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All Episodes Talk: Small World, Big Lives

Message added by Mod-LunarJester,

Culture Check: How can the tropes and stereotypes we apply to TV personalities impact our fellow posters, and how do we remain mindful of these effects while discussing them? Please review for more on stereotypes and tropes.


Culture Check: How can we express our opinions and consider the effect our assumptions may have on the people around us? What impact might speculation have on others, especially when we speculate about children or complex issues like neurodiversity?

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I wanted to add - that slow moving sloth piece with Amy and decision making/getting things done? It's very real and I do that to a certain extent myself. Like hoarding, it is also a trauma response based in fear and anxiety. When your life has blown up in front of you, you're quite simply afraid to move. You don't know where the proverbial land mines are and it takes a monumental effort to act on anything. I can totally relate to that. Thankfully I do not hoard (with the exception of the bin of coffee cups in my basement). It's hard to watch this show because the dynamic between Amy and Matt and the asshole children (well, Zach) just hits too close to home.

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I could not sit still like Chris did listening to Amy lament about the history of each and every piece (mostly of junk) she has collected over the years. Going on and on with those stories would be of no interest to anyone but her. After politely listening to a couple of those stories I would be out of there! I hope he was, too. I would have told her to call me when she has everything sorted in to the Keep and Discard boxes and then I would come over to help her move it out. 

A year ago we sold our home of 22 years and had a lot of sorting to do. We were moving out of state, there was only so much we could take and extra trips back and forth with a moving van was not going to be possible.  I am not a collector but my husband had the garage and attic full of crap. Every closet inside the house was packed and needed to be cleaned out. He got in there like a champ and we sorted, donated, sold or threw old what ever was not going with us. We were laughing about some of the stupid stuff we held on to. Maybe we had it easier because we had a timeline, the house was closing in 60 days and we had to be out of there. Amy's excuses about losing her dream and dragging her feet with the whole move was giving me anxiety.  

Edited by bichonblitz
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3 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

OMG!!!! I forgot how out of control these kids and Mueller were in their newly remodeled house...they were such brats!

So that is who Mueller is, a childhood friend.  I had forgotten and I see the name Destiny Mueller all over their social media.  Speaking of the disrespect for the house, Zach said in the video posted here from years ago, that his house is the most fun, they can do anything, break thru walls, bust windows etc.  I hope Jackson and Lilah act like that in his house, lets see how that goes for him, he’s a lazy bastard.  I will never ever understand what Tori saw in him.  Her parents must be disappointed in her choice of a life partner.  

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15 minutes ago, RedDelicious said:
2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

For me, Amy was meaner to him than he was to her for a very long time

I can relate to that - when you've been dealing with a Matt type for years on end, you're just perpetually angry. Nobody ever listens to you, your opinions don't count and they treat you like you're stupid. One day all that repressed anger starts bubbling up and before you know it you're a coffee mug hoarding perma-bitch.

I rarely watched the shows...just checked in now and then.  I felt that Amy had been browbeaten all her life...probably as soon as she started school as "a different kid."  Matt could scoot right in and continue the bullying.  Maybe Amy finally got fed up after 30+years.  Now she's exerting a little authority and people are calling her "mean."

Matt has always been cruel and appears to need to be RIGHT 100% of the time.  He NEEDS to put on a front so "his public" will realize how HEROIC he is and has always been...under the worst circumstances.

 Because I rarely watch, didn't they divide their property/homes satisfactorily?   What's his is his and what's hers is ... his???

  • Did Amy go to Matt's property and tell him what to do, how to do it...and give him a deadline?
  • Did Matt make his great "proposal" to Amy and expect her to cave as she has done throughout the marriage?
  • Didn't she see an attorney who told her to slow down?
  • Is it HER property...yet HIS timeline?
  • Who is HE to walk into HER house and put his mitts on all of her possessions...and make judgment?

And...who can respect or do business with a guy who was having an affair with his "best friend" and employee right under the noses of Amy, their children, and fans and customers of Roloff Farms?  I will ALWAYS believe they were and ARE cheaters!  When Matt has no more hold on Amy, Miss Perfect Cyndy's personality might change. Matt will have no one but her to dominate.

