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S19.E34: Double Eviction #2

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26 minutes ago, Nashville said:


3 hours ago, Drogo said:

They really didn't blow up anything - Jason's going to the jury house. He can't tell anyone in the BB house what he heard. 

...not exactly.  Game discussion is generally locked down by the JH handlers, but there is one exception - when the new evictee first arrives.  At that point, comments like "What happened, bud?"  - "Oh, Paul and Christmas blindsided me!" are totally within bounds, and are frequently aired.  Free discussion is also generally allowed when the Jurors are watching the DVD the new evictee brings with them.  So Jason does have some decent leeway to let the other Jurors know what happened, should he know to take advantage of the opportunity.

Right, he can tell the jurors but he can't tell anyone in the BB house what he heard.

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15 hours ago, escape said:

I want to spread the karma that if Paul makes the Final 2 - he will be confronted with a bitter jury - as he did last season.  It takes 5 votes for him to lose.  He has screwed enough of the jury for them to screw him in the end.

I'm curious - are the jury members allowed to "compare notes" about the promises and alliances that were made?  Because the only person I could even possibly see Paul beating is Josh, only because he's been such a pain in the ass.  But if Matt, Mark, Jason, et al. start comparing notes about Paul's "final two" promises versus no lying to them by Josh, I can see them voting for the latter, with the ONE exception of Cody - I think his hatred for Josh transcends game play - and yeah, I'm not going to fault him for it.  

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As noted above, Alex's decision to nominate Kevin and Raven for eviction instead of the people who actually sent her BFF to Jury is one of the dumbest moves this season.  she accomplished exactly nothing.

Celebrity BB sounds terrible!  You know the "celebrities" we'll get:  Dave Coullier, Bronson Pinchot, Rob Schneider, and David Spade.  Plus an athlete with ties to CBS Sports, an old rocker like Dee Snyder, and some former eye-candy from another era.  If the show's over the winter (Dec-Jan), it must be an abbreviated season, too.

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3 hours ago, Drogo said:

AFAIK, the goodbye messages are allowed to include whatever the houseguests want to say, and it's up to the evictee if they believe it or not.  I would've respected Paul more (and probably Jason would have, too) if he would have come clean in his message since Jason will find out eventually as more players go to jury.

He did the same thing in his goodbye message to Davonne last season. And her vote ended up being the deciding one. It's a stupid move. Even without Josh's goodbye, Jason would have figured it out. Everyone pieces things together in the jury. 

I'm gonna die laughing if Paul makes it to the end and loses again because he doesn't know how to properly manage a jury.

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17 hours ago, Eolivet said:

I used to be a Paul fan (in a like "hey, he entertains me, it's cool how he's playing the whole house") but he crossed the line for me these past couple eps (the play-acting about how shocked he was that Jason was gone was hideous). HOW did Christmas not see that Paul voting to evict Kevin and forcing her to evict Jason made Paul look good? And Josh, just ... ugh, it's like he knows what needs to be done, and just can't pull the trigger, for whatever reason.  ...


Here is the reason as I see it.  He can't get Paul out alone at this stage and he can't get anyone else to help him. 

We have seen him tell Christmas over and over about what he is seeing and she shuts him down, berates him and yells at him for it.  If he can't get his closest ally on his side how can he convince Alex (who still firmly believes she is final two with Paul) or Kevin (who Josh has no real relationship with in the house and loyally does Paul's bidding all the time) to believe him?

If Josh used the veto last night it would have gotten him nowhere at all other than put the next target firmly on his back.  Because if he took off one of the nominees Alex could have only chosen between Paul and Christmas to put up as a replacement.  Obviously she would have put up Christmas.  Who is Josh's closest ally.  You don't betray your ally onto the block for absolutely no good strategic reason whatsoever like that unless you want Christmas to detach your head from your body immediately after the vote.  It would also maybe make Christmas want to take Paul over Josh if they make final three.  And Paul would use the veto move as a way of gunning for Josh.

If Paul senses even slightly Josh is turning on him then Josh is dead.  The other three will follow Paul like they were rats and he was their Pied Piper.  Josh can't sway them no matter what he does.  Only get himself in the target hairs.

Josh's main and probably ONLY hope is try and last until final three and win the final HOH and evict Paul single-handed at that point.

