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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Maybe JD and Jana have seen married life Duggar style and decided not to follow along. Also, JD may not have enough money to raise a family on volunteer work, flying family around, and his construction work. He might now want to be beaten down like Ben, Derick and yes, even Josh.

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My twisted mind created a scenario where the lights are low and the Righteous Brothers are playing, while identical fundy women erotically massage wax between their fingers into phallic shaped candles.

Gothard creaks into place behind them ala Swayze and wheezily whispers in their ears to "slip those flip flops off."

Fade to black.

ETA: Black = Hell.

Who knew you could laugh and vomit at the same time!

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Maybe JD and Jana have seen married life Duggar style and decided not to follow along. Also, JD may not have enough money to raise a family on volunteer work, flying family around, and his construction work. He might now want to be beaten down like Ben, Derick and yes, even Josh.

This. Also, maybe at least some of them are friggin' sick of babies and little kids. Maybe they picked up on the way Josh got more and more unhappy as the blessings kept arriving in his life. Since birth control is out, the only option for anyone not wanting to reproduce is staying single. How bleak. But at least it decreases the number of unwanted kids.

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For no discernible reason, I actually think John-David would be a "make me a sandwich, keep the kids out of my hair and do whatever you want" kind of fundi-husband, and in a kindly way.  He doesn't preach anything, he seems to loathe the cameras and performs actual work.  I even think he's pleasant looking, in bit of a neanderthal way. 


To me, that would make him a bit of a catch.  I can't see him Instagramming marked-up bible pages, but I can see him sharing photos of him fishing with his kids. No Tweets about the hell-bound heathens that surround him, but maybe a good YELP review of a decent oil change place.


I have no concrete reason why I think these things about JD, I just do.  *LOL* 


I actually understand what you mean.


I'm not the least bit attracted to John David, but I feel like he would be an extremely laid-back, non-demanding husband who could be easily managed (and even improved upon!) by a clever wife. A better diet and new wardrobe would do wonders for him looks-wise. He has the work ethic and basic trade skills that could be deftly steered towards finding non-Duggar employment, like Zach Bates graduating from the Police Academy. He's handy around the house. He has an interesting hobby as a pilot. He's introverted and laid-back, which means that he's not a controlling a-hole... Basically, he seems like a guy who could be made easily content with a sandwich, a comfortable recliner in front of a football game, and an occasional hall pass to go play laser tag with the boys. 


Yes, he's a little bit of an immature and emotionally-stunted simpleton, but IMO, that would make him very malleable. He's a fixer-upper with a workable foundation. 

Edited by Guest
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Feelings? Jana isn't authorized to have feelings. Send her back to Journey of the Heart(Gothard feeling suppression camp) or give her only possession to someone else (jewelry box).

She'll choke 'em back.
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I don't think Derick was an option for Jana. I think JB & Jill jumped on Derick & Jill both having a heart for overseas mission work. Done. Marriage made in Duggar heaven.

I do think Jana attempted a 'get to know you' relationship without JB's approval and was found out. The girls alluded to such during one of their earlier talking heads promoting their book.

And thirdly I think Jana is a lot like Michael Bates and they were much more Gothardized and parentified the the younger sisters, and maybe shut down their  googly-eyed boy dreams earlier on.

And fourthly, I hope for Jana's sake that she can realize the benefits of still being single.

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For no discernible reason, I actually think John-David would be a "make me a sandwich, keep the kids out of my hair and do whatever you want" kind of fundi-husband, and in a kindly way.  He doesn't preach anything, he seems to loathe the cameras and performs actual work.  I even think he's pleasant looking, in bit of a neanderthal way. 


To me, that would make him a bit of a catch.  I can't see him Instagramming marked-up bible pages, but I can see him sharing photos of him fishing with his kids. No Tweets about the hell-bound heathens that surround him, but maybe a good YELP review of a decent oil change place.


I have no concrete reason why I think these things about JD, I just do.  *LOL* 

I agree with this, also for no reason other than that I do. He's not a traditional heart-throb but there's nothing seemingly wrong with him (that getting off the Tator Tot Casserole diet and a whole lot of 'I was brought up by Boob and J'Chelle' counselling wouldn't fix), he seems to have handyman skills that a good technical qualification could transform into a decent job, and as you say he's not using the show or any social media (that I know of) as his personal soap box (yet?).

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Anna uses Jana just as much as Jessa does.



I really want Jana to tell Jessa, Anna and Possum Head to fuck off and take care of their own kids for a change. I would actually pay to see this.

I was raised in a pretty religious household.  Women's place is in the home, men are to provide, save yourself for marriage, etc.  However, Imma need one of these idiots to show me where in the bible it says that the older kids are supposed to raise the younger kids.  And raise their siblings offspring as well.   I sure as hell don't remember that part in any of the sermons or  bible studies that I went to.


