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In "The Duels" night two, the top qualifying acts from each division will choose a rival and face off in a head-to-head elimination duel. The judges will score each act based on their artistry, precision and athleticism, and the top scoring act from each duel will move forward in the competition and be one step closer to winning a grand prize of $1 million.

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I liked Nick so well last time that I would have awarded him the win, stop the show now. But last night, Nick vs. Fik-Shun was the only outcome I agreed with. I REALLY dislike the frantic Swing Latino for the reasons others have posted above, and very much enjoyed the Miami group. Like Ne-Yo said, it felt like a Broadway routine ... because it was GOOD. You know, like Broadway! After disagreeing with every duel after Fik-Shun's, I've resigned myself to accepting that my favorites are going to be beaten every week so I'm not going to stress about it. I absolutely LOVED Quick Step. And you are not alone, LittleIggy, being uncomfortable with the non-costume being worn by the baby Eva. Totally out of good taste and bordering (bordering like hell) on child porn IMO.

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Mr. Hula-la watched WOD with me last night.  His comment: "get rid of the weird set, stop focusing so much on the judges, and spend more time on the dancing".  We much preferred Kyntay to Eva Igo (doubly when we realised that they're Canadian!).  It wasn't dancing that she was doing. It seemed like a rhythmic or artistic gymnastics routine, with a few extra dance steps thrown in.  Add an inappropriate costume choice on top of that, and it just made for some uncomfortable watching. 

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11 hours ago, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

I didn't even need to see Fikshun and his opponent, and Kyntay and Eva dance. It was a forgone conclusion that Fikshun and Eva the plucky tween were winning regardless of how they danced.

This. SO MUCH THIS!!!!

And I noticed something interesting: When Fikshun "won?" He didn't look happy or grateful or anything like that. He was trying his damnedest to NOT look disgusted but failing. I think he knew and was told it was a foregone conclusion that he would go through.


But the other guy was better.

The one where (I'm not so great on the names...) The two hip hop girls were dancing against the inappropriate 'tween? I think they did better. Their routing was SLAMMIN' but alas, the inappropriate tween (too young to be that sexy...uck...just...no) was a foregone conclusion.

Same with les twins when they dance. And jabbawockeez. And kinjaz, and...you get the picture.

This was better in that you can see the actual dances and not just snippets, but still....

Not really my show...

I'm house sitting and these trogadites still have a VCR. VCR!!!! They don't have a DVR OR a flat screen!!!  I'm a really early riser and staying up this late to watch it live isn't gonna happen. Maybe once I get home again I can DVR it...

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I refuse to be impressed with any iteration of HMV, until I see it done on both sides. Like male ice skaters, who now have to master quads, this should be the new goal.

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18 minutes ago, Mason said:

I refuse to be impressed with any iteration of HMV, until I see it done on both sides. Like male ice skaters, who now have to master quads, this should be the new goal.

Or maybe having a limit on how many times you can do this?  Once or twice is borderline okay with me, but multiple times is annoying and makes me think you don't have any other skills to show off.

Once again the fillers were irritating.  Why did they need to re-show so much of each routine from the past weeks as well as the behind the scenes stuff?  The finger swiping needs to go along with the "lock in your scores/time to lock in the scores/or any other variation of this they come up with.  The scrolling numbers for the scores need to be eliminated as well.  I'm very happy I have a PVR I use for this as the actual dance/competition time doesn't amount to much.   I'll also join the bandwagon for people who don't like the cutaways to the judges.  It's a dance show, not a "let's see the judges' reactions" show. 

I know I couldn't watch this live as I'd be too annoyed. 

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I'm actually surprised at myself because I agree with all the judge's choices. Fiction was cleaner, more controlled and I felt his audition more than Nick's. In fact Nick piece felt like only power move after power move to me. I think Swing Latino were also better than the Miami Allstars. They were faster, sharper, cleaner and their tricks were better. Again, between Eva and Kyntay, no comparison. Quintet weren't that synchronized and clean whereas Eva was on point and her musicality continues to impress me. Similarly the husband / wife couple told a story and IMO had a higher difficulty level than the trio. I think the trio lost some 'uniqueness' points when they switched to more standard music. So in all, I enjoyed it a lot. 

