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S09.E13: A Bronx Tale

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39 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

The 'clip clip clip' scene had me dying with laughter. Dorinda is a drunken fool but she makes for great TV because she's foolish at her own expense. Minus her drunken confrontation with Sonja at Thanksgiving...or maybe it was Christmas dinner, Dorinda usually manages to stay out of the below the belt style confrontation. Sonja has been instigating Dorinda this season but man, when Dorinda goes off she has no filter whatsoever. How the hell did Dorinda manage to travel from NYC to Vermont and never realized that she didn't have any luggage with her? 

I could never vacation with Ramona. I might just clock her just to get her to shut up. She's got some nerve asking people to serve her.  And her and Sonja's need to always make noise about getting the best room...just stop it. If you aren't trying to be obnoxious then that just means that you're just plain obnoxious without even needing to try. Luann was being pretentious. Bethenny was totally spot on, Luann didn't bring her husband so the fact that she just got married it irrelevant to how big her room is and how far the closest bathroom is. Big whoop...why do some of these women act like they grew up in palaces made of gold in the Middle East and have no idea what it means to have a bedroom with a single sink or God forbid, a bedroom that doesn't have it's own ensuite? 

Sonja is pretty delusional thinking that living with her is going to enhance anyone's reputation. Her antics are infamous and she's made no secrete about her love of men, sex, juggling boy toys and always on the look out for that one guy that can give her the mansion, fancy lifestyle and the huge rock on her left finger. How is Tinsley living with her supposed to shied Tinsley from having a reputation that's actually quite similar to the reputation she's made for herself. Tinsley is a grown ass woman and if she wants to live on her own and entertain a different man each night, she can damn well do so. Sonja is wanting the same things as Tinsley and yet she's doing all the things that she's to lecture Tinsley about not doing. Girl shut the hell up. 

I'm not sure what Tinsley was trying to get across the women. Given the trauma she suffered it's understandable that she may not feel ready to live on her own or to jump into another serious relationship, but the women were simply pointing out that her current living situation isn't working because she's putting herself in another situation where she is letting someone else control her. The answer doesn't have to be 'you're grown ass woman go live on your own'. At least I don't recall any of the women chastising her for being a certain age and still living with someone else. I think the message was simple enough - just move out. She does still have the option of moving in with someone else whether that's another friend or someone who is a family member. If she's so traumatized by her past experiences, it's probably better for her to live with someone who can provide emotional support and help to build her confidence and independence, not someone who is trying to make her a pet project to reintroduce her to NYC society. 

I don't normally check for my luggage during a day drive. I haven't done it,  but I can see being distracted enough to. 

Sonja trying to go after Dorinda was not smart.  Dorinda already hates her and  I'm sure Sonja going into Dorinda's closet and wearing her pajamas did not help.  The ones from her dead husband that Sonja looked like she was going to burst the seams of.  Who does that? Then,  she's clearly threatened by how well Dorinda is getting along with B and Carol,  so she made this story up.  Anyway,  if I were Sonja,  I'd be sleeping with one eye open. 

Living with Sonja is not going to enhance Tinsley's two and Sonja doesn't like that Tinsley has moneyed friends as well and is a younger pretty blonde. Sonja is delusional and no fun to watch,  her jealousy, like Crazy Eyes' is disgusting. 

All of the women,  with the exception of Sonja seemed to show some awareness that Tinsley came from a place of abuse and has fallen into a similar power structure. Despite her understandable fears of being alone,  she needs to get the f out. 

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, zulualpha said:

The really great thing about the Bronx lunch was that Ramona wasn't in attendance. Everyone was happier! Ramona sure is getting the bitch edit this season. Like at dinner in VT she said she didn't have a malicious bone in her body and the show rolled four clips of her being nasty and horrible. About time she was held accountable for her bullshit.

Her deflecting is sounding more and more ridiculous; esp. knowing there are clips showing her being an absolute b!tch! She's delusional thinking she's going to get away with her crap indefinitely! Self-deprecation wouldn't be enough just saying "I'm messed up and I know it!" That's no excuse for all her rants about making money, sleeping around, or making comment about another person's husband or child! That BRYN thing still drives me to distraction! What else was it meant to do but to hurt and embarrass? 

Edited by Avon.Blakes7
  • Love 14
13 hours ago, chenoa333 said:

I understand your point however, I'm one of those people who occasionally (through out my life) will see someone who I find very sexy, while all my friends are saying "huh? Are you crazy?"  And Dorinda is one of those odd looking people whom I find sexy. I like her nose and that it's natural. Like Alexis Bellino from RHOC.

Ok...my weirdness and I are going to crawl back under my comforter! Lol

Who went and completely ruined her natural nose which made her different looking with a regular plastic- surgeried one that looks like thousands of other noses in BH!!  

