stoppro June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 39 minutes ago, bichonblitz said: won't be doing this often. Died again. Every once in a while the snarky, truthful Chris comes out. I don't think it is truth.I think it is TLC scripting, chris isn't that sharp.Anything out of character has got to be put there by TLC,they are working overtime to make him sound interesting. 1 1 2 Link to comment
SunnyBeBe June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 I actually think that Zach and Tori are annoying Amy at this point….and that’s pretty bad. She’s coddled and defended him forever. Regardless of what she says on the show, I don’t think she’s amused with the couple at all. 7 Link to comment
Endora June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 (edited) I can’t believe the audacity of Tori and Zach to act all butt hurt and slighted. Now they flip flopped and are dissing Matt to momma Amy. “Dad does something stupid and we react”. Really Zach, you are a stupid lazy jackass and so is your wife. Amy sits there and says she is not surprised there are problems now and is obviously loving the falling out because she was always jealous of Cha Cha and Matt’s closeness with them. How about Lilah’s room being right near the front door and Jackson running into the street chasing the moving van, two idiots for parents. I did enjoy Chris’s honesty about the commute to the house and the review. Amy got a lot of practice for her arm waving cooking videos doing her cheers at the farm. Zach and Tori should stop showing up at the Farm looking for a reaction they are not going to get. Edited June 1, 2022 by Endora 15 Link to comment
Kid June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 (edited) I have not watched the show in a long time and I just watched the last episode. I have kept up on what is going on. Tori has become quite the shrew hasn't she? That is unfortunate because she was a very pleasant person. And the kids are definitely picking up on her attitude toward their grandfather and mimicking it. I have absolutely no respect for people who use children as weapons. Edited June 1, 2022 by Kid 17 Link to comment
1011101010001 June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 29 minutes ago, Endora said: Amy got a lot of practice for her arm waving cooking videos doing her cheers at the farm. I have a feeling that cheerleading costume got some use at home as well. 10 Link to comment
Foghorn Leghorn June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 (edited) Could Tori have acted any more childish and rude to Matt when he came to visit their new house!?! She walked across the room without a glance or word to him FFS. She is a spoiled brat. Zach was talking so why couldn’t Tori have the same decency at least. Is she now Zach’s mother protecting him from Matt? GMAB Jackson is my man! I just adore him and think he is so damned cute. It is amazing how Matt/Caryn and Chris/Amy get along. Amy seems to have finally let go of her anger. Chris has been good for her. Edited June 1, 2022 by Foghorn Leghorn 9 Link to comment
65mickey June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 What the hell happened to Tori to turn her into a nasty pathetic entitled bitch? Do they really think that their behavior is scoring points with the TLC audience? It's almost like they stormed off and bought a house away from the grandparents on both sides oops no more babysitters and now they are mad. I suspect that Tori is the ring leader in their anger with Matt. I wonder if Zack will start to regret this move and come crawling back so that they can continue to be on the show and be paid. What else are they going to do to earn a living? Siting around the table bitching and whining about how awful Matt is will not bring in the money. I wanted to jump through the TV and strangle Zack when he said dad is 60 and he should not be worried about money. He should be worried about relationships. I got news for you Zack most of us worry about money as we age, and with Matt's physical challenges I am sure he worries that he may not be able to care for himself in the not to distant future. 21 Link to comment
Foghorn Leghorn June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 I will bet Zach and Tori are angling for a spin-off from LPBW. 5 Link to comment
