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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

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I suppose that her memories may have faded.  It does seem to me that a fair amount of the trips Amy and the kids went on with their adventures, while Matt hung back due to not being physically able to make it.  I recall Jeremy saying, that's okay Pops, I'll carry you.  Touched my heart. I suppose that having a partner who can keep up, participate in all the activities, sports, etc.  makes it more fun for her.  

  • Love 2
7 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

It does seem to me that a fair amount of the trips Amy and the kids went on with their adventures, while Matt hung back due to not being physically able to make it.

This happened exactly once, in Costa Rica, on a trip where Matt received a lengthy itinerary in advance to where he knew exactly what activities were planned to the point that he ordered a custom saddle so he could ride AND he brought his driving peddles so he'd have something to do while the family was hiking. My point - he knew there was a hike planned and since he's had his disability since birth, he knew before they even got there that he would not be able to physically hike up a mountain. He then pitched a fit so that the public would have the impression he was poor little Matt forced to hang back because he couldn't physically make it while his cruel family left him and had fun without him, damn them for being selfish and not agreeing to his plan to just skip it and hang at the pool with Matt, with everyone gathered at Matt's feet tending his wishes as he was so crippled. 

I remember that trip too - Matt whined and moaned the entire time and made out like his family was a bunch of assholes for not doing exactly what Matt wanted. At no point in Matt's life has he been physically capable of walking three miles unaided. Since he got an itinerary of the trip and a filming schedule, the time to have this conversation was not *on the trail* but back at the hotel. This is classic emotionally manipulative Matt - he damn well knew he wasn't going to be able to make the hike, he got to make a scene on camera where he made sure to shame his kids and wife for daring to have fun without him, and then he got to do exactly what he wanted back at the hotel.

And frankly by dint of Matt being physically handicapped, why is the family has to act as tho they are physically handicapped and being assholes if they don't live as Matt lives? The boys play sports, Matt can't, so the boys are selfish assholes. Amy likes to line dance, Matt can't, Amy is a selfish asshole. Amy arranges for her and Matt to participate in bocce - a sport Matt *can* play.... and Matt ditches her for fun traveling in Switzerland with Jeremy because.... Amy is a selfish asshole?

Makes me glad I'm not hooked up with someone with a handicap - if I refuse to live as they do, I'm automatically the asshole every time.  

  • Love 14

It seems to me that I recall lots of times that the terrain wasn't suitable for Matt like the jungle hike, inside the boat, climbing up on rock formation, streets with many stairs, etc.  But, my point is that Amy has traveled pretty extensively.  Maybe, it's just that now she feels more free doing it, without so much holding her back. 

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Mutiquote isn't working again, but I did find an article that shows a more realistic view of the house sale that I am trying to locate again to link here.  It said that records showed Zach paid around $250,000 for the house when he bought it.  It sold for $380,000 and change, so they did just fine on the sale of the house - they didn't take any loss on the house unless they ran up a big home equity line of credit or something (which I'm not confident they did) or loaded off a bunch of debt in to their mortgage (again, not confident they did that ).  They still made over $100,000 profit on the original cost of the home, so they should have been able to pay the old mortgage off and apply any profit to the new house or the renovations.  So any loss they supposedly took was off of their asking price - nothing more.

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56 minutes ago, funky-rat said:

They still made over $100,000 profit on the original cost of the home, so they should have been able to pay the old mortgage off and apply any profit to the new house or the renovations.  So any loss they supposedly took was off of their asking price - nothing more.

I hate it when people go on about money they "lost" when it was really money that they never had.  Radar will try to make anything into a dramatic headline.  There isn't any snap to young couple makes $100,000 on the sale of their house.  So will TLC.

  • Love 2
1 minute ago, Absolom said:

I hate it when people go on about money they "lost" when it was really money that they never had.  Radar will try to make anything into a dramatic headline.  There isn't any snap to young couple makes $100,000 on the sale of their house.  So will TLC.

Right.  In order for them to have "taken a loss", they either would have had to sell the house for less than what they paid for it (so under $250,000-ish), or they wouldn't have gotten enough to cover the old mortgage plus anything they added on to it (debt, home equity line of credit, etc), making them underwater on the house, and not selling it for enough to cover everything.  They did well, but there's no drama in that.

