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Season Seven: The Reset Anticipation/Apprehension/Dread Topic

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8 minutes ago, CCTC said:

Swan Queen heads would explode.  They already had problems with Emma being involved with him, and I think the majority of SQ fans are more attached to Regina than Emma.

^^ True story.

There has to be a better storyline out there than this half-assed wish realm. I was a little bit excited for a reboot, but now I'm all angsty about it again. Have Regina, Hook, and Rumple stuck in some kind of time warp so they can rejoin the real world (and adult Henry) without aging. Something. Anything.

14 minutes ago, CCTC said:

Swan Queen heads would explode.  They already had problems with Emma being involved with him, and I think the majority of SQ fans are more attached to Regina than Emma.

Captain Swan fans would hate it, too! Even if this is another universe I always loved the consistency that every version of Hook loved every version of Emma.  I can't make a pairing with Regina work in my head at all and I wouldn't enjoy watching it. At that point Regina would truly have gotten everything that Emma did.....and more.

I do like that they're being forced to cut characters just for the sake of storytelling. I always thought there were too many characters to work into each season, or half-season.

Edited by OnceUponAJen
  • Love 5
17 hours ago, Curio said:

So now the only thing I'm really excited about is spending another year chatting in this forum. I have way too much fun analyzing/making fun of this show with y'all.

That's the big bright spot for me. This is essentially my workplace watercooler, since I work at home alone. More show means the community will last longer. There's not a lot else on TV right now that I care enough about (for good or ill) to discuss.

15 hours ago, scenicbyway said:

But the idea that Hook would lose another love and Henry would lose Emma again (because the only way this scenario works is if Emma dies) ruins the whole series for me.

In the spoiler thread discussion, I compared it to the Aliens debacle, where we spent an entire movie trying to save the little girl, with a whole motherhood metaphor of Ripley bonding with the girl after learning that her own daughter had grown up, grown old, and died in her absence, and the final showdown being mother vs. mother against the alien queen -- and then in the next movie we learned that the girl died offscreen between movies. It essentially made the whole previous movie pointless. All that effort to save her, and she died anyway offscreen. That's what anything that undermines Emma's happy beginning would be -- six years of arc leading up to her finding and accepting love, and then tear it apart an episode or so later. If they do that, then they really need to stop using the "this is a show about hope" line in interviews. It never has been true, but that would bring it to insulting levels.

57 minutes ago, SiobhanJW said:

So basically we have entered the Supegirl, Flash, Arrow & Legends of Tomorrow verse. There are a tons of different "earths" where the same people live, but different versions of themsleves.

Well, they've already milked everything they can steal from the Buffyverse, so they need to move on. Or maybe it's like Star Trek's mirrorverse, and we'll see the "good" versions of all these villains/former villains. Hook will have a hand and no beard.

  • Love 6

I'm starting to get confused. We know Jen, Jared, Josh, Ginny and Emile are not returning. (At least not in their current capacity.) Have we gotten confirmation on what Lana, Colin, Robert, and Bex are doing? Or is that just speculation


Well, they've already milked everything they can steal from the Buffyverse, so they need to move on. Or maybe it's like Star Trek's mirrorverse, and we'll see the "good" versions of all these villains/former villains. Hook will have a hand and no beard.

Too bad they already (sort of) did that in the S4 finale. That would be fun.


Swan Queen heads would explode. 

It would be as groundbreaking as Golden Queen in 6A. Tick off two groups of shippers at once!


We may not know until season 7 that adult Henry is from the Wish Realm. 

Regina without Henry would be bizarre, just like Hook without Emma and Rumple without Belle. I would think Adult!Henry would have to be the same Henry for that to work, unless the writers are planning to go full-on AU.


The Hollywood Reporter renewal article mentions that Lana, Colin and Robert have signed new contracts. Rebbecca Mader announced on her Instagram that she will not be back.

Thanks. I'm super bummed that Zelena is out of the picture.

Who the heck is going to watch this?

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 3
1 minute ago, KingOfHearts said:

I'm starting to get confused. We know Jen, Jared, Josh, Ginny and Emile are not returning. (At least not in their current capacity.) Have we gotten confirmation on what Lana, Colin, Robert, and Bex are doing? Or is that just speculation?

The Hollywood Reporter renewal article mentions that Lana, Colin and Robert have signed new contracts. Rebbecca Mader announced on her Instagram that she will not be back.

