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S07.E07: The Dragon And The Wolf

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I did not think that was a good finale. The only redeeming aspect of that episode was Jon and Daenerys finally having sex even if it was only for a few seconds. They were hot as hell. I was glad when he rightly pointed out that the witch was not a reliable source of information about Daenerys’s fertility. I now definitely expect a pregnancy.

Farewell to the Wall. Run Tormund and Beric, run! Oh Viserion. Your mother will not be happy. It was sad to see him as a wight dragon.

I have to say after waiting years for Littlefinger to get a knife in the heart, but his death wasn’t particularly satisfying. He deserved to suffer a hell of a lot more. Good that it ends Sansa and Arya’s dumb feud.

I cannot believe that 45 minutes of the episode was that ridiculous meeting with Cersei. At least, Jon publically confirmed his oath to Daenerys. I wish that Dany wore something in stunning red. It would have made her even more impressive landing with Drogon.

Dany meeting Cersei reminded me of Rick meeting with Phillip in TWD. The whole time I kept saying just kill him, Rick, end the conflict there and then. Instead he lets Phillip leave and Hershel and about a hundred people die as a result. Dany could have just have killed Cersei, Jaime, Euron, et al. in the Dragon Pit. Instead she let them all live and this will cause the deaths of thousands of people. Ugh.

Tyrion has become a treacherous fool and a bore. Who knew that was possible? However, it is comforting in a way that Cersei is delusional as ever. It made me laugh that when Cersei said that she hired 20,000 sell swords. I bet the writers wanted to say 1 million. They are so desperate to give her plot armor. This means Jon and Dany will end up with 5000 men after fighting the NK. LOL! Don't care that Jaime left her.

I still hate Cersei’s wig. I don’t understand how the show could spend thousands and thousands on costumes and won’t shell out for a good hairstylist and quality wigs. I love all the leather armor though.

I love the dragon sigil on Grey Worm’s chest. Jacob Anderson (Grey Worm) said that he wants to steal it when the show ends so do I.

How did the Unsullied get to King’s Landing? It made no military sense for the Dothraki to lead the charge in front of the Unsullied.

Brienne and the Hound’s reactions to meeting each other was hilarious. Bronn is a fool albeit an entertaining one.

Theon is a waste of space. There is nothing really for him to do in the upcoming war so they are making up stuff for him to do.

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Well if that was the purpose of the Sansa v Arya bs, Thank you! The Starks finally proving they're not stupid like everyone thinks they are, together. Here's to the pack of lone wolves coming together. Finally an end to LF we all yearned for.

Cersei looked beautiful today, loved her wardrobe. Was that finally the end of Jaisei?

Tyrion witnesses a lot of incest in his life.  I think we all saw that one coming, just in time for Jon's reveal. Just as it was obvious yet awesome to see Wight Viserion taking the Wall down.  RIP Wall, you'll be missed from the creds. Wonder if the NK was a Targ, he rides the dragon well.

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I hate when HBO does like 5 minutes of commercials for other stuff before the show. GET ON WITH IT!

I want Bronn and Tormund to be friends. If they don't ever have a conversation together, I'm going to be so pissed off.

When the Hound knocked on that crate, I was like it's not like the wight became deader. Shocked he didn't tell Brienne that he met her boyfriend.

Qyburn was too excited by that wight.

YAY! I'm here for the Stark siblings triumvirate! Thanks for being helpful Bran, the exposition potato. Arya has no problem swinging the sword on the sentence Sansa passed.

I really thought Cersei was going to have zombie Mountain kill Jaime. She always cuts off her nose to spite her face, so that wouldn't have been out of character.

Sam actually listened to Gilly? I thought Rhaegar was Viserys at first. They used the same wig.

When they showed Tyrion rom behind on the boat, I thought it as Jorah seeing he missed out again.

Oh. Shit. Should Viserion have holes in his wings? He wasn't dead for that long. I can't take the Night King riding him. NOOOOOO! Next season Drogon and Rhaegal vs. Viserion is going to be mindblowing.

