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Replying to the above... yeah, I distinctly both Colin & Christie and Mirna & Charla getting massive leads because of smart flight maneuvering but the thing is, that happened in Season 5 and I remember airport drama being a staple right until I stopped watching at about Season 19. Was the change ever addressed on the show or did they just stop showing the flight jostling and act like that was normal?

So there's basically four key points to note here: During TAR10 they started taking some weird routes with very little options, forcing them to pre-book tickets to avoid slower teams being shut out, though they could still look for better flights (Madagascar to Helsinki in 10, Zanzibar to Warsaw in 11, then 12 varied it by giving them only tickets from Burkina Faso to Paris and forcing them to find their own way to Lithuania). In TAR14 the show changed its editing so they could cut the travel scenes to "Well, the first team gave us a voiceover about how everyone is bunched, so let's not bother showing you" (the first case was for a train through Siberia, and there they didn't even show any teams after the first two leaving the Pit Stop). Then by TAR18 the show banned taking other flights on legs with pre-booked routes, leading Kent and Vyxsin to get the most arbitrary penalty in the show's history for getting so lost they missed the arranged flight. And now it seems "pre-book so we can focus on the actual tasks in the edit" has become official policy for most legs, though there's still an odd flight scramble here or there (in particular, TAR23 is a pretty mediocre season but the "fly from Santiago to Lisbon" leg was on par with some of the top-tier airport drama of the early seasons), and the change generally has not been ported to foreign versions of TAR unless an airline is sponsoring the show.


I'm so ashamed I didn't have to look any of that up.

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7 hours ago, SnideAsides said:

So there's basically four key points to note here: During TAR10 they started taking some weird routes with very little options, forcing them to pre-book tickets to avoid slower teams being shut out, though they could still look for better flights (Madagascar to Helsinki in 10, Zanzibar to Warsaw in 11, then 12 varied it by giving them only tickets from Burkina Faso to Paris and forcing them to find their own way to Lithuania). In TAR14 the show changed its editing so they could cut the travel scenes to "Well, the first team gave us a voiceover about how everyone is bunched, so let's not bother showing you" (the first case was for a train through Siberia, and there they didn't even show any teams after the first two leaving the Pit Stop). Then by TAR18 the show banned taking other flights on legs with pre-booked routes, leading Kent and Vyxsin to get the most arbitrary penalty in the show's history for getting so lost they missed the arranged flight. And now it seems "pre-book so we can focus on the actual tasks in the edit" has become official policy for most legs, though there's still an odd flight scramble here or there (in particular, TAR23 is a pretty mediocre season but the "fly from Santiago to Lisbon" leg was on par with some of the top-tier airport drama of the early seasons), and the change generally has not been ported to foreign versions of TAR unless an airline is sponsoring the show.


I'm so ashamed I didn't have to look any of that up.

You should be ashamed more often. That was a great read and so detailed. I remember it all but I couldn't have written it.

4 hours ago, Falafel said:

Wait, the next season is going to be an entirely Big Brother cast? Ew. I was excited to have rediscovered this show after I stopped for 10 seasons, but in protest I think I'll take another break again.

Check out the prior page. The “hope” is that CBS is “insisting” on a season with castaways, housemates and returning Racers. If it turns out to be just the first two, I’m gonna be pissed. And I know damn sure we wouldn’t get nice folks like Cirie and Sandra. More likely, we’d wind up with fucking Philip Shepherd and whatever ssshole drew the short straw.

Well, count me out for season 30.  I absolutely refuse to watch another season with Rachel on it.  She is the worst of the worst, always acting like a toddler whining "I can't do it!" and pouting and crying her way through every leg.  Overall, I've found any BB team on TAR to be among my least favorites.  BB just calls for a totally different type of personality than what TAR normally appeals to. 

If this turns out to be a returning racer season that just happens to have Rachel, I'll stream it and just ff over any of her scenes, or just wait until her team has been eliminated. 

I'm so disappointed in TAR that they have decided to go in this direction. 

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6 minutes ago, chaifan said:

Well, count me out for season 30.

Season 30 has already aired. Season 31 is upcoming.

I agree that Rachel/Buttface are not something I'm looking forward to.  If it's an All-BB series, it will be painful, I'm sure.  If it's a TAR/BB/Survivor mashup, it might be a little easier to watch.  If only because the BB toxicity will be diluted.  


