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3 hours ago, kieyra said:

Either 1) he's completely full of shit, or 2) the show needed a female showrunner from the start, and it's finally becoming excruciatingly apparent.

If it helps, this is the major Emmy drama contender with by far the most female directorial vision:

6 female-directed eps this season by next week. 8 last season. (64% so far)
Game of Thrones 0 & 0. (0%)
Stranger Things 1 & 0. (6%)
The Crown 2 & 0. (10%)
Westworld 3 & 1. (20%)
Americans 1 & 4. (22%)
This is Us 5 & 4 (25%)

Killing Eve had 0.

  • Love 1
18 hours ago, snowbryneich said:

I'm curious as to why Eden ends up drowned/on the wall? it's been established via June that fertile adulteresses can redeem themselves in this way.  Omar's wife (Heather?) ended up a handmaid because they were harbouring June (arguably a worse crime than adultery) They seem to presume Eden is fertile so Nick had to sleep with her - why hasn't she been made to become a handmaid? More for shock value? 

Maybe it’s because she won’t admit wrongdoing because she’s in love?

But maybe some ‘good’ will come from Serena seeing the horrible and unjust execution of sweet, innocent Eden?  Maybe?

41 minutes ago, LittleRed84 said:

I’m still going with this theory. Somehow, this is what I think happened. We shall see. 


42 minutes ago, LittleRed84 said:

I’m still going with this theory. Somehow, this is what I think happened. We shall see. 

Nope don’t think so...

17 hours ago, The Mighty Peanut said:

I’ve been unable to find anything. AFAIK we can only speculate it has to do with the letters or Eden’s “adultery”. Or maybe the Waterfords blame her for June getting away. It’s got to be big to warrant execution, I hope they’re not just doing it for shock value.

I think shock value and to motivate change in others maybe?

On 6/27/2018 at 7:39 AM, LittleRed84 said:

Do we know the episode name for number 13 yet? I cannot find a post or remember…

( I know 12 is postpartum)

The Innocents?

On 6/27/2018 at 10:35 AM, Joana said:

He'll probably react by making out with June in the middle of a hallway or sneaking into her room late at night. Like he always does.

Sooooooo, they're bringing June back to the Waterfords. AGAIN. And Nick is there, like nothing happened. I just... can't. 

Right?  Man up Nick!!!

19 hours ago, Anela said:


Someone predicting that there will be a big fire, and the baby is smuggled out. I don't know if that could happen, though. I can't picture Serena letting her out of her sight.

Perhaps if there is it will be Rita who set it. There was an interview with Amanda Brugel that heavily implied Rita does something major this season, so it would be nice to see that be something real and positive. Perhaps as a result of Eden's execution. We see Rita sitting beside Eden's parents as their daughter is killed. And as Rita is a mother who's son was killed, that must be a more exquisite form or torture for her than it would be for most people. (And it's horrendous for most people.) So it would be amazing for her to make a bold decision to do something major in the aftermath of that.

19 hours ago, kieyra said:

Oh well. At least season 2 of Harlots starts up in a few weeks. (And that show is created and produced by women.)

I'm holding out for Glow on Netflix tomorrow. A very different kind of show but also created by women and a total antidote to THT.

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, chocolatine said:

I know that Eden is a naive teenager, but I find it hard to believe that she doesn't understand that in Gilead, a woman can't just declare her love for, and intention to be with, a man who is not her husband. It would make more sense if she was quietly conflicted.

I agree. This feels like another case of a character acting out of character for no other reason than to carry the plot forward. So many of these people have done things that don't make sense for their character. In the beginning I shrugged it off as , "Eh, real life is messy and you can't always predict what people are going to say or feel" but now I just feel like it's sloppy writing. It's more of a "We need the pot to go from A to B so let's bring ____ character in and have them do something to transition us there. What? That character would never do or say something like that? No matter, we'll just rewrite their characterization and nobody will remember the difference."

Episode 02.13 is called "The Word". Synopsis: Serena and the other Wives strive to make change. Emily learns more about her new Commander. Offred faces a difficult decision.

  • Love 3

When I was 18, I took a trip to Oregon.  There I met several people, including a 15 year old girl, who lived in a strictly Christian religious cult, I'd never heard of it, but it was slightly similar to Amish, only with more beatings and nearly daily church.  I remember I beat her in a cherry pie making contest and it really devastated her because being a good cook was about the only pride the females of the group were allowed to have.

