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Social Media: What's Up With Her?

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6 hours ago, Colleenna said:

I have no doubt that she will have minions place her on the pole. I mean,  I may be totally wrong on this (please correct me if I am), but my impression is that it takes hella core strength and hella upper body strength,  neither of which Quitney has.....

It does, to climb up and invert and do all the more difficult moves. It’s like gymnastics.

Even just to spin around (and look good doing it) requires balance, coordination and grace.

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9 hours ago, Colleenna said:

I have no doubt that she will have minions place her on the pole. I mean,  I may be totally wrong on this (please correct me if I am), but my impression is that it takes hella core strength and hella upper body strength,  neither of which Quitney has.....

Couldn't you have a pole with little handles, and toe holds, and a motor that would just crank the person up?
Or turn it in reverse, and screw her into the ground.

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The only thing that comes across at all genuine is Whitney's response about her mother's stroke. The rest of it is more manufactured idiocy and drama. Ohhh... Lenny is with an attractive woman who's skinny and Whitney is so jelly because he should be panting after her. Who cares.

While seeing a real emotional response from Whitney is novel, I hate that they filmed her at that moment. When my mom got sick, I was bawling at the drop of a hat. I'd start crying at work and have to run into an empty office so I wouldn't drawn attention to myself. This would be one time when I would expect her to be screaming at the camera crew to back off and leave her alone. As someone who had to deal with a catastrophic illness of a parent, I cannot fathom allowing my family situation to become fodder for a bottom-feeder cable show.

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This would be one time when I would expect her to be screaming at the camera crew to back off and leave her alone.

She called to one of them and went in for a hug. I think she is actually maybe sort of close to one or two of them. She does spend a bunch of time with them so it makes sense that a friendship or two might form...

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On 7/16/2022 at 1:34 PM, Pi237 said:

I actually think the storyline with Lenny looks interesting. He's such an odd duck to me. It'll be nice to see him speak more and see more of his personality.   

Indeed it should be fascinating.  Was he hired to be Whit's friend, knowing that it includes rolling on beds with her, as "friends", and then was he surprised when he found a girl he liked and Whit had a fit?  Or was he hired to do everything so that she could be "jealous" for storyline?  Inquiring minds want to know how the "love interests" are hired!!!

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Well her friend circle seems to be closing in, Buddy  is gone, Todd I don't think we will see that much, Heather works and is raising kids and Ashley is having another. Brother Whitney and Lennie are in. I don't do IG or Twitter, but has she been back to LeBlur in Paris yet or even him coming here with the blurred out face?

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41 minutes ago, Mahamid Frauded Me said:

Well her friend circle seems to be closing in, Buddy  is gone, Todd I don't think we will see that much, Heather works and is raising kids and Ashley is having another. Brother Whitney and Lennie are in. I don't do IG or Twitter, but has she been back to LeBlur in Paris yet or even him coming here with the blurred out face?

The last thing I saw her talking on IG was she was keeping everything LeBlur “private”  I was like


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22 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

She called to one of them and went in for a hug. I think she is actually maybe sort of close to one or two of them. She does spend a bunch of time with them so it makes sense that a friendship or two might form...

There's a poster on Reddit that claims more than a few of the crew have bumped uglies with her. 

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1 hour ago, Me from ME said:

I got quite a kick out of seeing her shoes. Never saw a professional pole dancer wearing those things. Maybe the former professional pole dancer from a few comments ago chime in on this.

She's wearing what look like dance sneakers. They've got a split sole so that there's a bit more flexibility in the feet than regular street sneakers.

They're not exactly appropriate for pole dancing since they're going to grip the floor and you won't get the slide that proper platform heels will allow so you can move gracefully around the pole. But the thought of Whitney in heels of any kind, let alone Pleasers... her ankles would snap like a twig.

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So the "French man" will never be mentioned again, as he really didn't exist to begin with. 

