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Jeopardy! Season 34 (2017-2018)

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Catching up on a week's worth of Jeopardy!  Harder to get TSs with wife and sons #1-3 all home from college (yes, it has been an expensive year).  Managed to get a few each day, and ran the Musical Groups, Illinois, and Band Math categories.

My wife and I sometimes try to figure out how we know an obscure answer, and, sadly, can't remember sometimes.  I do recall how I got the Leon Trotsky clue, though, and it is all thanks to British punk band The Stranglers and their classic song "No More Heroes".  It features this delightful little verse:

"Whatever happened to Leon Trotsky?  He got an ice pick that made his ears burn."

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I'm not sure what just happened, but a giant message popped up on my screen: "Your reaction has been removed"  I was somewhere on this page, 145, when Bosco, who's very happy to have me home, lay down on my keyboard.  So if you saw that I liked your post and no longer do, blame Bosco.  Stella ran and hid when somebody here yelled her name.

Edited by Prevailing Wind
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1 hour ago, Prevailing Wind said:

I'm not sure what just happened, but a giant message popped up on my screen: "Your reaction has been removed"  I was somewhere on this page, 145, when Bosco, who's very happy to have me home, lay down on my keyboard.  So if you saw that I liked your post and no longer do, blame Bosco.  Stella ran and hid when somebody here yelled her name.


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Wow, y'all are really harsh.  I liked Virginia from the beginning when she talked about how she listens to the old folks.  After taking care of my Mom in her last years, I know that isn't something a lot of people want to do.  I even replayed the intro to see what she was wearing, and didn't see a problem.  Of course, I live in scrubs and jeans, so I'm not exactly a fashion expert.

Josh was getting on my nerves, so I'm glad Virginia won.  Hope she stays around for while.

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Agree with everything in your post.  I especially liked what she said about believing her patients' complaints, since by that age there's a lot to complain about, and it's real.  I wouldn't mind seeing her stick around for a while either, even given my conviction that fish, houseguests, and Jeopardy! champs all start to stink after three days.  ;o)

Edited by Mondrianyone
because I can
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On 5/26/2018 at 2:56 AM, Mystery Author said:

Oooh, where'd you get that cup, please-thank you?

It's from cafe press.  I think I still have it bookmarked, so I'll look for it tomorrow.  There were several cool items on the site, too.

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Yay, Virginia, even though Dickens was not a good guess for FJ at all.  Neither was Thoreau, for that matter.  It took me a bit to figure it out (I focused on the cigar -- what famous author of that era smoked a cigar?), but came up with Twain in plenty of time to write it down. 

I  was surprised Alex didn't remind Andrea what the category was when she answered freelance instead of gig. I was also surprised that was a TS.  I got that one as well as Simple Simon, tankard, bub and Taps.  A tankard looks nothing like a teapot.

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Sorry I’ve been absent. Company. No DVR. I’ve missed everyone and will get back to read your posts tomorrow. 

Did anyone comment that Virginia’s smile looks like the one on the Joker?

Anyway I got Simple Simon, tankard, bub, and the DD of Alabama. Mind it was a guess because I remembered George Wallace was Governor of Alabama. I got Taps in the second round. I need to get my brain back in practice. 

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26 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Yay, Virginia, even though Dickens was not a good guess for FJ at all.  Neither was Thoreau, for that matter.  It took me a bit to figure it out (I focused on the cigar -- what famous author of that era smoked a cigar?), but came up with Twain in plenty of time to write it down.

The cigar got me to Twain as well.  Three terrible guesses, but at least one of them was corrected in time.

30 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

A tankard looks nothing like a teapot.

That sounds like something Lewis Carroll might've written.

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Ugh, Virginia.  I was rooting for Dev.

30 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Did anyone comment that Virginia’s smile looks like the one on the Joker?

No, I was trying to be polite and not mention it, but now that you brought it up, all I can see when I look at her is the Joker.  I half expect Alex to use his Batman voice when he talks to her.

