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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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I lost all respect for Tori this season.  WTF buys a multi-level house with a husband and child (possible future children) with step climbing issues.  And she didn't even pack up the house, just kicked a few empty boxes around and told Zach it was his problem to get everything to the new house.  WTF!  She's really turning into a diva of sorts.  

So Murphy is shitting in the old house, and they wonder why they can't sell it.  It must smell like dog, shit and piss.  How stupid of her to adopt the dog in the middle of all this mess.  Again, a diva attitude.  Oh, please, she has "3" children, what a bitch!  Why did you add a dog knowing you had so much on your plate already.

I don't know how much more I can watch these two.  When did they change and become oiver the top buffooms?  

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Chris mentioned he was surprised they bought a multi-level home.  Amy looked at him and said, with an attitude:  'why, because they're little people?' (or something to that effect).  He said 'no, it's just a lot for a mom with a baby.'

Amy seemed ready to start an argument if Chris said it was bc there were two little people in that house.

Whatever.  She's just so very unpleasant.

Also, I would be pissed if I showed up at someone’s house who asked me to help pack (though I would LITERALLY never agree to help anyone pack or move) and it was in that condition. What the eff, Zack and Tori. That was very shitty on their part. 

Edited by woodscommaelle
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Since everyone mentions that they are just exaggerating their financial turmoil and not on the verge of bankruptcy, why they hell didn't Tori and Zach move the extra stuff and all of the junk in the garage to a storage unit?  These two make no sense and I thought Tori had a good head on her shoulders. 

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2 hours ago, JerseyGirl said:

I lost all respect for Tori this season.  WTF buys a multi-level house with a husband and child (possible future children) with step climbing issues.  And she didn't even pack up the house, just kicked a few empty boxes around and told Zach it was his problem to get everything to the new house.  WTF!  She's really turning into a diva of sorts.  

It's beginning to look like Tori gets what Tori wants. She leaves Zach to pack and does nothing? She could have left the baby with one of her mommy friends and stayed at the house to help. If there are money problems and Zach doesn't have a job then why can't she go back to work while he is a stay at home dad with the baby? The baby stays with both of them while they film the show so that shouldn't be a problem. She is just a lazy as Zach has always been. Good Luck to Zach, he has a diva in the making because he can't say no.

Edited by bichonblitz
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It annoys me to no end that they are constantly yelling at Jackson.  Geez, make the house baby proof, yelling at a kid because you put fireplace irons within reach is child abuse in my eyes.  Every episode is either Tori or Zach screaming at Jackson for getting into things.  He's a toddler on wheels, makes me so upset to see and hear them constantly yell at him.

I couldn't believe it last night when Zach was sitting back claiming to be watching Jackson while the men moved furniture and boxes in the house.  He uses his dwarfism to sit back and be a lazy ass.  So upset with these two this season!  When Chris said "5 bedrooms?", Tori piped up and said "No! 5 bedrooms and an office!"  Well, la-dee-da Lady Tori.

And Tori's frustration at having 3 babies (Jackson, Murphy and Zach), then claiming she wants more.  Um, you barely can handle those three.

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12 hours ago, woodscommaelle said:

I thought Jeremy and Auj weren’t going to be on this season? Also, why are they in the ‘final’ opening shot?

I kind of asked this last week but am phrasing it differently:  Is there anything in their divorce papers that requires Matt to give his land to Amy just bc she wants it? Like, is he at all legally obligated to? 

Not that I'm aware of. They did agree to a "nuclear option" where if one party provides written notice of their intent to buy or sell, the other party has 30 days to decide what they want to do. Personally I think one of them should use it, because I am tired of all the indecision.

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I don't understand how they move and don't declutter or start getting rid of things.  The way Zach dumped Tori's bedside drawer into a box just means they dump it back in the drawer at the new house or go through the stuff in the new house and declutter there.

There logic made no sense.  Chris must have regretted offering to help because he seemed in disbelief as well.

I can just image the mess and clutter in their "5 bedroom and an office house", just more room for their junk.

