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S04.E10: The Hangover

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If I hadn't seen my 2 kids in awhile, I would have been hysterical crying with emotion.  Katherine walked over to them like it was nothing.  Emotionless.  She wasn't too nice when she passed by JEnnifer and the baby.  And, since when is Landon not interested in Thomas all of a sudden?  Because of Katherine?  Landon's giggling after each sentence is quite annoying.

  • Love 13

I'm glad we started right to the point with the party. It was really catty of Patricia to avoid Kathryn, especially given she was the mother of the birthday boy and hence the reason for the party. Not very respectful for a mom to treat a mom that way. Cameron's outfit was her first don't. As soon as I heard there was no booze at the party I figured it wouldn't take to long for people to live.

Jennifer doesn't really get that Kathryn doesn't like her. She needs to move on. They aren't friends, and Kathryn could give a shit about her son. She already knows that. 

Patricia came off as kind of jealous of Kathryn. Maybe she likes Thomas? Crazy, but I don't get the uber mean girl treatment. I was not surprised she took off so quickly. Is Patricia a cougar? She knows it will never work with Landon... maybe she's just ensuring he's available for him. Hee hee. Long shot, probably just a storyline, but her interest after knowing him forever and only caring now is a little suspect (that it's scripted..)

It was nice to see Kathryn and Thomas being parents and friendly. Thomas really loves his son a lot, it's clear he regrets not being able to provide a mother as well. (Even though he was shitty as hell to her and he is too easily influenced by naysayers).

I didn't know that Jennifer and Landon were friends. I sense a "I hate Kathryn" connection. Although they both have slept with Thomas so I see some jealousy between the two of them as they compete for who was the best other woman. Jennifer is touting Thomas to Landon cuz she's pissed at Kathryn. On one hand, she is endorsing Thomas to Landon. Then switch to her interview where she says that would take Kathryn to psycho land. So is she really just wanting to hurt Kathryn? It's very mean imo. Jennifer is a non entity. Kathryn is pretty keen to people with bad  motives. Kathryn was also really shitty to Elizabeth, but Elizabeth held on and proved to her that she cared. I think Kathryn is so used to being hurt she just doesn't trust anyone. 

I'm glad Patricia noticed how nice Kathryn was and commented that to Thomas, given that she is very influential for him. Although the nudge toward Landon was either totally producer driven or.... I can't think of another reason why she would continue to push Landon. Landon pretty much as said she isn't interested, and I don't think Thomas is interested either.

This makes me think of a story from when I was single. There was a guy that liked me who was a doctor, and everyone wanted us to get together. We liked each other and were friends. But we just didn't really like each other that way. I wanted more excitement and courtship, and he wanted a gal that got drunk and needed taking care of. So it didn't work. I see that with Thomas and Landon. They just don't have the same dating styles and expectations.

I could give a shit about Cameron wanting a child. I'm glad she has one, but it's not a crisis. People have babies everyday. It's not like she's dealing with her husband away in Iraq or something. Just give up the party life for a few months and have a baby. Parents go out all the time too. Jeez. 

  • Love 8

Once again we see Kathryn's sociopathic character on full display. She was so stiff and awkward with Saint-there is literally NO bond there. None. If someone had removed me from my baby boy I would have been overcome with emotion upon seeing and holding him again. I never wanted to be apart from my babies for a minute; I craved their presence. Kathryn is seriousiy lacking in human emotion. Honestly, she is a creep. 

She seems to care a tiny smidgen more about Kensie but just barely. 

Elizabeth is a saint for spending any time at all with the emotional void of Kathryn. 

  • Love 16
29 minutes ago, mbaywife123 said:

Who was reincarnated as Gizmo?, car ride and not in carrier, no problem, taken to strange house and tours it on his own, no problem.

What's next? Gizmo goes to law school or veterinary  school and opens his own practice! LOVE IT!!!


At this rate, Giz will be practicing law before Craig. 