Hedgehog2022 June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 Several observations: I have noticed that Lilah is mostly ignored...I don't see Zach and Tori interacting with her at all. They pick her up and then plop her down on pavement or the floor and then proceed to ignore her and and engage completely with Jackson. Lilah seems to be non verbal and in her own world. At first I thought she might be on the Spectrum but then I saw that the Zach and Tori barely talk to her. It's all about Jackson, Jackson, Jackson. Very sad...she seems like a sweet little girl. Zach and Tori have some unconventional parenting someone mentioned they allowed him to chase the moving truck in the middle of the street and Zach actually put him on the treadmill...a huge safety hazard for a child. Seems that Jackson is the favorite and they allow him to do whatever he wants because he's just "so cute". I felt so sorry for little Lilah when Tori remarked that Lilah had done absoloutely nothing when they were getting ready to leave the park...after they had spent their time playing with Jackson and leaving Lilah ignored and on her own. These two entitled spoiled brats have a rude awakening coming to them as they navigate parenting on their own now. Another observation...Caryn has gained a lot of weight. 15 Link to comment
Dustbunny June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 7 minutes ago, Foghorn Leghorn said: I will bet Zach and Tori are angling for a spin-off from LPBW. Maybe it can be one of those real estate and house shows... "How to buy a house in a shitty location with no curb appeal" The funniest thing was last week when zach said "Location, location, location" when describing how great their house was.... only to have Chris the real estate expert say it was a shitty location, not a flag property and had NO curb appeal. and why did they even bother coming to the farm for pumpkin season, it seemed like they expected Matt and Caryn to fall on their knees and beg for forgiveness and when that didn't happen they picked up their marbles and went home like spoiled sulking children. When did Tori turn into such an insufferable bitch? Tori said she had no reason to be there or try to get along... ummmm EXCUSE ME.. you have 2 very important reasons to be there and act like an adult.. YOUR CHILDREN!.... it was obvious that Jackson picked up on the awkward strained atmosphere, would it kill her to put on a pleasant face for the kids and keep the adult disagreement amongst the adults? I really can't stand Tori anymore and Zach better hope she never turns that anger against him. Tori puts on this over the top love affair with everything Zach, if he farts she hears Mozart and smells roses..... on the other hand she also takes pot shots at him, I don't think she's nearly as HAPPY as she wants everyone to believe, she expected to be ensconced in the big farmhouse and being treated like a queen and now she's in a less than perfect house, in a shitty location far from family with 3 dwarf children to care for while Zach rolls around on his tractor like an imbecile 1 1 18 Link to comment
Cementhead June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 Jackson owns every room he is in, so I guess it's Jackson's World and Lilah is just living in it. 1 10 4 Link to comment
Absolom June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 27 minutes ago, Dustbunny said: only to have Chris the real estate expert say it was a shitty location, not a flag property and had NO curb appeal. I thought Chris said something like not a bad flag property. Flag means the shape of the lot as in a long driveway opening to a rectangular property. The property is the flag atop the flag pole driveway. It does seem kind of plopped in an area with a manufactured house and a business. 3 3 Link to comment
65mickey June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 41 minutes ago, Hedgehog2022 said: Zach and Tori have some unconventional parenting someone mentioned they allowed him to chase the moving truck in the middle of the street If that truck driver had stopped and backed up to pickup something that was not loaded on the truck, there was no way that he could have seen Jackson. Zack and Tori are concentrating on being mad and punishing Matt that they have no idea of the danger that they put their child in. 41 minutes ago, Hedgehog2022 said: 1 15 Link to comment
1011101010001 June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 1 hour ago, Dustbunny said: "How to buy a house in a shitty location with no curb appeal" But still cost almost a million dollars because it came with a chicken coop and the platform for a treehouse. 1 7 5 Link to comment
pdlinda June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, Hedgehog2022 said: I have noticed that Lilah is mostly ignored...I don't see Zach and Tori interacting with her at all. They pick her up and then plop her down on pavement or the floor and then proceed to ignore her and and engage completely with Jackson. Lilah seems to be non verbal and in her own world. At first I thought she might be on the Spectrum but then I saw that the Zach and Tori barely talk to her. It's all about Jackson, Jackson, Jackson. Very sad...she seems like a sweet little girl. Thank you for expressing my thoughts about Lilah. It is so OBVIOUS that she is lacking in many areas of communication and, exactly as you mentioned, seems "lost" with a glazed look in her eyes. AND....when Tori made that "crack" about