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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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Yeah, this is one of the many gross and vile things about so-called reality tv shows.  The producers decide which person is going to fill each 'character role' and then they manipulate each episode with editing to perpetuate it.  So Jackson gets to be the star and Lilah gets to be the clumsy, whiny one.  And the more the viewers comment on it, the more the producers push it to keep the narrative going.  It's disgusting and I kind of hate myself for watching because I know I am watching Lilah and Jackson get exploited by their parents for money.  It's just all so gross. 

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Funny how attending Chris’s party would be too much for Amy’s kids?  Why?  I thought those sappy speeches may have been a rehearsal for his funeral.  How about bossy Deb yelling at everyone to be quiet, I bet if it weren’t being filmed we would have seen some annoyed faces.  Not really a big party.  I see Matt and the neighbor were not invited.  At least I didn’t notice the neighbor there.  It was nice to see the ice melting between Matt and ZiT.  Tori, please invest in longer shorts!

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Amy's kids would have been a different generation from Chris' friends attending the party.  I don't get invited to parties for my adult kids and their friends and neither do their minor children.  We're all different generations.  Matt may have been invited and declined to go or was out of town or isn't part of the group.  What neighbor was missing?  Lisa?  She was there.  

I'm guessing the party was part Amy's idea and part for filming.  Matt had his screen time elsewhere.  I think it's actually healthy for the two couples not to do too much together.  They have separate friend groups and that's better for all of them.  Plus it spares us from discussion of who was grumpy or slighted or whatever.  

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1 hour ago, Absolom said:

What neighbor was missing?  Lisa?  She was there.  

This is just a guess but I figured Endora meant the neighbour that was on the show wearing Christmas PJ’s with her husband. 🤷‍♀️

Were the “Pickle Ball” buddies at the party?


Edited by Joan of Argh
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34 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

This is just a guess but I figured Endora meant the neighbour that was on the show wearing Christmas PJ’s with her husband. 🤷‍♀️

Were the “Pickle Ball” buddies at the party?

Yes. The man pickle baller is who they told Chris the surprise party was for.

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2 hours ago, Endora said:

How about bossy Deb yelling at everyone to be quiet

That didn’t make sense to me.  Chris was expecting people to be there because it was supposed to be a surprise party for someone else.  So silence would be suspicious.

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12 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Matt was probably in Arizona with his mother that weekend and we know Caryn would not be welcomed there without him!

I doubt Caryn would have had any interest in attending without Matt.

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54 minutes ago, ginger90 said:


Wow….Tori just now realizing that she married a lazy lump?

Maybe she should quit praising him to the moon and back whenever he “babysits” his OWN KIDS for a couple hours, quit jumping up and down in amazement when he tosses a string of Christmas lights over a broken down lawnmower!

Zach is a lazy guy, we’ve all known that for years!


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I watched today’s episode on Discovery plus and I just had to say this now, I will mark it as a spoiler in case some people don’t want to see it


ZiT goes to Amy’s for dinner.  At the table when the food is served Zach is shoveling it in like an animal.  He practically had his whole face in the bowl.  He was eating like he never had food before.  Terrible table manners.  He is really disgusting.  

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1 hour ago, Endora said:

I watched today’s episode on Discovery plus and I just had to say this now, I will mark it as a spoiler in case some people don’t want to see it

  Reveal spoiler

ZiT goes to Amy’s for dinner.  At the table when the food is served Zach is shoveling it in like an animal.  He practically had his whole face in the bowl.  He was eating like he never had food before.  Terrible table manners.  He is really disgusting.  

I love that you put this in a Spoiler.  Too funny.  Sounds to me like he was killin' it, Babe.

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I wonder if they have considered that Josiah might struggle with breathing at night and thus his sleeping issues.  That’s something that’s rather common for children with his condition.  One would think his doctors have addressed it.

When ZiT claimed Lilah was speaking more, you could tell Chris thought they were lying.  He seemed surprised when they said it.  It didn’t sound credible to me anyway.  

I wonder how they’ll make it through Pumpkin Season without ZiT.  🙄

Honey looked good!  She seems sharp as a tack!  I know this is a difficult time for her.  I’m glad she has friends all around in AZ…plus Caryn’s parents.  

I missed not seeing Caryn on tonight.  She brings a lot to the show, imo.  

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Having a baby is hard. Having sleep deprivation is hard. Having 3 children under 5 years old is hard.  Having 3 young kids, all with special needs and medical conditions is hard.  Being married is hard. If you’re lucky, you have a good head on your shoulders, a solid partner to lean on, and strong support systems to get through the hurdles as best as you can.

