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S04.E09: Whitney Gets A Date

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17 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

You absolutely do sign a release. I've done a lot of races through the years. You would be shocked at the people who show up, some decide to run marathons on a dare without any training, people will show up for a triathlon barely knowing how to swim- sometimes having to be pulled out of a lake!  You'd be surprised how many people sit home on their couches and think anyone can do that!

I for one give both Whitney and Buddy a lot of credit for doing what they are doing.  I'm a couple of hundred pounds lighter than either and would not put myself out there to be ridiculed.  Say what you will, they are doing something! They are moving.  I'm not going to sit on my couch and judge them for it.

I've seen those people who take on challenges without training, on a dare, or are unprepared. Many get placed in ambulances, a few others, in body bags (yup).

Regarding the second paragraph, I have no problem with anyone getting out and exercising regardless of their size, that's awesome. I take issue with Whitney expecting that every time she competes in something, she must "win", even if she's relatively new to the activity/sport. A little realism usually occurs for the average person--they are participating and getting some exercise, maybe competing for themselves--versus being elite enough to be in the running to "win". Her mind and its delusions never cease to amaze me. 

  • Love 10
9 hours ago, ClareWalks said:

Also, why did she give that dude her phone number immediately? I would have messaged on the dating site a few times. She didn't even ask his name or ANYTHING. Moron.

Excuse me while I adjust my tinfoil hat, but I still don't buy that Nathan was procured via dating site, unless you count the job board where the "bumpkin love interest" bit part was advertised. The Word document draft of her personal ad was just too weird, unless the site she is on was just that vehement about keeping her from forming an association with them (certainly possible).

  • Love 5

Can I also add that the tattoo Twit chose for Tal was really stupid? And the rationale behind it was moronic as well. It seemed like Tal really put some thought in what he chose. Not so much for her. Between that and the way she directs her minions around (answering her phone, scratching her back, massaging her fat folds, etc.) - I would surmise that being her friend is exhausting. Hope the paycheck and Z-list "fame" are worth it.

  • Love 10
7 hours ago, John M said:

Really Whit, you want to be dating? You crave that? And you just now noticed? It certainly hasn't been an obsession of yours for 4 seasons now. You weren't craving a relationship when you completely made one up with Roy and then were heartbroken because he didn't want you and you didn't think he could do any better?

If the word gets out that you get you are into girls? One kiss barely a kiss on a not a date and you are already into women? And the makeup girl, are you a drag queen? Do you need a trowel? Oh, seeing you in a bathing suit is important to seeing the real you but a quarter inch of makeup is fine? And yes, it is really pathetic that you are having your friends help you out with online dating, you are selling you, not whatever vision of you your gay friends concoct.

You have a sordid past with online dating because you were a bitch and didn't respond to someone reaching out with you? I'm sorry, Hi isn't good enough for you? Do you need a poem? You do know that most relationships start out with a hi, right? "Much less thinking about falling in love with someone?" Again, which is completely stunted when it comes to relationships, you don't plan on falling in love with a date, this isn't middle school, it's just a thing that happens, it's kind of the entire point of dating.

Jesus, if I saw buddy in person I would tell him to go right to the hospital, something is seriously wrong with him, he literally looks and sounds like he is dying.

Spontaneous surprise tattoos? What are you doing, you know those things a permanent, right?  What is wrong with you?

Oh, I dunno, I'm thinking about dating you but talking on the phone? That's way too far, far too intimate.

Is Buddy drunk at the bar? Sure, let's do shots before we have to compete in a fitness competition. Disastrous? Yeah, that is totally what is going to keep you from winning. 

Yeah, that is not a run, that's not even a fast walk.

I love Manny's contempt for Whit, he's not even hiding it anymore.

Yes, you have had a man take care of you, you know him as Dad and you were living in his house and eating his food into your 30s. You remember when he co-signed on your house?

Hi, we're on the first few moments of our first date and I'm going to shit on your taste in music already. Whit, this is not how dating works, you find a mutual interest, don't shit on their taste immediately.

Your cat's are your children? How sad.

You don't feel the same excitement or contentment as with Lenny? You mean the guy that clearly wasn't into you and that you stalked because he didn't reply to your texts fast enough?


Just wanted to say 100% to all of this.


