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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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Do you guys remember when Jill had her birthday in Little Rock? Boob gave her a cross necklace and Michelle gave her a bag of random shit that looked like it was picked up at CVS after Michelle was making her daily Starbucks run and realized, oh crap, it's Jill's birthday today. I'm sure JoyLessAnna's 18th birthday will be a similar experience.

Edited by BitterApple
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Holy shit, did you see the picture in the car where Josie's seatbelt strap is behind her? I'm hoping she just moved it while they were stopped otherwise that's just a tragedy waiting to happen. Wtf is it with these people and not having properly installed/buckled carseats?

Joy is starting to look a lot like Jill. They're both prettier versions of Boob.

Edited by BitterApple
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Holy shit, did you see the picture in the car where Josie's seatbelt strap is behind her? I'm hoping she just moved it while they were stopped otherwise that's just a tragedy waiting to happen. Wtf is it with these people and not having properly installed/buckled carseats?

Joy is starting to look a lot like Jill. They're both prettier versions of Boob.

No 18 year old should have crows feet, yet:


No Jill/Luke Perry forehead wrinkles yet thankfully.

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If I recall correctly, they spend a portion of their birthdays thanking Michelle for giving birth to them. Because she totally could have died in childbirth for them.


Followed by chanting "I survived Roe vs. Wade!!!"


Holy shit, did you see the picture in the car where Josie's seatbelt strap is behind her? I'm hoping she just moved it while they were stopped otherwise that's just a tragedy waiting to happen. Wtf is it with these people and not having properly installed/buckled carseats?


I know they don't give a crap about the health and safety of the Howlers and the Lost Girls, but wouldn't you think they'd be more careful to safeguard Precious Miracle Baby Josie? She's the centerpiece of their whole pro-life act. Anything happens to her and the Duggar Dog and Pony Show loses one of it's major supporting players.

  • Love 7

What a special, neat blessing of a message from Jill.  This is what I imagine went down...


"Derrick! We haven't sent a message to Joy for her birthday! Grab that workbook and scribble a message in it, we can take a selfie before you leave."

Before you leave! Don't they do everything together? "We went to the birthing center" for example. Oy. Gives me a headache

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Jim Bob has always made my flesh creep,however that picture above is bone chilling,and the whole scandals of the last few months look like they have aged Mechelle ten years.


How do fundies feel about plastic surgery?After all she has to make herself attractive to the Stallion, she is a Thoroughbred birthing mare.

Edited by kandinski
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I read when it first appeared but I don't think its hers. Check to see if any of the other Duggars follow it.

eta: There are other Duggar kid accounts it follows who also follow it. They were all started about the same time and stopped posting in May. They all sound like the same voice too. All those accounts are fake. IMO

Edited by Almost 3000
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Jana looks like she is dressed for a date. I'm sure not but looking good. Does this mean Jill did not manage the birth?

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I always assumed that reality TV families get free house cleaning and decorating from the producers.

I think they know we like to snark on a dirty house.

Jana looks ready to fly off to a business meeting.

Bible reader in the prayer closet by day, pole dancer at night after Ma and Pa retire for the night for their usual ....

She couldn't pole dance, she might run into Josh at the club.

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The Roloff's pigsty suggests there's no free house keeping courtesy TLC.

I think they know we like to snark on a dirty house.

Jana looks ready to fly off to a business meeting.

She couldn't pole dance, she might run into Josh at the club.

If only working class bars that featured modern dance à la Flashdance existed outside of that movie.
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And a nanny, daycare worker or pre-school teacher would probably have hands on that kid's scooter's handle or at least hovering around his shoulders.

Sorry. Can't stop seeing a bloody accident waiting to happen. Head meet tile.

Maybe they'll find a place for the sister-aunt-moms to operate a fundie daycare. Or maybe we shouldn't give them any ideas.

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Just be glad he isn't carrying a loaded gun.

Give it time.

Kind of like 8-9 yr. old Milania Giudice walking around with a chainsaw. Except she really was.

Clueless all around. I'm surprised they're all, pretty much, still alive.

Well, my first thought wasn't about the helmet, but about why he's allowed to use a scooter in the house. Tile or no tile.

Maybe they were trying to show off their clean floors. And their pews.

Seems an apt word for the Dillards.

Edited by NewDigs
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Well, my first thought wasn't about the helmet, but about why he's allowed to use a scooter in the house.  Tile or no tile.

The Howlers and Lost Girls have always been allowed to ride trikes/bikes/scooters all around the whole downstairs. They can jump on furniture and run across kitchen counters and tables. They bounce

balls indoors and play dodge ball and four square. All indoors!!!

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I was thinking it was a cute dress but hard to tell. Whatever it is she really does look good. I think that's the best I've seen a Duggar look.

Almost like she's ready for her close-up...

It looks like a dark maroon top with a black pencil skirt. The lighting makes it look like its a one piece dress. I don't think she's actually as fancy as she looks, although it's a good look for her.

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Jana does look lovely but the Duggar Daughters always make me feel like a slob! I only dress in pumps/ dress flats and a skirt or dress about once a year for a funeral or wedding. At home, I'm always in jeans/cords/shorts/track pants and tee shirts. My whole work life, I wore hospital scrubs so I never got the hand of looking nice daily.

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Sometimes I wonder if Jana isn't 'jealous' of all the attention the other girls get from Gothard. NO! I'm not suggesting any improper over the clothing quick sly touching, just a young girl crushing on her idol and knowing that he must be shared with all the other girls in the mosh pit, or whatever they do.

I have to wonder if Jana is going to be the first to snap, find a way to get her very own bank account and escape the compound - forever writing that book we've been waiting for and living a normal life somewhere far away.  The thing stopping her right now may be her feeling of responsibility to her younger siblings (responsibility her parents  have delegated to her).  But will a 30 year old be able to stand sleeping in a dorm with children for much longer?  She'll be 30 in just a few years and the youngest of her siblings will be over 10 at that point so she may escape at that point.

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Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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