Edited by crgirl412
  • Love 6
4 hours ago, tribeca said:

OMG the beginning with Dorinda was all kinds of awesome.  It was just so out there and funny.   Not like the usual screaming fights that happen at restaurants.  

    Did not like the lack of empathy the ladies showed Tinsley.   Have wonder if they showed they cared even a little how different that scene would have been. 

I didn't like the lack of empathy either -- but I absolutely understood it.  Oh sure, lack of empathy is to be expected from a meanie like Bethenny.  But nobody else offered the Tinz much sympathy either.  Thing is, this is a very, very, very tough bunch of broads here.  I mean ALL of 'em -- not just Bethenny.  Lu was right.  They all knew what Tinz is going thru because they've experienced the same or worse -- and ALL have experienced it publicly.  It was so odd how the Tinz didn't seem to understand or know the crowd she was speaking to -- because ALL of these broads live their lives so damned publicly.  So the Tinz fits right in with these broads.  She just needs to toughen up -- and quick!

Oh man, the Tinz looked so strange puttering into that Bronx joint in her weird outfit & oddball dated hair.  Like she was wandering in a strange & far off land.  Poor befuddled Tinz.  Kinda reminded me of when SJP & the SATC gang went to Staten Island.  Idk, poor Tinz just looks like she's permanently stuck in a time warp of 2002, still forever imagining herself to be the It Girl/Carrie Bradshaw knockoff.

Hey, I kinda appreciated Bethenny going to that place.  Reminded me of those lists New York Mag always does of the best food joints, that are ALWAYS in far flung locations I could never get to, in Brooklyn or Queens or the Bronx or Staten Island.  But I'm still scratching my head trying to figure out what Bethenny meant about taking them out of NYC.  I'm sure she knows full well the Bronx is in NYC.  Was this a joke of hers that flopped?  I didn't get it, but it turned me off.  Made her seem out of touch & snobbish about going to the "outer boroughs", an annoying & ridiculous attitude.

Gosh, that pizza looked so darn yummy.  I got a brick oven pizza joint 3 blocks away from me.  Going there tomorrow.  Cliiiip!  Uh, I have no idea what that means.  I just like it.  If I was 12, I'd adopt it & say it 8 million times.  Good thing I'm not 12.  Cliiip!  Cliiip!  Cliiiip!  OK, so Bethenny's sense of humor has belly-flopped, but Dorinda saves the day.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 12
4 hours ago, lunastartron said:


I mean, Bethenny evidently feels that people should "Google me" before making uninformed assertions about her. 

Articles like this were running almost a full year prior to the time at which this scene was filmed: http://jezebel.com/police-reports-reveal-tinsley-mortimers-allegedly-abusi-1771650802

At the table, Tinsley stated that the abuse was both physical and mental. She also identified it as "the most traumatic experience of my life." 

Bethenny wrote in her blog that Tinsley "talks a lot about this 'abusive' relationship."

So ... has talked often about it; specified that she was abused both physically and mentally; and stipulated that the abuse was bad enough that it constituted the worst thing to ever happen in her life.

How much clearer does it need to get for B and the other women?

I am not sure - which is my question. They didn't seem to understand. I don't know what it is they think happened. And Beth will get the most shit, but it wasn't just her. If I had been at that table, and Lu told Tinsley that "every one" of them had been physically and emotionally abused, I would have protested that comment if I had not actually been through this hell, and I would imagaine that they have not all been through what Tinsley has. Yet no one said "hey, no Lu, I've never been through anything like what she has". For all that it is strange for them to not know what had happened to Tinsley, it was just as strange for Tinsley to think her shit was public and Beth's wasn't. Could she really not know that Beth has been in the news for 5 years straight? They all seemed incredulous when Tinsley said this.  

Edited by motorcitymom65
  • Love 22
5 hours ago, breezy424 said:

When asked about her forgetting her luggage, Dorinda's reply was 'production'.  in other words, it was fake.

There was a caller that asked if and how she got the luggage.  She replied she had no idea it just showed up the next day by production magic. So still the forgetting was Dorinda and the remembering was production.

  • Love 22
5 hours ago, breezy424 said:

When asked about her forgetting her luggage, Dorinda's reply was 'production'.  in other words, it was fake.

She was responding to whether Uber actually brought her luggage to her and she responded that she wasn't sure how it got to her and Andy laughed and said that production made it (her luggage appear) to happen.  I didn't take it to mean that her forgetting her luggage was a production set-up.   

I don't think production has to create storylines for Dorinda.  She's pretty good at bringing enough to the table on her own.

