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S19.E32: Head of Household #11; Nominations #11


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Ok, Paul is absolutely brilliant. I know the people who hate Paul like to say he's only doing well because the others are idiots but I completely disagree. He's working his ass off 24 hours a day in that house to make these things happen and he's doing a damned good job of it. I wish I had a penny for every time someone said "I trust Paul."  (I do think it would have been hilarious though if TPTB had messed up his entire HOH plan by immediately putting up the word "Go". Would they ALL have pretended to trip and fall?)

Normally the hashtags annoy me but I have to admit that, for some reason, #ChristmasSpirit cracked me up.

  • Love 12

How stupid is Alex? Christmas literally said at the nomination ceremony that Alex is a pawn and Jason is a strong competitor and she needs to get out a strong guy. But Alex still thinks there's a plan to backdoor Kevin? What? Christmas told you at noms that Jason is the target! Why do you still think there's a different plan? Ugh, these people are so dumb.

  • Love 19

That was pathetic!

This has got to be the dumbest cast ever.

Xmas' smug little DRs were revolting.  Honey; Paulsputin is playing you too.

She got enough airtime tonight to move her to top of my very crowded hate list.

Fly away Raven, fly away into a wind turbine.  "Rough Kneecap Syndrome"?  Total attention whore.  Paul is so obnoxious, but he is hilarious bashing Raven and her bullshit.

Alex's brilliance just keeps shining through.  Offers to go on the block.  She deserves Paul to blindside her.  I was hoping she would get her fat ass stuck in that cabinet.  I want somebody to do it to her and she literally craps her pants.

I can't believe Josh has become my "favorite".  He is still deplorable, just a skosh less than the rest of them right now.

Alex is so stupid she still believes the plan is to backdoor Kevin.  Thick as a brick.  Jason's bulb flickered a bit, but I'm sure Alex will put it out.

I hope Matt screeches like a schoolgirl for us when Jason shows up at the jury house.

  • Love 15

Rough Kneecap Syndrome? Are you freaking kidding me?

Also, notice Jason's comments at the end about how he thought the two pawns should have been Alex and Raven or Jason and Josh. Missing from his possibilities - Paul. 

If any of these people would actually have conversations with each other, they might figure out that Paul is working all of them. But they won't.

  • Love 10

I do think it would have been hilarious though if TPTB had messed up his entire HOH plan by immediately putting up the word "Go". 

That was my thought as well.

Did I see a glimpse of Matt in the bed or am I dreaming?  Did the editors miss something?  I'll have to go back and check.

Edited by Gemma Violet
  • Love 1

I hope at some point we get footage of the jury house watching this HoH competition. I would love to see Cody and Mark's reaction to it. What a disgusting display. I wonder if this had not been rain-delayed, whether it would have gone down so obviously. At least they would have heard the ridiculing laughter of the live audience.

  • Love 7

It's simply come down to Paul is playing chess while everyone else is playing checkers. Credit where it's due, this plan was unbelievable. And it worked too. And people were happy to go along. Amazing to see a plan with so many working pieces. I loved when Paul realized 'Oh shit, this whole thing hinges on Kevin!'.

Only a slight deduction for the actual 'throwing' part being the worst. comp. throw. evar. But it was fine by me as I really dislike this particular comp so I was happy to have it crapped all over.

Christmas realllly loves to have a little power doesn't she? The second she does it goes right to her head. But then I've been waiting for, in her own words, (iirc) 'witchy bitchy' Christmas to come out to play. Too bad she doesn't realize she's like everyone doing Paul's dirty work for him.

Edited by Wandering Snark
  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Michichick said:

How stupid is Alex? Christmas literally said at the nomination ceremony that Alex is a pawn and Jason is a strong competitor and she needs to get out a strong guy. But Alex still thinks there's a plan to backdoor Kevin? What? Christmas told you at noms that Jason is the target! Why do you still think there's a different plan? Ugh, these people are so dumb.

Because it was Alex's plan to keep Kevin calm and she thinks that's the plan.  Yes, you are right, she is an idiot.

1 hour ago, PaperTree said:

Xmas' smug little DRs were revolting.  Honey; Paulsputin is playing you too.  So True!

She got enough airtime tonight to move her to top of my very crowded hate list.  Ha ha!