Lilah "doing nothing" while they were at the park, seemingly chastising the baby for just "sitting there" and not "engaging" in any activities I felt like chastising TORI for such a thoughtless (rude) remark. Although Lilah doesn't understand the comment, Tori's attitude about Lilah's functional abilities came through loud and clear. Lilah does not seem like a happy, well adjusted child and now has to compete with her "superstar brother" and the new infant who has captivated the media and family spotlight. It is obvious that Tori has created a family "brand" for marketing purposes, which is fine. She has a direct line (apparently) to People magazine with numerous features. If I were Tori I'd be aware that her target audience is unimpressed with the harshness of her comments toward Zach's family and VERY unimpressed with her seeming neglect of Lilah. And, to conclude, you're right, Caren has gained a lot of weight and doesn't seem a bit bothered by it as was evidenced by her lusty participation and seeming enjoyment of that ultra-high calorie meal Amy prepared, including the sweets she and Matt provided for dessert. Edited June 1, 2022 by pdlinda 6 Link to comment
1011101010001 June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 1 hour ago, 65mickey said: If that truck driver had stopped and backed up to pickup something that was not loaded on the truck, there was no way that he could have seen Jackson. Zack and Tori are concentrating on being mad and punishing Matt that they have no idea of the danger that they put their child in. They let him ride his scooter in the cul de sac too. Not the brightest bulbs in the chandelier. 10 Link to comment
Jeanne222 June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 Had Zack used his head he would have asked Chris opinion on the property before purchasing it. Chris is a long time realtor and just judging from his remarks Zack and Tori haven't landed in the greatest of properties. I hate when young ones feel like they don't need or want any advice from parents. We were married with two children buying our second home and still asked our parents to come see what we wanted to buy and build because their opinion mattered to us. They didn't drive but we drove them out to the property because their knowledge was important in us making a big home purchase. Tori might think she has some kind of inside with People but believe me they read what SM is saying about a show and the people and they will drop her fast. She has kind of set herself up for a whole lot of misery. Zack talks big but to me he's all talk and no show. That platform with the stairs leading up to it was scary thinking of Jackson heading up that way. The woods looked buggy and the lawn looked uncared for. It will be interesting to see how the princess and the stud make out caring for their own family and home and garden. Poor! 9 Link to comment
Dustbunny June 1, 2022 Share June 1, 2022 (edited) 1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said: But still cost almost a million dollars because it came with a chicken coop and the platform for a treehouse. exactly.... that tells you everything about the mentality at work here 🤪 and as @Jeanne222 said Zach's mom is married to an experienced realtor but do Zach and Tori ask for any opinions before they hand over a million bucks... nope! They're a couple of know nothings that think they know it all! Edited June 1, 2022 by Dustbunny pic 10 4 Link to comment
TMI June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said: But still cost almost a million dollars because it came with a chicken coop and the platform for a treehouse. and a stream where the little ones could play in and end up underwater!! 6 Link to comment
TMI June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 4 hours ago, Foghorn Leghorn said: I will bet Zach and Tori are angling for a spin-off from LPBW. Too late for that...who in the TLC world wants to watch these two entitled spoiled brats! Tori is Bull**** because she has pictured herself as Queen of the Rolloff Farms for the rest of her life !! 9 Link to comment
Irate Panda June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 Ugh…just when I thought Zach and Tori couldn’t be more entitled, why does this fool think you don’t need to worry about money at 60? Do things suddenly become free at 60? I am around Zach’s age and he is such a moron. Doesn’t he realize his dad’s health is going to probably get worse and healthcare isn’t exactly cheap. Amy is better now that she is married and I thought Chris did a good job with the tours. I thought you guys might be exaggerating about Chris’ reaction to the house, but he really did critique it pretty honestly. I did think the inside of the house was nice, so I could see Zach and Tori liking it for that reason, but I thought Zach was bragging about the location, maybe I misunderstood and I’m not familiar with the