The only other way would be some convoluted stuff at final four where backdooring and a veto etc could actually end up getting Paul up.  But he probably wouldn't be voted out because all the others are far too stupid for words.  It would only work if Josh is somehow the one lone voter at final four instead of being on the block or being HOH.  And given no one else would put Paul up to start with it is likely Josh would be on the block and have to win the veto and become the one lone voter that way  Because even if he became HOH the "lone voter" at final four would vote to protect Paul.  That lone voter holds the real power at final four.


6 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Wow. That analogy is spot on. It's exactly like that.  I've hated Josh at times, but now I'm kind of feeling sorry for him. I feel like his emotional issues have been manipulated for other people's game. 

Don't they get to watch the episodes in Jury?

They aren't suppose to discuss the game other than the way people above mentioned in the jury house via the exit videos the evicted get to show.  They have production "handlers" there to monitor and prevent game talk.  I'm sure some stuff gets by the handlers but it makes it extremely difficult to sit down and discuss stuff with everyone else there.

Edited by green
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16 hours ago, Ananayel said:

Julie looked lovely tonight, as if to make up for the dumpster fire that was last week's outfit.


I think she looked silly with that ponytail sticking out of the back of her head. And that red dress looked cheap. She needs a new stylist. 

Edited by DakotaLavender
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55 minutes ago, Twilight Man said:

You know darn well that at least "one" of the D-list people that were on Surreal Life is going to be present in the Big Brother House this winter.

Go Hammer! Go Hammer! Go!!

Judging by the way this season has been produced, we're more likely to see Trishelle, who got naked in S2 of Surreal Life and for Playboy.

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I don't think they should let Dr. Will anywhere near the jury.  This crowd has been treating Paul like a  big star because he played the game before, in that world Dr Will is a three time Oscar winner.  If he even hints that, say,  Matt should win, he'll win.    I've never even liked the idea that they have to put aside bitterness and vote for who "played the best game."  In the first place, if that person made you hate him, then he didn't  play a good game. In the second place, the jury members know they lost a half-million and now they're going to have to give it to someone else.  If they want to give it to the person who made the best microwaved grilled cheese sandwiches, they should get to.

Edited by JudyObscure
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5 minutes ago, green said:

If Paul senses even slightly Josh is turning on him then Josh is dead.

You think so? It seems to me like Paul feels Josh is useless and hated, and no matter what Josh does, Paul probably won't turn on him because he's beatable. It's my Paul-as-Russell-Hantz, Josh-as-Sandra analogy. That even if Paul senses Josh is against him, he's not a threat because Josh is irrelevant.

And that Josh maybe should play a Sandra-like game, sort of "Okay, I'll do it, but I'm telling you guys ..." Heck, Kevin has been all "everybody does what Paul wants, wah wah" for weeks, and he's still standing. Because Paul (I think) doesn't care if you hate him. He only cares if he thinks he can't beat you.

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6 minutes ago, JudyObscure said:

I don't think they should let Dr. Will anywhere near the jury.  This crowd has been treating Paul like a  big star because he played the game before, in that world Dr Will is a three time Oscar winner.  If he even hints that, say,  Matt should win, he'll win.    I've never even liked the idea that they have to put aside bitterness and vote for who "played the best game."  In the first place, if that person made you hate him, then he didn't  play a good game. In the second place, the jury members no they lost a half-million and now they're going to have to give it to someone else.  If they want to give it to the person who made the best microwaved grilled cheese sandwiches, they should get to.

This is exactly what I was getting at with my earlier rhetorical "'best game' by whose definition?" question.  Jurors may vote based on strategy, or based on emotion - but whichever way they vote, it's that Juror's choice based on their individual experience in the game.  Nobody - be it Dr. Will, Alison Grodner, or Lord Dampnut - has the right to tell them they shouldn't vote that way, and they sure as hell don't have any basis for saying they can't.

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53 minutes ago, Carolina Girl said:

I'm curious - are the jury members allowed to "compare notes" about the promises and alliances that were made?  Because the only person I could even possibly see Paul beating is Josh, only because he's been such a pain in the ass.  But if Matt, Mark, Jason, et al. start comparing notes about Paul's "final two" promises versus no lying to them by Josh, I can see them voting for the latter, with the ONE exception of Cody - I think his hatred for Josh transcends game play - and yeah, I'm not going to fault him for it.  