P.S.  I hope his children (especially know-it-all Zach) live to regret the snotty things they said TO and ABOUT their mother.  They're not funny.  Not insightful.  Not helpful.  Just rude and disrespecful.

3 minutes ago, LucyEth said:

 I will never ever understand what Tori saw in him.  Her parents must be disappointed in her choice of a life partner.  


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37 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

I suspect that Tori has lost patience with a lot of Zach's behavior. Plus, she likely has lots of extra work because of his ways, but, apparently, she knew that from the beginning.  I hold both of them responsible for the children's safety and on that front they both FAIL big time.  Not having outside jobs, I'd think there's ample time to read and learn about the proper care of children.  

& I just thought about last nights episode when Zach was sitting with Jackson while he ate a banana....those chunks were HUGE or am I overreacting. 

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8 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

P.S.  I hope his children (especially know-it-all Zach) live to regret the snotty things they said TO and ABOUT their mother.  They're not funny.  Not insightful.  Not helpful.  Just rude and disrespecful.

It is rude and disrespectful but Amy started this with them years ago with Matt. I couldn't believe how disrespectful Zach was to him.

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2 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

I really hope that Matt tells her to stay off his property

Goose?  Gander.  Did I miss something? Was Amy in his private living space...touching little possessions and passing judgment about teacups?

Would TLC really allow him to create any orders that will cut down on the drama?  

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2 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

And, to me, she seems more angry that Matt's not there to kick around than she is hurt that they split. 

She has a hurt that will never go away.  There will always be resentment...as long as Matt and Caryn continue a relationship--as long as Matt plays that "I've never been happier in my life," game.  I'm sure Amy was heartbroken to learn there was an affair between two people she trusted.  Her husband!!!  ON TELEVISION! She had to see and work with them every day--probably wondering how long ago "it" all began.  She had to hear Matt brag about how happy he was.  Arizona. Arizona. Arizona. She reads people's comments about how pretty Matt's "fiance" is ... and rude comments about her own "thunder thighs" and big butt.  She has achondroplasic dwarfism.  There's not much that can be done with her form.

Additionally, TLC is going to give their audience as much drama as they can.  Get Amy on a bad day.  Get Amy when she's tired.   Make sure she's a bit unkempt...forget about helping with her hair. Pile on Amy.  Let Amy clear out a house with 30 years of belongings of FIVE PEOPLE!  Woe be Amy if she looks angry or moody. 

I'm here to give her a break ... and I hope there are many others who will at least TRY to understand what's going on with her.  Having to give up her share of the farm.  The house (clear it up yourself, Amy).  Find a new house.  Deal with a new romance.  New grandchildren.  Television show.  Everyone's judgment.  

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10 minutes ago, Back Atcha said:

She has a hurt that will never go away.  There will always be resentment...as long as Matt and Caryn continue a relationship--as long as Matt plays that "I've never been happier in my life," game.  I'm sure Amy was heartbroken to learn there was an affair between two people she trusted.  Her husband!!!  ON TELEVISION! She had to see and work with them every day--probably wondering how long ago "it" all began.  She had to hear Matt brag about how happy he was.  Arizona. Arizona. Arizona. She reads people's comments about how pretty Matt's "fiance" is ... and rude comments about her own "thunder thighs" and big butt.  She has achondroplasic dwarfism.  There's not much that can be done with her form.

Additionally, TLC is going to give their audience as much drama as they can.  Get Amy on a bad day.  Get Amy when she's tired.   Make sure she's a bit unkempt...forget about helping with her hair. Pile on Amy.  Let Amy clear out a house with 30 years of belongings of FIVE PEOPLE!  Woe be Amy if she looks angry or moody. 

I'm here to give her a break ... and I hope there are many others who will at least TRY to understand what's going on with her.  Having to give up her share of the farm.  The house (clear it up yourself, Amy).  Find a new house.  Deal with a new romance.  New grandchildren.  Television show.  Everyone's judgment.  

she does this every day on her own, her Instagram is proof. 

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Amy must have had a very deep belief that Matt would endure the verbal abuse indefinitely and never leave.  Early in the show I was appalled and years later I started saying to myself, doesn’t she know that Matt is going to leave her if she keeps it up. I couldn’t believe how mean she was. She seemed to think that he had no limit. I can’t muster much sympathy for that, though I delight in no one’s misfortune.  Apparently, it did shake her up, but I suspect it’s not from hurt but resentment.  If Amy is embarrassed over Matt finding another woman, but not over her verbal abuse, then, I do feel sorry for her. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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It's the proverbial question did his drinking and behavior drive her into becoming a bitch or did her bitching drive him into drinking and other behavior?  