area and maybe the distance was very large but were their neighbors a trailer and a mulching business or something? Do places in Washington usually have trailer home, next to a single family home, next to a business. It seems like people just randomly built what ever they want or was the show just making it look like these things were close together? It’s sad when Matt/Caryn with Amy/Chris are the least awkward part of the show. So now Zach is going to raise chickens, he can’t even pack a box. Who’s going to clean the chicken coop? These two are too lazy to put clothes in a box and tape it up. If they insist on having a chicks in a coop, I suggest they get one they might be able to manage like this one P.S. #FREEMURPHY 1 1 6 3 Link to comment
Dustbunny June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 3 hours ago, Absolom said: I thought Chris said something like not a bad flag property. Flag means the shape of the lot as in a long driveway opening to a rectangular property. The property is the flag atop the flag pole driveway. It does seem kind of plopped in an area with a manufactured house and a business. Chris actually said the opposite and I know what a flag lot is. Chris said "it's not an attractive flag lot" So basically when they drove up Chris didn't see anything positive about the location or the exterior... he said that there was a manufactured home for sale next door, there's a business of some type on the other side, it's not an attractive flag lot and the home had no curb appeal. Sounds like a pretty bad review to me. 👎 8 Link to comment
1011101010001 June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 35 minutes ago, Irate Panda said: the inside of the house was nice The dream kitchen where she can cook vegetables Zach refuses to eat. 1 4 1 Link to comment
Phoebe70 June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 I was expecting more from the new house. Instead, it’s located next to a business with a bunch of heavy equipment, a manufactured house on the other side, and the yard looks like an overgrown mess. But hey, it has a stream, a chicken coop and a random wooden platform leading nowhere! The house itself is….blah. The best thing I can say is that at least it’s all on one floor. I would not want Lilah’s bedroom next to the front door. I understand that no upper kitchen cabinets is good for Zach, but I would hate that. They’re losing out on so much storage! Why did they move so suddenly? They should’ve painted the rooms at the new house before moving in. On the tour they gave Amy and Chris, it all just looked so depressing and beige. They don’t work, so they had plenty of time to unpack, and at the very least MAKE THEIR BED!! 11 Link to comment
Harry Wails June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 1 minute ago, Phoebe70 said: I was expecting more from the new house. Instead, it’s located next to a business with a bunch of heavy equipment, a manufactured house on the other side, and the yard looks like an overgrown mess. But hey, it has a stream, a chicken coop and a random wooden platform leading nowhere! The house itself is….blah. The best thing I can say is that at least it’s all on one floor. I would not want Lilah’s bedroom next to the front door. I understand that no upper kitchen cabinets is good for Zach, but I would hate that. They’re losing out on so much storage! Why did they move so suddenly? They should’ve painted the rooms at the new house before moving in. On the tour they gave Amy and Chris, it all just looked so depressing and beige. They don’t work, so they had plenty of time to unpack, and at the very least MAKE THEIR BED!! I totally agree It also didn't look like a great place for their kids to make friends and it made me nervous having little Lilah off on the other side of the house by the front door and a huge window straight out to the driveway, hopefully they have a security system and USE IT especially at night... Chris definitely knows his stuff their flag lot is awful... the whole place looks run down and cheaply finished... whoever they bought it from was laughing all the way to the bank. I found it kind of depressing plunked in between that business and a manufactured home, I feel bad for the kids. but hey... zack has a red tractor to ride around on so he's pumped! 🙄 10 Link to comment
Harry Wails June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 7 hours ago, MrBuhBye said: I have a feeling that cheerleading costume got some use at home as well. HAND ME THE BRAIN BLEACH!! 😫 7 2 Link to comment
