure his every moment is full of constant attention since he's so fabulous" seems pretty healthy. Matt wasn't making any effort in that scene to pay attention to Jackson and Jackson seemed content to simply run about and play

In all honesty, Matt didn’t really do much with Jackson before that wasn’t all about himself. 

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On 6/3/2022 at 3:52 AM, Absolom said:

Every situation has at least two sides.  So far Matt isn't showing that he has any remorse for how things went.  If Tori can be believed Matt said some very cutting things to Zach.  That can take time to get over especially if Matt doesn't take responsibility for his share of the issue.

I don’t like Zach at all, but the fact is that his dad can be a huge asshole with an even bigger ego. Matt may not always be right, but he is certainly never wrong. Also, that man can be so incredibly mean! Just look back random episodes: The down grading things he said to Amy, his continuous jabs at Zach and Jer…. It was clear he said it to hurt or upset the others. 

On so many occasions I thought “If my husband or dad treated me like that, I would show them the door and tell them not to come back! So, yes, I totally believe Tori here. 

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If I were Matt I would say exactly what he said after Tori and Zack left. If coming to the farm makes you so unhappy perhaps you should not come. If works two ways.  I fully believe that Zack will come to his senses and realize that alienating Matt is not a smart thing to do. Let Tori sulk and pout like a spoiled child for awhile and then say enough is enough. I think they need Matt more than he needs them. 

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Not in so many words, but he did say Tory and Zach should stay away if they weren't happy to be there and then spent time complaining that he wasn't getting to see Jackson.

If he's saying they should stay away, and they are and he's good with that then he can't complain that they're doing as he wants even if that means he gets to see Jackson less. What did he expect would happen? They would be HAPPY that he has turned down their offer and told the world how relieved he is that they won't be taking over his farm? Now he's telling them to stay away if they aren't happy with him.... I'm not shocked they aren't setting up some sort of granpa custody swap where Matt doesn't have to see them but he still gets all the time he wants with Jackson. 

Matt made his choice, not seeing the grandkids as much is a consequence. He's telling them not to come around... why would they bring the grandkid to see him if thats how he's going to be?

I think Tory and Zach have been reasonable in allowing Matt to come to family events they are holding and letting him see the kids despite their anger with him. They COULD cut him completely off and aren't. 

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2 hours ago, Redrum said:

I see no problem with that as long as he's not also complaining that he doesn't get to see Jackson as much. He's told Jackson's parent to not come around... he's got no right to say "stay away you two... but I want to see Jackson here just as often".

What about Lilah and the new baby? Did he mention them at all?

Matt did not tell them not to come to the farm to be vindictive. He said if it makes them unhappy to come to the farm then maybe they shouldn't come. Would it be better for him to say please come and I don't care if it makes you unhappy and miserable? I think most parents do not want the their child to be unhappy. He certainly didn't forbid them to come. And sure they could cut him off completely from seeing the kids. But what would that accomplish?  Would it make them feel good to ruin their children's relationship. with their grandfather? That would be selfish and hurtful not just to Matt but to their children. 

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I know TLC edits the show so they repeat some lines several times, but if I had to hear how much Z & T have on their plates, I was going to scream.  So they moved, are selling their old house, and are expecting a new baby.  And??? 

I was very anxious for the 2 minutes Lilah was plopped on the kitchen island and Tori turned her back!  But then I remembered poor Lilah is used to being left on her own and used to not moving.  And I don’t think there was a single scene with her with glasses on. 

Maybe it’s me reading too much into it, but I feel like Z & T may have said some negative things about Grandpa around Jackson.  He seemed afraid/nervous around Matt.  He is normally really engaged with most people, and he’s been close to Matt for his whole life. Jackson was super cute and sweet at Amy’s.  

That property looked worse in this episode than when Amy and Chris visited. Looks like they moved onto a lot that had been abandoned by hoarders, and a new house was put up in a hurry to make it attractive.  The “stream” looks like a run-off culvert that will overflow every spring and heavy rain storm.  The “treehouse” could have been one of Matt’s unfinished/dilapidated structures.  A chicken coop covered with so much overgrowth…it’s a shitty property!  That’s what they get for buying something based on revenge.