(What crappy software is this?  Doesn't it know that a full-stop should be followed by two spaces?)

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I'd rather see Amazing Race Second Chances.  They know there are teams out there the viewers really like, that's why the cowboys came back more than once.  Couldn't they get enough former teams to make a season?  I'm thinking of people like Becca and Floyd who were medically forced out on a poorly designed detour that made him too sick to go on or Dave and Connor when Dave snapped his tendon.  I know there are others I'm just not remembering right now (and I know "liked the team" varies from view to viewer so the examples I gave or the teams the show could choose might not be to everyone's liking) but.........maybe TPTB already tried and couldn't gather up enough interested parties but if not bringing back teams who went too early or through no fault of their own, especially teams the viewers really liked watching seems like a much better season than all Big Brother or other stunt casting.

That said I've never ever watched BB and won't know any of these people at all so I figure to me it'll be like a regular season watching a bunch of strangers although I expect there could be a decent drinking game using the phrase "When we were on Big Brother" as the cue to take a shot.

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6 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

I'd rather see Amazing Race Second Chances.

Unfortunately, we don't get what we want. We get whatever they decide to give us.  

6 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

or Dave and Connor when Dave snapped his tendon.

They already got their second chance and pursued it to a win.  A win which many feel TPTB collaborated to ensure, by rule-changing on the fly to give them an advantage.  This, plus their insufferable natures, makes me hope and pray we never see them again!

6 hours ago, sigmaforce86 said:

I've never ever watched BB and won't know any of these people at all so I figure to me it'll be like a regular season watching a bunch of strangers

If you added up the fragments of BB I've seen, they would probably add up to less than one complete episode.  But

  • my brief exposure to the show,
  • the BB contestants I've been exposed to in other contexts (TAR, for example),
  • the opinions expressed by others I trust who are more familiar with that show than I,

all combine to convince me that BB contestants generally are loathsome people whose presence will not enhance my TAR-watching experience.


Edited by Netfoot
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9 hours ago, TheRabbi said:

CBS upfronts are today and the fall schedule is out, minus TAR. Not unexpected given the past couple years, but still a blow for those hoping to see season 31 in 2018. We'll be waiting for next year most likely.

I think that, when Survivor ends, it'll likely replace it, as TAR did very well in the Wednesday slot. 

  • Love 1
56 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

Between the cast and the inconvenient random Wednesday scheduling (is it still supposedly slated for Weds?  I'll check the other thread), I likely won't watch.

I think it will be a slot-filler. And the link might be merely rumor. I'm mad as all fuck, but it might not be true. This is what I tell myself. I am prepared to no longer watch CBS if the worst goes down . . . .which, for me, is just Survivor. Hey, I need an excuse to jump off that wagon.

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Even if it's true, I'll still watch. I don't take these shows that seriously, so I would never feel insulted. I just want to be entertained. So, as long as the race is entertaining, I'm good.

I'm not a Big Brother fan, so I don't know about most of the people mentioned. But I do know of Janelle and Britney. And of course, Rachel, since she was on TAR before. I honestly don't watch much TV in general, and TAR and SURVIVOR are the only reality shows I follow throughout their seasons.

Janelle could be a piece of work, especially when she was given booze. And Britney could be very witty. Rachel can cry and complain her way through another Race, as far as I'm concerned.

As I've said, nothing can be worse than the 'Family Edition'.

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@mikewho . . . A Weaver family reunion is a better alternative than a mostly BB season.

Seriously, why would CBS want to attract BB fans to TAR? Does the network think that little of TAR? Are the numbers that low to them? Seriously, these are two different series with vastly different approaches, and I don’t think the rumored format would make TAR that much more attractive. I don’t think the overlap is that vital, and I can’t see it getting bigger. Seriously, aren’t most BB fans into live feeds and finding out stuff as it happens?

I'm going to stop here, because I don’t want to be the asshole to insult BB fans. Also, as someone who still watches The Challenge, I don’t think I should be too harsh a judge.

ETA: Also a little off-putting: we've only had two Racers on the other CBS series, while the network dumps bodies into the series. I don’t think I’d get into Big Brother if a decent Racer got cast. Then again, I did watch DWTS just for Amy Purdy.

