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S06.E09: Goodbye Tour

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2 hours ago, DianeDobbler said:
  • This reminds me of Mad Men where Matt Weiner just fan serviced all over the place in the finale without letting the audience enjoy a build-up. Don's build-up was entirely misdirection (seemed about him finally stepping up for his kids, but NOPE). Peggy got five seconds to realize and express her love for Stan, Pete had reconciled with Trudy but got remarried and begun his new job off screen.

I'm just PISSED about Shosh. We couldn't see her dating that guy? In one magic swoop her old boss appeared and is transformed from a kind of dumb, silly woman to a sparkle pony of life wisdom and enlightment and is rushed through to a romance w/Ray, while we attend Shosh's engagement party without every knowing she was dating anyone, nor where she's been in life since she started that new job that she resented.

Who's that Girl, "Girls" has become more and more hierarchal, and about who Lena Dunham apparently personally prefers. I like Andrew Rennells, but he's become a girl, and there's no room for six of them (cause Ray is one as well). So Shosh gets this bullshit. Since Lena/Hannah is the star, we have to observe every single beat of her story (and of course, Marnie's), while everyone else gets the bum's rush.

Agree with everything, even the Mad Men stuff.  It felt like Hannah was saying goodbye to the city more then her friends, because none of the core girls have been close for a while now.


2 hours ago, Eyes High said:

With that said, while Hannah's failure to tell Shosh about her pregnancy may have disinvited her from the party, I don't think that was the real reason that Shosh tried to exclude Hannah. Shosh admitted that she wanted to level up and trade in Marnie, Jessa and Hannah for better friends, or at least friends who would fit her image of the kind of friend she wanted to have: pretty girls with cute purses, great jobs, and nice personalities. Marnie, Jessa and Hannah are a big fail on some or all of those fronts. She also complained quite a bit about rudeness and inappropriateness, which meant that she wanted friends who would behave nicely in public at least without making scenes or starting drama. Jessa, Hannah, and Marnie are now an embarrassment to Shosh.

I would have liked to see more of this onscreen.  I am actually happy that Shosh broke free of this group, because Marnie, Hannah, and Jessa are shitty people and recognizing that is a step in the right direction.  This does not mean that Shosh's focus on the superficial is the right way to go, but she has evolved and no longer needs the stupid drama the other three bring with them.

As others have said, it is much more realistic then the having the core gang never break apart, even though the character friendships no longer make sense.

I was strongly hoping that Lena was not going to be pregnancy=maturity with this plot line, but it seems like a cliché the show is embracing, complete with life altering dream job.  Yes, I am sure the youth really need Hannah to help them navigate internet writing opportunities.

In reality, I know several people who are adjuncts, and they are the unloved grunts of Academia.  Most of them can not even make ends meet and have to take on a second job to pay the bills.  I also know people who are well respected in their fields and they take adjuncts jobs, because they love to teach and the young people benefit from their real world knowledge. 

A job in Academia is very insecure right now, particularly with tenure being eliminated or very hard to get and a generation of scholars refusing to retire to make room at the top.  This is true for people with stellar credentials and CVs.  I guess Hannah got the job because she is a great writer?


I'd assume it's not tenure track  but rather a 1-3 year visiting instructor contract job where she's filling in for someone on sabbatical and the department is also restructuring and the institutional budget and they can get a waiver from the usual acreditation rules because they had to hire someone, anyone, last minute for the next academic term.... And that when that contract is up, she'll get politely get nudged to the door with the promise of a good recommendation if she wants to go back and get her terminal degree. 

I hate it when shows have to make the audience figure this stuff out.  Just a five minute talk with Elijah about what the position entails and weighing it against staying in NYC would have been so helpful.

Edited by qtpye
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Why is the last season making me hate all of them?

I will say I am proud of Hannah, she is really adulting.
But the rest...Marnie didn't want Hannah to feel left out so she didn't answer her phone...what if Hannah had an emergency...
Shoshanna- invited Marnie??? but not Hannah to her engagement party...and then doubled down on her kind of sh*tty decision
Jessa seems slightly better but the deal with Jessa is she will sell you out in a heartbeat again...can you ever really trust someone like her

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I loved this episode, it showed just how far they've all grown apart, ah, it happens. Quite frankly, it was easy to grow apart since I think they were never really all that close because like Shosh pointed out they're all so narcissistic.  I watch this mainly for Hannah so, works for me. I know it's called Girls but this show to me is about the main girl and that's Lena's character. I loved the way she ended those friendships, or rather just moved on with her life. She seemed at peace with it all. I was even happy with the way she left things with Jessa, that was sweet, warmed  my heart. To think, Jessa was the only one thinking of celebrating her baby by giving her that gift. I can now wish Jessa well and feel for her. I didn't care to see Shosh dating,she did nothing for me when she was on screen, nothing. But I'm glad she seems to have a happy ending. The fact that they didn't show her dating this guy just drove home the point even more that we can stick a fork in this foursome. I think Marnie was about the only one who continued to be constant in Hannah's life and I can take or leave Marnie as well.

Oh, Elijah was hilarious as usual, busting in that bathroom with his feckless whores comment, he's about the only one I'll miss.