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17 hours ago, babyhouseman said:

I do remember when her father visited and criticized stuff on the farm. He acted very sour. To me, Amy looks like him. He turned 90 this past year.

Yes, Amy strongly resembles her dad.

15 hours ago, LucyEth said:

I remember an episode many years ago when the kids were young and Amy's family was coming to visit (don't remember if it was for Thanksgiving) and they were setting up all these long tables.  I thought, I bet her parents are warm lovely people.  Boy was I wrong, her father was a jerk!

He did criticize things on the farm, but to be a little fair, his criticism was mostly Matt's wasteful spending, and a dig at some things that were half done, or allowed to run down.  He made it clear that he was NOT a fan of Matt's, and while I did chuckle a bit, you shouldn't be like that to your daughter or say thinks like that where the kids can hear it.

I have a feeling her dad was tough on her growing up.  Not in an abusive manner, but because Amy was a dwarf, and I think he was trying to prepare her for harsh realities - especially since even when Matt and Amy married, it was a very different world for LP's.  She went to college, but has told the story several times about how she went on job interviews after she graduated, only to be told "There's no job" when they saw her. 

I always got the feeling her dad pushed for her to be strong and independent, but I think he failed to see that Amy tried, but wasn't succeeding through no fault of her own.  Amy has admitted that when she met Matt she jumped at the chance because he had a job and seemed somewhat stable, and the dating pool was small for LP's, and she wasn't having luck finding work.  So I always thought that her dad saw all of this as some sort of disappointment.  I get that completely, but it's not fair to take it out on Amy.  Also, I often wondered if Amy took her problems to her parents, further causing problems.

This could also explain why her kids were coddled.

Edited by funky-rat
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Geez Amy’s dad has a mean mug. I remember  him not buying Matt and his endless building. He should be thrilled she has found happiness away from king Matt. Chris was doing great not being affected by his lack of warmth. 

Shallow note looks like Amy continues to go with 2 piece when that one piece was so flattering.

Tough beans Matt and Caryn about Amy taking 2 years. Just because you’ve been plotting for years behind her back there is no need for her to make you comfortable by leaving so you can have it all.  

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1 hour ago, JerseyGirl said:

I can just image the mess and clutter in their "5 bedroom and an office house", just more room for their junk.

Yeah, not sure how Tori grew up, but it won't bother Zach, he lived that way his whole life.  

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14 hours ago, Rap541 said:

Because legally it's not *his* land. That's not how marriage works unless one has a pre-nup. It was their land. Yes, Matt was the man who went to work, Matt made the money, and if it was the 1940s, Matt could divorce his wife and put her on the street with nothing but a big old fuck you but we've gotten a little more modern. While Matt was indeed, the primary income maker, Amy's role in birthing out four children and having to change their shitty diapers and feeding them all and tending them all actually counts as her doing a fair share of the marital work and entitles her to a fair share of the marital assets. Matt was free to make the money that bought the farm because there was someone in the home tending the children that he made with her. In getting Amy pregnant - and Matt had *some* responsibility in that act - he took years and years from the time that Amy could have been earning income. He doesn't get to walk away after 25 years and say that he made the money so anything bought with the money is his. 

Plus, if Amy's name was on the mortgage - and while we weren't privy to the original mortgage, she did sign on the new piece of property that became the wedding barn property, so she was probably on the first mortgage as well - then she was ALWAYS part owner of the farm and divorcing Matt doesn't mean she's no longer on the mortgage. Now, Matt might argue he made the money that paid the mortgage but still... that doesn't change the reality that both of them were listed as owners.

Amy worked too...she was a pre school teacher for many years and then did speaking engagements and developed products from the produce on the farm.

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I believe this show should be over at the end of this season because their story has been told and there isn't anything left that is interesting.  I'm not sure why Amy keeps talking about being alone in the big house when her youngest and his fiancee are living with her.

I don't see any spinoffs because there is nothing worth following from any of them.  The have had their time at the trough and it's time to move on.