A lot of it they probably can figure out on their own - looking at who comes through the elimination door.   It didn't help Paul when Josh threw that grenade in his farewell speech to Jason.  

I am hoping that Paul would be a shock boot in Final 3 - as Vanessa was 2 years ago.

Edited by escape
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1 hour ago, Mumbles said:

I really hope Josh doesn't blab to Paul about him telling Jason about the alliance, because I would love for Jason to blindside Paul at jury questions that he knows Paul was lying to him in his goodbye message.

It was a strange misstep by Paul in his goodbye. He could have been vague and say something like, if you are seeing this I guess the house saw you as a threat - something vague and complimentary. 

I have to wonder whether Josh is the only one who could beat Paul in a final two. It won't happen because Josh would pick Christmas, Christmas would pick Paul, and Paul would likely pick Christmas.

They don't let them ask real questions, like Survivor does.  They each read pre-approved, generic questions, and I hate it.

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40 minutes ago, Eolivet said:

You think so? It seems to me like Paul feels Josh is useless and hated, and no matter what Josh does, Paul probably won't turn on him because he's beatable. It's my Paul-as-Russell-Hantz, Josh-as-Sandra analogy. That even if Paul senses Josh is against him, he's not a threat because Josh is irrelevant.

And that Josh maybe should play a Sandra-like game, sort of "Okay, I'll do it, but I'm telling you guys ..." Heck, Kevin has been all "everybody does what Paul wants, wah wah" for weeks, and he's still standing. Because Paul (I think) doesn't care if you hate him. He only cares if he thinks he can't beat you.

Could be but Paul knows the mechanics of both the final four and final three set-ups I mentioned above and how one "stray" from his flock could screw over his whole game.  If he thinks one of these people -- in this case Josh -- is thinking of jumping ship and could place Paul in danger he would gun to get Josh out first and foremost. 

Paul's priority is to get rid of any  threat that stands in the way of him making final two first and foremost and it takes very little to get him paranoid against someone at this point.  Just a whiff of a rumor to what Josh is thinking could do him in.  Josh's mere suggestion about how the tie vote thing last night would only help Paul and NOT Christmas and him which he said as well not just to Christmas but also when the three of them were together is enough to start Paul viewing him as his "problem child."

Paul firmly believes they are all useless and he can beat any of them.  Kevin he considers more the easy goat then Josh as well. 

At final three which -- according to all the posts I've read here all summer --is usually a long endurance test Christmas with her foot issues and Kevin with his inability to compete even the few times he wasn't busy throwing competitions under Paul's orders would almost assure Paul a win and the HOH and a guaranteed final two. 

OTOH both Alex and Josh can win competitions.  Alex would take Paul to final two for sure because she really is that dumb.  Josh would probably take Christmas. 

So I can see Paul would be pretty happy to see Josh gone before the final three competition.  He just can't take him out himself right now because of Christmas and her support of Josh.  But final four I look for Paul to seriously look to take Josh out if he can get one of the others to win and he becomes the lone voter.  If he does and Christmas is still there he will have plenty of time to spin the "Josh going off the reservation so I had no choice" storyline to her while re-promising final two to her.

Edited by green
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They don't let them ask real questions, like Survivor does.  They each read pre-approved, generic questions, and I hate it.

Oh, too bad. Maybe Jason will sneak in a comment at the reunion but I doubt he has the stones to try it.


So I can see Paul would be pretty happy to see Josh gone before the final three competition.  He just can't take him out himself right now because of Christmas and her support of Josh.  But final four I look for Paul to seriously look to take Josh out if he can get one of the others to win and he becomes the lone voter.  If he does and Christmas is still there he will have plenty of time to spin the "Josh going off the reservation so I had no choice" storyline to her while re-promising final two to her.

I totally agree with this. I think Josh is a danger to Paul, and Paul knows it.

Edited by Mumbles
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You guys are killing me.  Not "literally killing me," ALEX--but the thought of David Spade + Andy Dick + Frankie Grande in one room makes my eyes itch.  And of course the bento box of horror will have a Jersey Shore component.  Aiiiiiiiiiiii

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5 hours ago, aurora296 said:

I would've never guessed at the beginning of the season, that I'd be rooting for Josh to win the game. Seeing what I saw tonight should be enough to convince Josh to grow some balls and blow up Paul's game. He needs to get Alex alone, when Paul & Mrs. Claus are asleep and tell her everything and also tell Kevin. Paul's body language is telling and if these people can't figure it out, then I just don't know. I think Mrs. Clause has developed feelings for little beardy man. Yes, he's helping her get to the final 3, but he's planning on a foolproof final speech that won't make her look good at all. 


