Guest August 20, 2017 Share August 20, 2017 HOH 9 Link to comment
TimWil August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Josh re Jason: He's not very smart with his words. Pot meet kettle, Josh. 10 Link to comment
Popular Post Callaphera August 21, 2017 Popular Post Share August 21, 2017 The Story of Christmas, as seen in this episode: First DR session: "I'm here to make big moves and shake up this house." Second DR session: "I'm ready to make big but strategic moves." Third DR session: "I'm ready to make a big move! Woo woo!" At the half hour mark, Christmas and Paul talk about putting up Jason and Matt, with an intention to backdoor Mark. But they are contractually obligated to discuss actually voting out Jason or Matt just to give the not-as-fast-on-the-uptake viewers some hope. At the three quarter of an hour mark, Christmas and Josh have a conversation with Mark that goes well and she "may reconsider" keeping Mark (lawl). Even the not-as-fast-on-the-uptake viewers are cluing in at this point. At the end of the episode, Christmas nominates Matt and Jason. Final "big move" mention count: 3 Big moves accomplished: 0 25 Link to comment
Popular Post Slider August 21, 2017 Popular Post Share August 21, 2017 I don't know if I can keep up with all of Christmas' big moves. 27 Link to comment
HighMaintenance August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Maybe she ate some of the house Raisin Bran and her "big move" was off camera. 17 Link to comment
Eolivet August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Way to go, Jason's wife -- that didn't put a huge target on his back or anything. Guys, I might as well tell you about the secret program Boston has to funnel all of its cops into reality TV shows. Because everyone from Boston is a cop. Everyone! 17 Link to comment
Jel August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Paul's torturous to watch. He's been a target all season everyone! Shyeah. I noticed he slipped in a little "your boy" tonight as well. 8 Link to comment
TroopinFairy August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Yeah, Christmas backdooring Mark what a BIG MOVE! *rolls eyes* 11 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Still stunned from Christmas' BIG MOVES but I'll try to compose myself... I realized tonight that I wouldn't give a rats ass for any of these people and have no idea how that just popped up in this particular episode. But now as the lines were drawn 2+Paul in every grouping I tried to envision one of those groups being final two (plus Paul) I realized I want them all to lose as they all annoy me. Josh being buddy buddy with Christmas makes me hate them both now, Jason and Alex are both hella annoying and Raven and Matt shouldn't even be here as they've done nada. Add the option of Paul as #3 in every scenario and well, I don't even need to pun that one bad apple spoils every bunch, as everyone in the house is a bad apple. I don't know if I buy Kevin being "shady" but it's nice to know who "The House" aka Paul will want out next so as the weeks drag on we won't be surprised... or entertained. 9 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Zingbot will be next week and I don't know what he can really say about many of these people, especially Raven I mean "Hey Raaaaaven I don't know what to ZING you for as you might DIE before prodution is... over... wait that didn't come out right." 5 Link to comment
MrHufflepuff August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Ugh, Jason. The least you could have done is shouted out, "My sperm is so EXTREME!" 14 Link to comment
Popular Post phlebas August 21, 2017 Popular Post Share August 21, 2017 (edited) Matt thinks he won't have to be a pawn later if he takes all his turns now? That's adorable! Idiot. Edited August 21, 2017 by phlebas 27 Link to comment
North of Eden August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 (edited) I never miss BIG BROTHER but I skipped Friday to avoid Derrick but then I tune in tonight to find him still there. Go figure. Though I do find it amusing that Derrick was helping tank Kevin's game by proxy just for having bumped into him at Quincy Market (went their on a school trip in 1984 and still mad I didn't get that seafood salad sandwich that was for sale there! It looked so good but too expensive!) Tonight I actually laughed out loud at Josh fantasizing about making final 2. The only way he gets there is being the goat of all goats. How frightening is it thought that Christmas is going to him for counsel? Big sister ....right Josh....I'm sure her smoking good looks and rock hard body have nothing to do with him being attached to her hip. Honestly I don't give a damn about Jason and his family. Academy Awards should go to the houseguests for their display of joy at the news. People really don't get that excited