However…Being married to a lazy slob who thinks traipsing around his weed patch for tv cameras is a good day’s work, and laughs at your attempt to communicate your needs, frustrations and feelings of maternal inadequacies is just a (poorly built, rickety) bridge too far. Zach will not change, so Tori had better get used to the hard road she’s chosen by hitching her wagon to Zach’s tractor. 

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3 hours ago, Cementhead said:

I love that you put this in a Spoiler.  Too funny.  Sounds to me like he was killin' it, Babe.

Lol I saw that too.   Putting his dish up to his mouth shoveling it in.    To be fair,  when you're alone,  fine,  you can eat however you want.   But on camera in front of the world?   He's just clueless.   And Tori saying the farm "just doesn't mean as much to us anymore".....just because it wasn't handed it to them on a silver platter.   

Tori telling Zac her genuine feelings of not feeling appreciated in the marriage,  Zac just sits there and laughs and grins at her.  Pffft he's an ass 

And zac,   "pouting...hummphhh.....I don't want anything to do with pumpkin season this year"     who cares if the kids would LOVE to be there having a ball and seeing their grandparents and such  🙄

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Maybe, it wasn’t such a good decision to move an hour’s drive away from their  support people, when they had 3 young kids with special needs. It was all done for spite.  Now, they’re all suffering.  And, the house doesn’t even suit their needs, according to what they say now.   

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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Well that was gross… Zach is a lazy slob with no table manners…. Tori is a whiney bitch who just can’t stop whining about the farm and she’s always trying to get Amy to rag on Matt as if Amy doesn’t do enough of that on her own…. Chris and Amy are sooooooo in love they just can’t stop kissing and slobbering all over each other 🤮

So ZiT bought a house without enough bedrooms for their growing family, dumb and dumber…. Their property looks more overgrown and run down every week… I can’t believe they spent a million dollars on that place, the asphalt shingle roof is already looking like it needs some tending but of course cheap Zach will let it leak and rot.

I know some people think that ZiT and Matt would be in hog heaven if he’d sold the farmhouse side to ZiT but I think they’d be even more estranged and at each others throats by now, they never would have been able to work together and they’d be on top of each other with no escape….. Matt’s a dreamer who loves to spend money, Zach is a ridiculously cheap money grubbing weasel just like Amy….. Oil and water!

I’m so tired of Amy wondering, wringing her hands and trying to wrap her mind around pumpkin season and what to expect….  THE SAME… MORE OF THE SAME… yank on a too small old costume and go to the farm for the day, say “hi” to people, walk around like the princess of Roloff farms, pick up your pay check and then go home and slobber all over Chris…. Wash, Rinse and Repeat!  🙄

Chris for gods sake get a life and quit sniffing around the farm and Matt!… go to the gym, do something with yourself! 

TLC needs to pick up the pace, watching Lilah wander around and fall over while Prince Jackson crowns himself king of everything is really getting old.

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I realize that dwarf babies have large heads, but doesn't Josiah's head seem really large? Often his head seems tipped to one side as though his neck isn't strong enough to support it too. Zack had to have a shunt when small...maybe this baby will need one too? To me, it just looks larger every time I see him. And why is someone always holding a pacifier into his mouth? To stifle his cries while they film maybe? His arms and legs move vigorously and yet his head seems to just lie still. To me, he is worrisome.

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I thought they had enough bedrooms, just not on one floor.  So, two upstairs and two downstairs.  I guess they don’t feel comfortable leaving two of the kids to sleep on one floor alone.  If they are seriously sleep deprived, there are ways to remedy this…at least on a temporary basis.  

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12 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I thought they had enough bedrooms, just not on one floor.  So, two upstairs and two downstairs.  I guess they don’t feel comfortable leaving two of the kids to sleep on one floor alone.  If they are seriously sleep deprived, there are ways to remedy this…at least on a temporary basis.  

It’s a 4 bedroom house, 3 down, 1 up.

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So Z&T's solution to the bedroom space is to put Josiah in the room with Lilah the 3 year old. Of course he can't wake up King Jackson and Z&T need theit space without the baby UGH! So let him disturb Lilah after all she really doesn't matter. Watched that poor child walking around on her own again and stumbling and falling. No one paying her any attention. It's a good thing that the patio door was open or she would have run into it with the stool and God forbid it shattered or at the least have her face slam into the stool. Lilah get herself up and looks down at her knees of course she knows her parents are not going to go to her aid. It's funny how the camera operator  seems to showcase their lack of concern for Lilah. 

Speaking of funny I noticed that the camera kept panning  between Lilah and Zach while they were eating. Lilah used very nice table manners while Zach shoveled in the food like someone was going take it from him. Of course Z&T  whined about how they are over the farm and pumpkin season. Sure they are.  Zach even voiced that he hoped this would be the last pumpkin season.  Real nice Zach showing your true colors. 