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I liked the first B-Boys group and the Kinjas. I would like to see the Kinjas do a faster routine though.

The twins routine i found boring. The kids latin dance was good for their age but nothing special. The married couple was again good but boring. The contemporary girl - i am surprised she got through ! I though the choreography just didn't match the song and her range was very limited beyond contortionist moves ! As for the cloggers - their routine seemed much shorter than everyone else - i agree with what someone said about them being fodder for the show.


As for the judges - this is supposed to be a world dance competition for the best of the best. So the judges are one choreographer, a rapper / producer and a singer who can dance. So of those one might know a bit more about hat to look for in the technique and movement department - but that is it ! I thought they would have a professional dancer or some dance teachers / coaches etc. People who actually know what to look for in the footwork and movement and transitions ! But no - sadly it is just another gimmiky show with what will probably be mediocre talent whilst the real stars are elsewhere in the world doing their thing !

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So despite all of the obvious flaws that SYTYCD has - watching this concurrently really makes me happy it is back.  As likable as I find Jenna - she is no Cat Deeley.

I really do not like this head to head set up. And it is just so produced. Having said that - I am happy it is on because I like seeing some of the dancers I've loved watching in the past and being exposed to new dancers. 

What I don't like is Fik-shun - he is missing some of the joy he used to dance with. I don't know if it is just him being older or the show - but it makes me sad.  

I was so-so on both of the big Latino dance groups in their auditions.  This time around  though: Swing Latino is so frenetic that it just looks sloppy to me. Miami All Stars just felt like a better performance - they should have moved on. 

I really enjoyed Kyntay - they a little powerhouses and (about to sound like an old lady) still age appropriate.  I probably would have enjoyed Eva more with a different song choice. Agreed, that she was going forward no matter what though.

I really love watching Keonie and Mari - they just tell beautiful stories without being on the nose. I think Quick Style came own to musical choice for me again.  A different song may have made me feel differently about it  but I think the right group won this one.

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I guess I'm in the minority here because I enjoyed the 'duels' format a hell of a lot more than the hot mess that was the qualifiers.  I think it has promise as a competitive premise for one thing - makes the scores of the qualifiers actually mean something which they should have better communicated last time.  I also like the behind-the-scenes peek at the strategies each side was pursuing to beat their competitor and some of the judges commentary during that segment had relevance to dance.

Agreed with all the winners besides the team since I disliked both.  The swing number was ok, but not something I even remember.  The other team was just so frantic I couldn't process it.

Fikshun v. Nick - Nick blew it, hands down.  Flexibility is great but contemporary is about communicating emotion and a story along with the technique and there was none of that.  In this case, a hip hop soloist has an advantage because that genre IS more about tricks, showy moves, and entertaining.

Kyntay vs. Eva - I must have sat through waaaaay too many junior solo routines because neither the costume nor dance caused me to raise an eyebrow.  Here, I guessed the outcome but not from 'fixing' -  a good jazz/contemp solo is almost always going to beat out an equally good hip hop duo.  As the otherwise useless 'host' said - soloists can show off their abilities without having to worry about synchronizing which always brings the score down.  Every competition I've been at, 9 times out of 10 the highest scoring routine in a category (including duos, trios, and groups) is a solo.   A few too many 'look how flexible' I am moves for my tastes, but unlike Nick she danced through them and channeled emotion suited to the song without it coming across as fake.  Overall, though, I still think kid dancers lack the maturity physically and emotionally to compete against adults.

Keonie and Marie vs. QuickStyle - I was afraid QS would win.  I liked them, but for me dance is all about the emotion being conveyed.  Since it is such a physical energy, it can be really difficult to convey that emotion through a TV screen (especially when the camera angles are wonky and they keep breaking to the judges reaction) but K&M got me.  I could barely watch QS because my heart was still pitter-pattering from the strength of their connection with each other.  Really hope they do well as they move against the more popular acts.