  • Love 23

Tinsley' TH during the therapy was that she got arrested and she did nothing wrong. So let's pretend that she really did think that crying until this douchebag let her come over twice in a year invalidated the RO.  She admits the cops told her NOT TO GO GET HER PURSE.  That they would do it and she was not to go on his property.  Was it a mean ass thing to do on the part of the boy child?  Yes.  Was Tinsley breaking the law.  Yes,.  She is never going to move on as a responsible adult until she can say that was a mistake.  She plead guilty.  She needs to accept that she is guilty, at least of bad judgement.

For all her talk of no more man babies that are trust fund with no ambition etc does she look in a mirror?

  • Love 20
47 minutes ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I am not sure - which is my question. They didn't seem to understand. I don't know what it is they think happened. And Beth will get the most shit, but it wasn't just her. If I had been at that table, and Lu told Tinsley that "every one" of them had been physically and emotionally abused, I would have protested that comment if I had not actually been through this hell, and I would imagaine that they have not all been through what Tinsley has. Yet no one said "hey, no Lu, I've never been through anything like what she has". For all that it is strange for them to not know what had happened to Tinsley, it was just as strange for Tinsley to think her shit was public and Beth's wasn't. Could she really not know that Beth has been in the news for 5 years straight? They all seemed incredulous when Tinsley said this.  

I agree with this whole-heartedly. 


14 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

I didn't think the ladies were lacking in empathy speaking to Tinsley.   I saw a bunch of grown woman attempting to show her that her current living situation was holding her back.  And Bethenny didn't tell Tinsley to "Google" Bethenney's name to be an ass, but was in direct response to Tinsley claiming that their issues weren't made as public as Tinsley's were.  Regardless of your feelings about Bethenney's, her relationship with her ex has been continuously publicized.  

I found Tinsley's comment to Carol about choosing not to have children to be far more tone deaf than anything directed at her.  Carol has stated that had her husband lived, she would've had children.  Sure she could've had children with someone else, but it seems to me she shelved any idea of having kids after losing her husband.

I didn't see this at all. From my perspective, Bethenny was competing with Tinsley to emphasize that, she, Bethenny had suffered just as much ("equivalent"/"last five years"/"stop right there"); LuAnn was at her worst and most don't-know-how-to-spell-'Bethenny'-a-decade-on narcissistic and self-involved ("we've all been there"); Dorinda was eager to use the opportunity to impugn Sonja some more ("chaos"); and Ramona was primed to capitalize on the chance to make sure she was in the shot and, as a byproduct, to maybe win some redemption points by hugging the weeping member of the cast. 

It was all kind of creepy and weird.


But then (unpopular opinion) I just found Dorinda gross this episode, not entertaining. 

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 10
5 hours ago, breezy424 said:

When asked about her forgetting her luggage, Dorinda's reply was 'production'.  in other words, it was fake.

That's not what she said. They asked how she ended up getting her luggage, and she said it appeared by "production magic." So production retrieved her luggage for her. That doesn't mean she didn't actually forget her luggage or that the whole thing was fake.

  • Love 11

I saw a bunch of grown woman attempting to show her that her current living situation was holding her back.  And Bethenny didn't tell Tinsley to "Google" Bethenney's name to be an ass, but was in direct response to Tinsley claiming that their issues weren't made as public as Tinsley's were.  Regardless of your feelings about Bethenney's, her relationship with her ex has been continuously publicized.  

Yeah, I saw it that way as well.


First of all, he is The Help.

Second, doesn't he realize she just got married?



The Countess in true Countess form. She revealed that the Chef (i.e., The Help) used her bathroom like it was some shocking nugget that would have the others recoiling in horror.

It's Bethenny's fault. How dare she not rent a property with a seperate bathroom for the exclusive use of The Help!

  • Love 20
6 hours ago, Sun-Bun said:

Since when did those big furry Ugg boots make a comeback? Those are so 2000-who cares.

I don't know, but I kind of want some now!


6 hours ago, UsernameFatigue said:

Can you elaborate? (I don't get WWHL so missed out). What was this supposed to prove? To me it just made Dorinda look, as others have pointed out, like her drinking is getting the best of her. (I didn't believe that John is so good in bed she forgot to pick up her luggage. Sorry John). Did she really have clothes etc. at the cabin? 

She didn't say production had anything to do with her forgetting her clothes. When Andy asked how she got her clothes back in Vermont, she said production. So they must have sent someone to NYC to get her suitcases and brought them since she'd be there filming for a few days. 

46 minutes ago, AttackTurtle said:

I found Tinsley's comment to Carol about choosing not to have children to be far more tone deaf than anything directed at her.  Carol has stated that had her husband lived, she would've had children.  Sure she could've had children with someone else, but it seems to me she shelved any idea of having kids after losing her husband.

This was definitely a weird moment. 

33 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

For all her talk of no more man babies that are trust fund with no ambition etc does she look in a mirror?

Yes, this is always in the back of my mind with her - again, I think it's my leftover notions about Tinsley from back in the day. That said, she focuses on men way too much. She needs to figure herself out first. 