Edited by BusyOctober
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32 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

Matt did not tell them not to come to the farm to be vindictive.

I didn't say he did. But he did say he didn't want them around if they didn't want to be there

33 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

And sure they could cut him off completely from seeing the kids. But what would that accomplish?

They haven't done this at all. Matt clearly is allowed to see the kids. They're just not taking the kids over to Matt's farm. Matt's farm does likely make them sad and unhappy as Matt has told them, and the viewing public, how unworthy they are and how relieved he is that he does not have to sell the farm to them. Now Matt is telling them to not come around if they're unhappy. 

That's fine - but he doesn't get to play victim over how sad he is that he doesn't get to see Jackson as much as he likes as he's been very clear that he doesn't want Zach and Tory around unless they want to be there. If they don't want to be there... then Matt needs to get used to driving to their place if he wants to see their kids. If Matt's going to be that way, well its his property when he's on the farm and he can demand whatever he wants but I don't blame them for not hauling the kids there if its Matt's way or get off his land. 

They seem to be taking the view that Matt chose his farm over his grandkids. 

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He said he didn't want them to come over if they weren't happy to be there.

Then he spends a lot of time complaining how he misses Jackson - whose parents he doesn't want on the farm unless they are happy to be there. He doesn't get to pout over a situation he's created. 

They're angry with him. As usual he's completely over it because he's getting his way and complaining that they aren't over it. I'm fine if he doesn't want to see his part in this particular arguement but part of why they're angry and unhappy is because of his actions. If he doesn't want them around unless they're happy with him, he doesn't get to complain they don't bring the kids around. They're not happy to be there, and are staying away, and he set that parameter. 

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This show is becoming difficult to enjoy.  What benefit is it to me, or any viewer, to be a fly on a wall and watch this very uncomfortable fallout after a Roloff family argument? It’s cringeworthy. (Although, I have definitely chosen a “side”.) Yes, it’s a reality television show and I have witnessed disagreements in prior seasons but this one feels different.  I hope this is the final season.  I think it will be, for me.  

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Jackson seems really hyper much of the time? Tori even said he flits from thing to thing and needs to be entertained. But he minds perfectly...like when they were screaming at him to stop and he didn't as he chased the moving van down the street? I wonder how he will do in school when he has to be quiet and sit for periods of time? His speech still isn't up to par either. He  really speaks slowly and hesitantly for some reason? Remember when Jackson used to knock Lila flat every time she tried to stand up? Maybe that is why she just sits like a little blob much of the time? Easier to just stay on the floor in the first place than to constantly get knocked down there.

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Based on the property that Zach and Tori ultimately bought, it's safe to assume that they honestly couldn't afford 15 or 30 acres of Matt's farm. Matt couldn't or wouldn't sell it to them for what they could afford.

It seems to me that that part could have been resolved without hard feelings. If they were that far apart on price, $1 million vs. $4 million, I don't think that they should have had a meeting at all. Matt should have just told Zach that he's sorry, but he needed full price for the house and land. Instead, he strung them along and let them think that they had a chance. Then to pour salt in the wound, he called a big meeting in which he put Zach down and let Caryn do a lot of the talking. The whole thing was handled poorly by Matt. I don't blame Zach and Tori for being hurt and angry.

Edited by Libby
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9 hours ago, Redrum said:

He said he didn't want them to come over if they weren't happy to be there.

Then he spends a lot of time complaining how he misses Jackson - whose parents he doesn't want on the farm unless they are happy to be there. He doesn't get to pout over a situation he's created. 

They're angry with him. As usual he's completely over it because he's getting his way and complaining that they aren't over it. I'm fine if he doesn't want to see his part in this particular arguement but part of why they're angry and unhappy is because of his actions. If he doesn't want them around unless they're happy with him, he doesn't get to complain they don't bring the kids around. They're not happy to be there, and are staying away, and he set that parameter. 

I could be remembering it incorrectly, but I took Matt's comment to Caryn (not Zach and Tori) that if they don't want to come to the farm they aren't obligated to do so.

Put another way, if you don't want to be here, you don't need to put yourself or me through an uncomfortable situation. It is okay not to visit.

