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S07.E01: Dragonstone

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Since I don't know who Ed Sheeran is, I wasn't distracted.

Lady Mormont is still rockin'! I love her. Loved how Brienne gave her that "you go, girl!" look while she was being her bad self. Yeah, Tormond needs to take Brienne to a Wyndham resort before all hell breaks loose. ;-)

I don't want Baelish gone since his character is fun, I love Aiden Gillen, and one of my cats is named "Lord Baelish."

I can watch all the beheading and other mayhem, but those chamberpot scenes I could not look at.

How did Ser Jorah end up there?

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12 minutes ago, LittleIggy said:


How did Ser Jorah end up there?

Dany sent him off to find a cure, so the Citadel (with its library and Maesters) was probably the most logical choice.

Does anyone think Jon underestimating Cersei will somehow bite House Stark in the ass? They seem to be stressing his tunnel vision with regards to the Night King. I'm surprised he didn't consider that Cersei doesn't need to send an entire Army north, all she needs is a few men who can sneak into Winterfell.

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Just came to say that was THE MOST satisfying open ever! 

The red wedding STILL gives me nightmares. Considering Arya as a baby name the next time I have a baby and it's a girl! 


The fact the Arya was right outside and about to reunite with (most) of her family when the red wedding massacre happened made that open ALL the more satisfying.

Edited by Fairlily26
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I'm siding with Jon over Sansa. Jon is a uniter. He's a leader. Sansa may worry about Cersei, and she is right to, but Jon has no choice but to focus on the White Walkers and would be a fool not to. I think Sansa is still out for revenge while Jon remains the only character who sees the bigger picture. 


Littlefinger looks so desperate and out of place. Jon is yet another guy for him to be jealous of. If Bran goes to Winterfell, Baelish is so screwed. 


Loved the scenes with The Hound and Brotherhood. It was so emotional seeing the father and daughter dead and getting the Hound's reaction. I wonder what the mountain shaped like an arrowhead is?


Euron is actually pretty entertaining. I laughed at his back and forth with Jaime. I just wish Jaime would get the picture already and ditch Cersei. Seriously, she committed the act that he killed the mad king to prevent. What will it fucking take?


What more is left to say about Arya. She just avenged her family. I just wonder how she is able to mimic Walder's voice and grow to his height? Is it as simple as magic? 


I was hoping Dany would find Stannis' stillborns in a jar. Emilia and Peter had an easy go of it this episode. 


Strong start to the season. Set the stage for the season to come. Now, with only six more episodes, I expect things to pick up steam next week. 

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Agree this was a terrific episode, especially Arya's revenge on the Freys, with the exception of all that chamber pot/soup pouring in Sam's part.  We only get seven episodes this season, and to have so much of this one taken up with that was upsetting when we all got the point after the first fifteen seconds.  

I am finding that any scene with Arya in it holds my attention more tightly than any others.  Can't wait for next week!

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Mannnn, I missed this show.  It was a good episode...a little slow, perhaps, but setting up the chess pieces nicely.

The Jon/Sansa dynamic really works for me b/c it feels real based on what we know about them.  They were never close siblings when they were little at Winterfell.  Now as adults, they are terrible with emotion and communication and have very little foundation to build on.  That said, couldn't they work out a meeting agenda (LOL) and iron out some of their differences without the other great Northern houses looking on?!  

As usual, Lady Mormont steals the show; I loved see Brienne and Davos reaction shots when she talked about not knitting by the fire.  That's some real talk, girl!  You smash that patriarchy!

I LOVE the costuming in Dany's party.  Everyone looking gorgeous in their cold weather wear.  **I see you Grayworm...lookin' like a snack**  Dragonstone looked so...sad and in ruins.  Can't wait to see what Dany and crew do with it & how being there has affected her.

Arya is a G.  I wouldn't want her mad at me.  Revenge of the Starks.  No Boltons.  No Freys.  Rebuilding the Umbers and Karstarks with loyalists (for the record, I think Jon's call was the right one).  

Personally, I loved the Ed Sheeran cameo.  I would have listened to him sing the whole song.  His voice is just made for things like that.  I spent the scene feeling a bit of fear; this is GoT, so I was concerned they would flip on Arya (not knowing she is a dangerous badass).   

I cannot wait (and hope I don't have to wait for long) for Bran to be reunited with Jon/Sansa.  That's going to be a very interesting raven Jon/Sansa get from Castle Black.