This episode really showed how Paul is a bearded psychopath. It takes a special dark heart to be able to look someone you've grown close with dead in the eye, say "trust me" and when they do, walk away with a smile of glee. That's hard enough for a normal human to do just one time, but Paul's been doing it every day for weeks and doesn't feel the slightest bit bad about it. Yes, Josh is a mama's boy with the clashing pans and all, but I appreciate how it hurts him to hurt someone he thinks of as a friend. If they wanted Jason out, they could've been human about it and told him, but Paul enjoys the bullying, devastation and manipulation too much to be civil about it. I pray that Paul's turns into Vanessa 2.0, playing way too hard where he gets dumped at final 3. 


Gonna have to agree with that first sentence. Never would I have thought A) Josh would still be in the house and B) that I would be rooting for him to win.

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For someone with a second heart, y'all, implanted in her belly area, Raven sure did a lot of belly flops and belly balancing during that lime drop comp.  She's also looking considerable healthier than when she went into the house.   She's the healthiest-looking imminently dying person I know.  Well, with the exception of my dead-beat brother-in-law who is getting disability for his "disability" which only seems to impede his ability to work or vacuum, but does not impede his ability to go hunting, work on cars, or be a roadie for his favorite local bands.


I really like how CBS really shut down her grifting attempts to be the Gastroparesis spokesmodel.  Very little of her GP drama (and other drama) bids for sympathy made the broadcast shows.

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3 hours ago, Nashville said:

IMHO Jason had more than a little justification to be royally pissed off at Alex.  Not because he thought she might've been a vote to evict, but because EVERY TIME FOR THE PAST WEEK Jason voiced concerns - about Chanukah putting both of them side-by-side OTB, about his vulnerability being OTB next to Kevin after Alex won PoV, etc. - Jason was treated to yet another Alex chorus of "I trust Christmas so you need to trust Christmas, I trust Paul so you need to trust Paul, don't freak out, don't campaign, just lay low and everything will be ok."  

I agree -   Jason expressed his doubts to Alex, Alex reassured him that there was a plan.  She chose to listen to Paul over Jason, so Jason is mad because she was so amitten with Paul she never took Jason's concerns seriously, even mocked him for having doubts. 

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25 minutes ago, HurricaneVal said:

For someone with a second heart, y'all, implanted in her belly area, Raven sure did a lot of belly flops and belly balancing during that lime drop comp.  She's also looking considerable healthier than when she went into the house.   She's the healthiest-looking imminently dying person I know.  Well, with the exception of my dead-beat brother-in-law who is getting disability for his "disability" which only seems to impede his ability to work or vacuum, but does not impede his ability to go hunting, work on cars, or be a roadie for his favorite local bands.


I really like how CBS really shut down her grifting attempts to be the Gastroparesis spokesmodel.  Very little of her GP drama (and other drama) bids for sympathy made the broadcast shows.

I wonder if her over-protective mama contacted CBS about things that were shown, and that's why they stopped giving Raven DR's and she got a lot less attention.  It seemed to me, her appearance on the show was all about "GP AWARENESS!", and getting a pity win.  But out from under her mom's supervision,  raven let loose with sexy-times with Matt, and eating whatever the hell she wanted.  

I don't know a lot about GP, but any intestinal disorder comes with some dietary restrictions. And most won't include some of the stuff she's been seen eating. 

Edited by backformore
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2 hours ago, escape said:

A lot of it they probably can figure out on their own - looking at who comes through the elimination door.   It didn't help Paul when Josh threw that grenade in his farewell speech to Jason.  

I am hoping that Paul would be a shock boot in Final 3 - as Vanessa was 2 years ago.

I agree.  I hate his constant "Your Boy" reference - uh, Dude - I ain't rootin' for you.  I actually want KEVIN to win.  As far as I can see the Dude has been nice and even with everyone, and no more duplicitous than the game requires.   Hell, I'd LOVE to have beers with him IRL.  Not so much ANY of the remaining.  