I think that's different than saying I don't want you to come.

And they went to the farm to earn their paycheck.  Zach and Tori aren't interesting without the farm, Matt or Amy.

And for the record, I think Matt and Zach are both selfish and entitled.

Matt craves fame and money at the cost of family. He doesn't acknowledge how badly he treats people and how he prioritizes himself over everyone.

Zach seems to think his father owes him financial support even though he is in his 30s.  I wonder if Amy or Tori's parents are kicking in money comparable to the deal he wants from Matt.

Edited by Ms.Lulu
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11 hours ago, BusyOctober said:

was very anxious for the 2 minutes Lilah was plopped on the kitchen island and Tori turned her back!  But then I remembered poor Lilah is used to being left on her own and used to not moving.  And I don’t think there was a single scene with her with glasses on. 

Yes. I don't watch the series on a regular basis but judging from Tori's IG photos, Lilah is doomed to be second best to the "chosen one" Jackson. Poor Lilah. She's a baby and even though babies can't process/analyze why their parents treat her differently, Lilah just looks so sad. It's almost like she knows she isn't as loved as Jackson. 

It probably won't be long before Tori gets pregnant with number 4. It's the only thing that keeps most people slightly interested in these 2 mundane losers. Mo' kids, mo' TLC money.

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I find it pretty funny that Zach is dissing Matt like crazy, blaming him for ruining his farming future dreams, but gladly took a lawn mower from him.  Zach and Tori are users and now they are losers.  Amy looked like she had plenty of fun with Jackson, but why does it always have to include a cooking lesson.  Put a frozen corn dog in the oven and give the kid a bowl of cereal for breakfast.  She always has to get some kind of over the top meal prep involved.  I never saw a corn dog in muffin form, that’s not really a corn dog is it?  I don’t care about Jackson or Lilah and if they never appear on screen again I am fine, but it does seem it is all about Jackson.  

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2 minutes ago, Endora said:

I find it pretty funny that Zach is dissing Matt like crazy, blaming him for ruining his farming future dreams, but gladly took a lawn mower from him.  Zach and Tori are users and now they are losers.  Amy looked like she had plenty of fun with Jackson, but why does it always have to include a cooking lesson.  Put a frozen corn dog in the oven and give the kid a bowl of cereal for breakfast.  She always has to get some kind of over the top meal prep involved.  I never saw a corn dog in muffin form, that’s not really a corn dog is it?  I don’t care about Jackson or Lilah and if they never appear on screen again I am fine, but it does seem it is all about Jackson.  

Exactly Zach is all pissed at Matt but hey “can I have a free lawn mower?” so Matt gives him a mower and delivers it and he still stands there with a grumpy face, I think it’s time for Zach to grow up and buy his own shit and quit being such an entitled immature little jerk.

If Zach wants to talk tough and act like a grown up who doesn’t want to play Matt’s games then quit looking to daddy to bail you out, buy your own damn mower.

If Amy and Chris are so great maybe Zach should have asked them for a mower…. Ya right… Zach would be mowing his lawn with an old push mower if he had to rely on Amy to dust the cobwebs off her wallet and buy him one.

Amy’s chopped up weiner corn muffins were awful, as @TipseyGirl said they looked like puke.

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I just watched the latest episode, and I can't understand the hatred so many people have for Matt and Caryn.  They're happy together and Amy and Chris are happy together.  Sometimes people grow apart in marriages.  They aren't all made to last forever.  

Tory and Zach are the ones I find annoying, just because they didn't get their way.  Why did they want that enormous house on the farm?  I can't see Tori keeping it clean.  The land should be purchased by someone who would turn the house into a bed and breakfast.  It would be perfect for that.

I still think a lot of what we see on this series is fake, just drama to keep people tuning in.

