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I'm really struggling to like Christina Hendricks' character (Beth?). She's really been working my nerves big time the last two episodes. She's been acting like everyone else got them into situation. How can we do this? We can't keep doing this? Let's turn around and not cross the border? I get it and all, but their options are limited and Beth is one of the reasons why. There's no way she just paid off what was past due on her mortgage, I'm sure she cleared some of their credit cards as well because she's way more fluid now in general. Wasn't there almost no room on the cards because of crap purchases like lingerie for the ditzy girlfriend? Anyway, point is, Christina is acting very much like she's helping her sister out of a jam that she got into, rather than one she is in as well and greatly contributed to getting them into. I'm not saying in her actions, but in her attitude. I like Christina the actress a lot, but Beth the character is a bit much for me at the moment and it feels like they've made her the main lead, so I'm not sure I'll stick with it if there's no ownership by her soon. It's at odds with the rest of her character, and that's a big part of the problem for me. Mae's character, for sure spent way too much of course, but she's like, can't believe I have to smuggle drugs up my butt, but let's do this and is all in. And now this holier than though, "we're good normal people" woman is like, yes, I want to voluntarily work for a drug dealer and counterfeit smuggler (risky plan, will she be getting paid in real cash? how would she even know? Oh I know, let's bring my sister on board!) that I just got out front under.

Hopefully that makes sense and that's where I am right now with this show. I'm not bailing now, may not be bailing at all, but I'm going to need a changed feeling soon in the next couple of episodes that gets me looking forward to the next one, because right now I'm not, just sort of still giving it a shot but not necessarily excited about it. I like and enjoy Retta's character a ton, I enjoy Mae's character because even though she's a mess, she's at least entertaining, and I like all the actresses. But I'm neither liking nor entertained by Christina's character right now. And I'm not a huge fan of where she appears to be steering this show.

Also, not for nothing, but as they are looking at Mae with judgment about the car they had to drown in the lake because of her synced phone, they crossed the border and showed their passports as border patrol recorded and searched their car while the cameras recorded every moment. It's a problem regardless, but she may have done them a favor for now at least. They did not think any of that through. At all.

  • Love 3

Yeah, my parents left me alone at 11 and I was babysitting by 12, so when the social worker was like "How long was she alone for?!" all indignant, I was like " ... Maybe things are different now."

I think it's more that Annie wants a judge to grant custody, so she has to show why her living situation is better for Sadie than Sadie's father's home.  If her living situation is one where her kid is left alone a lot of the time, particularly if it's a situation where the kid is injured badly because he was left alone, that's something a court is going to frown upon.  But you are also right in that the kid is old enough to where the court will weigh what they want when making a decision.   

Edited by txhorns79
  • Love 3
1 hour ago, grisgris said:

Thanks so much! I've never heard of that site.

For future reference, you have a decent shot of picking up the song using Shazam or something similar if you play it back loudly enough. I've picked up plenty of song names during shows and commercials that way, just have to get it to the point where the song is playing the longest when characters are speaking the least.

  • Love 1
21 hours ago, JasmineFlower said:

I'm really struggling to like Christina Hendricks' character (Beth?).

Same. I don't really like her and more importantly I don't understand her. I feel like she's all over the place. That being said though, I really want her and the bad guy to hook up so!

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Fire 1
  • Love 1

Can I just say I love that we're all in agreement that Matthew Lillard cheating on Christina Hendricks indicates that he is not a well man?

23 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I think it's more that Annie wants a judge to grant custody, so she has to show why her living situation is better for Sadie than Sadie's father's home.  If her living situation is one where her kid is left alone a lot of the time, particularly if it's a situation where the kid is injured badly because he was left alone, that's something a court is going to frown upon.  But you are also right in that the kid is old enough to where the court will weigh what they want when making a decision.   

But there's no custody to grant--Annie and her ex have shared custody at this point, he's trying to take hers away and be the sole custodian. He can provide for Sadie financially while still sharing custody with Annie--she's not abusive or negligent, and besides the crime stuff that neither he nor the courts know about, the reason Sadie is left home alone at all is so that Annie can go to work. If he wants to pay for private school or a new laptop or whatever, literally nothing is stopping him. Maybe he feels that because he's able to spend more money on Sadie, he's entitled to more time with her. That's not how co-parenting works, dude.