My withdrawal from this show is going to be so awful.

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Well, I'm going to miss Lord Baelish. He kept things interesting. Glad my cat Baelish was in another room when it happened!

Hooray for Jaime for finally leaving that rhymes with hunt Cersei. As Judge Milian of The People's Court would say, "I wouldn't trust a word from Cersei's mouth if her tongue came notarized." I want her to have a miserable death.

Wow, that final segment at the Wall was amazing! And we have to wait another year!!

Edited by LittleIggy
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Holy hell! Nice finale! I knew Arya was playing a con! I definitely wavered on it, and totally thought Sansa wasn't in on it, but she was. I'm so happy. 

Anyways, nunch of other stuff happened too. Like incest, but just barely. Heh.

Oh, and Jaime came through in the end. I thought she was gonna have him killed for sure, but when they didn't show it, I figured she relented.

And like a lot of you thought, Cersie just said, "fuck em".

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So many thoughts I don't know what to say.   I guess i'm glad we are finally getting on with it.  Forgive the jumble this all comes out as.

Ugh, Jon Snow is SUCH AN IDIOT.  He could have lied to Cersei, for the love of god he's no leader.  He's for combat and muscle only.  He doesn't have the intellect to run a Tavern on the outskirts of Winterfell, much less the entire North.  He's such a simple person and a simple character.  He lacks the nuance and dimension that much more defined characters have had.  It's a shame he's the "star" of this story.  His forgiveness of Theon, while a nice flower sentiment, made me roll my eyes.  After all he did????  

Dany was so predictable flying in on her Dragon.  I don't think Cersei was as startled as Dany expected her to be.  Speaking of which, I can't deny I thought Cersei's outfit was exquisite.  Cersei's reaction was exactly what I expected.  She is many things, credit where it is due, she's made of steel and Lena Headey is the best actress on this show.  If Cersei can't rule then nobody can and that Jon and Dany haven't realized that then neither one will be a successful ruler long term.   Her scheme with Euron is VERY shrewd.  If she weren't a complete monster I could root for her.  And can I say that Cersei's outfits were flawless this episode.  Basic black but it was all so stylishly cut and her fur shawl in the end was gorgeous.

Interesting that Tyrion IS protecting and plans on saving House Lannister in some capacity.  Even amidst all this, Tyrion is thinking long-term.  Ellaria and Olenna and The Tyrells are probably turning over in their graves at the idea of House Lannister getting to continue.   And there is SO  a love triangle between Tyrion/Dany/Jon next year, even if half of it is unrequited.

I knew, KNEW Sansa would spit nails when she found out that Jon had given the North to Dany. I can't say I blame her, she still hasn't seen the dead and she has spent the most formative years of her life surrounded by intrigue and political maneuvering,  Everything is determined to be good or bad by how much power is gained or lost.   Sansa knows that she has nothing and is nothing now.  Not on the larger stage of Westeros.   Though her not seeing the relevance of Dany being beautiful proves this girl still has a lot to learn and that Catelyn was WOEFULLY inadequate at preparing her daughter for the Courtly World.  Her lack of sexual knowledge and sexual manipulation was something she lamented to Littlefinger in Season 5.

I may be in the minority but I am going to miss Littlefinger.  He was such a serpent and he was always maneuvering one way or the other.   I'm going to miss this aspect of the show.  The scheming and drama. Sansa being responsible for his demise was a suitable denouement, but she should bow out of the Game of Thrones, if there is one after the WW mess, because she is not up for it.  She's capable of clever tricks and can recognize self-interest in certain situations but.....Ummm no.

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I'm curious about how the mechanical model of Westeros is going to show the breach in the Wall - will it start out at full height and then retract into the ground?  Or will there just not be any wall there at all?

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Baelish deserved to die.  I know it.  But I a going to miss that sleazy, lying,  evil  man.  Gods help me, I find him sexy. Well, when he was alive.  He’s much less appealing bleeding out on the floor. 