and emotional about other people pregnancy news do they? I know I've had to fake it a time or two and I have to believe they were too. Step off and die have not had to work hard. Alison Grodner protected you for nearly a month and after that you had your desciphles following you around. Can everyone one of the couples compare notes please and find out he's playing them all? Also though the Save a Friend was used on Paul tongiht....I believe in my heart that it and the other rewards were all desgined to save Paul at some point down the road by production. I'm sure they were "pissed" it got squandered when it wasn't needed. Lastly I don't understand Christmas and all those like her in past seasons that expend all this effort to get rid of someone like Mark who has NO POWER. Why bother with him now. Blow Jason out of the water this week. Edited August 21, 2017 by North of Eden 14 Link to comment
Mumbles August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Lol at the phrase "power couple." These idiots have no power. Mark's "temptation" seems pretty useless. I forget, did they tell the players the temptation would have to be used *that* week? 3 Link to comment
K-9 August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 (edited) That plush owl has a fitting name, Orwell (pen name of the English author who wrote "1984"). Edited August 21, 2017 by K-9 6 Link to comment
K-9 August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Maybe we'll see the HGs' reactions to the partial solar eclipse during Wednesday's episode. The HGs probably won't be expecting it. Hopefully they don't sleep through this event or stare directly at the sun! 2 Link to comment
mertensia August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 A big move would be Paul and Alex. That's a really lame apple poor Mark got. Save someone else! Yeah, so helpful. I imagine they got all excited about kid #2 because after a while any news, even if it's "aphids just ate all our roses up!" is exciting. 4 Link to comment
RedheadZombie August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Christmas's self-impressed DRs are unintentionally hilarious. She clearly thinks she's a diabolical genius with never before thought of nominations. She acts like she's just solved a previously unsolved proof, cured cancer, and found Jimmy Hoffa's body. Yet Mark pitches BB deal 101 to her, and she's in awe as she tells Josh how much "sense" Mark makes. 12 Link to comment
JudyObscure August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Paul didn't enter the game with a target on his back, he entered with a crown on his head and the devoted peasants have been scurrying to obey his orders ever since. Josh literally jumps when Paul barks at him. I was shocked to find out Jason had fathered two children. I know the Idiocracy has to come from somewhere, but still. Why would Christmas want to have a huge tattoo of a prettier woman on her arm, there for constant comparison? I do hope production keeps them all locked inside this afternoon, you know those morons would stare at the sun. 23 Link to comment
Wandering Snark August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 First off, love the 'entered with a crown' analogy. 9 minutes ago, JudyObscure said: I do hope production keeps them all locked inside this afternoon, you know those morons would stare at the sun. Paul will be called to the diary room and given friendship eclipse glasses for everyone and he will declare that 'your boy' is going to make the sun dissapear. 21 Link to comment
North of Eden August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Can't help but notice the precipitous drop of activity on the board here. My theory comes down to two words..... NO CODY. Like him or hate him he drove the storyline between his showmance with Jess and his battle as the only one not under the sway of Jim Jones aka Paul. Things I predicted...markedly less exciting without him when you are left with a group of dullard to work with like Jason, Matt and Raven. 10 Link to comment
ghoulina August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 (edited) As soon as Mark was out of the HOH comp, I quit watching. Yawn, snooze, don't care. So now it's Christmas up there on her royal throne, with her court jester, Josh. The fact that she LIKES his "crazy" and can be so close with him says a lot of about her. And she goes on and on about how, "Even thought Paul threw the comp to me, it's still MY HOH". Yea, keep telling yourself that. I notice Paul was, once again, not a contender for pawn. Paul is playing a fairly smart game, no matter how boring I find it, and how gross his massive ego is to me. However, if any of these couples start talking amongst each other, it could blow up in his face. Of course, the very fact that Jason seems to need written permission in order to talk to