  • Love 11
6 hours ago, lovinbob said:

I wouldn't be surprised if it turns out that Beth's husband has a major drug addiction too. That would account for the irrational decision-making (ie, cheating on Christina Hendricks), out of control spending (mistress lingerie wouldn't account for three mortgages), and bloatedness. 

Didn't he mention something in the pilot about his car dealership not doing well? And wasn't that the reason why he needed the mortgages? Or did I remember that wrong?

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, paulvdb said:

Didn't he mention something in the pilot about his car dealership not doing well? And wasn't that the reason why he needed the mortgages? Or did I remember that wrong?

No, I remember that as well. And in this episode when they were talking about money, he was saying business was picking back up or whatever story he had to tell to get back in Christina's good graces a bit whether true or not, so I think that further confirms, things at the dealership were definitely rough and a main source of their money problems.

  • Love 2
On 3/6/2018 at 8:56 PM, txhorns79 said:

She was credited in the guest star credits.  

One thing I never understand about threatening to kill people when they owe money, if you kill the person, that guarantees you will never get your money. 

I've always also had the same theory about blackmail. What's in it for the extortionist if he reveals something?  

On 3/13/2018 at 2:55 PM, Boofish said:

Network TV does not have a black women wig budget. 

Listen! I gave up Person of Interest largely due to Taraji's ponytail.  Same with How to Get Away with Murder and Viola Davis' wigs. I couldn't take it. Also, I wonder if it's less a matter of budget and more of an industry "we never bother to hire stylists who know anything about black hair styling, thus the half-ass wigs" thing. I wanna hang in there for Retta...


On 3/6/2018 at 8:39 AM, UNOSEZ said:

Are we supposed to like me whitman's character??  

I'm fairly certain I should NOT be hoping for the dad to win custody of the daughter.  Maybe down the road we'll find out he's some shady character.  As it stands, dude actually makes pico de gallo from scratch in that lovely kitchen?  Does he cook all of the meals?  Hell, I'd be trying to move in along with the daughter.  Taking your shoes off in the house is hardly evidence of a totalitarian household.  But I'm not surprised she'd think otherwise.  Annie lost me in the pilot when 1) she was dumb enough to go into the back room with the store manager and 2) she BENT OVER in front of him while emptying the safe. It's gonna take several acts of common sense and brilliance before I think about rooting for her.

I'd been trying to remember how I recognized Ruby's husband and it clicked - he played one of Theo's college buddies from The Cosby Show (Howard). His imdb profile lists a whole bunch of credits since then, but Howard is what I remember, heh.   

Love Ruby (Retta's facial expressions are hilarious).  I go back and forth on Beth.  Overall, I'm enjoying the show. 

  • Love 6
On 3/6/2018 at 10:34 AM, UNOSEZ said:

To Mae Whitman.. Smh now she's hiring a lawyer after she said she wouldn't.. She was real snarky to sally pressman's character for seemingly no reason.. And I'm almost 100% sure the show is gonna find a way to make her the victim of the wealthy ex and his gf who seem to be genuinely OK ppl.. 

Not okay people to me, more like stuck up pricks.  He knows how much she loves her daughter?  Why try to take her away?  That's just vindictive to me.  Have your own kids with your new gf asshole.

  • Love 4
23 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

Not okay people to me, more like stuck up pricks.  He knows how much she loves her daughter?  Why try to take her away?  That's just vindictive to me.  Have your own kids with your new gf asshole.

I must have missed the scenes where they showed the ex or his gf being mean or acting superior.. And so what that she loves her daughter... So does he.. He thinks he can provide a more stable home environment for his kid so he's trying to restructure whatever custody arrangement they apparently made when they were younger... 

She on the other hand has been rude and dismissive to him abd his gd not to mention showing up pleading for money because "she's in trouble " promised to not fight for custody only to turn around and fight him on it.. Then she misses the appt... 

