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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Just as an aside, the name Marjorie Jackson is well known in Australia. She is an Olympic athlete who won Gold in Helsinki in 1952 in the 100m and 200m track. She also held world records for the 100m. She has received many honours in this country, been a State Governor and launched a leukaemia research fellowship among a number of things. From the Down Under point of view, I wish the Springdale Marjorie Jackson well. And if she needed a role model, she could look to the Aussie Marjorie Jackson for inspiration.

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So I guess Jilly Muffin and the great and powerful Iz are officially old news? Well done, Josiah. I'm sure Jessa is smirking a little.

Pay no attention to that baby behind the blanket.....WAIT!!! I meant to say please pay attention to that baby behind the blanket....like totally. Does that make Jill the Scarecrow and Derick the Tin Man? Or would he be the Cowardly Lion? Hmmmm....

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I hold out NO hopes that this relationship will somehow liberalize Josiah. Not after Derrick. I also don't think it will fail. The Duggars have too much invested in their image for it not to work out 'perfectly'. Expect a free house and Job for Josiah. Maybe we'll see another 3 month courtship, 3 month engagement. They're young enough to go long with that.


This makes me so sad for Josiah. Maybe this is his attempt to be a "good son" and finally get out of the doghouse as far as Jim Bob is concerned.

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So, which one was rumored to be sniffing around a Bates girl? For some reason, I thought it was Josiah? 


Is Josiah also the child who DID NOT tow the party line when MEE-chelle announced another impending blessing on the Today Show and was basically bullied by JB into following marching orders?  


Perhaps distancing himself from his parents is a reason he's courting so young,  I can dream.

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Did anyone else find the wording in the announcement a little odd?


Josiah revealed exclusively... There are also quotes in PEOPLE from Josiah. Not a quote to be found from JimBob, Michelle, Duggar Family, etc. 




Josiah Duggar, 18, reveals exclusively to PEOPLE that he has entered into a courtship with Marjorie Jackson, 17
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Did anyone else find the wording in the announcement a little odd?

Josiah revealed exclusively... There are also quotes in PEOPLE from Josiah. Not a quote to be found from JimBob, Michelle, Duggar Family, etc.


Maybe he pulled a Jessa (who threatened to elope) on his parents and said "If you don't announce it, I will!" I can see Jessa on down being harder to control than sweet Jilly Muffin.

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Pay no attention to that baby behind the blanket.....WAIT!!! I meant to say please pay attention to that baby behind the blanket....like totally. Does that make Jill the Scarecrow and Derick the Tin Man? Or would he be the Cowardly Lion? Hmmmm....

All I know is Jchelle would be Glinda. Curly hair, a high pitched voice and a knack for giving out useless advice.

Maybe he pulled a Jessa (who threatened to elope) on his parents and said "If you don't announce it, I will!" I can see Jessa on down being harder to control than sweet Jilly Muffin.

This would give me unbelievable amounts of joy. I didn't think we would see any rebellion for awhile, but this could be the start of it.

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All I know is Jchelle would be Glinda. Curly hair, a high pitched voice and a knack for giving out useless advice.

This would give me unbelievable amounts of joy. I didn't think we would see any rebellion for awhile, but this could be the start of it.

And how could we forget Jim Boob as the flying monkey.

Edited by Bingermin
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There are positives here -- Josiah has never fit into his own family, probably bc he's a bit smarter than them (though he fit in just fine when he was a pre-teen and really bought into the "we do things different and better than you" mantra). This family may be the right "fit" for him -- a girl who reads books and isn't isolated, even if she is fundie/fundie lite; and a multicultural side -- he can continue learning Spanish, her mom will probably be spoiling him with whatever his favorite meals turn out to be in their home; and he can get in with a "tight" family who will love him.

But then he's 18 with no education and she lives in Springdale. That means they are staying local and JB will be creating a job for him; the article says he does "construction" for dad, so I guess that's where he stays. He isn't a manual labor kind of guy (nothing wrong with it -- but it doesn't seem like his thing), but with a wife by age 19 (I'm assuming), unless her family is REALLY supportive and encouraging and sort of "mandates" that he go to school while working in return for allowing the marriage -- he gets to remain in a daddy created manual labor job for life and thus has JB calling the shots.

