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S19.E12: Battle Back

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I liked the first competition. A combo of endurance and a puzzle. Of course Cody managed to get it first try. Jillian, of course, didn't do well. I laughed at Cameron talking about Dominique's ramblings to Jesus. And Cameron advances to round two. Good for him; he managed to get through. 

I totally missed the last competition for the evictee to return to the house. I was totally tuned out. Who will Cody or Cameron compete against for that one? 

  • Love 1

The second competition was fun. Cameron did well and tried very hard. Cody's DRs are so emotionless. It's hard to tell what he's thinking or if he's feeling anything. But he won, and Cameron really did try his best. I'd love to see Cameron come back at some point. He really didn't get a chance. 

Now, Cody gets to compete with somebody in the house. The fun part is seeing how the houseguests react, and who he challenges. I'd laugh if it was Paul. 

  • Love 2

Cody saying that he's going to take Paul out now that his safety's over makes me happy. I'm literally only rooting for Cody's return to get Paul out. Everyone else is too enarmoured with him, so if him and Jessica can find a way to get Paul out, then I will respect him...and then hope for his eviction afterward. But at the moment, he's the only one actively against Paul so I am THRILLED. 

Oh, and I saw him running to give Christmas a hug. That was...a surprise. He didn't really give many others a hug, but Christmas? 

And the best part? Paul looks pissed and worried. Beautiful. Be worried, Paul. And I hope you and your minions don't get into power.

  • Love 11

Ugh! I'm annoyed (but not the least bit shocked) that Cody is back. As far as I'm concerned, being voted out of the house and getting to come back and getting to choose the comp you've already learned how to master and your showmance partner conveniently won a powerful Temptation, is a far bigger advantage than Paul's Pendant of Protection.  But, hey, It's nothing new that TPTB want as much drama as possible and this will certainly do the trick. I know a lot of  people felt sorry for Jessica and warmed to her this past week but I won't forget her classic mean girl behaviour and I certainly won't forget Cody's vile comments.

Poor Cameron. Heh.  Although I don't know if I could handle listening to his voice all summer. He sounds like he's still going through puberty.

I can't believe they all picked Paul to compete. I would have voted for Alex with no hesitation.

  • Love 12
2 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Ugh! I'm annoyed (but not the least bit shocked) that Cody is back. As far as I'm concerned, being voted out of the house and getting to come back and getting to choose the comp you've already learned how to master and your showmance partner conveniently won a powerful Temptation, is a far bigger advantage than Paul's Pendant of Protection.  But, hey, It's nothing new that TPTB want as much drama as possible and this will certainly do the trick. I know a lot of  people felt sorry for Jessica and warmed to her this past week but I won't forget her classic mean girl behaviour and I certainly won't forget Cody's vile comments.

It might be a bigger advantage, but I think that Paul's Pendant of Protection wasn't earned. He not only took someone else's place and got to pick eight other safe people who became loyal to him, he also got three weeks of safety and made big moves because he knew he couldn't go home. Paul essentially screwed himself. It's not like Cody was voted back into the house, and the maze was different. He also mastered it on his first try against three others and won that one by a landslide. 

I can never forget about Cody and Jessica's behaviour the first two weeks. But if they learned and grew from it like Victor did last season? Then I can put it aside for the sake of the game, especially if they help take Paul out. That's really the only reason why I'm rooting for Cody; he's anti-Paul, which means it benefits me. There's nothing else really going for him besides that, so I'm choosing to focus on the anti-Paul mantra for now. 

Also, I guess I feel like there are people who do have their mean sides, but that doesn't mean they're just bad at their core. I'd like to think that everyone has that good side to them too and this game just brings out their worst. Jessica seemed to bring more of that good side out and she seemed to learn that her behaviour wasn't acceptable. If she doesn't go back to that girl, then I am more than happy to give her a second chance. 

Paul had his many chances to prove himself but he failed last season, and he's failed this season. Cody/Jessica are people we've only known for less than a month so I'm willing to give them a little more time and see if Cody's eviction has taught them anything.

If they go back to their behaviour, though, I'll jump into your boat.

This game has always been unfair too. I mean, we've seen multiple veterans over the course of the series, more so in the last few seasons. I've stopped thinking that this game would be fair in any way. I'm just here to be entertained and have at least a couple genuinely good people to make it far to balance out the mean, crazy, and irritating. 