I love redecorated Euron.  He has this Capt Hook swag happening and I love that he beat up on Jamie verbally.  Already liking him better this episode than his previous outtings.

Can't wait to see Cercei get hers.  Build that map, darlin'.  You all made these enemies, so now you all have to live with those consequences.  Jamie and Cercei may be smart and Tywin's children, but they don't have his cool, strategic planning.   I can't wait to see all these short sighted slights come back to bite them.

This is a short season...we didn't need to spend so much time on Sam's version of 9 to 5.  We get it, we get it.  The Jorah reveal and Dragonstone's dragonglass stores were nicely done, but we should have gotten there faster.

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When I realized that the scene with Walder Frey was not a flashback and figured what was about to happen, I was so happy! Arya is such a badass, and I love that she kept the women that had no involvement in the slaughter of her family out of it. Jon and Sansa need to work together now more than ever. He has a lot of insight into the threat of the White Walkers, and Sansa has lived with the enemies in the south so she has a lot of knowledge there, they need to collaborate more.  Samwell living the life of an intern went on fairly long and was glad I had eaten earlier and not ordered pizza to eat while watching the premiere.  Euron's flagship with all the giant sails was like a monster truck descending on Westeros, seriously, small penis much Euron? Wanted to strangle Littlefinger through my TV and glad Sansa kinda put him in his place. Brienne, come on, give Tormund a chance! I felt at first that the Ed Sheeren scene with Arya was a little extraneous, but Arya's had so little downtime in the past few seasons and she got to learn about the soldiers individually and their families, with no agenda, and it was just kind of sweet.  I'm also liking the transformation of the Hound. I couldn't understand last season why they got Ian McShane for such a small role, but that small sequence plays a lot into the Hound trying to be a better person.  So, Dragonstone has just been empty this whole time? I'll just suspend disbelief on that one, and blame it on a lot of shit going on in Westeros.  If they're going to do spin-off shows from Game of Thrones, I'd watch one everyday with Bear Boss Lyanna Mormont just yelling at people.  She is the best! 

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Has anyone guessed what it is that Sansa thinks LF wants?

Also, has anyone got any idea what Cersei is thinking in terms of her 1,000 year dynasty? A 1,000 year dynasty sounds familiar for some reason. But she can't have any more children. Can she? So how can the Lanister create a dynasty? Surely she is not planning on having Tyrion father some children. Is she?

Or is she just crazy and not capable of rational thinking?

Oh, does anyone else have any different idea what Euron could intend for his "gift" besides Tyrion? What else could he have in mind? He doesn't seem like much of a brain.

Edited by MissBluxom
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"Winter has come for House Frey."


Arya is a poignant character to me because she represents the effect of trauma and violence on children, robbing them of their childhood. She's a fantastic character.

Jon is a good king. I was so proud of him when he made the right call with regard to the Karstarks and Umbers, especially when he said his word was final. He's always had a lot of common sense and being King in the North ain't his first rodeo since he's dealt with leadership issues before.

Sansa doesn't realize how damaged she is from her experiences with Cersei and Littlefinger and their twisted, cutthroat ways of thinking. One of the worst traits she's gotten from Cersei is thinking she's smarter than she really is and believing that the exercising of raw power is the long-term solution to a problem. She has not yet mastered critical thinking and is unable to adapt her experiences in King's Landing to the context of the people in the north, which is a whole different ball game. She would make her life so much easier if she would just tell Jon everything about Littlefinger and what he wants from her and then they could deal with it together.

Poor Jorah.

Cersei sucks.

I still hate Jaime and the Hound.

Excellent episode!

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1 minute ago, dramachick said:

"Winter has come for House Frey."


Arya is a poignant character to me because she represents the effect of trauma and violence on children, robbing them of their childhood. She's a fantastic character.

Jon is a good king. I was so proud of him when he made the right call with regard to the Karstarks and Umbers, especially when he said his word was final. He's always had a lot of common sense and being King in the North ain't his first rodeo since he's dealt with leadership issues before.

Sansa doesn't realize how damaged she is from her experiences with Cersei and Littlefinger and their twisted, cutthroat ways of thinking. One of the worst traits she's gotten from Cersei is thinking she's smarter than she really is and believing that the exercising of raw power is the long-term solution to a problem. She has not yet mastered critical thinking and is unable to adapt her experiences in King's Landing to the context of the people in the north, which is a whole different ball game. She would make her life so much easier if she would just tell Jon everything about Littlefinger and what he wants from her and then they could deal with it together.

Poor Jorah.