Mark or Kevin makes me think that he's probably safe. I don't think these people talk strategy without an okay from King Paul. So now Matt is on the block once again. I about vomited when he "gallantly" refused to let Raven on the block. Ever. Oh jeez. And then he's all, "It's my turn now, somewhere else down the line it be someone else's turn". Again, keep telling yourself that. You've been up there, what? Three times now? You're the very definition of pawn. You're just being used by everyone else. You're completely expendable. WAKE UP. The Tree of Temptation was sort of a let down. If we're going to keep up with those type of shennanigans, why not the Temptation Competition? I actually really loved that addition, and I tend to immediately hate new "twists" in this game. I knew Mark would take an apple, but it didn't do any damn good. I'm hoping maybe his chat with Christmas/Josh will help him out somehow. After all, when he left Christmas exclaimed - "A lot of what he said made sense. AND added up". Thank you for the redundancy, genius. Edited August 21, 2017 by ghoulina 10 Link to comment
laurakaye August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 (edited) 23 minutes ago, ghoulina said: Paul is playing a fairly smart game, no matter how boring I find it, and how gross his massive ego is to me. However, if any of these couples start talking amongst each other, it could blow up in his face. Of course, the very fact that Jason seems to need written permission in order to talk to Mark or Kevin makes me think that he's probably safe. I don't think these people talk strategy without an okay from King Paul. This is exactly what my husband and I said to each other while watching last is it possible that they don't talk to each other when Paul's not around? They have hours and hours and hours and hours together and not one person thinks to talk about Paul being the biggest threat? I mean, I know that collectively they seem to barely have enough brain function to breathe on their own, but wow. If they are truly that stupid, then Paul deserves to win, at which point I need him to go away and never show his face on television ever again. Also, I cannot stand the way Alex yips and yaps her way out of her mistakes like a demented chihuahua. The way she yelled at Kevin for pretending to be mad that he always asked her what he could eat was dumb beyond measure. The fact that he bought it and that Alex nearly broke her arm patting herself on the back for fooling him? It's laughable how moronic all of these people are. Has there been a cast this collectively dumb before? I'm struggling to remember. Edited August 21, 2017 by laurakaye 19 Link to comment
ghoulina August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 7 minutes ago, laurakaye said: Also, I cannot stand the way Alex yips and yaps her way out of her mistakes like a demented chihuahua. The way she yelled at Kevin for pretending to be mad that he always asked her what he could eat was dumb beyond measure. Ugh, I cannot STAND her. Yips and yaps is right. She has this very staccato way of talking when she's getting heated that just drives me mad. Everything about Alex grates - how she talks, the way she sits, the way she dresses. She has fully become "bitch eating crackers" for me. 17 Link to comment
watch2much August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 I doubt any of the twosomes will talk with each other about Paul. Look at how he was when he found out Mark talked to Jason--as if they have no right to do so. The others are sheep and if someone does broach it, the other will run off to tattle on them so gain approval from their king. 8 Link to comment
Pondlass1 August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 We are but a dozen posters here. I don't know what the general public out there thinks. Someone posted that ratings are great. So viewers must be enjoying this season. But for me it's a frustrating bore. I'm finding myself cleaning the kitchen and only half listening. Christmas' BIG move is to backdoor Meek Mark or break up a dangerous showmance. Wow! She must've been up all night planning that! And her confidant is Josh!!! Everyone apparently assumes Paul will take THEM to the final and that THEY will win against him? It's all so incredibly dumb. And what is wrong with Raven? She looks ill. 6 Link to comment
