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S12.E03: The Not So Quiet Woman

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2 hours ago, film noire said:

Can't speak for anyone else but (even though I don't much the woman) I'm not applauding her weight gain, but Shannon showing her body, as is, to the camera. That's hard to do when you have a perfect, socially-approved body, never mind a  - god forbid! -- middle aged woman's body carrying weight gained during  (god forbid again!) menopause. We demand Barbie doll perfection, and she showed it like it is, for millions of women.  I think she deserves credit for that.

Yes -- and the day men become the primary stay at home parents will be the day Congress creates the Home Run Act, giving men-at-homers full benefits, 45 vacation days a year and a Mensecurity check of  5 K a month, tax free.  (Plus the Man-at-Home medal -- which every man gets, just for being at home.)


I love you for these last two parts.  

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22 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Is it wrong I hope they haven't changed THAT much!?  Joke.  I see her in a road rage incident.  Or a bar brawl.  Chances are good.

I heard Quentin Tarantino is doing his own flick on the Manson Family.  I am SOOOO excited.  I love this kind of stuff.  Just finished Helter Skelter after reading it again.  

I will definitely see that film. Loved the book "Helter Skelter." I've read it multiple times.

21 hours ago, booboopbedoo said:

WTF was that all about?

Lydia trying to be cool and have a story line.

Shannon is way over the top- go on medication. Really- that is the first thing you say to someone is about your weight???

Peggy is so full of plastic she doesn't have a personality.

I may have to stop watching this one.

Neither does her husband "Dicko".

Edited by ITALIA
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9 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Is it wrong I hope they haven't changed THAT much!?  Joke.  I see her in a road rage incident.  Or a bar brawl.  Chances are good.

I heard Quentin Tarantino is doing his own flick on the Manson Family.  I am SOOOO excited.  I love this kind of stuff.  Just finished Helter Skelter after reading it again.  

If you want to learn more about Manson, read the book "Manson: The Life and Times of Charles Manson" by Jeff Guinn. It's EXCELLENT!!!

9 hours ago, LIMOM said:


she probably had low self esteem before the affair and now she is simply a wreck.

The weight is not even that bad, imo.

there are many women in my gym who are way over 200 and still there working hard and loving themselves.

IMO, Shannon's weight is bad. She's only 5'6" and weighs 170 pounds. That's WAY overweight. Her ideal weight is 130 pounds.

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8 hours ago, slitz said:

This!  Kelly was downright gleeful in the reaction she got out of Shannon.  She (Kelly) makes my stomach turn.  Cannot stand her.

Kelly is a disgusting piece of shit, and so is her husband. Karma is a bitch.

Edited by ITALIA
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3 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

While icky and she should have used a napkin its only Guinea Pig poop.  They are hard little rice sized things.  I had a chinchilla and they were the same.  Not the really icky poop like cat/dog/all non rodents.  That said wash your hands if you are going to touch it!  I guess it shows I am not a mom cause I was more icked out by Aspen spitting up than Tamra touching the GP poop.  HA!  I was more concerned he would pee and how would you get THAT out of the shag carpet?  

I would have liked it better if she would have used a tissue.  You know her hands touched her phone before washing.  Poop is ?.

Edited by ButterQueen
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8 hours ago, msblossom said:

I don't like the new housewife.

We get it. You're Armenian. Thanks for the millionth time.

Who effing cares? We also get that you're a MAJOR braggart and not "all that" like you think you are.

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3 hours ago, Cherrio said:

Her nose bugs me, its extremely ug-lee.

Just like her fake tits.

2 hours ago, Sage47 said:

Lydia is a shitty actor. At Ava's party she was gleefully waiting to insert Vicki's name to rile Shannon up. You could see how fast she was talking and talking over Shannon to mention Vicki. Very production driven. 

Surprised Lydia has that thick mane of hair with that anorexic body. She could be beautiful in the face with those eyes but they bug out. I have a very skinny friend who also has the protruding mouth/teeth like Lydia. Too bad Shannon can't give Lydia 15 lbs. 

Why (last ep) did they highlight Shannon in the background saying, "I'm going to have a nacho" on her mic while Lydia and Tamra discussed her?? Bravo is right in there kicking Shannon when she is already down. 