  • Love 13
41 minutes ago, lunastartron said:

I agree with this whole-heartedly. 


I didn't see this at all. From my perspective, Bethenny was competing with Tinsley to emphasize that, she, Bethenny had suffered just as much ("equivalent"/"last five years"/"stop right there"); LuAnn was at her worst and most don't-know-how-to-spell-'Bethenny'-a-decade-on narcissistic and self-involved ("we've all been there"); Dorinda was eager to use the opportunity to impugn Sonja some more ("chaos"); and Ramona was primed to capitalize on the chance to make sure she was in the shot and, as a byproduct, to maybe win some redemption points by hugging the weeping member of the cast. 

It was all kind of creepy and weird.


But then (unpopular opinion) I just found Dorinda gross this episode, not entertaining. 

Obviously we can all agree to disagree, but I viewed it as the ladies trying to get thru to her.  I think Lu saying they'd all been thru what Tinsley had was due to 1.  The Count very publicly left Luanne for an Ethiopian princess.  2. Ramona's husband left her for a much younger woman (Ramona caught them together in her home), which was heavily reported.  3.  Bethenny's split has been heavily reported and while it hasn't appeared on the show yet, it appears Jason's arrest will be brought up next week.  Luanne told Tinsley she had to love herself first, which may sound corny, but is true and pretty good advice.

I just didn't see any of them coming from a negative place.  As for Dorinda coming down on Sonja, I think Sonja's outburst about Tinsley asking Sonja's asst. to accept the delivery of her hat boxes, occurred at Dorinda's house.  I'd have been disturbed by Sonja's treatment of Tinsley, had I viewed Sonja's behavior.  

Dorinda clearly doesn't like Sonja, but Sonja doesn't like Dorinda either.  Sonja has frequently suggested that Luanne and Ramona are not really that close to Dorinda, but Dorinda actually seems pretty close to all of the ladies.   

I really need to get a life as I'm far too interested in these crazy woman.

Edited by AttackTurtle
  • Love 19
53 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Tinsley' TH during the therapy was that she got arrested and she did nothing wrong. So let's pretend that she really did think that crying until this douchebag let her come over twice in a year invalidated the RO.  She admits the cops told her NOT TO GO GET HER PURSE.  That they would do it and she was not to go on his property.  Was it a mean ass thing to do on the part of the boy child?  Yes.  Was Tinsley breaking the law.  Yes,.  She is never going to move on as a responsible adult until she can say that was a mistake.  She plead guilty.  She needs to accept that she is guilty, at least of bad judgement.

For all her talk of no more man babies that are trust fund with no ambition etc does she look in a mirror?

I think that's her biggest problem;  She's a spoiled princess.  She's always been dependent on someone else.  Has she ever been on her own?  I don't think she knows what to do or how to function on her own.  She seems stuck in the time she was most happy, with her long curls and frilly ruffles.  imo, she doesn't necessarily need to reinvent herself as much as she needs to update her style and bring herself into the present (mentally as well).  Doesn't she have any rich spoiled princess girlfriends she can stay with until she can  find someone else to take care of her stand on her own?

  • Love 10

Based on how Tinz acts and how she dresses and styles her precious curls like a widdle baby doll, I would be surprised if she ever snaps out of it. Poor thing needs to be taken care of. I don't think she has any intention of independence.

As an editor, I took D's clip to mean I clip you out of my life--or at least out of this scene. Cliiiiiiip!!! Love her!

  • Love 17

I thought the Bronx lunch was awesome. I'm with Carole, Drunk Dorinda makes me just want to grab my popcorn, sit back, and enjoy. I know she's out of line, but I can't help but shout, "Yassssss, girrrrrl!" from my couch. But really, as OTT as Dorinda got, Sonja started that shit. I don't buy that Dorinda was ever about Tipsy Girl. That does not seem like her at all, grasping at straws. I CAN, however, see John trying to get his paws on something and speaking for Dorinda. He's been a Tipsy Guy several times over. I loved when she was all, "John Mahdessian doesn't run my estate!" 

CLIP! CLIP! I don't know what the hell that means, but my family is in for it now. 

I am always mind boggled at the saved texts these women are able to produce. Is it intentional? Or do they just never delete their inbox? They seem to be able to find them rather quickly. I couldn't be friends with people like that. 

Bahahaha, almost forgot the best moment - Carole being complimented for looking like her arch nemesis. Classic! 


Sonja really needs to can it with the double entendres and sex jokes. It's not cute. It's not funny. You just look sloppy and stupid. I don't even take Lu's marriage seriously, but Sonja trying to joke that the two of them were closer than Lu and Dorinda, because they've had the same man, was all kinds of gross. And, frankly, didn't make a lick of sense. Sonja's slept with everyone, so by that note she should have besties all over the city. 