Edited by Duke2801
  • Love 17

I was disappointed in Patricia not saying hello to Kathryn. It would have required almost zero effort to say "hello." It was the one time that Kathryn had to be on her best behavior. We all know that the two of them hate each other, but Kathryn had an out for any small talk because she could go check on the kids. This was an easy opportunity for Patricia to take the high road.

Even if Kathryn were normal and decent, there is no way that Landon would be into Thomas after having to deal with her ex sharing custody with Stacey Dash. 

For all of their nonsense bickering, Naomie and Craig get each other because there is no way in hell that I'd be giving a pedicure to some dude that I'm at best meh about. Notice there wasn't any disagreement about bringing Gizmo to see the house.

  • Love 10

 Extremely uncharacteristically poor form from Patricia on tonight's episode---the way she completely froze out Kathryn at the birthday party was really quite rude, dare I say even GAUCHE. Like others here have mentioned, if she wanted to avoid a "hurricane", she shouldn't have even bothered going to the party period and simply sent along a nice birthday gift and card instead. And then to call Michael to pick her up during the birthday song?! To not even nod nor wave or even remotely greet Kathryn was just cruel; and I say that as a Patricia fan/Kathryn hater!

On the flipside, I'm totally Team Jennifer here; Kathryn could've at least greeted/acknowledged Jennifer and her baby. Again, Kathryn was displaying just how sociopathic she truly is. Given how Kathryn/Patricia both acted at the party, maybe there is a shred of truth to Cooper's belief last season that Kat reminds Pat a bit of herself. They both certainly have displayed their snooty ice queen sides.

I actually got a little misty-eyed when Cameron was crying to her therapist about how she knew her husband would be an amazing father and she hated to deny him of that. I used to feel that exact same way when I first was dating my now husband; I think I even had that same conversation with him in our early days together. And then we realized that parenthood was NOT for us and embraced our ChildFree lives together and have been grateful ever since. That being said, I don't think Cam was nearly as scared of motherhood as she claimed and played up her supposed indecisiveness for the show---she married a doctor, for chrissakes. Every Southern woman I've ever known who landed a doctor made damned well sure to eagerly hop aboard the baby train. It's automatic marital security, among many other things.

Shep creeped me out for the first time, drunkenly barging into Natalie's place and eating up her food. Yikes dude...your aging fratboy schtick is getting almost as old as you are.

No Whitney= more Patricia? I don't mind that.

And I heart Gizmo.

Edited by Sun-Bun
  • Love 14

I think production played a bit with Kathryn when she showed up for the party.  It was so awkward.  Later scenes show her holding Saint and playing with Kensie.  No doubt others will disagree.

Pat should have said hello to Kathryn.  Everyone else did.  What did Kathryn do to 'her'?

Gizmo is the best.

Naomi and Craig have to stop shading each other. 

Shep is a mess.  I did like Austin and Chelsea going crabbing.

So, according to Landon, Thomas showed up with a bouquet of flowers and announced his love for her.  Landon just grates on me.  Yeah, those were original alternative names for the website.

No Whitney was a plus.

  • Love 12
6 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

  Later scenes show her holding Saint and playing with Kensie.  No doubt others will disagree.

Well it's sort of sad given the rest of her actions at the party that it had to be a highlighted that a mother held her son at his birthday party and played with her daughter. Both kids seem a lot more comfortable with Thomas and of course the nanny than her.

  • Love 7
2 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

Well it's sort of sad given the rest of her actions at the party that it had to be a highlighted that a mother held her son at his birthday party and played with her daughter. Both kids seem a lot more comfortable with Thomas and of course the nanny than her.

Well, the sad thing is that they spend the vast majority of their time with their father and the nanny.  I'm not saying that it isn't Kathryn's fault.  Add to that her going away for rehab.  However, when they were living with Kathryn, Kensie did have a closeness with her mom.  Hard to tell with Saint because he was so young. 