Fly away Raven, fly away into a wind turbine.  "Rough Kneecap Syndrome"?  Total attention whore.  Paul is so obnoxious, but he is hilarious bashing Raven and her bullshit.  Tamaratattles has a list of all her ailment claims for her and her mother.

Alex's brilliance just keeps shining through.  Offers to go on the block.  She deserves Paul to blindside her. I hope she goes before him, maybe this week?

I can't believe Josh has become my "favorite".  He is still deplorable, just a skosh less than the rest of them right now.  I know, right?  

Alex is so stupid she still believes the plan is to backdoor Kevin.  Thick as a brick.  Jason's bulb flickered a bit, but I'm sure Alex will put it out.  Relax Jason, Paul has got this - tee hee.



12 minutes ago, Mumbles said:

I hope at some point we get footage of the jury house watching this HoH competition. I would love to see Cody and Mark's reaction to it. What a disgusting display. I wonder if this had not been rain-delayed, whether it would have gone down so obviously. At least they would have heard the ridiculing laughter of the live audience.

Do they get to see comps in the jury house?  If so, I did not know this.

  • Love 2
8 minutes ago, hummingbee said:

They ALL threw the competition? Because Paul told them to? As much as I dislike Paul, I have to agree with him--I can't believe that worked. Dullness has reached a whole new level this season, in more than one way.

I can believe it. Everyone who is left has been wrapped around Pauls finger since day 1. None of them have gone against him and he keeps feeding them "Jury votes" so no one wants to get blood on their hands.

I rather they just give Paul the money now and end the season because this is embarrassing to us, for CBS, for the show, for everyone on the show. It's gotten so far out of hand.

  • Love 12

After watching all seasons of Big Brother, I was yelling at the TV more than any episode of any season ever before.  First of all, I am pissed that I'm spoiled this early as to the winner of this season.  Second place, I have no clue who it will be.  Yes, Paul is playing a brilliant game with these assholes, but still...I'm pissed that he was put back in the game, period.  If they wanted an All Stars, fine, bring is flotation torso back in.  This would have been an interesting season with all new people, but we have production interfering and bringing his ass back.  After tonight, I have no desire to see any of these morons win. They don't want to win the big prize. Not sure why they're there, but they obviously are looking up to Tattoo Bearded Flotation Device Paul and are handing this game to him on a silver platter.  The few that knew what was going on are gone, in the jury house.  I'm sick of Alex's cat ears.  Sick of meatballs.  I kind of liked Kevin, but after tonight, forget it.  He "trusts Paul".  Alrighty then.  I guess Tattoo Master deserves the win, nothing else to say. It started off kind of any interesting season, but tonight was my limit.  Never have I seen such a group of idiots in my life in a Big Brother game.  Don't they want the big prize??? Obviously, not.

  • Love 11

I would say tonight's comp is one of the stupidest things I've ever seen on TV, but this is Big Brother and the bar is extremely high.  These people are just so damned proud of themselves, and go to town in the DR in back patting competitions.  Could someone please place Paul in a halo brace ASAP?  That will make him about 50% less hateable.  Someone else can figure out what to do about the flailing arms.  Halo brace . . . .https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=halo+brace&FORM=HDRSC2

2 hours ago, mojoween said:

The producers put Paul in and gave him safety...for THREE weeks.  Everything that happened after that, is on these chuckleheads.  I mean, even Paul can't believe it's working.

But that's not really true.  They also gave Paul the fucking FWENDSHIP bracelets, and instructed the rest of the house to suck up to get one for safety.  That set up a huge power imbalance in the house from the beginning.  All BB had to do after that was sit back and watch a cult leader in action.  I could watch a re-run of Helter Skelter or a documentary of Jonestown, but I'm looking for entertainment, not a sociological experiment of weak-minded yes-(wo)men, and the L. Ron Hubbard who brain washes them.

  • Love 14

It sucks that Paul even got TPTB to go along with his shenanigans. Normally, they would announce "Christmas, you have NOT been cleared to participate in this competition." Was there an announcement? No! Probably because Paul is the producers' pet and they are eager to please him, just like the hgs are. I mean, this was a running competition...Christmas should not be eligible to play!