Edited by Lantern7
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3 hours ago, Lantern7 said:

Seriously, why would CBS want to attract BB fans to TAR?

Presumably to increase viewers.  Hope and pray that this coming season doesn't show a significant - or even marginal - improvement in viewer numbers.  That's all we would need for the network to pack all subsequent seasons with BB alumni.

Seriously, the dilemma is, do we boycott the show, in the hope they say "Well, that's a mistake we won't make again!"  or would it result in them saying "If even  the wonder of BB didn't get the ratings up, there is no hope for TAR!" 

22 hours ago, Fukui San said:

Does Big Brother have better ratings than Survivor? I always thought Survivor was the crown jewel ratingswise and Big Brother was still on since it’s cheap to produce. 

No. Survivor is now the third highest rated show on the network, behind Big Bang and its spinoff. We'll see how BB does this summer, but probably will be similar or a tad worse than Survivor. 

Edited by TheRabbi
On 5/19/2018 at 3:15 PM, Fukui San said:

Does Big Brother have better ratings than Survivor? I always thought Survivor was the crown jewel ratingswise and Big Brother was still on since it’s cheap to produce. 

Big Brother tends to have very devoted fans. It has folks who watch the feeds and are willing to watch three episodes a week. People tend to become pretty tied to contestants. I am sure that TPTB are hoping that the BB devotees will watch one episode of Amazing Race a week to follow their favorites and increase the ratings. I don't know the exact numbers but I suspect that there was a decent size up tick in viewership with Cody and Jessica fans joining the viewership. God knows there was a decent amount of BB talk on the Amazing Race threads (guilty as charged). 

I would not be surprised to find that Survivor fans already watch the Amazing Race and Big Brother fans were less likely to watch Amazing Race, the shows are very different. 


@ProfCrash . . . in my head BB fans would also be into car crashes posing as human interaction. TAR might be flawed, but it isn’t a shit show. Seriously, if the speculation is true, and the show opts for a public start, I think TAR fans should go out and protest there.

ETA: My concern is a total loss for TAR. BB fans don’t get to see the action live, and the contestants are less volatile with their universe not crammed into one space. Thus, the fans bolt. Diehard TAR fans decide not to watch at all, and I feel they make up a chunk of the core audience. The ratings tank, and TAR is cut loose. In my mind, I feel that is a lot crueler than outright cancellation. Granted, my mind tends to go too far in thought processes, but I’m still getting that vibe.

Edited by Lantern7
  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Lantern7 said:

@ProfCrash . . . in my head BB fans would also be into car crashes posing as human interaction. TAR might be flawed, but it isn’t a shit show. Seriously, if the speculation is true, and the show opts for a public start, I think TAR fans should go out and protest there.

ETA: My concern is a total loss for TAR. BB fans don’t get to see the action live, and the contestants are less volatile with their universe not crammed into one space. Thus, the fans bolt. Diehard TAR fans decide not to watch at all, and I feel they make up a chunk of the core audience. The ratings tank, and TAR is cut loose. In my mind, I feel that is a lot crueler than outright cancellation. Granted, my mind tends to go too far in thought processes, but I’m still getting that vibe.

My impression is that the BB fans have been well represented during the seasons that a BB contestant was running. I have no numbers to point to but just an impression based on posting when the BB contestants have been on the show

But why is the rumored cast 90% BB as opposed to a 50/50 Survivor/BB split or an even Survivor/BB/TAR All Star cast? Are there people who wouldn’t tune into a show if there are only four BB teams that would if there are 10 BB teams? It feels like making TAR an infomercial for BB. Even if the cast was all Survivor alums, it would feel more like TAR would be the beneficiary of the popularity and standing of Survivor. 

37 minutes ago, Fukui San said:

But why is the rumored cast 90% BB as opposed to a 50/50 Survivor/BB split or an even Survivor/BB/TAR All Star cast? Are there people who wouldn’t tune into a show if there are only four BB teams that would if there are 10 BB teams? It feels like making TAR an infomercial for BB. Even if the cast was all Survivor alums, it would feel more like TAR would be the beneficiary of the popularity and standing of Survivor. 

The list of 8 rumored teams from US Weekly are not totally finalized yet. But Georgia Peach from RFF stated that will have standard 11 teams to be competed in the 31st race that 5 BB teams, 5 Survivor teams and one BB-Survivor hybrid will be chosen for the final selection.