Oh, and the shit on the streets of NYC monologue, OMG, I could not stop laughing, it was hilarious to me. Lena's delivery of it all was perfect.

Edited by Keepitmoving
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3 hours ago, Eyes High said:

Even though the Inside the Episode suggests that Shosh is truly leveling up and finding true happiness, I saw a few warning flags: the quick courtship and engagement (zero to engagement party in six months?), the overly gushy speech at the engagement party (which pretty much boiled down to "Look at how happy and in love I am! Seriously! For realsies!"), the fact that Byron may have issues of his own (Shosh brags about him completing all steps of Al-Anon, which is for relatives/loved ones of alcoholics), and Shosh flashing her ring like it's some sort of mic drop. So Shosh's obsession with image and status--the Instagram-worthy engagement party, the handsome fiance (whom she loves so, so much, like seriously you guys, so much), her pique at Hannah wearing overalls when she's many months pregnant and has trouble finding anything that fits, etc.--over substance (quickie engagement, etc.) continues unabated. Good luck with that, Shosh. Let's see how many of those pretty girls with nice purses are there for you when your marriage falls through.


I dont know, you see, Shoshanna has never been a very deep character - she has always been portrayed as very Jappy, so its not a complete character change for her to want to hang around with ambitious women with nice purses. I completely dont blame her for dumping Hannah, mostly because I think Hannah just saw her as a puppy dog to keep around due to being Jessa's cousin. Heck, not even informing her of her pregnancy at all and she is probably 6 months or so says a lot. While Shosh's speech did sound slightly ridiculous and self-righteous, she brought up some good points and finally stood up for herself. Also, Hannah can look/dress/act downright *icky* a lot of the time. I dont think the quick engagement was wierd - it may have been after 6 months of dating, which is not so unheard of. 

This was the first episode that I liked Marnie, ever. She really does seem like a great friend to Hannah, and this was the first time we saw her hanging out at a party, being admired by guys, and not acting awkward in any way. 

I felt sorry for Jessa in this episode, after she said that she quit school. 

Hannah's job offer (or rather, all of the jobs that she has worked this show, aside from the coffee shop one) were highly improbable, not even getting into the fact that she is a 6 months pregnant woman without a Master's degree or an impressive job record. I will go on a limb and suggest her mother got this one for her. I have no doubt that she will screw this one up as well. I was wondering why she was assuring the interview that she would have no problem working throughout the remainder of her pregnancy - well, DUH she will have to work until she is due, that should have been a given for her situation. The real question is, and what I am surprised neither she nor the interviewer brought up was, will she work right after having a baby? I am assuming this job will last longer than 3 months. Did Hannah even consider what she will be doing once the baby is born ? 

58 minutes ago, qtpye said:

In reality, I know several people who are adjuncts, and they are the unloved grunts of Academia.  Most of them can not even make ends meet and have to take on a second job to pay the bills.  I also know people who are well respected in their fields and they take adjuncts jobs, because they love to teach and the young people benefit from their real world knowledge. 

A job in Academia is very insecure right now, particularly with tenure being eliminated or very hard to get and a generation of scholars refusing to retire to make room at the top.  This is true for people with stellar credentials and CVs.  I guess Hannah got the job because she is a great writer?



Since her mother is a college professor who has tenure at a state university, I will say that this job offer had to be nepotism in some way, or at least it was a very very good connection. 

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But the rest...Marnie didn't want Hannah to feel left out so she didn't answer her phone...what if Hannah had an emergency...

I don't know if it's really Marnie's responsibility to be vigilant as to Hannah's phone calls in case of emergency.  Hannah's an adult.  If she has a real emergency, as in "I will be dead within the hour if assistance is not immediately rendered," she knows how to dial 911, or can always call her father, who also lives in town.

I feel like Shosh's plot is more about retroactively justifying her lack of screentime than anything else.  I have no problem with her moving on from these people, I just would have liked to have seen more of it in previous episodes.    

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To add to various comments about Hannah's improbably job offer, she's being hired to teach people from the ages of 18-21 for the most part about the internet. You know what? They know, and know better than the professor who hired Hannah.

I was glad Shosh told the other girls off. She grew up, and not as bizarrely and improbably was Hannah evidently is supposed to have done.

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It took me five seasons to post a comment on this forum 'Girls' about 'almost-the-last episode'. I loved everything about this episode, it was about as perfect as it could get for the culmination of a six-season series. The girls all finally grew up, that's what it all comes down to, and it was about time they did. Pushing this series into a seventh season would have begun to make all of them look like some kind of emotionally stunted narcissists.

They all grew up! Yes, that's the final take-away. And, it's a good thing for all of them. If Hannah hadn't become pregnant, she would still be peddling on life's treadmill not going anywhere. It took facing real life to understand that she's responsible for another human being besides herself to reach emotional maturity and accept responsibility. Yes, the man taking a shit on the sidewalk opened her eyes to the fact that New York is absolutely the wrong place for her to live as a grown up and raise her son.

My only regret is that there hasn't been a spin-off series written by Lena Dunham for Andrew Rannells who plays Elijah. He is absolutely a huge part of the glue that held this series together. He was always a dose of reality for Hannah. Andrew Rannells is a very talented actor with a gift for comedy.