17 minutes ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

Can I also add that the tattoo Twit chose for Tal was really stupid? And the rationale behind it was moronic as well. It seemed like Tal really put some thought in what he chose. Not so much for her. Between that and the way she directs her minions around (answering her phone, scratching her back, massaging her fat folds, etc.) - I would surmise that being her friend is exhausting. Hope the paycheck and Z-list "fame" are worth it.

This may sound awful, but I think Whit is the type of personality who will relish being disabled.  She'll use her self-imposed illnesses as a stick to beat people with until they spend time with her, shower her with attention, and allow her to be the center of attention.

  • Love 4
2 hours ago, hisbunkie said:

I for one give both Whitney and Buddy a lot of credit for doing what they are doing.  I'm a couple of hundred pounds lighter than either and would not put myself out there to be ridiculed.  Say what you will, they are doing something! They are moving.  I'm not going to sit on my couch and judge them for it.

I am absolutely not ridiculing them for getting out there and doing something. This was a fundraiser That is 100% admirable to get out of your comfort zone for a good cause, and to better yourself.


I have no problem with anyone getting out and exercising regardless of their size, that's awesome. I take issue with Whitney expecting that every time she competes in something, she must "win", even if she's relatively new to the activity/sport. A little realism usually occurs for the average person--they are participating and getting some exercise, maybe competing for themselves--versus being elite enough to be in the running to "win". Her mind and its delusions never cease to amaze me.

This is my beef with her. Her confidence in everything exceeds her actual ability. Even with learning the basics of salsa dancing, you would think an experienced dancer would be able to grasp some steps like it's nothing. Never mind the fact that she can't wear dance shoes for more than a few minutes ar a time. She somehow, as a beginner, enters a ballroom dance competition...and places second. I just don't like the audience-insulting setups they're doing all around. A little humility would go a long way, is all I'm saying. 

  • Love 9
41 minutes ago, escapetoreality said:

Why exactly did she kick Lenny to the curb? Never understood that.

I think the honest answer is that TPTB didn't realize what a zero Lennie is & wanted him out of the picture because he was such a drag. Twit's expressed reason, IIRC, is that while their love for one another knows no bounds, they just seemed to have so little time to spend together because each was so busy, busy, busy in achieving their disparate goals. And, no. It made no sense in the real world.

The numbers for the episode are in: ranked 36th of the top 50 cable channels, with a 0.26 share & 828,000 viewers.

  • Love 6
15 hours ago, AmyB said:

And there is no way the weights were 45lbs each based on the size esp given how easily she was lifting those up

I suspect those were bumper plates. Sized like 45s to put the bar at the right height, but they weigh 10 lbs each. I will admit to being impressed that she was getting the bar up and down as well as she was, even knowing it was pretty light. 

8 hours ago, Yajmele said:

Something I just thought about. 

While Whit, Tal, and Donna were at the tattoo parlor, Whitney got a text from Nathan.  Not an app notification or an email. A text to her phone.  I admit I'm out of touch with online dating these days, not since I met my (soon-to-be) husband via online dating over 5 years ago.  But are direct texts the norm now?  Because that strikes me as creepy as hell. I never wanted to give someone my phone number right off the bat because I didn't want to open the flood gates for potential creeps to send God-knows-what. 

My BFF online dates for sport and she uses an app that gives her a 'burner' number; the texts come through to her phone looking just like texts, but the texter doesn't know her real number. I would say that this might be what Whitney uses, but it's far more likely that, like @Ocean Chick says, this is all fake. 

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Yajmele said:


Never mind the fact that she can't wear dance shoes for more than a few minutes ar a time.

What I can't understand is why she wore the dress shoes with the 1/2 inch in the first place. Did she think Nathan would be so impressed with her Cinderella footwear that he would never notice SHE WEIGHS 360 POUNDS ? Jeez, Twit, wear the shoes you're able to wear, even if they're sequined tennies. Better than barefoot. And I agree with the uptread poster who wondered why she didn't carry the tennies in a tote rather than her sweaty bare hands.

  • Love 10

Guys!  Why the fuck didn't you warn me about the belly-dancing preview?!?!?!  I'm using Braille to type this!

So, if I understand correctly, Whitney felt compelled to post a picture of herself in a bikini because she thought a photo of just her bulbous head or her clothed body wouldn't convey how large she is?  Does she have mirrors?  No, seriously.  Given the way she does make-up.  I really want to know.  Does she have mirrors?


I suspect those were bumper plates. Sized like 45s to put the bar at the right height, but they weigh 10 lbs each.