  • Love 1
6 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

It's great that Amy is so enthused about the travel and adventures that she shares with Chris, but, she acts like she's never traveled before of that she's been stuck at home without any entertainment.  

Amy acts like very little other than her kids existed before Chris came along, she's over the moon about him.

He doesn't seem nearly as infatuated with her as she does about him.

Time will tell.  

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3 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Amy acts like very little other than her kids existed before Chris came along, she's over the moon about him.

He doesn't seem nearly as infatuated with her as she does about him.

Time will tell.  

I think Amy really likes Chris, but I also get the sense that she's thrilled that someone is interested in her.  I don't know that she expected that would happen for her.  I'm 48 and if my husband and I were to divorce now after being married for 24 years, I would be very surprised if anyone wanted to date me.  It just seems so foreign.  The other thing is that everything she has with Chris is unfolding as we're watching, all the "newness" of it.   Amy's situation is a stark contrast with Matt's where his relationship with Caryn's been going on for longer, so we weren't privy to those early stages.  

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3 hours ago, readheaded said:

I think Amy really likes Chris, but I also get the sense that she's thrilled that someone is interested in her.  I don't know that she expected that would happen for her.  I'm 48 and if my husband and I were to divorce now after being married for 24 years, I would be very surprised if anyone wanted to date me.  It just seems so foreign.  The other thing is that everything she has with Chris is unfolding as we're watching, all the "newness" of it.   Amy's situation is a stark contrast with Matt's where his relationship with Caryn's been going on for longer, so we weren't privy to those early stages.  

I'm happy for her but I also worry about her getting her heart broken because she seems so absolutely over the moon about Chris.

I guess I'd like to see a little more from Chris but maybe he's just not that type of person who wears their heart on their sleeve like Amy.

And you might be surprised... my friend who had been married for 30 yrs lost her hubby to illness 2 yrs ago, she went on an older persons dating site and has had a lot of interest.

A couple were creeps but others were real nice older men who also lost their mate after many years of marriage, she isn't looking to get married again... just companionship and she loves dancing so shes had some very nice dates with good dancers.  ❤️

  • Love 8

Amy has freely admitted that she went too fast with Matt, somewhat because he was one of the few people to pay attention to her, and she got wrapped up in it (plus, he's a charmer).  While I think she falls in love easily, I also think the whole divorce mess is fresh enough in her mind that she knows to keep her eyes open.  When they met, it was harder for people who were handicapped, disabled, dwarves, etc, to meet.  They had their annual convention, but imagine just how many people out there never attended one - I would think that you'd begin to see the same people, and the dating pool would be small.  My cousin is disabled, and his wife grew up less than 40 minutes away, but they'd have never met each other if it weren't for the internet, and them both being on a site for the disabled (she has a disabled child).

And thankfully, attitudes are different now.  My aunt and uncle were told that they'd likely be taking care of my cousin forever, and would have to look for care for him after they were gone.  He's missing one of his senses - he's perfectly capable of taking care of himself, he just needs some adaptations.  But that wasn't the thought even 40 years ago, sadly.

I am confident Amy will be fine.  She's just got a new world to explore with opportunities she didn't have prior.  

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It is quite obvious to me that Chris is crazy for Amy, and has been since almost their first date.

Chris lurves his motorcycle, but after only a couple of dates with Amy, he modified it with higher foot pegs, so that Amy could more comfortably ride.  A guy who is that nuts about his motorcycle doesn't do that unless he sees that the relationship is going to last a while.  Also, he really pursued her.  If I recall correctly he had to ask her several times when he could take her for a ride.

So he doesn't jump up and down every time he sees her, that doesn't mean that he isn't just as much in love as she is.  Some people are just quieter about it.

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Good Lord, Chris, do you want to borrow my shovel to bury that dead horse you’re beating?  The fact that Amy was inattentive and then disrespectful by not apologizing for the oversight immediately comes as no surprise, but sheesh, give it a rest, dude. 

