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S06.E23: Making Waves

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Amber, Maci, Catelynn and their significant others travel to Puerto Rico; Maci struggles with wanting to help Ryan overcome his issues; and Farrah is invited to speak about her three businesses at SXSW.

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5 minutes ago, ginger90 said:

Time wise, are these episodes in order? IRL did Vegas happen before this trip?

Vegas was February (they went for NYE too) and Puerto Rico was March. 

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Cate is the oldest looking 20something I've seen in quite some time. Most of my friends are size 14 and better. None of them frump it up as hard as she does. Perhaps Kail should introduce her to Pinterest. There's a ton of plus size inspiration to be found.

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35 minutes ago, Marisagf said:

I didn't know where to put this, so I'm putting it here since it's the most recent episode.

"Teen Mom Stars Explain Why They Still Film the Show"


They give themselves wayyyyyyy too much credit. I'm sorry, but other than realizing how much my life doesn't suck because I am not them, how exactly do they "help" so many people? 

Catelynn said when it seems scripted or nobody's interest they'll stop, it's both... I feel like the majority of the viewers are hate watching, I literally can't think of anyone who watches out of actual interest.

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“There’s not really a time frame. I want to be a part of it as long as I feel like it is having a good impact on the audience and my family and things like that… Even if the show went away tomorrow people are still going to know who we are so it’s not like we would be normal again. At least not for a lot of years. Even then, I would say people would still recognize us. Bentley handles it fine. People don’t really talk to him about it at school or anything like that… Where we live like people know us so well just as a community… We don’t carry ourselves like we’re on a TV show and people really don’t think of us that way.”


"it's not like we would be normal again." Girrrrrrrl. You have never been normal. 

"Bentley handles it fine. People don't really talk to him about it at school or anything like that..." Oh, really? That isn't what you said back when you had a cow over Farrah doing her porn and your claim was people at school would be hassling Bentley about his mom, the show, and Farrah having done porn. 

Fakity fake ass, lying bitches. 

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Right Maci, wasn't it 1.5 seasons ago everyone was going to think Bentley was in a porn by being associated with the show and Farrah? Nobody talks to Bentley about it? I would hope 1st-2nd graders aren't on the play ground discussing teen mom. I don't really understand how none of the moms seem to realize there may not be backlash for the kids now, but once they are a little older it's just going to take one kid in the class and google to make the teen mom kids' lives hell... for Gods sake this week Nova ate a freaking burrito on a potty. I feel like we on this site worry more about the future ramifications for the kids than the parents do. 

I have no interest in watching this week, the three on a trip without their kids, probably spending the majority of time complaining about Farrah... no thanks. But if anyone is looking for a drinking game I bet drinking every time you hear Farrah's name will put you in a Matt style stupor where you will say horrible things to your family with no recollection and it'll be no big deal.

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@leighroda I feel as if we are the only ones who put to use common sense along with growth and maturity when we make comments about how the kids of this show will be affected. 

I get that these so-called mothers are young and they are not going to learn everything after having one child. But it seems as if they don't try or don't care. The adults can barely handle the criticisms they receive from the show and sometimes they go into full-blown attack mode. Why then do they put their children in a position where they will get criticized by their peers later on in life? 

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It's really shitty that Amber's father shared the dying wish that she marry. How about asking for her to stay sober, mother her daughter or even get a college degree?  She has to make this unhealthy relationship work because her father has some sort of antiquated view on the role of women.  She can only made him proud if she marries. What a creep!

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Is there video of Amber's dad saying this? I find it weird we've never heard about his dying wish before. Is this something new Amber came up with (or Matt gaslighted her into thinking somehow)?

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
I really do know the difference between their and there...
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Amber's dad never appeared on camera during his last dying days. I think the last time he appeared it was a year before his death. 

Who knows if he ever said such a thing to Amber. She loves to rewrite history. 

I would never tell my loved ones any wish while on my deathbed or at any other time. All I ever wish for my loved ones is they live the life that makes them happy. I can't tell you how many people I have personally known who have tried, and failed, to fulfill dying wishes. It causes stress and sometimes more drama. 

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Yeah, that's kinda an odd final wish if you ask me... anyone I've ever heard have a final wish is usually general, like to be happy, or specific like graduate or some other accomplishment that is coming up, but I really can't imagine someone saying something like get married... unless he was maybe listing things he wasn't going to get to see. At this point Amber could tell me grass is green and the sky is blue and I would doubt it.

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Amber said her dad told her his last wish was to have seen her get married. In other words, he was dying and was sad he would not be walking Amber down the aisle. 

Still, I think that is Amber's vision, not her dads.

Edited by GreatKazu
damn typos
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Heads-up Canadians...MTV Canada is airing the Vegas episode and the Puerto Rico one back to back tonight - starting at 9pm Eastern time.

Edited by trashtvaddict
Because I spelled Puerto wrong.
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Matt tones it down around the others. That might be why they are semi-supportive of him. Wonder how they feel after watching last week?

Matt is twice their age. Like having a creepy uncle along.

Of course Maci and Taylor went for the alcohol.

