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S03.E17: Duet

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10 minutes ago, cambridgeguy said:

OK, was Music Meister messing with the weather or did they just not care about continuity?   The STAR labs shot was snow free right before they headed out to stop Music Meister.  There was snow on the ground at the bank but the city was clear when Wally was chasing him down.  However, it was snowing at the location Cisco and J'onn teleported to although the street was mostly clear.  However, when they finally caught him the the streets were covered in snow. 

Darren tweeted that it did snow when they did that night shoot.  They probably didn't have the budget to CGI the snow into the snowless scenes, or out of the snowy scenes.  I agree it was confusing, and just made it obvious that they shot those scenes out of sequence over the course of a snowy night.

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1 hour ago, tennisgurl said:

I think many viewers issues with Mon-El isn't so much him, but the fact that he has taken so much time away from other Supergirl characters, even Supergirl her self, and the show is spending so much time on Kara's love life.

My issue with Mon El is not just that they spend so much time fighting, it's just that their fighting is always about him disrespecting or undermining her and she correctly calls him out on it but then forgives him every time.  Now finally she decided not to and here she is convinced to go back to him by some musical entity who decided the guy is right for her and she had lost her way when she didn't forgive him a couple of HOURS earlier. It wasn't he who had to learn about trusting her and the importance of honesty and being responsible for his actions and sorry doesn't always resolve things, it was SHE who had to be taught a lesson in forgiveness when it's been all she's been doing with him again and again.

Edited by Dovega
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Glad they didn't drag out the Barry and Iris stuff.

I like musicals and I like when TV shows do musicals, I did not like this.

I didn't enjoy the crossover. One of the reasons I stopped watching Supergirl was the lame CWed relationship between Kara and Mon-el. Didn't like having to see it while watching The Flash. I really miss seeing J'onn so that was the only crossover plus for me.

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I've never seen this show before but had to watch because of the music.  Was especially looking forward to Jesse L. Martin and Victor Garber--I have an old video tape of Godspell with Garber, and I saw Rent twenty years ago with Martin in it, so I had to watch.  They didn't disappoint.  Their scene also had the funniest lines:  "Dads?"  "You got a problem with that?" "No!  I love musicals."

I didn't know many of the other performers except for the Glee people, but whoever the older man was who sang at the piano was, he was great!

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22 hours ago, Twilight Man said:

And don't forget Xena: The Musical. but it was better than That 70's Show: The Musical and Happy Days: The Musical.

Anybody else got musical episodes of TV shows to add to the list.

Moonlighting had "The Dream Sequence always rings twice" with Cybill Shepard getting to sing 2 numbers  and "Big Man on Mulberry Street" had an extended dance number featuring Bruce Willis. Bruce got to sing frequently on the show, but seldom more than a few lines in passing.  

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This episode was basically tailor-made to make me spend an hour squeeing. My love for Darren knows no end and he is the only reason I managed to watch every single episode of Glee. Love Melissa and Grant's singing voices and listen frequently to a lot of their songs from Glee. Then add in a Darren reunion with Carlos (they went to college together and collaborated on the amazing musical "Me and My Dick"). Plus, Jeremy singing to fulfill my love of Newsies and Smash. Plus, Jesse singing for my Rent love. Plus, Victor and John singing because I just generally love them. Plus, a song from the genius Rachel Bloom. Plus, Pasek and Paul writing "Running Home to You" (who went to Michigan with Darren, but graduated before Carlos got there, and also went on to write the music for La La Land and Dear Evan Hansen). So many of my fandoms colliding at once. I had such high hopes for this episode and was thrilled with the results. 

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It really hasn't been Kara's finest hour this season. Sure, it's not unreasonable for her to be upset at being lied to. But at the same time, she wasn't taking any time to try and look at things from his perspective. For a character who in the first season was very compassionate and open hearted, in the second season she's become very self-centered and judgemental.

And I cannot tell for sure right now if the hypocrisy/self-righteousness is an intentional character flaw to be overcome, or just inconsistent writing/character motivation.

Edited by Bats27
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Re-watched the episode, the ending is even better on second viewing.

While that song was beautiful, it was Grant and Candice's acting that elevated that scene. They looked so in love, the smiles, heart eyes, caresses, everything was so perfect, this is westallen best acted and directed scene. It was cheesy and perfect all at once, so beautiful, off to watch it again.