Long story short, I was young and stupid, and made it my goal to save this chick.  I didn't even like her, she was boring, and dogmatic, and could barely read (home schooled of course.)  Anyway, I helped her escape her nutty parents right after she turned 16, got her to Utah, which was not exactly a bastion of immorality. 

Within a month, she'd "fallen in love" with and moved in with a 19 year old who, once he realized just how nuts she was,dumped her.  Within a couple of months, she was fucking everything in sight, drinking, out at night dancing, she was "in love" with all of them, madly, passionately "in love" until they got tired of her, then she quickly found someone else to be "in love" with.

I was horrified, and felt guilty, until I couldn't stand it anymore and our "friendship" ended. Believe me I tried everything before that, and learned a lesson. 

So, yeah, repressed hormonal teenagers are capable of crazy emotions and rash action.  It's why so many of the tragic love stories involve young people.  They also haven't really developed a sense of their own mortality, several papers out on that, and are quite willing to die or risk death for "love!"

So, it will depend on how they handle it.  I don't have high hopes.

What is it Eden says in that clip?  I can't make out the first short thing.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 4
2 hours ago, LordOfLotion said:

I read a lot of YA, and I'm starting to think the writers of this show do too.

So much of what is happening just seems to be so cliched and due to poor writing. When you watch the interviews with the cast/producers/writing I swear they're talking about a totally different show. Do they really not know how the show is coming across or are they punking us?

Exhibit A: Serena Joy gets shot in a part of the body that *could* be the ovary or the tip of the reproductive system. For 3 weeks viewers speculate on this causing her infertility and theorize on how this "act of terrorism" against her strengthened her craziness and made her even more desperate to have a baby. Later, in an interview, Miller explains that the shot was in the hip and seems shocked as hell that people didn't realize that. (If he'd wanted her shot in a place that would injure her but not kill her, why not the shoulder or arm or leg-someplace away from the very body parts that can be used in the reproductive system-you know, the part of the body that is tied into the foundation of Gilead?)

Exhibit B: Fred creepily kisses June, tells her that he is giving her a surprise and, in a creepy half uncle kind of way, assures her that she "deserves this." Moments later, her lover is attacked and taken away right in front of her. Many people were under the impression that Fred, not only one of the leaders of Gilead but someone who's been shown to be vindictive and manipulated, set up the whole attack. Nope. Apparently  the dumbass really thought that he was doing something good. (Miller and others say that Fred felt guilt and wanted to do something nice for June.)

So many other things I could add...

And sometimes I think they feel like we're stupid. You know, like we couldn't understand that the ceremony was a type of rape so they had to show us a "real" one for us to see how awful Gilead and the Waterfucks are. Yes show, we know. 

@VagueDisclaimer, I believe it was, talked about Gimple and TWD. So many viewers have left, including myself, because of how the show has continued to unfold. I'm not saying that the showrunners should dictate all the plots and overreaching arcs but it many people continue complaining about the same things then they really should pay attention. As crazy and frustrating as LOST could be, those guys kept a good finger on their audience's pulse and they tried. (Unfortunately, by then the show was so convoluted that they'd never be able to "fix" it. Later, when asked, they couldn't even remember some of the storylines that were dropped.)

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, mamadrama said:

Unfortunately, by then the show was so convoluted that they'd never be able to "fix" it. Later, when asked, they couldn't even remember some of the storylines that were dropped.)

I fear that this is where THT is headed if the trend continues.... so many dropped plot lines. It actually makes me sad, as this story has SO much potential for greatness and it’s being squandered. 

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, heckkitty said:

So basically poor, innocent, stupid Eden was just put on this show to prove once again (spoiler alert) that Gilead is terrible?  Thanks, show, I never would have known if it wasn’t for this. 


 I feel like someone at the writers’ table came up with what they believed was a brilliant idea to establish drowning with weights as a Gilead punishment and then they just had to figure out which character/s to sacrifice for it.

Eden’s new, they never really developed her or bothered to give her real purpose on the show, and Isaac is just a jerk with a gun, they were the perfect lambs to slaughter in their minds. 

 Of all the things that they could’ve done, for this to be one of the moments that leave a lasting impression as we are nearly at the end of the season, I don’t think it was wise, I don’t think it adds anything to the story, and I believe it’s going to leave a bad taste in a lot of people’s mouths.

I mean if they were going to do this with two characters that they apparently never intended to use again, why didn’t they do this with Omar and his wife?