  • Love 15

Well that was all very predictable, right down to Paul getting picked and then losing.   There was no way Cody wasn't coming back. I'm happy about it. Paul needs to have someone blow up his game. But yeah, nothing was shocking.

Except for Jillian. I would love to know what casting ever saw in her. Even her confessions are blander than day old vanilla ice cream. 

  • Love 12
7 minutes ago, Rachel RSL said:

Poor Cameron. Heh.  Although I don't know if I could handle listening to his voice all summer. He sounds like he's still going through puberty.

His voice was cracking more than Peter Brady...

I liked the comps, they weren't tilted to one kind of skill needed to win, brains/brawn etc. They were however extremely boring to watch... about three panels down in the slingshot one I was ready for it to just be over.

That was though a huge advantage for Cody to be able to do a challenge he already knew the controls of no matter how much the maze changed. Good choice by Cody on that though and he killed it both times.

I threw up in my mouth a little with Jessica's DRs... and she would not even stop hanging on him to congratulate Paul on a good game or greet others.

Oh and Dom:


  • Love 15
1 minute ago, vb68 said:

Well that was all very predictable, right down to Paul getting picked and then losing.   There was no way Cody wasn't coming back. I'm happy about it. Paul needs to have someone blow up his game. But yeah, nothing was shocking.

Except for Jillian. I would love to know what casting ever saw in her. Even her confessions are blander than day old vanilla ice cream. 

I think it was her going to TJ for weight loss surgery.  Maybe casting thought Jillian had a chance of dying so it would compete with Raven's doomsday prediction.  Competing death scenarios could be compelling storylines.

  • Love 2

This really exposed Paul's weakness as a player.   He couldn't beat Cody, which gave him the win back in the house.  Paul also lead the charge to get rid of Dom - instead of Jessica.  Now, she has the DOT Halting Hex.  Getting into that hissy fit with Dom only came back and bit him.  Looks like she was spilling all the tea to Cody of what was going on.

Edited by ifoundit
  • Love 11
56 minutes ago, phlebas said:

Aw man.  I was hoping to have a few more days of Dominique telling me she was kicked out of the house wrongfully, comparing people to snakes, and trying to get Jesus to return her texts.

The eight instances from the last episode just whet my appetite.

The hilarious part is that at the top of the ep, we were reminded that at the very beginning, Paul LITERALLY said as he entered the house, "which one of you #(*^@ers took the apple and brought the snake into the house?!"

Shit, we didn't even need divine intervention in the makeshift toilet/sauna tongue-talkin' closet!

  • Love 11
36 minutes ago, Suzysite said:

Did PaulPaul lose?  Is PaulPaul sad?  Bwahahahahah!  Suck it Paul.

Oh, and SHUT UP. 

I think that is my line. SHUT UP PAUL! Really, it can't be said enough. Paul hates battle back. It's so unfair. I mean, not last year when it helped him but this year totally unfair. Just like returning veterans.

4 minutes ago, Yolo said:

What would've been interesting is if no matter who lost the battle back comp they would have to go home, Paul could be on his way home right now.?

Don't I wish.


Overall, a fairly entertaining show. Way more interesting than most bonus episodes.

  • Love 12

I think Jessica is more in love with the idea of having Cody back in the house than what the actual results will be. He blew up her game something fierce and never apologized or said he'd do anything differently. So now the whole world is against her again (when people were just warming to her) and she may have one more now but doesn't have enough votes to do anything but stop an eviction and have the house even MORE pissed at her. It doesn't look good. She'll look back and wish he'd not come back for game reasons.

  • Love 3
30 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

I can never forget about Cody and Jessica's behaviour the first two weeks. But if they learned and grew from it like Victor did last season? Then I can put it aside for the sake of the game, especially if they help take Paul out. That's really the only reason why I'm rooting for Cody; he's anti-Paul, which means it benefits me

I posted a link to an article in the media thread a while ago about Cody and that's where most of my dislike stems from. I guarantee he hasn't changed in that regard over the past couple weeks.  Combine that with the way he's treated other people in the house, I just can't root for the guy.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, Rachel RSL said:

I posted a link to an article in the media thread a while ago about Cody and that's where most of my dislike stems from. I guarantee he hasn't changed in that regard over the past couple weeks.  Combine that with the way he's treated other people in the house, I just can't root for the guy.