 I enjoyed the scenes with  Matt and his Mom. Matt is a good son to care for and look after his mother like he does. I was impressed that he goes to visit her every few weeks. 

And next week we get Amy and Tori bitching about the farm again. You know the two who are over the farm and never want to go there again. 

Edited by 65mickey
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The room swapping was ridiculous.

Josiah should be in his parents room if they dont have enough rooms.  Or put Lilah with Jackson since they both, most likely, sleep through the night. Why are they making such a big deaL about this? This one here that one there this one here and moving around each night site won’t help anybody’s sleep schedule. 

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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

Watched that poor child walking around on her own again and stumbling and falling. No one paying her any attention. It's a good thing that the patio door was open or she would have run into it with the stool and God forbid it shattered or at the least have her face slam into the stool.

I was shocked that neither Z or T got up off their asses to see if their child was ok. She's such a tiny little cutie, she didn't even cry when she fell. She must be used to tending to herself, poor thing. 

Tori shut up. This is the life you chose. You chose to have 3 kids and a lazy husband. Now live with it. Did they seriously not consider the bedroom situation when looking at this house? 

Tori has support. Her family lives close by. I'm sure she would prefer her family instead of Amy, Matt and Caryn anyway. 

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I laughed when Chris said something like someone told him Lilah was starting to say words.  Someone?  LOL, just say Amy.   I wonder how much time Amy needs to wrap her head around pumpkin season being different.  Not going to be different.  Stop acting ridiculous Amy, make Chris happy and just put on your costumes and show up. 

Not sure why ZiT acted surprised that Jackson could not carry his chair while the other kids carried their own.   Did not feel sorry for Tori at all, she’s a bitch who is home all day and so is her husband, can’t imagine what they would do if they both had to work outside the home everyday.  

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Peggy looked nice in her segment.  It was good of TLC or whoever did it to do her hair and makeup and see that she was in a bit of a dressy outfit.  I'm glad she was already moved into a facility so she doesn't have that to go through moving alone.  

Edited by Absolom
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Tori and Zach are sitting by the water, watching Jackson swimming while Tori holds the baby. Meanwhile, Lilah is quite a ways BEHIND them, digging in the picnic basket and being totally ignored. I guess the camera crew must babysit. 

And watching Zach eating was absolutely disgusting! 

Edited by magemaud
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15 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Maybe, it wasn’t such a good decision to move an hour’s drive away from their  support people, when they had 3 young kids with special needs. It was all done for spite.  Now, they’re all suffering.  And, the house doesn’t even suit their needs, according to what they say now.   

Tori is most likely sitting the stage to move again to bigger and better now that she and Zack are carrying the show!  $$$$$$$$$$$$$    She's living in the middle of nowhere while Audrey's living the dream!

Zack was terrible while she explained how tired she was.  She was terrible when she explained the farm means nothing to them!  They deserve each other!

Clever of Matt to engage seniors to the show by visiting mom and engaging in senior activities!  He's always been a great salesman.

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Zack and Amy mirror each other in table manners!  Being short they are really close to the table.  I've noticed poor habits before but last night Zack was really bad!  

Thanks to the cameraman we got to see it all.  Lol

Did Tori really say that Lilah was enjoying the attention with Jackson gone to school!

AAA yes Tori she would like any attention at all!!!

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On 12/13/2022 at 2:20 PM, Endora said:

I watched today’s episode on Discovery plus and I just had to say this now, I will mark it as a spoiler in case some people don’t want to see it

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ZiT goes to Amy’s for dinner.  At the table when the food is served Zach is shoveling it in like an animal.  He practically had his whole face in the bowl.  He was eating like he never had food before.  Terrible table manners.  He is really disgusting.  

Like mother, like son.

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On 12/13/2022 at 2:20 PM, Endora said:

I watched today’s episode on Discovery plus and I just had to say this now, I will mark it as a spoiler in case some people don’t want to see it

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ZiT goes to Amy’s for dinner.  At the table when the food is served Zach is shoveling it in like an animal.  He practically had his whole face in the bowl.  He was eating like he never had food before.  Terrible table manners.  He is really disgusting.  

He loves Mom’s cooking.  Heavy use of Velveeta and corn chips on the casseroles.

19 hours ago, Irate Panda said:

Gee, I wonder where Tori’s babysitting roster went 🤔 

And they suddenly realized that the house layout doesn’t really work for their family.  The last house had all those stairs.  Do they have a brain between them and do they use it before making a huge purchase like a house?

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4 hours ago, Absolom said:

Peggy looked nice in her segment.  It was good of TLC or whoever did it to do her hair and makeup and see that she was in a bit of a dressy outfit.  I'm glad she was already moved into a facility so she doesn't have that to go through moving alone.  