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Zach and Tori: Zach is lazy...always was. His moving "style" was pathetic and sloppy. Their garage looked like a hoarder's. What gave him the idea that their house would sell in a week??? Small, cluttered and a non house broken puppy are not exactly selling points. And why would they get a puppy now? Common sense would be to wait until they have moved into the new home and are settled in. These two are just spoiled brats and stupid. And their realtor should have told them to clean up the garage and de clutter their living space before putting it on the market. Duh. Finally, just to showcase Zach's laziness is his approach to training the puppy. How about reading a manual on how to house break a puppy? He is so ignorant and lacks any kind of incentive or drive to do anything...except "grow his family". 

Jeremy: Still rocking the frizzy man bun.

Matt: What a bully. Good for Amy holding her ground with him...it's driving him nuts. He wants to sell the house and farm and make a helluva lot of $$$. That piece of crap house he took Caryn to was disgusting. And the land itself was nothing to look at either. I think Matt fancies himself as some kind of home design makeover guy now. Probably looking to brand himself as such and get his own show on HGTV. Also, I remember when Matt was bitching about the double wide all the time and saying how he hates it and wanted to be back in the big house...now he likes it and won't step into the big house because "Amy made it hers"? He's a schemer and has something up his sleeve...sidenote: Caryn has gained a lot of weight. And she's so fake.

Amy: I get now why Amy has such a tough exterior. Couldn't have been easy for her to grow up with such icy parents and being bullied. She's a survivor. No matter what you think of her, she is that. If I were her I probably wouldn't want to revisit the place that caused so much pain in my life...but maybe it's important for her to have Chris see where she came from and how she's overcome the challenges she's had to face in life.

What's happened to Swede? Used to see him a lot on the show...

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15 hours ago, missnoa said:

Sorry missnoa sometimes my tablet acts up with the quote box and I can't remove it.

Okay so anyways...

Since Amy wants Matt to take the big house... Maybe he can sell TLC on the idea of an LP man who turns to polygamy.

He can live in the big house with Caryn as First Wife and then spiritually marry other ladies of different sizes and shapes.

Sister Wives with an LP twist, I'd watch the shit outa that mess.  😂

Now on the topic of Tori and Zach...  What a freaking mess!

I was so disturbed watching every aspect of that disgusting lazy ass move!...wtf?... Dumping shit into boxes as the others are trying to load the truck made me so angry!... and why was Murphy there in the middle of people moving?... at the very least Tori should have taken the puppy with her, the entire episode made my blood boil and Amy copping attitude when Chris rightfully mentioned the 5 levels was so typical of the bitter little pill always looking for fault when he was just making a very logical observation.

I thought Zach had matured and wasn't the totally clueless, lazy teenager anymore but wow was I wrong, he's just as stupid and lazy as he's always been.... with more children planned he needs o smarten up and grow up!

I don't know what his problem is but he just doesn't seem to care about anything if it requires any effort..... Tori is also acting childish and I'm wondering if she's grown tired of Zach's attitude and decided to throw in the towel and join him in his lazy ass world.   Ugh!

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Yeah, I could understand Chris' concern about all the levels. Amy must've took him as meaning little people shouldn't live in houses with more than one story, but that house seemed excessive. On the other little people show, The Little Couple, they bought a big house with stairs, but they have an elevator. 

9 hours ago, readheaded said:

Did anyone notice in the promo where Amy's with Chris talking to her brother how much Jeremy looks like her brother?

I did notice that on an old show with the sourpuss father. lol 

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Ratings actually went up a little for the moving disaster:  1.474 M viewers and a .32 rating. 13th cable show of the day.

For comparison 7 Little Johnstons:  1.080 M viewers and a .25 rating.  21st cable show of the day.

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On 4/30/2019 at 10:47 PM, ThinkerBell said:

Zach is a really likeable guy, but it seems pretty apparent that he had few responsibilities when he was growing up. From cooking  a simple meal to packing up for the move, he seems clueless. Amy must have done everything for him. 

It was pretty telling when Tori got Murphy, she commented that she now has three (Zach, Jackson, and now the pup) depending on her. I think she wears the pants in the family, not because she wants to, but because she feels she has to. Having said that, I'm not joining Zach and Tori's pity party about how exhausted they are when their only 'job' consists of playing withJackson and teaching Murphy to walk on a leash.