The impact of their deaths would’ve been huge, for June to be sitting there, helpless, wracked with the worst guilt, while the man who saved her life and his innocent wife were shackled to weights and tossed out into a pool to die just because they helped her? 

To me that would have been a far more devastating and plot driven outcome to build on.  

But killing two dumb kids for their insta-affair we barely witnessed develop? 

I see that as only more bad direction, and it takes the show in an even worse one.

  • Love 7

It is implied that Fred commanded Isaac to remain there. He calls the shots in his household.

Like everything Fred does it has come apart in the worst possible way. I dont  believe Fred is aware of other people’s emotions and is given too much credit for scheming.

He is a commander with no emotional intelligence. He may have power but no foresight into his colleagues or his own family’s opinion of him.

Despite his depravity, he doesn’t get it that June despises him. He remained naive in his theories about June even in the lake house with a gun pointed at him. 

Execution of Eden is not the right word.

Child murder is more accurate.

  • Love 1

Sometimes I do have to check I’m reading the spoiler thread and not the ‘things we hate about THT’ one :)

I am enjoying season two, not as much as season one and I agree at times there is a bad case of ‘holy plot holes batman’ about it, but I also think Margaret Atwood is a damn hard act to follow and adapting a much loved novel which on the whole was done well is a very different from creating new material.  

I love spoilers then hate that I read them, then go looking for more.  I think it does dilute some of my enjoyment of this season, but then I knew the whole plot of season one from the book and still was gripped.  We’ve been told someone escapes and there might be a fire.  

I do hope next season involves more world building and focus on other characters, I’d be happy with a Moira, Emily, Serena & Aunt Lydia focus.  Part of me would love to see what the kind of formidable Aunt Serena would make.  I know lots are not going to stay with this show, but I am definitely in.

  • Love 6

I know everyone is claiming that Eden and Isaac's deaths will be pointless but my thinking is that it is what causes Serena and the other wives to "strive to make change" like they've said in the description for episode 13. I imagine the wives know some of the punishments Gilead hands out but I wonder how often do they have to watch them being carried out especially on someone who is still a teenager? Pure speculation but I feel like "striving to make change" could have Serena out of the house without Holly  and give June/Nick/someone else the chance to grab her or something

  • Love 5
21 hours ago, mamadrama said:

I agree. This feels like another case of a character acting out of character for no other reason than to carry the plot forward. So many of these people have done things that don't make sense for their character. In the beginning I shrugged it off as , "Eh, real life is messy and you can't always predict what people are going to say or feel" but now I just feel like it's sloppy writing. It's more of a "We need the pot to go from A to B so let's bring ____ character in and have them do something to transition us there. What? That character would never do or say something like that? No matter, we'll just rewrite their characterization and nobody will remember the difference."

Episode 02.13 is called "The Word". Synopsis: Serena and the other Wives strive to make change. Emily learns more about her new Commander. Offred faces a difficult decision.

I was just wondering what the wives do to strive for change, but someone just mentioned a good idea above. 

18 hours ago, LordOfLotion said:

I read a lot of YA, and I'm starting to think the writers of this show do too.

I can't remember why I quoted this. :/ 

Just read a review from someone who has seen the  finale and it doesn't sound great but I nevertheless live in hope that it will be



"Yes. Just watched the finale, which is titled “The Word” (might have missed what this refers to), was written by Bruce Miller and directed by Mike Barker with unconventional framing.

It is Alexis Bledel’s tape for next year. Maybe the episode even tips things in her favour at the Emmys this year because I think that Ann Dowd and Madeline Brewer each only have one scene. Elisabeth Moss could use this, but she already has #11. Yvonne Strahovski continues to get her moments that should satisfy the Serena fan base. Glad that the show stopped calling her Serena Joy because that was stupid. Not a tape for Joseph Fiennes, but it is the kind of episode that he might be forced to submit because he never gets a tape and he has some material here. O-T Fagbenle only appears in the episode’s only flashback. Samira Wiley does not appear, so she was only in four of the season’s thirteen episodes and the last time that we saw Moira in the present was #9. Not a fan of Bradley Whitford’s character. He should submit #12, as should Eden.

The episode itself is solid, but what happens at the very end is dumb and capped off by a poor directorial decision that makes the moment almost comedic. The second season finale of The Handmaid’s Talewill leave you saying, “WTF?” and not in a good way. So I cannot tell how the reception will be. People should be on board for over an hour of this extended episode, but that last minute is the most important one, as it is the note that the show will leave the audience on for a year.

