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"The View": Week Of 4/03/2017

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I am catching up on shows (couldn't watch tv for a couple weeks, but my DVR kept merrily recording), and it's so obvious that Whoopi considers herself above everyone else. Every time the women talk about their relationships, she rolls her eyes. Every time they play a game, she won't participate. Talking about trivial subjects, she puts on that oh-so-annoying Valley Girl/White Girl voice. Asked for an emotional response, she brushes everything off and mocks the others on the panel. Put together, it's kind of horrifying.

And then today, I was appalled she told Sunny to basically wipe the expression off her face. I mean, that's how moms talk to their snotty 8-year-olds.

It brought to mind Sean Spicer telling the reporter to stop shaking her head when he was talking to her. He was quite rightly roasted over the coals for that. Adults shouldn't treat other adults like errant third graders. When they do, they should quite rightly be castigated for it.

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21 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Actually, I thought Whoopi was REALLY rude to say that to Sunny ... that's her damn face & how it looks ... where does Whoopi get off telling her to change it (because Whoopi finds it disapproving?).

True, very true.  I just related because, yes America, I too suffer from SBF.  There, I admit it. I dont mean for it to be, and if I realize it I try to change it.  Most of the time I dont realize it though lol.  Im glad Sonny laughed it off and hope she wasnt hurt.

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Whoopi is so ignorant. Wearing “white lady hair” is cultural appropriation?!! 

I’m not even going to get into why black women wear straight hair or dye their hair whatever color they want, but it isn’t cultural appropriation you tyrant!

I hope black twitter gets her together on social media that she claims she doesn’t read but somehow always knows about what is being said. 

Kendall is 20 not 12. She was ~complicit~.

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T.I. was hilarious. That line about Omarosa not even being able to bridge the gap in her teeth had me rolling. I liked that he called out Steve Harvey and others (like the Dreamgirls woman, imo) for treating Trump like he’s some wonderful guy. Not that it surprised me about Steve Harvey.

Whoopi was obnoxious during the commercial discussion. I hate when she goes into all-out defense mode for some celebrity; and of course she ended the segment by mocking Sunny’s hair. I’m glad Sunny read off that quote from Bill O’Reilly’s daughter about his abuse of her mother. I’d never heard that, and it was pretty damning. I've never liked O'Reilly and somehow none of this story surprises me.

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It really bothered me today when the guest made a comment about Omarosa's teeth. I am not a fan of hers or Trump, but it rubbed me the wrong way to see a man attack how a woman looks. You can attack her policies, behaviors, attitude but he went straight to how she looks. And none of the female panels said anything. 

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23 hours ago, Tammee said:

Whoopi had me cracking up when she told Sonny to lose the SBF during Whoopi's story.   (SBF Standing (( or sometimes Staring)) Bitch Face

Maybe it's SHOCKED Bitch Face...or STUNNED Bitch Face.   Sometimes SHAMED* Bitch Face?

*Shamed for others--never herself.

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1 hour ago, TheGreenKnight said:

T.I. was hilarious. That line about Omarosa not even being able to bridge the gap in her teeth had me rolling. I liked that he called out Steve Harvey and others (like the Dreamgirls woman, imo) for treating Trump like he’s some wonderful guy. Not that it surprised me about Steve Harvey.

Whoopi was obnoxious during the commercial discussion. I hate when she goes into all-out defense mode for some celebrity; and of course she ended the segment by mocking Sunny’s hair. I’m glad Sunny read off that quote from Bill O’Reilly’s daughter about his abuse of her mother. I’d never heard that, and it was pretty damning. I've never liked O'Reilly and somehow none of this story surprises me.

Whoopie is so nasty whenever anybody expresses an opposing viewpoint that differs from hers.. That snide comment about "white lady hair" was so unnecessary and filled with venom. Whoopie as a Black woman should know about the issues that surrounds Black hair and it goes back to slavery. It is a complex topic that should be treated with sensitivity and care.  She is so ignorant and filled with so much insecurity.  Sad! 

I am so happy to see Bill O'Reilly's dirt coming out in the open. He is a despicable human being getting his just desserts. Between him and lying Ryan's draconian healthcare plan going down in flames. I am getting a perverse pleasure from all of this.

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2 hours ago, Tammee said:

True, very true.  I just related because, yes America, I too suffer from SBF.  There, I admit it. I dont mean for it to be, and if I realize it I try to change it.  Most of the time I dont realize it though lol.  Im glad Sonny laughed it off and hope she wasnt hurt.

My daughter in law asked my son once why he had a SBF and his response was I inherited it from my mother.  I know I have one and I don't apologize for it.  Especially in the political climate we are being exposed to on a daily basis, I think a SBF is appropriate.