Well.....you got that right.  He had no responsibilities growing up.  It's kind of funny, because, I NEVER thought that Zach would turn out as well as he has.  I mean he was sooooo spoiled by Amy.  She did every thing for him and Jer too.  I recall her begging them to get out of bed, long after they should have set their own alarms.  She had their pencils ready for class tests! lol  I mean....it was a huge hover the entire time that he was at home.   And, he had a VERY smart mouth.  He really did do a turn around.  Not sure why.  LUV....maybe. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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23 hours ago, outtahere said:


I don't see any spinoffs because there is nothing worth following from any of them.  The have had their time at the trough and it's time to move on.

I thought the same thing about Counting On... Courtship, Wedding,  Expensive International Honeymoon, Pregnancy , Birth .

Then  Pregnancy, Birth and Repeat - Pregnancy, birth..etc. I think we're on Season 9.

TLC producers just might come up with something with the younger Rolloffs and extended friends/family - I just kinda hope its less of Matt & Amy - like counting on is less of JimBob and Michelle. Plus the show should be one of their cash cows by now.

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Maybe, I have more interests in the show than most.   I guess I'm pretty desperate for entertainment. lol  I can see the show going on and on, but, I do have a pretty vivid imagination.  I mean, we have so much to look forward to.

Here are some ideas, based on what we've seen so far:  Zach and Tori may start to take on Amy/Matt banter, especially when that new house's issues become apparent.  Like all those levels.  lol  Still haven't figure that one out.   (Can someone tell if if there was anything  underneath the staircase rails in the new house?  It looked clear. Was there nothing there or was it clear plexiglass?  And, maybe you have a lot of rooms, but how is that great if they are super small?  Maybe, it will all come together once they get all their things settled in.) 

We also have to look forward to Amy and Chris on the road.  They might sail around the world or cruise in Alaska.  Lots of cuddling and sexual innuendo.  And, don't rule out a BIG WEDDING.  And, she might have it on the farm in order to really tick off Matt.  I'm kidding. I think Matt would love for Amy and Chris to marry.  To make it more dramatic, Caryn gets upset because Matt is going to WALK AMY DOWN THE AISLE! 

Yeah, I think I can do a pretty good job at producing this show.  I may actually apply!  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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I just finished the episode in season 18 that ended pumpkin season. I know that I’m behind alot of you.  I have a few comments.

1.  Amy, let it go!!!How long is she going to go on and on about Caryn?  I realize that it has been hinted that Matt and Caryn we’re having an affair before  he left Amy. And I get it. But frankly, she is with a man that treats her much better than Matt ever did. So Caryn did her a favor.

2.  Jeremy, let it go!!!!His parents did not get divorced till he was an adult. He wasn’t two years old. His faces and comments makes you want to just slap him.

3.  Amy, stop using Chris to give you confidence. Confidence has to come from within. If you need him to be around every time you have to face a tough situation, you’re gonna be in bad shape if that relationship ever goes south.  I, like Matt,  have a type A personality and Amy’s passivity and “deer caught in the headlights” look would’ve driven me crazy.  I understand she does not trust him.  Knowledge  is power and she needs to get more knowledgeable about the business.  That will make her more confident. Not Chris.

4.  Audrey, quit whining!!!  You are not the first woman to have had a baby.  And have difficulties.  There are mothers face that catastrophic issues with their infants.

5.  Tori, if I had had children, I would’ve wanted a daughter just like you. Tori is a breath of fresh air.

Edited by Kid
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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

(Can someone tell if if there was anything  underneath the staircase rails in the new house?  It looked clear. Was there nothing there or was it clear plexiglass?  

When Zach took Amy through the house a couple episodes ago he warned her that the posts or whatever weren't installed yet and it was wide open so be careful.

He didn't say if they're having posts or plexiglass but they're definitely putting something there.