I am disappointed that none of them dressed up for that nice restaurant,

Right now Farrah's crazy ass is the one annoying me the least.

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I honestly bust out laughing at the little animated Matt getting knocked over by the waves. Production isn't hiding their feelings about him, between that and including last week's sexual harrasment. 

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18 minutes ago, Linny said:

Cate, Maci, and Amber were entirely too self-satisfied at not inviting Farrah to Puerto Rico. Sorry, sweeties, but Farrah isn't going to cry into her pillow because she missed hanging out with Matt's sunburned ass, trust.

I liked seeing Farrah at SXSW. She's the only one of these girls who seems to truly be putting her all into her businesses, and she's not doing it from her couch. She's out there interacting with the public, networking, traveling. Her drive and initiative is really commendable, and it's going to serve her well when TM is finally aborted.

It has been apparent for quite some time that Ryan is off his face high more often than not, so why are they just now addressing it on camera? How does Mackenzie fit into this picture? Surely she's aware of the drug problem, so why is she marrying him? I'm so confused by all of it. But if Ryan's bad off enough that Maci is worried he could die imminently, then it's time to stop filming him and get him some help.

This is exactly why I don't plan to watch this episode (unless of course y'all post that there is something to see) Farrah is an easy person to dislike, she could do that on her own, no need for the other 3 to trash talk her, all they do is make me dislike them more, that's really childish to revel in the fact that you are leaving someone out. I'm not a "everyone has to be included" thinker, I couldn't care less that they didn't invite Farrah (and I think she could too), but it's the fact that they go so much out of their way to run it in her face (although quite frankly I think they fail).

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Farrah was very normal this week. She veered towards her nutty self while berating her dad, but managed to stay the course. And I'm sure they cut out lots of the scene where she went "to public speak" (new verb?) But I thought she came off pretty well. She made sense for the most part and there were few grammatical errors.

Amber (all done up at the beach) and Cate are whales. Girls who are what, 25 ?, should be able to do a simple yoga stretch or whatever that was.

Maci, get over yourself. If this show went off the air today, no one would know or care who you are by next week.

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56 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Catelynn, the correct term you're looking for is Latino; Spanish is a language. Also, way to go with generalizing Latino culture and of course you're generilizations are related to food.

So many shitty tattoos on such a small group of people!

Why do I feel like they went to PR  because none of them have passports?

Finally, a confirmation that Ryan is an addict. I know Maci can be an PITA, but I did feel for her in that moment of crying because imagine having to explain  to your child that their father OD'D on drugs. 

Matt for sure doesn't have a passport. He owes child support. 

1 hour ago, Brooklynista said:

Maci truly sees herself as the one who got away for Ryan. Then she has folks propping up her belief. "You have a power over him". Seriously?

She's the only one that can "save" Ryan. Girl, bye. Her neck must be killing her as hard as s he sucks her own dick.

LOL love this. 

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I noticed something funny in the PR scenes tonight - They're all so self-centered and used to conversations and (staged) scenes revolving around them, so when they were all hanging out and talking, they all talked over each other.  They're simply not used to a scene not being about them, so they kept trying to talk about themselves....their views on whatever the topic was, their experiences, etc., etc.  None of them seem like they're good listeners.

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So I'm no longer watching TM OG for various reasons (boredom & the fact that these people are so unlikable at this point plus Matt are the main ones). But I keep up with what is going on with the OG girls via this forum (thank y'all!) and other internet sources. Can anyone clue me in on what's up with Ryan (what he's addicted to, etc), how Mavi found out, how it's being addressed, etc.....

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Ugh. I hate that this episode made me want to hang out with Farrah. Like okay before you all start throwing fruit at me, out of these four women I chose her.

Seriously, I eye rolled almost all these women tonight. Starting with Macis "all the important people from this show" are going on the trip comment. Like really?

And watching them all talk to Maci about how she's the only one who can reach ryan. Uh.. what? I'm sorry but what? Ryan never looks like he wants to engage in a conversation with her.. ever.

I just can't. My head hurts so much from all my eye rolls.

Eta: funniest moment for me was a family member came in and saw what I was watching and this exchange happened

"what is this, the real world?"

"no teen mom"

"they aren't teens!"

"they used to be"

"that guy with a mustache was a teen?" 

"Well no. He's like 35 I think? But he's dating one of the ones who use to be a teen mom. He met on twitter"

Family member exits the room laughing at this.

Edited by WhosThatGirl
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I agree that it was weird the way Maci was talking about Ryan, but I'm guessing she meant she's the only one who's not in denial about what's going on, and wants to do something about it.  Without a doubt - his parents are in denial (hello - Jenn?), and I'm sure MacKenzie is, too.

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Ryan's parents enable him and Mackenzie seems like Jen 2.0 -- content to stick her head in the sand and pretend nothing's happening.

Worst thing about Puerto Rico was seeing Matt's Dad (of many)-bod. Gag.

Seeing Michael in that FroCo uniform was sad. Farrah is so unpleasant and weird, of course they didn't invite her to PR. She would have ruined that trip, like she ruins everything  in general.