It's interesting that the editing during Whitney's and Buddy's workout with Will, they never showed Whitney doing more than one or two consecutive reps of anything.  At the "competition", we saw her do about 4 of the modified pull-ups, but she appeared to be using mostly momentum.  The clean-and-jerks were really the only thing we actually saw her accomplish.  

Love Maney for shutting her down.  And especially for saying they've "got important things to discuss on air", which turns out to be . . . Charlie Brown movies.

Whitney just seems so pathetic whining about the Dance Competition.  "If you don't count our bad scores, we won!"  And does she not realize that by whining about ignorance of the rules and lack of preparation she's only indicting herself?

Finally, it's sad that when it comes to dating Whitney seems to think she's a "chooser" instead of a "beggar".

When TLC finally decides to get out of the very-very-big-and-very-very-tiny-people business, and her "fame" and "celebrity" (such as they are) disappear, she's in for a crash-and-burn.

  • Love 11

I'm not giving up on Whitney yet.  She may still surprise us.  Look at Mama June. HUGE job at reinventing herself.  

Whitney had a circle of close, long time friends BEFORE the show ever aired.  I think that speaks volumes as to her character. And so what, if my longtime friend provided me a way to make an extra $20,000.-30,000.  per season appearing on the show.....I see no problem with it.  (I'm guessing as to what some of the minor characters make in the appearances. It may be less, maybe more....

3 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Look at Mama June. HUGE job at reinventing herself.

But Mama June didn't do it until the original TLC money train ran off the tracks.  And she came back as a totally different personality - because she realized nobody wanted to watch a loud-mouthed, rude, obese woman who ate crap and treated her family badly.

Hopefully, Whitney will follow suit.

  • Love 4
9 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Whitney had a circle of close, long time friends BEFORE the show ever aired.  I think that speaks volumes as to her character.

I disagree. Even the biggest assholes can find someone (fellow assholes, or doormats) to be their friend. And the way they all treated the comedian at last season's reunion shows THEIR character.

  • Love 12
1 hour ago, AZChristian said:

But Mama June didn't do it until the original TLC money train ran off the tracks.  And she came back as a totally different personality - because she realized nobody wanted to watch a loud-mouthed, rude, obese woman who ate crap and treated her family badly.

Hopefully, Whitney will follow suit.

Both of them are very disliked but for different reasons. We seem to enjoy disliking Whitney as loud mouthed and over confident because somehow, she always winds up being humiliated. It's like karma in each episode--this time, it was Maney's comment about the mic.

I can't root for Whitney until she dials back her ego and comes back to Earth. 

  • Love 5

So I just discovered this place and I feel like I'm home! Anyway. 

I'm super curious about this Nathan fellow. After doing a touch of fb stalking, I'm pretty convinced he's a hired hand...though he does seem to have a history of serial online dating. Very curious as to this announcement. I feel like he's dating someone, perhaps someone she knows.

I'm loving how over her Maney and Roy are, though. Jesus what a victim complex she has! She's built the world into a place that is automatically out to get her so when anything doesn't go her way, well, there it is! She knew it all along! 

And this dance battle nonsense...like, really? How did you not know the rules? It was a bs nonsense event that was completely randomly made up by a guy you kinda sorta don't really work for or with FOR YOUR TV SHOW. How can you not know the "rules?" It's literally yours. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Whitney had a circle of close, long time friends BEFORE the show ever aired.  I think that speaks volumes as to her character.

I'm no expert of course, and it's tough to articulate, but I really pick up a lot of social cues that suggest to me that Whitney holds herself out as superior to her social barnacles, or at least the "first among equals".  

Can she change?  Possibly.  I have to admit I still can't figure out exactly how she parlayed her viral video into an entire series.  But she did.