backformore August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 (edited) 4 hours ago, laurakaye said: This is exactly what my husband and I said to each other while watching last is it possible that they don't talk to each other when Paul's not around? They have hours and hours and hours and hours together and not one person thinks to talk about Paul being the biggest threat? I mean, I know that collectively they seem to barely have enough brain function to breathe on their own, but wow. If they are truly that stupid, then Paul deserves to win, at which point I need him to go away and never show his face on television ever again. YEs, they all THINK about getting Paul out. But he has manipulated them into telling him about every conversation they have with anyone else. So, the person who brings up the idea to vote out Paul, the person they talk to will nod, agree, and then tell Paul. Paul will then tell the others, one at a time, in confidence, that the person is "shady", and they will take the hint and carry out his wishes. Edited August 21, 2017 by backformore 3 Link to comment
Lamb18 August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 21 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said: And what is wrong with Raven? She looks ill. Raven wears a white foundation on her skin to make herself look pale. 4 Link to comment
AncientSand August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 This game has really Lord of the Flies-ed Alex. I thought she was pretty cool standing up to Cody early on. Now she thinks Kevin is a cop because he talked to a cop? Yesh. 14 Link to comment
Nashville August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 (edited) 9 hours ago, K-9 said: That plush owl has a fitting name, Orwell (pen name of the English author who wrote "1984"). Actually, the owl was named by BBAD viewers; it had been used (unnamed) by BBAD as its mascot for a year or two before TPTB ran an online contest to name him. Viewers sent in name suggestions, then Production ran an online poll for viewers to select one of the top five submissions. So... you're welcome. :) 28 minutes ago, Pondlass1 said: And what is wrong with Raven? She looks ill. I gather Disease #51 was a skin condition Raven contracted from the clown whose makeup cabinet she raided. Edited August 21, 2017 by Nashville Typo 8 Link to comment
laurakaye August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 11 minutes ago, Lamb18 said: Raven wears a white foundation on her skin to make herself look pale. Does she really?? LOL. Pathetic. I thought Paul's haranguing of Mark while Mark was just sitting there quietly trying to eat his cereal was disgusting, especially as all of the others looked on with smug smirks on their faces. It's possible that I need to stop watching because all I could think was, if Mark were my brother or friend or son? My heart would be breaking, and it kind of did...I saw a former heavy kid being ostracized at a table all alone, while the school bully picked on him relentlessly and his posse did absolutely nothing except to egg on the bully. This season has been the very definition of gang mentality and bullying. I have no idea how the ratings are this season as compared with others, but I sincerely hope that Grodner doesn't think that casting these kind of people is the direction this show should go. It's a game of strategy, but no one's playing because they're all too scared of The Great Your Boy. It's a bunch of supposed grown-ups being led around by a little bearded man with an ego as big as the house they all live in. It's actually creepy. 19 Link to comment
mertensia August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 I have wondered if most of the Paulettes were the uncool kids in school and are so thrilled to now be the cool kids that they can't help being a Paulette. 9 Link to comment
laurakaye August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 38 minutes ago, mertensia said: I have wondered if most of the Paulettes were the uncool kids in school and are so thrilled to now be the cool kids that they can't help being a Paulette. Except you would think that they would remember how bad it felt and have an ounce of sympathy. Man, I loathe these people. 7 Link to comment
K-9 August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 8 hours ago, K-9 said: Maybe we'll see the HGs' reactions to the partial solar eclipse during Wednesday's episode. The HGs probably won't be expecting it. Hopefully they don't sleep through this event or stare directly at the sun! Unfortunate news: on the current weather report looks like Los Angeles might be experiencing thick clouds right now this morning covering the entire sky, and they may not see much or any of today's eclipse. The partial eclipse is going to start in the next half hour on the West Coast USA. In LA, they might only see a little darkening of the sky behind the clouds, because LA only projected to experience a 60% partial eclipse rather than total eclipse. The HGs in LA will most likely miss it unless the clouds blow/burn away. 1 Link to comment