Finally,  why would Shannon tell Kelly in the bathroom about her 40 percent fat when Kelly is someone who once yelled, "no wonder your husband cheated on you!" across a party? Shannon needs her head examined. 

Horse face Lydia is SO homely. Protruding teeth and bug eyes are NOT attractive. She's also a MAJOR shit stirrer.

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1 hour ago, ITALIA said:

If you want to learn more about Manson, read the book "Manson: The Life and Times of Charles Manson" by Jeff Guinn. It's EXCELLENT!!!

IMO, Shannon's weight is bad. She's only 5'6" and weighs 170 pounds. That's WAY overweight. Her ideal weight is 130 pounds.

I think you can't really decide what weight is ideal for any person.  Too many variations to consider.  When she feels pretty in her clothes, she'll know.  Even if she settles at 140.

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I am 5'6". According to my dr, 130 lbs would in no way be a healthy weight for me.  150 would be pushing it, somewhere between 150-170 is much more ideal.  Not everyone fits nicely into a weight chart.

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Just now, HunterHunted said:

I don't agree with it, but it's probably because they are Armenian Orthodox or Armenian Catholic.

It is possible that it is due to strict religious beliefs but then how will she deal with Vicki's act? LOL

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6 hours ago, film noire said:

Yum!  -- can I come sit at your table? (Promise I won't act like Kelly ;)

I also often choose red meat  (it keeps me fuller longer than chicken or fish, both of which leave me hungry three hours later - one of my saboteurs is that crazy-ass sudden hunger that appears when I've eaten a meal with too little fat/too many carbs. For me, choosing red meat means I won't be driven by blood sugar hunger to snack and snack and snack.)

Can't speak for anyone else but (even though I don't much like the woman) I'm not applauding her weight gain, but Shannon showing her body, as is, to the camera. That's hard to do when you have a perfect, socially-approved body, never mind a  - god forbid! -- middle aged woman's body carrying weight gained during  (god forbid again!) menopause. We demand Barbie doll perfection, and she showed it like it is, for millions of women.  I think she deserves credit for that.

Yes -- and the day men become the primary stay at home parents will be the day Congress creates the Home Run Act, giving men-at-homers full benefits, 45 vacation days a year and a Mensecurity check of  5 K a month, tax free.  (Plus the Man-at-Home medal -- which every man gets, just for being at home.)

You can always come sit with me (while we argue about Bethenny).  I'm a red meat eater.  I need the protein. I usually only get it a 2-3 times a week or so now but I would have a steak every night if I could. 

2 hours ago, smores said:

I am 5'6". According to my dr, 130 lbs would in no way be a healthy weight for me.  150 would be pushing it, somewhere between 150-170 is much more ideal.  Not everyone fits nicely into a weight chart.

Yeah, weight charts aren't the best. I'm 5'10" and I prefer myself around 115-120 lbs. I am tall but I have a very small build. I used to be smaller (I was around 100 lbs when I got married) but I felt like I was too skinny (although my doc was fine with it). 

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1 hour ago, diadochokinesis said:

You can always come sit with me (while we argue about Bethenny).

Ha! (It's thirsty work keeping up with you, Diadochokinesis -- Frankel's lucky to have you riding shotgun ; )

3 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

These brussels sprouts are good.

 The woman kept hoovering through her food, even as people were screaming around her; have to say, I admire her priorities. 

Edited by film noire
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6 hours ago, smores said:

I am 5'6". According to my dr, 130 lbs would in no way be a healthy weight for me.  150 would be pushing it, somewhere between 150-170 is much more ideal.  Not everyone fits nicely into a weight chart.

Completely agree.

The most problematic aspect of Shannon's weight is her body composition and where her weight is located.

I actually do not believe that she is 50% fat as the only way to measure accurately is with a water tank.




Edited by LIMOM
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7 hours ago, WireWrap said:


@ Tamara tattles.

what a racist ignorant POS.

no more clicks.

I apologize to the mods for the off topic but this needs to be known.

here is why this is what she wrote:

"There is also a weird aisle that looks like some of the stores in Libya where I bought two knives in packages with Asian writing because I desperately need some sharp cooking knives. This double wide aisle has cooking pots, interesting asian dishes, weird cups and pitchers, cheap bamboo utensils all kinds of scrubbies and kitchen gadget with Korean writing on them. It’s all really weird. 