Edited by LilaFowler
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5 minutes ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I wonder if Jen, Larry and Mac aren't so much in denial but scared that if they give Ryan some tough love, he'll get deeper into addiction. 

Isn't this basically how he ended up in Jen's rental home last season? I never believed that his blowout fight with Larry was over wrenches. I think it was drugs. That said, I think Ryan is headed nowhere good because that guy does not give a shit about anything. Tough love isn't going to work.

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1 hour ago, WhosThatGirl said:

Ugh. I hate that this episode made me want to hang out with Farrah. Like okay before you all start throwing fruit at me, out of these four women I chose her.

Seriously, I eye rolled almost all these women tonight. Starting with Macis "all the important people from this show" are going on the trip comment. Like really?

And watching them all talk to Maci about how she's the only one who can reach ryan. Uh.. what? I'm sorry but what? Ryan never looks like he wants to engage in a conversation with her.. ever.

I just can't. My head hurts so much from all my eye rolls.

Eta: funniest moment for me was a family member came in and saw what I was watching and this exchange happened

"what is this, the real world?"

"no teen mom"

"they aren't teens!"

"they used to be"

"that guy with a mustache was a teen?" 

"Well no. He's like 35 I think? But he's dating one of the ones who use to be a teen mom. He met on twitter"

Family member exits the room laughing at this.

Matt is in his 40s. 

Farrah is the only one who I can stand. The rest? Ugh. Fuck 'em all. 

Maci sure is a high and mighty bitch.

I don't see Maci as sexy. Maci does not rock a bikini. Maci might be sexy in her neck of the woods. Thank goodness I have curves and my curves are natural. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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35 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Matt is in his 40s. 

Farrah is the only one who I can stand. The rest? Ugh. Fuck 'em all. 

Maci sure is a high and mighty bitch.

I don't see Maci as sexy. Maci does not rock a bikini. Maci might be sexy in her neck of the woods. Thank goodness I have curves and my curves are natural. 

I honestly couldn't remember if it was late 30s or he was actually 40. All the  same yeah. Thanks for reminding me.

Heres the thing, I don't like to comment on anyone's weight on tv shows, reality or otherwise, my two cents on why Amber made the comment about how good Maci will look in a bathing suit is because Maci is skinny. But that's all. I don't think she activity works out so it's not a healthy skinny, Maci just got lucky. But it's not like she has a celeb style body. I don't think Maci has to work out to be skinny but still. She's lucky. But I didn't like how Amber was a envious of it. Also I'm saying this as someone who got lucky with a skinny body type but not celeb skinny but I don't work at it and I'm not bragging. I wish I could work out, there are areas of my body I wish could be more toned(I also suffer from a disability so working out isn't something easily done for me). But I hate commenting on people's weight. I just think Amber sees her as skinny, which is why she said what she said.

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3 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

Catelynn, the correct term you're looking for is Latino; Spanish is a language. Also, way to go with generalizing Latino culture and of course you're generilizations are related to food.

Cate, Honey, if you are in Puerto Rico, you mean Mexican/Hispanic.  "Spanish" is the culture of Spain.  They are similar, but also much different.  

Span·ish ˈspaniSH/


1. relating to Spain, its people, or its language.


1. the people of Spain.

2. the Romance language of most of Spain and of much of Central and South America and several other countries.

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It's interesting to see them not on the couch and engaging in activities.  I'm not gonna lie, though, Amber's version of kayaking is totally mine--be really bad at steering so my BF says "just stop," then sit back and take in the scenery.

I do admire Farrah's hustle but she's still batty as hell so I couldn't hang out.  She strung together coherent sentences during her interview and seemed almost personable talking to that girl afterwards, so that's something.

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Just now, Denim Dreams said:

It's interesting to see them not on the couch and engaging in activities.  I'm not gonna lie, though, Amber's version of kayaking is totally mine--be really bad at steering so my BF says "just stop," then sit back and take in the scenery.

I do admire Farrah's hustle but she's still batty as hell so I couldn't hang out.  She strung together coherent sentences during her interview and seemed almost personable talking to that girl afterwards, so that's something.

I get that but I prefer Farrah's bratty to Maci and the other two. That snide little "important people from the show" comment was just.. ugh. I'm sorry, but Maci acts just as entitled as she claims Farrah to be. I still stand by my comments from last seasons reunion that while Maci just doesn't like Farrah but refuses to just admit that and also Macis main problem has been that MTV let's Farrah behavior a certain way and instead of taking it up with MTV and costing her income, she chooses this attitude. It's not cute. 

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3 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

Matt for sure doesn't have a passport. He owes child support. 

Also, Amber owes $130,000 to the IRS. She wouldn't be granted a passport either. 

3 hours ago, LotusFlower said:

I noticed something funny in the PR scenes tonight - They're all so self-centered and used to conversations and (staged) scenes revolving around them, so when they were all hanging out and talking, they all talked over each other.  They're simply not used to a scene not being about them, so they kept trying to talk about themselves....their views on whatever the topic was, their experiences, etc., etc.  None of them seem like they're good listeners.

Yes, interesting observation. They grew up with this series and have no idea how to have actual conversations with friends. 

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