Nashville August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 (edited) 6 minutes ago, K-9 said: Unfortunate news: on the current weather report looks like Los Angeles might be experiencing thick clouds right now this morning covering the entire sky, and they may not see much or any of today's eclipse. The partial eclipse is going to start in the next half hour on the West Coast USA. In LA, they might only see a little darkening of the sky behind the clouds, because LA only projected to experience a 60% partial eclipse rather than total eclipse. The HGs in LA will most likely miss it unless the clouds blow/burn away. Too bad; sucks to be them, I guess. :D FYI - my house is in the totality path; we get total eclipse for about two minutes. :) Edited August 21, 2017 by Nashville 2 Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 (edited) 3 hours ago, North of Eden said: Like him or hate him he drove the storyline between his showmance with Jess and his battle as the only one not under the sway of Jim Jones aka Paul. I don't miss him at all and I'm glad that storyline is over. It dragged on way too long and just when we thought it was over, they brought Cody back and it started all over again. I, for one, am glad it's dead and we can move on to more interesting things. Him and his mean girl did nothing to add any enjoyment to this season for me. (Not to mention, Cody may not have been swayed by Paul but I don't think that's really a point in his favour. Cody could be sitting pretty right now but he went after someone in his own alliance for no reason.) I have no problem whatsoever giving Paul credit for playing an excellent game. He has the self-awareness to know that, as a vet, he's got a big target on his back and he's working his butt off to make sure he stays in a good strategic position. Making all 3 couples think he's with them is brilliant game play. It reminds me very much of Boston Rob's Survivor strategy where he basically said you have to be playing the game 24 hours a day. (I also liked Derrick and thought he played the game brilliantly too. I guess I don't see situations like this as "sheeple being led" so much as I see it as someone playing the game masterfully.) Edited August 21, 2017 by Rachel RSL 10 Link to comment
MrHufflepuff August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 19 minutes ago, K-9 said: Unfortunate news: on the current weather report looks like Los Angeles might be experiencing thick clouds right now this morning covering the entire sky, and they may not see much or any of today's eclipse. The partial eclipse is going to start in the next half hour on the West Coast USA. In LA, they might only see a little darkening of the sky behind the clouds, because LA only projected to experience a 60% partial eclipse rather than total eclipse. The HGs in LA will most likely miss it unless the clouds blow/burn away. But, but, but... how is Raven going to say that she got partial blindness from the eclipse if they can't even see it? 9 Link to comment
ghoulina August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 51 minutes ago, laurakaye said: Except you would think that they would remember how bad it felt and have an ounce of sympathy. Man, I loathe these people. Yea, I was not a cool kid in school. At all. Always on the outs, sometimes actually picked on. I would NEVER, in a million years, want other people to feel the way I did. And, maybe, that's why I react so strongly when I see that type of herd mentality/ganging up behavior. I know not all people react the same. I know SOME picked on kids turn around and BECOME the bullies. But that can't possibly be the case with ALL of them. Not to be superficial, but Christmas and Matt (especially) don't look like the type who had trouble socially in school. I just think they're all assholes. Either BB is intentionally recruiting assholes, or they're having trouble getting decent people interested in being on this show. 14 minutes ago, Nashville said: Too bad; sucks to be them, I guess. :D FYI - my house is in the totality path; we get total eclipse for about two minutes. :) Lucky duck. We're like .98 here. I could drive a few hours and be in the total path, but I hate crowds, so.... After watching some of the antics in the house this year, I almost WANT to stare straight into the sun and blind myself for life. ;) 10 Link to comment
candall August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Well, here you go--another unpopular opinion that's positive about Paul. I was impressed with his plan. It's smart. It's also risky, but he's apparently weighed the odds and decided it's worth taking the chance. Now, if it all the "shunning"--which I find indefensible--was part of a long con Paul came up with to cut down on sharing confidences, and he's been planning for a while to section off twosomes and ingratiate himself with each couple, then that's some pretty terrific gameplay. I don't watch the feeds, so I don't know if several people have developed complicated strategies to get themselves to the money and the producers are only showing us Paul's . . . but I kinda doubt it. 6 Link to comment