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1 hour ago, backformore said:

Jason expressed his doubts to Alex, Alex reassured him that there was a plan.  She chose to listen to Paul over Jason, so Jason is mad because she was so amitten with Paul she never took Jason's concerns seriously, even mocked him for having doubts. 

I also think he's mad at himself for not pursuing his suspicions.  He was the one who decided to believe her.....

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God. Dammit.

I see the pic on Twitter of the cast of The Revengers and scrolling from left to right I'm like "holy fuck I hate all of these people" but then those sadists put Victor in there and I LOVE him so now I'm intrigued and I hate everything.

(Ok I don't hate Caleb anymore and I think that's Dan? but still the rest are heinous to the nth power)


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The only positive that could come from this is if "Judas" (and btw dude you STILL aren't Judas...) takes that sword and lops off Galactically Gay (Frankie)'s head. In the process he can loose a little control on the follow-through and shishkebab Nicole, while also doing everyone a favor by cutting off his own beard (damn that thing is taking on a life of it's own! Do they make goatee extensions?) That would enrage Victor who'd take revenge on "Judas" while the sight of blood sets off Mr. Pectacular's roid rage and Caleb goes Beast Mode on him and chokes the life out of him. James would get scared himself and have a well deserved heart attack. The others can walk away trying not to laugh.

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Is that Derrick in the trench coat?  Damn, you're just embarrassing yourself, dude.  You were a law-enforcement professional; your standards should be higher than this crap. (Yes, even having played the game and made return visits.  This shtick is IMO beneath him.)

Also, while people have been trying to do "Revengers" riffs on The Avengers for about four decades now, it's worth noting that the prefix "a-" in "Avenge" means the same thing that it does in "amoral" and "asexual" (and "asymptomatic" and "atonal" and so on)…it means without.  To avenge something means to deliver justice without personal considerations of vengeance.  It's pretty much the opposite of "revenge".  Not that I expect BB to understand the English language, but still.

Celeb BB sounds intriguing. but it seems a better fit for BBUK, where the celebs are playing for the votes of the home audience, which is what their careers are about, essentially.  Not sure we're going to get any high-level strategy out of a crowd of "celebs" looking for that 16th minute of fame.  Even if one of them is the inevitable Frankie Fucking Grande.  (He's been on Broadway! He's Ariana's brother!  He's a YouTube sensation!  He's totally famous without counting his CBS reality past—we're not blurring the line between "All-Stars" and celebs at all!)

As for the actual game, well, let me quote subject-of-an-Amazing Race-task and poetry legend John Keats:  "Alex is stupid, stupid Alex.  That is all ye know on Earth…and all ye need to know."

(Okay, so I might have that slightly misquoted.  Alex would never notice it, though.)

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14 hours ago, Pondlass1 said:

*On another note - Josh has family in Miami (I think I read that).  Will he be pulled aside and told about Irma and given a chance to check with relatives?  Have they ever done this?

During season 2 Monica's cousin died in the 9/11 attacks.  Production told all the house guests what was happening in case anybody wanted to leave.  No one did, and Monica stayed as well.

What does "ride or die" mean?

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I'm glad to see Raven gone...she was grating on my nerves!

So, in her little mind, the reason they had to vote her out was because she would win based on pity alone. She played a great game by screwing Matt all summer, crying to the camera about how sick she is & "throwing" comps (another way of saying she can't win any comps). 

She was hanging over that railing so far, I thought she was going to fall over!

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5 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

Also, while people have been trying to do "Revengers" riffs on The Avengers for about four decades now, 

Sorry folks, but every time I hear or see "The Avengers" I flashback to John Steed and Emma Peel from the 1960s TV show The Avengers. THAT was a class act that can't be beat .

Edited by Skycatcher
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10 hours ago, slasherboy said:

What does "ride or die" mean?

The person you're closest to (in the game), would never turn on (in the game), your presumed final 2. Your ... non-sexual bae?

I know from Twitter that Dan is a big video game fan, so I'm sure he jumped at this chance. Interesting he and Nicole are the only winners there. Everyone else got BB famous for having a big! personality!, not actually being good at the game!

Can't remember if Dan's Mist was a TWoP thing, or if a show thing. I mean, Paul is admittedly good, but he could never pull something off like Dan's Funeral. Ever.

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4 hours ago, Eolivet said:

The person you're closest to (in the game), would never turn on (in the game), your presumed final 2. Your ... non-sexual bae?