The Lannister men really like suggesting Cersai kill them.   Damn, haven’t they ever been told, “Don’t poke the bear.”  One of these days she’ll give the Mountain the order.

So we finally hear it said that Jon is not a bastard.  No surprise there.  I would actually like a story with kings, queens and great families in which noble blood was meaningless.  I a tired of the born for greatness trope.  At least it gave us a reason for Bran time. 

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"You stand accused of treason.  You stand accused of murder.  How do you plead...Lord Baelish?"  Right there, is one of the greatest TV moments of all time.

You made the wrong move pitting Stark sister against Stark sister, Littlefinger.  Now ya dead.

Do you think Sansa knew right away from last episode what was up?

Anyway, how are Jon and Daenerys related?

Finally, RIP Night's Watch.

Edited by bmoore4026
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1 minute ago, bmoore4026 said:

"You stand accused of treason.  You stand accused of murder.  How do you plead...Lord Baelish."  Right there, is one of the greatest TV moments of all time.

You made the wrong move pitting Stark sister against Stark sister, Littlefinger.  Now ya dead.

Do you think Sansa knew right away from last episode what was up?

Anyway, how are Jon and Daenerys related?

Finally, RIP Night's Watch.

Dany is Jon's aunt, no two ways about it.

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I knew Cersei was going to screw them over.


I've been doing a re-watch of the previous seasons this week. I swear, if they took out all the gratuitous sex scenes in brothels in those previous seasons they only had maybe eight episodes of story per season, just like this year.

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I hate when HBO does like 5 minutes of commercials for other stuff before the show. GET ON WITH IT!

Seriously. I'm already paying, they don't have to be so...basic.

I loved the episode. I feel like this is the last show I watch that's focused purely on quality entertainment, not being clever or elevated, not wrapped up in some showrunner's ego, not comprised entirely of shocking twists just for the sake of twists. It feels like they want me to be a happy viewer, I appreciate that. 

Dany needs to learn how to use her dragons more effectively. That one took out a big chunk of wall in like 5 minutes. With ice fire, I guess. Hers haven't been quite that efficient yet. 

How long am I waiting between seasons this time? Their only downfall, for me, would be dragging this out too long.  And now that Westeros feels smaller, since people got around quickly this season, this big fight shouldn't take long to start. 

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1 minute ago, kieyra said:

Dany is Jon's aunt, no two ways about it.

~Incest, incest~

~Incest is so much fun~

Can't have gay dudes on this show unless they're eunuchs, but blood relative sex is A-OK.

Edited by bmoore4026
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I couldn't watch Sindragosa (sorry WoW joke) take down the wall. Can someone reassure me that Tormund survived?

Really excellent episode, heart in throat, and as long as Tormund made it I am 100% fine with tonight's body count.

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Fantastic finale! Probably my favorite episode of the season along with Spoils of War.

I think the best part were a lot of the character interactions. Hound/Mountain, Cersei/Tyrion, Jamie/Brienne, Jamie/Tyrion, Sansa/Arya, Jon/Theon. A lot of these were small moments but they felt like a long time coming. 

I loved how small and scared Cersei looked when Dany arrived. She hid it well after but in that moment when the dragons arrived she looked terrified, and I loved it.

I did get goosebumps when she came back and said she would help. As much as I dislike Cersei I honestly think she and Qyburn could have been invaluable in this fight. Her talent in surprising moves of destruction could have come in handy vs the army of the dead.

That cliffhanger, whew! It was so sad seeing Viserion decayed and evil (how is he flying with so much wing damage?). What is he shooting out of his mouth? Blue flame or ice? I was a little confused. I honestly don't see how the heroes take that army on. Jon/Dany will have to get the NK killed quick to have any chance.

I like Jon & Dany as allies but I'm not sold on them as a couple. It was a nice juxtaposition of Jon/Dany sex and Lyanna/Rhaegar. I still think Rhaegar did Elia and his two other children really dirty though.