Lenny.  Hmm wasn't he the faux baby daddy in Whitney's faux pregnancy a few yrs ago & when she invited him to her housewarming didn't he show up with a nice looking chick?  I remember her driving around frantically searching for him   Likely looking for a few $$$.   

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I haven’t been watching, just reading up on Whit here. My guess is Le Blur is long gone and there are no takers if they are bringing Lenny back into the fold. Didn’t they break up years ago? Like…why? It also seems her weight and lifestyle are catching up to her. In earlier seasons she could do the splits fairly easily, based on the previews she can no longer manage it. 


Edited by sainte-chapelle
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7 hours ago, 3girlsforus said:

It never occurred to me that she would have any self-esteem left but what about the guys? Can you imagine how those folds must smell??? I can not ever see being that desperate for sex. 

Well for all we know she's just walking around in the fantasy land where they all want her bad, and they allow her to believe it.

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On 7/21/2022 at 10:19 PM, sainte-chapelle said:

I haven’t been watching, just reading up on Whit here. My guess is Le Blur is long gone and there are no takers if they are bringing Lenny back into the fold. Didn’t they break up years ago? Like…why? It also seems her weight and lifestyle are catching up to her. In earlier seasons she could do the splits fairly easily, based on the previews she can no longer manage it. 


She's getting older (I believe she's 38 now). It's natural to lose some flexibility as you age unless you really work at maintaining it and we know that Whitney is incapable of working at anything long term. As we all knew would happen, her weight was going to catch up to her and start causing mobility issues as she aged and she does look markedly heavier here than last season. I'll give her credit when she appears to be losing weight, but I will also point out when she's gaining it back.

I weight probably half of what Whitney does and I can't pole dance. It requires a lot of core and upper body strength that I just never developed. Again, I don't get why she keeps setting herself up for failure by trying activities that she's just not physically in any shape to manage. It's difficult enough for someone of relatively normal weight to hoist themselves up a pole but Whitney would need the strength of She Hulk to haul her ass more than three inches off the floor.

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1 hour ago, Hana Chan said:

She's getting older (I believe she's 38 now). It's natural to lose some flexibility as you age unless you really work at maintaining it and we know that Whitney is incapable of working at anything long term. As we all knew would happen, her weight was going to catch up to her and start causing mobility issues as she aged and she does look markedly heavier here than last season. I'll give her credit when she appears to be losing weight, but I will also point out when she's gaining it back.

I weight probably half of what Whitney does and I can't pole dance. It requires a lot of core and upper body strength that I just never developed. Again, I don't get why she keeps setting herself up for failure by trying activities that she's just not physically in any shape to manage. It's difficult enough for someone of relatively normal weight to hoist themselves up a pole but Whitney would need the strength of She Hulk to haul her ass more than three inches off the floor.

But isn’t she a weight lifter? Whatever happened to that? I think she mentioned stokes run in the family so time to start taking care, reduce the drinking, reduce the snacking, stop smoking etc. You wouldn’t catch me trying to pole dance. I don’t have the strength or flexibility and no one needs to see that 😂 It really does take a lot of strength and skill to properly pole dance.

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3 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

It really does take a lot of strength and skill to properly pole dance.

Not to mention doing it safely. There was a case a few years ago of a women who broke her neck after falling while during a complicated move on the pole. 

3 hours ago, sainte-chapelle said:

But isn’t she a weight lifter?

She's as much a weightlifter as she is a ballroom dancer, a belly dancer, a skier and an equestrian. She'll fake it enough for the show, and then after that it's back to her well-worn spot on the couch with her party-sized bag of chips.

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9 hours ago, Hana Chan said:

Not to mention doing it safely. There was a case a few years ago of a women who broke her neck after falling while during a complicated move on the pole. 

She's as much a weightlifter as she is a ballroom dancer, a belly dancer, a skier and an equestrian. She'll fake it enough for the show, and then after that it's back to her well-worn spot on the couch with her party-sized bag of chips.