Nah as it stands right now based on what we've seen he's the safer bet for the daughter..  Now like I wrote before I have no doubt that the show will eventually show him to  be lacking or mean or something else that's supposed to make us root against him 

  • Love 8
On 3/13/2018 at 9:03 PM, JasmineFlower said:

Also, not for nothing, but as they are looking at Mae with judgment about the car they had to drown in the lake because of her synced phone, they crossed the border and showed their passports as border patrol recorded and searched their car while the cameras recorded every moment. It's a problem regardless, but she may have done them a favor for now at least. They did not think any of that through. At all.

Yeah, all three of them were hit with the stupid stick in this episode.  Beth and Annie are very similar.  It's just that Annie's teenage relationship didn't work out, and Beth got to marry whats-his-face, and live comparably well for many years.  They both come off kind of condescending, yet are clueless and naive about the basics.  I mean, if you can take the time to research how to get the remote control to the TV to work, surely you can google stuff about personal finance such as credit.  This isn't the 80s, 70s, 60s, or earlier.  This isn't even the 90s - the Internet provides all kinds of information previously inaccessible to women.  

Ruby seems to be the most sensible of the three. I think all three actresses have great chemistry together, though.  

On 3/14/2018 at 8:52 PM, helenamonster said:

But there's no custody to grant--Annie and her ex have shared custody at this point, he's trying to take hers away and be the sole custodian. He can provide for Sadie financially while still sharing custody with Annie--she's not abusive or negligent, and besides the crime stuff that neither he nor the courts know about, the reason Sadie is left home alone at all is so that Annie can go to work. If he wants to pay for private school or a new laptop or whatever, literally nothing is stopping him. Maybe he feels that because he's able to spend more money on Sadie, he's entitled to more time with her. That's not how co-parenting works, dude.

She wasn't returning his phone calls in the pilot, so I got the impression he actually wanted to try and talk to her about those things. She refused to talk to him.  At least, until she needs money. I don't know the details of their custody agreement (frankly, I've been wondering if there is a formal agreement), but if Annie doesn't want Sadie in private school, I don't think he can force the issue.  And the laptop matter only came up because Sadie told HIM, not Annie.  Annie might have had a tantrum if he just bought the laptop outright without telling her.  Based on the little we've seen, he seems to want to do right by Annie and Sadie.  After all, he could have just blindsided her and gone to court.  

In any case, Sadie wants to stay with Annie, so I would imagine the court would consider that.  

The actress playing Sadie looks and acts older than 11, IMO, so that's part of the disconnect for me.  So when the social worker was seemingly perplexed at her being left alone, I also thought it was a bit of an exaggeration.  Although, I think the absurd lies about why Annie was late really added fuel to that fire.  

Edited by ribboninthesky1
  • Love 2

This is something that kind of bugs me in general about the character.  I feel at times like she is too dumb.  Syncing her phone to the stolen car, and drinking heavily on the same day she had the appointment with the CPS lady just seem almost purposefully stupid. 

Yeah, I get that they're going for comic relief but she's the Zak Galifinakis of the friends group: someone so absurdly stupid nobody would ever be friends with her for long. Syncing her phone to the stolen car?? How dumb is she? I guess that's why they made her Beth's sister so she'd have to have some kind of relationship, but still. You'd never bring her along on a criminal job because she's almost guaranteed to screw up.

Also, if I found the warehouse had been abandoned, I would not assume they were ever going to come back. It's far more likely they cleared out precisely because their location had been made known to Beth and her friends - a simple anonymous call to the authorities is all it would take to get rid of them. In fact, it was pretty stupid of them to ask Beth to bring the goods right to their place of business in the first place, unless they move from place to place as a matter of routine anyway.

  • Love 2

I was thinking more about them stealing the car from the dealership. First, I thought they should've just taken a hammer to the touchscreen panel. Then I thought, wait...their fingerprints and probably stray hairs are all over the car. So stealing the car was pretty stupid in the first place, so they had to destroy and hide it to not get caught. I don't understand/remember why they didn't take Beth's or Ruby's car. Annie's was booted.