Matt would have been impossible for me to live with.  The drinking, the narcissistic behavior, the denying of beliefs and emotions, the lack of help and interest with the children, the irresponsibility, and the lying would drive most people batty.  Amy lets her irritation show and is not a water off the duck's back kind of person nor was she interested in being a house slave.  They probably should never have married, but I can't see it as one person being the evil devil and the other a saint.  They're two people with difficult dispositions who I think made each other worse by being hitting the other one's sore spots all the time.  

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Doesn't the house now belong to Matt? Give her a firm move out date, after that, hire some huge dumpsters and throw all of her trash into them, and park them in her front yard. End of problem.

I think there' still some question of ownership at this point - Amy didn't sell the big house side of the farm to Matt until Aug 2020 so the divorce decree where she gets access to the house might still be in play. 

That said, unless there IS some question of ownership, I don't understand why there isn't a hard date to move out with legal and financial consequences if she isn't out. I mean, I know the real answer, as long as this drags out, the cameras will be rolling because its the only thing happening AND it provides drama between Matt and Amy.

6 minutes ago, Absolom said:

They probably should never have married, but I can't see it as one person being the evil devil and the other a saint.  They're two people with difficult dispositions who I think made each other worse by being hitting the other one's sore spots all the time.  

Yeah, I'm uncomfortable with calling Amy abusive while Matt's abuse of Amy isn't acknowledge. The show I watch is not Angry Amy screaming at poor widdle meek Matt who is so scared, he's averting his eyes and peeing himself in submission. Literally in the last episode prior to this, Matt tongue lashed Amy for not providing him with an answer - and then TOLD her, not asking, not meek and mild and trembling, but angrily told her that her decision to sell the property but not the business wasn't a decision at all. This is not and has never been a man who is *afraid* of his wife, and he's been loud and proud to tell us all how much she sucks without any fear of the consequences.

 To further make the point on fear, I've never seen Amy in Matt's house without Matt being there and expressly asking her in. Whereas Matt clearly has no concern about entering Amy's home uninvited and touching her thing while she's not there. 

That said, to a point, excluding TLC's influence on this - I actually agree with Caryn - Matt is acting like he is still married to Amy. Now I do think TLC is influencing this but.... This is actually easily resolved. Everyone sits down, with lawyers, and sets a date for Amy to exit.  This endless "Take as long as you like EVEN THOUGH I AM TELLING EVERYONE AND THE PUBLIC HOW FRUSTRATED I AM WITH HOW LONG YOU ARE TAKING and I don't want you to think I'm rushing you BUT GET THE FUCK OUT" game is just that, a game. Its a game because there's no hard date and no consequences to Amy if she diddles for months and months. 

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12 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I wonder how much of the nonsense is driven by TLC for the resulting drama.

I do also.

Was it mentioned on the show that Amy chose the date she’d be out of the house? I ask, because in one of her lives, she said she did, because she wanted Jacob and Izzy to have the option of having their wedding on the farm. They got married in September, 2019.

Edited by ginger90
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3 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

Goose?  Gander.  Did I miss something? Was Amy in his private living space...touching little possessions and passing judgment about teacups?

Would TLC really allow him to create any orders that will cut down on the drama?  

I'm obviously talking about NOW and moving forward since Matt now owns the entire farm.

I'm not talking about when this was filmed last year before he bought her out of her side.... Of course she had every right to be there back then, she still owned half of the large farmhouse side.

And as far as Matt roaming around her house without contacting her first is all assumptions, Matt has said a few times that he asks Amy when he wants access to the farmhouse.... The show made it look like he wandered over out of the blue.. He shouted to her that he was there and she joined him after a couple minutes and looked perfectly comfortable like the meeting was prearranged and she expected his visit.... I didn't hear her say "you need to call first" or "why didn't you call first" no because she knew he was coming WITH THE CAMERA CREW.... she knew they were coming because she knew they were going to film that scene. 