  • Love 15

So let's say this all ends up working out the way Paul wants it to, that would mean a final 3 of him, Josh and Christmas, right? He's playing everybody right now but, based on his previous DRs, I get the impression he wants to be sitting next to Josh in a final 2. So let's say that happens but he doesn't win the final HOH, do we think either Josh or Christmas would take him? Because I genuinely think neither of them would take him. I can't see them turning on each other. Eventually he's going to win a POV or HOH and have to openly pick a side and after that, unless he's got some of Dan's mist, I can see him getting taken out unless he keeps winning comps. And I can see Josh and Christmas being the ones who do it.

And who knows what craziness could go down at the double eviction next week. So there's still hope for those of you who would hate a Paul win! 

  • Love 2

And who knows what craziness could go down at the double eviction next week. So there's still hope for those of you who would hate a Paul win! 

What is so awful about this season is while I would hate to see a Paul win, I would also hate to see anyone else left win. Maybe Kevin, but he would never win because the sheep don't like him. That's why this season is so awful. It's like the season Derrick won, but as if Derek won against seven Victorias.

Someone should lock Alex up in a closet or under the sink the next time she pulls that tired crap.

Trejo? Real subtle code word, Raven. Can be worked naturally into any sentence.

  • Love 8

Raven is excited about breaking up Alex/Jason, then reveals that she knows that they had conspired to breaking up her and Matt -  but she blames that on Alex & Jason!  Every move that anyone has made in the game has been directed by Paul.  Yet Paul hugs her and makes her feel special, so she forgets that and believes that she and Paul have the F2 all wrapped up - because they're smart!?   

Alex is happy to do what Paul wants, because she KNOWS that he won't betray her, she's special and smart and such a good player. 

Christmas takes on HOH , is happy to be the one blamed for whomever goes home, because she trusts Paul  and he would never betray her.   

Three women, all made to feel special and important  by one guy.    Reminds me of the stories you hear about a guy juggling three wives/families without anyone knowing,  always having an explanation for his time away from home, always says trust me, it's me and you, etc.   Only - those guys always have multiple wives in different towns.   Paul has three women, all being told they're his number one, each believing it and trusting him 100% - IN THE SAME HOUSE!   

He's horrible.   And I'd say he deserves the win, except for the fact that he got advantages early in the game, giving him a head start and setting him up for the win.   

  • Love 18

Man I wish I could have been in the production control box to see the crestfallen look on Alison Grodner's face when her Tree of Temptation proved to be a resounding failure. Complete misfire ha!

Will  these idiots ever wake up and compare notes to figure out Paul has been playing them all? The season is salvagable if come the final episode despite all his machinations most likely Christmas refusing to bring him to a final two over Josh and everything would be for naught. That would make this slog all worth it!

Christmas being handed HOH not once but twice....she should never have been allowed back after the injury. They could have saved her for next year and announced a triumphant return.

Jason continues to find any excuse to lay his hands on Alex such as the roughhousing before the commercial where yet again he's scooping her up.

LOL at his Rodeo Clown schtick completely falling flat when he faked passing out which obviously was suppose to get a laugh but was met with confused silence.

Alex...oh Alex...you should have aligned with Cody when you had the chance...but nope you bought into Paul's Koolaid of taking you to the final two and that scenario is on life support.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 11

Christmas should NOT have been in the race, but if her doctors cleared her, then I guess she was ok to race. 

BUT - they all threw the competition, but then were concerned about it "looking"  like they threw it.   They wanted to make it look legit.   FOR WHOM?   The cameras are recording all of them agreeing to throw it, the conversations are recorded and shown on TV.  WHO were they trying to fool?   They may as well have all taken their hands off the buttons at once, all been eliminated in the first 20 seconds of the race, no need to play-act like it was an accident.  

Edited by backformore
  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, North of Eden said:

Jason continues to find any excuse to lay his hands on Alex such as the roughhousing before the commercial where yet again he's scooping her up.

What a wonderful husband!

2 minutes ago, candall said:

These people are MORONS.  Everyone saw EXACTLY the same scheme played out, LAST WEEK.  Bonded couple, on the block together, as pawns, don't worry, there's a backdoor candidate scheduled. 

Last week!!!!



  • Love 7
2 hours ago, phlebas said:

That HOH was painful. 

The worst part was everyone being so smug about throwing it like they just made some serious baller move. 

I can't wait to never see these morons again.