Cersei sucks.

I still hate Jaime and the Hound.

Excellent episode!

Excellent post!

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I've enjoyed watching the evolution of Jamie's character, but he needs to stop acting like a pussy whipped teenager and cut his losses. The Lannisters are broke, their children dead, their subjects ready to revolt, Cersei's gone full potato. What the hell is he hanging on to? Ride your shiny white horse down to Dragonstone and join up with your little brother. 

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4 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I've enjoyed watching the evolution of Jamie's character, but he needs to stop acting like a pussy whipped teenager and cut his losses. The Lannisters are broke, their children dead, their subjects ready to revolt, Cersei's gone full potato. What the hell is he hanging on to? Ride your shiny white horse down to Dragonstone and join up with your little brother. 

Or ... ride up North and join Brienne.  I think he wants to.  But the audience prob wants to see her and the big tall red headed guy wind up together.

They should all fight in the big battle and whichever one remains alive will be the one who marries Brienne. Don't 'cha think?


Hey DramaChick?

Why do you say "Poor Jorah?"  He didn't appear in tonight's episode.  Is that why?

By the way, on other boards, lots of people are complaining about this episode. They say it went far too slow. But I agree with you. I thought it was excellent. It set up the rest of this season just perfectly. It laid out all the various conflicts. Now we know what things will mean when they happen in the following episdoes.

P.S. I like your style of thinking DramaChick!

Edited by MissBluxom
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Kudos to HBO, because I legit double-checked to make sure I wasn't replaying an old episode during that cold open. Arya murder-palooza is at full speed, and I love it! The only thing that could have made it better would have been for the The Man to appear in the back corner and roll his eyes at how ostentatious Arya is being. I like how they transitioned  the Lannister guard scene from Arya scoping out arms and strategizing the best way to slaughter everyone, to her realizing they are harmless peons. They were kind of comically innocuous though, took me out of the show a little.

Hmm, nope still Team Sansa on this one. He's literally handing two well-manned keeps back to a couple of kids who are going to be surrounded by the same advisors that decided to ignore their obligations to House Stark. Like, dude, at least keep them at Winterfell in a very polite hostage situation to raise them to not be turn-coats like their parents. Jon's issue has always been that since *he* understands the magnitude of the situation, everyone *else* should fall in line and fight for the common good. That didn't work when he was Lord of the Night's Watch, it didn't work when he was collaborating with the Wildlings, and it won't work now as 'King' of the North. You'd think he would learn from his experience of literally being murdered by his direct reports for moving too fast, too soon, but nope. He beat the White Walkers, but he didn't beat the humans. Which is why he should stfu and listen to Sansa about Cersei. 

Also, the optics of basically shrugging at two houses that sat on their hands while House Bolton desecrated the Stark family, figuratively and literally, are terrible. 

Also, please gdiaf for rolling your eyes at the idea of listening to Sansa, when she gave you great strategic advice, which you ignored, then bailed your ass out when you were about to die. Baby Jon would have had no business trying to run the Stark house, nevermind the whole North, and baby Sansa knew shit all about politics. You're both different now, obviously. Sansa has had more than enough skin (forcibly) put in the game to have opinions whenever she feels like it. 

This whole storyline infuriates me.

My favorite part of the whole Euron versus Jamie exchange is that Jamie was that exact asshole a few years ago. He would have preened like a peacock at the opportunity to take a shot at a washed up warrior with one hand.

I almost cried when that cabin came into view. "They'll be dead come winter" indeed. 

Podrick's going to be feeling that shoulder check for a minute. Lol.

Edited by rozen
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This was wonderful. I really didn't enjoy seasons 5 and 6 as much as I did the earlier ones. Oh, I still wanted to see how it ended, and there were still great moments intermingled with moments that were... less great, but it had drifted from like an A plus to an A minus or B plus. This one, however, was the same show that I fell in love with. I have very high hopes for the rest of the season.

Although I am curious as hell about how they kept those enormous dragons fed while flying across the ocean.

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Loved the cold open, Liked the Sandor and Bernic and thoros scene would have liked to see a bit more of remorse on Sandor seeing he took their money and their death is on him.

Both Jon and Sansa was correct and both are new in their positions, but Jon is doing what he did at castle black not totally informing the people he needs to trust, Sansa, and Davon and maybe Brienne and Tormund should had a heads up on what he was going to do with the Karstark and Umber homes, Sansa should have waited until she and Jon were alone to voice her disapproval , maybe it's because she regrets not opening her mouth in the tent in BOB?