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My preferences:

Nick over Fikshun but I expected Fikshun to win and was fine with him winning as I think he has more range overall. 

Miami All Stars over Team Salsa, they really brought it and I loved it but they were up against all odds. 

Eva over Kyntay, I'm just not impressed with the duo, maybe I need to watch some of their YouTube videos. 

Didnt really love K&M, but I'm glad they got the nod over Quickstyle. 


Only four duels this week ?, I guess some of these matchups are getting montaged because they would need four episodes just to do all the duels. 

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11 hours ago, hula-la said:

We much preferred Kyntay to Eva Igo (doubly when we realised that they're Canadian!).  It wasn't dancing that she was doing. It seemed like a rhythmic or artistic gymnastics routine, with a few extra dance steps thrown in. 

I thought the same about Nick too. Neither routine felt like dance to me, all they needed was a hoop to throw in the air & they would have a rhythmic gymnastics routine. 

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11 hours ago, Mason said:

I refuse to be impressed with any iteration of HMV, until I see it done on both sides. Like male ice skaters, who now have to master quads, this should be the new goal.


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I was so impressed by Eva the first time and so disappointed tonight.  Her dance was basically the same performance as last time.  Even her costume was almost the same, just crimson.

What really creeped me out is the flirty smile/scowl she does as part of her act.  Again, she did the same exact thing in her last dance, switching back and forth between the two intentionally.

Whoever pointed out that she has one leg she can extend and relies on it too heavily was spot on.

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As for the judges - this is supposed to be a world dance competition for the best of the best. So the judges are one choreographer, a rapper / producer and a singer who can dance. So of those one might know a bit more about hat to look for in the technique and movement department - but that is it ! I thought they would have a professional dancer or some dance teachers / coaches etc. People who actually know what to look for in the footwork and movement and transitions ! But no - sadly it is just another gimmiky show with what will probably be mediocre talent whilst the real stars are elsewhere in the world doing their thing !

I never thought I'd be defending Derek Hough (who always annoyed me on DWTS) or Jennifer Lopez who, in my opinion, is actually a dancer who can kind of sing, but here we are. They were both professional dancers before they became celebrities. Derek is not just a choreographer. He is a former world champion in ballroom and he was a professional dancer in two West End shows before he joined DWTS. Before Jennifer Lopez was J Lo, she was in several musicals, she was a backup dancer for NKOTB and Janet Jackson, and she was a Fly Girl on In Living Color (which was a HUGE deal for dancers in the 90s). Both of them know about technique as well as performance so they are more than qualified to judge dancing IMO.

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One reason I really love Keone and Mari is that they are confident adults who are telling a story instead of jamming their 90 seconds with back to back tricks. Aside from the actual dance style, you can tell that Nick and Eva come from a competition background because their routines are a stream of tricks. Don't get me wrong - as a former dancer, I love flexibility, turns, leaps, and technique. But I also get annoyed when a routine is just "how many tricks can I do in the allotted time?" I prefer Eva's routines because she has better transitions between tricks and a slower pace whereas with Nick I felt like his choreographer thought putting more than two counts between tricks was wasting time he could use for more tricks. For all of the faults of SYTYCD, one thing I like is seeing how the dancers deal with choreography that isn't tailor made to show off their usual tricks.

Anyway, my point is that it takes a lot of balls for Keone and Mari to come out and do routines that are the opposite of what we saw from, say, Nick or Swing Latino.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Ew. They picked all the ones I thought lost the duel.

That contemporary dude's solo is so much more impressive than Fikshun's solo.

The Miami Swing group was hella more entertaining than the shiny dancers.

I can't stand Keone and Mari's cutsey try-hard choreography, so I would pick Quick Step. Plus, Mari is 10x a better dancer than Keone. I notice it everytime they do a side-by-side.