I should not say whether it comes to fruition, but there is the suggestion of another reset in the middle of the episode (for next season) that had me groaning. I suppose that the plot is driven on some level at this point by Fred being weirdly and unhealthily infatuated with June."



  • Love 4

UGH, another foreboding comment from someone who has seen the finale, on Twitter: 

There's also another awards show forum with someone who has seen it, and when a user say something like "no way June will forget Serena's role in the rape" the person who has seen the last ep replies "She might" with spoiler tags. 

My depressing theory: the "controversy" is that June decides to give Holly to Serena to raise so she can escape with Nick. BUT the post above that mentions yet another "soft reset" as well as Fred's continued infatuation with June makes me think the controversy might be June giving Holly to SERENA to escape to Hawaii, while she's somehow fucking stuck in Gilead still with Fred. Ew. 

Edited by Tooch
  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, Tooch said:


My depressing theory: the "controversy" is that June decides to give Holly to Serena to raise so she can escape with Nick. BUT the post above that mentions yet another "soft reset" as well as Fred's continued infatuation with June makes me think the controversy might be June giving Holly to SERENA to escape to Hawaii, while she's somehow fucking stuck in Gilead still with Fred. Ew. 


I predicted a while ago in this thread that Serena will escape to Canada with the baby.

Edited by NoSpam
  • Love 1
28 minutes ago, NoSpam said:

I predicted a while ago in this thread that Serena will escape to Canada with the baby.

That makes no sense. She was run out of Canada. How is she going to go there with a stolen baby? 


50 minutes ago, Tooch said:


My depressing theory: the "controversy" is that June decides to give Holly to Serena to raise so she can escape with Nick. BUT the post above that mentions yet another "soft reset" as well as Fred's continued infatuation with June makes me think the controversy might be June giving Holly to SERENA to escape to Hawaii, while she's somehow fucking stuck in Gilead still with Fred. Ew. 

She won't even say she loves him. Why would she run away with him. Leaving behind her TWO children?

Come on guys. 

  • Love 2
6 minutes ago, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

That makes no sense. She was run out of Canada. How is she going to go there with a stolen baby? 

Maybe we've been seeing the show through different eyes. NOTHING this season has made sense. All the melodramatic scenes are conveniently forgotten in the next episode.


And the CIA dude will still be there, waiting to publish her story.

Edited by NoSpam
  • Love 2

I’m getting the feeling that they are probably going to, yet again, separate June from the Waterford’s and her baby girl but I do not think that she will have any part of it.

I think they might try again to do what they did at the end of season one, showing June being taken away by some force outside of herself.

 I don’t know why, but I’m wondering if they’re going to try to pick up the Mexico storyline again, out of nowhere because it would be another random ass decision which they’ve been so far too full of this season, and that’s how June ends up moving out of the house and also Gilead, which could potentially tie into another escape attempt, especially if that undercover agent from Mexico gets reintroduced. 

I could definitely see them using Serena and having her lean hard on Fred, wanting him to sacrifice June permanently, to get her out of their lives for good and definitely away from the baby, and what better way to accomplish that than to put her in another country that has alreadyagreed to take handmaids in. 

 Or maybe Serena continues her demand that June leave their home and be reassigned as soon as possible, but because Fred is far too infatuated with her to think of her being passed around in Gilead, he does seem to have very abusively possessive tendencies, it’s his idea to suggest to Serena that June would be a perfect candidate to send to Mexico.

In Fred’s mind basically she would be stored in Mexico and after a while he could perhaps get her back when Serena has calmed down and is feeling more secure in her role as the stolen baby’s mother. She won’t care if June comes back as long as she is “happy” might be his assumption. 

 Or, a much more horrible thought, Serena doesn’t give a rat’s ass about what happens to June, she just wants her gone, the sooner the better.

Fred could very well use that opportunity then to put June in Jezebel's. Because why not?

He could pull some strings,call in a favor, and then he could threaten June with going to the colonies if she doesn’t agree, or never seeing either of her baby girls again, and that way she’d basically be his little sex kitten trapped in a cage that he could still visit from time to time to play with.

 To me that’s an idea which could definitely fit with Fred’s unhealthy obsession and infatuation with her, he’ll want to put June somewhere he can still have her totally under his control, Jezebel’s would do that. 

It would serve the purpose as a jail cell for June and make her even more desperate to lean on Fred’s “generosity” just to survive. 