One thing that worried me was Sansa telling LF she feels safe, she's with family and friends, she cut LF off like Lady Tyrrell would have done ( QOTITN), I think Brienne was satisfied with Sansa answer.

I think Sam and poop was overly long but the montage was good, Gilley I think is going to be important.

King's Landing was good except Euron, I can't get into him or the actor playing him


, this is one of the few times I wanted the book version.

Dragons tone was okay.

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2 hours ago, Lady S. said:

Y'know what was a little thrill? Seeing the map swing back west to Oldtown as the new end and knowing we'll never have to see fucking Meereen ever again.

But we'll probably have to deal with the Bank of Bravos, Illyrio and wherever he is, and possibly swing back over to deal with the greyscale/Valyria stuff.

Hey DramaChick?

Why do you say "Poor Jorah?"  He didn't appear in tonight's episode.  Is that why?

He was the quarantined sick guy with greyscale that Sam came across who was asking about Daenerys.

Edited by Potanical Pardon
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Jaime did murder the Dragon Queen's father and fight the Starks. He has no idea how merciful or unforgiving Dany and/or Jon would be, even with Tyrion or Brienne to speak for him and he's not the sort of man to humbly beg for a pardon from former enemies. So I can understand why he doesn't see any better options. Not to mention, he probably still hasn't forgiven Tyrion for murdering their awful dad. Of course that's all pretty frustrating, but the real reason we has to stick with Cersei for a little while, at least, is because he can't just kill her right away in the premiere and she needs another main character to talk to. Other wise she'd have little to do except hang with Qyburn and his creepy kids or watch Frankenmountain torture Shame Nun.

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2 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

This was wonderful. I really didn't enjoy seasons 5 and 6 as much as I did the earlier ones. Oh, I still wanted to see how it ended, and there were still great moments intermingled with moments that were... less great, but it had drifted from like an A plus to an A minus or B plus. This one, however, was the same show that I fell in love with. I have very high hopes for the rest of the season.

Although I am curious as hell about how they kept those enormous dragons fed while flying across the ocean.

The Dragons must have learned how to fish. They would fly low on the water and blow on the water real hard which would send a big blast of water containing lots of little fish up in the air. Then, they would blast that water with fire which would cook the fish. When they fell back to the water, they would be dead and float on top of the water. The rest is easy!

(Just j/k. I have no idea how they could do that. Probably involves some CGI fish.)

4 hours ago, Lady S. said:

Y'know what was a little thrill? Seeing the map swing back west to Oldtown as the new end and knowing we'll never have to see fucking Meereen ever again.

That map sure did a lot like England from one angle. Didn't it?


P.S. For those who didn't know (like me): Ed Sheeran is a well-known actor who is known for things like "Lord of the Rings" (which is why I didn't know him). He played one of the soldiers who was singing that song. Apparently he is well known as a singer as well as an actor. Check him out on IMDB.

Edited by MissBluxom
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7 hours ago, Advance35 said:

WAAAAAAAY to much Sam Tarley.  I could have definitely done without the puke montage but I was shocked when we learned where Jorah was.

Euron Greyjoy seems like he's going to be something.  I shudder to think of what he views as a suitable courting gift.  But it certainly does give Cersei an additional ally which is something she is in desperate need of at the moment.

Cersei is still Cersei.  She is far from through with Ellaria, Sand Snakes, Olenna or Sansa.   And Jaimie??? I don't know why everyone thinks he's misunderstood.  Since the beginning he has worked to protect Cersei and advance the interest of House Lannister.  He might give ceremonial resistance but he is really no better then Cersei.  After all the destruction she has caused, after all of the lives she has ruined and destroyed he is still very much her support.

Sansa, dear, come up with your plan b now.  I agreed with her reasoning in the Great Hall.  Jon shut that DOWN.  His word is "Final."  It's only a matter of time before he does something or pursues something in a way Sansa categorically disagrees with.  Would he marry Sansa off for an alliance? I doubt it.  But it's clear she has no real standing there and she's allowed at the High Table ONLY by Jon's grace.

Good Premiere All in All.

Regarding Euron's intended gift, I think the one thing Cersei would want above all else is Tyrion's head on a stick. Or as someone upthread posted, "Tyrion Alive". After all, he is "The Gift". Remember that previous episode in which he was called "The Gift"?


7 hours ago, Hava said:

Completely agree. I can't stand him. 