  • Love 1

There's no thread yet for this episode, so I hope it's OK for me to start one.

We've all been saying how stupid Annie is, but I'm starting to question Rio's intelligence as well. He comes to Beth's house whenever he pleases, through the front door, talks to her kids, and even comes to her son's birthday party. Does he think he can fly under the radar with his gang/prison tats? He sticks out like a sore thumb in Beth's upper-middle-class subdivision. Even without Boomer noticing him, any one of the neighbors could have become suspicious and sent his picture to the police. Then he just leaves a bleeding man in Beth's daughter's bedroom because he needs a "safe" place to hide the guy and expects Beth to know what to do? *facepalm*

I understand Annie's impulse to protect Sadie, but bringing a thug into the school to physically assault the bullies could have easily backfired. All the students in the cafeteria could give a description of him, and if someone links him to Annie, she can kiss custody goodbye. A big-picture thinker, she's not.

Beth's "money-laundering" plan has two fatal flaws: 1. There's no way they can ensure that the cash they get back for the returns isn't at least in part the same counterfeit cash they paid. And the more they shop, the more of the counterfeit cash there'll be in circulation in that area. 2. They can only make big purchases and returns a few times at any given store before management takes notice of them. It'll raise suspicions that they always pay cash, someone will take a closer look at the bills and figure out they're counterfeit. Then the ladies can choose between a long prison sentence or giving up the dirt on Rio, and if they choose the latter they'll likely end up murdered.

Did I see correctly that Dean was looking at brain scans on his laptop? He couldn't have picked an easier cancer to fake, like melanoma? Has everyone on this show been hit with the stupid stick?

OK, so Ruby wasn't technically stupid, she was awesome telling off the entitled brat and his mother, but was that worth losing her job? What if someone from their church goes to the diner, finds out she no longer works there, and then mentions it to Stan? With all the illegal stuff she has going on, she really needed to keep her job situation stable to avoid drawing attention to herself.

  • Love 8

As much as I love these actresses, I may have to give up on this show because it fills me with so much anxiety when I watch it . I'm a little on the wussy side, it seems quite violent for network television. It Is depressing - every time they take one step forward, they take two steps backward.

Edited by Caseysgirl
  • Love 2

I love the actresses, but really, how am I supposed to get behind these people?

Beth is openly doing business with a dangerous gangster and there is a bleeding man in her child's bed? Does she know that these types of gangs are known for brutal murders and human trafficking? The gangster pretty much comes and goes as he pleases.  Guess what... downgrading to a less fancy lifestyle is better than putting your family in mortal danger.

6 hours ago, Rahul said:

Umm, here's a thought. When your crime lord boss deals in counterfeit cash, perhaps you should double check that the money you're getting paid with is legit?

Beth's wholesale/big box store money laundering scheme is incredibly stupid. This woman never fails to surprise with her half-baked ideas.

I had the same thought.


I understand Annie's impulse to protect Sadie, but bringing a thug into the school to physically assault the bullies could have easily backfired. All the students in the cafeteria could give a description of him, and if someone links him to Annie, she can kiss custody goodbye. A big-picture thinker, she's not.

With all the school shootings I could not root for a dangerous thug being on school grounds so easily and threaten a student and yes, someone would have called the cops immediately.  Heck, most of those kids have phones on them. I did hate that little punk for picking on Sadie and that little snot at the diner who makes fun of hardworking people.

  • Love 4

I don't watch this show for reality, I watch it for the absurdity, and I'm still enjoying it!  I was also very tickled when I realized that the warehouse store they were shopping at is apparently part of the Cloud 9 family of companies.  Not the same superstore setup as on Superstore, but it looks like the Sam's Club version.  I see what you did there, NBC!

  • Love 23

I knew Dean was faking cancer the instant he said it. And damn, dude. How are you going to fake MRIs? And you Googled "how to fake cancer" on your family computer?? You stupid.