That would just be the worst. 

  • Love 1
10 hours ago, maggiegil said:

It is Alexis Bledel’s tape for next year. Maybe the episode even tips things in her favour at the Emmys this year because I think that Ann Dowd and Madeline Brewer each only have one scene. Elisabeth Moss could use this, but she already has #11. Yvonne Strahovski continues to get her moments that should satisfy the Serena fan base. Glad that the show stopped calling her Serena Joy because that was stupid. Not a tape for Joseph Fiennes, but it is the kind of episode that he might be forced to submit because he never gets a tape and he has some material here. O-T Fagbenle only appears in the episode’s only flashback. Samira Wiley does not appear, so she was only in four of the season’s thirteen episodes and the last time that we saw Moira in the present was #9. Not a fan of Bradley Whitford’s character. He should submit #12, as should Eden.

Am I reading this wrong or this states that they are writing with an eye (or both eyes) on the Emmy's? 

This is what makes me a disloyal viewer. When the writers forget that they are there to tell stories and not to get their actors to win awards the quality decreases, and I usually give up watching.

  • Love 7

I am so not happy with what they'll do to Eden, no point in just showing again and again how Gilead is evil.

And I am starting to think that Serena will escape (or maybe get pregnant in the beginning of the next season) so that's not good.


The new Commander looks like he'll bring a refreshment in the story.

Edited by Stephanie23
  • Love 1
8 hours ago, marinw said:

I wonder if Margaret Atwood was a consultant this season.


 I have had the feeling from the very beginning that Margaret Atwood is nothing more than a sex consultant on the show.


For those of you who don't know that expression, in the corporate world, being made a "sex consultant" is when one company buys another and they are contractually obligated to pay some of the prior managers for "transition consulting.". So the new company tells the old company's managers, "if we want your fu*king advice, we'll call you." Hence the "sex consultant" moniker.

So basically you have nothing to do with what's happening, but you collect a paycheck for "consulting".

Edited by NoSpam
Google Voice doesn't understand my accent
  • Love 5
38 minutes ago, NoSpam said:

Wouldn't the punishment for an adultress be handmaid training? Is it too much to ask for a little internal consistency on this show? /rhetorical

When Aunt Lydia is greeting the girls at the red centre or giving them induction or whatever she did, she mentioned that they were sluts, adultressess, etc but that they were saved because God had made them fertile and every handmaid we've gotten more of a backstory on (June, Emily, Jeanine, Moira, bakers wife) seems to have already given birth. Maybe the fact that Eden hasn't gotten pregnant yet means she can't be granted the "dispensation" of being a handmaid but thats assuming a consistency in Gilead sentencing that we haven't seen.

9 hours ago, marinw said:

 I wonder if Margaret Atwood was a consultant this season.

Theres a video of her on set on season 2, so she has to have some involvement but who knows how much actual influence she has

  • Love 4

I'm curious about Isaac's execution. Don't get me wrong, the character was a jerk and I'm not shedding tears over him. What is his crime? If he and Eden ran off together, would he, like Eden, be executed on charges of adultery? Or is more akin to 'theft of property" -- and is Eden considered Nick's property (as his wife) or Cmdr Waterford's (as part of his household)? Nick seems to be much higher on the food chain than Isaac while not being any sort of direct supervisor. 

We've seen Cmdr Putnam's hand cut off for the improper relationship with Jeanine. Did Marisa Tomei-Wife say what happened to her husband when she was sentenced to the colonies? I thought nothing happened to him, but may be misremembering. What about her lover? The particicution male victim was said to have raped a pregnant handmaid, who subsequently lost the baby, so his execution was directly linked to the fetus' death (though we don't know if that was truly his crime). 

Under misogynist Gilead rule, I can see Eden being executed for adultery, but would expect a severe-but-lesser sentence for Isaac, the innocent victim of a female seductress. "He just needs a wife of his own," they'd think, "and reassignment."  I guess not if he took another man's property (and a higher-ranking man's at that).

  • Love 1

Who knows?

The Commander's seem to make it up at will, and no one can argue with them, what they say goes.  We saw one trial, and the punishment seemed up to the jury of Commanders.

The only good thing I can see coming from executing Eden is that apparently all the wives and econwives are there.  It's possible this execution, by drowning no less, could set off some discussion/turmoil among more than just the handmaids for a change.

I can't imagine anyone is pleased that a 15 year old girl is executed this way, other than the Commanders that is, who obviously don't give a shit about females.