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4 hours ago, Whyyouneedaname said:

It is rude and disrespectful but Amy started this with them years ago with Matt. I couldn't believe how disrespectful Zach was to him.

Exactly that was Amy's doing and she loved it when her little pit bull Zach would mouth off to Matt and treat him like dirt but now Zach is an adult and he sees through Amy's bullshit and he's calling her out on it.... He now realizes that it wasn't always his dad and he was a dumb kid who believed  everything Amy told him..... And Amy doesn't confront Zach about it because she knows what she did and now it's coming back to haunt her..... You reap what you sow. 

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I'm talking about then when I say that if Amy moving out by a particular date is a real concern, then Matt has always had the power to end this.  You go to the lawyers, you both agree to a particular date with consequences with the date not met. 

And frankly, as much as I think Amy is dithering and needs that firm deadline, the reality is that there's no reason this needs to be done quickly. Matt has stated he has no intention of living there. None of the kids need a home. Matt can whine all he likes about repairs but there's nothing urgently wrong with that house. The house needs to be power washed? The interior might need paint. I'm not seeing the roof caving in. 

22 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Was it mentioned on the show that Amy chose the date she’d be out of the house? I ask, because in one of her lives, she said she did, because she wanted Jacob and Izzy to have the option of having their wedding on the farm. T

I recall her saying she didn't want to move until Jacob had the opportunity to marry since Matt at the time was against Jacob having any event there, but she never mentioned an exact date. 

4 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

He now realizes that it wasn't always his dad and he was a dumb kid who believed  everything Amy told him..... And Amy doesn't confront Zach about it because she knows what she did and now it's coming back to haunt her.....

Or... Zach's finally wised up about its Daddy Matt who he has to keep sweet if he wants access to the farm. And Amy isn't confronting Zach because despite this whole Raging Amy storyline, she's actually not one to call out a family member. 

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5 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

I recall her saying she didn't want to move until Jacob had the opportunity to marry since Matt at the time was against Jacob having any event there, but she never mentioned an exact date. 

From an article on this topic:


"When we first agreed to this back in January of 2019 … I put down November 1 of 2019, because originally he had kind of suggested, 'nope Jacob is not going to get married here,'" Amy Roloff revealed during a July 2019 Facebook Live video about wanting to leave the farm but sticking around until Jacob got married. 

"And I thought 'Jacob not married on the farm? What is he talking about?' All the kids got married on the farm … No way!' That pulled me in, the guard went up ....That wasn't discussed on camera, and I wasn't a big fan of Matt at the time. I do want to say though -- 'cause things can get construed differently on the internet -- Matt is into the wedding. But I feel like I had some part in making that happen by putting that date for me not to move out of the farmhouse."


Note: “he had kind of suggested”.

Also, they  did not get married on the farm, even though some articles online say they did. 


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My bad then, although the family did present on instagram that there was a wedding ceremony on the farm complete with Jackson as ring bearer, Ember as flower girl, and a whole bunch of bridesmaids popping out of their dresses and various Roloffs dressed to the nines. The formal ceremony was on the beach days earlier and there was a large reception on the farm. 

Well, if you want to say "Nope, Jacob is not going to get married here" is just a "kinda suggestion", sure. But if thats a quote from Matt and I have no reason to think it isn't - then Matt actually said "Nope, Jacob is not going to get married here" - and I can see Amy's concern. 

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13 minutes ago, LucindaWalsh said:

I think Amy got it twisted and didn't understand that Matt was saying Jacob isn't getting married here meaning that Jacob didn't want to get married at the farm. 


That's what I think too!  I'm sure the farm party was courtesy of Matt and Amy unless we see it on the show then TLC will be picking up the tab!

Jacob doesn't seem to like anything associated with the farm!

I wonder if he ever got his share of the Roloff pot of gold the other kids are living their best life on!!!

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21 minutes ago, LucindaWalsh said:

I think Amy got it twisted and didn't understand that Matt was saying Jacob isn't getting married here meaning that Jacob didn't want to get married at the farm. 


That's exactly what happened... Jacob was very open and vocal about not wanting to get married at the farm and only wanted to have a private wedding reception at the farm afterwards with family and friends..... They took some pics that looked like a farm wedding with Jackson and Ember.