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I cracked up when Matt said that Amy suffered from FOMO.  It took me a second to figure how what he meant.  For a brief second, I was wondering what Amy's mother had to do with it.  lol 

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On 4/30/2019 at 10:29 PM, BusyOctober said:

 watching Zach and Tori’s “moving day” shit show gave me such anxiety and feelings of sheer rage.  How un-fucking-organized can those two idiots be?  If I were Chris, I would have turned right around when I saw how NOT ready to move they were.  I know in the end, it all got done, but Christ on a cracker, don’t they realize they made a stressful situation even worse?  Who doesn’t empty out drawers or disconnect TVs or clear closets/cabinets BEFORE the moving truck rolls up the driveway?   And how in the world did they ever think the old house would sell with the 2 car garage chock a block full of their piles of crap?

At the end when they were all moved in, did anyone catch Zach saying they’d be in that home for “20 years”, until they retire? RETIRE?!?  From doing what exactly? 

I need to go take a Xanax to stop my OCD twitching before I even attempt to sleep after that cluster. 

I couldn't believe it either.  He is a hoarder.

I'll clink my Xanax bottle with yours - cheers.

On 4/30/2019 at 10:50 PM, UsernameFatigue said:

I call producer shenanigans on the move. There is no way that truck held a household full of furniture. My guess is that there were movers hired to move most of the stuff, and the rest was staged for Zach and friends/Chris/Jeremy to move enough to fill up the moving truck. It wasn't even packed well - there was lots of wasted space. 

Personally, i have never moved without hiring movers. It isn't that expensive and saves a lot of work and headaches. Worth every penny.

I agree on the shenanigans.  I use movers too and learned at the first move that you can keep everything in drawers and they bubble wrap the dressers/nightstands and even bookcases with everything in them.  I have everything boxed up and ready to go and even have a kitchen kit and bathroom kit so I can sleep, eat and shower.  Love how the movers set everything up.  I do stack the boxes and have them clearly labeled with colored stickers and then have colored notices on each room and a map at the widest door.  Love the slide they have for boxes upstairs!  I take the tv, valuable and my "kits" in my car and have already washed all the bedding and towels.  My last move it took 3 hours to empty and set up.  Worth every penny indeed!

On 5/1/2019 at 12:40 AM, Joan of Argh said:

I couldn't belive my eyes or ears.... A 5 level home???? Are they nuts?

Zach's back and other problems will probably get worse and he'll be carrying kids all over that mouse maze..... Jeeez I'm average size and I can't imagine going up and down those stairs all day and night.

I am an able bodied person who was always active and I too regretted having a 2 story house.  Next time a ranch.

Edited by jumper sage
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On 4/30/2019 at 9:29 PM, BusyOctober said:

At the end when they were all moved in, did anyone catch Zach saying they’d be in that home for “20 years”, until they retire? RETIRE?!?  From doing what exactly? 

Does he think many people retire in their 40s?  I read recently that two thirds of people plan to work past 65, mostly because they will have to for financial reasons.

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On 5/1/2019 at 7:16 AM, woodscommaelle said:

Chris mentioned he was surprised they bought a multi-level home.  Amy looked at him and said, with an attitude:  'why, because they're little people?' (or something to that effect).  He said 'no, it's just a lot for a mom with a baby.'

Amy seemed ready to start an argument if Chris said it was bc there were two little people in that house.

Whatever.  She's just so very unpleasant.

Also, I would be pissed if I showed up at someone’s house who asked me to help pack (though I would LITERALLY never agree to help anyone pack or move) and it was in that condition. What the eff, Zack and Tori. That was very shitty on their part. 

I thought when people help you move it’s customary to at least feed them.  A couple pizzas, cheapskates.

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13 minutes ago, Spike said:

I thought when people help you move it’s customary to at least feed them.  A couple pizzas, cheapskates.

Pizza, salad, beer and a sweet!

This is for the movers and anyone else who stops by.

Edited by jumper sage
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4 minutes ago, Spike said:

I thought when people help you move it’s customary to at least feed them.  A couple pizzas, cheapskates.

Well most people do but they're both clueless

I know they're whining about 2 mortgages blah blah but don't ask people to work their asses off helping you organize and pack your shit if you can't afford a couple pizzas and a soda or beer at the end of the day.