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Dammit, Game of Thrones *in my best Tyra Banks voice* I WAS ROOTING FOR YOU!!!!!!

The good: So many feels in the scenes with Cersei/Tyrion, Jon/Theon and finally Sansa/Arya on the Winterfell balcony. When Cersei couldn't bring herself to murder the younger brother she hated, and when Arya wistfully stated how much she missed Ned, that was like a sucker punch to the gut. Also, Jaime riding solo to Dragonstone and the accompanying realization that winter is finally here.

Now for the bad:

Wayyyyy too much time wasted on that stupid meeting when what we really wanted to see was boatsex and the Rhaegar/Lyanna flashback. Everyone expected such a big scene and it was kind of underwhelming. Jon and Dany look beautiful together but why did we get thirty seconds of them, but five minutes of Greyworm and Missandei? 

I also feel like Bran and Samwell felt disingenuous. Bran is all of a sudden revealing family secrets to Sam, (a guy he met one time), about Jon's parentage, but hasn't told Arya or Sansa? Ummm, okay.

The wall coming down lacked emotional punch because this is like the eighty billionth time we've ended on a dragon scene. 

Overall grade for finale: C+, but still better than anything else on tv. 

Edited by BitterApple
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Oh, I just realized something - Didn't season six of True Blood end with a bunch of zombies descending on our unsuspecting heroes?  Is the next season of this show going to open with Winterfell in media res battle?

Also, is Jon's real name Edgar?  I kind of like it.

Edited by bmoore4026
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10 minutes ago, bmoore4026 said:

Can't have gay dudes on this show unless they're eunuchs, but blood relative sex is A-OK.

Renly and Loras weren't eunuchs. But they're both dead, which totally sucks.

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I never believed they'd have Jon and Dany get it on. And when they did, I found myself squicked not because of the incest (the show has kinda numbed me to it) but because I still think of those two as kids playing at dress-up Queen and King. Like I was watching teenagers. 

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2 minutes ago, bmoore4026 said:

Oh, I just realized something - Didn't season six of True Blood end with a bunch of zombies descending on our unsuspecting heroes?  Is the next season of this show going to open with Winterfell in media res battle?

Also, is Jon's real name Edgar?  I kind of like it.

His real name is Aegon.

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That conversation between Tyrion and Cersei was so subtle. Tyrion got himself completely manipulated. Hes not the clever man he thinks he is. Cersei purposely threw him off balance by laying Tommen and Myrcellas deaths at his feet accusing him of destroying House Lannisters future. Then she deliberately let's him guess she's pregnant. 

Now all of Tyrion's planning and advice will be hobbled because will pull his punches trying to let Cersei and her child survive. 

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It's a little weird that Sam had to tell Bran about the secret annulment and wedding. If Gilly hadn't found that diary and read it to Sam, Bran would be telling the world that Jon was a Sand bastard. Whatever.

The world is lucky that the Night King is slow and deliberate and in no rush to kill. He has a dragon and could easily fly everywhere and lay waste to everything. Wait, ...why hasn't he done that yet? He and his army will just plod along, I guess.

I don't really like Jon and Dany together. Yuck. I've had my fill of incest with this show.

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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:


Wayyyyy too much time wasted on that stupid meeting when what we really wanted to see was boatsex and the Rhaegar/Lyanna flashback. Everyone expected such a big scene and it was kind of underwhelming. Jon and Dany look beautiful together but why did we get thirty seconds of them, but five minutes of Greyworm and Missandei? 


I wanted more of Greyworm and Missandei.

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19 minutes ago, Muffyn said:

Baelish deserved to die.  I know it.  But I a going to miss that sleazy, lying,  evil  man.  Gods help me, I find him sexy. Well, when he was alive.  He’s much less appealing bleeding out on the floor. 


Aiden Gillen is sexy as hell (loved him since The Wire). He was great as Baelish.