  • Love 6
7 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

when they were living with Kathryn, Kensie did have a closeness with her mom.

I just did a rewatching of that season and the nanny spent more time holding and interacting with Kensie than Kathryn or Thomas. I also remember last season when Thomas was visiting Kathryn at her house and she was sitting on the couch and Saint was in his carrier in the middle of the floor facing away from Kathryn it was unsettling.

  • Love 4
34 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I just did a rewatching of that season and the nanny spent more time holding and interacting with Kensie than Kathryn or Thomas. I also remember last season when Thomas was visiting Kathryn at her house and she was sitting on the couch and Saint was in his carrier in the middle of the floor facing away from Kathryn it was unsettling.

I liked Thomas' line, "days are long, years are short," so true.  He seems devoted to the children and I thought his description of Saint being oblivious was apt.  Kensie was having a good time. 

  • Love 13
38 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

I just did a rewatching of that season and the nanny spent more time holding and interacting with Kensie than Kathryn or Thomas. I also remember last season when Thomas was visiting Kathryn at her house and she was sitting on the couch and Saint was in his carrier in the middle of the floor facing away from Kathryn it was unsettling.

But the thing is they're filming a show.  And let's face it, production sets up scenes.  In this scene Kathryn and TRav are supposed to discuss so and so.....and that's what the players are to do.

Just look at this episode.  TRav and Landon.  It's a storyline and it was all set up by production.  Cam and waiting for Shep.  She goes to Shep's house.  Does anyone believe that package was spontaneous?   Shep's storyline this season is about getting away from the partying.   Shep drops by Chelsea's house and Chelsea happens to have the packaged veggies and dip as well as crackers and a bottle of red for Shep.

I just thought that so many packages on this episode were extremely 'set up' aka 'fake'.  And it I've felt that way after the first season.

Of course, Gizmo is always spontaneous.  He's a cat.  He don't care...

Edited by breezy424
  • Love 7
3 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

But the thing is they're filming a show.  And let's face it, production sets up scenes.  In this scene Kathryn and TRav are supposed to discuss so and so.....and that's what the players are to do.

Thomas came in and immediately started interacting with Saint so I don't think production set up that scene or several of the others were they didn't seem engaged with their children. The adults know they are filming the kids don't and I always look how the kids act versus the parents and Lord knows we have seen a lot of kids and parenting interaction across Bravo so I am not but OMG ut was a production setup.

Both kids ignored Kathryn when she first interacted with them. Saint has no clue who she is. One telling thing I noticed on re-watch was that Kathryn picked Saint up but didn't even kiss him! She even seemed to be holding his body slightly away from hers. Later on she is seen holding him totally awkwardly again. 

When he was sitting in his highchair with his cake Kathryn had zero interest in how he was reacting to the cake or singing. 

Someone else pointed out how she made lots of small talk before even searching out her son. 

Sociopaths are not fit to be parents and those children are going to have psychological scars from her lack of love and bonding to them. She is repugnant. Seriously vile. 

  • Love 10
22 minutes ago, HunterHunted said:

I do not understand Cameran's real estate work. She only represents buyers. Charleston doesn't seem big enough for her to do that full time or nearly so.

Gizmo would make a better realtor than Cams.  She's the worst -- and she'll talk shit about you behind your back.  At least Giz won't do that.  The worst Giz does is look bored at Craigie's skinny arms in a tank or give puzzled looks to his stupid ugly BRO t-shirt.  YAY, Giz!

Hey, I was right in the thread for last ep, on that misleading preview for Cams being so stupidly over-dramatic, how she couldn't reach Horseteeth.  Hey, Cams, we know you're a stinko realtor, but could you really be that dumb?  Did you just meet Horseteeth?  Everyone who watches the show knows he sleeps all day.  That's his shtick.  So why don't you know that, Cams?