I’ve been to this chain before, but this store just opened where ghetto Publix used to be. I miss ghetto Publix. I was excited to go and see what cool spices and international brands they had. There were no organic veggies, though the other store carries them. Because of the location here in the barrio, it was very heavy on Mexican stuff. In retrospect I think I was the only white person in the store. My cashier was Guatamalan, and the customers in from of me were from Botswana and Nigeria. I know this because the customers were male and were hitting on the employees. LOL. 

Oh and while I am standing around staring at all the weird shit on the aisles the man and his three kids is on the aisle and a little girl around five ran smack into my grocery cart. She screamed bloody murder. He told her to shut up and then put her mother on the phone. I suppose I was more traumatized than she was. 

I got home at 8 missed the window to call my brother and wish him Happy Birthday and was too tired to unload any of the crap I bought that didn’t require refrigeration. I mustered the energy to feed the dog, and drink the $2 Fostor’s Oil Can and do two recaps and now I am plum tuckered out. At least I will sleep well tonight. I can’t remember the last time I walked and stood for two hours. My heels and back are killing me. 

So that was most of my trip to the Pig Blood Market. I doubt I will go back any time soon."

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2 hours ago, LIMOM said:


@ Tamara tattles.

what a racist ignorant POS.

no more clicks.

I apologize to the mods for the off topic but this needs to be known.

here is why this is what she wrote:

"There is also a weird aisle that looks like some of the stores in Libya where I bought two knives in packages with Asian writing because I desperately need some sharp cooking knives. This double wide aisle has cooking pots, interesting asian dishes, weird cups and pitchers, cheap bamboo utensils all kinds of scrubbies and kitchen gadget with Korean writing on them. It’s all really weird. 

I’ve been to this chain before, but this store just opened where ghetto Publix used to be. I miss ghetto Publix. I was excited to go and see what cool spices and international brands they had. There were no organic veggies, though the other store carries them. Because of the location here in the barrio, it was very heavy on Mexican stuff. In retrospect I think I was the only white person in the store. My cashier was Guatamalan, and the customers in from of me were from Botswana and Nigeria. I know this because the customers were male and were hitting on the employees. LOL. 

Oh and while I am standing around staring at all the weird shit on the aisles the man and his three kids is on the aisle and a little girl around five ran smack into my grocery cart. She screamed bloody murder. He told her to shut up and then put her mother on the phone. I suppose I was more traumatized than she was. 

I got home at 8 missed the window to call my brother and wish him Happy Birthday and was too tired to unload any of the crap I bought that didn’t require refrigeration. I mustered the energy to feed the dog, and drink the $2 Fostor’s Oil Can and do two recaps and now I am plum tuckered out. At least I will sleep well tonight. I can’t remember the last time I walked and stood for two hours. My heels and back are killing me. 

So that was most of my trip to the Pig Blood Market. I doubt I will go back any time soon."

Continuing your side note: I lived for a long time in Atlanta and worked home health so I traveled EVERYWHERE. Her hints are all over the place as to her location. Proper Atlanta doesn't have a strong Hispanic area. The Hispanic areas are OTP and I think she has said before that she is ITP. I have issues with a lot of her postings though. 


5 hours ago, film noire said:

Ha! (It's thirsty work keeping up with you, Diadochokinesis -- Frankel's lucky to have you riding shotgun ; )

 The woman kept hoovering through her food, even as people were screaming around her; have to say, I admire her priorities. 

You know you love me!  And those drinks better not be alcoholic!  LOL!

As to your second point--she's Armenian and her husband is Syrian, I believe. That argument was nothing.  It was nowhere near bad enough to lead someone to stop eating. LOL.  I'm pretty sure my area could have an alien invasion and we would all still be brunching. Nothing will keep us from our brunches!

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11 hours ago, ITALIA said:

IMO, Shannon's weight is bad. She's only 5'6" and weighs 170 pounds. That's WAY overweight. Her ideal weight is 130 pounds.

I thought she was 5'4" - maybe I didn't read that correctly.

130 for a 5'6" woman is the number usually seen in charts - at 5'6-1/2" anywhere from 127-135 feels good to me.

Edited by nexxie
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9 hours ago, smores said:

I am 5'6". According to my dr, 130 lbs would in no way be a healthy weight for me.  150 would be pushing it, somewhere between 150-170 is much more ideal.  Not everyone fits nicely into a weight chart.