  • Love 6

Yeah.....she's a prima donna, imo.  She can really be inappropriate at times, but, I do take some things in context, because after all, this is a REALITY show and we all know how real they are.  lol  I think that the producers get too carried away with the things that they THINK are entertaining, instead of just letting the real stuff handle it naturally.  Some shows don't have the heavy manipulation like this one, and they seem better to me.  Still, this is what we have.  Ratings are good, right?  It might put bread, I mean fruits and veggies, on the table for the next year or two, after all. lol

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, SunnyBeBe said:

Yeah.....she's a prima donna, imo.  She can really be inappropriate at times, but, I do take some things in context, because after all, this is a REALITY show and we all know how real they are.  lol  I think that the producers get too carried away with the things that they THINK are entertaining, instead of just letting the real stuff handle it naturally.  Some shows don't have the heavy manipulation like this one, and they seem better to me.  Still, this is what we have.  Ratings are good, right?  It might put bread, I mean fruits and veggies, on the table for the next year or two, after all. lol

Prima donna without anything to back it up. She probably thinks her dance video going viral leading to her show is akin to Jennifer Lopez being discovered when she was a Fly Girl on In Living Color. J. Lo has cause to be a prima donna if she wants to, she's got talent and worked her way to the top.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Alapaki said:


 I have to admit I still can't figure out exactly how she parlayed her viral video into an entire series.  But she did.

That's something that's mystified me for 3 years, too. Apparently TLC trolls YouTube constantly looking for videos that get 2-3 million hits, then signs the person in the video to a contract & builds a show around them. That's obviously what happened with this Pooh woman whose really awful show follows Twit's. She made some dumb video -- WHILE DRIVING -- talking about how the ocean is the shark's house so you gonna git et like a chicken who goes to her house. With THAT TLC has made a whole 8- episode show with the premise of a 400# woman driving around handing out folksy advice. (That show appears to be one of TLC's missteps, BTW. Hardly anyone, including me after 10 minutes, is watching.) So it seems that TPTB at TLC think they can take any YouTube video & make up a "reality" around it that has no particular connection to that person's boring real life.

  • Love 5

What I found odd about her online date, was that she met him and had no idea he had kids or what his job was. I'm happily married but I have helped family and friends with profiles and I have yet to see a site that does not ask if you have kids. Having kids or not wanting kids is one of the most important facts and deal breakers for many. While someone's profession might not be listed, usually it will at least say some sort of education level. I would think it would be one of the first questions someone asks of a potential date, not just about money but about lifestyle. My ex is a surgeon. As much as I had no money worries, when I got married again one of things I liked about my husband was he did not have a stressful all consuming job yet made enough to be comfortable.

What did Whit ask him before the date, she did not ask about religion, education, job, martial status, kids or pets? Was it all about her and the dance class?


I think what Whitney wants when she says refined is someone who is willing to go to her family's house and sit at the formal dining table and be what her parent's want and then come home to her cat poop house and talk raunchy and hang out.


I really hope the season is not another dance off and Whitney wins.

  • Love 5
4 hours ago, SunnyBeBe said:

itney had a circle of close, long time friends BEFORE the show ever aired.  I think that speaks volumes as to her character.

Let's not forget that she was in her late-20s when this shit show first started and I don't know too many folks in that age group who didn't have a close circle of friends (long time and otherwise) they did stuff with. That's part and parcel of being young and still out on the town living the life. Nothing about those friendships seems exceptional so I don't know how that attests to her character any more than anyone else. And I'm sure a lot of the interaction now is driven by a desire to move forward artificial story lines (i.e. Todd, Heather and Tal  attending her fake classes) and make some money being complete syncophants and the worst kind of enablers. She strikes me as a lot to deal with whose insistence on being the center of attention AT ALL TIMES would be super exasperating. Plus - she really comes off like a nasty, entitled bitch a lot of the time. However YMMV...

Edited by Tipsymcstagger
  • Love 2
16 minutes ago, Tipsymcstagger said:

Let's not forget that she was in her late-20s when this shit show first started and I don't know too many folks in that age group who didn't have a close circle of friends (long time and otherwise) they did stuff with. That's part and parcel of being young and still out on the town living the life. Nothing about those friendships seems exceptional so I don't know how that attests to her character any more than anyone else. And I'm sure a lot of the interaction now is driven by a desire to move forward artificial story lines (i.e. Todd, Heather and Tal  attending her fake classes) and make some money being complete syncophants and the worst kind of enablers. She strikes me as a lot to deal with whose insistence on being the center of attention AT ALL TIMES would be super exasperating. Plus - she really comes off like a nasty, entitled bitch a lot of the time. However YMMV...