Both weren't that great, but I would have picked the 2 young hip hop girls, instead of that contemporary dancer. I think I have watched too many contemporary dances on SYTYCD that it's so hard to be impressed by any.

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One reason I really love Keone and Mari is that they are confident adults 

Mari has the ugliest haircut I've ever seen.  It's so ugly it actually distracts  me out of their performance.

The video background during the 3 Norweigan/]Asian guys was insane--it was so colorful and active that I got eyestrain trying to follow the group.

I think that its been decided that Eva Igo and Fickshun are the annointed finalists. 

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Hnygrl, now that you said that about Fik-Shun not looking happy when he won his duel, I noticed that as well. I wonder if he was recruited and "had" to be on this show. What I liked about him on SYTYCD was his big smile and always-happy attitude. But I guess even cheerful people get depressed. So I'll cut him slack. And thanks for the def of HMV ... I think Eewww. But after reading here and on other dance-show threads that dancers keeping using the same leg for their HMV move, it really irks me now. Yes, demonstrate you can do HMV with BOTH legs, please! (I think.) And Eva and her costume/sexy dance just makes me think of JonBenét Ramsey. Not a good thing IMO.

Oh, and hnygrl, don't worry, I will never invite you to my troglodyte home to watch my antique square-box tv with attached VCR/DVD/TAPE player. LOL!

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4 hours ago, WhineandCheez said:

Mari has the ugliest haircut I've ever seen.  It's so ugly it actually distracts  me out of their performance.

The video background during the 3 Norweigan/]Asian guys was insane--it was so colorful and active that I got eyestrain trying to follow the group.

I think that its been decided that Eva Igo and Fickshun are the annointed finalists. 

I think FikShun is going to be one of the all stars on sytycd?  So, I assume he doesn't get far in wod. 

Since choreography is on an equal plane with the other elements, I can see why Keone and Mari won their duel.  Their routine had more depth than QS.  The dancing wasn't as flashy but the movement brought me into the story.  They made everything look so easy.  Too bad sytycd dancers can't make their (Keone and Mari) choreography look this good. 

Keone/Mari and Jabba should beat everyone in the choreography element.  If they hold their own in the other elements, they should be the finalists.

Edited by crossover
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I was underwhelmed by Fik-shun.  For everyone who complains that the contemporary dancers do the same moves, so does he.  Some of the contemp moves are more impressive to me, then the moves he does.  Plus, he has been lacking in that joyful demeanor he had on SYTYCD, so I am not feeling it.  I though Nick's solo was way better, but I do agree that Nick didn't project emotion too well...and some of his flailing moves seemed desperate.


I enjoyed Kyntay quite a bit, but the song choice was a little age inappropriate unless they are older that I thought.  I know...Get off my lawn!  Still, they were great.  I think Eva is hella talented, but agree her performance was soooo similar to the one she qualified with.


I liked Quick Step so much better in the duel than in their qualifier.

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2 hours ago, WrongReasons said:

WOD was recorded back in Jan/Feb so it won't affect his stint on SYTYCD. 

Thanks.  I guess I was thinking they wouldn't want FikShun on one network/show on Mon then another on Tue.

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I think they're trying super hard to make Eva Igo the next Maddie Ziegler, and I just am not seeing it.  Eva's good, but to me without the gymnastics and flexibility she'd probably be average.  So they're using nude-like costumes to reiterate the comparison.  Remember the nude body suit Ziegler wore in those Sia videos and all the related appearances?

I agree, Fik Shun seems to have lost his magic.  Maybe it's just that he was so young when he won SYTYCD?  

So why was Jenna's hair 8" longer in the dance floor footage than in the behind-the-scenes footage?  It didn't even look like extensions.  Did they film the behind the scenes stuff long after the dancing footage itself, maybe?  

I like Mari and her hubs but they feel very NappyTabs-SYTYCD-choreo to me, in a bad way.  Is each dance going to have a blatant story and props and social commentary?   Will the audience ever be trusted to interpret a dance itself?  

