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The Lonely Js Club: James, Jackson & Johannah

Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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The one that Jessa has been wearing looks longer than the previous mustard sweater.  I think they bought in bulk and/or bought multiple styles in the same color. 

I'll confess, I bought a mustard cardigan a few years ago. I wore it over to my mom's house and she gave me the stink eye. Total disgust. At first I thought it was the cut, but no she hated the color. I still wore it around the house and with friends. I never knew a mustard cardigan could be so polarizing.     

Edited by Cocka doodle dont
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I like the mustard sweater, I just don't think it works with the Duggar girls' coloring.

I thought Jinger looked really pretty in the archery picture, but for some reason I can't see her and Lawson together. Mainly because a) he pings my gaydar and b) they don't really seem to have anything in common. Crazy as this sounds, but I actually think she would have been a better match for Bin.

  • Love 6

Maybe I haven't watched enough of the Bates show, but I don't get the same vibe a lot of people seem to be getting from him. Also, from what I know about him I actually kind of like him (ha). If he and Jinger were a thing, maybe he could get her away and save her before she becomes as crazy as Jessa and Jill. I know it seems like we say that for every person who starts courting, but one can hope!

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I'm not sure the Bates family is any less crazy than the Duggars in terms of religious dogma, it's just that they lack some of the Duggar neuroses and have friendlier personas. Gil Bates has been far deeper involved with Gothard's inner circle than Jim Bob has for decades so I'm assuming he fully agrees with the slut-shaming, victim blaming, female subjugation ideology of Christian Patriarchy. I also assume that, since he's been on IBLP's board of directors for yonks, he's been fully aware of Bill Gothard's proclivities for a long time and either a) agrees with Gothard's excuses and victim-blaming (which makes him a creep) or b) was fully aware that Ol' Bill's actions were abusive and wrong but didn't want to rock the boat (which makes him a coward).


I agree that marrying a Bates might be a better situation for Jinger than staying at home, but she's not moving up or away, just sideways.

  • Love 16

Yup. I've maintained that it's a lateral move since Lawson/Jinger really appeared to be a "thing." 


I think that Gil and Kelly mostly agreed to do their show to help out Lawson's "Christian show biz" career. I find him far more annoying the more they show of him, and this last season's "cliffhanger" was about him dating, so he's not shy about being a featured character. He also banned my old instagram account, but I don't remember ever replying to him. Someone else mused that he checks accounts like FreeJinger and bans based on responses on that page (not the website). 

  • Love 1

Maybe I haven't watched enough of the Bates show, but I don't get the same vibe a lot of people seem to be getting from him. Also, from what I know about him I actually kind of like him (ha). If he and Jinger were a thing, maybe he could get her away and save her before she becomes as crazy as Jessa and Jill. I know it seems like we say that for every person who starts courting, but one can hope!

I can't begin to tell of the huge, high hopes I had for both Jill and Jessa after their marriages. After all, neither Ben nor Derick are Gothard. Ben attended public CC. Derick was public school educated and had a college diploma. Both girls do now attend organized sports games, which we never saw pre-marriage. Jessa dresses more normal, albeit no jeans. But both of those girls seem splitting images of JimBob and Michell's beliefs. And they appear to have drawn their husbands away from mainstream Christianity to more conservative. I was Sooooooo disappointed in them when they became pregnant ASAP!

  • Love 4

I have been hoping that the courtship between Lawson and Jinger was real ever since the rumors first started. I like Lawson Bates and I think Jinger will be much happier in his family than in her own. Even though the Bateses are Gothardites, they don't seem nearly as dysfunctional as the Duggars. They don't seem to have the sicko undercurrent that the Duggars have.


I don't get this at all. These people don't allow their kids to go ANYWHERE by themselves, and Jinger is flying to TN every couple of weeks to see Lawson? I thought it was the boy who was supposed to come a'courtin in their little fantasy world.


Do JB and J'chelle just not give a shit what their kids do unless there ate television cameras in the mix?

  • Love 9

I like the mustard sweater, I just don't think it works with the Duggar girls' coloring.

I thought Jinger looked really pretty in the archery picture, but for some reason I can't see her and Lawson together. Mainly because a) he pings my gaydar and b) they don't really seem to have anything in common. Crazy as this sounds, but I actually think she would have been a better match for Bin.

ITA When Jinger cut Bin's hair they both seemed to have a lot of chemistry. I don't get that sense with Bin and Jessa. Bin is just Jessa's backpack. *love to the poster who thought of that term* Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 7

Jinger's back in TN shooting Quiverfulls of arrows with Bates kids. I guess the romance with Lawson is getting serious. Sorry, pasting the link from my phone isn't working.