She has to be the center of attention at all times even in the fake workout class with Will. It still irks me she said to Will look at me I can do it better when her and Buddy were "working out". I am like no no no it is not about who does it better, it is about getting your fat asses in shape. It also makes me never want to go Will's gym ever. If we are to believe she has been working out for all this time there, PCOS or not, she still would have made some progress in gaining muscle. All i still see is fat and flub. And there is no way that kettle bell was anywhere bigger than a 5 or 10 lb one. I have a 20lb and my husband a 30lb one and they are significantly larger than the ones they used. It has been hard to get screen shots of it or the weights though. I need something to goes frame by frame lol. But they definitely don't weigh very much. Oh and she has not ran a 5k since that penguin one. I love athlinks :) I decided to look her up when I went to add my recent races. 

  • Love 4
17 hours ago, polandspring said:


This may sound awful, but I think Whit is the type of personality who will relish being disabled.  She'll use her self-imposed illnesses as a stick to beat people with until they spend time with her, shower her with attention, and allow her to be the center of attention.

Amen!! Like James K on my 600 pound life. There are a lot of parallels in the personality of these two people.

15 hours ago, Alapaki said:

Guys!  Why the fuck didn't you warn me about the belly-dancing preview?!?!?!  I'm using Braille to type this!


  • Love 6
17 hours ago, Broken Ox said:

I suspect those were bumper plates. Sized like 45s to put the bar at the right height, but they weigh 10 lbs each. I will admit to being impressed that she was getting the bar up and down as well as she was, even knowing it was pretty light. 

Well, color me dubious since, as usual, the camera viewpoint shifted after she lifted the barbell 1-2 times. All of her exercises involve upper body strengthening, including those so-called push-ups where all she could do was lift her shoulders off the floor.

Will has lost all credibility for his program & encouragement for Twit. She needs to work her gluts to reduce that fat ass, not work her upper body. Only once have I seen Will put her on a rowing machine. And when he asks about her goals for the week, he accepts "get more rest" instead of asking, "What are you eating?"

We watch Twit dance, exercise (upper body), annoy KISS95.1 employees & whine in her TH every week. Why do we never see her EAT? As I pointed out, only in an Extra Fab have we seen her take one forkful. It was 2-3 times a normal serving & drenched in Ranch dressing &  bacon.

A responsible trainer would tell Twit to buy a stationary bike, give her a schedule of how to reach a routine of twice a day for 30 minutes each, tell her that she needs to concentrate on what she eats & wish her well & tell her to return to him when she loses 200#.

Even the inspirational story on his website is phony. The woman lost 200# BEFORE she came to Will, not after.

  • Love 6
27 minutes ago, Dot said:

A responsible trainer would tell Twit to buy a stationary bike, give her a schedule of how to reach a routine of twice a day for 30 minutes each, tell her that she needs to concentrate on what she eats & wish her well & tell her to return to him when she loses 200#.

While Will and Whitney clearly aren't doing each other any favors, and Whit's pushups were indeed some of the worst I've ever seen, I really don't think Will can be responsible for how fat Whitney insists on being. She REFUSES to eat right and exercise daily. Trainers can only want it for you so much, the client has to want it for themselves.

  • Love 3

Whitney is really at the size where she can't do any of the exercises properly. 

Also, if she did lose say, 200 lbs...she probably would be incredibly strong. She has to have muscle underneath all that fat, just from hauling her body around.  She could become very good at lifting once she decides to regain control of her body. Right now she is literally disabled by her body fat.

  • Love 5
24 minutes ago, ClareWalks said:

While Will and Whitney clearly aren't doing each other any favors, and Whit's pushups were indeed some of the worst I've ever seen, I really don't think Will can be responsible for how fat Whitney insists on being. She REFUSES to eat right and exercise daily. Trainers can only want it for you so much, the client has to want it for themselves.

I get what you're saying. IIRC, you have been a trainer who had to retain difficult clients cuz you needed to make a living. (Apologies if it wasn't you.) My main problem is the PRAISE Will heaps on Twit when she's basically done nothing to deserve it. What? Does he give her a participation trophy for every workout?

19 minutes ago, yogi2014L said:

Whitney is really at the size where she can't do any of the exercises properly. 

Also, if she did lose say, 200 lbs...she probably would be incredibly strong. She has to have muscle underneath all that fat, just from hauling her body around.  She could become very good at lifting once she decides to regain control of her body. Right now she is literally disabled by her body fat.

It can be done. I know someone who did it.

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Dot said:

I get what you're saying. IIRC, you have been a trainer who had to retain difficult clients cuz you needed to make a living. (Apologies if it wasn't you.) My main problem is the PRAISE Will heaps on Twit when she's basically done nothing to deserve it. What? Does he give her a participation trophy for every workout?