Matt was repeating exactly what Jacob said.. That he isn't getting married at the farm.

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39 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

That's exactly what happened... Jacob was very open and vocal about not wanting to get married at the farm and only wanted to have a private wedding reception at the farm afterwards with family and friends..... They took some pics that looked like a farm wedding with Jackson and Ember.

Matt was repeating exactly what Jacob said.. That he isn't getting married at the farm.

I agree with Jacob for  different reasons.

1 - His older 3 siblings got married on the farm. I applaud him for being wanting to carve out his own path and have a wedding any place else.

2 - Being the youngest, he has a different perspective on his parents marital issues. He spent a great deal of his life listening to them bicker and living his life in front of a camera. I'm happy the young man for even wanting to marry. Being around Amy and Matt can make a person have doubts about marriage.

An another possible reason  - as I don't know the background story - his wife ( and/or her family) may not be as attached to the farm, as they met elsewhere ,at a different point in their lives. His brother's wives practically met and had numerous dates/engagement proposals on the farm. 

Edited by sATL
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7 hours ago, LucyEth said:

So that is who Mueller is, a childhood friend.  I had forgotten and I see the name Destiny Mueller all over their social media.  Speaking of the disrespect for the house, Zach said in the video posted here from years ago, that his house is the most fun, they can do anything, break thru walls, bust windows etc.  I hope Jackson and Lilah act like that in his house, lets see how that goes for him, he’s a lazy bastard.  I will never ever understand what Tori saw in him.  Her parents must be disappointed in her choice of a life partner.  

Mueller was the tall guy who flunked senior year at that Christian school they all went to. He's married now and has kids. Maybe Destiny is his wife? I agree about Zach...cocky, arrogant and rude. Always was a lazy kid...lazy in school, lazy on the farm except at "punkin" season as Matt pronounces it. Tori could have done so much better...and the way he keeps nagging her to have more kids right after giving birth to both Jackson and Lilah is just obnoxious and annoying. She's barely home from the hospital and he's telling her he wants another kid ASAP. And the way he berates both Amy and Matt to their faces is awful. They are wrong for bringing him into their drama but he sneers at both of them with this smarmy tone that makes him look like an asshat. Yes...I hope Jackson and Lilah give him the seem kind of treatment he's giving to his parents and treat his house the same way he treated theirs...karma.

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13 hours ago, Joan of Argh said:

Exactly that was Amy's doing and she loved it when her little pit bull Zach would mouth off to Matt and treat him like dirt but now Zach is an adult and he sees through Amy's bullshit and he's calling her out on it.... He now realizes that it wasn't always his dad and he was a dumb kid who believed  everything Amy told him..... And Amy doesn't confront Zach about it because she knows what she did and now it's coming back to haunt her..... You reap what you sow. 

This is true.  Amy tried to alienate the kids from Matt over the years, based on what I saw on the show.   She encouraged the name calling, defended their horrible behavior, and set up an us vs. Matt household.  Only, Molly and Jeremy saw through it.  Zach bought in to it.  I think that over the years, all the kids have seen how that went down and for all Matt's faults, that kind of behavior by a mother is harmful and inappropriate. And THAT is another thing that I suspect Amy misses and can't get back.  She can't get the kids to gang up and verbally abuse Matt anymore.  I think it really gets to her when the kids say things like she and Matt have their issues or that she needs to do something in a reasonable time or manner.   

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Chris is certainly getting a crash course in Amy's inability to make decisions. If he's cool with it, then more power to him. But it would drive me absolutely batty. So would her hoarding tendencies. I'll be surprised if there is any room in that house for poor Chris' end table.

The nicest thing I can say about the Matt/Amy drama is that they were never a good match, and it's a shame their children and current partners have to deal with the never-ending emotional games and trash talk. 

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20 hours ago, Back Atcha said:

I'm here to give her a break ... and I hope there are many others who will at least TRY to understand what's going on with her.  Having to give up her share of the farm.  The house (clear it up yourself, Amy).  Find a new house.  Deal with a new romance.  New grandchildren.  Television show.  Everyone's judgment.  

The first year or two, sure. They have been split up for 5 yrs. now. Time to happily move on with the man of your dreams. She should be elated with what the future holds for her. She's rid of Matt and that miserable marriage. He's Caryn's problem now. 