People who are rude to service people are a huge pet peeve of mine. If I go on a date and the guy is rude to the server, I won't go out with him again. So I was glad Ruby cussed that kid and his mother out, but sad that she lost her income. Her husband (I keep thinking of him as Howard - he was also on Mike and Molly, a show I've never seen a full episode of but my dad likes, so it's been on in the background when I'm with him) is adorable. "See, that's why they're gonna put us in a home!"

Rio is the dumbest crime boss I've ever seen. The women are dumb criminals but that makes sense, as crime is new to them. Rio is supposed to be good at this!

James Lesure (the FBI agent) is one of those actors who has been in a ton of stuff but isn't super-famous. I always like seeing him.

  • Love 11

Yes, this all very far-fetched, but I still like it.  Rhetta is kicking some serious ass as Ruby.  The shopping/laundering money scheme would only work for a very short time.  Even if the ladies move out of state to keep it going, there are cameras and recorded transactions everywhere.  Ruby and Beth are pretty easy to describe if customers or store staff were asked to do it.  The only way I see this farce continuing is if Beth, Annie & Ruby flip on their crime boss and become informants for the cops. And typical of most tv shows, they will then become double crossing agents who flip on the FBI.

I knew the husband was faking the minute he announced he had cancer.  How is he going to play this off when it's time for a "doctor appointment" or when he needs a scan of some kind?

Again, total fantasy stuff, but how many of us would love to tell off a bully or insufferable jerk like Annie & Ruby handled their situations?  I would love to walk up to any of the little pissants at my daughter's school and "strongly suggest" they cut out all their shitty behavior.  My child hasn't been a victim of bullying (yet), but a few of her friends and classmates have dealt with a lot of crap and they are only in 5th grade!  I have never been a server in a restaurant, but I have worked in retail.  It shouldn't shock me when I hear or see how awful people are when dealing with customer service folks. Every waitress/waiter was probably cheering Ruby on for shutting down the kid and his mom.  

  • Love 9
29 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

Yes, this all very far-fetched, but I still like it.  Rhetta is kicking some serious ass as Ruby.  The shopping/laundering money scheme would only work for a very short time.  Even if the ladies move out of state to keep it going, there are cameras and recorded transactions everywhere.  Ruby and Beth are pretty easy to describe if customers or store staff were asked to do it.  The only way I see this farce continuing is if Beth, Annie & Ruby flip on their crime boss and become informants for the cops. And typical of most tv shows, they will then become double crossing agents who flip on the FBI.

I knew the husband was faking the minute he announced he had cancer.  How is he going to play this off when it's time for a "doctor appointment" or when he needs a scan of some kind?

Again, total fantasy stuff, but how many of us would love to tell off a bully or insufferable jerk like Annie & Ruby handled their situations?  I would love to walk up to any of the little pissants at my daughter's school and "strongly suggest" they cut out all their shitty behavior.  My child hasn't been a victim of bullying (yet), but a few of her friends and classmates have dealt with a lot of crap and they are only in 5th grade!  I have never been a server in a restaurant, but I have worked in retail.  It shouldn't shock me when I hear or see how awful people are when dealing with customer service folks. Every waitress/waiter was probably cheering Ruby on for shutting down the kid and his mom.  

I agree, this is an enjoyable show overall and you just got to suspend your disbelief, because none of this would fly in real life.

It does feel good to see jerks and bullies get their comeuppance.

  • Love 15

Ruby was top notch as usual... And Stan may be the most  level-headed TV husband ever... 

Annie continues to be an immature holier than thou annoyance to me... Her ex wasn't ruining the vibe.. He was once again trying to bring up a possible solution for their daughter.. Not totally sure sending a girl with some identity issues to catholic school is an awesome plan.. But maybe the school is kinds progressive.  The one I went to was.   Besides the school she's in now just let a gangbanger walk in harrass, shout at, threaten  and harm a child and walk out unchecked 

Agree that beth's plan can't work long term.. But I don't care its fun and gives ample opportunities for madcappery 

Not sure why Rio is agreeing to any of this.. Maybe its his own lil science project.. Maybe he just wants in Beth's pants I can't tell.. But Manny plays the part well so I'm good

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Lovecat said:

I don't watch this show for reality, I watch it for the absurdity, and I'm still enjoying it!  I was also very tickled when I realized that the warehouse store they were shopping at is apparently part of the Cloud 9 family of companies.  Not the same superstore setup as on Superstore, but it looks like the Sam's Club version.  I see what you did there, NBC!