It wouldn't be a RH vacation without drama over the rooms. Personally, I say - first come, first serve. Deal with it. I loved Dorinda claiming her room and dumping her purse out all over the bed. She forgot all her luggage, but homegirl's got a mini disco ball! 

But, seriously, it's so ridiculous. That chalet looked lovely. I'm sure there's not ONE "bad" room in the place. But Mesdames Singer and Morgan just HAVE to bunk together. They HAVE to have a bath. They HAVE to have double sinks. Apparently the lack of double sinks can make you 20 minutes late for supper. I don't know how my mother and I survived in Ireland where bathrooms are the size of a broom closet. 

Then Lu arrives and apparently it's a HUGE faux pass that no one gave the newlywed a "nice" room (again, I'm sure ALL the rooms are nice). Is that normal? Is being a newlywed like being pregnant - you get to eat first, people give up their seats for you, etc? If so, I missed a real opportunity to milk that shit. Now Lu has to share her bathroom with.....the HELP. God forbid. 


I did feel badly for Tinsley during dinner. I think some of the women make valid points. But she did as well - they ALL hold on to some shit, so if she ain't over her last relationship yet, let her be. The previews made it look like Beth really went in on her, and while I did think Beth was a bit out of line, I thought it was more like a group gang-up, than just one person giving her shit. Sonja really started it, and they were all (save Carole) really talking about her like she wasn't even there. Like she was a child. "Well, she should do this." "No, it's better if she does this". I do believe that if you don't like your living circumstances, move out. It's not like she couldn't afford to hotel it for awhile. And I think Tinsley is all about following the rules, but Sonja has been crazy over the top about the dumbest shit. And I think Tinsley thought they were friends and it would be a different vibe. Meanwhile, Sonja thinks she's freaking mentoring her and Tinsley should be kissing her ass night and day. Sigh.....

  • Love 24
10 hours ago, Bronzedog said:

I wonder if Dorinda found an uber driver to drive her luggage from New York to Vermont.

Yes...his name was John Mehdessian. When he arrived, she said why don't you come in for 5 minutes. She gave him some afternoon delight and he drove off with her luggage again.

10 hours ago, Martinigirl said:

Who watching Baby, Baby and Baby?

Sticky Bun-Hair Toddler

  • Love 6

I don't watch all the Housewife franchises...New York, Orange County and maybe a couple of episodes of Beverly Hills a season.  Last night's episode was the best/funniest episode of any that I have ever watched.  I belly-laughed several times.  Love these ladies..well, Ramona not so much.  She has had no storyline for the past two seasons - just fake dates and fake happiness.  What would have been interesting is if we could have seen a grieving Ramona.  For her marriage, lifestyle, etc.  What we got were fake hair, fake boobs, fake good times and "crazy" that is not fun. 

  • Love 10
13 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

And I think Tinsley thought they were friends and it would be a different vibe. Meanwhile, Sonja thinks she's freaking mentoring her and Tinsley should be kissing her ass night and day. Sigh...

Let's not forget that what Sonja is doing for Tinsley.  She's reintroducing her to New York society.  The upper crust.  The ladies who lunch.  Just like Tinsley is an 18 year old debutante. Sonja, Sonja, Sonja, that yacht sailed with John-John and Puffy 20 years ago. It just becomes more Grey Gardens every day.

  • Love 22
6 minutes ago, QuinnM said:

Let's not forget that what Sonja is doing for Tinsley.  She's reintroducing her to New York society.  The upper crust.  The ladies who lunch.  Just like Tinsley is an 18 year old debutante. Sonja, Sonja, Sonja, that yacht sailed with John-John and Puffy 20 years ago. It just becomes more Grey Gardens every day.

It really is pathetic. As Dorinda put it, "Well, John-John's dead" - as is that entire life. Sonja is doing nothing so fabulous - unless you count washing panties in the bidet and Sharpie-ing her purses - that Tinsley needs her instruction. 

  • Love 17
6 hours ago, ShawnaLanne said:

I don't normally check for my luggage during a day drive. I haven't done it,  but I can see being distracted enough to. 

Sonja trying to go after Dorinda was not smart.  Dorinda already hates her and  I'm sure Sonja going into Dorinda's closet and wearing her pajamas did not help.  The ones from her dead husband that Sonja looked like she was going to burst the seams of.  Who does that? Then,  she's clearly threatened by how well Dorinda is getting along with B and Carol,  so she made this story up.  Anyway,  if I were Sonja,  I'd be sleeping with one eye open. 

Living with Sonja is not going to enhance Tinsley's two and Sonja doesn't like that Tinsley has moneyed friends as well and is a younger pretty blonde. Sonja is delusional and no fun to watch,  her jealousy, like Crazy Eyes' is disgusting. 