And why is Littlefinger still alive? How is that no one has killed him yet? I hate him and will throw things if he manages to manipulate Sansa into betraying Jon.

He's alive because he saved Sansa and John's life. John may not think about it. But Sansa realizes she owes him a debt she will be hard pressed to ever repay. But what does he want? Sansa said, "I know exactly what he wants". What would that be? To marry her? Surely it wouldn't be just to have sex with her. That would be pretty ridiculous for a whoremaster.

Edited by MissBluxom
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I don't get the whole "faceless" thing; how they steal the faces, how they use them to imitate the person, etc. The only thing that I can come up with is that it is magic. When they put on the face, they use magic to create an illusion to alter their appearance, voice, and mannerisms, much like Melisandre using her magic to look younger.

I have never liked the Hound and still don't. I get that he is being redeemed, but mostly I find him annoying. However, I am interested in understanding this vision and how it relates to upcoming events. 

As for Littlefinger, I think that he is alive because the actor is good and the character gives Sansa a story. Jon could easily remove him as Robin's Regent and replace him with one of the Vale lords. However, without Littlefinger making trouble, she would be floating around aimlessly or even sidelined. I understand Sansa's fears after all she has been through. She is finally safe, but there are enemies everywhere that want to destroy them. Frankly, I hope that Sansa trains and learns to fight for the upcoming war instead of standing on the balcony watching others train. She needs be a lady in Lyanna's mold, and less in her mother's. 


4 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

Although I am curious as hell about how they kept those enormous dragons fed while flying across the ocean.

I was wondering the same thing. The dragons use to fish when they babies so maybe they have been feeding on whales, sharks, and dolphins or maybe several of Daenerys' ships were full of livestock to feed them. Also, based on a map that I saw, they were close enough to land that the dragons could go hunting and return.  Yes. I have thought about this way too much.

Edited by SimoneS
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Way too much bedpan cleaning footage with Sam. We get it. He's got a shitty job (snicker). I felt it was time wasted that could have been better spent on other characters. 

The actor playing Euron Greyjoy just doesn't do it for me. He doesn't seem like someone who anyone would either fear or respect. And if the Iron Born are the only allies Cersei has, she can forget about her "dinnesty". 

Cersei is literally surrounded by enemies and she threatens to march North and take down the Starks?  Good luck with that. 

Edited by Johnny Dollar
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1 hour ago, MissBluxom said:

For those who didn't know (like me): Ed Sheeran is a well-known actor who is known for things like "Lord of the Rings" (which is why I didn't know him). He played one of the soldiers who was singing that song. Apparently he is well known as a singer as well as an actor. Check him out on IMDB.

Ed Sheeran is a singer, but he is not a well-known actor who was in Lord of the Rings. Aside from his appearance on GoT, most of his seven other "acting" credits are Ed Sheeran playing himself. His only real acting credit besides GoT is five episodes of The Bastard Executioner back in 2015.

8 hours ago, Popples said:

Maisie Williams is a fan of Ed Sheeran, so he was cast as a surprise for her. Although, the entire time I was wondering if she was going to stab him in the face or something.

Kit Harrington is friends with Ed Sheeran. He talks about how they met here:

3 hours ago, CletusMusashi said:

Although I am curious as hell about how they kept those enormous dragons fed while flying across the ocean.

I am almost positive that a few seasons ago when the dragons were still much smaller, Dany was on a boat with someone else (Jorah?) and the dragons were shown dipping down into the water to catch fish.

ETA: Found it!

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24 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

ETA: Found it!


That would have been awesome if they had shown the dragons pulling and roasting sharks and dolphins from the water like that. But with at least 2 CGI heavy battles the trailers showed, it probably wasn't in the budget.

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2 hours ago, BooBear said:

 I wonder what her meeting with the Lannister solders was all about.

I think the encounter was meant to remind Arya that not all soldiers share the core beliefs of their Lord/Commander- an interesting follow-up to her having just executed every member of the Frey army. 

Walder Frey (w/ Roose Bolton's help) lured and executed her family; his soldiers were just, well, being soldiers.  They all got eerily silent (disgusted?) when "Walder" started talking about the RW and how they'd butchered a pregnant woman and her baby, a mother of five, etc... probably none of them have seen a Faceless Man before, so their first instinct wouldn't be "That's not Frey" but rather they were put off by his speech as if the Red Wedding had been something they'd prefer to never speak of again.