Edited to say that "God laid it on our hearts" doesn't count.

Edited by tabloidlover
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I wonder if Jana realizes her only way to avoid having twenty kids (in their religion) is to put off getting married and so she is staying single for as long as she can get away with.  As to JD, I agree he is the least offensive adult Duggar.  I think he would make a perfectly decent husband to someone, but to my taste he is simply not interesting enough as a human being to marry.  Though I do not think being an interesting person is something that even occurs to the Duggars.  

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Does anyone believe that JD lives in the compound?  I don't.  I can't see him sleeping in that room with all those annoying children - not to mention the annoying parents down the hall.  I remember reading that he owned property somewhere.  I have a feeling he has his own pad and my hope is that he has a six pack in the refrigerator and a playstation in the other room.  


ETA:  And in my wildest dreams... a bunch of wild fundie girls coming to hang out on the weekend.  OH MY!  

Edited by truthtalk2014
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Does anyone believe that JD lives in the compound?  I don't.  I can't see him sleeping in that room with all those annoying children - not to mention the annoying parents down the hall.  I remember reading that he owned property somewhere.  I have a feeling he has his own pad my hope is that he has a six pack in the refrigerator and a playstation in the other room.  


ETA:  And in my wildest dreams... a bunch of wild fundie girls coming to hang out on the weekend.  OH MY!  

And that there is a room just for Jana to hang out in.

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Nope, since adolescence is a myth -- the parents can skip right over the heart-breaking, worrying, and also, frankly, AWESOME job of helping kids navigate their ways to adulthood. Gah, these people!!!


I saw a really interesting documentary on the teenage brain (I think it was called "The Teenage Brain") that suggested that if adolescence hadn't evolved (ooooh I just used a dirty word) human life would be shorter and a heck of a lot more dumb and aren't the Duggars a case in point? The idea was that you re-wire your brain during the teen years to devote a lot more neutrons to the things that you enjoy and are good at and ditch some others that aren't doing much. Now, the Duggars have a. chosen to not expose their kids to a very wide range of activities and b. checked-out parents, no peers and siblings who don't seem particularly close. I can see that they aren't getting enough positive feedback to allow their brains to re-wire very well. The result? A bunch of over-grown twelve-year-olds lacking skills, talent and drive. 

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I wonder if Jana realizes her only way to avoid having twenty kids (in their religion) is to put off getting married and so she is staying single for as long as she can get away with.  As to JD, I agree he is the least offensive adult Duggar.  I think he would make a perfectly decent husband to someone, but to my taste he is simply not interesting enough as a human being to marry.  Though I do not think being an interesting person is something that even occurs to the Duggars.  

I'm going to have to go with Jason being the least offensive, because I still don't even remember he exists.

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As to JD, I agree he is the least offensive adult Duggar. I think he would make a perfectly decent husband to someone, but to my taste he is simply not interesting enough as a human being to marry. Though I do not think being an interesting person is something that even occurs to the Duggars.

Nope. When John David suggested naming a J kid "Jefferson" after Jefferson Davis (Confederate president) that told me all I needed to know about him. Yuck.

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I actually understand what you mean.


I'm not the least bit attracted to John David, but I feel like he would be an extremely laid-back, non-demanding husband who could be easily managed (and even improved upon!) by a clever wife. A better diet and new wardrobe would do wonders for him looks-wise. He has the work ethic and basic trade skills that could be deftly steered towards finding non-Duggar employment, like Zach Bates graduating from the Police Academy. He's handy around the house. He has an interesting hobby as a pilot. He's introverted and laid-back, which means that he's not a controlling a-hole... Basically, he seems like a guy who could be made easily content with a sandwich, a comfortable recliner in front of a football game, and an occasional hall pass to go play laser tag with the boys. 


Yes, he's a little bit of an immature and emotionally-stunted simpleton, but IMO, that would make him very malleable. He's a fixer-upper with a workable foundation. 


He seems like it wouldn't take much to please John David, that's true, heh.  Meals and occasional missionary sex.


One of the howler twins went to a Gothard camp all about that very subject. I think it was this: Quest

"Quest helps young men reject the myth of adolescence and encourages them to choose Christ-like manliness; however, the choice alone does not in and of itself result in success. The first step to pursuing Biblical manhood is understanding there is a path that must be taken to get there. Most young men want to be like dad but they just don’t know how to get there from where they are. Quest will present a clear route that a student can follow, with help from his parents, once he returns home."


The problem that I see here, is that the above is clearly meant to be "kids who aren't frivolous twits, or frivolous addicts glued to Twitter on their phones as the sparks fly upward".  Doing "manly things", like working.