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I'm not disappointed, exactly, but I was kind of...I guess underwhelmed is the best word. For a musical I expected there to be more actual singing. I mean, the songs we did get were great, and I had no idea Jeremy Jordan could sing. That was the biggest surprise for me. I've never watched Glee, though I was aware of Melissa and Grant's involvement. But it seemed to me the episode was three fourths normal dialogue and about one fourth singing (does anyone have an accurate count?). Plus I still don't understand the Music Meister's motivation. Did he have any? Was he just a random, bored cosmic entity who was watching the Supergirl and Flash shows and decided to get involved?

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38 minutes ago, KirkB said:

Plus I still don't understand the Music Meister's motivation. Did he have any? Was he just a random, bored cosmic entity who was watching the Supergirl and Flash shows and decided to get involved?

Until proven otherwise, just imagine him as a benevolent version of Mxyzptlk, related perhaps.  Then imagine his next stop is some other show you watch where he puts two characters of intense interest to shippers together in a musical world where they discover their true love for each.

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33 minutes ago, RobertDeSneero said:

Until proven otherwise, just imagine him as a benevolent version of Mxyzptlk, related perhaps. 

As I said: Bat-Mite. ?

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23 minutes ago, caracas1914 said:

Ratings weren't that great ( it adjusted up to 1.0) so I doubt the PTB are burning to make it an annual musical outing.

However, the reviews have been almost universally positive, there's been a lot of media buzz, and the original songs are one more thing they can submit for an Emmy (not to mention song sales). I don't know about annually, but I can see them trying this again; or a similar gimmick.

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On 3/22/2017 at 4:27 AM, Whodunnit said:

This episode was brought to you by WestAllen Shipping and by SuperFriends: The Musical, coming soon to theaters near you!


Also, Cisco sang? Was it at the start? 'Cause I missed the start...

Cisco was singing along with the "Put A Little Love In Your Heart" number. He had his hair slicked back in a ponytail and was wearing a suit, so maybe he was harder to spot if you weren't looking for him.

20 hours ago, taragel said:

As a huge musical fan, I was really looking forward to this one but it underwhelmed. They're all trained, talented, experienced singers that I was excited to see, but Jeremy Jordan just blew everyone away from his first four bars and it made me really sad that he's hanging around and totally wasted playing "fifth banana" (as a friend dubbed him) on Supergirl. 

I liked both "Superfriends" (because Rachel Bloom! -- forget about those TV shows who do one episode as a musical--there's Crazy Ex-Girlfriend killing it every week, folks) which suited the characters the best, and Running Home to You, which was quite lovely and makes me more interested in seeing La La Land. I think I would've liked the episode more without any covers and all originals of the same tone and spirit? These numbers were so disparate it wasn't very cohesive feeling. 

Also, those '40s accents were EGREGIOUS. Yikes. 

I wondered if Mon-El being named Tommy and being Barrowman's son in this, was a nod to Arrow's dear-deparated Tommy?

And Grant and Melissa do have a nice shared chemistry that works better than their current on-screen relationships, which is somewhat ironic since Melissa and Chris are dating in real life now.

I was able to forgive the bad accents because they were in a fantasy world and I figured that Barry would just be hearing what he thought the accents would sound like.

I kinda wish we'd had Tom Cavanagh and Tom Felton singing too, but I realize there wasn't much room for it.

I think they missed the mark a little. It went too long between songs and then some of the songs lasted too long. I think it would have been more entertaining if almost everyone in the fantasy world sang their lines or if they had just done it differently.

The autotuning sort of ruined it. I wanted to hear more natural sounding voices.

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I loved it. Don't care. This is the 'give no fucks' Flash that I like. Giant telepathic gorilla? Go for it. Shark monster? Why not! Musical episode? Absolutely! 

Go Flash!!

I was waiting for a tag, though, in which someone, anyone goes... "Wait a minute? Didn't that guy just rob a bank? Dammit!" and then them all looking sheepish because he charmed them. Would have upped the episodes plot just a bit, in my estimation. 

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Yeah, that's the other part I don't understand and forgot to mention. If Music Meister was supposed to be benevolent, like Cupid or whatever, why did he drain Barry and Kara's powers and use them to rob, or at least break into, that bank?

Edited by KirkB
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5 minutes ago, KirkB said:

Yeah, that's the other part I don't understand and forgot to mention. If Music Meister was supposed to be benevolent, like Cupid or whatever, why did he drain Barry and Kara's powers and use them to rob, or at least break into, that bank?