I only got tankard and Taps (Day is done, gone the sun...).

I was clueless for FJ.  Boo hiss.  At least I didn't say Dickens.

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57 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Did anyone comment that Virginia’s smile looks like the one on the Joker?

I thought that too, and I think that's why I got a smug vibe from her. Her slight grin looks like a self-satisfied smirk. But really, she's fine.

I tanked FJ with the horrible guess of Hemingway. American, at least, but he was just BORN in 1899. I'm going to go give myself a time-out.

1 minute ago, helpmerhonda said:

Damn Cubs game made me miss the whole first round.

I know, right?! There are whole channels for sports - why do they have to pre-empt Jeopardy?!

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This was my first look at Virginia, since I missed Friday's game. I did not think "The Joker" when she smiled, and now I won't be able to see anything else! Thanks, guys.

I rolled my eyes when Alex asked her if there are Tarot cards of game show hosts. Is there no topic on earth he can't somehow bring back to himself?

I got FJ since Twain was the only author of the period I knew who smoked cigars. 

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1 hour ago, SHD said:

I thought that too, and I think that's why I got a smug vibe from her. Her slight grin looks like a self-satisfied smirk. But really, she's fine.

Yeah, no one can really help how his/her face looks, so I try to ignore physical stuff. I hope people do that same for me. :)



I tanked FJ with the horrible guess of Hemingway. American, at least, but he was just BORN in 1899. I'm going to go give myself a time-out.

Actually, Hemingway was the first name that came to mind, but I immediately realized he wasn't known for smoking cigars. That led me right to Twain.

The TSs I got were tankard, gig, bub, Arizona, Nashville, and the DD of Alabama.

OK, fess up... Who wore hot pants? *raises hand*

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My guess for dish for soups/stews was casserole.

I'm hoping Andrea was just being nervous when she thought "freelance" is a palindrome.  Up there in the top ten worst answers of all time.  (Though the round as a whole was horrible.)

Speaking of Andrea, I'm surprised they accepted her answer of "trapazieds) for "trapezoids".

Was it just me who wanted the answer to the sand dollar clue to be sand dollar?

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Dickens?  Who was a) Not American; and b) Dead 10 years before Helen Keller was  born!  (Thoreau was dead even longer, since 1862.)

Dickens did have something to do with Helen Keller's story, though.  He met Laura Bridgman on his American tour in the early 1840s (you know, when he was still alive!), and wrote about her education as a deaf-blind person at the Perkins School for the Blind.  His writing inspired Mrs. Keller to seek a similar education for Helen.  Anne Sullivan was a graduate of, you guessed it, the Perkins School.

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3 minutes ago, Brookside said:

I'm hoping Andrea was just being nervous when she thought "freelance" is a palindrome.  Up there in the top ten worst answers of all time.  (Though the round as a whole was horrible.)


Brain fart of forgetting the category. 

2 minutes ago, Brookside said:

Speaking of Andrea, I'm surprised they accepted her answer of "trapazieds) for "trapezoids".

You can't fault her on that one. It's the trapezius. She had it right. 

45 minutes ago, GreekGeek said:

I got FJ since Twain was the only author of the period I knew who smoked cigars. 

I thought of Hemingway and Faulkner, but re-read and saw the part of cigars and that led me to Twain. 

1 hour ago, Driad said:

I got Mark Twain but would have changed it to Samuel Clemens.  Too pedantic?

Only if you included the middle name of Langhorne. :)

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1 minute ago, The Wild Sow said:

Dickens?  Who was a) Not American; and b) Dead 10 years before Helen Keller was  born!  (Thoreau was dead even longer, since 1862.)

Dickens did have something to do with Helen Keller's story, though.  He met Laura Bridgman on his American tour in the early 1840s (you know, when he was still alive!), and wrote about her education as a deaf-blind person at the Perkins School for the Blind.  His writing inspired Mrs. Keller to seek a similar education for Helen.  Anne Sullivan was a graduate of, you guessed it, the Perkins School.