... Until one sees, the Duggars at the height of what some surely must consider fundie frivolity, even amongst their own ranks.  Glued to social media and cell phones, tweeting their Chik-Fil-A all over the land, like people care, etc.  On TV in the first place.  Would John Calvin have approved of TV?  I think not!!!

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But the Duggars don't allow boys to have smart phones, or to even socialize. Who is Jedidiah even going to text? Jeremiah?

It could be much more dangerous than that Koka, he might text, God forbid, a Bates.

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One problem with rejecting adolescence as a false societal construct is that the kids are either expected to cling overly long to childhood--Jana in the kiddie dorm and the young men playing dress-up cowboy ala Roy Rogers being just two examples--OR they're rushed into the full monty of adulthood before they're ready, such as marrying at an exceptionally young age. It's one more example of a random notion appealing to a few dingbats, then having that notion spread like Zika because it fits their tiny preconceptions.

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One problem with rejecting adolescence as a false societal construct is that the kids are either expected to cling overly long to childhood--Jana in the kiddie dorm and the young men playing dress-up cowboy ala Roy Rogers being just two examples--OR they're rushed into the full monty of adulthood before they're ready, such as marrying at an exceptionally young age. It's one more example of a random notion appealing to a few dingbats, then having that notion spread like Zika because it fits their tiny preconceptions.




Plus, the tiny preconception that it fits is just the same-old same-old tiny preconception that rules their lives completely.


Everything must be squelched that doesn't make me, the insecure fearful man, feel powerful and in total control and reassured that I and I alone will always be the bestest bestest best and no one can surpass me.


Adolescence has more rebellion and features kids doing things that are new to me and that I'm not sure I'm comfortable with and some things, like sexual things, that should only be mine to enjoy. Furthermore, I fear that, even though I cling madly to the belief that all young men want to be just exactly like their fathers, some young man might try something different from things I've done and in some way surpass me -- Nooooooooooooo!!!!!! 


Ergo, adolescence must be wiped from the face of the earth.

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Plus, the tiny preconception that it fits is just the same-old same-old tiny preconception that rules their lives completely.


Everything must be squelched that doesn't make me, the insecure fearful man, feel powerful and in total control and reassured that I and I alone will always be the bestest bestest best and no one can surpass me.


Adolescence has more rebellion and features kids doing things that are new to me and that I'm not sure I'm comfortable with and some things, like sexual things, that should only be mine to enjoy. Furthermore, I fear that, even though I cling madly to the belief that all young men want to be just exactly like their fathers, some young man might try something different from things I've done and in some way surpass me -- Nooooooooooooo!!!!!! 


Ergo, adolescence must be wiped from the face of the earth.


Also, let's don't forget the power of peer pressure and belonging, the latter of which at minimum is actually helpful and healthy.  The kids have to only socialize with their siblings, because if they go outside the box too far and see those free and easy kids who can Do Stuff on their own and act like modern children/teens, then the kids will be filled with dissatisfaction about their restrictive lot in life. 


If they don't know it exists they can't yearn after it. 

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there are non Duggars in that picture.  Are they sharing their educational wisdom with others?  And I guess there are no adult coloring books that satisfy their requirements?  they are fun to do, at least we think better than puppies.

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Jana and John David still being single makes no real sense when you think about how these Duggar marriages operate. They seem to be mostly arranged marriages. So either Jana and John David are ditching marriage, or their parents are keeping them single. Otherwise, they would have handed them off to a spouse by now. They know enough other fundies with kids in the same age range. And it seems like a huge sin for a woman Jana's age to be single in their religion, so I would think they would have forced her to settle for someone by now. Most of the other fundie Christians are married by 24 at the very latest.


Well, except for in some of the more spectacular families. Tabitha Paine is way older than Jana. Then there are the Maxwells;  the Mally girl -- of Prince-Charming fame -- she just keeps on waiting for the prince; the Botkins; the older sisters of the Pennington girl who fought her parents to get a birth certificate. ....


The sons seem to get married with fair dispatch, but there are quite a few famous examples of unmarried daughters in their late 20s and, now, 30s, even .... Of course, these are all families of some prominence in those communities. I expect that with most families the marriages are occurring younger, as you say. But there's something going on in families other than the Duggars that's keeping all these young women on the shelf, it seems.

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theyre more willing for a woman to marry into their world than a man to marry in - ie even with parents guiding it all, the boys are a little freer to choose from a larger pool of prospective mates, because the mates conform to their male head ships. Girls have to have a Gothard guy, and if some of them are choosing outside the fold (even if they're choosing from an adjacent almost fundie pasture), and the girls can't, then you have a shortage. The only reason bin and Derrick were allowed into the fold is bc they are JBs flunkies.

