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S29.E11: The Bloodbath

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Amanda and Ashley, you heinous crotchbags. 

While it's not IDEAL for me to be a catty bitch on an anonymous message board, at least I'm not saying awful things about people I was living with who are going to be able to see me say it, in addition to millions of people across the country.  Nasty wenches.

Aww bye Jenna.  You are nine billion times the person Amanda and Ashley are.  Also way classier.

Also also making me root for Nicole is an unforgivable sin.

  • Love 11

I kinda want to punch somebody. And apparently, so do Nelson and Corey.

I know Nicole is tough for some people to take. I get that. But what Smashley and Amanda pulled was bullshit. Teaming up was probably not against the rules, but it was a violation of the spirit of the game. Punk move. The funny thing is that Nicole was clearly stronger than both of them, the way she tugged them back. Smashley got to advance, but Amanda came up short against Nicole. Good. Fuck Smashley and Amanda, fuck Shane for telling them to team up . . . and fuck TJ for saying he was disappointed in Nicole in the prior mission, even though she probably did th puzzle faster than at least two of the guys, if not all four. Damn, I am mad tonight.

Also, I feel for Jenna. Watching her get eliminated was like seeing Mike getting voted off BOTS2. She always makes the final. And then those two heifers shit-talked about her. I can take Jenna. Those two? Not so much.

Hunter gone? Whatever. AYTO can go screw. At least he dodged a bullet with Smashley. He might be an idiot, but he doesn't deserve her.

Loved Darrell talking about the "Seh-doo-doo puzzle." This is why I've dubbed him "Pootie Tang" all these years; because he abuses the language like most of the rookie guys abuse themselves.

Hoping Shane pulls through, even with the stunt he pulled on Nicole. He should do one finale mission before retiring for good.

  • Love 4

Aww, I was rooting for Jenna to make it to the final so too bad she got eliminated. I can't stand Amanda so I'm glad to see her go. She talks ways too much crap, but I do feel for her dad. I hope he's ok.

CT was hiliarious during the underdogs puzzle challenge and I too loved Darrell's "Se-doo-doo" puzzle.

Shane is such an instigator, but I love him. I wonder if Corey will go home now because he pushed Nelson first.

I admit I have not been the biggest Jenna fan in the past but she won me over this season. I was sad to see her go. 

Ashley and Amanda are THE WORST. 

I'm not buying the Camilla/Cory pairing. Is this just so they have an automatic "strong" partner for the next battle of the exes season. I say "strong" because doesn't Cory tend to choke in high pressure/endurance situations?

Come on MTV. I'm going to watch the next episode. Enough of these stupid cliffhangers. Do better. 

  • Love 3

I'm so glad that Nicole made it because as annoying as she is, I hate Amanda more. I just wish Jenna had made it through the first part because she would have smoked them all. Amanda was stupid for letting Ashley ring the bell first. Oh well, at least I don't have to watch Amanda anymore.

The guys taking over an hour and a half to finish the puzzle was hilarious. Nelson playing both sides was also pretty funny. Who knew he wasn't as dumb as I thought?

  • Love 4

Damn, I wanted Nicole out. I can't stand to look at or listen to her.  Laurel could do so much better.  I read the spoiler thread so I knew Jenna was out but I was still sad to see her go. She seems like a genuinely nice person. 

I have to say, I wish there was a forum rule about nicknames. I hate them and most of them are really bad.  

  • Love 2

I can't with this show.  I really just needed Jenna to win that puzzle because I can't stand any of those other girls.  It's like choosing between drowning, torture, or being burned to death.  I hate Amanda a little less than Nicole and Ashley so of course she was stupid and basically handed the game to Ashley.

Darrell kills me. "Actually Nelson might lose because I don't know if he can count to 21." And then CT's commentary was awesome. I would seriously just watch a series of them and Shane, who by the way is the shadiest person in the house but I appreciate it because he's hilarious.