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This wasn't my favorite episode of the season, but the party, the inevitable growing apart - that all hit so close to hime for me. Even the leaving NYC - I remember that being SUCH a big deal when I left NYC in my 20s (I came back.)

I know people are upset about the lack of screentime for Shosh, but I haven't been. I found the Shosh episodes in Japan this season to be interminable. I think I personally do better with a dab of Shosh and I feel like she's been around here and there. This has always been Hannah's story for me - for better or for worse - so I feel like the focus has been mostly where I would expect it to be. I prefer Elijah to Shosh too. I suspect Shosh's marriage will end in divorce, but maybe not for a good few years. So many of us do that in life - make a deliberate decision to move on to something better and/or more stable and end up with a SO who is attached to that movement. It doesn't always carry all the way through, but that's life.

The job offer seems ridiculous, but as someone mentioned above - after watching Rory Gilmore be handed the world on a silver platter over and over, it barely even registered for me. 

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This season feels rushed, and so the wrap ups are a little ridiculous--Hannah's convenient but seemingly improbably job offer in the nick of time---or too hurried and abrupt--Shosh's engagement to a guy we've never met--but this episode still kind of got to me. Shosh's hostility at Hannah seemed childish but not unearned, and her point about them all drifting and not really being friends anymore is spot on. But I got a little teary at the Jessa/Hannah conversation; they're not friends anymore either, but they found some peace. I liked them all staying at the party and all having their little moments. I loved everything Elijah, as always (and yeah, no way would Elijah have been able to keep Shosh's engagement/party a secret. come ON.)

I'm going to be sorry to see this show come to an end.

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You know, as improbably as this whole wrap up is, with everyone ending up in their correct place, and Hannah getting closure with all the various people in her life before going off to get a job that makes very little sense in the real world, the ending of this episode really hit me. Maybe because I just finished my Masters degree last year, and moved away from my home state for the first time, but the last party with your friends thing just hit SUPER close to home. I've always found Girls to be a rather conventional show, for all its mumblecore pretensions of uniqueness, so its not surprising to me that its ending on a conventional note, where Hannah gets pregnant, and finds maturity with her baby, and moves out of the city to find a more mundane life. I'm alright with it. Its what I expected to happen.

So Shosh has basically been living in an entirely new show off screen somewhere, where she met a guy, got engaged, and has decided to abandon the rest of the Girls completely, which, yeah she was pretty mean saying it, but she was right. Shosh has never really been super close to the other Girls, and they're all basically a mess. While Shosh can make dumb choices and be self centered too (she seems to live entirely for looking cool on Instagram and learning about herself through Buzzfeed quizzes and self help articles) she is the one who seems to be the most rational and well adjusted of the main characters, so its for the best she cuts ties. Maybe at some other point they can reconnect if they all find themselves in a better place, but I don't really see that happening.

Did Shosh not invite Ray? Because that seems weirder than her not inviting Hannah, who never even bothered to text her about her pregnancy in like 6 months, or has apparently not even tried to hang out. Maybe she did, and Ray decided it wasn't his scene? But Ray is pretty much down with anything, so maybe she's pissed off at Ray hanging out with Abigail? Also, does this mean the last time we saw Ray and Hannah together was when she tried to give him an unwilling blowjob in his truck, then abandoned him on the side of the road waiting for his mechanic buddy? She must have seen him some other time considering she talked about his friend dying and Ray inheriting his coffee franchise, but we never saw that. Weird.  

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This season feels rushed, and so the wrap ups are a little ridiculous--Hannah's convenient but seemingly improbably job offer in the nick of time---or too hurried and abrupt--Shosh's engagement to a guy we've never met--but this episode still kind of got to me. Shosh's hostility at Hannah seemed childish but not unearned, and her point about them all drifting and not really being friends anymore is spot on. But I got a little teary at the Jessa/Hannah conversation; they're not friends anymore either, but they found some peace. I liked them all staying at the party and all having their little moments. I loved everything Elijah, as always (and yeah, no way would Elijah have been able to keep Shosh's engagement/party a secret. come ON.)

I'm going to be sorry to see this show come to an end.

That bit about Elijah being invited to Shosh's party and keeping it a secret from Hannah bothered me, too. I also find it hard to believe that, in that situation, Hannah would have so quickly shrugged off that kind of betrayal.

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Actually, the bookstore and Chinese restaurant on the streets she walked around are Hastings-on-Hudson, which is more or less a NYC suburb. (The train she took back to the City was definitely the Metro-North.)  The university may have been SUNY New Paltz, but even that is hardly "upstate" to NY state folks who aren't NYC people.

I see nothing wrong with taking a day to think over such a big decision, even if it's a godsend.

"Latching" is what newborn babies do in learning to suck breast, so I assume the final episode will be Hannah and her baby and a forward look. As others have said, this one felt like the finale, at least for NYC and the 20-something friendships.

I agree, while I always like more closure than less, this episode would have also made a pretty satisfying finale.

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7 minutes ago, Mojoker said:

That bit about Elijah being invited to Shosh's party and keeping it a secret from Hannah bothered me, too. I also find it hard to believe that, in that situation, Hannah would have so quickly shrugged off that kind of betrayal.