He was also trying to help Wally's self-esteem by getting the team to work together to bring him down. Also, he needed to be believably apprehended to be in a position to talk to Iris and Mon-El. And that conversation needed to be backed by a real sense of peril. If they didn't think that Barry and Kara's lives were in danger, they wouldn't have been so motivated to go in and save them. 

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Hm. I wasn't impressed by this episode as a whole because they (the writing and the direction) didn't commit fully. In order to musical episodes to work, it needs 100% commitment. (Like how they did it with Teachers.)

Grant is a lovely dancer, though. And Victor Gaber has the most beautiful voice.

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As others have said, this was a welcome respite from the unrelenting sequence of man-pain that recent episodes have offered, especially since I usually find the show to be ill-equipped to handle angst.

This was pleasant enough (except for the concluding song; the lyrics sound decent enough but the presentation was resolutely schmaltzy). The songs seem to have been slapped together without a care for overall unity, but if that worked for Glee at times, why not for The Flash?

The show executed a nice bait-and-switch on the audience: they did a very convincing job at establishing the Music Meister as an arrogant stinker with nefarious intentions and a practice of taunting people and pushing their buttons. Including poor moping Kid Flash ("Prove it!").  However it turns out that the MM was simply the utlimate fan fiction writer; since he has the power to make the people he is obsessed with actually act out his scenario, he is able to obtain in real life the conclusion he wishes for. He may claim to be on the side of the good guys, but he still came across as rather presomptuous in unilaterally deciding what is best for those people and subjecting them to his potentially deadly therapy. He could be described as a morally ambiguous villain (assuming "morality" means something where he comes from), something the show has not done often.

The show obviously left open the possibility of his return, presumably in another musical episode, although this should not happen soon, perhaps not even as early as next season; otherwise they will run the risk of musical episodes becoming gimmicky and an expected ritual. They would also have to find another plot device for the MM to avoid the "here comes another moral lesson in music" rut, perhaps by having him forming a deliberate or accidental alliance with the heroes to settle some great menace or problem.


On 2017-03-21 at 11:36 PM, Twilight Man said:

Is anyone upset that Chyler wasn't involved in the musical??

If they brought over all of the main cast from the other show, that would not leave them much material on the concurent Supergirl shoot; they can't shut down production since it's not practical from a financial and human resources perpective. With Supergirl absent, at least her sister can be used to film around the other missing characters or to pursue sub-plots involving her actions as a special agent, doing investigations and similar DEO stuff, while the crew can keep on working, something that would be more difficult to achieve with only minor characters left around. Perhaps next time.

Edited by Florinaldo
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On 3/21/2017 at 10:22 PM, Inquiry said:

Damn, it seems like a lot of Supergirl watchers hate Mon-El. Even though I only sporadically watch the show, for some reason I was under the impression he and Kara's relationship was widely enjoyed by fans. Guess not.

Mon-El is really good with comedy, and his friendship with Winn is always entertaining, it's just the romance with Kara that people have a big problem with.  They write him well away from the romantic side, but when it comes time for the Kara and Mon-El romance scenes it just all falls apart.

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On 3/21/2017 at 11:22 PM, Inquiry said:

Damn, it seems like a lot of Supergirl watchers hate Mon-El. Even though I only sporadically watch the show, for some reason I was under the impression he and Kara's relationship was widely enjoyed by fans. Guess not. 

Just taking his appearance in this episode (and the previouslies), I actually quite liked him. One of my favorite moments was his little "Shh" when Martian Manhunter said he had though the two had broken up. Also, him lying to Kara about being a prince of Daxum (?) really doesn't seem that bad. Hell, hasn't Kara, previously or otherwise, lied about her identity to loved ones. Not saying it wasn't worth a fight, but...I feel like I'm missing something.   

There are definitely fans of the romance and the character, like me. And I've been enjoying reading reviews/comments about this episode on other sites which don't seem to have this level of hate, especially from Flash fans. 

But of course, I come here and it's the usual Supergirl crowd so le sigh. 

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On 3/21/2017 at 9:09 PM, bettername2come said:

I enjoyed it as an episode, but it falls far behind Buffy, Psych and Scrubs in terms of TV musicals.

