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Season 13: Speculation and Spoilers

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50 minutes ago, DEL901 said:

If Peter ends up as the Bachelor, it will be interesting to see how the Peter-fandom react to the women, esp F1

If he's made the Bachelor it will be interesting to see how it will be framed considering his "storyline" this season. Will also be interesting to see what kind of women he picks as things progress. I won't be watching, but I will read the spoilers and recaps and snark away. 

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17 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I'm just baffled by the strong reactions on social media. Neither Bryan nor Peter is a prize in my book. The former is a smarmy mama's boy with dubious professional qualifications. The latter is a dimwit pretty boy with a fear of commitment. I guess if I had to pick one, I'd say Peter is less objectionable, but still, meh.

Except the the smarmy mama's boy has gotten pretty much 90 percent hate all season so it's not like there's some swell of swooning and fanning over him. While the dimwit pretty boy has been described by some as A-List superstar hot who is too good for a cheesy reality show. And yet, there he is, on said reality show. But again it's why some are so outraged that Rachel would dare to not pick him. The nerve. 

I agree about none of these men being my type and to be honest that's often the case for me because this show loves to cast its wannabe models, used to be models/personal trainer types. And buff, pretty boys have never been my thing. So personally I'm not attracted to any of Rachel's Final 3, which is why when I read comments from some who think she should pick none of the guys, my thought is, "I can see that".

Like I've said my bafflement this season is seeing how intensely some can become over some average guy with some decent looks. Is it the being on television thing? Like you know how once someone is on television, no matter in what capacity, it ups the hotness factor for some? Whatever it is, this has been simultaneously baffling and terrifying to witness. As the saying goes, "the thirst is very real for some viewers when it comes to Peter".

Edited by truthaboutluv
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25 minutes ago, chocolatine said:

I'm just baffled by the strong reactions on social media. Neither Bryan nor Peter is a prize in my book. The former is a smarmy mama's boy with dubious professional qualifications. The latter is a dimwit pretty boy with a fear of commitment. I guess if I had to pick one, I'd say Peter is less objectionable, but still, meh.

Just curious, but what makes Peter a "dimwit"? Is it saying "Rachel and I's?" Anyway, I disagree with you that Peter has a fear of commitment. Commitment-phobic people do not stay in 2-year relationships. Peter has expressed that he wants to date Rachel (and I assume exclusively) not propose marriage after three dates. How does one get fear of commitment from this? When I and my partner decide to date only each other that's a commitment. Common-law spouses (no engagement or marriage) have certain rights and can claim certain assets upon the death of the other person or the end of the relationship because they've been COMMITTED to that other person for years, cohabiting, sharing in successes and failures, maybe even having children. A ring does not guarantee commitment and should not be used to measure it.

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I guess with Twitter and Instagram since people can directly message these contestants they're trying to make an impression to get Peter or whomever to respond? Maybe it's the fact that Peter does come off as a "regular guy," they truly feel like they have a shot with him so he's getting more attention? It's like I'm a 7, he's a 7, so everyone 6 and up think they have a shot? If he was a super hot 10, only 9s and 10s would even think he'd give them the time of day? Just a theory, lol.

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1 hour ago, CindyBee said:


The crazy surrounding this season is indeed reaching levels we haven't seen since Emily's season with Twitter and Instragram being one big ole love fest for Peter and one big ole hate fest for Rachel/Bryan and its very, very, very disturbing as what is the point of saying the crap that is being spewed towards Rachel just cause she's with Bryan!?!?  

I rarely care about what happens after the finale airs but all this hate is making me a bit annoyed and I do hope that they can put their blinders on and enjoy coming out into the real world and being with their family and friends.   Whether it lasts or not, who cares, I just want Peter's crazy ass fans to leave them alone. 

Well, Peter has been getting death threats and other nastiness thrown at him for not feeling ready to propose or say I love you to Rachel. Crazies are on both sides. Rachel should have sent Peter home or become cool toward him when he made his feelings clear to her about proposing.

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I'm just going to say this. The only proof we have of Peter's getting death threats is his claim of it when he wrote his social media essay. For as much time as the social media fanatics on all sides spend following all of these people, no one seemed to have been able to find and screencap any of those death threats and evil comments. Maybe it happened but I'll be honest, based on how many shady comments he's liked all season and continues to like, particularly ones insulting Bryan while elevating him and his rumored habit of blocking anyone who makes the slightest criticism against him, color me a little skeptical. 