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4 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

It's a little weird that Sam had to tell Bran about the secret annulment and wedding. If Gilly hadn't found that diary and read it to Sam, Bran would be telling the world that Jon was a Sand bastard. Whatever.


I guess we're supposed to believe it's one of those events of the past that Bran conveniently hadn't seen yet. 

On another note, I hate Rhaegar and Lyanna. All this mess and death and war because they couldn't control their hormones.

I also can't believe Sansa is still so naive she didn't see the obvious in why Jon would bend the knee to Dany. 

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14 minutes ago, AimingforYoko said:

He was with Beric. Beric didn't get brought back six times to die off-screen.

Yep. You know they have to survive so they can tell those at Winterfell that the Wall is gone. 

So long, Baelish. You have definitely outstayed your welcome. Sansa knew that Arya never wanted to be Lady of any damn thing. 

That was an awesome season finale!

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In hindsight the wight hunt now looks really really foolish. It doesn't seem like the NK had a sure plan to bring down the wall. They clearly weren't going to swim into the water by Eastwatch. Without Viserion the wally very likely could have stopped or halted him!

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So Version died & became a wight for nothing? They did not convince Cersei or Euron. The only one that they actually convinced was Jamie, who will fight without any armies. Yay, they got...one guy. 

That said, I am glad that Jamie FINALLY got fed up with Cersei's BS.

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32 minutes ago, Popples said:

Qyburn was too excited by that wight.

YAY! I'm here for the Stark siblings triumvirate! Thanks for being helpful Bran, the exposition potato. Arya has no problem swinging the sword on the sentence Sansa passed.

I really thought Cersei was going to have zombie Mountain kill Jaime. She always cuts off her nose to spite her face, so that wouldn't have been out of character.

Sam actually listened to Gilly? I thought Rhaegar was Viserys at first. They used the same wig.

When they showed Tyrion rom behind on the boat, I thought it as Jorah seeing he missed out again.

Oh. Shit. Should Viserion have holes in his wings? He wasn't dead for that long. I can't take the Night King riding him. NOOOOOO! Next season Drogon and Rhaegal vs. Viserion is going to be mindblowing.

Yes, I too thought Qyburn was utterly fascinated by the wight. Dude is fuuuuucked up.

I was holding my breath when Jaime was walking away. She is such a narcissist--she literally thinks she and Jaime are basically the same person--that I was shocked she didn't have him killed for walking away. I wasn't remotely surprised that she went back on her word about helping out against the Night King.

When they showed Rhaegar (FINALLY we see Rhaegar, FINALLY), I too thought he was Viserys 2.0. Rhaegar was supposed to be an amazing soldier, not some skinny dude.

FUCK the Night King. I HATE him for riding that beautiful dragon he murdered.


15 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

I sensed Sansa knew what was up, when Littlefinger asked her what Arya would gain from Sansa's death and Sansa replied, "to be Lady if Winterfell" and I was like, Sansa knows dawn well Arya doesn't want to be lady of anything.  That's when I knew she was playing Littlefinger.

Yes! Me as well, I was yelling at the TV "Arya doesn't care about that shit!"


9 minutes ago, LilaFowler said:

It's a little weird that Sam had to tell Bran about the secret annulment and wedding. If Gilly hadn't found that diary and read it to Sam, Bran would be telling the world that Jon was a Sand bastard. Whatever.

I thought that as well--shouldn't Bran already know that?

Why was Tyrion creeping in the hallway after Jon went into Dany's cabin?

One last thought--why would Rhaegar name his baby boy after...his other son? Rhaegar's son by Elia Martell was also named Aegon.

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19 minutes ago, GeminiDancer said:

His real name is Aegon.

Wasn't that the name of one of the Ghostbusters?  Ooo, that could be another reboot right there. Jon, Tyrion, Grey Worm, and Jorah put on Proton Packs and bust ghosts.  Daenerys starts wearing weird glasses and talking in a pronounced Brooklyn accent.

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