Please do not forget the one that started it, Xena, Warrior Princess

and nevermind, I see it got mentioned a few times lol (sorry, I got to the party so very late)

Edited by diebartdie
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I'm glad to see people discovering Jeremy's singing talent. But I have always thought people knew he could sing since he is a Broadway star. To me, he is a singer, who acts. He is wasting his talent on Supergirl. He should go on Crazy Ex-girlfriend.

I recommend everyone to watch Jeremy Jordan covering Celine Dion's It's All Coming Back To Me on YouTube. It's hilarious as well as impressive. I became a fan after that.

The only song I liked in this episode is the one written by Rachel Bloom. Of course. 

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2 hours ago, waving feather said:

I'm glad to see people discovering Jeremy's singing talent. But I have always thought people knew he could sing since he is a Broadway star. To me, he is a singer, who acts. He is wasting his talent on Supergirl. He should go on Crazy Ex-girlfriend.


I'm surprised people didn't realize Jeremy Jordan sings because "Supergirl" is basically his first major non singing acting role.  Jeremy was in several musicals on Broadway including "Newsies" ( which he recently reprised in a filmed stage production) and there was all the brouhaha when Matt Morrison replaced him in "Finding Neverland" before its broadway run pre- Supergirl.

Add that he had a singing role in that Dolly Parton/Queen Latifah movie about Choirs " Joyful noise", filmed with Ana Kendricks the musical "The last five years" and played Joey in the TV musical series  " Smash"., in addition to cabaret and concert gigs.

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I wasn't really feeling most of the songs, until they got to Super Friends.  That was a delight.  I like songs in musicals that include dialog like "I'm not supposed to do that any more".


I don't know nothin' from DC characters, but I assumed the Music Meister was actually a manifestation of Cupid.

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21 minutes ago, mac123x said:

I don't know nothin' from DC characters, but I assumed the Music Meister was actually a manifestation of Cupid.

I want this to be true!

But speaking of Music Meister, he wasn't anything like the character he was based on, and that's a shame -- also misleading. The musical wasn't even his idea (according to him)! Clearly only used for named recognition -- even though he's only famous for one episode of an animated series. With the way they used him, it could have been anyone, including Cupid.

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On ‎22‎/‎03‎/‎2017 at 3:22 AM, Inquiry said:

Damn, it seems like a lot of Supergirl watchers hate Mon-El. Even though I only sporadically watch the show, for some reason I was under the impression he and Kara's relationship was widely enjoyed by fans. Guess not. 

Just taking his appearance in this episode (and the previouslies), I actually quite liked him. One of my favorite moments was his little "Shh" when Martian Manhunter said he had though the two had broken up. Also, him lying to Kara about being a prince of Daxum (?) really doesn't seem that bad. Hell, hasn't Kara, previously or otherwise, lied about her identity to loved ones. Not saying it wasn't worth a fight, but...I feel like I'm missing something.   

Oh, you are right about many people hating Mon-El. You many have not noticed that many of the people who do not like him want Kara to be in a romantic relationship with someone else.

There are also a lots of people (like me) who enjoy Mon-El and his relationship with Kara. Supporting hashtags trend every week during the episodes in Twitter. Also videos of their scenes together in YouTube get visits quicker than any others (videos for their first and second kiss have already got more than a million visits). Supporting posts are more difficult to see in Tumblr because we are not using the normal hashtags to avoid interaction with people with different opinions. 

I particularly like Mon-El because I love hero redemption arcs. There are a lot of people in the Flarrowverse that started much worse than him (including killers or criminals). And yes, he was a despicable person in Daxam and in Earth he screws up and makes a lot of mistakes (I don't consider them to be as bad as some people say), but I find this character evolution to be quite realistic and interesting to watch.

Regarding his many bad traits and mistakes, the name of the game here is character development. TPTB have said that they wanted him to start from the complete opposite point of being a hero so the evolution would be more interesting to watch. Where is the fun of having another hero who is wonderful from the start? We have already watched that with Kara and most characters in Season 1.

Mon-El is not indifferent to his past crimes. In the last Supergirl episode he said that he detested the person that he was in Daxam and that thinking about that made him physically ill. As he is a love interest so he will not have many opportunities to express his POV (not different from how often Iris is given a voice).

Regarding how he does not respect Kara's wishes, I don't think she is a lot better about respecting him (she doesn't ask about his opinions or wishes and just tells him what to do - this is not what you are supposed to do with a partner or a friend). In the last Supergirl episode he decided to go to the ship alone but she didn't respect that and went with him. They are both getting better in listening to each other. I also love their relationship because they are both learning to be better partners in love and heroing.