  • Love 2
9 minutes ago, Inquirer said:

She also only gave congratulations to Lana, Colin and Robert, which shows that they're the only ones being retained.

Granny also posted a pic of her and Josh and Ginny on the wedding set saying she is excited for season 7, but will miss these two.  I wonder if the reboot will have any opportunities for any of the recurring, supporting characters (Granny, dwarves etc).

  • Love 2

I genuinely liked this show for probably a lot longer then most.  Shows are what they are and I don't expect or usually need them to be anything else.  That being said this last story arc played out like a series finale.  Not a season finale but a series finale.  

There is only one way I would buy a reboot and that would be everyone going back to fairytale land and possibly having Emma under a sleeping curse or happy with Hook off somewhere.    

Otherwise they should have just let the show go.  Ending a show is not a failure when it is time to end.

  • Love 3

OK, I think I've given up on the Wish Realm idea. Based on A&E comments in various articles about the reboot, I think it's just a time jump with the characters of all the actors not there either dead or cursed somewhere. So all the happy endings they show in the finale will be taken away somehow in the future. They will want us to tune in to find out how everybody lost their happy endings and want us to root for them all to be reunited at the end and get invested in adult Henry and the new girl. But they won't be able to get all the actors back together (I think Jen won't be back for more than the premiere ep where they do away with Emma). It's all just fake promises about hope and happy endings, same as always.

I think Once will go down in TV history as a case study of what NOT to do.

Edited by Souris
  • Love 11

This is just weird.  I understand long running shows do go through changes, but jetting the majority of the cast is odd, and I think could hurt them.  I get that Regina, Rumple, and Hook are fan favorites, but I really think it will be noticeable not having Emma, Charming, or Snow around.  To be fair, it sounds like Emma might have stuck around, but it was Jennifer Morrison who wanted out, but I really don't know how this is going to work with out any of the Charming family.

Also kind of bummed that they are cutting Zelena, since her losing her powers actually sounds interesting, plus Rebecca Mader is always a blast, no matter how shaky the writing is.

I don't know.  I will still be back likely, but I am not optimistic here. 

  • Love 3

The one time I saw a reboot like this work, was when The Practice became Boston Legal.  In that case (if I remember correctly), the stars that carried the reboot were established and popular in the last season of the old show and had people interested in following them, and they truly jettisoned all of the main characters and started over.  In this case, the new characters will only be introduced in briefly - probably not enough to have people care about seeing them the next season (plus Spader and Shatner were pretty charismatic).  They are also retaining too many of the people to really establish a true reboot.  I cannot imagine they won't rehash a lot of their issues.

  • Love 1

If ABC wanted to ditch nearly the entire cast and do a reboot only focusing on 2-3 characters, Emma and Hook are the characters who have the most story potential left to tell at this point. They literally just got married, so the audience wants to see where their lives lead. Without Emma around though, what's the point? Season 7 as a reboot of Season 1 where the characters are given cursed personalities could have been interesting, and Emma and Hook would have essentially replaced Snow and Charming's roles from Season 1. I actually would have tuned into that and been excited. But now, I'm just dreading whatever story A&E come up with. 

  • Love 8

One of the commenters on the EW article says they think A&E are trying to get their viewer numbers down to '23 and a dog'.....i think that's achievable.

Time jump could also mean backwards...which makes it easier to not piss off all viewers. 

Personally I would watch a series on all the key scenes, conversations and interactions that took place off screen that were cut to ensure the flashbacks on Regina's 1st ingrown toenail and her upteenth callous murder.

Thank goodness we got the wedding. I can cut the last 10 seconds and keep that as my true finale. Cos if CS are going to be separated all of s7 and if it gets cancelled mid season as it deserves we would never get to the so called happy end/beginning.

So incredibly sad how this has panned out. 

Edited by PixiePaws1
  • Love 8
9 minutes ago, Curio said:

If ABC wanted to ditch nearly the entire cast and do a reboot only focusing on 2-3 characters, Emma and Hook are the characters who have the most story potential left to tell at this point. They literally just got married, so the audience wants to see where their lives lead. Without Emma around though, what's the point? Season 7 as a reboot of Season 1 where the characters are given cursed personalities could have been interesting, and Emma and Hook would have essentially replaced Snow and Charming's roles from Season 1. I actually would have tuned into that and been excited. But now, I'm just dreading whatever story A&E come up with. 