All of the women,  with the exception of Sonja seemed to show some awareness that Tinsley came from a place of abuse and has fallen into a similar power structure. Despite her understandable fears of being alone,  she needs to get the f out. 

Admittedly, I am a paranoid traveler. I check several times to make sure I have all of my suitcases, I do triple checks to make sure that I didn't forget to pack the essentials because I find those small essentials are easy to forget (toothbrush, razor, etc.) and I probably check my purse 10x between home and being at the airport to make sure I have my passport. Considering Dorinda forgetting to book her tickets for the wedding, forgetting her dress and running late to important wedding events, it seems this is more Dorinda and not some one-off but she was pure entertainment this episode. The realization dawning on her that she forgot her luggage had me laughing non-stop.

I think Sonja has resentment toward Dorinda and it starts with her not being invited to the Berkshires. Knowing Dorinda was the one that introduced Lu to Tom doesn't help matters either. The one person who has really extended herself to Sonja has been Ramona and yet Sonja has been very critical about Ramona and her behaviour. I think Sonja is a bit intimidated by the fact that Dorinda has seemingly developed more personal relationships with the other women. She likes to point out that she's known Lu longer than Dorinda - that doesn't mean that you can't have a stronger relationship with someone just because you haven't known them as long as another friend. Bethenny enjoys Dorinda's company. Carole and Dorinda have bonded over being widows who spent the last years of their marriage with sick husbands. Now she just wants to spread gossip to create friction and making herself look stupid in the process. Everyone is getting tired of her...so I guess addressing her drinking hasn't really helped with making her less difficult to deal with.

  • Love 16
1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

It really is pathetic. As Dorinda put it, "Well, John-John's dead" - as is that entire life. Sonja is doing nothing so fabulous - unless you count washing panties in the bidet and Sharpie-ing her purses - that Tinsley needs her instruction. 

You know I don't know what's more laughable.  The 18 year old Tinsley in barrel curls and crinolines or the 40 year old Sonja buying yacht pants and producing movies.  The truth is that both of them are living in the past.  And quite frankly are closer to the Beales on all levels than Sonja and Luann ever were.  Sonja couldn't find New York society with Google and a scent hound.

  • Love 19
10 hours ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

The new rule Is, "last one married gets the best guest room!" Why would Bethenny allow Ramona on this trip? I'm a lot like that and can ignore someone who "did me wrong," but that's setting herself up to be "eye-rolling" the entire trip! People are also having trouble with crazy Sonja who's still living with being excluded a season ago from the Berkshires! What sane person would bring that up in mixed company all this time later? ;-)

I think there are 2 things going on for Bethenny. Her main goal is to promote her brand and she knows the more ladies there are in a scene the more likely it is a mention of her brand will make it to air. These trips are planned in advance, production needs to get approval to film as well as working with all of the ladies schedules. Inviting Ramona on the Vermont trip is good for the show and it opens the door to invite Ramona to Mexico where we will be drowning in SKG.

I'm still at a table for one as I love Ramona cause she is BSC even sober.


  • Love 8
1 hour ago, lunastartron said:

I agree with this whole-heartedly. 


I didn't see this at all. From my perspective, Bethenny was competing with Tinsley to emphasize that, she, Bethenny had suffered just as much ("equivalent"/"last five years"/"stop right there"); LuAnn was at her worst and most don't-know-how-to-spell-'Bethenny'-a-decade-on narcissistic and self-involved ("we've all been there"); Dorinda was eager to use the opportunity to impugn Sonja some more ("chaos"); and Ramona was primed to capitalize on the chance to make sure she was in the shot and, as a byproduct, to maybe win some redemption points by hugging the weeping member of the cast. 

It was all kind of creepy and weird.


But then (unpopular opinion) I just found Dorinda gross this episode, not entertaining. 

I had a different take on the scene. While I can understand why Tinsley felt overwhelmed because she was getting commentary from all directions, I thought she committed one of the worst crimes during a conversation - she tried to make her situation seems worse than everyone else therefore minimizing their experiences, life lessons and advice they were giving. They said nothing wrong to her in my opinion. I do think Bethenny's delivery was a bit harsh, however, I think that also stemmed from the fact that after spending 5 years in very public battle with her ex-husband and her young daughter in the middle of it, for someone to say that you've never had it as bad as me and it wasn't as embarrassing because it wasn't publicized as much - well that's just insulting because it's simply not true. I didn't find Tinsley's responses to be very coherent when she was talking about being 41 and not having kids but I'm assuming that's because she was feeling very emotional and overwhelmed. I think it would go a long way for Tinsley to simply accept accountability for her decisions that have gotten her to this point and maybe then she can find the strength she needs to move on and create a happy life for herself. She knows that her living situation with Sonja isn't healthy and she missed the opportunity to address the situation with Sonja when she would have had the moral support of the women at the table who agree that she needs to leave. I find it hard to believe that Tinsley wouldn't have not one other friend that she could temporarily bunk with while she tries to get herself together.