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58 minutes ago, bichonblitz said:

She's rid of Matt and that miserable marriage. He's Caryn's problem now. 

She won't be rid of him until all financial ties are cut.  ALL.   And then, their television show has to end...for the health and welfare of all.  ALL.    Wonder how long Caryn will stick around when she has no more TV opportunities/income.

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Packing is a bear, but, for me, the most labor intensive is the cleanup after things are out.  Last time, I only hired someone to do the carpet cleaning and the rest I did my self!  Never again.  WAY too much work.  I don't think people clean every inch of the property before they vacate like I do.  I learned that professional cleaners are the way to go.  Lesson learned.  I had back and foot pain for my efforts.  I did hire professional movers, though, and that was money well spent.  NEXT time, I'll hire professionals to pack me up too!  I'm done with it.   Apparently, Amy got paralyzed during the process.  

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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13 hours ago, BrownBear2012 said:

They are wrong for bringing him into their drama but he sneers at both of them with this smarmy tone that makes him look like an asshat.

This often happens to the one child in the family who is disabled or labeled "different."  The family goes overboard to make things better--especially if there are several or long hospitalizations.  Matt is the best example; he thinks he's an emperor who can do no wrong.  Zach is exactly the same.  It's sad, but it's a pattern.  Understandable.  Matt and Amy weren't equipped to do anything better than they did.

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3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Packing is a bear, but, for me, the most labor intensive is the cleanup after things are out. (snip)  I don't think people clean every inch of the property before they vacate like I do.

I learned (too late) that anyone who sells a home should know the buyer's plans--I know it's not the seller's business.  Sometimes sellers paint every room, install new carpet...only to learn the buyer is going to flip the house and trash the "new stuff."   In my case, I was in the hospital giving birth when our house sold (we were moving to another city).  My husband, according to him, "made a great deal," only we had to pack and move the moment the baby and I came home from the hospital.  We had to find someone to rent to us for six weeks!  That's not the worst.  We learned that our buyer purchased the house for a rental.  We could have stayed...and paid!  OY!

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17 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

And frankly, as much as I think Amy is dithering and needs that firm deadline, the reality is that there's no reason this needs to be done quickly. Matt has stated he has no intention of living there. None of the kids need a home. Matt can whine all he likes about repairs but there's nothing urgently wrong with that house. The house needs to be power washed? The interior might need paint. I'm not seeing the roof caving in. 

I'm really in the dark on this.

  • Is this Amy's property...solely?  House+land?  Part of the divorce settlement?
  • WHY is Matt even setting foot on the property and IN her house...uninvited?
  • Perhaps it's better for Amy to sell the property (which includes the house, I guess) to a third party.
  • WHY would Matt be painting, power-washing, etc. another person's property?

Yep, I'm in the dark.

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On 9/30/2020 at 10:43 PM, Joan of Argh said:

I like Caryn but her twisted prune face as she complained "some times I feel like you're still married to her" was not a good look. 

I don't like her...and simply wondered how many times she gets away with THAT line!

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On 10/1/2020 at 6:50 AM, Jeanne222 said:

No wonder he and Jeremy didn’t excel in school. They were lazy and already millionaires!

Another reason their "new" house was trashed so easily.  No one worked hard earning that house or doing any of the hard work.  It was "handed to them" to make better TV.  

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I can't say for sure whether the big house was on the land that they still shared ownership OR if the big house was on the land portion that Matt purchased as his own separate land.  Perhaps someone who knows will chime in.  

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1 hour ago, Back Atcha said:

I'm really in the dark on this.

  • Is this Amy's property...solely?  House+land?  Part of the divorce settlement?
  • WHY is Matt even setting foot on the property and IN her house...uninvited?
  • Perhaps it's better for Amy to sell the property (which includes the house, I guess) to a third party.
  • WHY would Matt be painting, power-washing, etc. another person's property?

Yep, I'm in the dark.

If we're talking about what they're currently showing on TV Amy still owned half of the farmhouse side with Matt and he owned everything else.

If we're talking about NOW Matt bought Amy out of the last portion that she still owned and now he owns the entire farm including the large farmhouse Amy used to live in.