Exactly this^^!  I don't blame JMO for not renewing. She (like many of us) see the writing on the wall and regardless of what A & E should do and what would be a good show; they want to retread the TEQ for the one millionth time. I think JMO knows that no matter what they promised, she and the character Emma would not be the star of the reboot.

The only thing that works for me now if it is not adult Henry. That way you can say that whatever curse happens put the "villains" into a different realm and they are trying to get back to their loved ones (Emma, Snowing, Henry, Zelena) who are having a happy life all together in the EF because they think those three "died" as heroes and don't know they are cursed. Zelena didn't get zapped because giving up her magic was such a self-sacrifice that she was completely redeemed.  If it is adult Henry then every happy ending is ruined. And at this point, I have no clue who the girl is!

But this is A & E and "TW/TS" will remain intact so therefore, it is going to be a complete shit storm though they will continue to speak in interviews as if they gave us unicorns and rainbows! These two are completely delusional to what they show on the screen. 

What I will commit to for Season 7 is checking in on this forum and then deciding if I will check out an episode. I won't delete this off my DVR list because quite frankly I could not watch with out FF being available.

  • Love 4

At this point, I'm going to wait until I see the finale before forming an opinion on the reboot. I'm willing to give it a chance, but I don't want to see stuff like Regina with Hook or dead Charmings (I'd prefer that they realize they're still needed in the EF and go back with the baby to rule). With Mader not staying, I wonder if Zelena will be killed off and Regina raises baby Robin.

  • Love 1

I'm sure I will watch, mainly for a combination of completion sake, love of Hook/Colin, and to get to keep talking to you lovely people (this is one of my favorite boards going back to when we were on TWOP!) but I just don't see myself caring or being really invested. Its like when Sleepy Hallow kept going after killing off their main character. The next season wasn't quite as awful as I expected, and I watched for a bit, but my bitterness towards the creators and my annoyance at the lack of respect to the main character I loved made enjoyment of the show impossible. That's what I imagine will happen here. With Emma and the Charming's and basically everyone but my two least favorite characters and Hook gone, its just not going to be something I care about. And if it is the Wish Verse, it wont even be the Hook I love, it will be a lamer version of the asshole from season two who made me roll my eyes. His character development made him a great character, not just that he's Hook. I'm sure Colin will do great, but it wont be the same. And if its not, how will we be following Hook without Emma? We were promised a happy ending!

I guess I'm glad the people working on the show will still have their paychecks for at least another year, but, from a viewer perspective, I just wish this show would die with the tiny sliver of dignity it has left.

  • Love 5
27 minutes ago, Curio said:

If ABC wanted to ditch nearly the entire cast and do a reboot only focusing on 2-3 characters, Emma and Hook are the characters who have the most story potential left to tell at this point. They literally just got married, so the audience wants to see where their lives lead. Without Emma around though, what's the point? Season 7 as a reboot of Season 1 where the characters are given cursed personalities could have been interesting, and Emma and Hook would have essentially replaced Snow and Charming's roles from Season 1. I actually would have tuned into that and been excited. But now, I'm just dreading whatever story A&E come up with. 

Yes, this so much.  The natural storytelling would've been to see Hook and Emma replace Snow and Charming as the "parents" in the reboot.  I mean the guy playing the mysterious role is either playing adult Henry (which makes the most sense due to his description and the fact that Jared is off the show) or Hook and Emma's not yet born son (but how cruel would it be for her to have another kid she didn't raise?).  I also think that Regina would've been a key part of the reboot because she's really the only character left not to get her happy ending yet.

Jen had her reasons for leaving, personally, I think she was just done with the show and the character.  She fulfilled her contract, Emma got married, end of story as far as she's concerned.  I think it's unfortunate that they are continuing the show, especially with Hook, but Colin is under contract and it would be good to get another year of salary.  I wish they would've given fans more time to prepare but I'm guessing they wish Jen would've given them a heads up at the beginning of the season so there weren't last minute reshoots and edits. 

I also think it's unrealistic to think Storybrooke won't be the setting for the reboot.  Imagine all the sets they've constructed, essentially an entire town and its not saving money to tear down all of those sets an build something entirely new.

  • Love 1
21 minutes ago, Curio said:

If ABC wanted to ditch nearly the entire cast and do a reboot only focusing on 2-3 characters, Emma and Hook are the characters who have the most story potential left to tell at this point. They literally just got married, so the audience wants to see where their lives lead.