I know Zach meant well with his little anniversary picnic but with everything he spent on lights, hanging baskets and food he could have taken Tori for a nice Mexican dinner where they could sit together instead of him scurrying back and forth with food in wax paper and a corked bottle of wine.... Jeeez grow up and learn to use a corkscrew.... He wears me out with his clueless attitude.  🙄

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How does Zach plan on supporting their lifestyle after the show ends?  Tori is college educated and she will be forced to go back to work... That is when Zach is going to receive a wake-up call.  He needs to grow up a part-time soccer coach is not going to cut it

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I thought Zach was some sort of facility manager at the soccer place (not that the pay is likely much better.....) and he is some sort of manager for Matt's LP stool company (again, not sure how much that pays).  There are TONS of opportunities for licensed teachers nowadays to teach remotely online.  If she isn't already, Tori should be looking in to it.  It pays surprisingly well.

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11 hours ago, Spike said:

I thought when people help you move it’s customary to at least feed them.  A couple pizzas, cheapskates.

I hate to be all "its a tv show" but...

You know that they probably did have pizza or something and it just wasn't interesting enough to be filmed, right?

I mean honestly, everything about this moving episode screams "this was staged for the cameras". Zach asking Chris, nothing being packed, no one griping or complaining about the complete lack of organization... and no one really moving with any purpose on screen yet somehow that house got moved.

A guess? This probably wasn't the real move. They filmed the uhaul being loaded with a few boxes, and some things got shifted from the old house to the new on camera.

I strongly suspect someone in production has been trading notes with production of The Little Couple in how to best display an otherwise boring couple and the formula there is to make otherwise reasonably competant people look like clueless morons. Not helped that Zach really is rather clueless. 

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1 hour ago, Rap541 said:

A guess? This probably wasn't the real move. They filmed the uhaul being loaded with a few boxes, and some things got shifted from the old house to the new on camera.

TLC has been doing this for years.  Back when the Gosselins moved from their first house, we were shown Kate running her mouth and Jon working feverishly to load a rental truck.  A truck several viewers noticed was too small to move their goods in one or even two trips.  A kindly neighbor posted a photo a few days later of the commercial moving truck and workers doing the actual move.  🙂  

I have zero doubt that Zach and Tori's move was similar.

19 minutes ago, winsomeone said:

Wonder why Jacob didn't help with the move? Is he no longer a part of the family?

Jacob no longer wishes to be filmed.

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5 hours ago, Caracoa1 said:

How does Zach plan on supporting their lifestyle after the show ends?  Tori is college educated and she will be forced to go back to work... That is when Zach is going to receive a wake-up call.  He needs to grow up a part-time soccer coach is not going to cut it

I wonder if Tori's on extended maternity leave.  The teachers in some of the counties in our area allow teachers to take up to 3 years off and then go back (assuming they keep up on their credentials, etc.).  They don't necessarily get their same classroom or even grade back, but they do get a teaching job and maintain their seniority, benefits, etc. 

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3 minutes ago, readheaded said:

I wonder if Tori's on extended maternity leave.  The teachers in some of the counties in our area allow teachers to take up to 3 years off and then go back (assuming they keep up on their credentials, etc.).  They don't necessarily get their same classroom or even grade back, but they do get a teaching job and maintain their seniority, benefits, etc. 

She could be on a sabbatical too.  Many places are offering them now, and offering them to lower level teachers (it used to be more of an older teacher thing) to improve the chances of them not getting burnout and quitting.  It also used to be mostly for teachers learning new things or being able to add to their list of credentials, but now they offer them for "health reasons" as well.

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That's pretty interesting info about some places offering teachers extended time out.  Hmm.....I can't imagine that kind of thing in my state. I must say though, that I can't imagine Tori returning to that kind of job....JMO.  