pdlinda June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 18 minutes ago, Munchkin said: Chris definitely knows his stuff their flag lot is awful... the whole place looks run down and cheaply finished... whoever they bought it from was laughing all the way to the bank. The whole new home purchase seemed so disorganized and impulsive it's hard to understand their thinking (if any) to drop everything in Oregon and cross the border to WA to buy this house (I think I read they paid over asking price?). I was kind of stunned when Amy and Chris were arriving on the driveway to see the house. I agree with Chris that it has absolutely no curb appeal and the property looks ramshackle and dilapidated. I certainly hope that their budget allows for a weekly cleaning crew to get that place cleaned up and orderly as left to their own devices with 3 young children, it's hard to imagine them doing the essential cleaning chores on a consistent and timely basis, 5 Link to comment
Jeanne222 June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 I didn't get to watch the episode until this evening. What a mess. Zack and Tori couldn't even pack their own belongings so they hired six movers to pack up! This from two adults that don't work! The money rolls at that house. And with that the few boxes they did pack was just a few drawers thrown in a box with Zack saying why do we have so much stuff! I'm kind of surprised the cameras panned on all the surrounding property and how bad it all is! It's like they're living in the middle of a junkyard! It seems back when maybe Tori shot some footage for Instagram it seemed quite lovely. Nothing off property was shown. All of them may be acting and reading from a script but poor little Jackson is surely not the same little guy that visited grandpa at the farm. He's now uncomfortable with Matt. Sad because the little guy is going to have enough problems in life. Lila is so tiny and says very little and filming that a baby girl is right next to the front door all alone surely isn't a very good idea. Dumb and dumber...yep that's Zack and Tori! 11 Link to comment
Redrum June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 10 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said: Zack and Tori couldn't even pack their own belongings so they hired six movers to pack up! I'm sorry but hiring movers isn't unusual. I mean, Amy was routinely yelled at here for not hiring movers. 11 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said: This from two adults that don't work! The money rolls at that house. They get paychecks to do the show and Tory has a pretty extensive social media influencer thing happening. Is it a crime to spend money? 14 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said: All of them may be acting and reading from a script but poor little Jackson is surely not the same little guy that visited grandpa at the farm. He's now uncomfortable with Matt. He seemed fine to me. And really its not like Matt was actively trying to play with him. Matt was more focused on talking to Zach and Tory. 5 Link to comment
ginger90 June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 7 hours ago, pdlinda said: I think I read they paid over asking price?). Listing price was $920,000, they paid $944,000. 2 1 1 Link to comment
ginger90 June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 Video: 1 Link to comment
Jeanne222 June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 8 hours ago, Redrum said: I'm sorry but hiring movers isn't unusual. I mean, Amy was routinely yelled at here for not hiring movers. "Hiring movers certainly isn't unusuall but hiring packers is!" They get paychecks to do the show and Tory has a pretty extensive social media influencer thing happening. Is it a crime to spend money? "Spending money on something two unemployed adults can do themselves? You be the judge." He seemed fine to me. And really its not like Matt was actively trying to play with him. Matt was more focused on talking to Zach and Tory. "Grandpa and little Jackson were way off and to me that's so sad!" I've put my comments in parentheses because not sure how to do it right! 2 Link to comment
Libby June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 Matt and Caryn act like you need to be a Rhodes Scholar in order to give a tour of Roloff Farms. Please... Then Caryn says that she and Matt don't enjoy a lot of people. That's not surprising. I'm sure a lot of people don't enjoy them either. I really don't care for Matt and Caryn. I think they deserve one another. 1 11 Link to comment
1011101010001 June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 1 hour ago, Libby said: Matt and Caryn act like you need to be a Rhodes Scholar in order to give a tour of Roloff Farms. Please.. “This is the dilapidated Western Town. That is where the junky trebuchet almost killed two people. This is where the pirate ship collapsed.” 1 11 3 Link to comment