Hannah pretty much forgives Elijah for anything right away

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6 hours ago, Eyes High said:

zero to engagement party in six months?

More like three. In the last episode Hannah was 3-4 months pregnant; in this episode she's 6-7 months. Unless Shosh was already dating Byron by that time and didn't tell Ray at their lunch, it was a whirlwind courtship/engagement.

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Jesse had sex with the stranger in the dive bar after she knew she was pregnant.

That is a new low...even for her.

And this is a girl who admits having taking a shit on the streets of NYC.

Edited by humbleopinion
More nonsense
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20 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

Jesse had sex with the stranger in the dive bar after she knew she was pregnant.

That is a new low...even for her.

And this is a girl who admits having taking a shit on the streets of NYC.

I thought she didn't have sex with the guy. We see her crying but she looks dressed and not post-coital. 

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31 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

More like three. In the last episode Hannah was 3-4 months pregnant; in this episode she's 6-7 months. Unless Shosh was already dating Byron by that time and didn't tell Ray at their lunch, it was a whirlwind courtship/engagement.

Good point. Yikes.

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3 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I thought she didn't have sex with the guy. We see her crying but she looks dressed and not post-coital. 

I thought she didn't either. And she wasn't pregnant, otherwise she would be showing by now (unless she's had an abortion or miscarriage that we didn't know about, in which case, what's the point?)

26 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

And this is a girl who admits having taking a shit on the streets of NYC.

She was arrested for peeing on the street, so shitting on the street is not a big stretch for her.

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Apart from stellar moments here and there, I hated this episode and am so disappointed. Hannah is getting today's equivalent of a fairy tale wedding: a heroic single mom with a groovy career, a no-muss, no-fuss baby daddy who'll stay out of the way, a baby to redeem every shitty thing she's ever done, Adam comes crawling back and she gets to turn him down again post-Jessa, she gets a dream job, gets to walk away from the shitty City, and that whole business of moving into that apartment or house was just pure fantasy -- for realz? Who's paying for that? Is she putting it on her credit cards? Or has she been raking in the $ doing freelance writing in NYC? Who does that? It literally NEVER happens. Is she so special? So very special? This inexperienced, aimless nobody has a major respected writer invite her to his home for an exclusive one-on-one. This whole season has been like a fairy tale for Hannah, minus the white knight - so I guess that makes her a modern girl. 

As to the others... these girls are not friends. They have retained some kind of attachment over the last few years, but there has been very little genuine friendship at work. Remember that horrible weekend they all went away together and came back positively hating each other? By all rights, that episode should have cemented the end of the friendship then and there. That was WAY more real and true than any of this happily-ever-after shit with Hannah.

I have no problem with Sosh's hurried engagement.  Sometimes it happens like that, wrong or right. She was ready for a big change. She has been a fangirl/follower from the beginning -- remember the first episode when she was so excited her cousin Jessa was coming to town? So now is she leveling up, or just returning to the person she always was? She's been left behind, forgotten, rejected: a big nobody in Japan, now Ray has moved on, her old reliable Ray, she's been unable to find meaningful work in NY. Her "friends" have made no effort to stay in touch with her. The party was her moment to wipe it in their faces: she may not be talented or beautiful or "special" -- but she's got what none of them have. In some ways she has been the most honest of them all. 

Marine's story rings true. She is the epitome of self-regard. She's learned nothing from her various experiences and we're to assume she doesn't have what it takes to make it on her own (whatever that means to her). She will always be using the people around her to try to fulfill some kind of fantasy about how her life should be. Which means the people in her life are basically props. That is not friendship. Marnie is nobody's friend except her own. Her insistence on the confab in the bathroom was confirmation that she has no fucking clue that the four people in that bathroom were no longer friends and maybe never were.

Jessa's story also rings true. She searches for direction and can't find it. Does she love Adam? He's no great prize. I think Jessa has realized she actually wants Hannah's friendship, not just her forgiveness. That may be the first sign of growing maturity on Jessa's part -- not school, not a job, not a boyfriend. Just simply taking accountability for something and not walking away when it got ugly and painful. I suspect that for Jessa, that is huge. 

Elijah, Adam, and Ray all get fan servicing. It's lazy writing. But the show is called "Girls" so whatever. 

So really it's only Hannah's story that feels like bullshit to me. I've never wanted to blame Lena Dunham for Hannah, but now I do. This story's ending is not doing that character justice. 

9 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I thought she didn't either. And she wasn't pregnant, otherwise she would be showing by now (unless she's had an abortion or miscarriage that we didn't know about, in which case, what's the point?)

In season 1, she was late for her abortion because she was having sex with a random guy. 

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I think humbleopinion is referring to Jessa having sex in the pilot, when she was going to get an abortion, and picked up a strange guy for sex in a bar. That latest scene was a call back to that. But we don't know that Jessa is now pregnant, and I certainly hope she's not. And it does seem that time has passed between that scene and last nite's episode, so we'd know if she was pregnant now, right?  I have to admit, tho, that I don't know why her having sex with someone, even a random pickup, is worse because she's pregnant, especially if she was about to end it anyway.