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2 hours ago, Onceafan said:

It really bothered me today when the guest made a comment about Omarosa's teeth. I am not a fan of hers or Trump, but it rubbed me the wrong way to see a man attack how a woman looks. You can attack her policies, behaviors, attitude but he went straight to how she looks. And none of the female panels said anything. 

I read that Omarosa now finally has a large and regular paycheck...before this administration she had sparse work and very little income...always.  One of her large recent "paydays" was appearing on "Say Yes to the Dress," where the show paid for her $25,000 wedding dress/etc.  I think that show airs this week.  She also has a 1/3 trust left by her fiance' Michael Clarke Duncan. 

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7 hours ago, Tammee said:

True, very true.  I just related because, yes America, I too suffer from SBF.  There, I admit it. I dont mean for it to be, and if I realize it I try to change it.  Most of the time I dont realize it though lol.  Im glad Sonny laughed it off and hope she wasnt hurt.

I've had it since I was 12 clerks at 7-11s would tell me to smile to which I would say my father just died. I do work on it. So many think you are sour cause you don't grin all the time . Actually I'm a barrel of laughs.

I wish they would have mentioned how Don lemon  responded to Bill  O'Rilly slam about them not covering Sudan  Rice. " I do not refuse to cover the story but I did cover your sexual assault allegations   Did you ? 

Thing of beauty 

since Omorosa does not have a gap in her teeth I did not hear it as a insult to her looks just a gripe at her not being qualified to represent the black community or anyone for that matter. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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5 hours ago, susieq147 said:

My daughter in law asked my son once why he had a SBF and his response was I inherited it from my mother.  I know I have one and I don't apologize for it.  Especially in the political climate we are being exposed to on a daily basis, I think a SBF is appropriate.

My mother and I both have SBF. Probably fits me, lol. Although I always thought it was called "resting b**** face."

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Whoopi admits to being dyslexic. Today she actually said that that reading is tough for her. So why is she the moderator, again? Producers?

That Morgan Freeman! He hugged Sarah and unabashedly squeezed her tight and close. 

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8 hours ago, Onceafan said:

It really bothered me today when the guest made a comment about Omarosa's teeth. I am not a fan of hers or Trump, but it rubbed me the wrong way to see a man attack how a woman looks. You can attack her policies, behaviors, attitude but he went straight to how she looks. And none of the female panels said anything. 

The ladies looked uncomfortable with the comment. Unfortunately, they will only bark back when its a Republican badmouthing a Democrat. Can you imagine if, say,  Scott Baio said something negative about Nancy Pelosi's appearance?

Edited by Blissfool
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21 hours ago, maggiemae said:

And btw - we all do not know she didn't vote for Trump. Certainly not Hillary. The other options? Doubt "Allepo" Johnson, or Stein. Where was their support from her and why not? What crap. 

I actually cursed out loud when she said "everybody knows I didn't vote for Trump"

 I yelled out BULL SHIT! and startled the heck out of my husband in the next room..because we don't KNOW who she really voted for. (I have my suspicions)

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Omarosa looks like she has nice teeth. I think the comment that T.I. made was just off the cuff and not supposed to be literal. I'm sure Omarosa can take it. She's dished out plenty of crap over the years and is quite a tough character, so this little comment probably wouldn't phase her. I thought it was funny.

Edited to say that I agree with you, athousandclowns, since you mentioned this too.

Edited by Kenz
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14 hours ago, May Jacks said:

Kendall is 20 not 12. She was ~complicit~.

Sorry, don't agree. Kendall Jenner is an ignorant little twit.   She and her whole family have made a fortune off the ability of Americans to be fascinated by absolutely NOTHING and Sunny attributing any level of social or political awareness, sensitivity, or even common fucking sense to any of them is giving them too much credit imo.  Just because they are successful famewhores does not mean Kendall has even the slightest understanding of how a soft drink company's advertising campaign relates to today's racial/political environment any more than she understands how some soft drink's advertising campaign relates to the stick-a-daisy in a National Guards's rifle peace concept which the ad in question was actually intended to reference.  Maybe Pepsi should have known how it might come across ... but Kendall?  Complicit?  Nah.

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7 hours ago, Celia Rubenstein said:

Sorry, don't agree. Kendall Jenner is an ignorant little twit.   She and her whole family have made a fortune off the ability of Americans to be fascinated by absolutely NOTHING and Sunny attributing any level of social or political awareness, sensitivity, or even common fucking sense to any of them is giving them too much credit imo.  Just because they are successful famewhores does not mean Kendall has even the slightest understanding of how a soft drink company's advertising campaign relates to today's racial/political environment any more than she understands how some soft drink's advertising campaign relates to the stick-a-daisy in a National Guards's rifle peace concept which the ad in question was actually intended to reference.  Maybe Pepsi should have known how it might come across ... but Kendall?  Complicit?  Nah.