Yeah, but where does it come from?  Where did it originate?  Is it biker slang?  And thank you for responding.

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2 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

Is it biker slang?

This is interesting (well, to me anyway). It appears to have originated from biker slang ...

http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=Ride or Die

by way of hip-hop culture (and "ride or die chick"):


(Which is funny if you think about it -- that Alex was calling Jason her 'ride or die' [chick], so it was clear who wore the pants in that game relationship.)

It is weird, though -- I don't ever remember hearing it so much in Big Brother. It's like this year's "blood on my hands." It's like Alex thinks ... other people are so stupid, they won't know it's a synonym for "alliance?" Or she just wants to sound cool?

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On 9/8/2017 at 0:22 AM, Skycatcher said:

He has. 2016 - 1st "celebrity" evicted .

Skycatcher, he actually made it to Finale Night. He might have been the first celebrity evicted that night, though. I should think he'd be a dead cert for CBB US.

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On September 9, 2017 at 4:33 PM, TimWil said:

I should think [Frankie]'d be a dead cert for CBB US.

I can't tell you how much fleeting joy I got from the adjective "dead" in that sentence, until the context seeped in.  Okay, I don't actually wish death on Frankie, but I did have a visceral moment of schadenfreude before higher brain functions and morality took over.

I wonder if SparkleGlitter will attempt to model his game after Paul's and be constantly VetSplaining the game to the "newbies" from other fields of celebrity.  "I know how this game is played, just listen to me and you'll be fine, etc., etc.". Oy.

And yes, he did reach the finale of CBB-UK 2016…but it was a Final 6 and he came in 6th.  So a slight comeuppance, I suppose.

On September 9, 2017 at 9:32 AM, Eolivet said:

I know from Twitter that Dan is a big video game fan, so I'm sure he jumped at this chance.

Strangely, I don't find it beneath him, the way I would find it beneath Derrick.  I think he's fine defining this nonsense on his own terms, without reeking of desperation the ways some of the others (hello, JAMES!) are.  I'm actually more embarrassed on Da'Vonne's behalf, and I freaking hated her, and that's a woman who barely made Jury by the skin of her teeth on her second go-round (which she should never have gotten), and who couldn't last past Week Two the first time around, despite Production shoving three separate advantages into her hands. And yet I find this a bit cringeworthy on her behalf.  Weird, I know.

Dan has a whole archive of gaming videos on YouTube.  A bit fun to watch, but I couldn't see investing the time to follow him through the entire series on any particular game.

On September 9, 2017 at 1:35 PM, RedheadZombie said:

I thought Dan's funeral was incredibly stupid.   But I never liked him.

I was never a huge fan of his personality (or his DR yelling, or his use of his pseudomorality for game purposes), either, and thought that "Replacement Nominee Roulette" in Season 10 was an obvious production fake that he'd been coached into.  (The difference between the DRs he gave the night he struck the deal for HoH with Ollie, where he seems perfectly sincere about just wanting safety and to see his [soon-to-be-dumped] gf's picture, and the ones later in the week, where he's wearing the black tee shirt and is all "If Ollie thinks I'm going to keep this deal, he's a big sucker and deserves what he gets!" was striking.  Somebody told him what to do and what to say, I'm certain of it.)

But "Dan's Funeral" was almost impossible to coach (since he never went into the DR during the "24 hours of solitude" and the other HGs could have heard him if he'd been spitballing ideas at Production) and it required an understanding of his and Danielle's dynamic that only Dan would have.  To know exactly how brutally he could "dump" her in public to get the reaction he needed, and yet how he could pull her back in later that night, so that she could get Shane (and thus Joe's) votes to stay against Britney, was an absolutely brilliant psychological hairsplit, IMO.  


DANIELLE (loyalty recaptured, but still feeling betrayed):  Could you at least give me a heads-up the next time you do something like that?

DAN (perfectly calm):  No, because then you wouldn't cry.

Gold!  Big Brother gold, of the highest degree.

And it was even better on BBAD/the feeds, where Dan/Danielle/Jenn did a masterful job of keeping Britney in the dark.  

(I guess I should note here that I absolutely loathe Britney the Mean Girl Production Mouthpiece, and one of my great joys is seeing how completely the mob-mentality demonizer collapses once her own game comes under the slightest pressure.  The sight of her crying and broken in the DR at the end of the "Dan's Funeral" episode was the cherry on that sundae of brilliance.)

