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Social Media: What's Up With Her?


Culture Check: How can we come up with catchy or snarky topic titles and still remember the human behind the title? 

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4 hours ago, AZChristian said:

Did they have to cut that plaid shirt partway down from the neck to the middle of the back to get those sleeves to go all the way around?

IIRC, Twit said she had to sew 2 shirts together for a "costume" to fit around her rotundity.

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On 6/16/2018 at 10:05 AM, SevenCostanza said:



yea shovel more cake in your mouth Whit.


Never let it be said that I won't use any excuse to re-post this photo.



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Twit has her long, annual Father's Day encomium to Glenn on her FB page today. Within it, she states:

"My dad has never (literally never) missed a game, a play, an award ceremony, or dance performance—in the 38 years he’s had children."

She neglects to mention Glenn has never (literally never) said the word "no" to her.

Here's her whole post -- including creepy photo -- if you want to read it.


Edited by Dot
Added Twit's FB post
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On 6/16/2018 at 11:01 PM, LookABird said:

I don't know, Dot . . .  :)



Oh my god I laughed out loud. This was amazing, Whit angrily toodling along on her rascal, scowling because people might think it’s her WEIGHT requiring her to use it, not her INJURY, GOD! And then—she’ll show y’all!—she effects a miracle and can DANCE! I just love the episodes where Whitney’s naturally stank, nasty personality is really allowed to shine.

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I have a suspicion that this kissing Glen is one of Twits few and far between sexual experiences.  When has a male willingly kissed her?  Even her poor cats are unwilling partners.

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On 6/16/2018 at 8:30 PM, Dot said:

So many costumes. So little class.

Of the many great one-liners you have done, this has got to be the BEST!!!?????

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On 6/18/2018 at 6:30 PM, Robbie M said:

I admit I don't have a close relationship with my father, but the way they kiss seems so inappropriate to me. 

I also think it's incredibly weird for a grown woman to kiss her father like that, but even if I accept that it's apparently a common practice for some families, I can't accept that it's normal to post a picture of it on social media. Keep that shit behind closed doors. Why wouldn't she just use a nice picture of the two of them smiling together like a normal person? She loves to invite criticism.

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40 minutes ago, M.F. Luder said:

I also think it's incredibly weird for a grown woman to kiss her father like that, but even if I accept that it's apparently a common practice for some families, I can't accept that it's normal to post a picture of it on social media. Keep that shit behind closed doors. Why wouldn't she just use a nice picture of the two of them smiling together like a normal person? She loves to invite criticism.

I think she posted it because she knows it’s weird. She likes to create situations  that are  sexually inappropriate. I don’t think she and Glen have an inappropriate sexual relationship. I think Whitney likes to give the impression that they do. She likes to push all of her relationships over the appropriateness line. I wish I believed it was just to get attention or cause criticism/drama. But I think she’s got a real psychological problem.  

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5 minutes ago, 3girlsforus said:

I think she posted it because she knows it’s weird. She likes to create situations  that are  sexually inappropriate. I don’t think she and Glen have an inappropriate sexual relationship. I think Whitney likes to give the impression that they do. She likes to push all of her relationships over the appropriateness line. I wish I believed it was just to get attention or cause criticism/drama. But I think she’s got a real psychological problem.  

From what others are saying on her fb feed, it's a "southern thang." One woman said that at age 39, she still kisses her father... oops, "daddy" ... on the lips. 

Ick. Just.....ick.

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3 minutes ago, Colleenna said:

From what others are saying on her fb feed, it's a "southern thang." One woman said that at age 39, she still kisses her father... oops, "daddy" ... on the lips. 

Ick. Just.....ick.

I'm Southern. I did not kiss my father on the lips post-puberty.

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Just now, Dot said:

I'm Southern. I did not kiss my father on the lips post-puberty.

I had to quit kissing my dad on the lips once I started doing other things with my mouth. Can't kiss my daddy with THIS mouth.

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10 minutes ago, Dot said:

I'm Southern. I did not kiss my father on the lips post-puberty.

I honestly don't remember ever kissing EITHER of my parents. If I did, it was before the age of five. But then, my family were not touchy-huggy-kissy people. 

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23 hours ago, Dot said:

I'm Southern. I did not kiss my father on the lips post-puberty.

I'm Southern, too.  Grew up one city over from Whitney.  Have never kissed any family member on the lips.  It ain't no Southern thang.

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Even if it's a common southern thing (which I don't believe it is), I think it's still inappropriate. Unless in those same southern families, the father and son kiss on the lips, the mother and son, and the mother and daughter. If it's only a father and daughter thing, then to me, there still seems to be some perverse sexual aspect to it. If Glenn doesn't also kiss Hunter on the lips like that, then it seems like it has something to do with the fact that Whitney's a female, which implies that it's somehow influenced by his heterosexuality (at least in my opinion). So, that makes it something that's not purely a parent showing his love to his child.

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My husband is from Texas and the sons and daughters call the fathers Daddy but nobody is kissed on the lips.  My favorite Whit “look” is the leprechaun because we get the tiny hat, the rascal scooter and Twitney forcing herself into the routine even though she hasn’t practice and can’t perform.  I mean why let your team possibly do halfway decent without you when you can fuck it up royally with them.