Let me start by saying I do not give a flying fuck about the Kardashian/Jenner clan.  But they have made their careers out of their "brand" which happens to be themselves.  Is Kendall a vapid uninformed twit?  Absolutely.  But I'm sure she has managers and agents who should have been aware of the inappropriateness of the Pepsi ad.  And let's not forget ignorance is no defense.  Is this going to hurt Kendall's "career"? No.  Is this going to hurt Pepsi?  Probably not.  But it might make advertisers think the next time they want to make light of a serious topic when trying to sell something.

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Jedidiah's obnoxiousness is ramped up to 10 when Whoopi is off.


And Paula and everyone else like her can fuck off with "Those poor poor children" crap. You mean the poor children who you slammed the door on? Those poor children? Fuck you.


Obviously action needed to be taken, but as usual, Fuckface Von Orange did it recklessly. And I don't buy the breakup between him and Vlad one bit.

Edited by Jewlmc
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I don't know what's going on lately but this yelling and shouting and talking on top of each other HAS GOT TO STOP!!!! Geeze! It's really, really annoying - you can't tell what the bloody conversation is with everybody jockeying for who can shout the loudest!

As much as I love me some Joy, I did get a little miffed at her today when she would not let up on hounding Kurt Russell as to why he and Goldie aren't married. In fact, Joy rather disappointed me when she married Steve after 30-odd years of being together. She would go on and on about how marriage didn't matter to them and they didn't need it. Well, guess who ended up giving in to what...societal pressure, family pressure, who knows? If Kurt and Goldie are willing to stick to their convictions - unlike some people - then this should not be an issue. They've more than beaten the odds and especially in a place like Hollywood, where most marriages last months and lawyers drive Aston Martins, thanks to prenups and divorce cases that cost millions.

Whoopi's rant about black women's hair? What was that all about? I think I missed something.

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The three blind mice at the table are so happy trump showed strength by alerting Syria and Russia before the US bombed an empty(of weapons/aircrafts) airfield. 

Too bad no one mentioned the refugees trump wants to ban while Paula was pontificating about dead children and humanity. I also read a report that 4 children where killed in this strike. Where’s the humanity in that Paula? Go back to GMA.

She was so dramatic and condescending in that moment. 

Jediblabbermouth is a moron.  I bet if Pres. Obama acted without congressional approval, she’d be crying and whining incompetence and overreach. 

When all of the truth comes out later, people praising this act will look stupid like they did after the Carrier jobs thing, the state of the union, etc.

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Jed is so oblivious to the fact that when she starts describing her dog's behavior it sounds like she's describing her own. Her fur kid takes after it's human Mom.

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19 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:
20 minutes ago, Tosia said:

I thought Joy said she got married for shared insurance and health care/end of life legal issues, so they both would be covered.  

Yes she did!!!

Gee...that's romantic! In most places, if you have lived common law for over a certain number of years, you get your partner's benefits and insurance and all that stuff anyway so it is no different if you're married or not.

Re that comment about Omarosa's teeth? Just for the record, I loathe that woman and that goes for her teeth too.

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Can not stand Jedablabla and her sardonic grin  , I want to reach into my television  and smack it off of and then draw a red line thru it  

  I remember the reason Joy married after 29 years was after an emergency surgery she had and she realized they would have no say so in each other's care and she was so impressed and moved by Steve's care and handling  of family.  Joy has one daughter and maybe didn't want to put that on her.  She did it very quietly and wears her mothers wedding ring   I think like Joy  and Steve it would not change the dynamics of Kurt and Goldie's realtionship and maybe they probably have something in writing ( and we do have palimony here in CA) and they live part time in Colorado which is a common law state  

Really  on the craft crap?? 

Todays Joy's pant hems looked different lengths  

Whoops we were posting at same time about Joy. 

Edited by athousandclowns
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If nothing else, the fight for marriage equality outlined exactly how many rights come with a legal marriage ceremony. I think when you get to the point where the end of life is closer than the beginning, those things become more important. It certainly takes the burden off of other survivors for there to be legal guidelines.

Go, Joy! Anyone who has been in a relationship for 30 years can be as unromantic about the legal necessities as they want to be. IMHO, of course. ;-)

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12 minutes ago, dinkysquid said:

Gee...that's romantic! In most places, if you have lived common law for over a certain number of years, you get your partner's benefits and insurance and all that stuff anyway so it is no different if you're married or not. ....