  • Love 4

Bye Amanda!   I can't stand that woman and how important she think she is....and how unimportant she actually is.   Now Ashley just needs to lose everything in a horrific fashion as well.   I just want to see her quit in spectacular fashion in the final because let's be real....she's not built physically and mentally for that.  

I'm sad that Jenna is gone because she's awesome and if someone from Team Losers was gonna win, I wanted it to be her.  

  • Love 8

I loved the interaction between CT, Darrell and Shane. And I don't care if Shane is shady, at least he is playing the game and not riding on coat tails or not thinking which over half these idiots do all season. They don't think about the end game or their own game and then when they get screwed they dont understand. Im glad someone is playing the game. But Laurel and Camilla can stfu about everyone taking so long on the puzzle and so can TJ, I would like to see how fast they all could have done it. TJ, I love you, but when you pull an Alex Trebec and have the answer, sure it looks easy. And unlike everyone here, I kept screaming for the girls to team up on Nicole. The boys were planning it that way too, except Nelson said fuck it and was out for himself. Good job on that, it is a game and you have to be thinking the best way to get to the bell first.



Amanda and Ashley, you heinous crotchbags. 

While it's not IDEAL for me to be a catty bitch on an anonymous message board, at least I'm not saying awful things about people I was living with who are going to be able to see me say it, in addition to millions of people across the country.  Nasty wenches.

Aww bye Jenna.  You are nine billion times the person Amanda and Ashley are.  Also way classier.

Also also making me root for Nicole is an unforgivable sin.


This! Like, times a million -- THIS. I actually said to myself after Jenna (when did she become my favorite female competitor?!?!) was eliminated, "Ugh, now I have to root for Nicole." Because as annoying as I find her, I'd still take her any day over Ashley and/or Amanda. 


But Laurel and Camilla can stfu about everyone taking so long on the puzzle and so can TJ, I would like to see how fast they all could have done it. TJ, I love you, but when you pull an Alex Trebec and have the answer, sure it looks easy. 

I don't think TJ's problem was so much how long it was taking (though the men were absolutely pathetic), it's that they kept calling him over when CLEARLY the rows and columns didn't all add up to 21. I mean, you shouldn't need more than one check. MAYBE two -- but either it adds up to 21 or it doesn't. I was just as annoyed as TJ that it seemed like they were just "hoping" they had the right answer instead of checking it themselves to make sure. 

  • Love 3
13 hours ago, mojoween said:

Amanda and Ashley, you heinous crotchbags. 

While it's not IDEAL for me to be a catty bitch on an anonymous message board, at least I'm not saying awful things about people I was living with who are going to be able to see me say it, in addition to millions of people across the country.  Nasty wenches.

Aww bye Jenna.  You are nine billion times the person Amanda and Ashley are.  Also way classier.

Also also making me root for Nicole is an unforgivable sin.

You calling a woman who goes back to a man who disrespected her numerous times classy is beyond me! LMAO.

I kind of love bitchy stir the pot up Shane. And maybe I'm rooting for him to win? I mean honestly the winner in my heart is CT ALWAYS SHOULD WIN but I wouldn't be sad if Shane got to win one. I feel for him. He's on a team with for the most part, idiots who fly off the handle about everything and most of Shane's actual friends on are on the other team. Stir the pot up, Shane. Do it.

  • Love 3
2 minutes ago, mojoween said:

Her behavior with Zach doesn't make her classless.  It makes her sad and lacking in self-esteem but it doesn't impugn her character.

So a woman who associates herself with a man who treats women like garbage doesn't reflect on her character? I think it speaks very well to her character and makes her dumb and classless. You are who you associate with because it determines your dignity, integrity, and character.

5 minutes ago, WhosThatGirl said:

I kind of love bitchy stir the pot up Shane. And maybe I'm rooting for him to win? I mean honestly the winner in my heart is CT ALWAYS SHOULD WIN but I wouldn't be sad if Shane got to win one. I feel for him. He's on a team with for the most part, idiots who fly off the handle about everything and most of Shane's actual friends on are on the other team. Stir the pot up, Shane. Do it.

I don't like Shane for various reasons but I never got why he was on the on the underdogs team.