Soldiers don't necessarily "hate the enemy" but they need to do what their Commander needs done in order to maintain their positions and support themselves/their families.  Some of them have wives and new babies, some enjoy making blackberry wine and fishing with their fathers, some sing merry melodies.. and many would share their not-enough food with a young person passing alone. 

With this reminder, I expect Arya to be much more targeted in any future assassinations.  ex:  "I'm going to kill The Queen" instead of "I'm going to kill the Lannisters"

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Too much with the repeating chamberpots, but great to see Sam.

Ed Sheeran = meh.

Littlefinger smirks like a qualified smirker. I assumed he wants to wed Sansa.

Varys looks to have lost a little weight in the off season - makes him look more manly (?)

For a little while I thought Cersei was hinting that she and Jamie should start another brood of kids.

Euron's accent drives me insane with annoyance.

Still don't trust the soldiers in the woods.

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People Arya should kill and impersonate:

1. Cersei Lannister. Then she could ask FrankenMountain to take off his armor for some sexytime. Then she could kill him.

2. FrankenMountain. Apparently putting his face on would turn her into a seven foot tall monster that owns a full suit of plate armor.

3. Littlefinger. LF has so many deals going on in so many sectors, she could use his face to go anywhere. Plus, I hate Littlefinger.

4. Urine Greyjoy. Because somebody has got to make him knock off those dime store Jack Sparow impersonations.

5. Old Man Tarly. Not that she has any reason to even meet him. But I still just think he's a dick. 

But, actually, I'm wondering if we might get another Arya/Hound teamup. How far apart are they, geographically?

Edited by CletusMusashi
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17 minutes ago, Drogo said:

With this reminder, I expect Arya to be much more targeted in any future assassinations.  ex:  "I'm going to kill The Queen" instead of "I'm going to kill the Lannisters"

She should have called out her updated kill list around the campfire...Jamie was never on it...

Just now, CletusMusashi said:

But, actually, I'm wondering if we might get another Arya/Hound teamup. How far apart are they, geographically?

Heading in different directions...Hound going NE to Eastwatch...Arya going S to KL 

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3 minutes ago, paigow said:

She should have called out her updated kill list around the campfire...Jamie was never on it...

Neither were Frey's sons and army, but "the party's over" for them! 

Who's left:  Cersei, The Mountain, Melisandre, Beric and Thoros.

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I echo the compliments of everyone else.  Loved the opening, could have done with less of the montage bowls and liquids of different types, Lady Mormont is awesome. 

Don't really care about Ed Sheeran and though I know his name, I don't really know who he is. 

I did love Sansa cutting off Littlefinger and tell him there is no need to get the last word in, she will just assume it was something witty or cleaver, forget which she said. 

Getting back to logistics though :

So Bran is technically Lord of Winterfell, if he ever makes it back there.  He is closer now than he was all of last season or since the end of season 3 or so. 

Jon and Sansa don't know he is a true Stark, but Bran does, again if he ever makes it back to tell them.  And he also knows Jon is a Targaryen.  Is he the only one who knows this fact?  As I though about it more this morning, I am wondering now if Ned's hesitation to kill Dany in season one, or to have her killed, is the fact that Jon is part Targaryen.  I was also wondering why Ned never told anyone about Jon's heritage and realized its probably because if anyone knew who he was, with Stark Targaryen blood, he would be a huge target to be killed. 

Also predicting now : 


Jamie kills Cersei to give the crown back to the Targaryens.  Its nice symmetry in the story at least, and she is going as mad as the Mad King. 

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4 minutes ago, DrSpaceman73 said:

Jon and Sansa don't know he is a true Stark, but Bran does, again if he ever makes it back to tell them.  And he also knows Jon is a Targaryen.  Is he the only one who knows this fact?

Jon and Sansa "know" that Ned is his father.  Bran only knows that Lyanna Stark is Jon's real mother and that Ned is not his father. No one knows who Jon's father is.  Jon is not a true Stark, regardless.

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So many people side wholly with Jon because he is male and earnest and plays the part of the handsome, gallant knight - now King.  But I think a lot of people are missing the bigger point of this show.  It is not military might or prowess that wins the Game of Thrones.  It is not honor.  The most important thing that Sansa said was that Jon is a very good Stark, but being a good Stark gets you killed.  Jon would be dead today if Sansa didn't use her BRAIN against Ramsay.  Jon STILL hasn't learned to use his brain.  Not ousting or killing the heirs of the turncoats because they are only children.  Ask the Freys about how dangerous the surviving children can be.  Ask Jon himself, felled by a child who didn't take too kindly to the people who killed his family.  Don't miscount your enemy because you don't consider the children to have an opinion on the matter.