I don't know about most places, but common law marriage isn't recognized by the state of NY (or Calif either).

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19 minutes ago, rcc said:

I noticed that when Kurt came out to greet everyone he told Jed he loved her. I guess he agrees with her.

Kurt is a conservative.  Goldie Hawn has said many times politics is one of things they disagree about.

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5 hours ago, JayD83 said:

I don't know why I watched today.  I can't take Paula AND Jedi.


Edited by ari333
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On April 6, 2017 at 11:26 AM, Apprentice79 said:

Whoopie is so nasty whenever anybody expresses an opposing viewpoint that differs from hers.. That snide comment about "white lady hair" was so unnecessary and filled with venom. Whoopie as a Black woman should know about the issues that surrounds Black hair and it goes back to slavery. It is a complex topic that should be treated with sensitivity and care.  She is so ignorant and filled with so much insecurity.  Sad! 

This. Everytime she makes the comment "well Black women straighten their hair",  it pisses me off. I remember that she also made the same comment when the Rachel Dolezal story first broke. Raven was there and agreed with her that since Black women straighten their hair, they could not be upset about Rachel posing as a Black woman. For years Black women gave been told that their natural hair is everything from ugly to unprofessional, so I'm very surprised that Whoppi and Raven were not aware of this.

Also, I remember a few years ago when Barbara Walters was still there, she made a comment about how Black women straightened their hair to be more like White women- both Whoppi and Sherri got on her and adamantly denied it. Whoppi told Barbara that the reason Black women straightened their hair was to make it more manageable. Did Whoppi forget her previous stance on this issue or did she just change her mind?

Edited by ezzylin
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5 hours ago, athousandclowns said:

Can not stand Jedablabla and her sardonic grin  , I want to reach into my television  and smack it off of and then draw a red line thru it  

And that forced hyena laugh.   Good things:  Paula's tan is fabulous.   Jedidiah's nose was missing the glowing stripe today; it was just a toned-down Trumporange.

10 hours ago, JayD83 said:


Apparently there were no children in the almost 500,000 human beings who were previously tortured/murdered in Syria, Paula, Jedidiah, AND Mr. President!   Maybe if we Tweet photos of atrocities to our President we can get him to take action.  The pictures appalled him.

Edited by Former Nun
used "apparently" twice; I hate that.
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Yeah, who knew that the way to his heart is through painful pictures?  How about all those abused animal commercials?  And/or the pathetic bald kids in the St. Jude's oncology wards?  Maybe The View could feature a daily Paula's Pathetic Picture & encourage the Pres. to save the world, bit by bit!

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4 minutes ago, 3pwood said:

 Maybe The View could feature a daily Paula's Pathetic Picture & encourage the Pres. to save the world, bit by bit!

This is daytime TV producer thoughtspeak!  You go, girl (or boy) ! ! !

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I wish they wouldn't ruin "Joy Friday" with both Jedi and Paula.  I really can't stand either of them. Though at least with Paula, you pretty much know which side she'll take. With Jediblahblah you never what she will choose to argue about.

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I absolute adore Alan and Adam Arkin.  Find something so fun and likable about both of them.   

   Joy is a very good at directing how the conversation goes.   Friday show Paula may or may not have been making a good point but her emotions where taking over and it was difficult to listen to.   Both Sunny and Jed backed up their agruments well.  My views fall more towards Sunny's , still their debate about congress was interesting. 

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3 minutes ago, Medicine Crow said:

I couldn't open this link!!!???

MONDAY! Let's get cookin' — @TheView and @TheChew go head-to-head in our fifth annual cook-off! ? Whose team are you on? pic.twitter.com/MoTBncOc4x

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On 4/7/2017 at 5:41 PM, maggiemae said:

No common law in Washington State. Only 15 states allow it, including 4 only if created prior to 1991, 1996, 1997 and 2005; plus DC. 

Well, in Canada, after one year, a couple is considered married. 

And we're getting weed legalized - next year. 

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13 hours ago, tribeca said:


I absolute adore Alan and Adam Arkin.  Find something so fun and likable about both of them.  


A couple weekends ago, on TCM, they showed the interview Robert Osborne did with Alan Arkin.  He said his best acting was when someone yelled "Serpentine" at him and he laughs like it's a clever joke.  I loved him in the Inlaws with Peter Falk.  Still say serpentine to my husband at times.

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18 hours ago, howiveaddict said:

A couple weekends ago, on TCM, they showed the interview Robert Osborne did with Alan Arkin.  He said his best acting was when someone yelled "Serpentine" at him and he laughs like it's a clever joke.  I loved him in the Inlaws with Peter Falk.  Still say serpentine to my husband at times.

"Serpentine" still makes us laugh too.

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