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Jeopardy! Season 34 (2017-2018)

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3 minutes ago, SHD said:

Can someone please  summarize Jen's story? I FF through the interviews because I suffer from secondhand embarrassment too easily to risk watching them.

When she was a baby, her family went to Europe (right?), ended up in a restaurant with the Rolling Stones, but she was crying so much, the Stones left and talked shit about her to her parents on their way out. 

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Random thoughts from someone who forgot to visit this wonderful forum yesterday.  

As I have said before, 1776 rules (saw both Broadway productions, okay one on tour and own the movie on dvd).  Didn't know till much later how much it could help in Jeopardy.  

Don't know which hurt more - my ears from Randy shouting or my eyes from his shiny suit.

BTW Randy, I haven't read War and Peace either but I figured out the clue.  Also color me sad that no one knew Pride and Prejudice. 

My Jeopardy nightmare is that I might finally make it to air and have a Krishna night.  Poor guy.

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7 minutes ago, Jesse said:

When she was a baby, her family went to Europe (right?), ended up in a restaurant with the Rolling Stones, but she was crying so much, the Stones left and talked shit about her to her parents on their way out. 

Thank you! That IS a great story!

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57 minutes ago, SHD said:

Worst guess of the day? Saying Ella Fitzgerald when the answer is Fats Domino.

I beg to differ. Worst guess of the day is saying Saskatchewan borders the Pacific Ocean. Or worse yet, that it borders ANY ocean. At least Ella and Fats are both singers.

34 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

You’d have to tell us who you are so that we can buy it. 

Not to scare Mystery Author, but she has given us enough clues that we can find her. This is a forum based on clue solving after all. But don't worry, your identity is safe with me, MA!

15 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m very sorry that Krishna went on that downward spiral.

This. I was rooting for him. I also liked his interview line that some of them get tattoos, some do not. I was sad to see him tank.

Meanwhile, RANDY! What was up with the pleather? Some other obnoxious guy wore a pleather jacket a while back and that didn't go over so well either.

Apologies to Carpe as it turns out RANDY! is a perfume salesman after all. I imagine him in the department store spraying scent on passing customers.

It was interesting that Jen played the first half of the show just answering the big-value clues. She's proof that all you need is one or two of those to put you out front.

So what was up with RANDY! picking the $800 clue in the middle of a brand-new category (Gangster Lingo) when the $1,000 clue was left in Crossover TV and the DD was already uncovered? I don't mind board jumping when it makes sense, but THAT was just downright stupid IMO.

I got the TS of Chile/Argentina and Dutch uncle. Maybe you have to be of A Certain Age to know Dutch uncle.

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Just because you say something in a loud voice with a cheesy grin does not mean it's funny.  Irritating is more accurate.  Having said that, the show should have given him credit for Billy Corgan.  His name is so commonly mispronounced with a syllable added in the middle that even my anal-retentive self would've let him have that one.

I had Cleveland, uncle, and Antoine "Fats" Domino.  I guessed Sense & Sensibility.  FJ was an instaget.

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Oops forgot to finish random thoughts.

Youresourban - have a great vacation. 

Mystery Author - have read some of your books and enjoyed them but trust and believe I would buy a copy with that dedication.

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9 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Not to scare Mystery Author, but she has given us enough clues that we can find her. This is a forum based on clue solving after all. But don't worry, your identity is safe with me, MA!

45 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Are you going to buy the next book for me @saber5055? Pretty please. 

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I guess these were not classic fiction readers! I knew Age of Innocence, War and Peace and Pride and Prejudice. I just read Age of Innocence last year, but I would've guessed it anyway as the clue named Edith Wharton.

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45 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Apologies to Carpe as it turns out RANDY! is a perfume salesman after all. I imagine him in the department store spraying scent on passing customers.

See!  See!  I told you!  Neener, neener.  ?

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1 hour ago, Grundoon59 said:

BTW Randy, I haven't read War and Peace either but I figured out the clue.  

I was going to say the same thing.