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30 minutes ago, comosedice said:

Just curious, but what makes Peter a "dimwit"? Is it saying "Rachel and I's?" Anyway, I disagree with you that Peter has a fear of commitment. Commitment-phobic people do not stay in 2-year relationships. Peter has expressed that he wants to date Rachel (and I assume exclusively) not propose marriage after three dates. How does one get fear of commitment from this? When I and my partner decide to date only each other that's a commitment. Common-law spouses (no engagement or marriage) have certain rights and can claim certain assets upon the death of the other person or the end of the relationship because they've been COMMITTED to that other person for years, cohabiting, sharing in successes and failures, maybe even having children. A ring does not guarantee commitment and should not be used to measure it.

I honestly don't mean to be snarky, but is this really a defense? People keep repeating it but it makes no sense. Sure in reality proposing marriage after three dates might seem ludicrous. But, he went on the show! He knew what it entailed! He signed the contract!  He knew the deal! They all did. Even if we give him a pass on that, he sat for weeks with the knowledge (because she repeated it time and again) that she wanted a proposal at the end. He could have self ejected a long time ago, if that's not what he wanted. I have a theory: maybe he wanted to be on this show not to find love BUT to 1. Gain name recognition to broaden his business opportunities (he wants to open his gym right?) 2. Become The Bachelor 3. Get a free luxury vacation (six countries in one swoop!). Makes sense to me. Look, I don't think any of them come on this show to truly find love. At least not anymore. Maybe some of the women did when it first started. But now its become a platform to success in entertainment or to gain other career opportunities they otherwise would not have gotten. I do not believe it's about romance for the contestants and for the producers it was never about romance nor accurately depicting reality.  

Edited by Siggystardust
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8 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

I'm just going to say this. The only proof we have of Peter's getting death threats is his claim of it when he wrote his social media essay. For as much time as the social media fanatics on all sides spend following all of these people, no one seemed to have been able to find and screencap any of those death threats and evil comments. Maybe it happened but I'll be honest, based on how many shady comments he's liked all season and continues to like, particularly ones insulting Bryan while elevating him and his rumored habit of blocking anyone who makes the slightest criticism against him, color me a little skeptical. 

And I will say this, I expected your skepticism. What reason would he  have to lie about death threats? He's been getting mostly love on social media. He doesn't need anyone's sympathy. I am glad he's blocking and not engaging unpleasantness or attacks on him. That's not a strike against him in my book. I think it's pretty established that he doesn't like Bryan, so liking "shady" comments is par for the course. He should probably also ignore those. That's a waste of time.

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Just now, comosedice said:

I think it's pretty established that he doesn't like Bryan, so liking "shady" comments is par for the course. He should probably also ignore those. That's a waste of time.


But why is he, a 31 year old grown man, doing that, liking negative posts on social media about Bryan!?!  To me that screams I'm 12 and stuck in junior high not someone that should be given the keys to a franchise such as the Bachelor.   I do hope that if he is indeed the next lead, someone sits him down and tells him to grow up.

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23 minutes ago, truthaboutluv said:

I'm just going to say this. The only proof we have of Peter's getting death threats is his claim of it when he wrote his social media essay. For as much time as the social media fanatics on all sides spend following all of these people, no one seemed to have been able to find and screencap any of those death threats and evil comments. Maybe it happened but I'll be honest, based on how many shady comments he's liked all season and continues to like, particularly ones insulting Bryan while elevating him and his rumored habit of blocking anyone who makes the slightest criticism against him, color me a little skeptical. 

Yeah, I noticed that too. Where are these supposed death threats? Most people like to screencap those things for proof, and plaster it for everyone to see. As for blocking I don't think there's anything wrong with doing that if someone's harassing you online. But if someone is disagreeing in a respectful way, blocking them seems petty. But what can we expect from #PettyPeter?

9 minutes ago, comosedice said:

And I will say this, I expected your skepticism. What reason would he  have to lie about death threats? He's been getting mostly love on social media. He doesn't need anyone's sympathy. I am glad he's blocking and not engaging unpleasantness or attacks on him. That's not a strike against him in my book. I think it's pretty established that he doesn't like Bryan, so liking "shady" comments is par for the course. He should probably also ignore those. That's a waste of time.

You are so in love with him! lol Girl, when are we planning the wedding? That's if you can get him to commit. 

Edited by Siggystardust
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Going by social media, I think Bryan is the least popular F1 in recent memory. I was shocked at how he was getting absolutely destroyed on Twitter Monday night, and it wasn't all Peter fans responsible for it. It's media, bloggers, podcasters, and commentators who think he's full of it. Peter's not to blame for the way fans react to Bryan. Bryan brought it on himself.

That said, Peter does get a ton of hate on Instagram, right there in the comments of every single picture he posts. Anyone can go and check it out for themselves. He likes plenty of comments making fun of him and lets negative comments toward him stand. I don't see him liking shady comments toward Bryan, but he deletes every negative comment toward Rachel, and blocks the people who make them.