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2 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Exactly Zach is all pissed at Matt but hey “can I have a free lawn mower?” so Matt gives him a mower and delivers it and he still stands there with a grumpy face,

Prime example of Zach being his entitled self. I can't stand when he sits in his confessionals with his lump of a wife with his arms folded across his chest like such a know it all. I would love to know what kind of a low ball offer Z & T made for the property. Amy and her "but this is famiiiily" so it should be different is BS, too. We're talking about millions of dollars here.  It's business and if Matt can clearly see that his sons are lazy and spoiled and would destroy what he worked most of life for, then so be it. Maybe his delivery was off and harsh, we will never know for sure but I guarantee Zach wanted that property for next to nothing. 

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I really enjoy seeing the scenes with Matt and Caryn and Chris and Amy.   It seems like a lot of the bitteness is gone and they are enjoying their friendship. I think they could carry the show with very little of Zack and Tori and the kids. But when the farm is sold and Matt moves away I can't see this show lasting. 

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1 hour ago, bichonblitz said:

Prime example of Zach being his entitled self. I can't stand when he sits in his confessionals with his lump of a wife with his arms folded across his chest like such a know it all. I would love to know what kind of a low ball offer Z & T made for the property. Amy and her "but this is famiiiily" so it should be different is BS, too. We're talking about millions of dollars here.  It's business and if Matt can clearly see that his sons are lazy and spoiled and would destroy what he worked most of life for, then so be it. Maybe his delivery was off and harsh, we will never know for sure but I guarantee Zach wanted that property for next to nothing. 

Then Matt should not have dangled the farm and it's importance of staying in the family and being a legacy for all the grandchildren. How many times did we hear that speech over the last five or six years? For years it looked like he was grooming Jeremy as the heir apparent but when push came to shove Matt rejected his offer...Jeremy and Zach have young families they have to support...realistically they would not be able to make an offer for millions of dollars. If it was so important to keep it in the family, Matt, who is a millionaire, could have accepted Jeremy's offer and be thrilled that Jeremy was going to keep it in the family...ditto for Zach. If he had no intention on selling any parcel of the farm to his kids then he should have stated that a long time ago instead of stringing them along with this vision of a Roloff Farm owned and run by Roloff children and grandchildren.  And BTW, Matt and Amy are to blame for raising lazy and spoiled kids with the exception of Molly. 

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8 hours ago, winsomeone said:

Jackson seems really hyper much of the time? Tori even said he flits from thing to thing and needs to be entertained. But he minds perfectly...like when they were screaming at him to stop and he didn't as he chased the moving van down the street? I wonder how he will do in school when he has to be quiet and sit for periods of time? His speech still isn't up to par either. He  really speaks slowly and hesitantly for some reason? Remember when Jackson used to knock Lila flat every time she tried to stand up? Maybe that is why she just sits like a little blob much of the time? Easier to just stay on the floor in the first place than to constantly get knocked down there.

No, he’s not hyper. He’s a normal active little kid. 

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I mean, if Matt is really worried about fairness of asset distribution then selling to any of his kids should be off the table.

I do and don't agree with the "what about the three other kids". I do agree in that like I said, if this is about fairness then no one gets the farm and they split Matt's cash after his death.

I don't agree when Matt makes this argument of considering the other kids because Matt is on his Instagram telling the public that he offered the twins a deal where the farm price was lower AND the twins would get a gift of equity. Which is lovely if true but absolutely unfair to Molly and Jacob. This deal was grossly unfair to two of the kids and didn't happen per Matt because the twins couldn't agree on it.

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6 minutes ago, Endora said:

We don’t know everything maybe something was offered to Molly and Jacob to make it fair to all.  Just speculating here.

Its also fair to speculate that if Matt was making offers to make if fair in that stated transaction, where he says he offered the twins a low price and a gift of equity, then there's no reason he couldn't do the same in selling to just Zach... Jeremy would just have to be included in the equitable trade off offer. 

On 6/8/2022 at 5:42 PM, Endora said:

I don’t care about Jackson or Lilah and if they never appear on screen again I am fine, but it does seem it is all about Jackson.  

It’s history repeating itself, isn’t it? 
With their four kids, it was always about the twins and particularly about Jeremy. You’d easily forget they had two more. Now Amy is always fawning about Jackson and going completely over the top as you mentioned in your post. Matt does the same with Jackson, if he gets to see him. You hardly ever see them do this with Lilah. At least not on screen. My prediction: Zach 2.0 in the making!

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