Edited by Suzy Rhapsody
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2 hours ago, suev33 3 said:

I tell ya, Chris seems too good to be true.   I'd love a man to love me like that!!  Dam!!  He's very good looking, IMO

Yeah... I agree. it seems a little remarkable that both Amy and Matt found someone basically their first time out of the gate (so to speak) in the dating world after a long marriage. Dating regardless of age has changed in the last 30 years...

I guess nether of them enjoy playing the field or just want to enjoy life being unattached to a certain person.

The way financially Amy and Matt are still tied to each other would/could have run off  potential suitors.

While I not saying that dating someone compatible is impossible after a certain age or after a long relationship, I do think most kiss plenty of frogs before finding the next prince or princess.

I do wish , but not in a bad way, that Amy would have taken some time to "find who Amy" is w/o mentioning the farm or her kids. I really don't know much about who she is or is trying to be w/o mentioning either of those two subjects. Surely she had dreams and aspirations before (or while) she became a wife and mother.

Edited by sATL
  • Love 1
1 hour ago, sATL said:

Yeah... I agree. it seems a little remarkable that both Amy and Matt found someone basically their first time out of the gate (so to speak) in the dating world after a long marriage. Dating regardless of age has changed in the last 30 years...

I guess nether of them enjoy playing the field or just want to enjoy life being unattached to a certain person.

The way financially Amy and Matt are still tied to each other would/could have run off  potential suitors.

While I not saying that dating someone compatible is impossible after a certain age or after a long relationship, I do think most kiss plenty of frogs before finding the next prince or princess.

I do wish , but not in a bad way, that Amy would have taken some time to "find who Amy" is w/o mentioning the farm or her kids. I really don't know much about who she is or is trying to be w/o mentioning either of those two subjects. Surely she had dreams and aspirations before (or while) she became a wife and mother.

Sorry but Matt had someone before he even left the gate.

  • Love 17
1 hour ago, Finchers said:

I CANNOT STAND MATT. Oh my goodness he is such a smug ass. He speaks out both sides of his mouth about Amy, she can literally do nothing right. 

“That wouldn’t be fair to Caryn.” There it is, folks. 

Why do I think that it is Caryn's words coming out of Matt's mouth.  She wants all or nothing. 

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6 hours ago, Finchers said:

I CANNOT STAND MATT. Oh my goodness he is such a smug ass. He speaks out both sides of his mouth about Amy, she can literally do nothing right. 

Why cant Amy just say she’s sorry?

She did say she was sorry, and who knows she may have said it immediately after it happened, but editing didn't show it.

I loved how Chris said that he knew the kayaking was the main activity planned for the trip, and he didn't want to do anything to ruin that.  I know a lot of men who would have sulked and pouted and basically ruined it for everyone.  Chris is very reasonable, how nice to see someone who acts like a grown-up. 

I can't even imagine how Matt would have acted if it had been him who was locked out.  It would have been the end of the world.

Also, I was thinking about Amy staying in the big house.  If she thinks about the future when the Grand babies are of school age, she will be happy to have that house since the kids can stay with her for a week or 2 at a time during school vacations.  A lot of kids go to their grand parents home for the whole Summer.  That's what I did as a kid.  After school was over in June, I went to Gram and Pops farm for the Summer with my cousins.  They were the best days of my life!  That's where I learned to get up very early and do chores (which I loved).  Feeding the animals, gathering up fruit for pies.  Working hard and loving it.  She can hire someone to help clean the house, and her bedroom is on the first floor, so stairs aren't a problem for her.

Edited by Honey
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I swear within the first 10 minutes of the show last night I wanted to punch Matt through the TV screen.  His bitching and whining over Amy and what she does or doesn't do was so out of hand and uncalled for.  

And Caryn pretending to be Suzy homemaker putting bacon in a small pan and using a fork on Teflon, making snide remarks.  Girl, get out of here.

  • Love 14

Ummm……..Matt has the audacity to say that Amy "ruined the big house". He states as an example in his talking head that he prefers wood cabinets and Amy painted hers WHITE! I recall that Matt hired a designer to come and paint the kitchen cabinets in the DW and a terrible color combo as well! (they are actually showing them in the kitchen scenes with the breakfast prep and they are PAINTED!) Does the production team hate Matt? They sure made him look like an idiot with all this cabinet talk!