I agree that Kara and Mon-El's romantic relationship should not have been compared to WestAllen as Barry and Iris have a much longer and deep relationship, but I really am not complaining as I loved Duets. I found all this episode including Tillie so entertaining and fun to watch.

Regarding his big lie, this is the Flarrowverse. Everyone lies to their family and friends and loved ones and they are later forgiven. Only in Supergirl we have got big lies from Kara (her identity - Cat / Lena still don't know), Alex (double life as DEO agent and Astra's killing), Jonn (his identity), M'Gann (her identity and past crimes), James (double life as Guardian), Winn (double life as Guardian's tech support), Lyra (double life as a criminal and also setting up her boyfriend). Mon-El lied about being the Prince of a world that he thought he was the last survivor (if everyone had really been dead then this lie should have no impact in their current lives - most of the other lies mentioned here did have an impact). Basically everyone has lied and has been forgiven. But yes, I agree that he should have come clean at least since the moment when they started dating and that he deserved to be dumped.

I actually wanted the break up to be longer (a few episodes) so he could grow up on his own (yes, I agree that he doesn't deserve Kara yet and he is not a real hero yet), but again, I am not complaining about what I'm getting. There is too much chemistry between them and Chris is very charming and has an incredible comedic timing.

Also people complain about him being the reason for less Danvers Sisters time. I think that the reason is that BOTH sisters are now in romantic relationships (Alex now she spends most of his non-DEO time with Maggie) and the show is having their LIs as the people that they spend most time with and are the people they have meaningful conversations with. Also the sisters' not so close relationship is a plot point: the reactions that both have had regarding the Jeremiah storyline make sense because they way the sisters' relationship is now. There are still some nice moments between them and I expect that once the Jeremiah plot comes back there will be a big resolution between the sisters.

I respect that others have different opinions about Mon-El and his relationship with Kara, but these are my opinions as a viewer.

Edited by emarasmoak
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The Flash is probably my favorite tv show right now, despite some problems (too many speedsters, "the villain was among us all along," "you can do it, Barry!  I believe in you!") but this episode was unwatchable.  Very forced.  Cringeworthy.  Painful to sit through.  I only managed to get to the forced "dads reveal" about midway through the episode before I had to abort. 

This was also more suited to a Valentine's Day episode, but it landed in the latter half of March.

Poorly conceived.  Poorly executed.  Forced to the point of unwatchability.  A waste of time.  I hope they don't try this again.

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I'm not going to rehash and repeat why I'm not a fan of Kara being with Mon-Douche.  I've stated it here upthread and in the Supergirl forum. Suffice it to say, that I am not part of the "many" who doesn't like him because I want Kara to be with someone else. That's such a generalization and stating opinion as fact. In fact, I've been pretty vocal that I don't see why Kara has to be with anyone. Be it James Jimmy, Mon-Douche, or anyone.

If this show was truly like Barry in the comics, we wouldn't have a show, since Barry doesn't have nor need a team to tell him what to do or how to fight. The straight to home dvd movies prove that. So I have to accept, for television, that Barry needs the support in order to do his superheroing.

Now I'm hoping we can move forward and just get through this ridiculous season. And I will never ever, ever, ever believe a thing that comes out of Kreisberg, Helbing, whoever else's pompous, superior, self-congratulating lying mouths, because as I've said before, they are LYING LIARS WHO LIE, and just can't seem to help themselves.

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30 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

Suffice it to say, that I am not part of the "many" who doesn't like him because I want Kara to be with someone else. That's such a generalization and stating opinion as fact.

The reason that I am saying it is that when I am in twitter and tumblr and look at the profiles and tweets/ posts of people giving opinions against Mon-El, most of them are supporters of a romantic relationship of Kara with someone else. It is very easy for you or anyone to check if this is true or not.

I understand that you are not one of those and I respect your opinions. I just have very different perceptions about the current season.

And I am truly sorry for those of you that are not enjoying it. I know how it feels when a show that you loved changes a lot and it is all about storylines or characters that you don't want (I am thinking of Arrow season 5 - I stopped watching a couple of months ago for these same reasons).