Yep, that's me! LOL. I have had some doozies. Thankfully I can afford to be picky now. But yes, you are 100% right that Will mollycoddles Whitney waaaay too much. Basically this is advertising Will as a trainer who will not push you outside your comfort zone. That won't get him too many clients, honestly. If someone wants to exercise sporadically and eat like shit, they don't need to pay for it ;) Plus a trainer with Will's credentials, even in a not-massive city, probably makes at least $75 an hour. Can you imagine someone like Whitney PAYING that much for essentially nothing?

  • Love 1
45 minutes ago, Dot said:

I get what you're saying. IIRC, you have been a trainer who had to retain difficult clients cuz you needed to make a living. (Apologies if it wasn't you.) My main problem is the PRAISE Will heaps on Twit when she's basically done nothing to deserve it. What? Does he give her a participation trophy for every workout?

You beat me to that comment. That woman requires constant validation and admiration, freakin' snowflake. I suspect Whitney takes up very little of Will's time--he's got to be busy with more serious clients not funded by TLC. What little time he spends with her filming could well be a pain in his butt.  

  • Love 4

I posted this once before on another thread, but I'm posting again..... everything Whit does makes perfect sense when viewed through the lens of histrionic personality disorder.  She is nearly a text-book case, and not confusing at all. Google it and see what you think.

"Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of attention seeking behavior and extreme emotionality. Someone with histrionic personality disorder wants to be the center of attention in any group of people, and feel uncomfortable when they are not. While often lively, interesting and sometimes dramatic, they have difficulty when people aren’t focused exclusively on them. People with this disorder may be perceived as being shallow, and may engage in sexually seductive or provocative behavior to draw attention to themselves."


  • Love 8
11 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:

I posted this once before on another thread, but I'm posting again..... everything Whit does makes perfect sense when viewed through the lens of histrionic personality disorder.  She is nearly a text-book case, and not confusing at all. Google it and see what you think.

"Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of attention seeking behavior and extreme emotionality. Someone with histrionic personality disorder wants to be the center of attention in any group of people, and feel uncomfortable when they are not. While often lively, interesting and sometimes dramatic, they have difficulty when people aren’t focused exclusively on them. People with this disorder may be perceived as being shallow, and may engage in sexually seductive or provocative behavior to draw attention to themselves."


I'm glad you reposted this; I remember it from the 1st time & am glad to be reminded. Of course, she is a textbook example of this disorder. I think I recall that she goes to a therapist. I wonder what comes forth in their conversations since no one else is willing to be honest with her & face her anger.

  • Love 1

I think it shouldn't surprise us that a person with this sort of psychological make-up would end up with her own reality TV series. In fact, it seems to be a necessity in order to be willing to portray oneself in the manner that she does on this show.

It is easy to slap the label "narcissistic" on anyone who appears to need lots of attention and be self-absorbed. But Whitney provides us with an opportunity to see the elements of a less-well-known personality disorder (or traits).

I can think of many examples of the sexualized behavior, and the need to be the center of attention at all times, but I find myself trying to think of examples of Whitney being overly dramatic in terms of how she expresses her emotions.  Does anyone have an example?

  • Love 3
44 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:



I can think of many examples of the sexualized behavior, and the need to be the center of attention at all times, but I find myself trying to think of examples of Whitney being overly dramatic in terms of how she expresses her emotions.  Does anyone have an example?

What immediately comes to mind are her THs. The braying guffaw, the hand gestures, the frequent shimmy of her shoulders & breasts, the smirk when she voices sexual innuedoes. Is that the kind of thing you mean?

Edited by Dot
To separate my comment from CJs by bolding.
2 minutes ago, Dot said:
46 minutes ago, ChristmasJones said:



I can think of many examples of the sexualized behavior, and the need to be the center of attention at all times, but I find myself trying to think of examples of Whitney being overly dramatic in terms of how she expresses her emotions.  Does anyone have an example?

What immediately comes to mind are her THs. The braying guffaw, the hand gestures, the frequent shimmy of her shoulders & breasts, the smirk when she voices sexual innuedoes. Is that the kind of thing you mean?

Yes - basically exaggerating her emotions and being overly dramatic or theatrical.  And of course we all can do that every now and then, but it needs to be a persistent tendency not just an occasional habit for it to fall into personality disorder territory.