Rachel has some dogged detractors who can't get over the fact that she did an Instagram live months ago and said she didn't like Vanessa. It was a petty moment from her but I don't take any of it too seriously.

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11 minutes ago, comosedice said:

And I will say this, I expected your skepticism. What reason would he  have to lie about death threats?

For the record, I am willing to give Peter the benefit of the doubt that he didn't flat out lie. But honestly, like I said, considering some of the stuff I've read that he's blocked people for, I can honestly see where maybe in the sea of hundreds of "you're the most amazing and perfect and special man ever" that a few people called him out on why come on the show if he didn't want to propose in such a short time and someone maybe pulled an Olga and wrote, "if you break Rachel's heart I'll kill you" and he decides that means he's getting death threats.

Again, I don't doubt that Peter, as all of these people, has gotten some negative comments. Though it is without question that the positive comments and worship he's gotten has far outpaced any negativity, in my opinion. But there is a massive difference between negative comments and death threats and I don't buy any of these people are getting death threats. 


Rachel has some dogged detractors who can't get over the fact that she did an Instagram live months ago and said she didn't like Vanessa. It was a petty moment from her but I don't take any of it too seriously.

That may be true but I have read for myself a number of the truly hateful things Rachel has been getting recently and those have nothing to do with Vanessa and any perceived issue they had and all about Peter and the fact that the spoilers and evidence are making it clear that she likely didn't pick him. You can easily tell when a comment is from someone who is of the "Peter walks on water" variety because they always inevitably go down the road of Rachel did him wrong because she didn't shower him with enough attention and make it clear to him how he was number one and the most special and important one. And she's awful for that of course. 

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40 minutes ago, Siggystardust said:

I honestly don't mean to be snarky, but is this really a defense? People keep repeating it but it makes no sense. Sure in reality proposing marriage after three dates might seem ludicrous. But, he went on the show! He knew what it entailed! He signed the contract!  He knew the deal! They all did. Even if we give him a pass on that, he sat for weeks with the knowledge (because she repeated it time and again) that she wanted a proposal at the end. He could have self ejected a long time ago, if that's not what he wanted. I have a theory: maybe he wanted to be on this show not to find love BUT to 1. Gain name recognition to broaden his business opportunities (he wants to open his gym right?) 2. Become The Bachelor 3. Get a free luxury vacation (six countries in one swoop!). Makes sense to me. Look, I don't think any of them come on this show to truly find love. At least not anymore. Maybe some of the women did when it first started. But now its become a platform to success in entertainment or to gain other career opportunities they otherwise would not have gotten. I do not believe it's about romance for the contestants and for the producers it was never about romance nor accurately depicting reality.  

I think everyone goes on the show knowing what is involved and they can at the end decide to propose/accept a proposal or not. I doubt the contract the participants signed mandated them to propose. Isn't that the issue here? Peter said he's not ready to do that? All this maligning of his character for not wanting to propose makes no sense to me. So what if he wanted any of what you listed? Why didn't Rachel eliminate him? This is her show. I would not have ejected myself either. He doesn't hate Rachel. I think he really likes her but is not going to compromise on something he feels strongly about and that is to propose simply to placate Rachel.

32 minutes ago, Siggystardust said:

You are so in love with him! lol Girl, when are we planning the wedding? That's if you can get him to commit. 

Like Peter, I don't fall in love with people I barely know.

Edited by comosedice
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24 minutes ago, judie said:

Going by social media, I think Bryan is the least popular F1 in recent memory. I was shocked at how he was getting absolutely destroyed on Twitter Monday night, and it wasn't all Peter fans responsible for it. It's media, bloggers, podcasters, and commentators who think he's full of it. Peter's not to blame for the way fans react to Bryan. Bryan brought it on himself.

That said, Peter does get a ton of hate on Instagram, right there in the comments of every single picture he posts. Anyone can go and check it out for themselves. He likes plenty of comments making fun of him and lets negative comments toward him stand. I don't see him liking shady comments toward Bryan, but he deletes every negative comment toward Rachel, and blocks the people who make them.

Rachel has some dogged detractors who can't get over the fact that she did an Instagram live months ago and said she didn't like Vanessa. It was a petty moment from her but I don't take any of it too seriously.

Judie, thank you for posting this. I had no idea and from others account here of what Peter has been doing, I would not have guessed any of it.

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9 hours ago, Siggystardust said:

Nick's season is the first I've watched of The Bachelor in a long while and this is my first season watching The Bachelorette. But I have never in the past noticed the kind of fanaticism that's happening with Peter. Not for this show. What the hayle is it about him? Is it the salt and pepper hair? I don't get it at all. 

So many of the Bachelors are insanely boring. If not boring, disgusting. They are going to have to cast a bevy of drama queens to give his season interest. Peter is nice looking, but no sizzle for me.  