To be fair, she didn't say she'd taken a shit on the streets in NYC. Could have been some other street in some other city. Or even, not a street...just not a toilet. Yeah, we have seen her pee in the street, but I have to admit to doing that myself, once or twice, in my teens, after a drunken late nite. But behind a building or something, not right out in the street.  Maybe i'm as gross as Jessa. But I would have drawn the line at anything beyond peeing.

Edited by lunaseas1122
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16 minutes ago, CofCinci said:

I thought she didn't have sex with the guy. We see her crying but she looks dressed and not post-coital. 

I agree.  When he was pawing her she started crying and said, "I don't want you." So I don't think she followed through with that whole thing.

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1 hour ago, lunaseas1122 said:

I think humbleopinion is referring to Jessa having sex in the pilot, when she was going to get an abortion, and picked up a strange guy for sex in a bar. That latest scene was a call back to that. But we don't know that Jessa is now pregnant, and I certainly hope she's not. And it does seem that time has passed between that scene and last nite's episode, so we'd know if she was pregnant now, right?  I have to admit, tho, that I don't know why her having sex with someone, even a random pickup, is worse because she's pregnant, especially if she was about to end it anyway.

Betty Draper did the same thing on Mad Men.  She was getting ready to dump Don, then she found out she was pregnant.  So she got all dolled up (as opposed to Jessa getting all skanked up), went to a nice bar (as opposed to Jessa's shithole bar), and screwed some random guy in a conveniently open office with an equally convenient couch.  An admittedly upscale version of what Jessa did, but the same basic concept. So is this a thing?  If I find myself pregnant and ready to dump/get dumped by my partner, should I be pulling out my nastiest lingerie and hitting up some local dive bars?

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I was surprised by Shosh's explanation of why Hannah was not invited to her bash.  I figured it was because Hannah and Jessa weren't getting along, and Shosh feared they'd make a big scene and ruin her party.

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4 hours ago, txhorns79 said:

I don't know if it's really Marnie's responsibility to be vigilant as to Hannah's phone calls in case of emergency.  Hannah's an adult.  If she has a real emergency, as in "I will be dead within the hour if assistance is not immediately rendered," she knows how to dial 911, or can always call her father, who also lives in town.

I'll push back on that a little and say that when you move to the city and away from your family, your friends are your emergency contacts and you actually do make an effort to check in and get back to each other quickly. But Marnie and Hannah aren't really friends anymore, which I guess is part of the point.

2 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Jesse had sex with the stranger in the dive bar after she knew she was pregnant.

That is a new low...even for her.

And this is a girl who admits having taking a shit on the streets of NYC.

After she knew who was pregnant? Do you mean the scene last week?

2 hours ago, lidarose9 said:

Elijah, Adam, and Ray all get fan servicing. It's lazy writing. But the show is called "Girls" so whatever. 

What was Adam's fanservice ending? Do you just mean that we saw him with Hannah again? And for this fan, at least, Ray falling in insta love with a random character and then disappearing without closure to his previous relationships feels like no service to me.

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7 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

Ray wasn't invited to the Shosh/Long engagement party???

The meta reason is that the writers wanted to give Ray a nice sendoff with the possibility of a beautiful romance. I'm also guessing that they didn't want the actor back for the party scene if all he was going to do is stand around at the party as a glorified extra.

As for an in-character reason why Shosh wouldn't invite Ray? Maybe his hooking up with someone she knew and disliked again was the last straw. She made her peace with the Marnie thing, but Marnie and Abigail?


Hannah is getting today's equivalent of a fairy tale wedding: a heroic single mom with a groovy career, a no-muss, no-fuss baby daddy who'll stay out of the way

I don't know. While Hannah initially planned on being an awesome, cool, single mom with a convenient sperm donor dad safely out of the picture, I think the show slowly but surely punctured that fantasy. As reality hit her over the course of the season, she realized how hard it was going to be without another parent in the picture. She was truly hurt when Paul-Louis eagerly took advantage of the out she gave him, and she was depressed at the clinic when she was surrounded by all the loving couples. She was truly grateful when Adam seemingly swept in to rescue her from being a single parent, and she was also truly devastated when the fantasy collapsed and she realized that she was going to have to go it alone.

Edited by Eyes High
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5 hours ago, Mojoker said:

Am I the only one who took Jessa's puking last week and her comment about , "He wants to raise HER baby" to mean she was also pregnant?

I thought Jessa puking seemed a little ham handed and appreciated the comments from others that it seemed to be more of a reaction to Adam's big announcement rather than a pregnancy.  That she was literally sick to her stomach about it.

This week in the "previously" I heard the line about "her baby" a little differently ... that Jessa was outraged that Adam would want to raise a child that had nothing to do with him and for whom he had no responsibility.  As if she was saying, if Adam had knocked Hannah up, it would make more sense but that Adam and Hannah had been estranged, and Hannah had gotten to this point without any involvement from Adam, why on earth would he want to blow up what he had with Jessa to raise HER baby.  