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Jana and John David still being single makes no real sense when you think about how these Duggar marriages operate. They seem to be mostly arranged marriages. So either Jana and John David are ditching marriage, or their parents are keeping them single. Otherwise, they would have handed them off to a spouse by now. They know enough other fundies with kids in the same age range. And it seems like a huge sin for a woman Jana's age to be single in their religion, so I would think they would have forced her to settle for someone by now. Most of the other fundie Christians are married by 24 at the very latest.


i think that Jana and JD are both very shy -- even if their parents were engaged and empathetic parents, shyness isn't among their problems. They don't go to school or church, and they don't take part in any activities outside the home -- where are they supposed to meet people? A shy person like JD isn't going to meet a girl at a home-schooling convention, talk to her a couple of times, and then propose -- IMO.


Ben aggressively pursued Jessa after seeing her on television, and Derick seems to have just kind of stumbled into their orbit. I wouldn't be surprised if the family wasn't particularly liked in the Gothard world, or if their peers are uninterested in joining the dog and pony show. 


And I call BS on Jana "sharing her feelings" about anything. At most she will spout some Gothard drivel about being "excited about what the Lord has in store" for her. That's hardly must-see tv.

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Well, except for in some of the more spectacular families. Tabitha Paine is way older than Jana. Then there are the Maxwells;  the Mally girl -- of Prince-Charming fame -- she just keeps on waiting for the prince; the Botkins; the older sisters of the Pennington girl who fought her parents to get a birth certificate. ....


The sons seem to get married with fair dispatch, but there are quite a few famous examples of unmarried daughters in their late 20s and, now, 30s, even .... Of course, these are all families of some prominence in those communities. I expect that with most families the marriages are occurring younger, as you say. But there's something going on in families other than the Duggars that's keeping all these young women on the shelf, it seems.


Maybe some of the boys in the family refuse to wait - it is possible they are outliers more readily than women, Anna's brother clearly was - plus, don't forget, girls can wait forever.  Boys can't keep it in their pants and it's a sin to keep dwelling in unslaked lust.

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If they are supposed to be birthin' an army for the Lord, I don't see how they can justify keeping the girls on the shelf into their late 20's and 30's. You would think they would try to find them a match as soon as the girls are of legal age.


As far as the boys go, aren't they supposed to be self-supporting before they marry? The way JB treats his sons, they'll be on an allowance until he dies.

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If they are supposed to be birthin' an army for the Lord, I don't see how they can justify keeping the girls on the shelf into their late 20's and 30's. You would think they would try to find them a match as soon as the girls are of legal age.


As far as the boys go, aren't they supposed to be self-supporting before they marry? The way JB treats his sons, they'll be on an allowance until he dies.

Maybe in JB's mind his pittance means self employed of sorts.  He would have to rationalize something at some point, wouldn't he?  

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Well, except for in some of the more spectacular families. Tabitha Paine is way older than Jana. Then there are the Maxwells;  the Mally girl -- of Prince-Charming fame -- she just keeps on waiting for the prince; the Botkins; the older sisters of the Pennington girl who fought her parents to get a birth certificate. ....


The sons seem to get married with fair dispatch, but there are quite a few famous examples of unmarried daughters in their late 20s and, now, 30s, even .... Of course, these are all families of some prominence in those communities. I expect that with most families the marriages are occurring younger, as you say. But there's something going on in families other than the Duggars that's keeping all these young women on the shelf, it seems.

I would assume most Gothard men are getting married a little later, too. Don't they need to be self-sufficient before starting a family? Except for the Duggars, of course.

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I would assume most Gothard men are getting married a little later, too. Don't they need to be self-sufficient before starting a family? Except for the Duggars, of course.

I'd expect that's true. I only know about some big-name families -- and not all of them are Gothard, just kind of Gothard-similar -- and in some of those cases you have married brothers, even a bunch of married brothers, while you still have women sitting around. I'm sure that many of the boys do get married later than Mike Seewald and Gothard and so on would like them to, since you're surely right about the self-sufficiency being a problem. ... And lack of self-sufficiency being more obvious when you don't have a tv show.....

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I am lying next to my sleeping husband (joyfully available, if only he knew...), trying not to chortle aloud. What a get-up! Cute but wrong.


"Ain't it a fine life!  Carrying the banner through it all!"


He looks like a reject from Newsies.

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The one that always trips me out is James. That kid has looked EXACTLY THE SAME since he was about two years old.

James and Jackson are in some weird Peter Pan time warp. They don't grow, their faces have looked the same since they were two and they don't mature emotionally. Jackson is eleven and still acts like a six year-old.

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And 14 year old James acted like a 6 year old making some intelligible noise while standing next to Gil Bates in last night's Bates Wedding episode. Where there's a camera, a Duggar will be, making an ass of him/herself.

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