 As far as Whitney’s posts on Facebook I just think Whitney and (her family to an extent ) have no boundaries.  I’d love to know how Hunter behaves, in relation to, well life, but more specifically his parents.  I don’t trust Whitney’s posts that involve him because she can frame that to a certain extent.  Basically, I’m trying to see if the whole family is fucked up or  just her.

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53 minutes ago, Irate Panda said:

  Basically, I’m trying to see if the whole family is fucked up or  just her.

My personal opinion, which may be wrong since I don’t have any true first hand knowledge, is that it’s just her. I think the extent that her family is f-ed up is due to having to tolerate her behavior and putting up with things rather than rocking the boat. 

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I kiss my parents, my siblings, my children, and my grandchildren on the lips. There are many things to snark on Whitney about, this is not one of them. IMO, those who see anything sexual in a peck on the lips are the ones that have hangups.

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54 minutes ago, connieinnc said:

I kiss my parents, my siblings, my children, and my grandchildren on the lips. There are many things to snark on Whitney about, this is not one of them. IMO, those who see anything sexual in a peck on the lips are the ones that have hangups.

For me it's in the context of the other stuff, like the poster of her dad on the ceiling over her bed, if I remember that correctly.  

Babs is still a fox, so Glenn doesn't "need" Whitney.

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1 hour ago, connieinnc said:

I kiss my parents, my siblings, my children, and my grandchildren on the lips. There are many things to snark on Whitney about, this is not one of them. IMO, those who see anything sexual in a peck on the lips are the ones that have hangups.

What's creepy to me is taking a photo while liplocked with your dad. It looks like a couple-in-love photo. That plus all the other behavior like putting a giant poster of her shirtless dad over her bed, and her habit of undressing, it all adds up to a weird sexual vibe. 

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1 hour ago, connieinnc said:

I kiss my parents, my siblings, my children, and my grandchildren on the lips. There are many things to snark on Whitney about, this is not one of them. IMO, those who see anything sexual in a peck on the lips are the ones that have hangups.

I'm going to have to agree with you for the most part.  On the rare occasion I get to see my folks I usually will peck my mom on the lips at least once during the visit (I'm not southern) but I don't think I do with my dad (that I recall).  We're just not as affectionate.  The fact that Twit kissed Glenn on the lips isn't what weirded me out - it was the fact that it was probably a lingering kiss since it was for a photo.  That's a bit awkward more than anything.  To sexualized a peck is a bit much in my opinion as well.  

While I'm not southern - I do live in the south and adults referring to their dad's as "daddy" has always driven me mad.  It sounds so silly.  But hey, we're all different and have our own customs, I suppose.  

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On 6/14/2018 at 11:13 PM, Colleenna said:

I'm sure that Cherenkov can scope it out...

Unfortunately I was tied up training for my OCR this week so I wasn't paying attention enough. I thought they were supposed to be at Carrie Furnace, but it looks like they were over at the Rex and she's on the Rex's Insta page. Did they move the event at the last minute?

No pictures from her Instagram of her Pittsburgh visit...

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15 hours ago, M.F. Luder said:

Unless in those same southern families, the father and son kiss on the lips, the mother and son, and the mother and daughter. 

In my younger days I dated a man from Birmingham, AL and whenever we’d go visit his family he and his dad would kiss on the lips. I remember finding it really touching but then I’m a huge believer in physical intimacy and affection in all relationships, not just romantic ones. I kiss my mom and dad (though the latter not on the lips, I don’t think). I tend to agree with @connieinnc: of all the things that bug about Whitney, this one doesn’t bug me.

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3 hours ago, Pachengala said:


I tend to agree with @connieinnc: of all the things that bug about Whitney, this one doesn’t bug me.

OTOH, I agree with @Haleybug, who said above: "The fact that Twit kissed Glenn on the lips isn't what weirded me out - it was the fact that it was probably a lingering kiss since it was for a photo.  That's a bit awkward more than anything.  To sexualized a peck is a bit much in my opinion as well."

If you look at their extended lips, you can see the kiss was not a quick peck. And that's what's creepy about this photo.

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7 hours ago, Ketzel said:

They must have moved it. The original announcement was for the Carrie Furnace location, and she said the class was going to be outdoors.

Had to have moved it, probably because of the forecast for rain on Tuesday. I did see later on Shitney's Facebook page a reference to the Rex Theater, which isn't really near Carrie Furnace, and it would no way hold 500 people. I've been to shows there. It's an old movie theater turned concert venue. It's also still got (at least last time I was there) the theater seats in it. So where did they dance?

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What the hell is Boo Bear Buddy doing in that picture? Is he back in Greensboro? Hanging with the same people? Doing the same thing? I thought he moved to Charleston to start a new, sober life and get away from the old triggers. Wonder how his sobriety is going. 

Edited by bichonblitz
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Twit posted her annual birthday tribute to Babs along with the photo she always re-posts of a young Babs. And, as usual, her fans are squealing about how similar in facial features Twit & Babs are.