Edited by escatefromny
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Regarding Jessa's vomiting, ever since the manic episode where Adam and Jessa were jumping up and down like True Blood werewolves on V, I've been assuming they were both on drugs, and further assumed Jessa's gauntness and vomiting meant she'd moved on to heroin. Aren't they both addicts? I assumed we were going to witness some sort of relapse/sobriety thing, but clearly there isn't enough time for that, because it's just the Hannah/Elijah show this season.

(Sorry, I always thought Elijah was far better in smaller doses. I'll be over here.)

If this was the wrap up it felt really unearned, mostly because these people have barely spoken to each other in months. It's difficult not to read things into who got screen time and who didn't.

Incidentally, the promo monkeys have splashed lots of Shosh flashbacks and TONS of Adam all over the promo for the finale, which seems weird, because the setup seems to point to a fast-forward of Hannah and her kid and how everything was worth it because motherhood. 

Edited by kieyra
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Shosh peacing out on the rest of the Girls makes a lot of sense, especially if you think back to the "Beach House" episode where she read the piss out of all of them. Those feelings didn't just materialize out of nowhere and logically wouldn't just disappear as soon as they were said either.

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57 minutes ago, kieyra said:

Aren't they both addicts?

I thought Adam was "just" an alcoholic. Jessa is the drug addict, and I thought last episode's vomiting, dark under-eye circles, and more erratic than usual behavior were due to a relapse rather than a pregnancy. She looked really well in this episode though, so I wonder whether her more mature behavior - sincerely apologizing to Hannah without expecting to rekindle the friendship as well as her admission that she quit her social work degree because she's not ready to help others - was due to another stint in rehab rather than just a passage of time.

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Read this on the EW website... 

Also, did anyone else see the Jimmy Kimmel sketch of The Golden Girls with the four actresses as old women. Very entertaining. It's on youtube.  


Shoshanna (Zosia Mamet) and Jessa (Jemima Kirke) made their final appearance on Girls‘ penultimate episode Sunday night, creator and star Lena Dunham revealed on Instagram Monday.

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1 minute ago, chocolatine said:

I thought Adam was "just" an alcoholic. Jessa is the drug addict, and I thought last episode's vomiting, dark under-eye circles, and more erratic than usual behavior were due to a relapse rather than a pregnancy. She looked really well in this episode though, so I wonder whether her more mature behavior - sincerely apologizing to Hannah without expecting to rekindle the friendship as well as her admission that she quit her social work degree because she's not ready to help others - was due to another stint in rehab rather than just a passage of time.

And I guess once again we have the problem of important things happening (theoretically happening) off-screen in order to make more time for ... Elijah. 

(Sorry, but jeez. He's surely gotten more screen time this season than anyone except Dunham. I am very curious about what went down behind the scenes now.)


Yeah, needless to say I didn't love this episode. I feel like we lost a lot of momentum in the last couple, and this one just dragged to a screeching halt. I got no sense of catharsis from the party because there wasn't much buildup. Like Shoshanna's engagement, the bathroom scene materialized out of thin air. There was no real tension to break because Shoshanna has been mostly off the show all season, Marnie is Marnie, and the show told us Hannah didn't care about Jessa anymore, two or three episodes ago. 

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Why are they playing into the "NYC is dirty" trope? It's not. It's one of the cleanest in the country. It's a big city, it's very expensive, and there's a lot of inconvenience that goes with it (I actually find it easier to shop when I'm visiting family outside New York than I do in NYC. It's exhausting.) But dirty and dangerous, it is not.

Social workers don't have to be that evolved in order to be effective social workers. I think I can say that definitively since there are a number of them in my immediate family. You just have to steer clear of a specialty that plays into your shortcomings. Jessa, for example, might be good at DBT (Dialectical behavior therapy) since it's clearcut, and last resort. Another family member works exclusively with adoptions - she's great at it, but I wouldn't want her as a marriage counselor. And yet another taught AIDs education in the Carribbean.

Somewhat OT, but I got ticked off with Crazy Ex Girlfriend when Rebecca wanted meds and the doctor said "Let's delve into your childhood." There are whole, important approaches that are cognitive, and in the present, and don't do the talk and delve thing (these things are subject to trends and are cyclical). IOW, I don't think your social worker needs to be especially evolved any more than your surgeon. It depends on her focus.

PS, why the hell did two characters comment on the sexual appeal of Hannah's "pregnant" body? She hasn't touched her boobs - those are Lena's unenhanced boobs. Are we supposed to pretend they're pregnant boobs? The only thing pregnant about her is her midsection. Hell, SATC did a better job with Miranda's pregnancy.

Re the spoiler about Jessa and Shoshanna - well fuck.

Edited by DianeDobbler
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1 hour ago, TVbitch said:

Read this on the EW website... 

Also, did anyone else see the Jimmy Kimmel sketch of The Golden Girls with the four actresses as old women. Very entertaining. It's on youtube.  

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Shoshanna (Zosia Mamet) and Jessa (Jemima Kirke) made their final appearance on Girls‘ penultimate episode Sunday night, creator and star Lena Dunham revealed on Instagram Monday.

I thought it was silly.

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23 hours ago, heavysnaxx said:

If she's not adjunct, there is no god.

ETA: D'oh, just remembered it's benefited. There is no god.