Matt wasn't setting foot anywhere uninvited, he owned half of the farm house and in previous episodes it was explained that whenever he wanted access to the farmhouse he had to arrange that with Amy beforehand.... In the scene with Matt walking in to the house and calling Amy's name she knew he was coming over to film that scene.

The film crew doesn't just show up out of the blue to film, it's all prearranged and everyone knows which scenes will be filmed that day and what the basic script is for that day.

Amy sometimes posts from the farm during filming and will say stuff like "OK just on a quick break in between filming the next scene"


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18 hours ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Matt can whine all he likes about repairs but there's nothing urgently wrong with that house. The house needs to be power washed? The interior might need paint. I'm not seeing the roof caving in. 

Actually there were several repairs that did require immediate attention and Matt has done a few instagram LIVE posts about it along with regular IG posts.

There was a fairly large section of the roof of the farmhouse that was leaking and needed extensive repair, the pool had a huge crack in it that was growing longer each day and was nearly the entire width of the pool by the time Matt could get a crew in to cut out the damaged section then patch it and repair all the damage from the fiberglass being cracked for so long, then grind it all down and resurface the entire pool, he had to repair an entire section of patio deck that was rotten and falling through along with railing that was literally falling over from rot, a couple of the windows on one side of the house had rotted frames and were leaking into the walls and growing mold, the turret looking structure on the top of the house was also leaking and needed repair, he also had repairs done around the garage and various other areas inside like the fireplace not working anymore and electrical problems in the kitchen but I can't recall all the details right this minute.. Maybe someone else knows the other repairs.

Amy has admitted that she's not good with that type of upkeep and that Matt is much better at that than she is.... Zach has also mentioned a few times that his mom isn't good with repairs etc and will just let things rot.

Amy knew for a while that she wasn't going to stay in the farmhouse, it's way too large and it requires a lot of upkeep so she just let things go knowing she'd be leaving eventually

I can understand Matt being anxious to get in and start the repairs before they got worse and Amy didn't like people coming in to work on the house while she was still living there.

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Wow I didn't realize the house needed that much repair!

Typical Amy.  Nothing going with her except her mouth and bad attitude.

I wonder if all those repairs that needed to be done were considered in the selling price.  I know Matt had a home inspection done that Amy was not happy with!  I bet.

Somebody mentioned up thread why Amy didn't sell to an outsider instead of Matt.  My guess is that in the divorce agreement they had to first offer to each other at fair asking price!

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When you make a good income, I'm not sure why you wouldn't make repairs on your home.  I get it, if you're stretched for funds and every dime goes to pay bills, but, I don't think that's the case with Amy.  She has lived a charmed life since the divorce....traveling, partying, etc.  So, I don't get it. 

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1 minute ago, SunnyBeBe said:

When you make a good income, I'm not sure why you wouldn't make repairs on your home.  I get it, if you're stretched for funds and every dime goes to pay bills, but, I don't think that's the case with Amy.  She has lived a charmed life since the divorce....traveling, partying, etc.  So, I don't get it. 

I'm guessing she knew she would be selling to Matt and as usual she would let him handle it!  That's why I wonder if she had to consider all those expenses in the sale!

My own guess is that once repairs are done Zack and Tori will move in.  I don't think Matt will sell it to them.  Lease or rent with it being theirs when he dies.

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6 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

When you make a good income, I'm not sure why you wouldn't make repairs on your home.  I get it, if you're stretched for funds and every dime goes to pay bills, but, I don't think that's the case with Amy.  She has lived a charmed life since the divorce....traveling, partying, etc.  So, I don't get it. 

Amy doesn't like hiring people and putting out money to repair things... She knew she wasn't going to stay in the farmhouse long term and didn't want to spend her money on it.

I notice at her new place she only hired people when it was projects that Chris couldn't do for her.

Normally she has Chris do it all, he's handy and seems to enjoy it.

I think Amy is very careful with her money.

Edited by Joan of Argh
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Just now, Joan of Argh said:

Amy doesn't like hiring people and putting out money to repair things... She knew she wasn't going to stay in the farmhouse long term and didn't want to spend her money on it.

I notice at her new place she only hired people when it was projects that Chris couldn't do like 

I agree and I don't think the crew she hired to move were top of the line movers!  She's cheap!