That's ok! You can definitely dislike Cody! It's not like he's proven anyone wrong in their dislike! I don't love the guy myself, for sure, but the thin wire connecting me to him is him being anti-Paul. Like the saying goes, the enemy of my enemy is my friend

So I'm not rooting for him; I'm rooting for him to take out Paul, or weaken his minions. That's what I'm taking it as; rooting against Paul instead of for Cody. That way, Cody's re-entering of the game is less anger-inducing when you realize what could happen. But the entire game changes with Paul out of the house. He has too many people on his side right now. Look at all the people who wanted him to compete, even though Alex is just as good of a competitor and has actually beaten Cody. Paul hasn't beaten Cody in a competition yet. 

  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I think Jessica is more in love with the idea of having Cody back in the house than what the actual results will be. He blew up her game something fierce and never apologized or said he'd do anything differently. So now the whole world is against her again (when people were just warming to her) and she may have one more now but doesn't have enough votes to do anything but stop an eviction and have the house even MORE pissed at her. It doesn't look good. She'll look back and wish he'd not come back for game reasons.

I seriously doubt the "whole world" is against her.   Those against her are probably Paul's groupies.   People are more sick of him, especially 2 years in a row.  This is not The Paul Show.  BBB is supposed to be about the drama, conflict, strategies.  Not just everyone following Paul blindly.  BORING!

  • Love 5
4 minutes ago, ifoundit said:

I seriously doubt the "whole world" is against her.   Those against her are probably Paul's groupies.   People are more sick of him, especially 2 years in a row.  This is not The Paul Show.  BBB is supposed to be about the drama, conflict, strategies.  Not just everyone following Paul blindly.  BORING!

I'm talking about what is actually going on with people in the house not us watching The Paul Show. You see who they picked to be Their Boy... boring as it may be that's the current House Mind on Paul. Paul's groupies, as boring as it may be, are The House. So getting back Cory, a loose cannon if you remember his previous game moves, will not be enough. No matter how 'Hey la hey la my boyfriend's back and there's gonna be trouble' she is about it right now. They don't have any power except to delay the inevitable.

  • Love 3

Well, as soon as it was announced there would be a house challenger my heart sank beause I knew in all the alternate universes theorized to exist there was not one where anyone else but PAUL was going to be the house house challenger....because everything is about Paul....everything!

I  have been very vocal in posts about reality shows splicing in DR/confessinals during comps because the person's demenor can tell you who won. But for once I didn't mind because I knew from Jess's first  DR that Cody had won because she was too chipper. Can Cody be a pill...yes but I did not want Paul getting any satisfaction being the conquering hero who kept him back out.

By the way Paul...what was not chill was YOU coming back and eating the show.

The producers were probably sweating bullets at the prospect of a Cameron rentry when he was ahead. That would be the biggest flop since...who was it...Janelle maybe who let go of the thing on the side of the volcano two seconds after the comp started?

Best part tongiht was Cody ignoring Josh sulking on the bench when he went to see Christmas.

Anyway...let's reset this...Alex please come back from the dark side and team up with Cody....I bet he still loves you...and turn on Paul.

Edited by North of Eden
  • Love 5
24 minutes ago, Wandering Snark said:

I'm talking about what is actually going on with people in the house not us watching The Paul Show. You see who they picked to be Their Boy... boring as it may be that's the current House Mind on Paul. Paul's groupies, as boring as it may be, are The House. So getting back Cory, a loose cannon if you remember his previous game moves, will not be enough. No matter how 'Hey la hey la my boyfriend's back and there's gonna be trouble' she is about it right now. They don't have any power except to delay the inevitable.

There's only 1 winner, so everyone else will be eliminated at some point.

Edited by ifoundit

I actually detest Paul. Just because you don't agree with me don't make me out to be a groupie. He is weekly tap dancing on my last nerve.

That reply was a sad resignation to the facts, not declaring allegiance to Paul. Jessica and Cody have exactly TWO votes and the ability to delay an eviction for one week. That's aka having Jack and shit, and Jack's left town.