Was Patrish really all that mean to Kathryn?  Meh, she didn't owe her anything.  She wasn't a host of the party.  Just the unsympathetic thrown-away drug addict mother of the birthday boy.  I thought Kathryn was much crueler & more thoughtless to Jennifer.  Oh look, don't get me wrong, Jennifer doesn't thrill me.  I sympathize with her for her situation with her child, but I'm still not thrilled with her.  She's a yenta & a budinski & I don't like her pushy/shit-stirring shtick.  Still, Kathryn could have said hello to her & asked her how her child was doing -- and behaved like a civilized well-mannered human being.  But that's not Kathryn.  She's not just a lunatic.  She's self-absorbed, thoughtless & nasty as fuck.  I know, I know, that makes her perfect for Bravo.

Why in the world are they still shlepping out this nonsense with Snowflake & Thom-ass?  Do the producers really think anyone buys this crap for a second?

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, nexxie said:

I'd think Shep's family would arrange an intervention after seeing him on this show - the guy is a walking red flag!

He has terrible boundaries. What kind of sense does it make for his staff from his one bar to come to his house and party after they lock up the business? If your staff has no compunction about trashing your house in front of you, then think of what they're doing to your business when you aren't there. 

  • Love 4
2 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

How far is baby number three?  Kathryn and Thomas lunching together: 

Note it was today.

I can't believe I am typing this, but they really do look good together. (Whether they should BE together is another matter....) That said I wouldn't put it past Gentry to pose them together just for buzz. Isn't that whatsisface's restaurant? 

Ironically there's a promoted tweet for Wayfair when I look at Gentry's Twitter page, LOL

  • Love 7

Shep goes over to Chelsea's -- who has a real nice home for a hairdresser and ... a wannabe reality TV star --and after she gives him a beer and some veggies to nosh on, he helps himself to whatever else he could find in her fridge and her pantry, pours himself some wine, etc.

Okay, is that really her home?  Was that really her food and drink?  Or did the producers stock the fridge for the scene?  Chelsea takes out the veggies which are one of those platters you can get at the supermarket.  Like she would just happen to have it on hand.

So he has a late night out, sleeps in.  Now the previews show him saying he's unhappy.

Come on now, even if it's true, he's going to announce it on TV?  Does he think he needs this story line to get camera time on the show?  He can always shit on Craig again.

  • Love 4
18 hours ago, scrb said:

Chelsea takes out the veggies which are one of those platters you can get at the supermarket.  Like she would just happen to have it on hand

I am not one of them but I have several friends who buy those because often they turn it into a quick meal because they are already cut up and also double as a quick snack. I have one friend who probably eats some of the veggies, potato chips and dip for dinner mat least twice a week.

The only season I have seen of Survivor was the first do people who go far get more money? Chelsea could easily live there with roommates. 

Craig keeps being an asshats"Naomi is learning how to communicate better and I am learning to have patience and be less condescending." News flash you`re failing in doing the latter. 

I do give Naomi the side eye for declaring that neighborhood of identical houses built recently as "so cute," I guess she learned in therapy that Craig can only handle praise and not a true critique like "I would never want to live here but I bet you could attract renters," would still be frowned on.

  • Love 3

I saw Kensie exclaiming "mommy!" twice in just the footage that was broadcast of the birthday party so I'm befuddled about the idea that Kathryn's daughter might not have recognized her or the premise that they were completely disengaged from each other.

There did seem to be a more substantive disconnect between Kathryn and Saint. 

1 hour ago, biakbiak said:

I am not one of them but I have several friends who buy those because often they turn those things into dinner as use the veggies in a quick meal because they are already cut up and also double as a quick snack. I have one friends who probably eats some of the veggies, potato chips and dip for dinner.

The only season I have seen of Survivor was the first do people who go far get more money? Chelsea could easily live there with roommates. 

Craig keeps being an asshats."Naomi is learning how to communicate better and I am learning to have patience and be less condescending." News flash you`re failing in doing the latter. 