Redrum June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said: "Spending money on something two unemployed adults can do themselves? You be the judge." They aren't unemployed. They make money from being on the show and from social media influencing. We may not like that they make a nice wage being filmed or from internet posting but by no definition are they unemployed. As long as their moving expenses weren't paid for by a gofundme, they have every right to spend their earnings on things that make their lives easier. 2 hours ago, Jeanne222 said: "Grandpa and little Jackson were way off and to me that's so sad!" Matt wasn't playing with him because he was wanting to film a scene with Zach and Tori so he could demonstrate how he "made time" for them. Frankly a little less "Everyone focus on Jackson and make sure his every moment is full of constant attention since he's so fabulous" seems pretty healthy. Matt wasn't making any effort in that scene to pay attention to Jackson and Jackson seemed content to simply run about and play 5 Link to comment
bichonblitz June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 (edited) 15 hours ago, Jeanne222 said: Had Zack used his head he would have asked Chris opinion on the property before purchasing it. Chris is a long time realtor and just judging from his remarks Zack and Tori haven't landed in the greatest of properties. It was an impulsive decision to purchase that property. They were pissed off at daddy so let's show him! They didn't bank on Matt not caring much. They will have buyer's remorse soon enough and end up back where they started. I like the way Matt and Caryn are handling Z & T. No ass kissing, nothing. Like Matt said when they were leaving from their uncomfortable visit, If they didn't want to be there, then don't come. Matt is over it and I'm proud of him for it. Zack must have really pissed him off in that meeting. I can only imagine how combative, entitled, and sulky Zack was and his nasty wife with her resting bitch face. Edited June 2, 2022 by bichonblitz 1 1 1 10 Link to comment
Redrum June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 Just now, bichonblitz said: Like Matt said when they were leaving from their uncomfortable visit, If they didn't want to be there, then just leave. I mean, be careful what you wish for, Matt. For all the talk of how cruel it is to not see the grandkids - Matt laid down the law in this. Don't come if you're not going to kiss my ass. Matt only wants the family around if its all smiles and praise for Matt. If its not fun time for Matt, stay the fuck home. I'd stay away and yes, keep the grandkid away from the grandparent who has unrealistic demands on how cheerful everyone needs to be in order to properly please him. 6 Link to comment
bichonblitz June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 5 minutes ago, Redrum said: I'd stay away and yes, keep the grandkid away from the grandparent who has unrealistic demands on how cheerful everyone needs to be in order to properly please him. We know Matt has a zillion faults but I don't see that he has had unrealistic demands on how cheerful everyone should be. He gave Zack everything that little brat ever wanted. They had no problem seeing Matt and Caryn several times a week until Zack didn't get what he wanted. It was Amy they had issues with and Tori was never really very nice to her. The tables have turned now. 1 15 Link to comment
Redrum June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 4 minutes ago, bichonblitz said: We know Matt has a zillion faults but I don't see that he has had unrealistic demands on how cheerful everyone should be. I'm just saying he might want to consider that he literally told them not to come visit if it made them unhappy. They just might not visit - and whose fault is that? Matt with his obvious expectations of how they should be behaving or them for daring to not be thrilled to hang out with Dad who "is relieved" he won't be selling them the farm to the public? 1 Link to comment
chenoa333 June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 Tori and lazy Zach will never cut all ties with Matt. 8 Link to comment
bichonblitz June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 Just now, chenoa333 said: Tori and lazy Zach will never cut all ties with Matt. Of course not because when he dies they want a piece of that pie! 1 13 Link to comment
bichonblitz June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 4 minutes ago, Redrum said: I'm just saying he might want to consider that he literally told them not to come visit if it made them unhappy. They just might not visit - and whose fault is that? Actually he told the camera that, not them. I'm sure production on the other side of the camera asked him what he thought of the attitude and that was his response. Production is sooooo shady. When they do these confessionals, they are answering questions asked by the producers. He's answering honestly. 9 Link to comment
Redrum June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 I mean, odds are that they watch the show. Matt saying that to "production" is still Matt stating publicly he is relieved he's not selling to Zach and he doesn't want them to visit if they can't be upbeat and happy for him. 1 1 3 Link to comment