Edited by ChristmasJones
  • Love 1
3 hours ago, Cherrio said:

So, I caught a few seconds of a glimpse of next week pertaining to some secret about her date.  Did anyone else see it?

I already posted I think he used to be a woman.   Anyone else have a guess as to the big secret?

Yup, I just saw the promo for next week as well.  Twitney "acting" alarmed.....meeting Nathan who apparently has "something" to tell her, sigh, what trainwreck awaits Twitney now???

I'm doubtful that he used to be a woman, however I wouldn't be surprised if he was in the process of "transitioning".  I "felt" something was going on the minute she met him. Whatever, who knows what's true, especially when you consider all of this is probably scripted and he's just "acting". 

More pseudodrama for the Twit.........(yawn).   She definitely leads a "fabulous life"... yeah, right!

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On 3/22/2017 at 2:36 PM, M.F. Luder said:

I was mostly being sarcastic about the strong, confident, feminist stuff to point out has Whitney spouts one thing while behaving like another. But, I also don't believe that you can make a definitive statement about a man's intention by one word. Maybe he's looking for sex and not a relationship, or maybe he's just playing a numbers game to get the conversation started with as many women as he can that at least pass the initial attraction test. If you have further conversation with him, and determine that he's not looking for a relationship, then go ahead and stop talking to him. Or never talk to him to begin with, but don't think you know what he's about just because he said "hi". I don't think it's fair to say that men will move heaven and earth to meet women they really want when we're talking about online dating where they would have no idea if they really want you or not cause they know nothing about you. Men can be just as wary about meeting women online as the other way around, so I don't see why they should have to expend a lot of energy to have women judge them as being unworthy of a relationship because their introductory message wasn't satisfactory.

In my 3 years of very educational experience with online dating, the men with the one line or otherwise thoughtless, lame openers were hands down 100% looking for just sex.  Any man who has to play a "numbers game" is playing it to "get lucky", IMHO, not paying enough attention to each person to decide whether this person is or is not for him.  He is putting the least amount of effort possible with the most amount of women because he knows it's a numbers game as to whether he will get lucky with one of them.  Any guy who is really concerned about the actual person he is meeting would put more effort into his initial impression, and if he finds it that difficult to communicate, I'd question his ability to be in a mature relationship.

This guy Nathan is not for real IMO, but if he were he is acting like a guy that just wants to get lucky.  Any guy that doesn't like cats but answers a woman's ad who makes it very clear in her profile that any guy who contacts her better like cats is not really interested in their level of compatibility anywhere else but between the sheets, IMHO.

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10 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

I posted this once before on another thread, but I'm posting again..... everything Whit does makes perfect sense when viewed through the lens of histrionic personality disorder.  She is nearly a text-book case, and not confusing at all. Google it and see what you think.

"Histrionic personality disorder is characterized by a long-standing pattern of attention seeking behavior and extreme emotionality. Someone with histrionic personality disorder wants to be the center of attention in any group of people, and feel uncomfortable when they are not. While often lively, interesting and sometimes dramatic, they have difficulty when people aren’t focused exclusively on them. People with this disorder may be perceived as being shallow, and may engage in sexually seductive or provocative behavior to draw attention to themselves."


I somehow missed this the first time as I don't follow the threads that diligently, but I'm glad you re-posted it because this is her on the money!  I imagined she had a classic case of a disorder but never gave it enough thought to figure it out.  She's not even classically narcissistic as much as this.

By the way, I meant to post this sooner, but I freeze-framed the online dating site ad that Tal wrote up for Whitney and here is a reproduction of it.  It's so obviously a load of BS, but notice how she refers to who she is looking for as "he or she" and asks to be hit up "for a good time".  That's one reason why I think they're leading up to Nathan announcing to her that he wants to pursue a sex change into a woman:


I am looking for a person who is intelligent and kind - a person who is established in his or her own life and looking to connect with a woman like me.  I am a strong, confident, and independent woman who loves to laugh and ruminate over life's challenging questions.  I enjoy dancing, writing, music and basically all other creative outlets (if you do too, this is a plus).  I value my family and have close relationships with them.  I am equal parts traditional and non-conforming.  In five years I would like to be partnered and possibly have children.  I recently purchased a double cat stroller.  If you find this alarming as opposed to endearing this probably won't work I am a fun, ferocious female looking for a fabulous, feminist feline lover with a luscious beard.  If you like what you've read, you should definitely hit me up for a good time.

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