  • Love 11

I'm still not sure where Amy is coming from wanting to switch sides, but, even Zach was confused by it, so. I guess her motivations are suspect too.  While Matt said that he could make either side work for him, he would have to redo the kitchen, if Caryn would be doing majority of cooking, right? The big house still has the little people size counter tops. Did you catch how Chris now says the farm needs to be preserved for the kids?  

I really like Amy and Chris, but, last night when Amy was laying on Chris in the hot tube......I had to switch away for awhile.  That was just too much.  I felt like I was watching my mom getting frisky with her lover.....ugh.....lol.  

Well, we know the problems with Zach and Tori's house now! lol 

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7 hours ago, Calibabydolly said:

Does the production team hate Matt?

My guess is they hate him almost as much as everyone else does.     I'm sure he's a pain to deal with on the filming.    I bet he whines about the edit he gets too, so when they start showing something that makes him look like a fool, it's not an accident. 

Edited by CrazyInAlabama
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1 hour ago, Calibabydolly said:

 I recall that Matt hired a designer to come and paint the kitchen cabinets in the DW and a terrible color combo as well! (they are actually showing them in the kitchen scenes with the breakfast prep and they are PAINTED!) Does the production team hate Matt? They sure made him look like an idiot with all this cabinet talk!

THANK YOU! I thought the same when he was bitching about WOOD CABINETS. Shut up, Matt. What a dickhead.

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I really like Amy and Chris, but, last night when Amy was laying on Chris in the hot tube......I had to switch away for awhile.  That was just too much.  I felt like I was watching my mom getting frisky with her lover.....ugh.....lol.  

They are constantly hanging all over each other in their confessionals. I don't see any other couples doing this on this or any other show. 

I don't get the Chris love. The guy was pissed because Amy forgot to leave a key under the mat? Does he have a cell phone? Does she? Why didn't he just call her and tell her he arrived at the house and there was no key? She would have come running back to the house I'm sure. But instead he had to sulk about it until she adequately groveled and apologized to his liking. She apologized at least 3 times. I don't like the way he handled that situation at all. After being in the relationship for over 2 yrs, she is still walking on eggshells with him. It's a one way relationship. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I'm still not sure where Amy is coming from wanting to switch sides, but, even Zach was confused by it, so. I guess her motivations are suspect too. 

I seem to be in the minority but my feeling is this is all scripted for drama. Amy has never expressed one iota of interest in Matt's side of the farm until now. She's allowed to change her mind, but that also means making an actual decision, and I don't see Amy doing that. She just keeps hemming and hawing. 

  • Love 9
2 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

I haven’t watched. Where was Chris locked out?

It was a beach condo the girls rented.  They went out to lunch and to hang out and Chris arrived at a time he had told Amy about. But, Amy forgot to leave a key so he could get in.  So, he went to lunch on his own and waited for them to get back.  I get how he might have been perturbed about it, but, I sense that it was producer driven drama.  The reason is that Amy is so obsessed with him, that I don't think for one minute that she would have lost track of time and forgotten about him showing up.  I think she would have been checking her phone every 5 minutes, anxiously waiting for him to show up.  So, IDK.....we'll see.  Plus, they needed a reason to get cozy later on.  And, he has to comment on her TWO piece swimsuit and stomach......too icky for me. 

  • Love 9
On 4/4/2019 at 1:07 PM, LucyEth said:

I see most of the posters here are team Amy.  I  am neutral about it.  Not sure why Matt is getting all the blame for the divorce, it takes two in any relationship.  He of course was dead wrong in stepping out on Amy while they were married if that is the case,  but there was plenty on both sides to bring about the divorce.  We only know what we are allowed to see on the show.  All the bickering about the farm is a storyline for the TV show.  Agree that nothing will happen with the farm until the show goes off the air for good.  

It seems to me that the editors have been the captains of "Team Amy", showing Matt off as being the biggest asshole of all time. His impulsive spending, his fun-killing attitude during family vacations, his disregard for anyone's feelings or opinions - it seems every episode over the years was carefully crafted to show these aspects of Matt, and who knows what fell to the cutting room floor?