I had a feeling Amanda was going home because once again, they spent way too much time focusing on her sick dad. I can't feel sorry for her when she put her college degree "on the back burner" to scream at everyone and make an ass out of herself on national television while her dad slowly dies thousands of miles away. Go home, use that degree and take care of your sick dad.

  • Love 6
4 hours ago, mojoween said:

Shane is an underdog because he was never a champion.

I'm not going to change my opinion about Jenna.  I am well aware of her past.  But when she is standing next to the shrieking harpy twosome of Ashley and Amanda, and I'm only taking that behavior into account, yeah, Jenna is all class.


Preach on Jenna having tons and tons more class than those two.  

Even though this season is Champs vs. Losers....it totally feels like a Vets vs. Newbies challenge, so it does feel like Shane and Jenna are on the wrong team.  All their friends are over on the other side.  

  • Love 10
6 hours ago, sekay87 said:

MEAN. GIRLS. SHANE. He is my favorite. "You screwed Cory over! You screwed Cory over!" I was dying. I know he probably goes home next week, but if he does at least he went out in the best way possible-stirring shit up.

LOVED THIS!!! The only redeeming quality of this shitshow of a season is all of the editorializing, the champs (especially CT) lounging around for hours while the underdogs try to solve the puzzle. And Shane is hands down the best part. I love a good shit stirrer.

  • Love 1
22 hours ago, Hiacios said:

God, I wanted Amanda to win that elimination so bad!

I'm totally with you! I do not understand all the hate Amanda gets on this board. She's honestly no worse than Camilla or Laurel but somehow those girls gets passes for their bitchy behavior. I like Amanda and hope to see her back for another Challenge. 

  • Love 3
9 hours ago, double-elvis said:

I'm totally with you! I do not understand all the hate Amanda gets on this board. She's honestly no worse than Camilla or Laurel but somehow those girls gets passes for their bitchy behavior. I like Amanda and hope to see her back for another Challenge. 

Camilla is the worst! I look forward to Laurel beating her in the next elimination. I don't know what she's so damn smug about. She has to know she's the weakest one on her team. You know Cara would have been able to grab the flag in that inner tube Challenge no problem. She's pretty insufferable most seasons but she is especially full of herself this season.

  • Love 6

This was a difficult episode to watch because I pretty much hate everyone that is left besides CT and Darrell. They were both hilarious on the side lines. I'm sad Jenna is gone.

Nicole and her voice are still annoying as ever. Ashley is still awful. I was impressed with Amanda for about two seconds that she took her time, did the math and got it right before the other girls. But then she ruined it with attitude and throwing up middle fingers. 

Laurel seems into Nicole but then says she'll probably go home because she's too much in her own head? Ok.

Ok, how exactly did Nelson screw over Cory? It looked to me like he ran straight for his bell and managed to ring it before the other guys, but I could be wrong. I never thought I would say this but I actually miss Johnny *hides in a corner*

  • Love 2
12 hours ago, double-elvis said:

I'm totally with you! I do not understand all the hate Amanda gets on this board. She's honestly no worse than Camilla or Laurel but somehow those girls gets passes for their bitchy behavior. I like Amanda and hope to see her back for another Challenge. 


Yeah, she only acts that way because of who she has to deal with, Camilla, Laurel, and Nicole. It's like people on here expect her to stand down everytime one of those bitches pops off at her.

1 hour ago, MaggieG said:

This was a difficult episode to watch because I pretty much hate everyone that is left besides CT and Darrell. They were both hilarious on the side lines. I'm sad Jenna is gone.

Nicole and her voice are still annoying as ever. Ashley is still awful. I was impressed with Amanda for about two seconds that she took her time, did the math and got it right before the other girls. But then she ruined it with attitude and throwing up middle fingers. 

Laurel seems into Nicole but then says she'll probably go home because she's too much in her own head? Ok.