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On 6/21/2017 at 3:03 PM, romantic idiot said:

I'm actually surprised at myself because I agree with all the judge's choices. Fiction was cleaner, more controlled and I felt his audition more than Nick's. In fact Nick piece felt like only power move after power move to me. I think Swing Latino were also better than the Miami Allstars. They were faster, sharper, cleaner and their tricks were better. Again, between Eva and Kyntay, no comparison. Quintet weren't that synchronized and clean whereas Eva was on point and her musicality continues to impress me. Similarly the husband / wife couple told a story and IMO had a higher difficulty level than the trio. I think the trio lost some 'uniqueness' points when they switched to more standard music. So in all, I enjoyed it a lot. 

I agree with you and the judges.  I did think it was close with the last duel.

I knew Nick lost it when he said that he was going to add a whole bunch of tricks.   He's young and a competition dancer so I can see why he thought that way.  He is a great technician and has flexibility with both legs.    So he lost on the choreography.  Fik-Shun has lost some of his humor but I think he still has more range and can show different types of solos.

I didn't like the Miami group at all during their audition.  They improved a lot and their number could be in Broadway.  But Swing Latino is a better representative of Latin dancing.  They are so sharp and fast.

Didn't like the girl duet at all so Eva wins by default.   The duet did have lots of energy but they weren't synchronized.  They also didn't really show any movement that I haven't seen tons of high school kids do.

Keone and Mari told a wonderful story through dance.  I think Quick Style could have advanced if they competed against somebody else.

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I think Fikshun is just trying to prove that he doesn't have to smile.  He also looks like he feels as if he's sold his soul to Satan by participating in this..  I could be projecting.

I found Miami All Stars boring and ffed through them.  Some good tricks, but just didn't do it for me.

I preferred Kyntay to Eva.

Derek makes a big fuss over the scoring rubric and how awesome it is.  Instead of wasting time watching people "lock in their scores" and watching the scores count down, how about showing us the effing rubricked results?  That might be interesting.

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LOL at Nick being good at HMV. We need a new acronym for him. Judges kept telling people to come back next year, so WOD must have gotten a contract. Maybe it's gonna be a staple like DWTS and SYTYCD. Because, you know, everyone loves dance shows. I wish Kyntay's girls would have had the same hairdo. I liked the big hair on the one girl and wished the other had worn a wig or had blown out her hair so they matched. Their clothes were the same, I just wish their hair had been. Not that it matters now, but maybe they can do that when they COME BACK NEXT YEAR!

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I have some questions of how choreographing work on WoD. Obviously on SYTYCD we have "well-known" choreographers in each style and in that way everyone is basically on an even playing level. Are there show ones here to and we just arent shown that side or do contestants HAVE to do their own or is it up to each performer to hire their own? I wonder this tonight when Fikshun was talking about how much of his dance was freestyle. Then again with the 2 girls who dance on Janet Jackson tour going against Eva. I would assume the 2 girls would have easier access to better choreographers. 

I see what everyone is saying about eva and nicks tricks but I will say at least Eva seems to have the flexibility on both sides which you don't often see in jrs their age. If I recall Nicks was all in his left(?) leg. Also was he on dancemoms ...maybe the Miami version? kid looks familiar. 

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6 hours ago, ZombiUnicorn said:

I have some questions of how choreographing work on WoD. Obviously on SYTYCD we have "well-known" choreographers in each style and in that way everyone is basically on an even playing level. Are there show ones here to and we just arent shown that side or do contestants HAVE to do their own or is it up to each performer to hire their own? I wonder this tonight when Fikshun was talking about how much of his dance was freestyle. Then again with the 2 girls who dance on Janet Jackson tour going against Eva. I would assume the 2 girls would have easier access to better choreographers. 