Jeanne222 June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 2 hours ago, Redrum said: They aren't unemployed. They make money from being on the show and from social media influencing. We may not like that they make a nice wage being filmed or from internet posting but by no definition are they unemployed. As long as their moving expenses weren't paid for by a gofundme, they have every right to spend their earnings on things that make their lives easier. Matt wasn't playing with him because he was wanting to film a scene with Zach and Tori so he could demonstrate how he "made time" for them. Frankly a little less "Everyone focus on Jackson and make sure his every moment is full of constant attention since he's so fabulous" seems pretty healthy. Matt wasn't making any effort in that scene to pay attention to Jackson and Jackson seemed content to simply run about and play We can just agree to disagree and as the mods say”move along”! 1 Link to comment
Jeanne222 June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 1 hour ago, chenoa333 said: Tori and lazy Zach will never cut all ties with Matt. Right! That would be like cutting off your nose to spite your face! Lol 3 Link to comment
DonnaMae June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 I was pleasantly surprised at how well Chris and Amy got along with Matt and Caryn at the pumpkin patch. No problems at all until the last of the episode when Tori and Zach came to visit with the kids. Why did they even bother if they weren't going to chat with them? Zach should have left Tori back in Washington. 1 4 Link to comment
Jeanne222 June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 Most scenes with Matt he’s out on his farm working and planning. Most scenes with Zack he’s inside his home pontificating about either Matt or what he’s going to do while doing nothing! Zack can’t even pack up his home for movers so how can he ever think he could run Roloff Farms! 5 minutes ago, DonnaMae said: I was pleasantly surprised at how well Chris and Amy got along with Matt and Caryn at the pumpkin patch. No problems at all until the last of the episode when Tori and Zach came to visit with the kids. Why did they even bother if they weren't going to chat with them? Zach should have left Tori back in Washington. I’m thinking even production could be having problems with Zack and Tori so they have decided to go with a different story line and the cooperating adults that know the value of the TLC DOLLAR! 1 4 Link to comment
TipseyGirl June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 One of Zach's biggest problems is that he thinks he is much smarter that he really is. He used to brag about being "the smart twin." Dude is a total dumbass. It really angered me to hear him talk about Matt doing stupid things to anger them (and I really don't like Matt all that much, either). Chris better watch his critiquing of the "DREAM HOUSE". I do agree with him, though. That place was rather unimpressive. However, his disparaging remarks are bound to get him on the shit list. It's very hard to find someone on this show to root for and enjoy. I am not including the kids or pets in this observation 🙂 1 6 Link to comment
65mickey June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 When parents use their children as weapons against the grandparents by witholding their children from the grandparents it says a lot about the parents. And what it says is not good. All this over a failed atempt to buy the farm. Zack and Tori need to grow up and stop acting like entitled spoiled children. Something tell me that they will come crawling back. Matt reacted as most people would have reacted to adult children coming over and acting miserable and put out. Saying if this makes them so unhappy and they do not want to be there then don't come. What should he have said? Please hurry back. 9 Link to comment
Adiba June 2, 2022 Share June 2, 2022 I don’t think Zach and Tori will “keep the grandchildren away from the grandparents” permanently—I think they’re disappointed and angry and not reacting in a very mature way about the farm—but they’ll likely loosen up in time. I actually think it’s healthy that they moved. There were too many expectations and emotions on both sides. Zach and Tori would have become further involved with Matt if they bought the farm. That, imo, would have only lead to more issues down the line. They didn’t move across the country or to another country—a 45 minute/ 1 hour drive is not that bad. I moved an hour and a half away from my parents right before our first child was born and our kids definitely saw their grandparents a lot growing up (and not just holidays, either). Now, with technology, Zach and Tori can do virtual visits as well. 8 Link to comment
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