Callaphera August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 9 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said: I have no problem whatsoever giving Paul credit for playing an excellent game. He has the self-awareness to know that, as a vet, he's got a big target on his back and he's working his butt off to make sure he stays in a good strategic position. Making all 3 couples think he's with them is brilliant game play. It reminds me very much of Boston Rob's Survivor strategy where he basically said you have to be playing the game 24 hours a day. (I also liked Derrick and thought he played the game brilliantly too. I guess I don't see situations like this as "sheeple being led" so much as I see it as someone playing the game masterfully.) Here's how I look at Paul's game: Paul's sitting at the poker table ready to deal. But he's the only one playing poker. All the rest of the HGs are playing Go Fish. Of course you're going to win every time, even with a simple pair of sixes, if you're the only one playing. My only hope is that Paul keeps seeing that pair of sixes and thinking, "Nah, I can go bigger than this" and tries for a straight flush and fails horribly. But even then, the 7, 8, 9, and 10 of diamonds might be tucked into a special spot under the table to help him out and pair nicely with that single six of diamonds he kept. Is there any honour or respect in winning a game that only one person is playing? (Well, if there is such a thing as honour and respect on this show.) 10 Link to comment
Mumbles August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Paul is not as smart as he thinks he is. I loled at his big plan to secretly throw the comp to Christmas only to realize she was too dumb to win it, and so he buzzed in incorrectly - but rather than pick an answer that might *plausibly* be a mistake, he picks Cameron, the first person voted off, showing clearly to anyone paying attention that he was throwing it. I was thinking again of the Mark Cereal Eating pile-on and how it reminded me how they all screamed at Ramses because they didn't think he sufficiently "threw" that PoV comp a while back even tho (a) as an individual time trial it was hard to throw and (b) he didn't even win it! This show is a chilling mini-version of a totalitarian society. Take a charismatic leader who convinces a group of non-critical thinkers that he loves them and has their interest at heart. They in turn become tattletales for their beloved leader and rat out anyone not completely on board. Then browbeat, bully and ostracize anyone who asks questions. And look how long they held their grudge against Cody. In other seasons, players who thought and played on their own would have forgotten his "transgression" of putting Paul up (which fwiw I thought was a fine idea) if they could make deals with him or form alliances. It was a week-to-week game. But Paul convinced them that Cody had committed an unforgivable sin. He even convinced them that Cody had disrespected THEM by not telling them first, which ignores (a) he did mention that they needed to get rid of the veteran early and (b) so f*cking what, HE was HoH. Paul successfully made Cody's focus on him a massive sin against the rest of them. What is sad is that none of them have a y self-awareness. They will give Paul the win and be happy about it. 14 Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 30 minutes ago, Callaphera said: Is there any honour or respect in winning a game that only one person is playing? Except....the others are playing the game. They're all making strategic decisions and forming alliances, they just don't realize that Paul is currently playing the game better than the rest of them. 5 Link to comment
LGGirl August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 @Mumbles - great post. Couldn't agree more. So tonight we have a new temptation and the houseguest could careless. That says a lot. Christmas just need to shut her mouth. Every time she opens it, she embarrasses herself. 3 Link to comment
Callaphera August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 1 minute ago, Rachel RSL said: Except....the others are playing the game. They're all making strategic decisions and forming alliances, they just don't realize that Paul is currently playing the game better than the rest of them. Are they? I'll grant you the alliances bit. Paul didn't tell Raven to attach herself to Matt. Paul didn't tell Alex to attach herself to Jason. But the strategic decisions? Eh. 5 Link to comment