I see what everyone is saying about eva and nicks tricks but I will say at least Eva seems to have the flexibility on both sides which you don't often see in jrs their age. If I recall Nicks was all in his left(?) leg. Also was he on dancemoms ...maybe the Miami version? kid looks familiar. 

In most dance situations (including this show), the dancers are responsible for their own choreography. They can do it themselves or they can hire professionals to create their routines.

Although 99% of dancers favor one side or another, whether it's splits or pirouettes, at this level of dance the difference in flexibility between the left and right side is pretty negligible. It's not like you'll see a dancer of this caliber with 180+ degree split on the left and a 90 degree "split" on the right. If you were to ask any of these contemporary dancers to demonstrate their HMV on both sides, they'd be pretty even. Sometimes they favor doing it on one leg because their ankle on the supporting leg is stronger. Chronic injuries or strained ankles are really common for dancers. I know that I had one ankle that got sore frequently so I preferred balancing on the other foot. My flexibility was pretty even on both sides. If I wasn't warmed up, my left side was maybe one degree lower than my right side, but once I was warmed up they were both 180.

17 hours ago, saber5055 said:

LOL at Nick being good at HMV. We need a new acronym for him.

I remember in S1 of SYTYCD, we did have an acronym on TWoP for when guys did HMV but I can't remember what it was. HMB?

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Fik-sun vs Nick:  I didn't care for either of them, but Fik-shun was better.

Swing Latino vs Miami All-stars: loved the tricks by SL and they had as much dancing -- SL wins

Kyntay vs Eva: I thought Kyntay was sharp and synchronized; Eva may have been fluid, but it was another gymnastic floor routine -- Kyntay should have gone through

Keone & Mari vs QuickStyle:  The trio didn't stand a chance.  K&M were shard, fluid and fun.  The boys didn't seem to much dancing.  K&M for the win!


On 6/22/2017 at 1:12 AM, PhD-Purgatory15 said:

It's slang for a really common contemporary dance move done by females known as the "Here's my Vagina".

One leg snaps up by their head, and they are officially "showing off" lol.


Edited by jhlipton
Kyntay not Kintay
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On 6/24/2017 at 8:52 AM, crowceilidh said:

Derek makes a big fuss over the scoring rubric and how awesome it is.  Instead of wasting time watching people "lock in their scores" and watching the scores count down, how about showing us the effing rubricked results?  That might be interesting.

I would bet the rubric is a sham and that's one reason we don't see those results.  I think producers just make up a final number.  The rubric tablets we see the judges fiddling with are probably as fake as the 'scale' on The Biggest Loser.  

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On 6/25/2017 at 3:06 PM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

In most dance situations (including this show), the dancers are responsible for their own choreography. They can do it themselves or they can hire professionals to create their routines.

Although 99% of dancers favor one side or another, whether it's splits or pirouettes, at this level of dance the difference in flexibility between the left and right side is pretty negligible. It's not like you'll see a dancer of this caliber with 180+ degree split on the left and a 90 degree "split" on the right. If you were to ask any of these contemporary dancers to demonstrate their HMV on both sides, they'd be pretty even. Sometimes they favor doing it on one leg because their ankle on the supporting leg is stronger. Chronic injuries or strained ankles are really common for dancers. I know that I had one ankle that got sore frequently so I preferred balancing on the other foot. My flexibility was pretty even on both sides. If I wasn't warmed up, my left side was maybe one degree lower than my right side, but once I was warmed up they were both 180.

I remember in S1 of SYTYCD, we did have an acronym on TWoP for when guys did HMV but I can't remember what it was. HMB?

HMS - Here's my Schlong. 

14 hours ago, jhlipton said:

Kyntay vs Eva: I thought Kyntay was sharp and synchronized; Eva may have been fluid, but it was another gymnastic floor routine -- Kyntay should have gone through


They may have been sharp but they didn't look synchronised to me. Hair flowing off in different directions, jackets flapping here and there...just didn't feel clean.  