And Jon would be dead if the red priestess didn't bring him back from the dead as well.  He has already been killed once.  And yes the Starks are all about honor and principles, most of the time (Rob wasn't about that when he got them all killed by backing out of the Frey Wedding) but they are very stupid in many ways.  I did think it was interesting when Sansa stated she learned many things from Cersei. 

5 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Jon and Sansa "know" that Ned is his father.  Bran only knows that Lyanna Stark is Jon's real mother and that Ned is not his father. No one knows who Jon's father is.  Jon is not a true Stark, regardless.

Why would he not be a Stark if Lyanna is his mother?  He would not have the Stark name, it would be whoever his father is, which he doesn't know, but he has stark blood. 

I haven't had a chance to rewatch season 6 yet.  I normally rewatch them all before the new season, but got behind.  I didn't recall how much Bran knows besides Lyanna being Jon's mother. 

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And therein lies the bigger point of Game of Thrones.  The remaining power players at this stage in the game are the discounted ones.  The bastard who is now King of the North.  The useless fat kid who now holds the only hope for humanity.  The dwarf who is Hand of the Dragon Queen.  The female Lannister whose job it was to birth heirs, now sits on the Iron Throne. The Stark's baby girl who is now a master assassin and is fueled purely on rage.  The orphaned Targaryen who birthed Dragons and is first in line to win the whole Game.  I've said it before, sword and shield battles notwithstanding, I think Sansa has been the Stark who suffered the most.  Left alone in daily torment in a pit of vipers, and the one to witness her father's death.  The one to receive the reports (as good news) of the murder of her brother and mother.  The one married off to Hannibal Lechter to be raped and tortured nightly.  Why do we act like she has nothing to offer in terms of understanding the evil nature of their foes?  Do you think just showing up with an army of yes men is all you're going to need to beat the Lannisters?  So yeah Jon, maybe, since you've already died once for your honorable stupidity, you might do well to not discount the children who will grow up to betray or kill you and maybe not discount your sister.  You may understand the dead, but she understands the living.  You will need knowledge of BOTH to win this. 

This is certainly where things are headed.  The bastard, the dwarf and the female ruler.   All the characters that were dismissed for so long based on characteristics outside their control and born into situations where in this world and era they would be dismissed from the beginning are likely going to end up ruling the kingdom. 

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48 minutes ago, Drogo said:

I think the encounter was meant to remind Arya that not all soldiers share the core beliefs of their Lord/Commander- an interesting follow-up to her having just executed every member of the Frey army. 

Walder Frey (w/ Roose Bolton's help) lured and executed her family; his soldiers were just, well, being soldiers.  They all got eerily silent (disgusted?) when "Walder" started talking about the RW and how they'd butchered a pregnant woman and her baby, a mother of five, etc... probably none of them have seen a Faceless Man before, so their first instinct wouldn't be "That's not Frey" but rather they were put off by his speech as if the Red Wedding had been something they'd prefer to never speak of again.

They were cheering with him when Arya!Walder first brought up the Red Wedding, seemed pretty supportive of his beliefs to me. The confusion when Talisa and Cat were brought up was because Arya!Walda was actually acting disapproving of all that, not gloating as would be expected of Walder. Also, I don't think any of those guys were random foot soldiers, rather his own kin. Unlike little Ned Umber we know that Lord Frey's sons did participate in his treason, the two pie guys weren't the only men stabbing people at the Red Wedding. And of course Frey loves talking about the Red Wedding, he did so in both of his scenes last season. The scene with Jaime had him toasting and cheering the Lannister/Frey victories at Riverrun and the Red Wedding, that's the same recent feast Arya!Walder referred to in this scene. I assume that the same Freys (minus the 3 Arya already killed) were present at both feasts having fun celebrating their triumph over their father's rivals. I think the point of the Lannister soldier scene was the contrast with guys who actually were decent men serving a bad cause.

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11 hours ago, bmoore4026 said:

Oh, my God, Daeny and her entourage's winter outfits were faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaabuloooooooooooooooouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuus!

Their outfits were beautifully designed and sewn. We always talk about the CGI budgets, but the costume budget must have doubled for these last winter episodes with those rich fabrics and leathers.

Grey Worm has got to be most handsome and under appreciated man. He and Missandei are a stunning couple.