What reason does your doctor give for the higher weight being healthier? (Once I did get very sick and lose a lot of weight in a very short time - a little extra would have been helpful then.)

Edited by nexxie
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17 hours ago, ghoulina said:

Yea, but David can't win when it comes to Shannon. If he suggested working out together, she'd probably flip out on him. "Are you saying I'm FAT, David??? Are you soooo disgusted by me that you have to make sure I lose weight? Can't just love me the way I am???" She's exhausting. 

That could be. If she did flip out on him like this, that says more about their relationship and history together than it does about Shannon as a person.

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15 hours ago, WireWrap said:

One word to support your suspected fears....Yolanda!

Lydia told Peggy that Kelly didn't get along with Tamra/Shannon on their way to the dinner, so she knew before she asked Kelly to come a second time.

I didn't realize that Lydia invited Kelly on two separate occasions. I just recall her invite from the lunch flashback from the day earlier or something. But regardless of timeline and sequence, Lydia would have certainly figured things out by the time she was on her way to dinner so that doesn't surprise me. There haven't been many women who have held their cool in this franchise. I think Heather was stern but I don't recall her losing her temper in manner that would be considered publicly embarrassing to be around. I don't think Alexis did either. From the short time Lydia has been on the show, she has fallen into the category of someone who confronts without making a huge spectacle of herself and while she may know she's capable of managing her temper, it just doesn't seem believable to me that she would assume that the other women are able to do the same. This past episode alone she recalled what it was like for her to be the newbie and have to sit at the table and listen to the women screaming and cussing each other out and throwing accusations at one another. She knows enough that I think believe that her intentions are so pure - she's a shit stirrer but I do still like her (so far) because she's harmless. So far I'm liking Peggy just for the fact that she continued minding her business and eating her food when she realized that the other women were too involved in their bickering, lol.

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I actually think Tamara's advise to Shannon was really bad because Shannon's not going to keep to a strict routine like Tamara. T a stubborn, competitive jock who never really ate much anyway and always loved working out (even at that I think T's big change was an ultimatum from Eddie, not some big spiritual awakening). S isn't ever going to do that shit. She might for a week or two then she'll fall off the wagon. And why should she? All the armchair doctoring aside, we don't have any reason to believe S is in some do or die health crisis. She's overweight. A lot of people are. I am (and not much younger) and I don't have any health problems. My dr is encouraging me to keep losing weight but she's hardly concerned about my eminent death. Calm the fuck down, Mr Fake Trainer for Depressed Rich Ladies. Shannon should focus on small manageable changes that she can stick to without getting frustrated, because S has no ability to deal with frustration. Something like, not drinking at home and taking the dog for a walk once a day and a realistic goal of losing about 20 lbs over about a year. I mean that's never going to happen because S is a spoiled brat that expects everything to revolve around her latest temper tantrum, but I still think she'd be better off just chilling the fuck out about how serious this actually is. God, I can't stand her. 

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4 hours ago, LIMOM said:


@ Tamara tattles.

what a racist ignorant POS.

no more clicks.

I apologize to the mods for the off topic but this needs to be known.

here is why this is what she wrote:

"There is also a weird aisle that looks like some of the stores in Libya where I bought two knives in packages with Asian writing because I desperately need some sharp cooking knives. This double wide aisle has cooking pots, interesting asian dishes, weird cups and pitchers, cheap bamboo utensils all kinds of scrubbies and kitchen gadget with Korean writing on them. It’s all really weird. 

I’ve been to this chain before, but this store just opened where ghetto Publix used to be. I miss ghetto Publix. I was excited to go and see what cool spices and international brands they had. There were no organic veggies, though the other store carries them. Because of the location here in the barrio, it was very heavy on Mexican stuff. In retrospect I think I was the only white person in the store. My cashier was Guatamalan, and the customers in from of me were from Botswana and Nigeria. I know this because the customers were male and were hitting on the employees. LOL. 

Oh and while I am standing around staring at all the weird shit on the aisles the man and his three kids is on the aisle and a little girl around five ran smack into my grocery cart. She screamed bloody murder. He told her to shut up and then put her mother on the phone. I suppose I was more traumatized than she was. 