Ok, how exactly did Nelson screw over Cory? It looked to me like he ran straight for his bell and managed to ring it before the other guys, but I could be wrong. I never thought I would say this but I actually miss Johnny *hides in a corner*


Basically, Nelson made a deal with both Cory and Shane but tricked them both by going for his bell instead. Cory is a snake who has screwed over people on this show numerous times but when it happens to him he can't stand it. lol.

  • Love 4
44 minutes ago, Mr. Minor said:

It looked like Cory landed a punch on Nelson's face. He might get sent home, which means the little bitch Shane atomatically stays? Laurel lost me when she became disgusting Nicole's second choice for a hook-up. I think they were still dating in late March?  

I vote they both go home.  Cory for the punch & Nelson for getting physical first.  Who was the last newbie eliminated?  Maybe he can come back.

It will be interesting to see if Laurel & Nicole's relationship lasts through another challenge…especially if Cara Maria is there and Nicole tries to work her wiles again.

3 hours ago, Hiacios said:

Basically, Nelson made a deal with both Cory and Shane but tricked them both by going for his bell instead. Cory is a snake who has screwed over people on this show numerous times but when it happens to him he can't stand it. lol.

Oh ok, didn't catch that. I thought maybe his deal with Cory was to let Cory ring the bell first, didn't see the Shane deal.  That's the smartest thing Nelson's ever done on the whole show.

  • Love 3

Reasons I dislike Amanda:

- On her first appearance on The Challenge, she basically said that she was going to get into as many fights and start as much shit with vets as possible. Dumb. 

- She constantly brags about herself. 

- Not only does she constantly brag about herself, but she does it while putting other people down in irrelevant ways. ie: "Camilla, you're old and just jealous of me because I'm so young and pretty! Also, you're fat!" 

- She started a rumor about Jenna for no apparent reason other than to fuck with her. Jenna is a nice girl. If Amanda had to pick on someone, it should have been someone heinous like Trashley. 

- She is friends with Trashley, who I cannot stand.

I don't HATE Amanda. She's Okay, and seems to be a decent competitor. She's obviously smart; she finished the puzzle first, and she came up with a good strategy against Nicole.  But the things that I listed above make her tough to root for, in my opinion. 

  • Love 11
5 hours ago, Zima said:

I don't HATE Amanda. She's Okay, and seems to be a decent competitor. She's obviously smart; she finished the puzzle first, and she came up with a good strategy against Nicole.  But the things that I listed above make her tough to root for, in my opinion. 

All that you said is fair with regards to Amanda. Although in her Exit Interview I thought she said something to the effect that she regretted hitching her wagon to Ashley this Challenge so I feel like she knew she latched onto a toxic person but if you are saying they are still friends after the show then I don't really have a defense for that. I personally don't see the bragging stuff but I won't take issue with it if you do. And the whole yelling at Camilla that she is fat was during their stupid screaming match where they were volleying insults at each other. Didn't CT say it was hilarious? I think they were drunk and just trying to one-up each other. Camilla said some harsh things too as I recall. 

And I'm sorry, but I don't care if she started a rumor about Jenna (and do we know for sure it was her and not Ashley?). Honestly all the love Jenna gets on this thread has kind of turned me against her. Jenna is not a lost/sick puppy you guys. She can be bitchy too. Remember how she treated her cousin on that season they were together? She did not come off well to me then. It's just compared to the lot we see her with now she's a shinning star. But is that really that hard?

Anyway, I feel kind of dumb for sticking up for Amanda so much because really who cares but someone up thread was ranting so much against her I felt the need to defend her. Shrugs.  

On Wed Apr 12 2017 at 10:05 PM, double-elvis said:

I'm totally with you! I do not understand all the hate Amanda gets on this board. She's honestly no worse than Camilla or Laurel but somehow those girls gets passes for their bitchy behavior. I like Amanda and hope to see her back for another Challenge. 

You will never hear me propping up the examples you listed. Saying Amanda sucks just means she sucks. Doesn't mean she's the only one who does. Her sob story and constantly trying to act like she's big shit when she's done nothing yep is annoying as fuck. At least laurel and Camilla have won something at the very least.