I want to believe that Josiah, being one of the smartest Duggars, has watched Smuganna, Jillard and Benessa and has seen what they have in common: dependence on Boob and his Bucks. They are still jumping through his hoops because they have no other option. (Jilly Muffin does, actually. She could probably just downsize by a lot and get by on DerickDullard's salary...but she won't) I think that not only would Josiah be looking for the right girl, but a good family too, that would support them in their choices.

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If they survive and get married you all know that MEChelle will  have daggers out for poor Majorie because she is soooo young and probably fertile as hell.


Mariah----hahahhaaaaaa brilliant!

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I am shocked. For real. I thought the next courtship would be Jana or John David. Especially since the public has been calling them out on Jana's status of 25 single full time nany/mother/cook


Jana won't be released from her indentured servitude until Joy Anna is fully trained to take over. The transition from Cinder-Jana to Cinder-Joy is almost complete.  Once Joy is running the show, Jana is free to actually show interest in someone.  God knows that Mullet can't be trusted to run her own household and raise her own children. 

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Just had a thought. Is this why Joshanna bought their house? So that they can be landlords to Marsiah? I know it's a bit a

early to be wondering where they will live, but this gives JB's "construction company" time to do any necessary renovations before they move in, Duggar time of course. Also makes sense of why Joshanna bought a house now. Of course that means no real escape from the clan for them.

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I think this is great for Josiah!

A little young but I truly think he will develop more as a person if he can cut some ties with Jim Boob. Mechelle and Boob stifle their children.

Edited by Marigold
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Just had a thought. Is this why Joshanna bought their house? So that they can be landlords to Marsiah?

JD owns a house too. Plenty of potential landlords. I'm sure he'll pay full price, while Jill pays little-to-nothing for her mcmansion.

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A year of exile at Alert and straight into a courtship?  Seems a bit fishy to me.


I like that she is more worldly, and a little cultural diversity certainly would not hurt the Duggars.


Josiah will be 19 in August.  If this courtship is longer, like Jessa's and Ben's, and given that she is only 17 I can see that happening,  then the wedding might not take place until he is 20.



If there will be a wedding . There is still a chance he might wake up and realize that he doesn't really like  girls  in that way . Just saying .

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From starcasm.  Scroll down for Jackson family picture.  A “special message” from Josiah and Marjorie will air during this week’s episode of 19 Kids and Counting. 

eta: ugh, there's a database error on the link.  posting picture here.



Edited by abseedee
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I know there are going to be a lot of "ifs" in the post but bear with me. The idea that Josiah has been interested in Marjorie for a while and that the reason for the extended stay at ALERT intrigues me as does the observation of the wording 'Josiah announced' and we've heard nothing from Ma and Pa Duggar. If that is indeed the case then this has some potential. First it would mean that Josiah and Marjorie chose each other rather than being set up by Boob. If that's true then that already makes me happy for them.  It might also mean that some of the less Duggar-like qualities we are seeing in Marjorie (education, pants, activities etc) are real and enough to bother Boob. If so - happy again :-). Finally, someone above mentioned that Marjorie's dad is a graphic designer - a real one. That requires training and education. If he values those things then he would most likely value them for a suitor for his daughter. Maybe in all those Spanish lessons he got to know Dad Johnson and will be leaning more on him as a way to get educated or trained for a career down the road. If my daughter was interested in marrying a boy who was smart  but whose parents were either opposed to or making further education or training difficult, I'd be apt to try to help or at least offer options to him he might not be hearing at home. Again it's a big if - but if anything like that is going on - super happy. 


Sure they are still too young but there are some potential good things here.

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It would be great if Marjorie's parents said -- we like you, we have no problem with you dating or even marrying our daughter BUT you must have an education/trade/occupation independent of your family and TLC; let's talk about how you're going to pursue that -- and then help him figure something out whether it's online classes or whatever. It would be great if the "construction" gig were temporary as he works his way to the kind of job he wants.

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IIRC, wasn't the mom in the episode where she went to TTH and she was teaching them Spanish?


eta:  found the vid.  It is her, Analucia Jackson.  At 2:20 in this vid.


Edited by abseedee
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Marriage is their only way out. Yes, they may be dependent on JB, but they are less dependent on him married than they are unmarried. Josh and Anna have shown that. So I hate to say it, but I'm all for the Duggar children getting married. Even young.

For the record, my now husband and I were the same ages as Mariah (love it!) is now. God's speed, kiddos.