I also got bullshot, The Age of Innocence, uncle, and Fats Domino. I thought the grill cover on a car was simply called a bra, not brassiere.

I was rooting for Krishna. :(

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1 hour ago, saber5055 said:

Apologies to Carpe as it turns out RANDY! is a perfume salesman after all. I imagine him in the department store spraying scent on passing customers.


When I heard his story I assumed he worked for a perfume manufacturer or developer.  But you're probably right.  Not as interesting a job.


Not a good game overall today.  I was identifying with pizza club guy and could see myself going into a tailspin if I ever got on J!   He got down and kept flailing away trying to come back.

Saskatchewan was an eye-rollingly bad FJ response.

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3 hours ago, opus said:

I think Jen had my most favorite interview story ever.

I was appalled by her parents not removing her cranky crying self rather than ruining other people's meals.

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I've tried but have never made it all the way through "War&Peace", but the reference to Napoleon immediately brought to mind "W&P"... I knew "Dutch Uncle", think its an old-fashion term, and what the Heck was Randy thinking saying Saskatchawan?!  I was rooting for Krishna, he started out good, but kept getting deeper in the hole & kept looking more dejected.  Maybe he will get a Jeopardy tattoo :)

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10 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I was appalled by her parents not removing her cranky crying self rather than ruining other people's meals.

Is that you Mick?

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I’d say this bunch were clearly not well-read, but I’ve not read War & Peace, Pride & Prejudice, or The Age of Innocence and I still knew them! For War & Peace, what else could it be!? A book described as a “tome” with a Russian character name? Come on!

I had no clue on FJ. I know almost nothing about Canada. I guessed the Yukon cause it’s next to Alaska. Looking at a map I see it juuuuust misses touching the Pacific. 

Randy didn’t bother me at all yesterday, but today he was annoying. 

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1 hour ago, Bastet said:

I was appalled by her parents not removing her cranky crying self rather than ruining other people's meals.

Lol. I'm childless, and I thought the same thing. I imagine that's a story they told a lot with great enthusiasm. I liked Krishna's interview. I am sorry he crashed liked that. He seems fun. Yes, you can be funny without shouting, Randy. 

My gets were Hartford (a former employer of mine), Marshall, Grover Cleveland, Argentina and Chile, probability, Age of Innocence, War and Peace, uncle, Fats Domino, and FJ. Saskatchewan was an embarrassing guess. Canadian geography isn't very hard, particularly provinces. It's not like African geography. Speaking of which, I wonder why the category wasn't North America today or just Canada. 

3 hours ago, Grundoon59 said:

Random thoughts from someone who forgot to visit this wonderful forum yesterday.  

As I have said before, 1776 rules (saw both Broadway productions, okay one on tour and own the movie on dvd).  Didn't know till much later how much it could help in Jeopardy.  

Also color me sad that no one knew Pride and Prejudice. 

Are you referring to Age of Innocence? I dont remember a Pride and Prejudice clue today. 

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Glad Jen won, and I also loved her story. Boo hiss for Krishna. 

TS I got were Hartford, Argentina & Chile (guess), probability, The Age of Innocence, War & Peace (Randy's DD), pride, Pride & Prejudice, Fats Domino (I was sad that he was a TS). I have never heard of Dutch Uncle or the cover for a grill being called a bra (Dr Toothbrush knew it). FJ was an instaget.

4 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Randy was just extra extra today, wasn't he? 

His jacket was sure extra extra. I forgot to comment that as loud as he was yesterday, he was dressed very nicely, and then he shows up all pleathery & shiny today. His tie & pocket square were nice. Bet he smells good. 

3 hours ago, Conotocarious said:

How in the world did none of them get Pride and Prejudice. They should have all lost for that alone.


3 hours ago, DrScottie said:

Non-consecutive Presidential order was the key. It was Cleveland for $`1,000.  He guessed Garfield. 

Neither my hubby nor I could remember which president it was who served non-consecutive terms. I said Garfield also, Dr. Toothbrush said Harrison but I reminded him that the 2 Harrisons were grandfather & grandson.