I suppose the moving thing might have been staged, but, if so, why was Chris's shirt soaking wet?  He looked like he had REALLY been working hard.  lol 

  The thing about getting friends to help you move is that if they hurt their back, tear leg muscle, etc.  and are out of work, medical bills, no income, etc.  it would make you feel HORRIBLE.  I stopped asking friends to help with moving after college. It's just too risky and TOO MUCH to ask someone, imo.  Professional movers are WELL worth the cost, imo.  The last time I moved, I had all items boxed and labeled when they arrived.  THREE guys were in and out in a very good time frame.  I offered them food (pizza) and beverages, but, they only took bottled water.   I tipped each one well, though and gave them a bag of snacks.  lol 

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9 hours ago, Rap541 said:

You know that they probably did have pizza or something and it just wasn't interesting enough to be filmed, right?

If it were me I would drag a camera man over and tell him not to make us look like idiots.  Maybe it's too late.

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15 hours ago, jumper sage said:

If it were me I would drag a camera man over and tell him not to make us look like idiots.  Maybe it's too late.

They may have, but who knows what's edited out.

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On 5/3/2019 at 2:17 PM, SunnyBeBe said:

That's pretty interesting info about some places offering teachers extended time out.  Hmm.....I can't imagine that kind of thing in my state. I must say though, that I can't imagine Tori returning to that kind of job....JMO.  

I suppose the moving thing might have been staged, but, if so, why was Chris's shirt soaking wet?  He looked like he had REALLY been working hard.  lol 

  The thing about getting friends to help you move is that if they hurt their back, tear leg muscle, etc.  and are out of work, medical bills, no income, etc.  it would make you feel HORRIBLE.  I stopped asking friends to help with moving after college. It's just too risky and TOO MUCH to ask someone, imo.  Professional movers are WELL worth the cost, imo.  The last time I moved, I had all items boxed and labeled when they arrived.  THREE guys were in and out in a very good time frame.  I offered them food (pizza) and beverages, but, they only took bottled water.   I tipped each one well, though and gave them a bag of snacks.  lol 

ITA. To me that is part of being an adult.  After college ( and/or perhaps grad school) most adults, including grown children and extended family, truly do have something else to do, on the evening and weekend besides being make-shift movers. Or they are to much out of physical fitness shape.  And if they do you the favor, then who knows if they will one day call in the same favor. 

And that also includes calling friends over to do stuff like hang a TV, move furniture within the same house, put together stuff, and install replacements. I'm not saying one has to pay the most money there is on these services, but most of these tasks really don't cost that much money anymore. 

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On 5/1/2019 at 7:16 AM, woodscommaelle said:

Chris mentioned he was surprised they bought a multi-level home.  Amy looked at him and said, with an attitude:  'why, because they're little people?' (or something to that effect).  He said 'no, it's just a lot for a mom with a baby.'

Amy seemed ready to start an argument if Chris said it was bc there were two little people in that house.

Whatever.  She's just so very unpleasant.

Also, I would be pissed if I showed up at someone’s house who asked me to help pack (though I would LITERALLY never agree to help anyone pack or move) and it was in that condition. What the eff, Zack and Tori. That was very shitty on their part. 

I think Amy is having a hard time holding her tongue with Chris.  I think Chris knows this.  So no engagement or wedding ring for Amy.

He will be her friend, romantic partner and whatever he choses to be but he won't marry her.  He has seen and heard her criticize and argue over nothing and he wants no part of being her whipping boy!

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On 5/1/2019 at 12:24 PM, LucyEth said:

Thought it was very nice of Chris to bust his butt helping those two with their move.  He kept them as organized as possible too!  

hmmm.. Maybe its just the middle aged men I've come across and/or related to... but they would have just wrote a donation check for movers or did something painless like drive the truck. Impressing your "girlfriend" at this stage of the game only goes so far.

And that also goes for Amy - I wouldn't have volunteered my "boyfriend" to help my grown kids move. And wouldn't have expected my current romantic interest to do so - even if they volunteered or not. Sets a precedent that seems a little of over stepping bounds.

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Catching up on the past couple episodes - just finished the latest round of Matt being a douchey asshole. Gawd - why is Caryn with him? I mean - he's got some money I guess, but - sweet baby jeebuz - no friggen way would I put up with someone with such a shitty attitude for some upper middle class dolla dolla bills. So weird. I find nothing redeeming about him. He's an emotionally and mentally abusive jerk. I do remember him going on, and on, and on, about how unfair it was that he got the DW and Amy got the big house. She should bull doze that beast and build a new smaller home - once the lot line moves of course. And then build a moat and a fence around it so she doesn't have to see Matt's annoying ass driving around. 