I frankly think there were a number of interesting pairings beyond Hook/Emma that would have worked ok but not this one.  All three actors/characters have their fans, of course, but I don't think them interacting without the rest of the old cast is going to be at all entertaining.   

  • Love 3

The more I think about it, the mader I get. It's just stupid to go on like this. The only thing that makes sense with the actors left is the Wish Realm, but that realm was ill-conceived and it presents a lot basic problems. I don't want to think about the other option.

With this said, I will probably keep watching, because I don't know when to quit, and I love this forum.

I feel bad for the actors staying, especially Colin. He has received a lot of hate since yesterday, because he has dared to put his own personal needs over a fictional relationship (which is exactly the same thing Jennifer has done). 

  • Love 2
41 minutes ago, Amerilla said:

I frankly think there were a number of interesting pairings beyond Hook/Emma that would have worked ok but not this one.  All three actors/characters have their fans, of course, but I don't think them interacting without the rest of the old cast is going to be at all entertaining.   

The bottom line is that this is an ensemble show, and has always been written as such. It doesn't make sense when the majority of the ensemble is no longer there.


The more I think about it, the mader I get. It's just stupid to go on like this. 

I read this and thought it was a pun about Rebecca Mader leaving. I could get behind that.

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 7
43 minutes ago, RadioGirl27 said:

The more I think about it, the mader I get. It's just stupid to go on like this. 

I feel bad for the actors staying, especially Colin. He has received a lot of hate since yesterday, because he has dared to put his own personal needs over a fictional relationship (which is exactly the same thing Jennifer has done). 

I'm mad too, but I think it's important to remember that Colin didn't even make a choice, he is still bound to his original contract, so he has no choice but to be on the show.    There wasn't a putting his personal relationship over a fictional one, he would be in breach of contract if he left and it would be difficult to get work after something like that.  I'm annoyed that Jen has agreed to only come back for one episode and it has to be the premiere. Even agreeing to two would've given CS fans some hope but with one set episode it pretty much sets Emma's demise.

Adam has said we'll see the Savior even with Emma gone which to me says in a portrait like they've done with Neal.

  • Love 4

I could see a heavily preggers Emma sending Killian and Regina to the future to avert a disaster that kills pretty much everyone but their son ..who comes back from the future to warn/get them...hence the


Emma in the nuthouse scene in the finale that is a perfect recreation of Sarah Connor's scene from Terminator2. In which T1 had Kyle come back from the future to save Sarah and get her pregnant...to me that is a giant signpost

If these idiots could properly plan their way through a season arc..they could film a whole chunk of CS scenes to be used throughout the season, and JMo would only have to do all the filming in one upfront trip to Vancouver!

  • Love 6
5 minutes ago, PixiePaws1 said:


If these idiots could properly plan their way through a season arc..they could film a whole chunk of CS scenes to be used throughout the season, and JMo would only have to do all the filming in one upfront trip to Vancouver!

Oh that's a good idea.   Hopefully they at least have the common sense to film a reunion scene for the finale.  

But for me,  I'm out,  I'm pretty sure I'm not even tuning in for the final Battle.   The musical works as a not ideal but comfortable way for me to end the show.   I can goo forward assuming that everything gets settled and they win and live happily ever after. 

  • Love 1
9 minutes ago, Delphi said:

Oh that's a good idea.   Hopefully they at least have the common sense to film a reunion scene for the finale.  


But they can't film Jenn for the finale unless she contracts for it.  So as nice as it is to think they could film her for 45 minutes when she's back in Van and use it for the season, it's not how it works.  She would have to get paid for every episode she appears in and she only wants to appear in the premiere.  It sucks.

  • Love 1

I'm pretty good at compartmentalizing, so I may just decide to look at everything from now on as a totally different show that's entirely unrelated to what came before. I actually liked the last season of the X-Files and liked all the new characters, as long as I didn't think about it as the X-Files. On the other hand, none of the Aliens movies after Aliens exist for me because I don't accept them killing off Newt between movies after devoting an entire movie to saving her. I guess we'll see which it is.

I would love to know how the decision process went. It sounds like A&E were campaigning heavily for renewal (possibly because their odds of getting another showrunning job may be slim). Was the network eager if they could work out the money, leaning against it, especially after Jen refused to sign on for more, or was it all about Netflix backing up the money truck? Was it all about jobs/money, or was there any creative consideration? Are the returning/departing characters because of story reasons or because of outside factors like availability and perceived popularity? I wonder how much say the network had in what would be happening going forward or if the loss of most of the main characters was A&E's idea.