Joimiaroxeu August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Quote This show is a chilling mini-version of a totalitarian society. Take a charismatic leader who convinces a group of non-critical thinkers that he loves them and has their interest at heart. They in turn become tattletales for their beloved leader and rat out anyone not completely on board. Then browbeat, bully and ostracize anyone who asks questions. If George Orwell were still alive: ul I think this season is a good example of adults acting like they're still in middle or high school. Paul is the leader of The Clique everyone thinks they want to be in. 6 Link to comment
Nashville August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 53 minutes ago, Mumbles said: This show is a chilling mini-version of a totalitarian society. Take a charismatic leader who convinces a group of non-critical thinkers that he loves them and has their interest at heart. They in turn become tattletales for their beloved leader and rat out anyone not completely on board. Then browbeat, bully and ostracize anyone who asks questions. 15 minutes ago, Joimiaroxeu said: If George Orwell were still alive: ul I think this season is a good example of adults acting like they're still in middle or high school. Paul is the leader of The Clique everyone thinks they want to be in. So... you're saying that in a societal sense, high school was NOT a totalitarian regime run by a charismatic oligarchy? That was pretty much the experience *I* recall, but YMMV. ;> 6 Link to comment
backformore August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 52 minutes ago, Mumbles said: This show is a chilling mini-version of a totalitarian society. Take a charismatic leader who convinces a group of non-critical thinkers that he loves them and has their interest at heart. They in turn become tattletales for their beloved leader and rat out anyone not completely on board. Then browbeat, bully and ostracize anyone who asks questions. And look how long they held their grudge against Cody. In other seasons, players who thought and played on their own would have forgotten his "transgression" of putting Paul up (which fwiw I thought was a fine idea) if they could make deals with him or form alliances. It was a week-to-week game. But Paul convinced them that Cody had committed an unforgivable sin. He even convinced them that Cody had disrespected THEM by not telling them first, which ignores (a) he did mention that they needed to get rid of the veteran early and (b) so f*cking what, HE was HoH. Paul successfully made Cody's focus on him a massive sin against the rest of them. What is sad is that none of them have a y self-awareness. They will give Paul the win and be happy about it. RIGHT. cody did not commit some unforgiveable act. If Paul had not had that immunity thing, he could have been voted off, and the game would have gone in an entirely different direction. Without Paul there to convince them that Cody=Satan, other alliances would have been formed, and more people would be playing the game. As it was, there was a moment when all houseguests had to choose between two leaders, Paul and Cody. those who chose Cody were punished, those who chose Paul were applauded for their "loyalty" and encouraged to continue to see Cody as the evil enemy. they are so happy to be on the winning "team" that they forget that it's an individual sport they're playing, and they're all playing to LOSE. 7 Link to comment
asabovesobelow August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 I continue to be fascinated at how quickly hatred of players can shift on this show. I hated Cody so very much, he's gone, and *poof*, I've forgotten him altogether. Enter Alex. Was she always this annoying and bossy and self-righteous? I didn't even understand what her freak-out over eating with Kevin "the cop" was all about. Everything about her is suddenly pissing me off. I still think Paul is playing a damn good game. I'm ready for him to go on the block, get knocked down a peg or two, and feel a little less comfortable than he currently seems to. But I certainly can't be mad at him for getting this far/sailing to the end. This one is his to lose. 4 Link to comment
Rachel RSL August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 40 minutes ago, backformore said: Without Paul there to convince them that Cody=Satan, Paul didn't convince anybody of that. Cody did a fine job of alienating the entire house on his own. That wasn't Paul's doing. 41 minutes ago, backformore said: As it was, there was a moment when all houseguests had to choose between two leaders, Paul and Cody. those who chose Cody were punished Nobody was punished because literally nobody chose Cody except Jessica. Cody blindsided his entire alliance and they chose to side with Paul, not the guy who had just stabbed one of his own in the back. 5 Link to comment
Mumbles August 21, 2017 Share August 21, 2017 Mark and Elena were targeted because they maintained friendship to Cody. Kevin was screamed at for merely *talking* to Cody. 9 Link to comment
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