As an academic with two advanced degrees and several years of full-time jobs at universities and colleges, I can't even begin to properly articulate my feelings about this dream job that Hannah has absolutely no qualifications for (not to mention that no one cares that she's a soon-to-be-single-mom-of-a-newborn...which you may wouldn't work against an employee at a liberal arts college or university....but it does more often than not) existing, let alone falling into her lap. 

Hannah better have somehow completed 18 hours at the graduate level (the very minimum requirement for teaching at the college level, particularly at a smaller state university) before she left Iowa or she better have been earning 18 hours towards a MA or MFA online or at a local school in NYC and we just didn't see it. 

Thanks for perpetuating the myth that jobs in the academe are super mom-friendly, easy to come by, and that the job market (particularly in the liberal arts) isn't crazy cutthroat, Lena. Grrrrr.....

(And I say this as someone who is employed full-time with benefits, etc in a tenure-track position. I'm pretty sure plenty of heads of under-employed academics/adjuncts & academics who have yet to be able to find a job in the academe exploded watching this episode.)

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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(Sorry but since we're hitting the end of the road, a quick tangent ...

If you did like the basic premise of "awful people trying to be less awful", you may like You're The Worst. The characters are in their thirties rather than twenties, but the show is hysterical and edgy AF and has three bingeable seasons already, the dialogue is better, and while it starts off somewhat lightweight it does delve into serious issues, such as clinical depression and PTSD and addressing WHY the characters are awful and self centered. And gives us glimmers of their growth, while being hilarious and obscene and heartbreaking. And the most recent season features Poussey from OITNB. A post upthread reminded me of this whole thing--she plays a therapist trying to deal with one of the leads' boatload of issues.

It's currently my favorite show, and it gets better season after season.) 

Edited by kieyra
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21 minutes ago, kieyra said:

(Sorry but since we're hitting the end of the road, a quick tangent ...

If you did like the basic premise of "awful people trying to be less awful", you may like You're The Worst. The characters are in their thirties rather than twenties, but the show is hysterical and edgy AF and has three bingeable seasons already, the dialogue is better, and while it starts off somewhat lightweight it does delve into serious issues, such as clinical depression and PTSD and addressing WHY the characters are awful and self centered. And gives us glimmers of their growth, while being hilarious and obscene and heartbreaking. And the most recent season features Poussey from OITNB. A post upthread reminded me of this whole thing--she plays a therapist trying to deal with one of the leads' boatload of issues.

It's currently my favorite show, and it gets better season after season.) 

You're the Worst has been in my top 10 TV shows for the last 3 seasons. Their portrayal of clinical depression has been one of the most honest I've ever seen on TV. Same with PTSD. 

Girls = in your twenties and unaware you're the worst. You're The Worst = in your thirties and taking ownership of one's narcissism. 

Both shows make me feel like I'm going to fare just fine in my own life. 

Edited by tongueincheek
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47 minutes ago, MyPeopleAreNordic said:

As an academic with two advanced degrees and several years of full-time jobs at universities and colleges, I can't even begin to properly articulate my feelings about this dream job that Hannah has absolutely no qualifications for (not to mention that no one cares that she's a soon-to-be-single-mom-of-a-newborn...which you may wouldn't work against an employee at a liberal arts college or university....but it does more often than not) existing, let alone falling into her lap. 

Hannah better have somehow completed 18 hours at the graduate level (the very minimum requirement for teaching at the college level, particularly at a smaller state university) before she left Iowa or she better have been earning 18 hours towards a MA or MFA online or at a local school in NYC and we just didn't see it. 

Thanks for perpetuating the myth that jobs in the academe are super mom-friendly, easy to come by, and that the job market (particularly in the liberal arts) isn't crazy cutthroat, Lena. Grrrrr.....

(And I say this as someone who is employed full-time with benefits, etc in a tenure-track position. I'm pretty sure plenty of heads of under-employed academics/adjuncts & academics who have yet to be able to find a job in the academe exploded watching this episode.)

You're giving this WAY too much gravitas.  It is a tv show.

25 minutes ago, tongueincheek said:

You're the Worst has been in my top 10 TV shows for the last 3 seasons. Their portrayal of clinical depression has been one of the most honest I've ever seen on TV. Same with PTSD. 

Girls = in your twenties and unaware you're the worst. You're The Worst = in your thirties and taking ownership of one's narcissism. 

Both shows make me feel like I'm going to fare just fine in my own life. 

You're The Worst is literally the Worst.  There is nothing about that show that is even worth conversation.

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On 4/10/2017 at 4:47 AM, LilaFowler said:

I loved it. For some of us, those first few years out of college felt like ...more college.  At some point, people start to really grow up and move away and drift apart.  Sniffle.  It felt like the finale.

I agree and Hannah and Jessa had a real moment.

But then it devolved into a dance party, like some music video?

I can see them moving away from each other and then if Lena wants to make some money, do some movies to check in on them every couple of years like SATC.

But LD probably thinks she's too cool for that, unless her other projects stall.