Edited by GEML
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I am happy for Josiah.  His is the only organic Duggar kid relationship so far. They have actually gotten to know each other over the years rather than through meeting at a Gothard event and talking on the phone or being set up by his dad.  It reminds me of Alyssa Bates and John Webster. They waited a little longer but were "special friends for years."

The thing that stood out to me about Josh and Anna's engagement was that she didn't just look surprised to see Josh there but petrified as if he was a stranger.  They obviously love each other now but barely knew each other. I also can't get over Jim Bob moving Ben onto the property to speed things along. It was like the Duggars were taking custody of Ben. 

In terms of Josiah being 18 and uneducated, so was Ben when he started the courtship with Jessa. Ben is pretty much doing what Josiah is now so it must seem normal to them. I'm not saying that this is ideal and hopefully Josiah can find a way to make his own money. Josiah has a great personality and is so outgoing. Hopefully he can use those people skills to his advantage to break away from Jim Bob and Michelle. I also hope it's a long engagement.  

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Her mother is stunning. And yes, it would be very cool if Josiah and Marjorie speak Spanish and teach the language to their children. That way they can make fun of Jim Boob and Mechelle right in front of them.

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Once again, you're only relevant enough to be your own person if you're courting.



FOR REAL. This could not make it any more apparent. Look at how Jill and Jessa buddied up after years of not being particularly close. These people seem to draw a firm line between the singles and the marrieds, and they sure do seem to lord it over one another. I get that it's their version of getting a job and flying the coop, but how awful for the singles. Look at how we barely see photos of Jinger on Jessa's instagram, but plenty of Ben and Jill/Derick.


It is becoming very clear that all the weeping the girls did on Jessa/Jill's weddings was because they knew exactly what was going to happen. Josiah is a different kettle of fish, but we're now gonna see a whole lot of him on social media. I hope Marjorie is ready for the onslaught of media attention.

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So they have known each other about 3 years or so? That episode about the kids learning Spanish from her mom is at least 3 years old. Though they are young, I'm happy for Josiah and Marjorie. Her parents, while religious, don't appear to be over the top crazy the way Jim Bob and Michelle are. Also, her family is from Springdale...how far is that from the Duggars? I agree with the others upthread who stated that marriage is the only way out of the Duggar household so Josiah may try to marry as soon as Marjorie turns 18. And I bet it will be a nice wedding, too, unlike the half-baked weddings that the Duggars slap together for their daughters. 

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I guess this is TLC's very special announcement from the Duggars tomorrow. Glad Jessa isn't pregnant yet. 


As for Josiah and Marjorie....the only word I have for them is AWKWARD! Worse than Zach Bates with Sarah Reith awkward. 


I hope they court for a couple of years; they are way too young for this. But given Boob's obvious dislike for the kid, you can't blame him for wanting to get the hell out of Dodge. Not to mention, he may well have heard the other chatter going on and, like David Waller, want to squash those rumors. 

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statistically one in every ten people are gay, soooooo, when are the two gay diggers gonna come out of the prayer closet, lol

Ain't gonna happen because they prayed the gay away silly.


As for the mom I sure hope she is Latin enough to say to the Duggars, in my culture we FEED people at weddings and insist that there will be real food instead of a table full of pickles.

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Ain't gonna happen because they prayed the gay away silly.


As for the mom I sure hope she is Latin enough to say to the Duggars, in my culture we FEED people at weddings and insist that there will be real food instead of a table full of pickles.

Like they prayed away Josie's. Special needs

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Ain't gonna happen because they prayed the gay away silly.


As for the mom I sure hope she is Latin enough to say to the Duggars, in my culture we FEED people at weddings and insist that there will be real food instead of a table full of pickles.


True. Which of course means Boob will undoubtedly show up at Josiah's wedding with baggies in his pocket - and take a sizable amount home with him.

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Ain't gonna happen because they prayed the gay away silly.


As for the mom I sure hope she is Latin enough to say to the Duggars, in my culture we FEED people at weddings and insist that there will be real food instead of a table full of pickles.

YES. And since they're hosting we'll probably get to meet alllll of her many Latino (Guatemalan? I think I read upthread her mother is Guatemalan?) relatives, who will insist on being fed, because that's what we do. And I dearly hope they do the dollar dance - oh wait, no dancing at fundie weddings. It'll be interesting to see which side of the culture wins out on that one - dancing at many Latino weddings is a must.