And I'd love to know what these actors really thought about it all. They've been very diplomatic and appreciative in their exit interviews, but it's hard to believe that anyone who knows much about anything relating to storytelling and character development would really think that the material they've had, especially lately, has been at all good. Ginny has said some things in interviews in the past that referred to having to work really hard to find the character's truth in what was written, which was a nice way of saying that the writing was terribly out of character, so I have to think that she's mostly just being polite in talking about what a great thing it was to be on the show. Jen talked about wanting to do other things and get home, but was the writing she got a factor? I guess we'll have to wait until the actors get super famous and/or A&E are out of the business so there's no worry about bridge burning to get the chapter in the tell-all book about their experience on the show. Or one of us needs to meet and make friends with one of the actors, get them drunk, and then ask what they really think.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Curio said:

If ABC wanted to ditch nearly the entire cast and do a reboot only focusing on 2-3 characters, Emma and Hook are the characters who have the most story potential left to tell at this point. They literally just got married, so the audience wants to see where their lives lead.

Emma and Hook would have essentially replaced Snow and Charming's roles from Season 1.

Unfortunately, with A&E, happily married characters are precisely who will not receive a story.  As a replacement for Snow and Charming, they'll get the same treatment - shunted aside and ignored except for the occasional centric that may or may not damage their legacy.  

34 minutes ago, scenicbyway said:

Adam has said we'll see the Savior even with Emma gone which to me says in a portrait like they've done with Neal.

That would so cheap.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, CCTC said:

In the just released statement confirming the departure of Josh, Ginny, Bex, and Jared, they mentioned it is possible that these characters could be seen again, which suggests not the wish-realm. 

This, you mean?

And that doesn't exclude the Wish Realm, since Storybrooke would still exist, and time could move differently in the Wish Realm than there.

I also think only Rumple is from the Wish Realm; Hook and Regina will be the ones from Storybrooke.

Edited by Inquirer

So. I haven't commented at all this half season, although I've been reading the discussions. I really think I'm done with this show. For the first time I don't feel excited about watching it, and I am definitely not excited about whatever the heck is going to be going on in "Season" 7. As much as I've always loved Hook, I just can't see any direction his character could go without Emma that would make me want to watch it. I don't want a full season of Old Hook. I definitely don't want Sad-because-Emma's-dead Hook, or Pining-for-Emma-and-wanting-to-get-back-to-her Hook, unless there's some hope that he actually will get back to her, and with Jennifer Morrison gone, that's not happening. Honestly, I'd rather they recast Emma than try to rejig Hook into someone who could live contentedly without her, regress him into a vengeful villain, or heaven forbid pair him with Regina. TV gods preserve us from that horror. So I think I may just apply the same mind wipe that swept away all the horrible retcons they've brought to Hook's character since S4, and pretend that the wedding was the series finale. It's been real, y'all. I wish there were this kind of in-depth discussion for some better shows. Anyone care to migrate to the iZombie board? Or Sense8? (Seriously, I really want to talk with smart people about Sense8).

  • Love 11
56 minutes ago, Camera One said:

That "tribute" posted by A&E to Ginny, Josh, Jared, Emilie and Rebecca felt really disingenuous.  

Yeah, it all sounded fake and suck-uppy, like the press releases Hollywood couples put out when they're divorcing: "We remain close friends and will devote ourselves to being loving co-parents to our children Turmeric and Madagascar." Not an ounce of sincere emotion in it. (Much like all their writing, ba-bam!)

Edited by Souris
  • Love 15
2 minutes ago, OnceUponAJen said:

I don't think he was on our screens long enough to know, exactly.  Deckhand Hook really didn't either at first, but ended up sacrificing for her.

I disagree, I think it was love at first sight for Deckhand Hook. The look on his face when they run into each other (literally) is one of my favourite bits from the whole series. 

  • Love 4

Wow, reading the different cast members' posts about being let go is very depressing, especially for a show that's supposed to be about hope. I'm actually glad for story purposes that the cast is being reduced because I've always thought it was too bloated, but it really sucks that for a cast and crew that once seemed so tight, it's all coming down to this. They've all been very classy in their responses, and maybe some are glad to be rid of the show, but I wouldn't be surprised if there are some hurt feelings there.

Edited by Katherine
  • Love 2
56 minutes ago, profdanglais said:

 Or Sense8? (Seriously, I really want to talk with smart people about Sense8).