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2 hours ago, nosleepforme said:

Though I must say that Shoshanna is really not better than any of the rest of them. She is really not looking for friends, but for people that represent a certain status that she can feel superior with. As we saw a couple of episodes ago, she dropped her former friends for Jessa, because she thought Jessa's European attitude was cool. Now she's dropping Hannah and the others for friends with "cute purses", "jobs" and "nice personalities", but that's really not what friendships are about. Friendships are about mutual appreciation and support, about being there for each other in hard times, about accepting each other's flaws. What Shosh really wants is a good image and while it's good that she keeps calling the others out on their narcissism, she should be called out on her thorough shallowness. I think the other girls grew this season in realizing that they cannot always blame other people for what goes wrong in their lives and taking responsibility for some things in their life, but Shosh really didn't (might also be due to lack of screen time though).

Completely agree. I used to really like Shosh because she was a bit more naive and bubbly than the rest of them but in the last few seasons shes become far more materialistic and shallow. She is as narcissistic as the rest, possibly more so than Hannah and Jessa.


Anyway I thought this episode was a bit weak. Not bad but just not as good as the rest of this season which has been pretty great. I hope the finale is good. I'm really interested to see if they do anything really interesting or if its just ties things up in a neat way.

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12 hours ago, kieyra said:

Incidentally, the promo monkeys have splashed lots of Shosh flashbacks and TONS of Adam all over the promo for the finale, which seems weird, because the setup seems to point to a fast-forward of Hannah and her kid and how everything was worth it because motherhood. 

That's a weird choice. That's probably why Lena Dunham


deleted her instagram revealing that Jessa and Shosh are done-the network wants to keep promoting it as if the whole cast will be there. 

11 hours ago, chocolatine said:

I thought Adam was "just" an alcoholic. Jessa is the drug addict, and I thought last episode's vomiting, dark under-eye circles, and more erratic than usual behavior were due to a relapse rather than a pregnancy. She looked really well in this episode though, so I wonder whether her more mature behavior - sincerely apologizing to Hannah without expecting to rekindle the friendship as well as her admission that she quit her social work degree because she's not ready to help others - was due to another stint in rehab rather than just a passage of time.

I think she just looked like shit because she felt like shit. Jemima Kirke has the kind of look that is really easy to grunge up. I'm not sure why people were reading so much extra stuff into her scenes; I thought they were fairly straightforward.

10 hours ago, DianeDobbler said:

Why are they playing into the "NYC is dirty" trope? It's not. It's one of the cleanest in the country. It's a big city, it's very expensive, and there's a lot of inconvenience that goes with it (I actually find it easier to shop when I'm visiting family outside New York than I do in NYC. It's exhausting.) But dirty and dangerous, it is not.

I don't think they were saying anything about the city being particularly dangerous, but the poop on the sidewalk rant was completely on point. I live in a really nice Brooklyn neighborhood, but I see shit smeared on the pavement on a daily basis.

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11 hours ago, DianeDobbler said:

Why are they playing into the "NYC is dirty" trope? It's not. It's one of the cleanest in the country. It's a big city, it's very expensive, and there's a lot of inconvenience that goes with it (I actually find it easier to shop when I'm visiting family outside New York than I do in NYC. It's exhausting.) But dirty and dangerous, it is not.

PS, why the hell did two characters comment on the sexual appeal of Hannah's "pregnant" body? She hasn't touched her boobs - those are Lena's unenhanced boobs. Are we supposed to pretend they're pregnant boobs? The only thing pregnant about her is her midsection. Hell, SATC did a better job with Miranda's pregnancy.


I've had a rat run across my foot in NYC, and a guy pee on my leg while I was sitting in Central Park reading a book. The last time I was there, it was the middle of a garbage strike.  So...

I had the same thought about Hannah's breasts not being quite what they should be for a pregnant woman when they first showed her naked (save for a thong) on the couch during the heat wave.  There was definitely belly, but no boobs.  I guess the thinking was that if everyone just talks about how big her boobs are, viewers will just think there's something wrong with their eyes?

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8 hours ago, Adultosaurus said:


You're The Worst is literally the Worst.  There is nothing about that show that is even worth conversation.

Clearly, a few of us think it IS worthy of conversation. I love that show, and find it incisive, witty, smart, noxious and sad as hell. Also, I only just this minute realized that I had falsely believed that Alex Karposky and Desmin Borges were the same actor. Seriously, I thought Edgar and Ray were the same guy. WTF is wrong with me?

25 minutes ago, stagmania said:


deleted her instagram revealing that Jessa and Shosh are done-the network wants to keep promoting it as if the whole cast will be there. 

I think she just looked like shit because she felt like shit. Jemima Kirke has the kind of look that is really easy to grunge up. I'm not sure why people were reading so much extra stuff into her scenes; I thought they were fairly straightforward.


I did too. I don't think we were supposed to get that she was knocked up or using again, just that she was kind of devastated about the Adam situation, and when she's devastated, she's her own worst enemy, and looks it.

I agree that Shosh is no better or more mature than any of the rest of the Girls, but she sure thinks she is.

I watched the "goodbye to girls' special last night. Nothing really new, but some nice interviews. Andrew Rannells HATED Elijah's wardrobe, but thought it worked for his character. I loved the old photo of Lena and Jemima as 12 year olds together, or whatever age one is in 6th grade. They both looked pretty much exactly the same.

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