Agreed. The fact that they are so dimwitted and not long term thinkers makes the show as believable as a premise such as this can be.  If they were smart and savvy criminals I would wonder how considering their backgrounds. I think they are have something in them that makes one good criminal - intellect and rationality (Beth) common sense (Ruby) street smarts (Annie).

I think Annie just selfishly don't want to give up her kid and I get that ... no matter what the father says or does she will try and find something negative to make her own situation not look so grim. If she wasn't a criminal, I would have no problem with her keeping custody. Being poor should not be a factor in whether or not you are a good parent. But for the girl's safety, she should probably let her go since the dad seems like a really good guy. I like the show not making him a jerk just to bolster sympathy for Annie.

I was really hoping the cop was dirty and was going to inform the hottest gangster on T.V. about Boomer

  • Fire 1
  • Love 4

I realized that the warehouse store they were shopping at is apparently part of the Cloud 9 family of companies.  Not the same superstore setup as on Superstore, but it looks like the Sam's Club version.  I see what you did there, NBC!

I about died when I realized they were in a Cloud 9. I thought I recognized the logo when they were shopping but when they got to the checkout and the cashier was wearing the vest I laughed out loud. I was looking everywhere for Dina or Glenn or Amy or Jonah.

The thing is - clearly this is meant to be comedy, at least in part. "Dramedy," maybe, at best. You don't do a serious drama and throw Cloud 9 in there, obviously. But it's not quite funny enough to be a comedy and it's not quite smart enough to be a drama. It's sort of missing the mark on both sides. That said, I thought this episode was a step in the right direction. The cast is certainly a draw and the reason I keep coming back, but the writing still needs to tighten up more. 

(There's no way they could have returned all that part stuff after it had been used. Especially the chocolate fountain.)

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

There's no way they could have returned all that part stuff after it had been used. Especially the chocolate fountain.)

You would be amazed at what people return at stores.  I've seen everything from half eaten box of cookies to stained bridesmaid dresses to broken toys from 5 years ago come back through the various service desks I've worked at over the years. Had one family return 4 complete sets of skis, boots, bindings and poles after their long ski weekend in VT.  One set of poles was bent, one ski was scuffed up and boots had dried mud on them.  "They didn't fit" was the return reason.

  • Love 10
9 minutes ago, BusyOctober said:

You would be amazed at what people return at stores.  I've seen everything from half eaten box of cookies to stained bridesmaid dresses to broken toys from 5 years ago come back through the various service desks I've worked at over the years. Had one family return 4 complete sets of skis, boots, bindings and poles after their long ski weekend in VT.  One set of poles was bent, one ski was scuffed up and boots had dried mud on them.  "They didn't fit" was the return reason.

Did you take the stuff back though? I'd think you'd be able to say "These cookies are half-eaten, we can't take them back."

I would love to be able to return bridesmaid dresses. None of the ones I've had to buy were re-wearable. I ended up donating all of mine to a friend who teaches high school drama.

Edited by Empress1
  • Love 5

Big box stores pay their employees waaaayyyy below a living wage, to the point that full time employees need either food stamps, a second job, or both just to keep their heads above water. Meanwhile, the suits are millionaires. Is it any surprise a fair number of them will return merchandise regardless of it’s condition simply because they can’t muster up the energy to give a damn?

  • Love 9

I wonder how Ruby became friends with Beth and Annie.  

The scenes between the lame store manager and the FBI agent were the funniest of the episode.  James Lesure was hilarious.  I'm hoping lame store manager will end up eventually incriminating himself.