I do think that the women were trying to defend Tinsley against Sonja's treatment of her, but I think that Tinsley's comments had the women go on the defense and they became far less genuine in the conversation because what I thought began as a conversation that had Tinsley's best interests at heart, it turned into an opportunity for all of the women to justify why their situation is similar or worse than hers.

Edited by RHJunkie
  • Love 22
7 hours ago, breezy424 said:

When asked about her forgetting her luggage, Dorinda's reply was 'production'.  in other words, it was fake.

No, when she was asked by a viewer on wwhl if she got an uber to bring her luggage to Vermont, she replied that somehow her things appeared later, presumably by "production." So, production went down to NYC to get her things, NOT that she didn't actually forget her luggage - she reiterated that she really did that.

  • Love 8
2 minutes ago, RHJunkie said:

I do think Bethenny's delivery was a bit harsh, however, I think that also stemmed from the fact that after spending 5 years in very public battle with her ex-husband and her young daughter in the middle of it, for someone to say that you've never had it as bad as me and it wasn't as embarrassing because it wasn't publicized as much - well that's just insulting because it's simply not true. I didn't find Tinsley's responses to be very coherent when she was talking about being 41 and not having kids but I'm assuming that's because she was feeling very emotional and overwhelmed.

I agree with all of this. I think both women have communication problems, in different ways. I often agree with Bethenny's overall point, but her delivery needs some work. She comes off too strong, and uncaring - even though I don't think that's the case. 

And Tinsley just does NOT articulate herself well. I think she was trying to say that she very much wants children and that might be why she feels a bit rushed/desperate to get married so quickly. She is 41. I think she was trying to say, "It's easy for all of you to say x,y, and z because you all have HAD kids!" Well, except for Carole. As she pointed out, along with her (possibly wrong) assumption that Carole just didn't want any. 

Tinsely has every right to not be over her traumatic relationship, but she does give off a bit of an air of being the sole victim on the island. While I don't know that any of them have been through her exact situation, several of them have had pretty dysfunctional relationships and/or horrible breakups. So that's really not a good tack to take when trying to get your point across. 

  • Love 14
12 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

I think there are 2 things going on for Bethenny. Her main goal is to promote her brand and she knows the more ladies there are in a scene the more likely it is a mention of her brand will make it to air. These trips are planned in advance, production needs to get approval to film as well as working with all of the ladies schedules. Inviting Ramona on the Vermont trip is good for the show and it opens the door to invite Ramona to Mexico where we will be drowning in SKG.

I really don't think promotion of Bethenny's brand is dependent on Ramona being there. I do think Bethenny likes to put SG front and center every chance she gets, but one woman more or less isn't going to make or break her. Her brand is pretty successful, promoting it on the show is just the icing on the cake. It's not dire. 

I'd guess Ramona was invited mainly because production insisted. 

  • Love 10
1 minute ago, ghoulina said:

I agree with all of this. I think both women have communication problems, in different ways. I often agree with Bethenny's overall point, but her delivery needs some work. She comes off too strong, and uncaring - even though I don't think that's the case. 

And Tinsley just does NOT articulate herself well. I think she was trying to say that she very much wants children and that might be why she feels a bit rushed/desperate to get married so quickly. She is 41. I think she was trying to say, "It's easy for all of you to say x,y, and z because you all have HAD kids!" Well, except for Carole. As she pointed out, along with her (possibly wrong) assumption that Carole just didn't want any. 

Tinsely has every right to not be over her traumatic relationship, but she does give off a bit of an air of being the sole victim on the island. While I don't know that any of them have been through her exact situation, several of them have had pretty dysfunctional relationships and/or horrible breakups. So that's really not a good tack to take when trying to get your point across. 

Aha, thanks for the Tinsley translation. That makes sense. Maybe I wasn't paying full attention to the scene but I don't recall the women lecturing Tinsley about whether she should be in a relationship or not.  I just remember the conversation being about Tinsley needing to move out of Sonja's house because Sonja doesn't respect or treat her like an adult who can make her own decisions and then all of a sudden Tinsley is talking about being 41 and not having kids. Maybe I just zoned out on the details prior to that that led to her mini meltdown.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, QuinnM said:

There was a caller that asked if and how she got the luggage.  She replied she had no idea it just showed up the next day by production magic. So still the forgetting was Dorinda and the remembering was production.

I caught that, but, I thought it meant that she did pickup her bags initially, but, that the production crew hid them when she went out to the car to get them and later, they showed up again.  Hmmmm...

Dorinda really does crack me up. For a treat, check her out on WWHL last night.  