Edited by emarasmoak
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I'm in the crowd of Kara doesn't need a romance right now in her life. She was so interesting as the newbie reporter balancing her new awesome job, being a superhero, having friends and tentatively putting a toe in the relationship waters with Jimmy. I liked it because the romance wasn't THE most important thing, but a part of her entire balanced life. Maybe I'll get lucky and Kara's romance with Mon-El will turn out to be a lesson for her to not forget herself because right now I'm seeing that happening. She has a blog and she's a superhero. They paired up her sister with her new girlfriend which limits the amount of time she's with her sister. 

And yes, I'm gonna say it. I liked her with Jimmy because I was happy to see an interracial romance with a handsome black man and a beautiful white woman who were good friends and were both good people trying to do good. IMO, that's not seen enough on TV. I like that Barry has a black adoptive father and a black girlfriend. There are more white men with black women pairings than black men with white women in Network TV. I was happy to see it.  Is that me being a little biased towards alternative pairings and diversity? YOU BETCHA.  It was refreshing.

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This episode was also a device to resolve the romantic estrangements of the main couples on both shows in a quick and efficient manner.

Which could also be characterized as cheating and lazy scriptwriting.

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Overall, I really liked this one! It was a refreshing change of pace and tone, even if some things didn’t work for me. Everyone looked great in the musical dream world, props to the costume and hair departments! Loved seeing/hearing the other talents of the casts. Soooo many musical references!

A disappointed with Music Meister. (or “Music Meister”) He was definitely fun and I was glad he wasn’t a real villain, but I hated that they never explained him or his powers. I mean, they had months to figure out how to set up the musical.

Speaking of set-up; they could have had this EXACT same episode without the previous fake proposal. Then the proposal here would have perfect!

So Barry ‘I need space to figure out how to defeat Savitar’ Allen is moping on couch and binging musicals. Tssk— well, that’s what he’s like without Iris. Poor Cisco.

So no explanation on why Alex didn’t make the trip to Earth-1 with Kara?? Ridiculous. They could have switched out Mon-El for Alex and they still could have made the plot work. Also, since no one on Supergirl has mentioned the Flash/Barry, and no one on The Flash has mentioned Supergirl/Kara/J’onn/Mon-El I needed more reaction to two strangers materializing in STAR Labs. (Caitlin face when she saw Martian Manhunter was great, though!) And the fact that they now know two more aliens.

Barry and Kara make an adorable team! So many funny moments with them. Like deciding who would kick in the door, and the "Super Friend" number — although it looks they cut some of the tap performance. Barry’s reaction to Millie(Iris) in love with Tommy was hilarious — you brought this on yourself, man. Actually, his reactions to a lot of things were great. They need to let Grant do comedy more often.

About the performances/songs: I thought we had a good amount considering that the musical was only taking place in the dream world with only some of the cast. I liked all the songs, “Runnin’ Home to You” and “Put a Little Love in Your Heart” are my top 2. I really wanted to hear more of Carlos/Pablo and Jeremy/Grady singing. The only nitpick I had was that I thought Grant was a bit high in “RHtY”.

So it’s not that I didn’t appreciate True Love’s Kiss® being the solution (at least in the case of Barry/Iris), but it was kinda cheesy. Also I actually wanted to see them play out the end of the musical’s story. But it did remind me of another favorite couple of mine who also had a kiss that woke the guy from a coma. (Link goes to a Chuck Season 4 scene.)

It’s already been discussed, but Kara/Mon-El are just not equivalent to Barry/Iris. I know they wanted a parallel journey, but NO.

Welp. So now we’re at the point where Cisco is the deus ex machina of the show. ::sigh::

I did like the team up of Kid Flash, Cisco, and Martian Manhunter. But I guess we needed something for everyone outside the dream to do.  (and an action scene) And Iris got to interact with characters from another show! A little! I wanted a conversation between her and Kara.

HR didn’t need to be in this one. I know Tom C. is a regular, but HR added nothing. Just give Tom the day off.

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On 3/22/2017 at 0:59 AM, cynic said:

but her Moon River was just okay for me here

Agreed, to me her voice was extremely thin, I don't know anything about her as an actress/performer beyond Supergirl, so I gave it a pass and said "Ok, this is no biggie, she's an actress 1st, not  a singer, and this episode is about actors singing." I decided I would go with the flow, until the "Put a Little Love in Your Heart" performance, where everyone was stellar, then I realized this was a for-real for-real musical and Benoist being the lead on it disappointed me a bit. Despite that, overall I liked the episode and am glad I saw it. The Buffy musical though will always be tops in my book though as far as musical episodes on non-musical shows.