That being said, Amy sure has changed her tune concerning the big farm house. She clung fiercely to her castle during the divorce, claiming that "this is where all my memories are!" and "Here is where I raised my four wonderful children (only one is little)". Now, the paint is peeling, some shingles are coming loose, she's listening to her realtor friend and realizing that that big house is going to be Big Work in upkeep. All of a sudden, the empty fields and the double-wide are looking pretty attractive.  What about all those memories, Ames?

Actually, I'm getting a kick out of the kids' attitude: Okay, Mom. Dad. Whatever. You guys figure it out. Keep your drama over there, please.

  • Love 11

At the fun trip to Newport. Basically Amy and the girls went out that morning, the menfolk were turning up later. Chris was the first to arrive and no one left a key or anything and apparently weren't responding to phone calls. He ended up eating alone in a restaurant for a while, waiting on them to get back.

Matt was quite the bitch in this episode. I rather love that Matt's excuse of how he's being held hostage. Doesn't Matt already own a dream home where he frolicks with his lover in the pool and shows all the fans how he's soooooo happy? 

Do note - so far, Matt's plan has consistently been that he will sell the farm *like that* and again threatens Amy that he will just initiate the sale plan if she doesn't agree to what he wants. Oh, and again, Matt makes sure to get his digs in on camera - every thing he likes is right and everything Amy did to the house is awful and dumb and Amy is such a dumbass. Oh, and *Caryn* shouldn't be forced to live in the big house. Since Caryn was at Matt's making her man his breakfast (using a fork in a teflon pan) I trust we're off the "CARYN IS FORBIDDEN BY AMY TO SPEND TIME AT MATT'S HOUSE".

3 minutes ago, B in Lee said:

That being said, Amy sure has changed her tune concerning the big farm house. She clung fiercely to her castle during the divorce, claiming that "this is where all my memories are!" and "Here is where I raised my four wonderful children (only one is little)". Now, the paint is peeling, some shingles are coming loose, she's listening to her realtor friend and realizing that that big house is going to be Big Work in upkeep. All of a sudden, the empty fields and the double-wide are looking pretty attractive.  What about all those memories, Ames?

Well, I wonder if she has to balance those memories with the daily assault by her ex husband who carps and moans from sun up to sun down how she ruined his house. Also I notice Matt isn't being taken to task for daring to change his mind, hmm? Help me out, who's been bitching for years that living in the DW is physical torture and the big house was *built for his physical needs* and gosh and golly, Amy is so cruel to keep the big house when Matt is forced to live in physical agony and by the way it was totally unfair that Amy got the big house per Matt and he really wants to flip and have Amy take the DW? Am I the only one remembering those episodes of this show? Where Matt brayed like an ass over how unfair it was that he had to live in agony? When the big house would be so good for his tired tuckered crippled body? But mean Amy refused to be kind and forced him to live in agony?

The properties will be sold when the show ends. Not until then. 

  • Love 13
5 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

At the fun trip to Newport. Basically Amy and the girls went out that morning, the menfolk were turning up later. Chris was the first to arrive and no one left a key or anything and apparently weren't responding to phone calls. He ended up eating alone in a restaurant for a while, waiting on them to get back.

Matt was quite the bitch in this episode. I rather love that Matt's excuse of how he's being held hostage. Doesn't Matt already own a dream home where he frolicks with his lover in the pool and shows all the fans how he's soooooo happy? 

Do note - so far, Matt's plan has consistently been that he will sell the farm *like that* and again threatens Amy that he will just initiate the sale plan if she doesn't agree to what he wants. Oh, and again, Matt makes sure to get his digs in on camera - every thing he likes is right and everything Amy did to the house is awful and dumb and Amy is such a dumbass. Oh, and *Caryn* shouldn't be forced to live in the big house. Since Caryn was at Matt's making her man his breakfast (using a fork in a teflon pan) I trust we're off the "CARYN IS FORBIDDEN BY AMY TO SPEND TIME AT MATT'S HOUSE".

Well, I wonder if she has to balance those memories with the daily assault by her ex husband who carps and moans from sun up to sun down how she ruined his house. Also I notice Matt isn't being taken to task for daring to change his mind, hmm? Help me out, who's been bitching for years that living in the DW is physical torture and the big house was *built for his physical needs* and gosh and golly, Amy is so cruel to keep the big house when Matt is forced to live in physical agony and by the way it was totally unfair that Amy got the big house per Matt and he really wants to flip and have Amy take the DW? Am I the only one remembering those episodes of this show? Where Matt brayed like an ass over how unfair it was that he had to live in agony? When the big house would be so good for his tired tuckered crippled body? But mean Amy refused to be kind and forced him to live in agony?