I was a little surprised at that restaurant.  The food looked good, but, man.......I'm surprised they eat that heavy for lunch.  Did you notice what Carol ordered?  I weigh more than they do, but, I can't imagine eating all my calories for the day in one meal.  I guess this was just a special thing.   

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 1
8 hours ago, diadochokinesis said:

ARGH!!!  It is right up there with her Hamptons crap that she spewed when they went to Heather's house in the Berkshires. 


Exactly.  And this coming from a woman who has a vinyl pool in the backyard of her multi-million dollar home in the Hamptons. Nothing wrong with a vinyl pool in my eyes - whatever it takes to get wet, but surely this windbag would have nothing less than a true cee-ment pond with spouting fountains and a built-in hot tub.  Vinyl?  Pfft.


No, no...  That would be Ramona who would have googled.  Remember, she is the one who has a private detective do research on the ladies in the off season so that way she is fully armed going into a season. 

Could be Carole, too.  Remember, she was the one who, ridiculously, donned the Jackie O scarf and shades to go undercover at Sonja's esthetician's office.  And whipped out the Google prior to the dinner at Dorinda's so she could humiliate that guy at the table, a couple seasons ago.  And allegedly secretly recorded a phone call with Barbara. Too bad Carole can't take that inner investigative reporter and put pen to paper.

  • Love 5

Oh, Tinsley, you can't get much empathy from a room full of narcissists (and you're one, too).  I do feel for her because she has been through a very traumatic situation and I don't think the ladies were handling it very well.  It seemed at first that they were trying to help get Sonja off her back, but it just went south from there.  Sonja is a nasty jealous piece of work and I think that's why she hounds Tinsley so much.  I'm a Lu fan, but OMG very uncool about the bathroom.  I love that Ramona is getting some comeuppance.  It's been a long time coming.

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, Avon.Blakes7 said:

Her deflecting is sounding more and more ridiculous; esp. knowing there are clips showing her being an absolute b!tch! She's delusional thinking she's going to get away with her crap indefinitely! Self-deprecation wouldn't be enough just saying "I'm messed up and I know it!" That's no excuse for all her rants about making money, sleeping around, or making comment about another person's husband or child! That BRYN thing still drives me to distraction! What else was it meant to do but to hurt and embarrass? 

Remove the talk about Bryn (which was bad, very bad) and who else does this and get away with it all the dang time? Bethenny! LOL

3 hours ago, motorcitymom65 said:

I am not sure - which is my question. They didn't seem to understand. I don't know what it is they think happened. And Beth will get the most shit, but it wasn't just her. If I had been at that table, and Lu told Tinsley that "every one" of them had been physically and emotionally abused, I would have protested that comment if I had not actually been through this hell, and I would imagaine that they have not all been through what Tinsley has. Yet no one said "hey, no Lu, I've never been through anything like what she has". For all that it is strange for them to not know what had happened to Tinsley, it was just as strange for Tinsley to think her shit was public and Beth's wasn't. Could she really not know that Beth has been in the news for 5 years straight? They all seemed incredulous when Tinsley said this.  

There is no comparison between a longish nasty divorce and getting physically as well as emotionally beaten, none! Bethenny trying to make it seem comparable is a big part of her problem, she just doesn't get it and never will because she can't see past her own nose. She has zero empathy for anyone else, she always has it worse, no matter what.

  • Love 19
10 hours ago, Ms Blue Jay said:

I am dying.  I'm already dead.  I can't handle it anymore.  These ALL need to be memes.  I can't take it.




For some reason, this guy has me in stitches even still this morning.  His expression.  Even the fact that it looks like he's eating salad makes it funnier to me, and I don't know why.  DY.ING.

I know it's my bias showing through, but when Lu told Tinsley "we've all been through that" it seemed like generic soothing but when Bethenny started in I was like "ugh, shut it, yes you win the misery competition always."  Although, Lu was totally ridiculous about needing a better room because she just got married.  You are last to arrive, you get the worst room.  The end.

Edited by TexasGal
  • Love 12

Bethenny trying to make it seem comparable is a big part of her problem, she just doesn't get it and never will because she can't see past her own nose.

Oh ffs, it wasn't just Bethenny.


I am not sure - which is my question. They didn't seem to understand. I don't know what it is they think happened. And Beth will get the most shit, but it wasn't just her. If I had been at that table, and Lu told Tinsley that "every one" of them had been physically and emotionally abused, I would have protested that comment if I had not actually been through this hell, and I would imagaine that they have not all been through what Tinsley has. Yet no one said "hey, no Lu, I've never been through anything like what she has". For all that it is strange for them to not know what had happened to Tinsley, it was just as strange for Tinsley to think her shit was public and Beth's wasn't. Could she really not know that Beth has been in the news for 5 years straight? They all seemed incredulous when Tinsley said this.

Maybe they all just need to open up more about their past experiences to each other?

Edited by BBHN
  • Love 12

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