I got home at 8 missed the window to call my brother and wish him Happy Birthday and was too tired to unload any of the crap I bought that didn’t require refrigeration. I mustered the energy to feed the dog, and drink the $2 Fostor’s Oil Can and do two recaps and now I am plum tuckered out. At least I will sleep well tonight. I can’t remember the last time I walked and stood for two hours. My heels and back are killing me. 

So that was most of my trip to the Pig Blood Market. I doubt I will go back any time soon."

Yes, TT is not a nice person, I think her popularity as a blogger went to her head.  That said, she does get the dirt on the HWs. LOL 

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1 hour ago, nexxie said:

I thought she was 5'4" - maybe I didn't read that correctly.

130 for a 5'6" woman is the number usually seen in charts - at 5'6-1/2" anywhere from 127-135 feels good to me.

Shannon's scale said she was 5'6.5" but I think 5'4" is closer to the truth. A lot of women fudge their height to give themselves some leeway weight wise.

I always understood that it's 100 lbs for anyone 5' and then you add 3-5 lbs for every inch over. Of course ymmv especially if you have muscle.

Most Playmates are that height (5'6") and 115 or so (the "heaviest" one was 5'8"and 140 lbs). Runway models weigh about the same as an average PM but are several inches taller, crazy right?

There's so much pressure and standards to live up to in their world. But if Jeanna Keough who was a PM can gain some weight and lose it and not go bonkers and cry to anyone who will listen then Shannon needs to get a grip.

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21 hours ago, Sage47 said:

Kelly's daughter will be scarred from having that for a mother. Remember Kelly and her brother cackling about "tossed salad" in front of Jolie?? Who knows what that poor little girl has been exposed to in that house? Stomach turning. 


What she's doing to her child when she does that is called covert incest, or emotional incest.  It's common with narcissists and people with borderline personality disorder.  Didn't Kelly say she had that?   Wait, I know she said her husband was diagnosed with narcissism but I don't think that Kelly is free of that herself.  Anyway, her behavior will have life long repercussions for her child and she needs to change her ways right now but we all know that's not going to happen.  https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/love-and-sex-in-the-digital-age/201510/understanding-covert-incest-interview-kenneth-adams


I got annoyed when Kelly was trying to kill the fruit flies which we all knew were not from her open window, they were coming from either, well, fruit or the trash or from the drains.  She smacked her husband in the face as a joke and he was not happy with it.  It wasn't a light tap either to get the fly away, she meant to hit him hard.  Not only does that get her talked about, but it fulfills this need she has to beat up on her husband.  She finds ways to blame him (typical narcissist behavior) and instead of stopping she just finds more ways to justify the abuse.  The fly that wasn't there was a simple way to justify abusing her husband.


I feel so bad for that poor child.

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On 7/25/2017 at 9:46 PM, RHJunkie said:

I'm so confused about Shannon's meeting at the gym. What do they mean 'have you told David?'...like does has she divulged her weight on the scale to him? Or  are they talking about her fat percentage and concerns with her health? Why would she need to tell David her exact weight? It's not like he can't see that she's look different now. I don't see why his weight would magically become offended just because of the number attached to it. The guy also didn't help matters when he kept saying 'oh wow' at each angle while taking pictures. That was rude. Also Shannon, you need anger management. Her reaction to Kelly was insane, even more so because she knows that Kelly wanted to wind her up. She gave Kelly exactly what she was looking for. She's going to find it very difficult to get her health in order if she doesn't learn to control her stress levels. 

Lydia's comments comparing Doug to her dad and grandpa and saying her husband growing some balls...yeah that's the stuff divorces are made of. Clearly Lydia was placed on the show to be meddlesome...they arranged all of her meet ups solo with the outcasts. 

Hey Tamra, I know you're into fitness, but you're not a doctor. There's no reason why someone can't lose weight/fat eating red meat. 

Oh Kelly, you go out of your way to piss people off. She really acts like a fucking psycho. How creepy was she peeking out from inside, blowing on the glass?

I tend to go up and down by about 10 pounds. I travel a lot and gain weight when I do. I come home and eat carefully again. I eat red meat regularly. I think it's fine when you don't have tons of weight to lose and want to do so slowly

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14 hours ago, ITALIA said:

I will definitely see that film. Loved the book "Helter Skelter." I've read it multiple times.

Neither does her husband "Dicko".