I have to concede that the fans are right. But why does Twit re-post this photo so often?

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2 hours ago, cherenkov said:

Had to have moved it, probably because of the forecast for rain on Tuesday. I did see later on Shitney's Facebook page a reference to the Rex Theater, which isn't really near Carrie Furnace, and it would no way hold 500 people. I've been to shows there. It's an old movie theater turned concert venue. It's also still got (at least last time I was there) the theater seats in it. So where did they dance?

I guess we'll have to wait and see what the producers decide to try and make it look like. :-) I'm guessing maybe forty people at most showed up and they crammed them onto the stage and filmed them there to make it look like a sell-out crowd?

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Honestly, Im a lot more creeped out by a shirtless Glenn hugging a palm tree and Whitney thinking it was a great idea to make a life size poster of the picture and hang it over her bed (or was it just in her bedroom?) than I am of the picture of them kissing. Glenn seems like a decent human being (as presented on this show), but Whitney really doesn’t have boundaries with anyone.  All that is for a reason, and it can’t just be from being obese.  I’d really like to know if Whitney was this way as a child or was it during her college years all this came out.

 I wish this reality show had more reality in it, it might make Whitney’s actions more understandable.  Truth be told, I think Babs and Glenn are embarrassed of Whitney’s weight.  I do think they love her, but are embarrassed....Babs because she thinks it’s a reflection of her and superficial reasons....Glenn because he wants Whitney to be able to get a man, so he can stop taking care of her (that may be sexist or old-fashioned, but I believe that’s how Glenn truly feels).  I think Whitney knows her weight embarrasses her family so she doubles down and also acts out to give them in her mind a reason to be embarrassed.  She loves putting people In cringeworthy situations and seems to get off on it in some way.  They need a “very special family counseling” episode so we can get the real backstory because This whole pcos excuse isn’t cutting it.


ETA: I’m sure Babs and Glenn also worry about Whitney’s weight for health reason, as well as, the reasons I had listed.

Edited by Irate Panda
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10 minutes ago, Ketzel said:

I guess we'll have to wait and see what the producers decide to try and make it look like. :-) I'm guessing maybe forty people at most showed up and they crammed them onto the stage and filmed them there to make it look like a sell-out crowd?

They'd have to. Based on her Facebook, and the Rex Theater's Instagram, that's the place they used. The place is well over a hundred years old and not very big. There is not space there for 500 people to do any sort of dancing. This is and interior crowd shot and probably as many people as you could pack in:




Now imagine 500 people trying to do Whitney-style Zumba in that space. Standing room only capacity is 587, but that's not "with six feet of space between people" as you would have in a dance class. That's packed in as above. The capacity for a BGDC type event would be significantly lower than 500.

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55 minutes ago, cherenkov said:

They'd have to. Based on her Facebook, and the Rex Theater's Instagram, that's the place they used. The place is well over a hundred years old and not very big. There is not space there for 500 people to do any sort of dancing. This is and interior crowd shot and probably as many people as you could pack in:




Now imagine 500 people trying to do Whitney-style Zumba in that space. Standing room only capacity is 587, but that's not "with six feet of space between people" as you would have in a dance class. That's packed in as above. The capacity for a BGDC type event would be significantly lower than 500.

Are there side rooms in the facility where the overflow could watch/particpate by looking at a TV screen?

It's peculiar that no one has complained about the venue switch if they had been prohibited from participating.

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2 hours ago, cherenkov said:

They'd have to. Based on her Facebook, and the Rex Theater's Instagram, that's the place they used. The place is well over a hundred years old and not very big. There is not space there for 500 people to do any sort of dancing. This is and interior crowd shot and probably as many people as you could pack in:




Now imagine 500 people trying to do Whitney-style Zumba in that space. Standing room only capacity is 587, but that's not "with six feet of space between people" as you would have in a dance class. That's packed in as above. The capacity for a BGDC type event would be significantly lower than 500.

Well, since Sweatney's idea of "dancing" is apparently "stand with your feet apart and sway while you wave your arms around," you could probably get 350..... ;-)

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4 hours ago, Dot said:

Twit posted her annual birthday tribute to Babs along with the photo she always re-posts of a young Babs. And, as usual, her fans are squealing about how similar in facial features Twit & Babs are.

I have to concede that the fans are right. But why does Twit re-post this photo so often?

I had never seen this photo and at a few glances (before getting to the post) I thought it was Twit and I think that’s exactly what she’s going for and hoping for.  That just for a second people think it’s her (a much thinner her). 

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4 hours ago, Haleybug said:

I had never seen this photo and at a few glances (before getting to the post) I thought it was Twit and I think that’s exactly what she’s going for and hoping for.  That just for a second people think it’s her (a much thinner her). 

That can’t be a photo of Babs. Nobody wore that hairstyle in the 60s or 70s, when Babs was that age. The bed looks wrong for that time frame as well. 

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9 hours ago, Dot said:

Are there side rooms in the facility where the overflow could watch/particpate by looking at a TV screen?

It's peculiar that no one has complained about the venue switch if they had been prohibited from participating.

There's a small lobby and box office, but no there are no other rooms where people would be.

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