It's also possible that Fred frames them for his crime.  (Getting June to see her child.) and also still possible Issac had something to do with Nick being arrested and June left to give birth on her own, but I seriously doubt it.  I don't doubt Fred's ability to frame them though.

They better not just hand-wave the last episode all away!  Fred should be in deep shit for all of that.


By framing them I mean Fred leaves the "seeing Hannah" part out and frames them for luring Nick and June to the deserted house, possibly so Issac and Eden would have a chance to fuck/escape/whatever.

Edited by Umbelina
  • Love 1
On 6/29/2018 at 12:12 AM, mamadrama said:

So much of what is happening just seems to be so cliched and due to poor writing. When you watch the interviews with the cast/producers/writing I swear they're talking about a totally different show. Do they really not know how the show is coming across or are they punking us?

Exhibit A: Serena Joy gets shot in a part of the body that *could* be the ovary or the tip of the reproductive system. For 3 weeks viewers speculate on this causing her infertility and theorize on how this "act of terrorism" against her strengthened her craziness and made her even more desperate to have a baby. Later, in an interview, Miller explains that the shot was in the hip and seems shocked as hell that people didn't realize that. (If he'd wanted her shot in a place that would injure her but not kill her, why not the shoulder or arm or leg-someplace away from the very body parts that can be used in the reproductive system-you know, the part of the body that is tied into the foundation of Gilead?)

<respectfully snipped>

Agreed so much. It's not just the potential for confusion regarding where she was shot, it's that she being aware she was infertile made much more sense for her character development. It would push to her a harder line against the then-existing government and the opposition to her movement -- they took her opportunity to be a mother away from her. It would explain why she and Fred stopped having sex and why he was assigned a handmaid right off the bat. It would make sense how determined she was to have June conceive, even if it meant having sex with Nick, since it was the only way Serena would get her precious baby. I don't know why she didn't go the turkey baster route long before if her fertility wasn't at issue.

Maybe we're supposed to understand that she put off trying to get pregnant until her revolution came into being, then found out she couldn't? (Like the feminists she railed against.)  It doesn't seem like she gave it much time if the revolution is only three-some years ago. If she were much older, as she was in the book, it would make more sense that she just ran out of time.

When she tells Fred that he isn't the father of June's child, she spits at him that "he's not worthy" to be a father. It was a line with a ring of truth for Serena. She notices how Mrs Putnam is a lousy mother and can't help remarking on it. If she were able to conceive, to be "worthy," to be a mother, I believe she would, even if she had to choose a father other than her husband.

I've thought about this way too much!

  • Love 1

I just watched The Talk and they had Bradley Whitford. The preview was AWESOME but I can't get it from here but here is what is said:

Bradley Whitford upon meeting Emily: ".........Ble.....Blessed be the fruit?

Emily:  "May the Lord open and Praised be, may God make me worthy........"

Bradley: "Super." <he walks to open the front door.>

Aunt Lydia: "Shall we wait for Mrs. Lawrence?"

Bradley: "She won't be coming down, she's not feeling well. <pause, speaks to Aunt Lydia holding the door open for her to leave.> We're good here."

OMG it is awesome! He said SUPER! 

  • Love 9
7 hours ago, DuckyinKy said:

I just watched The Talk and they had Bradley Whitford. The preview was AWESOME but I can't get it from here but here is what is said:

Bradley Whitford upon meeting Emily: ".........Ble.....Blessed be the fruit?

Emily:  "May the Lord open and Praised be, may God make me worthy........"

Bradley: "Super." <he walks to open the front door.>

Aunt Lydia: "Shall we wait for Mrs. Lawrence?"

Bradley: "She won't be coming down, she's not feeling well. <pause, speaks to Aunt Lydia holding the door open for her to leave.> We're good here."

OMG it is awesome! He said SUPER! 


Couldn't find it on You Tube.

Episode 193, 5th segment at about 22:19. The clip runs first, and they talk about THT towards the end of the segment. Other than the clip, there isn't really anything we don't already know about THT.

  • Love 1
On 6/29/2018 at 11:21 PM, Deputy Deputy CoS said:

That makes no sense. She was run out of Canada. How is she going to go there with a stolen baby? 


She won't even say she loves him. Why would she run away with him. Leaving behind her TWO children?

Come on guys. 

Realistically, you're right. In the showrunner's universe, however, logic seems to have flown out the window a long time ago. So we never know...

  • Love 1

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