Couch? Don't you mean bed?

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On 7/20/2022 at 7:01 PM, Hana Chan said:

She's wearing what look like dance sneakers. They've got a split sole so that there's a bit more flexibility in the feet than regular street sneakers.

They're not exactly appropriate for pole dancing since they're going to grip the floor and you won't get the slide that proper platform heels will allow so you can move gracefully around the pole. But the thought of Whitney in heels of any kind, let alone Pleasers... her ankles would snap like a twig.

Her ankles would snap??  Those 6 inch skinny heels would become torpedoes!

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On 7/23/2022 at 8:45 AM, Hana Chan said:

I don't get why she keeps setting herself up for failure by trying activities that she's just not physically in any shape to manage. 

She's one of those people who likes to make a show of themselves and then announce "I'm proud of myself" (which IMO no adult should actually be saying . . . about anything)

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On 7/20/2022 at 6:02 PM, Me from ME said:

I got quite a kick out of seeing her shoes. Never saw a professional pole dancer wearing those things. Maybe the former professional pole dancer from a few comments ago chime in on this.

6 inch platforms always!  Whitney won’t be able to do much, I suspect she’ll revert to twerking like she usually does. Also pretty sure she’ll announce “I’m a pole dancer now” simply because she tried it once and managed one spin around the pole. 

I think it’s interesting when people take these classes, it gives them a taste of how difficult it is. It’s far more than spinning around in a pole — there’s the knowledge of physics and motion as well as physical strength. I have permanent dents in my thighs from clinging onto the tops of 15 foot poles and it took months to rid my hands of the callouses on them. 

It was fun though. The costumes were a lot of fun, too. 

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3 hours ago, Elizzikra said:

Why not?

I don't really know 😄. It just seems so juvenile.  I was a teacher of students with emotional problems and I liked to praise them for doing actual good things, not just what they were supposed to do like writing their names on their papers or sitting at their desks.  And sometimes they would say in some manner, "Didn't I do good?" and I would say yes and add praise if they really did, or I'd say "Yes, just as I expected you to" if it were something normal.  So adults announcing that they are "proud of themselves" for either nonsense, or for doing something badly because they "tried" just makes me roll my eyes.  Whitney is definitely in that category!  When adults are proud of an actual achievement I guess I think they should express it in a more adult way.  If I don't check in here on the night that Whitney announces that she was proud of her shitty pole dancing it will be because one or both of my eyeballs rolled so hard they fell under the couch and I'm trying to beat the dog to them 😃

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12 hours ago, TurtlePower said:

It was in the season preview.  There’s a link to the preview in this article: 


It’s horrible Babs has a stroke and I get Whitney wasn’t ready, but was it just me or did the guy she goes to hug look like he’s trying to back up and leave? It looks like he  realizes there’s a camera there, so he just steadies himself and takes one for the team.  I’m guessing he’s a crew member, so maybe even if he’s her friend he didn’t want come from behind the scenes, but it was still weird to me.  

On a side note, I’m shocked Whitney had a jacket on, it must have been 30 below 😂

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did the guy she goes to hug look like he’s trying to back up and leave? It looks like he  realizes there’s a camera there, so he just steadies himself and takes one for the team.  I’m guessing he’s a crew member,

Any excuse for forced male contact.

I believe the dude is Jacob, the producer for Pilgrim Media. Several paid boyfrends ago Twhit was posting pictures of them together which lead her ridiculous fans to comment that they made a beautiful couple.

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On 7/29/2022 at 9:15 AM, Me from ME said:

Any excuse for forced male contact.

I believe the dude is Jacob, the producer for Pilgrim Media. Several paid boyfrends ago Twhit was posting pictures of them together which lead her ridiculous fans to comment that they made a beautiful couple.

He better move on to some other TLC loser show or become lablur 2

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