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On 7/27/2017 at 10:54 AM, comosedice said:

I think everyone goes on the show knowing what is involved and they can at the end decide to propose/accept a proposal or not. I doubt the contract the participants signed mandated them to propose. Isn't that the issue here? Peter said he's not ready to do that? All this maligning of his character for not wanting to propose makes no sense to me. So what if he wanted any of what you listed? Why didn't Rachel eliminate him? This is her show. I would not have ejected myself either. He doesn't hate Rachel. I think he really likes her but is not going to compromise on something he feels strongly about and that is to propose simply to placate Rachel.

Like Peter, I don't fall in love with people I barely know.

The marry him comment was an attempt to lighten the mood. :) Nothing more.

Re: To propose or not to propose that is the question

No he's not obligated to propose, but he surely didn't mind dragging it out until the 11th hour. I'm sorry, but if we want to talk reality, let's talk reality, multiple sources have spoiled that he is not the F1 and that he most likely exits right before the Final rose. But if we take the show at face value, by what has been shown so far, he was never going to be the F1. He gave her nothing. Nothing. That isn't about not wanting to propose on a reality show after several weeks. That's just plain uninterested, and he knew this long before Spain. You say Rachel should have ejected him and that he doesn't hate her. But I haven't accused him of hating her, that's an extreme comment. I accuse him of being insincere about his purpose for being on the show and his level of like toward her. This is romance, not friendship. He didn't want romance with her, and I'm stating that in itself was dishonest. If he's so straight-forward, he would have said that, and yes, then with all the facts out front, she could have eliminated him. But he didn't, so here we are.  

I'll leave it at this, we'll all know what's what come finale, and after BIP when they announce the next Bachelor. If it goes as I suspect I cannot wait for the cognitive dissonance. I predict pages upon pages of excuses and mental gymnastics. 

Edited by Siggystardust
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For those newer citizens of Bachelor Nation (I.e., what Harrison has labeled the fans) going on the show for fame/travel/chance to be the next lead, etc, is called Being There for the Wrong Reasons. People are called out for Being There for the Wrong Reasons every season. I think this is the first time in Bachelor/ette History (more trope) that "Wrong Reasons" wasn't uttered. Somehow the big accusation this season was Being Disingenuous. (Or, I think truly some made up term "disingenuine.") I think it's possible that Bryan is Disingenuous. I actually think Peter is very genuine because he is being honest with his feelings. Wrong Reasons people lie about their intentions to stay on. Week after week Peter's like, I'll take a rose and continue to get to know you, but don't expect a proposal. Perhaps he was open to the idea of "love at first sight" (or a month or two) as a possibility, but if it didn't happen with Rachel, we'll, he's not just going to pretend the feelings are there--that would be Disengenous.

Edited by JenE4
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1 hour ago, Siggystardust said:

The marry him comment was an attempt to lighten the mood. :) Nothing more.

Re: To propose or not to prose that is the question

No he's not obligated to propose, but he surely didn't mind dragging it out until the 11th hour. I'm sorry, but if we want to talk reality, let's talk reality, multiple sources have spoiled that he is not the F1 and that he most likely exits right before the Final rose. But if we take the show at face value, by what has been shown so far, he was never going to be the F1. He gave her nothing. Nothing. That isn't about not wanting to propose on a reality show after several weeks. That's just plain uninterested, and he knew this long before Spain. You say Rachel should have ejected him and that he doesn't hate her. But I haven't accused him of hating her, that's an extreme comment. I accuse him of being insincere about his purpose for being on the show and his level of like toward her. This is romance, not friendship. He didn't want romance with her, and I'm stating that in itself was dishonest. If he's so straight-forward, he would have said that, and yes, then with all the facts out front, she could have eliminated him. But he didn't, so here we are.  

I'll leave it at this, we'll all know what's what come finale, and after BIP when they announce the next Bachelor. If it goes as I suspect I cannot wait for the cognitive dissonance. I predict pages upon pages of excuses and mental gymnastics. 

I think he gave her plenty. We just see things differently, period.

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20 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

I'm just going to say this. The only proof we have of Peter's getting death threats is his claim of it when he wrote his social media essay.

And "death threat" has lost all meaning. It used to mean someone left you a voice message or sent a letter to your house. They had private information on you. These tweets and Instagram comments Peter is getting are coming from bored housewives. I'm sure they're unhinged and loathsome but these people are pathetic, not dangerous.

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On 7/22/2017 at 10:50 AM, Bugs Meany said:

Exactly how many F1s had no problem with the lead being interested in other women/men?

I continue to find the Vanessa hate / Raven love irrational. I've seen plenty of Instagram comments saying Raven is not only more fun/"real" but better looking as well. I know beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but those beholders are idiots.