The next-to-last scene of that night's BBAD was just so perfect.  Britney goes into the back bedroom to find Dan facedown on the floor, "trying to sleep" but disdaining the beds out of "guilt" over how he "mistreated" Danielle, because he now realizes that he "went too far".  And so the episode ends with HER consoling HIM, completely unaware that both he and Danielle are playing her and are plotting her demise.  


DAN: I don't know.  I just take things too far. I shouldn't have said that.  Because I know how much that hurt her.

BRIT:  Yeah.  She knows that, though, right?

DAN:  Yeah, I just told her I'm sorry.  I hope that she can forgive me, sometime.  I don't expect it to be soon or anything, but…I don't know.

(Remember, Danielle has already forgiven him, and they're currently plotting Britney's blindside and ouster. Ha-ha!)

DAN:  Sometimes I just get carried away.  It's just a game; I forget that, sometimes.  (beat)  Everyone's pissed at me, huh?

BRIT:  I don't think it's as much everyone being pissed at you as everyone's starting conspiracy theories about what you were talking about [the "reason" Dan told Danielle "In this game, you're dead to me", which he was keeping "secret" from the other players].

DAN: Oh.

BRIT:  Freaking Eagle-Eye Joe was about to stroke out.  He's like "something's not right…"  You know how this place is.  People come up with like a thousand theories for every move. [Examples snipped]

DAN:  I just wish I would have left it like that.  So this week [leading up to his "eviction" on Thursday] wouldn't be awkward for me. Or anyone else.  You know, I just want to have fun the last couple days, but…I don't know, maybe things will be different tomorrow.

BRIT: Maybe.

Yes, "things WILL be different tomorrow"…when Jenn uses the Veto on Dan, and Frank backdoors Britney onto the block.  Heh-heh-heh.  Just awesome.  Why can't we have anything like that, this year?  (Because Paul is obnoxious and the rest of the cast is both appalling and appallingly stupid, that's why.)  Sigh.

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Edited by Halting Hex
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13 hours ago, Halting Hex said:

I guess I should note here that I absolutely loathe Britney the Mean Girl Production Mouthpiece, and one of my great joys is seeing how completely the mob-mentality demonizer collapses once her own game comes under the slightest pressure.  The sight of her crying and broken in the DR at the end of the "Dan's Funeral" episode was the cherry on that sundae of brilliance.)

High five, sister! (brother?) I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand Britney. Most people seem to love her but she is one of the most mean-spirited people to ever be on Big Brother, in my opinion.

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Celebrity Big Brother? YES, please. I've only seen a few UK versions on Youtube and they're not all there so it's hard to say what there's is like.  I don't care who the celebs are I'm in! Fair warning: The next bit is about the Real Housewives as Celebrity BB so please skip if you could care less.

New York-Ramona & Sonja would claim the Head of Household room for the ENTIRE time because.......they're a pain in the ass?

Bethanny would be slapping Skinny Girl posters all over and having it delivered.

Orange County-Shannon would cry that it's ALL Vickys fault there is candy, chips, and soda available and she gained weight eating it all. But it's VICKYS fault!

Beverly Hills- Lisa would be the first contestant to come with 4 dogs and a pony for the backyard. And maybe a swan for the pool. 

Jersey- Theresa would lead yoga classes in between flipping the dining room table and calling people Prostitution Whore.

That's all I can think of right now. But it be DELICIOUS!

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On 9/11/2017 at 11:19 AM, Rachel RSL said:

High five, sister! (brother?) I thought I was the only one who couldn't stand Britney. Most people seem to love her but she is one of the most mean-spirited people to ever be on Big Brother, in my opinion.

Heck, I loved Britney.  Not because Britney wasn't a bitch - she sure as shit was - but she was an entertaining bitch who gave great (talking) head in her DRs.  :>

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See, I never found her THs entertaining at all. It's not like she had a gradual reason to snark on people, I just remember her being bitchy from the very start for no reason.  But I guess it's subjective because there are probably other people who were just as bitchy who I didn't hate. For some reason though, Britney was never someone I enjoyed. And then she was one of the bitter jury members who voted for Ian over Dan so that cemented my dislike. 

Edited by Rachel RSL
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