The properties will be sold when the show ends. Not until then. 

Come to think of it, Matt hasn't mentioned anything about having to remake that newly acquired house in Arizona to suit his special needs. That Arizona Sunshine must have been magical and miraculous for his tortured, crippled body.

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24 minutes ago, B in Lee said:

That being said, Amy sure has changed her tune concerning the big farm house. She clung fiercely to her castle during the divorce, claiming that "this is where all my memories are!" and "Here is where I raised my four wonderful children (only one is little)". Now, the paint is peeling, some shingles are coming loose, she's listening to her realtor friend and realizing that that big house is going to be Big Work in upkeep. All of a sudden, the empty fields and the double-wide are looking pretty attractive.  What about all those memories, Ames?

7 minutes ago, Rap541 said:

Well, I wonder if she has to balance those memories with the daily assault by her ex husband who carps and moans from sun up to sun down how she ruined his house. 

I have a different theory than either of these, which is that the divorce really knocked Amy off balance, so it makes sense she'd want the stability/sameness of staying in her home and that she needed some time before she was ready to let go of the past.  While Matt seemed to have a solid sense of self apart from their marriage/fatherhood, I'm not sure the same can be said for Amy.  And basically at the same time, she lost both her marriage and had no kids left at home.  Now, however, with Chris, her grandkids, her girlfriends.... she has to be feeling much differently about the future and the possibilities it holds for her than she did immediately following her separate/divorce.  Hence, a much different attitude about staying in the Big House.

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I think once the realization that the big house is falling apart, and need a lot of work  set in neither of them wants it for that and a variety of other reasons.  Once the farm is gone the show is done.  The original premise was about their struggles as little people, their life together and raising a family.  I personally would not be interested in Matt/Caryn and Amy/Chris living away from the farm and what they do in their daily lives.  I thought Chris acted like a jerk and was sort of mean to Amy especially in front of friends.  She didn't deserve it.   What was the big deal, he had to go eat lunch alone, oh the horror!  Could have done without that hot tub scene, it was kind of creepy.

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I'm not so sure that the show needs the FARM to stay afloat.  I think there is enough witchiness in that family to supply a reality show for seasons to come! lol   

I do sense that when Amy says that she will NOT come back to that property, unless it's for specific occasions, she is saying that as a protective mechanism.  I sense she's scared that there will be fun family times on the farm in the future and she won't be there for them.  She won't have a place to compete with the farm.  So, I get it.  The real reason she doesn't want a buy out, is that the farm would be a place of old memories for the adult kids and new memories for the grandkids. Only, she wouldn't be a part of it. This has to be threatening.  And then, like last night, she's got Chris talking about the kids and their memories on the farm and keeping it for the future.  It's sort of like she has no real way to escape. 

  • Love 8
12 hours ago, Swiss said:

Kody Brown is the biggest douche on TLC...with Matt Roloff running a very close second.   The first 5 minutes of tonight's episode was Matt bashing Amy. Just shut up. Now Tori and Zach are whining they have no money.  Duh...where's your TLC money??  Lame.

Two mortgages, remodel on new house, two utility bills, expenses for moving, plus all the other monthly expenses like their health insurance and food. As far as I can see the only income they have is the TLC money...Tori quit working and whatever Zach makes as a soccer coach would only be enough to feed their puppy. Neither of them seem to have a clue about managing their finances...or whatever remains of their finances.

  • Love 4
11 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

I think once the realization that the big house is falling apart, and needs a lot of work  set in, neither of them wants it for that and a variety of other reasons.  Once the farm is gone the show is done.  The original premise was about their struggles as little people, their life together and raising a family.  I personally would not be interested in Matt/Caryn and Amy/Chris living away from the farm and what they do in their daily lives.  I thought Chris acted like a jerk and was sort of mean to Amy especially in front of friends.  She didn't deserve it.   What was the big deal, he had to go eat lunch alone, oh the horror!  Could have done without that hot tub scene, it was kind of creepy.