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On 6/24/2017 at 8:43 PM, ZombiUnicorn said:

I have some questions of how choreographing work on WoD. Obviously on SYTYCD we have "well-known" choreographers in each style and in that way everyone is basically on an even playing level. Are there show ones here to and we just arent shown that side or do contestants HAVE to do their own or is it up to each performer to hire their own? I wonder this tonight when Fikshun was talking about how much of his dance was freestyle. Then again with the 2 girls who dance on Janet Jackson tour going against Eva. I would assume the 2 girls would have easier access to better choreographers. 

I see what everyone is saying about eva and nicks tricks but I will say at least Eva seems to have the flexibility on both sides which you don't often see in jrs their age. If I recall Nicks was all in his left(?) leg. Also was he on dancemoms ...maybe the Miami version? kid looks familiar. 

It looks like there are no choreographers for WOD.  The dancers either make up their own routines or have a set number of routines made up for them before the show.

My daughter said that Nick was on Dance Moms.  I wonder if he was on the Miami version since it featured Victor's and Angel's studio since that is where Nick trained.  She didn't watch that version very much but she said that he was on Cathy's team at one point.  Cathy had a rotating set of dancers.  After she said that, I remembered him but he looked so young then.

Edited by realdancemom
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8 hours ago, romantic idiot said:

They may have been sharp but they didn't look synchronised to me. Hair flowing off in different directions, jackets flapping here and there...just didn't feel clean.  

I agree. If you watched them individually by holding your hand in front of the screen to hide the other dancer, they each look fine. But when watching both of them side by side, they were not synchronized enough. That's something that's crucial when it's just two people. In a larger group, you may not notice when someone hits a movie a millisecond later, but when there are only two people it's really obvious.

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Grrrr.  This show is really irritating.  It feels like the whole competition was written by some very bad scriptwriters.  (Scriptwriter: "So, we'll cast Les Twins for the role of the non-American hh experts.... etc etc.")

Or alternatively, like scriptwriters watched an actual not-for-tv competition and then got a list of which competitors could make it back for filiming and then wrote the script based on their experience at the real competition, edited for tv.

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"It gave me all the feels."  Me: "not the goosies?" (I guess it's a American Idol thing.)

8 minutes in and I am really not feeling the duels as I missed it last week.  Maybe it's the pre taping of it all, but I feel without the live aspect, it's lacks the real sense of urgency of do or die battling.

Also because it needs to be repeated; the editing on this show is HORRIBLE.  

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On 6/26/2017 at 9:14 AM, realdancemom said:

It looks like there are no choreographers for WOD.  The dancers either make up their own routines or have a set number of routines made up for them before the show.

I thought we were being a bit unfair to competition dancers blaming Nick's routine on that but if he picked or modified his own choreo I can see how the competition background and inexperience caused him to make bad choices.

By senior level, if you are at a competition with good judges, I would expect the non-stop 'flexibility and tricks' routines you see with the minis to die off when it comes to those in the winner's circle.  I just associate it with a very juvenile aesthetic and more of a way of masking that you can't really dance.   OTOH - given who the judges are here, showy could have been the way to go had he not been up against Fik-shun

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That solo dancing girl is some sort of sorceress. I'm generally not a fan of contemporary, and I figured she'd be technically proficient, yet emotionless and boring.  I was pulling for the group, they had emotion, and a meaningful dance storyline and props, but, I'll be damned if that girl with her creepy, bendy body and crazy intensity didn't ensnare me. 

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3 hours ago, rollacoaster said:

That solo dancing girl is some sort of sorceress. I'm generally not a fan of contemporary, and I figured she'd be technically proficient, yet emotionless and boring.  I was pulling for the group, they had emotion, and a meaningful dance storyline and props, but, I'll be damned if that girl with her creepy, bendy body and crazy intensity didn't ensnare me. 

I find her very compelling and loved her performance tonight! Super Cr3w is so much fun to watch, but the background behind them was so distracting. 

Aww, the Boys of Temecula made me sad for them.

Love Les Twins.

Edited by CrazyDog
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