Edited by ApprenticeFan
4 minutes ago, Browncoat said:

How about the then-younger-than-18 kids from the Family Edition?  I don't remember how old the youngest was -- would they be old enough now?

Re the Gaghans - Carissa just graduated from college and will be starting graduate school this year, so I think she’s 22. I don’t remember the exact age gap, but I think Billy is a couple of years older and Kelley (who wasn’t on TAR) is a couple of years younger and is in college. 

The Gaghans are the only ones I would care to see again, other than maybe Brian Paulo. I really don’t want to see Stassi Schroeder, who’s now on Vanderpump Rules, or any of the Weavers.

I'm torn.  Part of me wants this new BB/Survivor season to tank, to teach CBS/TAR a lesson to stop messing with the format.  True TAR fans like racers who are in it for the RACE, not fame whores.  The other part of me is a bit afraid that if it does tank, that will be the end of TAR in any format.  I guess the only thing that will make me happy is it tanking so bad CBS drops it, but it gets picked up by another network (or Hulu or Netflix) and goes back to the old format.

I won't be watching - past BB or Survivor teams are my least favorite racers - they're mostly horrible people (or at least come off like that on-screen) and I have no desire to watch an hour of them. 

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On 5/19/2018 at 2:42 PM, Lantern7 said:

ETA: Also a little off-putting: we've only had two Racers on the other CBS series, while the network dumps bodies into the series. I don’t think I’d get into Big Brother if a decent Racer got cast. Then again, I did watch DWTS just for Amy Purdy.

We've actually had 4 Racers on other CBS reality shows...Nadiya & Natalie were on season 29 of Survivor, where Natalie went on to win, and Jeff & Jackie got cast on season 17 of Big Brother. And I'm not complaining too much about crossover casting, because it was because of a Survivor/TAR crossover that I started watching this show. On a slightly more positive note, I'm just glad that Frankie declined the offer to appear on the show, and that there's no Paul or any of the remaining couples from BB19. I'm inclined to believe that neither of the latter group were asked, because having seen how desperate Mark/Elena (mostly Elena) are to stay relevant, if those two were asked, they'd have taken BVM up on the offer.


From Reality Blurred: two-time Racer slated to appear on next Survivor. I know that I can be a hothead about that series and TAR, and I probably need perspective. That said, would I be justified in thinking this bit of casting would be seen as appeasement for potentially flooding TAR31 with alumni from CBS’ other series? Or am I seeing too much evil in the network?

ETA: Apologies if that was too off-topic. I tend to think the worse too often.

Edited by Lantern7

Congrats to Alex Rossi for coming in 4th at the Indy 500 today.  He started in the back row (#32) and had quite a few laps in the top 5, even led briefly. Well done, Alex!  

Conor Daly also competed but never got out of the back of the pack.  Nice try though!

Several alums from their TAR were there to support them, including Kristi, Cody, and Jessica.  I was there and saw them. 

Edited by Haleth
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For the last few seasons TAR fans have been pretty much united in expressing the opinion that the show needs to get back to its roots - normal people with some sort of pre-existing connection. So what do the producers do? Ignore the fans while waving a giant middle finger at us. Casting nothing but Big Brother and Survivor contestants gives me no one to care about or root for. Dumb move. The shark has finally and thoroughly been jumped. 

  • Love 7

I hear ya, Lantern7. The massive cross-pollination this time around, coupled with the "hurry up and it over with" scheduling last season plus the ongoing casting stunts -pairing strangers, trying to turn the race into a long, arduous date, youtube "stars" I never heard of, and fierce competitors (last season's hook) tells me CBS has lost faith in the show and the producers are just collecting a paycheck. If they can't or won't get back to vintage TAR, it's time to pull the plug. 

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I think TPTB want to cancel the show, but given it's past awards successes, they need a really terrible season to justify doing so. Hence, they give the absolute finger to the faithful who sat through J*n*th*n and Victoria, the Beekmans win, the abysmal Mark and Mallory pairing, Eric and Danielle (Team Hoover), the self-righteous superiority of Dave and Connor, and so forth. Thus by stacking the deck with as many truly loathsome teams as they can conceive, they hope for a complete ratings meltdown, justifying cancellation.

I wonder if by any chance Jeff Bezos is a fan of TAR?

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