I do give Naomi the side eye for declaring that neighborhood of identical houses built recently as "so cute," I guess she learned in therapy that Craig can only handle praise and not a true critique like "I would never want to live here but I bet you could at track renters," would still be frowned on.

Chelsea made it to the finals on her season and would have won (if I'm not mistaken) about $75k. 

  • Love 10

The editors are sometimes good, such as the interstitial of the snail on the tree, when Cam was waiting for Shep.  But other times they are horrible and give up their reconstruction of a scene.  Chelsea opens the door with a Stella in her hands, then has a Modelo, then back to the Stella, all within maybe 25 seconds.  They need a continuity editor with a keener eye.

Patricia's house continues to bother me.  The place is huge but it's clutter level and overwrought busy nature of all the patterns and textures make Eileen Davidson's house look damn near minimalist. 

I'm utterly impressed with Gizmo.  I've had cats all my life and never had one that would be that calm in a car.  My two now were calm as babies, but somewhere along the line I think they 'heard' they were supposed to be utter PITAs in the car, and that's how they are now.

I typically couldn't give a crap about childrens' birthday parties, but I was pleased that Thomas didn't go all RH and spend $50K on a blow out.  Then again, the party was nothing but for the show, considering there were zero people invited who weren't part of the cast and its usual peripheral friends, like Jennifer and Pat.

  • Love 12

Naomie and Craig-geez Craig is the one who is condescending?  How about Naomie saying she didn't think Craig would follow through with the purchase of the home?  Way to be supportive.  I have decided she just thinks it is her job to be negative to Craig to keep the cameras rolling.  Same with the Shep discussion-it is far more important to her to be in with Shep than Craig. 

I did like the gift Craig gave Saint for his birthday.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Lizzing said:

The editors are sometimes good, such as the interstitial of the snail on the tree, when Cam was waiting for Shep.  But other times they are horrible and give up their reconstruction of a scene.  Chelsea opens the door with a Stella in her hands, then has a Modelo, then back to the Stella, all within maybe 25 seconds.  They need a continuity editor with a keener eye.


I've had a Stella then a Modelo and then back to a Stella all within 25 minutes.

But only after a really bad day..........

  • Love 14
9 hours ago, HunterHunted said:

I was disappointed in Patricia not saying hello to Kathryn. It would have required almost zero effort to say "hello." It was the one time that Kathryn had to be on her best behavior. We all know that the two of them hate each other, but Kathryn had an out for any small talk because she could go check on the kids. This was an easy opportunity for Patricia to take the high road.

Even if Kathryn were normal and decent, there is no way that Landon would be into Thomas after having to deal with her ex sharing custody with Stacey Dash. 

For all of their nonsense bickering, Naomie and Craig get each other because there is no way in hell that I'd be giving a pedicure to some dude that I'm at best meh about. Notice there wasn't any disagreement about bringing Gizmo to see the house.

I agree, if Patricia was the genuine "Southern Lady" that she professes to be, she would have said a simple "Hello" and "How are you" to Katherine.  If she didn't want to acknowledge her, she should have stayed home.  When you are dealing with a person like Katherine who's been on dope & alcohol and rehab, the decent thing to do is at least acknowledge her.  I don't like Katherine, but a snub like that could take her over the edge.  Patricia isn't the "Lady" that I thought she was.  And, her trying to fix up Thomas & Landon is completely ridiculous.

  • Love 13
25 minutes ago, Gem 10 said:

I agree, if Patricia was the genuine "Southern Lady" that she professes to be, she would have said a simple "Hello" and "How are you" to Katherine.  If she didn't want to acknowledge her, she should have stayed home.  When you are dealing with a person like Katherine who's been on dope & alcohol and rehab, the decent thing to do is at least acknowledge her.  I don't like Katherine, but a snub like that could take her over the edge.  Patricia isn't the "Lady" that I thought she was.  And, her trying to fix up Thomas & Landon is completely ridiculous.

True - imo Pat is a poser who sees herself in Kathryn.

  • Love 8

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