I always liked Matt's mom...what a sweet and pleasant woman. I remember when Matt and Amy went on a trip somewhere and she took care of the kids while they were away. She really got some organization in the home...she made dinner every night, set the table and called the kids down to sit and eat properly. She changed their milk from full fat to 1%...which pissed off Amy as I recall. She ran the household as a functioning, well maintained home. And the kids seemed to like it. Unfortunately, the kids flipped right back to eating on the run at all times of the day and engaging in wild horseplay and late bedtimes when Amy returned. Amy seemed resentful and angry about some of the positive things that went down...how dare Matt's mom try to instill cleanliness, organization and family dinners into her domain!

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5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

I was shocked that neither Z or T got up off their asses to see if their child was ok. She's such a tiny little cutie, she didn't even cry when she fell. She must be used to tending to herself, poor thing. 

Tori shut up. This is the life you chose. You chose to have 3 kids and a lazy husband. Now live with it. Did they seriously not consider the bedroom situation when looking at this house? 

Tori has support. Her family lives close by. I'm sure she would prefer her family instead of Amy, Matt and Caryn anyway. 

Thank you for talking about the neglect of Lilah. It is really disgusting. Every week we see her stumbling or falling and her parents just laugh it off and never go to her and help her up or even ask her if she's OK. It makes me sick. And thank you for telling Tori to shut up. The whining about sleep deprivation because Josiah is crying in the night is just pathetic. Maybe don't let him sleep so much during the day???  Why isn't Josiah in their room? Let the two older kids have their rooms and uninterrupted sleep. And yeah...Tori chose a lazy guy who doesn't have a job and only has a high school education...so why is she expecting something that it isn't there? His lack of empathy with her and laughing at her was typical Zach...an immature manchild. On the brightside...Lilah was wearing a cute leggings outfit instead of the usual frilly dress!

Edited by Hedgehog2022
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28 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

And they suddenly realized that the house layout doesn’t really work for their family.  The last house had all those stairs.  Do they have a brain between them and do they use it before making a huge purchase like a house?

Their current house decision was a spur of the moment “get my kids as far away from Matt an Caryn as possible” decision. Not feeling a bit sorry for them.

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7 minutes ago, b4pjoe said:

Their current house decision was a spur of the moment “get my kids as far away from Matt an Caryn as possible” decision. Not feeling a bit sorry for them.

Plus...Zach felt the need to show his Dad that he could buy his own "farm" and didn't need Matt's help in buying it. In reality...they purchased a home that doesn't suit their needs as it is not big enough for a family of five and the property isn't a "farm"at all...it's just a mud mess with a wild stream that could overflow if they get a wet winter or spring. Zach's "FU" to Matt by buying this seems to be a total fail.

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8 hours ago, 65mickey said:

3 bedroom should work for awhile. Josiah in the room with the parents, Lilah in one room and Jackson in another. 

There are so many families with multiple children who make sleeping arrangements work.  When I was little we had a two-bedroom house and I shared a room with my brother.  It was either he was in my room or in our parents’ room, those were the two options.  Also many parents both have full time jobs outside the home and still deal with sleep deprivation.  These two are home 24/7 and can nap etc.  But this is the story arc for two episodes lol.  “We don’t want the baby in our room and we also don’t want him sharing a room with either of his siblings.”

5 hours ago, bichonblitz said:

Tori has support. Her family lives close by.

I thought they moved down to Oregon to be closer to the last house.  Maybe they are expected to move back now lol.

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5 hours ago, Endora said:

Amy needs to wrap her head around pumpkin season being different.  Not going to be different.

Wasn’t a lot of the allure for customers that you would see various family members on site?  There are plenty of other pumpkin patches so without the celebrity angle I doubt the junky plywood attractions are going to pack in the crowds.  Matt was already trying to lower expectations by invoking the economy.

3 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

Did Tori really say that Lilah was enjoying the attention with Jackson gone to school!

She also admitted that she has never had it before.

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24 minutes ago, MrBuhBye said:

I thought they moved down to Oregon to be closer to the last house.  Maybe they are expected to move back now lol.

That's my understanding as well, Tori's family moved to Oregon to be near the grandkids and no sooner did they move than Zach and Tori got a bee in their bonnet with Matt, sold their house and moved to Washington.

If i was Tori's family I'd stay put, forget about moving to be near ZiT, they could toss a fit tomorrow and move again. 🚚

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1 hour ago, MrBuhBye said:

I thought they moved down to Oregon to be closer to the last house.  Maybe they are expected to move back now lol.

Then I may be mistaken but I swear Tori said her parents live in Washington. If they moved to Oregon to be near their daughter then shame on T and Z for picking up and leaving. 

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