I'm worse..I did my own personal murder tour of LA back in the 90's. OJ's house, the Manson house before it was  rebuilt etc.. Got my picture at the gate.. Went to El Coyote.

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You guys, Lydia's stupid magazine is $20 an issue!  You can double that price if you are outside the US.  

She's also selling $39 leather cords to tie around your neck.  https://oclydia.com/product/skinny-choker-pearl-leather/  

Knowing your worth and not underselling yourself is a good thing, but she might be a little crazy.  I hope she hangs her shingle as a professional friendship whisperer next -- I'd love to see the price sheet on that.

Edited by yourmomiseasy
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19 minutes ago, yourmomiseasy said:

You guys, Lydia's stupid magazine is $20 an issue!  You can double that price if you are outside the US.  

She's also selling $39 leather cords to tie around your neck.  https://oclydia.com/product/skinny-choker-pearl-leather/  

Knowing your worth and not underselling yourself is a good thing, but she might be a little crazy.  

What in the hell???

That magazine is a hefty prize if it's a monthly magazine. Now if's a quarterly magazine and there's a lot of content, then it's not so bad because it averages out to the same price as a monthly magazine. If it's annual, then the price isn't bad at all...again, providing that there's a lot of content and longstanding content. Personally, I wouldn't pay $20 for something unless it was a collector's edition featuring something of interest to me.

The skinny choker....now that's just hilariously priced. The added the 24k gold beads to inflate the price. I can go to Michaels and buy a whole role of that cord for $5.99 and buy some fake beads and have the same look and if I told people the beads were real gold they wouldn't know the damn difference I'm sure, lol.

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It's a quarterly magazine, so $80 a year, but each issue is a piece of luxury.  I think the most expensive specialty magazine I get is $12 and issue, but that actually has useful info in it, not a bunch of pictures of Dicko and Peggy.

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7 hours ago, LIMOM said:

Completely agree.

The most problematic aspect of Shannon's weight is her body composition and where her weight is located.

I actually do not believe that she is 50% fat as the only way to measure accurately is with a water tank.




It's interesting that you mention measuring by water tank. When Dr. Natural Trainer mentioned Shannon's fat percentage, I had to rewind and watch the scene again. I hadn't been paying close attention and thought "did he put her in a water tank and I missed it?" This led me down a rabbit trail. There is apparently another way to measure body fat that is as accurate as a water tank. You sit in a sealed pod that measures the change in air pressure when a person is in the pod. Consumer Reports did a review of these body fat scales. They are not accurate. The most accurate one was off by 21%. Additionally, a healthy percentage of body fat for a woman Shannon's age is in the 20 - 35% range.

These hucksters are not helping her.

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18 hours ago, ITALIA said:

If you want to learn more about Manson, read the book "Manson: The Life and Times of Charles Manson" by Jeff Guinn. It's EXCELLENT!!!

IMO, Shannon's weight is bad. She's only 5'6" and weighs 170 pounds. That's WAY overweight. Her ideal weight is 130 pounds.

Thank you!  I am going to have to download that ASAP.  These types of books/movies interest me far more than they should!

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3 hours ago, JennyMominFL said:

I'm worse..I did my own personal murder tour of LA back in the 90's. OJ's house, the Manson house before it was  rebuilt etc.. Got my picture at the gate.. Went to El Coyote.

Jealous!  I am FB friends with a psychic who is often on Ghost Adventures (she came to my venue for a lecture) and she has offered to take me to the Black Dhalia house.  I NEED to do it!  I love all the macabre stuff.

3 hours ago, yourmomiseasy said:

You guys, Lydia's stupid magazine is $20 an issue!  You can double that price if you are outside the US.  

She's also selling $39 leather cords to tie around your neck.  https://oclydia.com/product/skinny-choker-pearl-leather/  

Knowing your worth and not underselling yourself is a good thing, but she might be a little crazy.  I hope she hangs her shingle as a professional friendship whisperer next -- I'd love to see the price sheet on that.

That choker looks like a tie you get on things where there are multiple parts and its bound together with a skinny cord.  Awful

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21 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

Jealous!  I am FB friends with a psychic who is often on Ghost Adventures (she came to my venue for a lecture) and she has offered to take me to the Black Dhalia house.  I NEED to do it!  I love all the macabre stuff.