I've been wondering why jing wasn't in the airport farewell photos. Is this why?

I don't get this at all. These people don't allow their kids to go ANYWHERE by themselves, and Jinger is flying to TN every couple of weeks to see Lawson? I thought it was the boy who was supposed to come a'courtin in their little fantasy world.

Do JB and J'chelle just not give a shit what their kids do unless there ate television cameras in the mix?

I agree. Does not compute. With how strictly the other girls courtships were monitored, jing can practically live with the guys family and JB leaves the supervision to Gil?

  • Love 3

No, Jinger was in Jacksonville on Saturday (subbing for Jessa at the Southern Women's Show) when the airport scene was shot...errr....they sent off the Dullards. 


Since The Plane was not used for the flights to either Florida or TN, I'll assume that Jinger and Josiah went from FL straight up to TN. Don't forget, Josiah did a tour to the Philippines with Lawson and Nate in 2014, so there's precedence. And an accountability buddy for Jinge. 

How did that one commenter know they use cruelty free makeup? The Duggars aren't big on animal rights, so I can't imagine that would be a priority for them. Of course, they might have mentioned it to shut the critics up after catgate, but I can't recall hearing that.

I doubt the Duggars even know that make-up products are even tested - period.

  • Love 11

The girl that runs the Bates fan FB page claims there is an announement coming. People are speculating but more that Nathan is going into a courtship. She also calims she knows but the |Bates aren't ready to announce. Probably holding out for rating sweeps time.

It's Nathan and Ashley.  They might be waiting for the new season of their show to start, but the Bates also give their kids a lengthy "getting to know you" phase before they announce an official courtship.  That's probably the phase Lawson and Jinger are in (if it's true they like each other).

  • Love 4

It's Nathan and Ashley.  They might be waiting for the new season of their show to start, but the Bates also give their kids a lengthy "getting to know you" phase before they announce an official courtship.  That's probably the phase Lawson and Jinger are in (if it's true they like each other).

"Getting to know you"... ? That sounds so foreign to the Duggar concept of courtship ! 


They think "getting to know you" should be saved for the wedding night. Ugh.

  • Love 6

If Jinger and Lawson are courting, I wonder if she's truly into him or if this is a "get me the hell out of this insane asylum" move. Lawson is a good looking guy, but on BUB he comes off as a high maintenance wuss. Even though Trace isn't as handsome, I'd pick him or Nathan if I had to choose an eligible Bates boy.

  • Love 1

I doubt the Duggars even know that make-up products are even tested - period.


I still can't quite believe the females are permitted to use makeup. I guess the men decided it was more important for their women to look good, even though just decades ago, their good stalwart Christian ancestors believed that "the devil done made them women paint their faces..."

  • Love 11

Anyone heard anything of the faulty drone Josiah sold on eBay?  I seem to recall him taking photos over their house with a drone, but I don't remember where I saw it. 





ETA:  the reporter is an idiot. He has a photo of Josh but is talking about Josiah.  

Edited by truthtalk2014
  • Love 1

If Jinger and Lawson are courting, I wonder if she's truly into him or if this is a "get me the hell out of this insane asylum" move. Lawson is a good looking guy, but on BUB he comes off as a high maintenance wuss. Even though Trace isn't as handsome, I'd pick him or Nathan if I had to choose an eligible Bates boy.

Maybe the interest in Lawson is because he travels? He might just take her to the city that she wants to stay in.

Anyone heard anything of the faulty drone Josiah sold on eBay? I seem to recall him taking photos over their house with a drone, but I don't remember where I saw it.



ETA: the reporter is an idiot. He has a photo of Josh but is talking about Josiah.

Oh my I read the description Josiah wrote that the drone flies real good. SMH Edited by Fuzzysox
  • Love 7

I go back and forth on the Lawson/Jinger rumor. Some days, I'm positive that they're in a pre-courtship relationship and other days I think that Jinger is going to TN so frequently to hang out with her favorite brother, Joseph, who is at college in TN.


IDK. I honestly cannot decide what I believe, or if I even want the rumor to be true or not...

Maybe the interest in Lawson isbecause he travels? He might just take her to the city that she wants to stay in.

Oh my I read the description Josiah wrote that the drone flies real good. SMH


The poor writin', the dirty tile floor, and do I spy the infamous ugly pink armchair?? Yep, we definitely know it was a Duggar who sold that piece of junk.