Ah, the rare show where I like every character I'm supposed to like and dislike the characters I'm supposed to dislike. I love Sense8, but my problem is that I enjoy the story so much I'm simply content with wherever they want to take it. 

  • Love 1
54 minutes ago, Souris said:

Yeah, it all sounded fake and suck-uppy, like the press releases Hollywood couples put out when they're divorcing: "We remain close friends and will devote ourselves to being loving co-parents to our children Turmeric and Madagascar." Not an ounce of sincere emotion in it. (Much like all their writing, ba-bam!)

Turmeric would be a great name for a pet, jyst throwing that out there. 

While a&e's comments ring false,  I'm very glad the cast, specifically,  the Charming's still seem to be close. 

  • Love 2
13 minutes ago, Noneofyourbusiness said:

Somehow I don't see the show leaving the modern town setting of Storybrooke.

There is some speculation I've read that they aren't going to be filming in Stevenson and it's going to be a different location. I think that Kat girl who goes to the sets a lot was tweeting with Canadagraphs about it. 

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, Souris said:

Yeah, it all sounded fake and suck-uppy, like the press releases Hollywood couples put out when they're divorcing: "We remain close friends and will devote ourselves to being loving co-parents to our children Turmeric and Madagascar." Not an ounce of sincere emotion in it. (Much like all their writing, ba-bam!)

This is making me laugh harder than it should.  I'm still giggling as I type this.

  • Love 5
22 hours ago, Camera One said:

It's too bad they didn't base the new show around Gideon and The Black Fairy.  I'm sure we would all have watched that.

Damn -- that would have been my favorite new show!  Can we add Aladdin -- he's so exciting!

11 hours ago, Serena said:

It's strange that they didn't ask Rebecca to come back. From her letter, she seems willing, and with JMo not being back, they have the budget for one more regular.

Considering they scrapped 6 actors, Mader's costs certainly weren't a factor.  I think ABC told them to cut costs to the bone if they wanted renewal (add ing fuel to the rumor that Carlyle will only be recurring). 

7 hours ago, Souris said:

I think Once will go down in TV history as a case study of what NOT to do.

Sleepy Hollow should have told them...

3 hours ago, Camera One said:

Unfortunately, with A&E, happily married characters are precisely who will not receive a story.  As a replacement for Snow and Charming, they'll get the same treatment - shunted aside and ignored except for the occasional centric that may or may not damage their legacy. 

In a flashback, someone will tell the new characters that Emma and Hook murdered Ariel and Phillip...

2 hours ago, profdanglais said:

Anyone care to migrate to the iZombie board? Or Sense8? (Seriously, I really want to talk with smart people about Sense8).

I'm binging Season 2 of Seanse8, and watching iZombie, so you can see me on those boards.

1 hour ago, Delphi said:

Turmeric would be a great name for a pet, jyst throwing that out there.

I had a flame-point Siamese (this isn't him, but looks just like him):
named Curry.  Does that count?

  • Love 6

Damn -- that would have been my favorite new show!  Can we add Aladdin -- he's so exciting!

I can see the winter finale now.

Black Fairy: "You don't have the guts to throw me into the Black Cauldron, Jasmine."
Jasmine (crying): "You're right, I don't! I'm just not brave enough to save thousands of lives by simply letting go of your hand!"
Merida: "Did someone call me?"
Aladdin: "Merida? I heard you went back to Dun'Broch."
Merida: "I've been traveling the realms, looking for a way to finally get revenge on the man who murdered my father!"
Aladdin: "You know Arthur is dead, right?"
Merida (crazy-eyed): "Well I tried digging up his corpse and shoving more arrows into it, but..."
Black Fairy: "And you think I'm the psychopath here?!"


I don't think they'll kill Emma. I think it would be the absolute worse thing they can do in the premiere. It would destroy it before it even begins.

If she's dead, it's just a quick trip to the Underworld. Death is no longer a viable threat. Which... makes the whole "the Savior is going to die" plot really silly, doesn't it?

Edited by KingOfHearts
  • Love 2

I think the fact that only three of the main characters are returning is proof that season 7 will be a true relaunch, so I'm not too worried about them ruining any previous storylines.  It'll probably be a completely new show,  just in the same universe.  They probably didn't want to abandon the idea of modern fairy tale characters, and thought including some of the previous actors would secure a built-in audience. I'm going to reserve judgement until after I see the season finale, before I go all doom and gloom.

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