I liked Raven and even though I didn't find her hideous as some posters did I did not think she was as pretty as Vanessa was. I did however find Raven more fun and real which is why I liked her. I think going for pretty over compatibility and an easy friendship oftentimes leads to regret. Not saying it will in Nick and Vanessa's case but highly temperamental, jealous and domineering people, as I think Vanessa is, don't always make for long term compatible relationships. I also think she came off as very smug towards the end of the season. My viewpoint comes from personal experience and I saw many red flags from Vanessa's behaviour that we were shown.

I could be completely wrong of course and it was Nick's choice to make, not mine. Vanessa could have many other endearing qualities but I don't think that was what we were shown. 

And as you find the Vanessa hate irrational I in turn find the Raven hate irrational. But we are entitled to our opinions and as the saying goes to each his own.

ETA- Posted before I saw the message to move on from the topic.

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50 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

I in turn find the Raven hate irrational.

YMMV but I never saw any irrational Raven hate during Nick's season. Sure some thought she should have been arrested for her boyfriend beating stiletto story but most just thought she was full of crap with the story. And there were some criticisms about her lack of filter when she shared her "no orgasm" story. But for the most part, people didn't seem to have any issues with Raven. Vanessa however was called whiny, exploitative of her students, a bitch, entitled, annoying, self centered, etc. etc. And even now, people still find ways to throw shade at her constantly. For example, any time any criticism of Rachel was made at the start of this season, no matter how minor, the inevitable, "well the women on Nick's season all loved her and everyone hated Vanessa" would come up.

She does one web thing for E! and it's all "see, total famewhore, we knew it" and yet complete silence about how in a few months after the season ended, while not even in Canada because she was in LA with Nick, she established her foundation to raise funds for special education teachers and had a fundraiser that raised $30,000 in one day. None of the women from Nick's season have done anything close to this - they're too busy shilling and making Bachelor franchise appearances. 

That said, I will say that nothing from Nick's season compares to the Peter vs. Bryan battle this season and the levels of intensity over who Rachel picked or should pick.



Blake said Waboom was there for Wrong Reasons

I am going to assume this is from the same Blake who had that totally contrived rivalry with Whaboom? Oh the irony. Since most have figured out that both of these fools were there for their camera time with a contrived rivalry they probably constructed after meeting on a previous reality show. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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12 hours ago, truthaboutluv said:

YMMV but I never saw any irrational Raven hate during Nick's season. Sure some thought she should have arrested for her boyfriend beating stiletto story and most just thought she was full of crap with the story. And there were comments about some of her lack of filter. But for the most part, people didn't seem to have any issues with Raven. Vanessa however was called whiny, exploitative of her students, a bitch, entitled, annoying, self centered, etc. etc. And even now, people still find ways to throw shade at her. For example, any time any criticism of Rachel was made at the start of this season was made, no matter how minor, the inevitable, "well the women on Nick's season all loved her and everyone hated Vanessa" would come up.

She does one web thing for E! and it's all "see, total famewhore, we knew it" and yet complete silence about how in a few months after the season ended, while not even in Canada because she was in LA with Nick, she established her foundation to raise funds for special education teachers and had a fundraiser that raised $30,000 in one day. None of the women from Nick's season have done anything close to this - they're too busy shilling and making Bachelor franchise appearances. And yes, now I'll move on from that topic. 

That said, yes, nothing from Nick's season compares to the Peter vs. Bryan battle this season and the levels of intensity over who Rachel picked or should pick.

I think opinions vary somewhat based on who we like and don't like. For example where you focused in on negative comments about Vanessa so did I with Raven. I actually liked Vanessa at the start of the season and was neutral about Raven but as the season progressed, based on what we were shown, I grew to like Raven and dislike Vanessa. So point being I saw many posts talking about how hideous Raven looked, how much her accent was disliked, she was redneck bordering on stupid. Some were even saying she looked retarded because her eyes were too close together or some similar nonsense.

And I was one who commented on how much Rachel was liked by the other women in the house but I didn't reference as opposed to Vanessa in any way. I stand by my opinion that Rachel was extremely well liked by her co-contestants. But we all have the right to our opinions so we just have to agree to disagree I suppose.

Back on topic I'm one of those mentioned who don't have social media or follow it so I've not saw all the fanatic Peter love. Which I find odd. I don't understand getting that invested in a reality show contestant. I watch and have my favs and not so favs but once the show has aired I'm done. I don't frantically follow every detail of their life's as some of these people do. That's kind of scary.

ETA: Just wanted to clarify that when I say "these people" I'm referring to people on social media not this board.