  • Love 8

I'm fearing another conjoined twin status week for Cody and Jessica, but take some solace in what she whispered to him after the leg-lock embrace, something like "don't do anything crazy until I catch you up on what's been happening." I do hope she stays on her improved-game tangent, and Cody has a slice of humble pie and lets her take the lead.

  • Love 4

I was pulling for Cameron but I also think the writing was already on the wall. Cody returning to the house makes a better story production-wise. Cameron was pretty much a non-entity.

Why was Jessica sitting on Kevin's lap? Ugh, even before Cody was back she was re-ascending to the throne and receiving her supplicants. Alex was right, they should've back-doored Jess when they had the chance. But alas, production would've just figured out another way to save her.

This damn show actually had me pulling for Paul. I like the way they set up the final challenge even though Cody had the clear advantage. Were we not entertained?!?!

I can see it coming. Cody will win BB19 and propose to Jessica on stage. KMN.

  • Love 7

You know, when Jessica voted for Paul and gave the reason that she wanted it to be "vet vs vet", I just thought that she was being a bit condescending and smirky by trying to call Cody a game vet. Like, girl, he just got eliminated. He's no vet.

And then it took me a while to click in on what she was PROBABLY trying to insinuate: game vet vs Marine vet.

D'oh. Going by that logic, my annoyance at Jessica's voting reason became non-existent. 

  • Love 8
10 minutes ago, Cherry Cola said:

I was oddly conflicted that I wanted Cody back in the game, to shake it up, when I couldn't wait for him to go last week!! 


I came on here to say the same thing.

It's funny how most viewers were like "Ugh, Cody, I hate him. Get him out."

Then he's out and we are "Aw, we need Cody back!"

Hopefully, we won't go back to hating him.

  • Love 5

I wish Jess had left this week and Cody had come back in the house without her.  Those two together are so snobbish, when they have nothing special going on looks wise!  I wont forget their mean girl/guy behavior.  I can easily see Jess going right back into it now that she has her man back, bleaaach.  And Cody may give a good interview, but he's still the guy we watched in the house.  After he gets Paul out, I hope he or Jess get taken out and the one left down a peg or two. 

5 minutes ago, Yolo said:

Maybe they should've sent Christmas home or at least replaced her. True, her injury is unfortunate, but she's just collecting dust at this point. Idk?

I agree!  Let her heal up and come back  next year.  They love to bring those vets back, why not give one (who deserves it) an honest chance?  Love her smile :)

Edited by stcroix
  • Love 5

Count me into the "I can't wait til Cody is out the door" to "go Cody!" group .

I don't like him and I detest his lil rat faced mean girl escort even more, but face it...this would have been a boring season if it remained the Paul show. 

I realllllyyyyyy don't like Paul. Realllllyyyyyy. 

I'm not interested in watching another season like the one where everyone handed Cop Derrick the cash prize. 

I want drama and I want competitors. Not people there to fill their faces and tan.

It's actually good for the rest of them with Cody back in the house. He's all Paul will be able to think about and vice versa. The rest of them can float along again until one finally gets the other out.

Then they can fall in line with whichever Alpha is left.

Soooo disappointed in Alex.

Really sad Megan left cus I liked her. 

Let the games begin ?


Edited to add that those fake eyelashes and the pizza grease on Jessicas chin in her DRs are super distracting to me.

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 4
3 hours ago, helpmerhonda said:

Jessica: Sniff. I've had to play this game by myself. Sniff.

Me: Shut up, you twit. It's been a week.

You got a microphone in my house or whaaaat?


2 hours ago, Wandering Snark said:

I think Jessica is more in love with the idea of having Cody back in the house than what the actual results will be. He blew up her game something fierce and never apologized or said he'd do anything differently. So now the whole world is against her again (when people were just warming to her) and she may have one more now but doesn't have enough votes to do anything but stop an eviction and have the house even MORE pissed at her. It doesn't look good. She'll look back and wish he'd not come back for game reasons.

Thing is, though, Jessica stopped playing BB a while back.  Virtually nothing Jessica did in her WHOLE WEEK WITHOUT CODY would be considered positive BB gameplay - and some of it (such as the poolside confrontation with Josh) would be considered distinctly negative.

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