3 hours ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

Would it be improper for me, as another (straight) woman to plant a giant kiss on Jen? 

Not improper in the least. 

3 hours ago, saber5055 said:

Apologies to Carpe as it turns out RANDY! is a perfume salesman after all. I imagine him in the department store spraying scent on passing customers.

I know where he works & may drop by. 

1 hour ago, opus said:

Is that you Mick?


Edited by Toothbrush
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1 hour ago, opus said:

Is that you Mick?

No, because I wouldn't have hurled insults at a toddler who doesn't know any better.  The parents, however - yeah, they'd have heard from me.

I wonder how long the Stones listened to her shrieking before storming out.  Did they even give the parents and/or management a chance to take care of it, or just flip out?  Jen's family obviously thinks it's a funny story, so one would hope that means she'd just started screeching and one of them was getting ready to take her up to the room when this table full of rock stars went nuts, but I tend to think not.

For an interview story that bugged me, I have an odd wish to follow up on it.

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28 minutes ago, Bastet said:

No, because I wouldn't have hurled insults at a toddler who doesn't know any better.  The parents, however - yeah, they'd have heard from me.

I wonder how long the Stones listened to her shrieking before storming out.  Did they even give the parents and/or management a chance to take care of it, or just flip out?  Jen's family obviously thinks it's a funny story, so one would hope that means she'd just started screeching and one of them was getting ready to take her up to the room when this table full of rock stars went nuts, but I tend to think not.

For an interview story that bugged me, I have an odd wish to follow up on it.

I would hate a crying baby in a restaurant as much as the next person, but for some reason I found her pissing off The Rolling Stones extremely amusing.

She should follow up tomorrow. "So in college I'm at a Stones concert when I twist my ankle and start sobbing. The entire band just stops and begins hurling insults at me".

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3 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

I’d say this bunch were clearly not well-read, but I’ve not read War & Peace, Pride & Prejudice, or The Age of Innocence and I still knew them! For War & Peace, what else could it be!? A book described as a “tome” with a Russian character name? Come on!

I had no clue on FJ. I know almost nothing about Canada. I guessed the Yukon cause it’s next to Alaska. Looking at a map I see it juuuuust misses touching the Pacific. 

Randy didn’t bother me at all yesterday, but today he was annoying. 

Yukon is also a territory, not a province. 

I thought BC was too obvious and was trying to come up with the Atlantic side. Being a West Coast person probably helps me know BC though. 

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His jacket was sure extra extra. I forgot to comment that as loud as he was yesterday, he was dressed very nicely, and then he shows up all pleathery & shiny today. His tie & pocket square were nice. Bet he smells good. 

I noticed how well his tie matched the set. Then he opened his mouth, and all good feeling was lost.

I didn't get Age of Innocence - I got stuck on House of Mirth and couldn't get any further. I must be the only person who reads that's never read any Austen. I took a stab & said "Emma" and was very proud I got the right author.

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The dogs were being crazy (we have deer in our neighborhood) so I missed some, but I got Chile and Argentina, Age of Innocence (haven't read the book but I hated the Scorsese movie*), the Great Chain of Being and Perseus. For FJ, I forgot that Vancouver isn't the name of the province. I felt bad for Krishna, but at least Randy is gone. 

* Hate is a strong word. I have very complicated feelings about it. It was very beautiful and I loved the production and costume design. However, Daniel Day-Lewis and Wynona Ryder are both annoying. DDL always bugs me with the mannered Method "look at me, I'm Acting" thing he has going on. He's not as bad in this movie, but the character is so annoying, selfish and weak that I can't stand it. Anyway, I could go on for paragraphs about it, so I'll restrain myself.

Edited by Kathira
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10 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

I had no clue on FJ. I know almost nothing about Canada. I guessed the Yukon cause it’s next to Alaska.

I said Yukon, too, even though I knew...

6 hours ago, Pallida said:

Yukon is also a territory, not a province. 

I don't know why I stuck with Yukon. Stubbornness, I guess.

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5 minutes ago, peeayebee said:

I said Yukon, too, even though I knew...