Edited by yorklee2
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3 hours ago, Bugs Meany said:

And "death threat" has lost all meaning. It used to mean someone left you a voice message or sent a letter to your house. They had private information on you. These tweets and Instagram comments Peter is getting are coming from bored housewives. I'm sure they're unhinged and loathsome but these people are pathetic, not dangerous.

No death threat should be disregarded. When sane looking people are walking up to celebrities and murdering them at fan events, nobody can be trusted.

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Re: Rachel/Dean

During the HTV episode and after the rose ceremony, Rachel told Dean that her reasons for not giving him a rose had to do with her belief that he was not ready for a commitment (marriage and etc.). But isn't that a clear example of the inconsistencies of what she says and what she does? Because Peter has continuously told her he wasn't ready to commit or was unsure whether he could commit and yet, she keeps giving him a pass. So, obviously, her excuse to Dean was less than honest. Was the real reason her discomfort with his age or something else? She seemed passionate about him and he was the only person at that point that she actually verbalized that she was falling in love with. A lot of her decisions do not make sense outside of this possibly being heavily producer manipulated and/or semi-scripted.

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On 7/26/2017 at 8:53 AM, truthaboutluv said:

YMMV but I don't think she picked Bryan from day one. I've said this before but I actually do think this was a season where the lead didn't zero in on their pick from Night One. She was definitely very, very attracted to Bryan but I think she really did like Peter and she seemed really happy after their first one on one. I just think things stalled because dude was giving the woman nothing. It was all push and pull with him. Give a little to keep her interested, only to take ten steps back.  

Also, I know a lot of people have compared him to Rachel during Nick's season but I think in fairness to Rachel, her issue during Nick's season seemed to be a fear of being hurt if she opened up and yes, she was skeptical at first about the process working. Peter's issue just seems to be that he doesn't believe at all that a proposal at the end of the whole thing is right and will not budge on that and two, which is the most important part in my opinion, he is not into her. Rachel was into Nick in my opinion. She may not have been in love with him but she was into him. I don't even get that from Peter for Rachel. 

Also, for the many saying that Rachel should pick Peter regardless because it should only matter who she loves and not how not into her he is because "well he's hot" (people don't say that part but I think it's understood), I saw an interview with Rachel where she said something I found very interesting and sad actually. She said the conversations and issues with Peter made her feel the way she felt with many ex-boyfriends, where she was told all these amazing things about herself, "you're smart, you're beautiful, you're amazing" but at the end she was still not good enough to commit to. That to me said it all. If a person makes you feel that way, cut them loose.

I agree with this. I was initially giving Peter the benefit of the doubt and thought it was just natural shyness and reserve on his part but halfway through the season I started to see the lack of serious attraction on his part and that he didn't seem to be trying. If he's made the next Bach then he's going to have to eat a lot of his words and it would be a little hard to take him seriously. I don't dislike Peter but I don't get the almost fanatical support for him as next Bach.

I think Rachel is a very intelligent woman and for her to be so far gone on Bryan makes me think there were some serious conversations between them that were cut and we were not privy to. 

But I still can't warm up to him and really hope if he wants to make it work that he gives serious consideration to moving away from Miami. That MIL would seriously drive me up the wall.

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Color me shocked, considering I thought he was smarmy and way too forward the first week, but that damn Bryan has grown on me. I like how easy going and good-natured he is, and he has nice manners. Plus, unlike most, I think he is actually super into Rachel and doesn't take himself too seriously. I don't know, somehow they've won me over and I'm curious to see them as a real couple. Peter was my instant favorite thanks to the pretty, but it's worn off over time. I am not vocal on social media, but Bryan fans do exist! 

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so since this is the spoiler thread as well. Has all of this Reality guy Steves predictions been true. What is his layout for this 3 hour deal next week? Somehow I go to his page and get lost.

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I believe he's said that Rachel eliminates Peter before the FRC and so only Bryan is left at the FRC and he proposes. The previews and the latest US Weekly article talking about the finale matches up with this being the case. Eric is eliminated at Final 3. As for how many times Reality Steve has been correct, much as I think he's a tool, the fact is he has been more right than he's been wrong. The reason he's been able to build his reputation in the franchise is because he's been successfully spoiling the show for years. The only season he truly botched up was Desiree's because right up until the finale, he was still insisting that she was engaged to Brooks.

There've been other seasons where he was wrong but changed his spoiler before the season ended. I think he said Ali chose no one and it was only until almost a few weeks before the finale, that he changed his spoiler and said she was engaged to Roberto. He also couldn't verify Emily was engaged to Jef for months and he said Kaitlyn chose no one and only changed it when Kaitlyn herself accidentally spoiled the season. So it is interesting that The Bachelorette seasons are the ones he's had the most issues with, including Rachel's where he first said she picked Peter and changed it weeks later to Bryan. 