That choker looks like a tie you get on things where there are multiple parts and its bound together with a skinny cord.  Awful

Oh i'm friends with on of the guys from Ghost Hunters International...Paul Bradford.

WE are so far off topic now unless  can somehow tie this to Meghan's ghost seeing baby

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5 hours ago, Eater of Worlds said:

What she's doing to her child when she does that is called covert incest, or emotional incest.  It's common with narcissists and people with borderline personality disorder.  Didn't Kelly say she had that?   Wait, I know she said her husband was diagnosed with narcissism but I don't think that Kelly is free of that herself.  Anyway, her behavior will have life long repercussions for her child and she needs to change her ways right now but we all know that's not going to happen.  https://www.psychologytoday.com/blog/love-and-sex-in-the-digital-age/201510/understanding-covert-incest-interview-kenneth-adams


I got annoyed when Kelly was trying to kill the fruit flies which we all knew were not from her open window, they were coming from either, well, fruit or the trash or from the drains.  She smacked her husband in the face as a joke and he was not happy with it.  It wasn't a light tap either to get the fly away, she meant to hit him hard.  Not only does that get her talked about, but it fulfills this need she has to beat up on her husband.  She finds ways to blame him (typical narcissist behavior) and instead of stopping she just finds more ways to justify the abuse.  The fly that wasn't there was a simple way to justify abusing her husband.


I feel so bad for that poor child.

I wrote a lot about covert incest on these OC boards a while back because I saw it in spades with both Tamra and Simon. Something about the relationship between Tamra and Ryan always seemed like there was a time when he was "the man of the house," and I personally suspect that a lot of the tension between him and Simon came from that role being taken from him. Also, the way we have seen Tamra emotionally unload on Ryan several times on the show, crying her crocodile tears, and then he has to comfort her, and I feel like it could only have been worse when she was younger, more unstable and single. We obviously don't see Simon on TV, but I have just always gotten the intuitive vibe that he did align with his daughter against Tamra, which is classic covert incest (confiding to the child about problems with the partner). Obviously none of this is conclusive proof, and mileage varies, but as someone who grew up in a home with covert incest, my alarm goes off like wildfire when it comes to the Barney clan.

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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5 hours ago, Ki-in said:

Shannon's scale said she was 5'6.5" but I think 5'4" is closer to the truth. A lot of women fudge their height to give themselves some leeway weight wise.

I always understood that it's 100 lbs for anyone 5' and then you add 3-5 lbs for every inch over. Of course ymmv especially if you have muscle.

Most Playmates are that height (5'6") and 115 or so (the "heaviest" one was 5'8"and 140 lbs). Runway models weigh about the same as an average PM but are several inches taller, crazy right?

There's so much pressure and standards to live up to in their world. But if Jeanna Keough who was a PM can gain some weight and lose it and not go bonkers and cry to anyone who will listen then Shannon needs to get a grip.

It's hard to tell how tall Shannon is, with all the high shoes she's wearing this season - I'd fall on my ass wearing stilts like that!

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3 hours ago, nexxie said:

It's hard to tell how tall Shannon is, with all the high shoes she's wearing this season - I'd fall on my ass wearing stilts like that!

I believe she is 5'6"-5'7" her daughter is 5"10 and she has commented a time or two about her growth spurt.  I believe Tamra is kind of the runt of the litter on the show.

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4 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Thank you!  I am going to have to download that ASAP.  These types of books/movies interest me far more than they should!

Hope you like it!! I also recommend 2 other books by him - "Go Down Together: The True Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde" and this one that I just finished - "The Road to Jonestown: Jim Jones and The People's Temple".

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20 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

You can always come sit with me (while we argue about Bethenny).  I'm a red meat eater.  I need the protein. I usually only get it a 2-3 times a week or so now but I would have a steak every night if I could. 

Yeah, weight charts aren't the best. I'm 5'10" and I prefer myself around 115-120 lbs. I am tall but I have a very small build. I used to be smaller (I was around 100 lbs when I got married) but I felt like I was too skinny (although my doc was fine with it). 

I'm 5'7" and weigh 115 pounds. Same weight since college days, and I'm in my 50's. Like you, I'm small boned. I also workout 6 days a week for 2 hours a day. I can eat whatever I want and have some wine on occasion. This is the BEST weight for me, and I work on being thin and fit. Shannon is overweight on her small frame - 170 pounds is WAY overweight. NOT surprised that her husband isn't interested in her. She needs to lose at least 40 pounds.