In fairness to Virginia, the clue did not specify American authors; the exact wording was: This author whom Helen Keller could identify by his cigar scent was the first to call Anne Sullivan a “Miracle Worker”. Dickens toured America extensively, so he could have met famous Americans. I agree the time frame was off though. That's really interesting about Dickens, Laura Bridgman, and the Perkins School.

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2 minutes ago, DrScottie said:


You can't fault her on that one. It's the trapezius. She had it right. 


Thanks for that (I wasn't actually blaming her, rather inconsistent judging) - happy to be informed!

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This wasn't an enjoyable game to watch. The first round was pretty painful. Virginia did well in the second round, but her FJ guess made no sense. I was surprised FJ wasn't an instaget for all of them. 

They didn't do well with female governors, which I ran. I did chuckle when our former governor went unanswered. I'll keep my opinions to myself though. 

There was an easy palindrome that was really simple. Not only didn't they get it, but the person who'd just selected that category answered with something not even a palindrome. Grr. 

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I was surprised by only one person getting Twain. It must be one of those easy if you know it because I don’t even really associate Mark Twain and Cigars but both have written about their friendship and that he helped her to secure funding to further her education. 

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Virginia & Dev were on fire during DJ! I was rooting for eye candy Dev, and considered the "Hot" category a shout out to him. heh 

I was glad that AT specified that all 3 names were required in the 3 named people category, but showing a picture of a 3-named architect who was clearly of European descent could be no one else but FLW. At least make it a little challenging without a picture so that I.M. Pei could have been a possibility. Also on today's Toddler Jeopardy, a question about the 1963 100th anniversary of a battle? For $2,000 no less! (DD in this game) 

TS I got were Simple Simon, bub, toot toot, MI, Nashville, Taps. Dr. Toothbrush & I both got Cal for the baseball shortstop, but neither of us could come up with his last name. FJ was an instaget for me since I somehow know that Mark Twain coined the miracle worker nomer for Anne Sullivan. How I know this, I could not tell you. Probably read it in a book about Helen Keller when I was a child. Dr. Toothbrush said Hemingway, but conceded that he knew from the start that it was wrong. 

2 hours ago, Brookside said:

Was it just me who wanted the answer to the sand dollar clue to be sand dollar?

Not just you

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Thanks Zoey1996 (is 1996 the year you were born?)


OK, fess up... Who wore hot pants? *raises hand*

With white boots? Raises hand.

Re: FJ. If you are not sure about an author, guess Mark Twain or AE Poe. J! loves Twain and Poe (and Louisa May Alcott and Margaret Mitchel, but then it would have been WOMEN authors).

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Another Chicagoland viewer who missed the opening round due to the Cubs game. grrr.

I got Nashville and a few other TS in the second round, and thought that FJ was an instaget. Between the cigar and Helen Keller’s birthdate, he was the only prominent author of the time I could think of. 

The Wild Sow, thanks for reminding of Laura Bridgman! I haven’t heard her name in years, but remembered her story as soon as you mentioned it. (Side note: I was just reading the Wikipedia entry on the musical Spring Awakening, specifically the Deaf West revival a few years ago. That was the first Broadway show to offer translators for the deaf-blind.)

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I got Simple Simon, gig, bub, Taps and exoskeleton. FJ wasn't an instaget, but I figured it out from the time frame and the cigar. I like Virginia OK. I did like Josh quite a bit, and I won't be unhappy to see him back on the TofC, but he was wearing a bit by the end of his run. 

And the clue with a picture of poppies was one for Toddler Jeopardy.

Edited by Kathira
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5 hours ago, Mystery Author said:

Thanks Zoey1996 (is 1996 the year you were born?)

You're welcome!  No, Zoey is my (now dearly departed) Sheltie, and she was born in 1996.  