A lot of Peter fans are still holding onto the fact that RS has been wrong before and that he sounded smugly confident when he first said that Peter was the Final 1, to convince themselves he may be wrong about it being Bryan. But in my opinion, unless every single person involved went all out to create the biggest ruse this show has ever had, I can't see how Bryan is not the Final 1 based on all the evidence.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Seriously, I was back and forth in the beginning whether he was wrong but the last few weeks have clearly been pointing to Bryan, both on the show and in people actually spoiling it (Miami engagement party, the pics from July 4). I'm not quite sure how people who are spoiled can see otherwise, unless like you said, it's been a giant scheme on Peter, Rachel, and Bryan's behalf to fake it. 

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The problem is, is that this show has become about who they can promote next, not who they are matching currently.  Sure, there might be a magazine cover, a dwts gig, but they are more concerned about who will be on bip or who is the next bach(ette).  Therefore the winner gets the short end of the stick and the runner up gets a glowing edit.  I would love if after it's all done, they gave us a bonus episode, kind of a stuff they couldn't show or it would be too obvious type show.  Bryan has gotten shown so little that it reminds me of Ashley and JP. They had an instant connection and it has been said after that they went out of their way to make it more dramatic of a choice than it actually was.  Maybe I am over analyzing what I see with Bryan and her, but she has seemed into him from day 1 and from the snippets they have shown, that they have built a relationship that the show has gone out of their way not to show.

Edited by luleetuni
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Who do you guys think will be the next Bachelor? I think it would come down to Dean and Peter. I personally prefer Dean because he has more personality and has the potential to be a spit-fire. That would make for an entertaining show. Peter is boring and I can't stand the way he talks (breaking a sentence into pieces). I also don't want a season full of "xxx & I's".

Or they could do dual Bachelors like how they did with Kaitlyn and Britt. I would be very interested to see who the women would vote for. 

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I still can't see it being anyone else but Peter unless he turns it down or the tide turns hard against him after the season ends. Dean is on Paradise and while that worked for Nick, not sure that will be the case with Dean based on the spoiled romantic drama he was apparently involved with. So my money is on Peter being the next Bachelor and yes, he will likely be as bland and boring as he's been this whole season.

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Dean has already publically said that he doesn't want to be the next bachelor, if asked.  Said something to the effect that he is not ready.  

Peter cannot carry the show, I will be shocked if he is next.  I think we will get someone from a previous season.  

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On ‎7‎/‎27‎/‎2017 at 10:20 AM, SnapeCharmer said:

I honestly don't mean to be snarky, but is this really a defense? People keep repeating it but it makes no sense. Sure in reality proposing marriage after three dates might seem ludicrous. But, he went on the show! He knew what it entailed! He signed the contract!  He knew the deal! They all did. Even if we give him a pass on that, he sat for weeks with the knowledge (because she repeated it time and again) that she wanted a proposal at the end. He could have self ejected a long time ago, if that's not what he wanted. I have a theory: maybe he wanted to be on this show not to find love BUT to 1. Gain name recognition to broaden his business opportunities (he wants to open his gym right?) 2. Become The Bachelor 3. Get a free luxury vacation (six countries in one swoop!). Makes sense to me. Look, I don't think any of them come on this show to truly find love. At least not anymore. Maybe some of the women did when it first started. But now its become a platform to success in entertainment or to gain other career opportunities they otherwise would not have gotten. I do not believe it's about romance for the contestants and for the producers it was never about romance nor accurately depicting reality.  

I think you can go on the show and AGREE that if you fall in love, you are ready to propose.    But that doesn't mean you WILL feel ready.  You can't sign a contract agreeing to love someone. 

Someone can have a sincere desire to "find love"  on this show, and they can really, really LIKE the person they are supposed to fall in love with.   But as the song say, "You can't hurry Love".   Peter and Rachel have had a few dates.  Perhaps he hasn't figured out yet whether or not Rachel is the right person for him.  Good for him.  

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Right and that's when one is upfront with the lead and eliminates themselves like Brooks did, like Frank did, like Sharleen did, etc. etc. Instead Peter hung around, even seeming annoyed that he had to sweat it out for a rose at Final 4 and because he had to sweat it out for a rose, suddenly pulled out an "I'm falling in love you" just before they walked in to meet Rachel's parents. And then proceeded to wax poetic to her parents about how he cannot imagine life without her, except for how you know he still adamantly doesn't see himself proposing to her.  No, there's nothing wrong with not falling in love with the lead but when you hang around even when you're not and people claim he's just such a realist and being honest, it does beg the question of why then is he hanging around? Other than to become the next Bachelor of course.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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Maybe he likes her and still wants to get to know her? The people mentioned above left because they didn't have feelings for the other person, Peter does have feelings for Rachel. There is another choice between I want to marry you after two months and I don't feel attracted to you and must leave immediately. It's I care about you and want to spend more time with you. 