"You're all a bunch of losers, except for Christmas."  Well, you're half-right there, Jason.  Except for the "except for" part.

This cast is an embarrassment to embarrassments.  

2 hours ago, PaperTree said:

Alex's brilliance just keeps shining through.  Offers to go on the block.  She deserves Paul to blindside her.

Alex may qualify as the stupidest HG ever.  Freaking Jacob was a mastermind compared to her.  Victoria made bigger moves.  And so on.

It would be nice if one of the Paulettes was playing production, the way the Shelly did during S13, and was secretly planning to get Paul out during the DE, but I highly, highly doubt it.  Mayyyyyyybe Josh or Kevin, but that's very long odds at best.

I can't believe that anyone, from the HGs to Julie and Les to Grodner, actually thinks that this qualifies as "good TV" in any sense of the word.

35 minutes ago, Primal Slayer said:

I remember seeing somewhere that someone perfectly summed up "they want the fans that Paul has" and thus are afraid of going against him. They want to use this opportunity to build a future fanbase to get that merch selling!

I guess they've missed the part where T-Shirt Boy actually doesn't have much merch selling and still lives with his parents, huh?  Morons.

You'd think that Purim, at least, might know that her own pre-existing fanbase would be more interested in seeing her win than just play suck-up runner-up.  In the words of Ric Flair, "To be the man, you gotta beat the man". Where's the plan to beat the man, sheeple?

Le Sigh.  And Le Autre Sigh, after that.

  • Love 5

I kind of hope they vote out Alex.  She is much stronger than Jason.

ETA:  forgot about the Veto comp................Maybe they will all throw that too.  I am sure Paul can convince even Alex and Jason to throw it.

Seriously!  Has there ever been a comp where everyone threw it?

Edited by jumper sage
  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Blissfool said:

It sucks that Paul even got TPTB to go along with his shenanigans. Normally, they would announce "Christmas, you have NOT been cleared to participate in this competition." Was there an announcement? No! Probably because Paul is the producers' pet and they are eager to please him, just like the hgs are. I mean, this was a running competition...Christmas should not be eligible to play!

Yeah, but they knew she wouldn't be running so it was ok for her to participate.

Two things:  I still cannot stand Josh and I'd kill for a body like Christmas has.

  • Love 3
45 minutes ago, slasherboy said:

Yeah, but they knew she wouldn't be running so it was ok for her to participate.

Yeah, but that becomes a situation of "which came first?" The producers declaring her ineligible to play would have foiled Paul's plan. I'm thinking there was a conversation in the DR where Paul had to explain to TPTB "no matter what the competition is, allow Christmas to play. Don't worry, we're gonna throw it to her." And TPTB obliged.

Edited by Blissfool
  • Love 10

I've been actively rooting against Paul for most of the season but after tonight, I'm Team Paul all the way. At this point I would be pissed (Paul voice) if somebody wised up and turned on him and got him out when he clearly deserves to win.  

This guy Metro Dee on YouTube does BB recaps and a while back he said they all talk about somebody being their "ride or die" when really Paul is everyone's ride or die, as illustrated tonight. 

  • Love 6

Maybe the most boring episode in the most boring season ever. I mean how many times do we need to see Paul pat himself on the back and kiss his own butt on how great he is? that's all that happened for at least the first half hour as regaled us on his HOH plan.

2 hours ago, hummingbee said:

They ALL threw the competition? Because Paul told them to? As much as I dislike Paul, I have to agree with him--I can't believe that worked. Dullness has reached a whole new level this season, in more than one way.

And I do think Josh was probably right that Jason had no idea that anybody threw it. Heh. Whistlenut brain power power was  caught snoozing.

1 hour ago, Rachel RSL said:

So let's say this all ends up working out the way Paul wants it to, that would mean a final 3 of him, Josh and Christmas, right? He's playing everybody right now but, based on his previous DRs, I get the impression he wants to be sitting next to Josh in a final 2.

Yeah, I think that's been the plan for several for several weeks now and part of the reason he likes to stir Josh up so very much.   

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, K-9 said:

BB19 has had a hazardous slip-n-slide comp and an Otev comp involving running through water, but somehow TPTB had to rain delay for this comp?!

They probably had to delay it because Paul still had not managed to get all his ducks in a row. He probably still had to convince someone to throw the comp. 

  • Love 9

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