I liked what Virginia was wearing yesterday.  

There were a bunch of answers that I couldn't believe nobody knew!   Tankard, Taps (composed at Berkeley Plantation, Virginia), and Alabama.  I knew tangine and Ripken, but couldn't pull them out in time.

2 hours ago, Kathira said:

And the clue with a picture of poppies was one for Toddler Jeopardy.

Yes!  Has anyone seen the poppies done in Great Britain?  They look much more like the real thing than the ones I usually see here.

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13 hours ago, Browncoat said:

Yay, Virginia, even though Dickens was not a good guess for FJ at all.  Neither was Thoreau, for that matter.  It took me a bit to figure it out (I focused on the cigar -- what famous author of that era smoked a cigar?), but came up with Twain in plenty of time to write it down.

Another rare instaget for me. Twain/Clemens and cigars are firmly connected in my mind, and I knew the time period fit.

12 hours ago, whinewithwine said:

Good for Virginia.  I was surprised no one got the connection between Lurleen Wallace/George Wallace/Alabama.

I did, but then confidently shouted out "Georgia!" Sigh...

12 hours ago, Driad said:

I got Mark Twain but would have changed it to Samuel Clemens.  Too pedantic?

Is anything on Jeopardy or the forum too pedantic? I think not. No white boots, though @Mystery Author. Too hard to keep clean.

10 hours ago, peeayebee said:

OK, fess up... Who wore hot pants? *raises hand*

Raises Hand. And I looked damned good in them.

10 hours ago, Brookside said:

Was it just me who wanted the answer to the sand dollar clue to be sand dollar?

Nope. Me too.

8 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

Also on today's Toddler Jeopardy, a question about the 1963 100th anniversary of a battle? For $2,000 no less! (DD in this game)

My aside during this question was, boy, LBJ had a tough act to follow when it comes to giving a speech at Gettysburg.

19 minutes ago, zoey1996 said:

Yes!  Has anyone seen the poppies done in Great Britain?  They look much more like the real thing than the ones I usually see here.

I've only seen the ones the guests wear on the Graham Norton show. I'm not sure they looked particularly real, but then I wasn't paying close attention (when I first started seeing them, I had no idea what they stood for).

Edited by Clanstarling
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11 hours ago, Brookside said:

Was it just me who wanted the answer to the sand dollar clue to be sand dollar?

Same here. I live on a beach and that’s the only name we’ve ever called them. (Some Christians call them Jesus shells because of the doves that are found inside when they’re broken). 

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20 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

Same here. I live on a beach and that’s the only name we’ve ever called them. (Some Christians call them Jesus shells because of the doves that are found inside when they’re broken). 

I don't remember the clue, but I suspect it was badly worded.  Though that never happens of course.

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10 hours ago, Toothbrush said:

I was glad that AT specified that all 3 names were required in the 3 named people category, but showing a picture of a 3-named architect who was clearly of European descent could be no one else but FLW.

Oh my lord. I guess there are people who would have no idea without the picture. Heck, there are probably people who wouldn't know it WITH the picture. But that was a real dumbing-down.


8 hours ago, Mystery Author said:

Re: FJ. If you are not sure about an author, guess Mark Twain or AE Poe. J! loves Twain and Poe (and Louisa May Alcott and Margaret Mitchel, but then it would have been WOMEN authors).

Y'know, that's no joke.


13 hours ago, Brookside said:

Was it just me who wanted the answer to the sand dollar clue to be sand dollar?

Hee, me too! Why is that? "What is sand dollar... No, that's in the clue.... Uh... What is sand dol--- RATS!"

FJ was actually a nice piece of trivia. I didn't know Mark Twain had been responsible for the phrase Miracle Worker, at least in regards to Anne Sullivan.

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No harshing on Virginia. There are so few of us with that name, we have to stick together!