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15 hours ago, backformore said:

I think you can go on the show and AGREE that if you fall in love, you are ready to propose.    But that doesn't mean you WILL feel ready.  You can't sign a contract agreeing to love someone. 

Someone can have a sincere desire to "find love"  on this show, and they can really, really LIKE the person they are supposed to fall in love with.   But as the song say, "You can't hurry Love".   Peter and Rachel have had a few dates.  Perhaps he hasn't figured out yet whether or not Rachel is the right person for him.  Good for him.  

But the debate wasn't about Love, it was about proposing. Every Bachelorette prior to Rachel received a proposal, the exception being Jenn S, because she refused both suitors. In the real world, Peter's stance would be understandable and logical no question. But if he wanted to take things slow and date the old fashion way, he wouldn't be on The Bachelorette. Just sayin'

I happen to agree with the sentiment that most of these people do not come on the show for love. It's more than obvious. Some happen to find it along the way (good for them), but those are the exceptions rather than the rule. ETA: The show is selling a fantasy.  That fantasy is romance. So if you're coming on the show, be ready to sell the fantasy or why bother?

Edited by SnapeCharmer
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9 hours ago, Madding crowd said:

The people mentioned above left because they didn't have feelings for the other person, Peter does have feelings for Rachel.

YMMV but I disagree that in all these cases the other person just didn't have any feelings for the lead. I never thought Brooks didn't have any feelings for Des for example. I think he very much did care for her but just wasn't in love with her and didn't feel anywhere near strong enough for her to actually propose to her and that's why he left. And that's exactly what I see regarding Peter. I have never believed that Peter didn't like Rachel well enough. I have just also never believed he was in love with her or felt that strongly for her and I still feel the same now. My issue regarding Peter all season hasn't been about the no proposal but the "not that into you" thing, which is why I eyeroll the "he's just being so honest and genuine". Is he though, really? Of course I acknowledge that I am clearly in the minority in that opinion and I'm okay with that. 

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I'm not sure that anyone is in love after a few camera filmed dates. I think they all like the person enough to do the ring and see how things play out. The falling in love happens or doesn't afterwards. I think the three ways of dealing with it are all legitimate in there own way 1: You care but don't want to get married for ever so you bail and just don't see the person again. 3: You propose and then act like you are just dating and 3: You don't promise a ring but still want to spend time with the person because you really like them and don't want to say goodbye. I still don't believe Brooks, Frank or Sharleen cared about the leads, but ymmv.

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1 hour ago, Madding crowd said:

I'm not sure that anyone is in love after a few camera filmed dates. I think they all like the person enough to do the ring and see how things play out. The falling in love happens or doesn't afterwards. I think the three ways of dealing with it are all legitimate in there own way 1: You care but don't want to get married for ever so you bail and just don't see the person again. 3: You propose and then act like you are just dating and 3: You don't promise a ring but still want to spend time with the person because you really like them and don't want to say goodbye. I still don't believe Brooks, Frank or Sharleen cared about the leads, but ymmv.

I agree and Peter is not all that smitten with Rachael either.

ETA.  Bryans mother will kill the romance they think they have. 

Edited by wings707
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1 hour ago, hyacinth said:

  For the next Bachelor, how about Daniel (of Canada and Mussolini fame)  from BIP?   I'd watch that every night of the week.    

I saw a commerical that he appears on the millionare matchmaker? Is he a millionare?

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On 8/3/2017 at 10:45 PM, Madding crowd said:

There is another choice between I want to marry you after two months and I don't feel attracted to you and must leave immediately. It's I care about you and want to spend more time with you. 

But that's a choice in real life.  This is the Bachelorverse, where common sense and logic do not coexist with attraction & lust.  And we MUST see LUST!  So it's either who's behind curtain A or curtain C.  B's not relevant. 

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On 8/3/2017 at 5:43 PM, wings707 said:

Dean has already publically said that he doesn't want to be the next bachelor, if asked.  Said something to the effect that he is not ready.  

Peter cannot carry the show, I will be shocked if he is next.  I think we will get someone from a previous season.  

OMG why cant we get someone new?? most of these guys are not "catches" remember the original premise was a real catch, not a regular joe--I loved andrew firestones season when the women didnt even know he was the bachelor--he was adorable AND rich--a legit catch!! Even jessie palmer as a football player was possibly ok. Bob guiney--OMG so not a catch. Even Ben F who I hated, was wealthy and in that manner was a catch. I have watched since day one and would love a totally brand new person. anyone remmeber the special a zillion years ago where they profiled 4 potential bachelors????

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