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Watching the moving episode - jeezus Matthole and Carass seriously can't resist the urge to bitch about Amy in pretty much every. single. episode, huh? And Matt seems to fancy himself Jeff Lewis - referring to his flip property as "Bendomere" (or however you spell it) aka after the street name it's on. Gawd I can't stand him. Meanwhile Amy and Chris are chatting with Zack and Tori about their move, and Zack just asked Chris to help with the (scripted) move... shared talking heads are not used to bitch and moan about Matt, rather, about how nice it was for Zack to ask Chris, and how happy Amy is to have Chris come to her birth state again.

Carass doesn't live in sin, she just straight up sins... (honestly I don't care, but she and Matt are friggen annoying as flock).

I did enjoy the scene of Carass retching at "Bendomere". Welcome to your future chicka - as if you didn't already know this.... it's all about Matt and his projects... Maybe she likes that. Doubt it tho.

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There are only two ways Amy is leaving the "big house"...If Chris proposes..and we all know she will jump....or if Matt sells out which will force Amy to leave too...she could not afford to buy him out... Matt is an ass but the whole viewing audience is aware Amy is afraid of missing out on any memory making at the farm with the grandkids if she sells out to Matt.

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1 hour ago, winsomeone said:

Amy doesn't want to live in the big house, but she hates the thought of Matt living there even more. 

Conversely, Matt doesn't want to live in the big house (and has now openly said so) but hates the thought of Amy living there even more to where he willingly stays in a house he has previously declared causes him constant pain, despite owning a perfectly comfortable and properly scaled to his size home in Arizona. 

I never want to hear Matt whine about his agony from living in the double wide again. He'd rather live in pain as long as he can spite Amy. 

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I honestly understand that Amy is in kind of a tough place - the big house is smack dab on the land that has Matt's stamp all over it. All of the "fun" buildings and stuff are sentimental because they had great memories with the kids there, but they're also all Matt's handiwork and it's not something Amy knows how to maintain or probably wants to maintain. She's not getting any younger and I doubt she wants to spend her twilight years having to hire someone to come in and keep that stuff from falling apart.

And then with Matt, he doesn't WANT to live in the big house but he doesn't want to wait around waiting for Amy to build a house on that land either. I doubt she will honestly, it will take too long and then what are they going to do with the big house and its land? Matt doesn't want to live there even if he probably wants to maintain all the other stuff on it. But if she builds a house on that land he's not gonna stay in the DW.

If the big house was on the other piece of land without all of that stuff and the DW was on the side with all of those buildings, I think they would both be happier.

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Pondering the dilemma  that Amy doesn't have enough money to buy Matt out... and vise versa ...

Just how do other divorced couples manage to get out of this jam,  if they didn't have a prenup? Surely they are not the first couple who owned property jointly that still had a mortgage or had some value to it.  There has to be some kind of "bank transaction" get one of them out of this 50-50 joint venture.

People buy and sell investments all of the time and it's not like they ran to the ATM to get cash, or to the bank to get a cashier's check., 

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39 minutes ago, sATL said:

Just how do other divorced couples manage to get out of this jam,  if they didn't have a prenup? Surely they are not the first couple who owned property jointly that still had a mortgage or had some value to it.  There has to be some kind of "bank transaction" get one of them out of this 50-50 joint venture.

The issue is mostly made up at this point but here's what normally happens. 

The property of a couple that divorces is either sold or ceded to one of the partners while the other partner is compensated. In a marriage with children, the home usually goes to the custodial parent. In a situation where the children are grown, the home is usually sold and the money split.

In this case, both Amy and Matt have a business that pretty much demands that they continue to live on the property - and I don't mean the pumpkin business. I'm talking about the reality show that uses the farm as its main set. Whatever decision has been made - and there's probably a decision - the farm will not be sold and Matt and Amy will both continue to live there until TLC pulls the plug on the show. 

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