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The newest People article about Marjorie says that she is taking a college level course in graphic design. So would it be too silly to hope that just maybe her parents value her achieving some level of education? Or will that go away now that she's hitched to the Duggar gravy train? I know her dad is a graphic designer, but it's not really a traditional fundie job (oh, I forgot, Smuggar is a "graphic artist" because he can make save the date cards!). So maybe there's a sign of some individuality there, too. I could see Josiah possibly getting interest in a job in that field since he seems more of a creative type than some of the others.

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I guess this is TLC's very special announcement from the Duggars tomorrow. Glad Jessa isn't pregnant yet. 


As for Josiah and Marjorie....the only word I have for them is AWKWARD! Worse than Zach Bates with Sarah Reith awkward. 


I hope they court for a couple of years; they are way too young for this. But given Boob's obvious dislike for the kid, you can't blame him for wanting to get the hell out of Dodge. Not to mention, he may well have heard the other chatter going on and, like David Waller, want to squash those rumors. 


Have always liked Josiah. He's my favorite and I think the most intelligent as well. She looks smart too. If both are straight I'm hoping they have a nice long courtship before getting married. Or another thought. Maybe both are gay and will use Boob's own courtship/wedding weapons against him to gain their freedom, splitting after maybe a year or so to go off and do just exactly what they want to do. Roll credits, TLC...

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A year of exile at Alert and straight into a courtship?  Seems a bit fishy to me.


Me too. I sounds like a fix it. I do hope it was over Josiah wanting to court a girl who's part Latino then the fact he might be gay. Not that the dislike over their girl's background isn't a crappy thing also.  But 17 and 18 is so young. I can't imagine being 17 or 18 and ready for marriage.


I still can't get over the ages of these kids 17 and 18? And Ben was 18. In the real world where every parent is praying to God or their deity that their kids at those ages don't get married and/or pregnant and inside finish high school and go to college and/or get jobs.

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As for the mom I sure hope she is Latin enough to say to the Duggars, in my culture we FEED people at weddings and insist that there will be real food instead of a table full of pickles.

It's the Duggar's steamrolling and cultural sensitivity - so all the guests get is stolen packets of Taco Bell hot sauce and Jim Bob's grin.


Edit: Props to the Duggars for going with an interracial/intercultural wedding, esp. when ATI frowns on, and doesn't seem to allow interracial marriage.

Edited by JoanArc
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I actually think that if his trip to ALERT was because of his relationship with Marjorie it was because of fear they might "take it too far' rather than the fact that her mother is Guatemalan. Gothardites figure if you are attracted to someone and don't get married pretty darn quick then you might hug, kiss or be alone together. Since at 16 is taboo even to them, they shipped him off to ALERT with the hope that he'd either forget about her or at least separate any chance of them being regular teenagers.

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I actually think that if his trip to ALERT was because of his relationship with Marjorie it was because of fear they might "take it too far' rather than the fact that her mother is Guatemalan. Gothardites figure if you are attracted to someone and don't get married pretty darn quick then you might hug, kiss or be alone together. Since at 16 is taboo even to them, they shipped him off to ALERT with the hope that he'd either forget about her or at least separate any chance of them being regular teenagers.


I'm so hoping this is the case. That Josiah is head-over-heels in love with - to Boob's way of thinking - the wrong kind of girl. And not even ALERT could change his mind. God speed, Josiah and Marjorie! PS - take all the time you need. There's no law anywhere that says you have only 6 months to court and 3 months for an engagement, despite what your parents and married sibs tell you...

Edited by Wellfleet
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If Josiah went to ALERT over Marjorie, I don't think it's just because she's got Guatamelan blood. If nothing happened between them, JB would just tell Josiah to pray her away or that God wasn't feeling that courtship potential.

I would think its more likely that the two found a way to hang out at her house alone, maybe even holding hands and kissing, especially if her parents were more relaxed about dating rules. I can't see JB and Michelle being pleased with something like that, given the rumors of why Josh got sent to the camp.

I do have my doubts of how much involvement JB has in this courtship. I would imagine it's not on tape, considering all camera crews would be filming everything going down with Jill. If it was planned, the cameramen would ask that he wait for a different day. Oh how I would laugh if Josiah orchestrated everything behind Boob's back.

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