Edited by ITALIA
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That's kind of harsh, there are plenty of men who like women who are bigger, or who just don't give a damn about the size of the woman, they love the person.  Shannon has plenty of marital issues, but, Shannon has plenty of issues in general.  I don't think it's fair to say that the marital ones are just because of her weight.

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I think David's lack of interest in Shannon has more to do with her volatility than her weight.  I know lots of people think the bad one in the relationship was David, but Shannon is no picnic.   I truly believe she's holding him hostage in this relationship.

i said once I don't condone cheating, but I understand it.  My ex cheated.  Frankly, I was an enormous asshole and came to wonder why he didn't leave sooner.    

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12 minutes ago, smores said:

That's kind of harsh, there are plenty of men who like women who are bigger, or who just don't give a damn about the size of the woman, they love the person.  Shannon has plenty of marital issues, but, Shannon has plenty of issues in general.  I don't think it's fair to say that the marital ones are just because of her weight.

It's REALITY. He's fit, she's NOT and not doing anything about her weight. Just playing the blame game.

15 minutes ago, smores said:

That's kind of harsh, there are plenty of men who like women who are bigger, or who just don't give a damn about the size of the woman, they love the person.  Shannon has plenty of marital issues, but, Shannon has plenty of issues in general.  I don't think it's fair to say that the marital ones are just because of her weight.

No man I know likes fatties. The men who like them are probably overweight.

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I mean, it's not, though.  At one point, my husband was 155 lbs.  I was 260.  This isn't the case for either of us now, but, guess what?  We were married then and we are married now.  I know many other couples where one spouse is larger or less fit than the other, so as far as I can tell, reality is that not everyone worries too much about weight.  For some people?  It may very well be everything.  But, for others, it's totally not a thing at all.  

Since you edited, I'll just add, it's a shame that you don't know a better quality of man, then.  They're missing out on a many women who might be great because they can't see past a little bit of weight.  

Edited by smores
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There's nothing wrong with being attracted to thinner, fit people. But everyone has different taste, and some people don't mind - or actually prefer - larger men/women. But beyond all that, when you're in love, you become attracted to the PERSON. My husband has never been a tiny guy. He's 6'3 and built like a lumberjack. When we first got together, he weighed probably 50 lbs less than he does today. His arm muscles are huge, but he didn't have much of a gut then. Now he does. I can't bring myself to call him "fat", because I love him, but a doctor would surely say he is. But you know what? He's still just as fucking sexy to me as the day I met him, because he's a damn hard worker, totally selfless, is so patient with our children, and spoils me as much as he possibly he can. I just adore him, and the extra weight really isn't a problem (but, of course, I want him to be healthy.) 

I agree that it's Shannon's ATTITUDE that has caused issues between her and David. That's not to say his behavior isn't to blame either. I'm just saying, if she wasn't such a needy, exhausting, shrill harpy, he might be still super attracted to her. But ugly behavior tends to overshadow looks, while a great attitude can do the same. I get the feeling that there's no winning with Shannon. She's clearly devastated by her weight gain, and I won't blame her for that. It sucks. But I think she would rather sit around and be the victim than make any real effort to change. And that has to be draining to put up with on a daily basis. 

Although, it does appear in real time that she's lost some, so good for her. But at the start of the season they had intimacy issues and she was in good shape then. So I really do not think her weight is the issue. 

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Shrugs shoulders.....I always found John Goodman's character, Dan Conner from the Roseanne show, incredibly sexy.

Put me in the category of how you are as a person first and whether or not you're a "fatty" way down the line of positive attributes. 

I've dated the physically fit and the couch potatoes and I've come to the conclusion that kindness, a strong sense of decency and humor works for me.

Beer gut or no beer gut.

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16 hours ago, ITALIA said:

Hope you like it!! I also recommend 2 other books by him - "Go Down Together: The True Untold Story of Bonnie and Clyde" and this one that I just finished - "The Road to Jonestown: Jim Jones and The People's Temple".

AWESOME!!!  Thank you!!!

To keep it on topic, which ghosts do you think baby Edmonds is seeing and why does Meghan think so?  :)

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