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On 10/7/2020 at 4:35 PM, RedDelicious said:

I can relate to that - when you've been dealing with a Matt type for years on end, you're just perpetually angry. Nobody ever listens to you, your opinions don't count and they treat you like you're stupid. One day all that repressed anger starts bubbling up and before you know it you're a coffee mug hoarding perma-bitch.

I too have more coffee mugs than I know what to do with and I love them all. I don't know what it is about narcissism recovery and coffee mugs. 

Count me in on the coffee mugs ( and living with a certifiable whatever!). I moved into a smaller kitchen & had to donate about 10 mugs (still have too many!). I’m still stressing about it😄

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1 minute ago, Jeanne222 said:

I agree and I don't think the crew she hired to move were top of the line movers!  She's cheap!

I posted that before I had finished my thought... Darn fingers got mixed up and hit SAVE too soon...Lol

Anyways I added the rest of what I was saying and yes Amy is cheap and doesn't like to spend money if she doesn't have to.

I don't like spending unnecessarily either but letting things rot costs a lot more to repair than just staying on top of things and doing the upkeep.

Sometimes I wonder if that has a lot to do with her wanting Chris around but not actually wanting him to move in.

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34 minutes ago, Joan of Argh said:

I posted that before I had finished my thought... Darn fingers got mixed up and hit SAVE too soon...Lol

Anyways I added the rest of what I was saying and yes Amy is cheap and doesn't like to spend money if she doesn't have to.

I don't like spending unnecessarily either but letting things rot costs a lot more to repair than just staying on top of things and doing the upkeep.

Sometimes I wonder if that has a lot to do with her wanting Chris around but not actually wanting him to move in.

hold up... I thought Chris moved in already? Are they waiting for the wedding i.e. legalities ?

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In a live, I know everyone is probably sick of me referring to them, Amy said,  "No, we’re not living together full time. He is over about four days and three nights, or something like that. We definitely hang out. But he still has his house."

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1 hour ago, Joan of Argh said:

There was a fairly large section of the roof of the farmhouse that was leaking and needed extensive repair,

Can you be specific when this occurred? I just looked thru his instagram back to February and I am only seeing mention of the pool where he claims it hasn't been cleaned in years but it has that light green color that pool owners know is a week or so of neglect.  I definitely saw some videos on building a log cabin and Jackson blueberry picking from the Mule (and not wearing a seat belt at all) but I couldn't find these descriptions of neglect. 

I also don't really think Matt is a very honest man (as evinced by the pool "not being cleaned for years" when we know it was being used the year prior and you know, Matt on camera saying he lies to his wife). Put another way, if you're willing to spend money, I don't know many contractors who would refuse to do unnecessary repairs if the person paying wanted to insist something needed repairs. 

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The house is really large enough for two families. Don’t laugh, but Matt and Caryn could live there, as well as one of the kids, such as Zach and his family.  At various times when I was growing up we had 4 generations under one roof!  It was awesome. Some of my best and happiness memories are me  living with my great grandparents, grandparents, parents and brother! 

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21 minutes ago, EllaWycliffe said:

Can you be specific when this occurred? I just looked thru his instagram back to February and I am only seeing mention of the pool where he claims it hasn't been cleaned in years but it has that light green color that pool owners know is a week or so of neglect.  I definitely saw some videos on building a log cabin and Jackson blueberry picking from the Mule (and not wearing a seat belt at all) but I couldn't find these descriptions of neglect. 

I also don't really think Matt is a very honest man (as evinced by the pool "not being cleaned for years" when we know it was being used the year prior and you know, Matt on camera saying he lies to his wife). Put another way, if you're willing to spend money, I don't know many contractors who would refuse to do unnecessary repairs if the person paying wanted to insist something needed repairs. 

I have pics somewhere of the roof being repaired and the rotting windows being repaired, Matt does a lot of IG LIVE that disappear after a while, the pool was a TOTAL WRECK the crack was huge and they had to cut out a very large section and then lay all new fiberglass and resurface the whole thing and that's not cheap to do, I know because we have a fiberglass pool that looks a lot like the Roloff pool.

That was not a "week or so of neglect" it hadnt been used for over a year and the slime was eating into the fiberglass, Matt didnt say that .. the pool guy did.

He had the guys there for a week or more fixing that pool because the crack was so huge.



Edited by Dustbunny
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