I don't know why I stuck with Yukon. Stubbornness, I guess.

Heck, I couldn't come up with B.C.  Best I could do is Vancouver, which only sticks in my mind because of Andrew Koenig and Stanley Park.  Weird.  I can do okay with European, African, and Asian geography and super with US geography.  I know the states of Australia thanks to "The Facts of Life."  However, Canadian provinces and territories are foreign to me.  

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13 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Smooches my fellow Equestrian. 

I'm another equestrian.  Dressage on my red headed TB mare. 

Back to topic.  Who TF thinks Saskatchewan borders an ocean????  I initially said Vancouver but thought "that's not a province."   P.S.  I've heard the phrase "Dutch uncle" (and figured it out from the clue) but didn't know what it meant.

Edited by PaulaO
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11 minutes ago, PaulaO said:

I'm another equestrian.  Dressage on my red headed TB mare. 

Back to topic.  Who TF thinks Saskatchewan borders an ocean????  I initially said Vancouver but thought "that's not a province."   P.S.  I've heard the phrase "Dutch uncle" (and figured it out from the clue) but didn't know what it meant.

Hunter/Jumper, equitation here. I love to watch Dressage. Especially when I see it around Olympic time on tv when the put the moves to music. It’s brilliant but very difficult for those who don’t understand the sport. Nice to meet you.   

Ive heard the phrase “Dutch Uncle” but drew a blank and guessed Grandmother because Dutch is near German and I thought of Oma and Opa which is near Oom.

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12 hours ago, peeayebee said:

I thought the grill cover on a car was simply called a bra, not brassiere.

The men I know who have bras on their cars would be embarrassed to call it a brassiere. I can't see any guy going into AutoZone and asking the clerk where he could find the brassieres. Looking it up, they are called all of these: A front-end bra, car bra, bonnet bra, front-end cover, hood bra, auto bra, hood mask and car mask but NOT a brassiere. But what do I know, I'm just a lowly peasant, not a brilliant Jeopardy judge.

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1 minute ago, saber5055 said:

The men I know who have bras on their cars would be embarrassed to call it a brassiere. I can't see any guy going into AutoZone and asking the clerk where he could find the brassieres. Looking it up, they are called all of these: A front-end bra, car bra, bonnet bra, front-end cover, hood bra, auto bra, hood mask and car mask but NOT a brassiere. But what do I know, I'm just a lowly peasant, not a brilliant Jeopardy judge.

Well I’m not either but also thought that the judges might think that it wasn’t correct. All the guys that I know that use them call them bras or in UK Bonnet covers and I think that they take away from the look of the car. 

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42 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Well I’m not either but also thought that the judges might think that it wasn’t correct.

Has Trebek ever said "BLS*?"  *Be Less Specific

2 hours ago, peeayebee said:
12 hours ago, Cotypubby said:

I had no clue on FJ. I know almost nothing about Canada. I guessed the Yukon cause it’s next to Alaska.

I said Yukon, too, even though I knew...

9 hours ago, Pallida said:

Yukon is also a territory, not a province. 

Well, now Cotypubby knows TWO things about Canada so you are no longer a Canadian No Nothing!

I know the provinces and territories but not the years, so that's what threw me off of British Columbia and onto Prince Edward Island (two years later) and/or New Brunswick (four years earlier). Looking it up, it's odd that BC was admitted in 1871 but Saskatchewan and Alberta not until 1905.

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I was so rooting for Krishna - I loved how he said "please" every time he selected a clue. Ordinarily that would send me around the bend for wasting time, but I found it endearing. And I too fear I'd pull a Krishna on the show - have a good run, then make a bunch of careless guesses and dig myself deeper and deeper. :(  I think the current winner who deposed Randy - thank you! - won't have a long run, but Randy's gone and that's all I care about. Speaking of annoying contestants, I hadn't had a chance to catch up on the boards, but has the guy who was on earlier this week who kept touching his face been discussed? My 12-year-old and I were actually shouting at the TV! Where are all the normal players?!


I just went back and caught up - I agree with everything said! 