Edited by Guest

I go back and forth on the Lawson/Jinger rumor. Some days, I'm positive that they're in a pre-courtship relationship and other days I think that Jinger is going to TN so frequently to hang out with her favorite brother, Joseph, who is at college in TN.


IDK. I honestly cannot decide what I believe, or if I even want the rumor to be true or not...


The poor writin', the dirty tile floor, and do I spy the infamous ugly pink armchair?? Yep, we definitely know it was a Duggar who sold that piece of junk.

If you look close enough, you may see a bit of Josie saliva on the wing.  Enough said!  ;)

  • Love 6

I go back and forth on the Lawson/Jinger rumor. Some days, I'm positive that they're in a pre-courtship relationship and other days I think that Jinger is going to TN so frequently to hang out with her favorite brother, Joseph, who is at college in TN.

I can see JBchelle allowing Jinger to linger in pre-courtship with Lawson because of Josiah's failed courtship.

It's called dating, Jim Bob, and it's okay. Dating doesn't make you a slut.

  • Love 7

I go back and forth on the Lawson/Jinger rumor. Some days, I'm positive that they're in a pre-courtship relationship and other days I think that Jinger is going to TN so frequently to hang out with her favorite brother, Joseph, who is at college in TN.


IDK. I honestly cannot decide what I believe, or if I even want the rumor to be true or not...


The poor writin', the dirty tile floor, and do I spy the infamous ugly pink armchair?? Yep, we definitely know it was a Duggar who sold that piece of junk.

I really doubt Jinger gives two shits for Joe anymore. She was made to hug him at ALERT, because fans knew they were close in younger years (ie. Producer "Suggestion" before the scene was shot). However,  with no cameras present, there is no evidence she was there during his seminal semester last spring.  IIRC, the Duggars made a political jaunt in the stinkbus, but that's about it. 

Edited by Sew Sumi
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I have wanted to post this for a while, but didn't know how to without sounding mean, but....

Anyone else feel that Jinger is just, well, unfortunate looking? And not naturally "unfortunate looking", it's self inflicted. Her eye makeup is way too dark and her skin is piled so thickly with the wrong color makeup base. It looks like if you ran your finger nail down her cheek you'd come away with a finger nail plugged with makeup. All the other girls are very pretty under their makeup masks but Jinger just, no.

  • Love 6

I have wanted to post this for a while, but didn't know how to without sounding mean, but....

Anyone else feel that Jinger is just, well, unfortunate looking? And not naturally "unfortunate looking", it's self inflicted. Her eye makeup is way too dark and her skin is piled so thickly with the wrong color makeup base. It looks like if you ran your finger nail down her cheek you'd come away with a finger nail plugged with makeup. All the other girls are very pretty under their makeup masks but Jinger just, no.

I have thought that too - I think she has potential with the right makeup. She has a nice smile

  • Love 1

I have wanted to post this for a while, but didn't know how to without sounding mean, but....

Anyone else feel that Jinger is just, well, unfortunate looking? And not naturally "unfortunate looking", it's self inflicted. Her eye makeup is way too dark and her skin is piled so thickly with the wrong color makeup base. It looks like if you ran your finger nail down her cheek you'd come away with a finger nail plugged with makeup. All the other girls are very pretty under their makeup masks but Jinger just, no.

It's hard to match your foundation to fake tan. As the tan fades or you re-tan and get darker (cough- oranger - cough), you need an array of foundations to choose from.

As far as Josiah selling the drone on ebay, I find that to be refreshingly normal behavior.  A 19 year old trying to sell something that he didn't want anymore?  Happens all the time. He probably spent a lot of money on it, was pissed that it didn't work properly, and decided to cut his losses and try to get part of the money back.


Should he have been forthcoming about the fact that it had a tendency to crash?  Of course. But it certainly wasn't the first time in the history of ebay that someone was not 100% honest about the condition of an item they were selling.


 I guess the apple doesn't fall far from the tree.  Gotta wonder how many cars Josh/Jim Bob sold that developed mechanical problems as soon as the cheque cleared.


And he was able to go online to sell it.  Thought that internet access would be a no-go after Joshgate.

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45,

Discussing the charges against Jana is fine, but do not post any information that reveals her address/contact information- even if said documents are public (i.e. a part of court proceedings.)

Discussing charges against Jana is NOT a jumping off point to speculate on other instances abuse/neglect etc towards the M-children or to elaborate on Josh's conviction and potential victims.  


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