I don't think the show has established how long Ruby worked at that cafe, but sometimes...your dignity and self-respect are worth more than a measly paycheck.  I feel like her boss knew that kid had been a little shit for awhile, and did nothing to address it. I wish she would have been forthright with Stan about it, though.  He deserves to know. 

Bless Sadie's heart.  I hope the show will address something: why hasn't the father sued for primary custody before? Why now?   

Edited by ribboninthesky1
  • Love 3

As a former waitress, all the snaps for Ruby. I get where Stan is coming from, that sometimes you just have to swallow your pride and keep your head down, but I hate that we live in a world where we have to tolerate asswipes being shitty to service people for no reason. And yeah, if a plate is literally sizzling and smoking when it's set down in front of you, it's your fault if you touch it. I am nervous about what will happen when Stan finds out, though. It's the only stable marriage on the show and I'd like to see it stay that way.

Totally knew that Dean (why did I think his name was Doug?) was lying about the cancer, but how long does he expect to keep this up?

I feel like Boomer's gonna end up dead at the end of the season. Or he's gonna take the fall for whatever the end game of the crime spree is.

I liked the idea behind Annie sending the thug to protect Sadie, but I thought the execution was really off. I think it would have been effective if the guy had just gone in and said something like, "Sadie's a friend of mine, and I'll be very upset if I hear that you're still picking on her." It didn't have to get violent (they were little shits but still children), he was intimidating enough that if the kids thought he really was a part of Sadie's life they might back off.

  • Love 4
On 2018-03-19 at 2:36 PM, bilgistic said:

I was thinking more about them stealing the car from the dealership. First, I thought they should've just taken a hammer to the touchscreen panel. Then I thought, wait...their fingerprints and probably stray hairs are all over the car. So stealing the car was pretty stupid in the first place, so they had to destroy and hide it to not get caught. I don't understand/remember why they didn't take Beth's or Ruby's car. Annie's was booted.

I doubt the police would work that hard to figure out who had stolen the car. Original owner got it back in more or less the same condition it was stolen? They're not gonna waste resources giving it the CSI treatment. They all thought the shipment was gonna be drugs and Beth and Ruby didn't want traces of heroin in the cars they use to travel with their children.

  • Love 4

I wonder how Ruby became friends with Beth and Annie.  

I figure Ruby and Beth have to be friends from school.  Otherwise, it doesn't really seem like Beth and Ruby would be running in the same circles to have become friends as adults.  Though I also wonder how deeply underwater Ruby and her husband are given they appear to live in a pretty nice home and obviously have a huge expense with their daughter needing regular medical attention for her condition.  I mean, her husband is a mall security guard and Ruby is a waitress.  They seem to be living well beyond their means.   


Totally knew that Dean (why did I think his name was Doug?) was lying about the cancer, but how long does he expect to keep this up?


It's like every episode he has to figure out a new way to become worse, whether it's promising his kid a huge party that he can't afford or faking cancer to get back in his wife's good graces. 

Edited by txhorns79
  • Love 3
5 minutes ago, txhorns79 said:

It's like every episode he has to figure out a new way to become worse, whether it's promising his kid a huge party that he can't afford or faking cancer to get back in his wife's good graces. 

Oh, I forgot to say how much promising the kid a party pissed me off. If you didn't want to feel guilty about splitting up your marriage, then you shouldn't have slept with your assistant and taken out three mortgages!

Also, I feel like only on tv is "all the kids want is for us to get back together" is a valid reason to end a separation. No kid wants their parents to split up but sometimes, like with Beth and Dean, it really is for the best. Maybe explain that to your child instead of just spoiling him with something he demanded.

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I think Stan said something this ep about rent. There are certainly houses that nice for rent in my area that a security guard and waitress could UNcomfortably afford. Plus it looks like a ranch, which would be less than a multi-story house. Maybe we’ll find that the homeowner is a member of their church and rents to them below market value. 

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The premise reminded me of a film from the early 80s (I think) called HOW TO BEAT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING with Jane Curtain and Susan St. James. 

If only there was a mall with some kind of giant snow globe filled with cash.  The show would be over in an episode. 