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On 3/21/2017 at 9:59 PM, cynic said:

I'm a sucker for musicals and was super excited about this, but eh, it was alright. The songs didn't do a lot for me. I stopped watching Glee before Melissa Benoit started, so I'm not familiar with her singing usually, but her Moon River was just okay for me here.

It wasn't supposed to be spectacular.  Remember the context of that scene.  Kara had just found herself in the dream world and was still a bit disoriented and confused, as was Barry.  So naturally, her singing at that point would be a little tentative and flat (and yes, she actually WAS flat in a few places in the song) because she was still trying to process what had happened and what was going on.

What gets me is that the song was considered "been there, done that" by the nightclub's owner.  Since the musical was set sometime in the 40s (I'm guessing around 1946 or 1947), "Moon River" would have been unknown to anyone from that era, as it wasn't actually written until 1961.  In other words, it was an anachronism.  Kara's solo should actually have been a song that had been written before 1946.

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Grant and Melissa are just actors that sing, so I don't expect anything more than passable, which they were. Of course, people like Jesse, Jeremy and Victor are amazing because they actually can sing wonderfully, as well as act. The only scenes where it finally had the feel of the musical were when Victor Garber and Jesse started singing and when Grant and Melissa did their tap dance. All the other songs fell flat for me.

Edited by waving feather
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5 hours ago, Florinaldo said:

This episode was also a device to resolve the romantic estrangements of the main couples on both shows in a quick and efficient manner.

Which could also be characterized as cheating and lazy scriptwriting.

"Also" nothing, that was the whole point of the episode, to take the awful and completely nonsensical relationship drama on both shows and wrap it up in the space of a single episode when it never should've existed in the first place.

Hell, the writers could have taken away the whole "let's get Iris and Barry and Mon-El and Kara back together" and the plot of this episode could have been exactly the same otherwise. Just have the Music Meister be an actual villain posing an actual threat putting Kara and Barry in a musical to sing and dance for his own twisted amusement, then have the STAR Labs team break them out and beat MM, the only thing needed to be changed was a few lines of dialog.

My reaction to this episode was a resounding "Meh". There wasn't anywhere near enough musical numbers for a musical episode, most of the musical numbers that were there weren't catchy, the villain wasn't menacing and his motivation was nonsense, the whole episode had no plot relevance to either shows... barely passable. The gold that was the Music Meister episode of Batman the Brave and the Bold only makes all the faults in this episode so much more apparent. I will say that the actor they got to play Music Meister was good enough, though that's not much of a challenge given the Music Meister wasn't even in most of the episode and especially for a character called the "Music Meister" barely even actually sang when he was.

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On 3/24/2017 at 0:09 PM, emarasmoak said:


I particularly like Mon-El because I love hero redemption arcs. There are a lot of people in the Flarrowverse that started much worse than him (including killers or criminals). And yes, he was a despicable person in Daxam and in Earth he screws up and makes a lot of mistakes (I don't consider them to be as bad as some people say), but I find this character evolution to be quite realistic and interesting to watch.

Regarding his many bad traits and mistakes, the name of the game here is character development. TPTB have said that they wanted him to start from the complete opposite point of being a hero so the evolution would be more interesting to watch. Where is the fun of having another hero who is wonderful from the start? We have already watched that with Kara and most characters in Season 1.

Mon-El is not indifferent to his past crimes. In the last Supergirl episode he said that he detested the person that he was in Daxam and that thinking about that made him physically ill. As he is a love interest so he will not have many opportunities to express his POV (not different from how often Iris is given a voice).

Regarding how he does not respect Kara's wishes, I don't think she is a lot better about respecting him (she doesn't ask about his opinions or wishes and just tells him what to do - this is not what you are supposed to do with a partner or a friend). In the last Supergirl episode he decided to go to the ship alone but she didn't respect that and went with him. They are both getting better in listening to each other. I also love their relationship because they are both learning to be better partners in love and heroing.

I agree that Kara and Mon-El's romantic relationship should not have been compared to WestAllen as Barry and Iris have a much longer and deep relationship, but I really am not complaining as I loved Duets. I found all this episode including Tillie so entertaining and fun to watch.