Edited by mookster
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1 minute ago, mookster said:

but has the guy who was on earlier this week who kept touching his face been discussed?

What? You mean there was some player who kept touching his face? No way!

Well, I guess he was mentioned once or twice ...

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3 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

Well I’m not either but also thought that the judges might think that it wasn’t correct. All the guys that I know that use them call them bras or in UK Bonnet covers and I think that they take away from the look of the car. 

I'm a woman and used to use them on my two classic sports cars.  They're used to protect the paint from chipping.

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1 hour ago, CarpeDiem54 said:

They're used to protect the paint from chipping.

Except there is also proof that they can ruin the car's finish and can damage it by retaining moisture, plus they can vibrate and cause scratches, paint chipping and other minor damage. But they are cool looking IMO.

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My whole family moved to south Florida when I was done with college (they said it wasn't to get away from me, but I'm still suspicious), and every car they owned had a bra to protect against the woefully misnamed love bugs.  Supposedly they make invisible ones these days--car bras, not love bugs.  They seemed pretty essential down there.

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15 minutes ago, Mondrianyone said:

Supposedly they make invisible ones these days

Yes, they do! (I've been studying them if you couldn't tell.) In fact, I might get one for my vehicle. I guess having a jerk-face boyfriend who made a big deal about having one on his TOO COOL car made me a little biased against them. But they would save scrubbing bugs off the grill this time of year. So there's that. I will shop for the appropriate brassiere for my auto.

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23 minutes ago, saber5055 said:

Except there is also proof that they can ruin the car's finish and can damage it by retaining moisture, plus they can vibrate and cause scratches, paint chipping and other minor damage. But they are cool looking IMO.

I didn't keep them on all of the time.  Plus I removed them between road trips and mine had very soft linings to prevent scratching.

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8 hours ago, saber5055 said:

The men I know who have bras on their cars would be embarrassed to call it a brassiere. I can't see any guy going into AutoZone and asking the clerk where he could find the brassieres. Looking it up, they are called all of these: A front-end bra, car bra, bonnet bra, front-end cover, hood bra, auto bra, hood mask and car mask but NOT a brassiere. But what do I know, I'm just a lowly peasant, not a brilliant Jeopardy judge.

I'll speak for all guys, and say we've never heard or called it anything other than a "car bra".  I had one on my fire engine red Dodge Daytona back in the day ("the day" being defined as before kids).

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Oh, Carolyn, please close your mouth.  We are not a codfish.  Other than that, though, she reminds me a lot of Sara Gilbert from Roseanne.  But between that and Robert's bouncing, I really wanted former champ to win again.  Alas.

FJ was another instaget for me -- I got it even before Alex finished reading the clue.  I also got Cobra, Comstock, and Romano a mano. 

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Anyone else not know what a "whip" did until today? I totally learned something. Durp.

It took me about 15 seconds but I figured out Babe Ruth. He's the only candy-adjacent athlete I can even think of, besides Marshawn Lynch and his Skittles, and that is far too recent.

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Carolyn = Darlene Connor with a stylist.

I was all about overlooking Robert's quirks (I know if you don't buzz in that you don't know the answer - you don't have to shake your head "no") but it bugged me how he started celebrating after he saw Jen's bet and then deflated when he realized Carolyn didn't bet it all. Rein it in, dude. But he seemed like a good sport.

Edited by SHD
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I always thought they were called "nose bras".

I knew FJ, but I am Canadian.  Still, for a split second I thought BC was too easy.


1867: Original 4 provinces : Ontario, Quebec, New Brunswick, Nova Scotia   

1870: Manitoba, Northwest Territories 

1871: British Columbia 

1873: Prince Edward Island 

1898: Yukon 

1905: Alberta and Saskatchewan (Originally part of the Northwest Territories)

1949: Newfoundland and Labrador

1999: Nunavut (Eastern part of Northwest Territories)  


Sorry, as a Canadian/US dual citizen I feel compelled to educate my fellow Americans about our neighbour to the north. ;)

Edited by 3 is enough
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