Also, I feel like only on tv is "all the kids want is for us to get back together" is a valid reason to end a separation. No kid wants their parents to split up but sometimes, like with Beth and Dean, it really is for the best. Maybe explain that to your child instead of just spoiling him with something he demanded.

Seriously.  I just want Beth to be like: "Sorry, your father's selfish acts have put us on the brink of financial ruin, and destroyed our marriage.  It's better for all of us if he and I are not together." 

Edited by txhorns79
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1 hour ago, txhorns79 said:

I figure Ruby and Beth have to be friends from school.  Otherwise, it doesn't really seem like Beth and Ruby would be running in the same circles to have become friends as adults.

OK, that would make sense.  Because I have a hard time seeing them as friends otherwise.  Especially from Ruby's end. 

1 hour ago, ZuluQueenOfDwarves said:

I think Stan said something this ep about rent. There are certainly houses that nice for rent in my area that a security guard and waitress could UNcomfortably afford. Plus it looks like a ranch, which would be less than a multi-story house. Maybe we’ll find that the homeowner is a member of their church and rents to them below market value. 

Yes, he mentioned that he would have to spread the rent over 4 credit cards, if memory serves.  I mean, if they are that underwater, I can't see Ruby keeping that job making THAT much difference in their financial situation.  

1 hour ago, WAnglais1 said:

This might have been better off as a limited run series. The premise reminded me of a film from the early 80s (I think) called HOW TO BEAT THE HIGH COST OF LIVING with Jane Curtain and Susan St. James. 

Now, I'm not so sure. The characters are awfully stupid. I don't think I can do any more episodes. 

We're only 4 episodes in, and I guess handwave it all because...dramedy? I could go with absurd.  Stupid is another thing altogether. I'll see how the next few episodes go.  There's a video in the media thread where Mae Whitman talks about the showrunner's genre-bending and whatnot.  The only "bend" I've noted is a black married couple where the wife is the same dark skin shade as the husband.  

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3 hours ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

Yes, he mentioned that he would have to spread the rent over 4 credit cards, if memory serves.

I thought he said meds, not rent. Is it even possible to pay rent with credit cards? All the places I've rented payment had to be via check or EFT.

I actually think it's not implausible for Ruby and Stan to own a home. Houses in Michigan were pretty cheap during the recession, and if they lived frugally before the kids came along they could have managed it. Their house looks much more modest than Beth and Dean's too.

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On 2018-03-20 at 12:53 AM, chocolatine said:

We've all been saying how stupid Annie is, but I'm starting to question Rio's intelligence as well. He comes to Beth's house whenever he pleases, through the front door, talks to her kids, and even comes to her son's birthday party. Does he think he can fly under the radar with his gang/prison tats? He sticks out like a sore thumb in Beth's upper-middle-class subdivision. Even without Boomer noticing him, any one of the neighbors could have become suspicious and sent his picture to the police. Then he just leaves a bleeding man in Beth's daughter's bedroom because he needs a "safe" place to hide the guy and expects Beth to know what to do? *facepalm*

Obviously Rio lives for theatrics. Always prowling and calling upon them in the most ostentatious way possible.


Anyway, this show is bonkers and I love it. I just hope it slows down a little now that they've set up how the girls are going to be involved in the criminal operation.

  • Love 8

I thought he said meds, not rent. Is it even possible to pay rent with credit cards? All the places I've rented payment had to be via check or EFT.

You're right, he was talking about their daughter's medication, not rent. There hasn't been any mention of whether they rent or own.

I do wonder how Ruby and Beth became friends because on the surface it doesn't seem likely given their disparate economic statuses. Maybe they were friends in high school, maybe roommates in college (although it's a shame Ruby is working as a diner waitress if she has a college degree). It doesn't seem likely they met working at the same place right out of college because Beth's husband pointed out she hadn't had a job since she worked at a DQ in high school. Even if they had started their friendship at an equal financial status, that eventual disparity in circumstances would  drive most friendships apart. The show would do well to address this. Beth's relationship with Annie is obviously organic. With Ruby, not so much.

Edited by iMonrey
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