4 hours ago, GSManiac said:

I got the impression emilia clarke got some plastic surgery between seasons

I rewatched her scenes this morning. Emilia Clarke looked the same as last season. Maybe she had something minor like botox, but definitely nothing major. I did notice that she looks like she did the Hollywood thing and lost weight.


40 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Jon and Sansa "know" that Ned is his father.  Bran only knows that Lyanna Stark is Jon's real mother and that Ned is not his father. No one knows who Jon's father is.  Jon is not a true Stark, regardless.

Bran must know that Rhaegar is Jon's father. Even if he did not overhear Lyanna's conversation with his father, there are no other candidates to be Jon's father. 

Edited by SimoneS
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are we honestly to believe that there is an total empty castle and no one bother to capture it or even ransack it for 2-3 years? dragonstone may be a little bit hard to get into but not that hard!

and cersei after having intel that Dany is coming to Dragonstone did not bother to send someone to ambush her or something?

and jon is another stupid fellow. hope he dies with the honor s**t. the umbers killed your brother u dumb f**k. be betrayed again! good riddance 

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What a kickass opening!  At first I was wondering why they were flashing back to Frey again, then I realized.  The rest of the episode was just setup, but it was good setup.  You can see things coming together on all fronts.  Poor Sam, his job was making me ill watching.

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17 minutes ago, SimoneS said:


I rewatched her scenes this morning. Emilia Clarke looked the same as last season. Maybe she had something minor like botox, but definitely nothing major. I did notice that she looks like she did the Hollywood thing and a lost weight.


I was thinking the same. Emilia has alternated between being really skinny and a little fuller over the seasons and that affects your face. Season 7 appears to be a "skinny year" for her. I'm sure she's had work done, because who in Hollywood hasn't, but I agree it's probably minor stuff like Botox and maybe a little lip filler.

I agree with everyone who was a little incredulous over Dragonstone being unoccupied. I guess they didn't want to ruin Dany's moment by scenes of the Unsullied tossing out squatters.

Edited by BitterApple
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29 minutes ago, Drogo said:

Jon and Sansa "know" that Ned is his father.  Bran only knows that Lyanna Stark is Jon's real mother and that Ned is not his father. No one knows who Jon's father is.  Jon is not a true Stark, regardless.

It might be possible that though the viewers aren't privy to hearing what it is that Lyanna said to Ned, maybe Bran, who was witnessing the scene, did hear. Either way, I think they'll have to revisit that scene when it comes time to confirm Jon's birth father...unless they go even further back to a scene that is with Lyanna and Rhaegar.

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2 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree with everyone who was a little incredulous over Dragonstone being unoccupied. I guess they didn't want to ruin Dany's moment by scenes of the Unsullied tossing out squatters.

I can't imagine that anyone in their mind would stay squatting at Dragonstone when they heard that the Dragon Queen is on her way. 

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Why is the King's Landing sigil still the crowned stag? I guess Gendry could be rowing in circles just outside Blackwater Rush for all we know, but he's certainly not sitting on the throne. 

Speaking of Baratheons, I've just been reminded that Stannis and Mel fucked on that map table, which makes it a bit amusing to see Dany lovingly caressing it.

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Lady Mormont and Jorah must be family - anyone know how they are related?

Seems like Sam will be responsible for getting Jon and Dany together -   how far is Winterfell from Dragonstone?    

When they were doing the montage of Sam's chores , I said not as glamorous as you thought is it Sam?   I was confused on the purpose of the citadel - I thought it was more like schooling for the young devoting their life to be a maester and then they are moved on to assorted locations to serve.  I guess the Maesters that become old and sick, and are no longer able to serve, return to the citadel and teach service to the young.  

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8 minutes ago, Boilergal said:

Lady Mormont and Jorah must be family - anyone know how they are related?

Seems like Sam will be responsible for getting Jon and Dany together -   how far is Winterfell from Dragonstone?    

When they were doing the montage of Sam's chores , I said not as glamorous as you thought is it Sam?   I was confused on the purpose of the citadel - I thought it was more like schooling for the young devoting their life to be a maester and then they are moved on to assorted locations to serve.  I guess the Maesters that become old and sick, and are no longer able to serve, return to the citadel and teach service to the young.  

I assume its like most colleges.  Most who train there move on to jobs in other places, but some stay on to teach the younger Maesters.  Or as you say some come back to teach at a certain time. 


And it appears Lady Mormont and Jorah are first cousins.  Their respective parents were sister-brother. 

Edited by DrSpaceman73
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