Edited by Racj82
Sob not son (auto correct)
  • Love 4
5 minutes ago, Racj82 said:

You will never hear me propping up the examples you listed. Saying Amanda sucks just means she sucks. Doesn't mean she's the only one who does. Her son story and constantly trying to act like she's big shit when she's done nothing yep is annoying as fuck. At least laurel and Camilla have won something at the very least.

Does Amanda have a son? I'm not trying to be snarky I honestly don't know. I googled it and nothing came up. (Or did you mean "sob story" in reference to her dad)?

And I give! She does suck at times. I'll move on now. LOL. 

I can't stand Amanda just because she always talks about how smart she is yet her words and actions are the opposite. "Tucker down" Me "verse" her, and many other things she says (I can't remember bec it's super early) belie all her claims of intelligence. Ok, she won a puzzle game against idiots...she's still dumb as fuck all while claiming to be smart. 


I was rooting for Jenna simply because she was the least ugly acting of all the female competitors. She never goes out of her way to be mean spirited, and although she is dumb, she works hard. 

I hate Trashley. I'm sure they'll keep her on because she does well, but she's not even love to hate like Plantains (who at least can come up with a few quips), she's just a garbage bag. I thought on her RW season she told everyone her rich family could buy them, but now her reason for wanting to win is to get  money to start a new life in a new city? Aren't you rich, bitch?

I just hate (in all reality shows) the "DESERVE" to win because person X's story is not as sad as person Y's story. You are all here to sell drama and bullshit for money. No one can quantify more or less deservedness.

I cannot abide dumbass Nelson, so I couldn't even root for him "outsmarting" the other two. He is an idiot second only to Dario in this franchise.

I feel like this season has been a bunch of nothing and could have been much better produced if the Underdogs actually had to spar against Champions in the elimination pits at the end. Like if you are the best Underdog, beat the Champs to get your money (since they've introduced the idea that you may not get cash at the end {Bananas/Sarah}). That would have been good and I wouldve enjoyed the Champ sideline commentary while not being pissed that someone like Camilla got further than Cara Maria. I also wish they would've been able to grab people like Aneesa, Cooke, or Emily as elimination beasts instead of weak SF Ashley. I guess my ideal scenario for something like this would've been a contest amongst the Underdogs then the tops out of them would've had to beat strong competitors from the past. I also want a bit of a return to the "heart" of the Challenges. Toughing out bullshit (sitting on ice blocks, spinning/milk) would make it more enjoyable than pure strength/who is more swole competitions. 

Edited by sunsheyen
  • Love 4

Yeah, she only acts that way because of who she has to deal with, Camilla, Laurel, and Nicole. It's like people on here expect her to stand down everytime one of those bitches pops off at her.

No, she's been an asshole since her AYTO season.  An overly inflated sense of self, that one.  She's not the only one, but she lacks the humor/entertainment value some of the others possess. 

Sad to see Jenna go. 

  • Love 2
On 4/11/2017 at 10:48 PM, Racj82 said:

What is this opposites day? No but really, fuck Amanda. Always all bark and no bite with her. Go get a job and pay off your loans and help your dad. All your doing is constantly leaving the country while your dad isn't always in the best health.

No bite? She only lost to Nicole 2-1, and barely. She also finished the puzzle the fastest out of everyone.

Amanda gets hate around here, but she was a good sport about losing, and said she's still rooting for her team. There are more detestable people on this show than her.

9 hours ago, columbot said:

No bite? She only lost to Nicole 2-1, and barely. She also finished the puzzle the fastest out of everyone.

Amanda gets hate around here, but she was a good sport about losing, and said she's still rooting for her team. There are more detestable people on this show than her.

It's not about who is more or less detestable. I just don't like her. I also don't like other people on the show. My post was just a reaction to Amanda support. Because I find her tiring more than anything.

Also when I say no bite I'm talking about her constantly popping off when we all know she will doing nothing. And she has won nothing until she takes home the cash. Doesn't really matter what you do or almost do at the end of the day. But, yeah I also find Nicole super annoying for example. Just for different reasons.

Edited by Racj82
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