5 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

They did make renovations

Screen Shot 2019-04-24 at 12.34.12 PM.png

Edited by LucyEth
Edited to add sorry about this post being doubled
2 minutes ago, kicksave said:

Two mortgages, remodel on new house, two utility bills, expenses for moving, plus all the other monthly expenses like their health insurance and food. As far as I can see the only income they have is the TLC money...Tori quit working and whatever Zach makes as a soccer coach would only be enough to feed their puppy. Neither of them seem to have a clue about managing their finances...or whatever remains of their finances.

I thought that too.  All I can figure is that he has invested money from previous seasons. AND, that the money troubles aren't that serious.  Did Tori teach in public school?  The good thing about that are the benefits like health insurance.  Some people work for health insurance benefits, because it's so precious.  The amount Zach said they had to pay for the entire family, wasn't that bad though. I know single people who pay over $1500.00 per month.  

I do think thats a fair point, SabineElizabeth. I think Amy was pretty shocked by Matt walking out on the marriage and probably clutched the house close as a point of stability.

For the record, I think any decision Amy makes will be met with Matt sneering and snorting how stupid it is. And that's likely why she's taking her time with it - when she suggests something, Matt mocks her publically and tells the audience how stupid she is. 

His little sneer over the cabinets.... I mean really, he likes wood so if you don't like wood cabinets, you have shit taste, and how dare Amy paint them! How nice was he, telling the world that Amy ruined *his* house.

It does strike me though that the properties would be difficult to sell in that there's a lot of crap all over that property. I mean, Matt owns two VW bugs. That I genuinely question whether he can even drive them at this point but I suspect he'd be unwilling to let them go. Jeremy stores his car collection *on the farm*. 

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, LucyEth said:
9 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

I think once the realization that the big house is falling apart, and needs a lot of work  set in, neither of them wants it for that and a variety of other reasons.  Once the farm is gone the show is done.  The original premise was about their struggles as little people, their life together and raising a family.  I personally would not be interested in Matt/Caryn and Amy/Chris living away from the farm and what they do in their daily lives.  I thought Chris acted like a jerk and was sort of mean to Amy especially in front of friends.  She didn't deserve it.   What was the big deal, he had to go eat lunch alone, oh the horror!  Could have done without that hot tub scene, it was kind of creepy.

OMG! Now I understand why this guy (Chris)has never been married...he's a brooder...after he voiced his outrage at Amy and she apologized he pouted and continued to berate her for her transgression. Remember when he left Amy at a restaurant table for an extended period of time and never said where or what he was doing? In fact, he never came back to the restaurant and Amy had to go outside and ask the production crew if they had seen him...he rubs me the wrong way. All the lovey dovey crap (please...I didn't need to see the two of them making out in the hot tub) seems fake to me. Amy kept apologizing...I didn't see him do the same thing when he ditched her at the restaurant. 

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9 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I thought that too.  All I can figure is that he has invested money from previous seasons. AND, that the money troubles aren't that serious.  Did Tori teach in public school?  The good thing about that are the benefits like health insurance.  Some people work for health insurance benefits, because it's so precious.  The amount Zach said they had to pay for the entire family, wasn't that bad though. I know single people who pay over $1500.00 per month.  

If she no longer works for public or private school she is no longer an employee and therefore her insurance would be ended...they would have to buy their own, do COBRA or Obama care. Unless...because technically they are employees of TLC they are eligible for their insurance plans. 

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@Caracoa1, I think that goes to how the selling of the farm has been a long term show plot but that we really don't get an accurate picture  of what's going on. Jeremy and Auj paid a lot of lip service to taking over the farm but I think that was mostly for the cameras - they can't buy either parent out and I strongly think Jeremy is similar to Amy in how he treats the property - its just there, its not a business. 

The reality is that they either split the properties - thats what the surveying was about, or they sell it. The selling won't even begin to happen until the show is canceled for good. 

An aside - apparently the property Matt bought last November where he was posting videos of himself clearing the trees? It's been sold and all that ever got done was the clearing of the brush. I'd love to know the details of that scatter brained project. 

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