You just made me like Mon-el and Kara/mon-el. I'll definitely check out Supergirl now. If I start from season two will it be easy for me to follow the story or do I have to start from one?

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he reason that I am saying it is that when I am in twitter and tumblr and look at the profiles and tweets/ posts of people giving opinions against Mon-El, most of them are supporters of a romantic relationship of Kara with someone else

I've actually seen a lot of people complain that the show isn't enough about Kara anymore and that her platonic relationships with others have been marginalised. 


Agreed, to me her voice was extremely thin, I don't know anything about her as an actress/performer beyond Supergirl, so I gave it a pass and said "Ok, this is no biggie, she's an actress 1st, not  a singer, and this episode is about actors singing."

 I think it wasn't supposed to be a little flawed based on Music Meister's comment about it being a little flat in places. I've heard her sing better but I thought I read in an article about the musical that she was recovering from cold or something when she recorded the songs so that also might have affected her voice.

Edited by Oreo2234
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One thing I thought was adorable and loved was how Barry was dancing while remaining in place during the "Put a Little Love in Your Heart." ?

He looked like he wanted to participate in the dancing so much, while Kara looked dazed, hee. Barry looked so adorable. Yes, yes, I know I already said adorable. I wish he had joined them.

I think his and even Melissa's singing could have been better if they sang as if they were doing karaoke. I know that Grant's voice is a lot more clear and natural sounding like it was in the first season with those two bars from "Summer Lovin'."

Oh well.

Just rewatched and I really do love the Super Friends song and dance. Barry and Kara are just so adorkable together-like rambling puppies!!!!

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 My favorite part from Superfriends is 'you'll go back in time' 'I'm not supposed to do that anymore!' but my second favorite is Barry making fun of Superman.  I guess he must have watched some news stories about him while on Kara's Earth since I don't think they've ever met.  

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2 minutes ago, Maverick said:

 My favorite part from Superfriends is 'you'll go back in time' 'I'm not supposed to do that anymore!' but my second favorite is Barry making fun of Superman.  I guess he must have watched some news stories about him while on Kara's Earth since I don't think they've ever met.  

I wonder if that some kind of...meta (is that the right word?) moment since there's always been this rivalry between Supes and Flash from the toons-and technically, it was Wally West's Flash-about who was faster??

And nope, Tyler's Supes and Barry have never met-onscreen.

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10 hours ago, Grace19 said:

You just made me like Mon-el and Kara/mon-el. I'll definitely check out Supergirl now. If I start from season two will it be easy for me to follow the story or do I have to start from one?

It's fairly simple to follow season 2, even if you haven't seen season 1. You only miss minor plot points here and there. I do recommend watching season 1 at some point, though. It really is a great season because it's so female focused. And definitely watch the first Flash/SG crossover in season 1. Barry goes over to her earth and it is highly entertaining (with TWO female villains in that episode! TWO!). 

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20 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:

 In other words, it was an anachronism.  Kara's solo should actually have been a song that had been written before 1946.

Yeah, I'm pretty well indifferent that the weird musical made-up dream reality had an anachronistic song in it.  Gay, interracial gangster couples raising a daughter would probably have been thin on the ground in 194-whatever, too.

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2 hours ago, Maverick said:

 My favorite part from Superfriends is 'you'll go back in time' 'I'm not supposed to do that anymore!' but my second favorite is Barry making fun of Superman.  I guess he must have watched some news stories about him while on Kara's Earth since I don't think they've ever met.  

2 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

I wonder if that some kind of...meta (is that the right word?) moment since there's always been this rivalry between Supes and Flash from the toons-and technically, it was Wally West's Flash-about who was faster??

And nope, Tyler's Supes and Barry have never met-onscreen.

Another thing about that line that I saw pointed out elsewhere, is that they had Grant say it, but he's actually a BIG fan of Superman. (With the tattoo to prove it!)

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I thought this was cute, though some of the songs could have been shorter. Superfriends was definitely my favorite, but I hate when people tap dance on TV with tap sounds but no tap shoes! Even if they still dubbed the audio later, magically switch them to tap shoes on screen. We're already supposed to suspend our disbelief (Barry, that means you don't clap at the end of a song), so why not an instant costume change?

It sounded like the three dads recorded all their singing separately. It didn't mesh well, which is too bad, because I was especially looking forward to Barrowman and Jesse L. Martin singing together.

Also, what a lousy romantic musical--everyone died at the end!

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