I ran Women Governors but totally blanked on FJ

3 named architect??? Seriously, architects may come and architects may go, but the answer is ALWAYS Frank Lloyd Wright

Edited by bad things are bad
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14 hours ago, Brookside said:

Was it just me who wanted the answer to the sand dollar clue to be sand dollar?

Me too:) Although I did finally come up with skeleton so I was at least partly correct.

I wore hot pants!! I was the right age and right shape for the fad. And I had great legs.  Actually, I still have pretty good legs but I'm old now so nobody cares:)

My ts's were Simple Simon, tankard, Taps and missed DD of Alabama. Pretty much instaget FJ.  Mark Twain just seemed to be the right person, and since he's a humourist, I could just about see him elbowing somebody and saying "Say, she's a real miracle worker, ain't she?"

I like Virginia and think she has a great smile.  Although, now that someone has pointed it out, I do see the Joker smile.

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On ‎5‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 4:43 PM, Mystery Author said:


And the more people laughed, the more others wanted to see the book.

Ahhhhhhh, Mystery Author - Now that you've outed yourself, I look forward to reading your books!

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3 hours ago, bad things are bad said:

3 named architect??? Seriously, architects may come and architects may go, but the answer is ALWAYS Frank Lloyd Wright

Careful - someday they might sneak in an I. M. Pei!

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3 hours ago, Trey said:


I wore hot pants!! I was the right age and right shape for the fad. And I had great legs.  Actually, I still have pretty good legs but I'm old now so nobody cares:)


I'm old too and I'm launching an official site for those of us who still have great legs and appreciate them in each other.

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This was another game I felt was completely underwhelming, followed by a way-too-easy FJ, in my opinion. I don't know why, but I'm not feeling Jeffrey. I liked Virginia and will miss her. Tim was too hard on the buzzer, so I wasn't rooting for him.

My gets were six, orange, iamb, Van Halen, H1N1, P51, and FJ. I also wrote down "The Arcade Fire?" which reminds me someone added a "The" to Arcade Fire. I know it would pass muster with the judges, but it bothered me. It's not "The Van Halen," and it's not "The Arcade Fire." Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong; it won't be the first or last time!

It bothers me as much as when a clue is looking for something specific and a contestant adds information already in the clue. Why do they do this? It drives me crazy! 

Just now, opus said:

I got Jeanne Kirkpatrick because she had a love affair with Bill the Cat in Bloom County.

And yay, Van Halen was a TS again.

Was that a TS? I didn't write it down, but I had it correct as well. I thought a contestant answered Kirkpatrick.

Edited by teebax
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2 minutes ago, teebax said:

This was another game I felt was completely underwhelming, followed by a way-too-easy FJ, in my opinion. I don't know why, but I'm not feeling Jeffrey. I liked Virginia and will miss her. Tim was too hard on the buzzer, so I wasn't rooting for him.

My gets were six, orange, iamb, Van Halen, H1N1, P51, and FJ. I also wrote down "The Arcade Fire?" which reminds me someone added a "The" to Arcade Fire. I know it would pass muster with the judges, but it bothered me. It's not "The Van Halen," and it's not "The Arcade Fire." Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong; it won't be the first or last time!

It bothers me as much as when a clue is looking for something specific and a contestant adds information already in the clue. Why do they do this? It drives me crazy! 

Was that a TS? I didn't write it down, but I had it correct as well. I thought a contestant answered Kirkpatrick.

Kirkpatrick they got. VH was a TS.

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FJ was an instaget because I once met a couple who were based in New Zealand and had to go to England every ten years for conferences.  They had been delighted to realize that they could travel in almost any direction and the distance was the same.  So they visited many countries on the way to and from the conferences.

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In the England/Scotland/Wales category, the question about which country was independent until 1707 could technically have been answered with either England or Scotland.

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Missed both the last two FJs

Said Australia instead of New Zealand

Hemingway instead of Mark Twain. 

I was closer than Dickens though.  So far off. 

Arrested Development Season Five released today and Ron Howard is an answer as a narrator.

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