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S04.E05: All About Jinger


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  On 2/14/2017 at 6:55 PM, Kokapetl said:

That situation with the motor oil didn't sound right. It's not like the maintenance ?wrench symbol. Fix the oil problem and the the oil warning light on the dashboard will turn itself off. 


I go to the same place to get my oil changed every time and I do it regularly. About a year ago I paid my bill and drove off. About 5 miles down the road my oil idiot light came on. I pulled over and called my brother who lived close by. I told him I had just had my oil changed. He told me to check the oil, which I did and it was fine. He said he bet they didn't reset the sensor. I went back and sure enough that's what it was. I've told people that story and was surprised to hear how often it happens.

Edited by Ina123
  • Love 2

I love to take my time on trips and stop at whatever suits my fancy. I can easily make a 12 hour trip into 17 hours. I find it fun as long as there isn't a set schedule. My brother is the opposite. If a car didn't need gas, you might not even get a pee break. I think he has a bladder the size of the Titantic.

Edited by Ina123
  • Love 10
  On 2/15/2017 at 1:45 AM, sATL said:

That's why I too was asking about his soccer career this morning. There is a piece of the story I don't know, either. Yes, Jeremy could have always been religious but to go from Masters program in finance/economics to soccer to ministry, doesn't add up really. Yes, people do change careers - usually after they STARTED one. This is a 180 degree turnabout.   It would make sense if one always wanted to be a minister, you would get your masters in a field that is more directed towards the ministry , like theology, psychology, counseling, communications, etc. If he went into grad school to extend his ncaa playing eligibility (meaning he didn't play all 4 undergrad years), he chose a business major - odd, if you want to be a preacher. I wonder was he at least the team chaplain when he played soccer.

Jeremey's not far from the stunt Derrick pulled by quitting a good paying job to "go full time in the ministry". Like you said, who said ministry has to be your full time gig? Like any business, one might have to work two jobs until one is self-sufficient , esp. now that have married.

I admire the strength of their parents , Vulvo/Dillard Sr . If these "men" (and I use that term loosely) were my offspring.....let me calm down & breathe & meditate....huummmm


My impression back when I read some things Jeremy said (in interviews?) about his soccer career made it seem to me that what he really really wants out of life is to be a STAH. He just came off to me as somebody who wasn't so much a person who played soccer because he was a natural athlete who was most comfortable playing sports and because he loved the game but who played soccer because he craved having people praise him as the bestest most wonderfulest soccer player EVAH. And when that wasn't panning out, he freaked out and got completely tied in knots about it, seeing his less-than-stellar soccer career as some kind of deep message from God about him and his life and his sins. Even though, as I recall, a coach or somebody (somebodies) tried to give him sensible advice about a more realistic take on his sports career. 

So maybe then, deprived of the sports road to stardom, he thought of his father, who got to stand in front of congregations, all eyes on him, and pontificate (forever -- like Germy, dad seems to be addicted to looong sermons). So, it seemed to me, maybe he thought, Well, here's a different way to be STAH and get attention. Have everybody riveted on how wonderful I am. And as a preacher, he seems to me to be darned focused on the standing-up-and-rambling-on-while-people-stare-at-him parts and not the parts where you listen to people and talk with people privately and help people out and so on. 

This could all be hooey, of course, but the stuff I read about his angst over the waning soccer career just screamed "I'm all about Ego!" to me. And then, of course, not only did he choose standing in a pulpit popping off (endlessly, as we've seen) as his next job slot but he leaped at the chance to grab a Duggar -- and a meek Duggar at that -- so that, presumably, he could add being a TEEVEE STAH to his pulpit stardom. Because, really, why else would some east coast guy with a college education and some years of life experience and, as people have now seen, relatively normal friends and relations, go out of his way to grab a boring-as-hell Duggar who's the opposite of all that if it isn't so he can a) lord it over a meek little ignoramus (thus feeding his big but insecure and hungry ego) and b) get on television to get more eyes on him (thus feeding his big but insecure and hungry ego). 

Plus, as people are saying, he does seem to have the education to get another kind of job that would pay him something decent. So if it's really soccer and the Lord he loves, he could do the day job to earn the salary and still have time left over to play sports and work with kids or in soup kitchens or whatever evenings and weekends for the love of the Lord. ....

So that's my theory -- insecure egomaniac who is so insecure and such an egomaniac that he puts crazy stuff at the center of his existence because he sees that stuff as the only way to salve that insecure ego. 

Hoping for Jinger's sake that he's actually just a dumb-ass and will figure out soon that he should do something else. But I don't have a lot of hopes for that.

  • Love 14
  On 2/14/2017 at 4:34 AM, yogi2014L said:

Also, the deer thing is kind of hilarious. So random. Poor deer tho. Being murdered then hung on the wall


I honestly loved that and thought it was the best.  Totally seems like a Jinger thing to do is get in a wreck with a deer and want the thing mounted, keep it in your bedroom and THEN take it with you when you move in with your husband lol 

Now the placement over the guest bed.....? ehhhhhhh questionable. 

  On 2/14/2017 at 4:47 AM, Sew Sumi said:

I wonder what happened to the treasured Rembrandt? Did it also get relegated to the closet with Jeremy's books?


It was hung in their bedroom on the wall across from the bed. I don't think we saw "jeremy's" bedroom this episode to see if it was still there. 

  On 2/14/2017 at 1:16 PM, tabloidlover said:

I'm still trying to figure out how a 780mile trip took 17 & 1/2  HOURS.   For real??  That makes zero sense.  It was Arkansas to Texas FFS.   Not like they had LA traffic to sit in for part of it.  Who the hell can sit in a car for that long???  Poor Jed! 


When they said they got there at midnight, i'm like huh??? but you left at 5AM!!!! I can see how their little shopping trip maybe lasted an hour.... they maybe stopped for breakfast, lunch and dinner, that's maybe 1.5 tops total....you can do potty breaks when you're stopping for meals.  there were no kids they had to stop for.... and who wants to get somewhere at midnight and then unload!?

  On 2/14/2017 at 3:36 PM, laurakaye said:

No they did not.  Come on.  Really?



someone also said "not luke warm"  ;) haha

  On 2/15/2017 at 7:41 PM, riverblue22 said:

I continually make the same mistake they did when calculating the trip.  I look on Google Maps and it says the trip is 6 hours long, and then I can't understand why after 6 hours we aren't near the end of the trip.  I always forget to calculate in food, bathroom, and gasoline stops. 


And, depending on the time of year and where you're going; you've got to make allowances for heavy traffic and road construction which Google maps doesn't show.  I doubt there was much traffic on the road, but there could've been significant slow downs for construction or for accidents and the like. 

  • Love 1
  On 2/15/2017 at 2:50 PM, Churchhoney said:

My impression back when I read some things Jeremy said (in interviews?) about his soccer career made it seem to me that what he really really wants out of life is to be a STAH. He just came off to me as somebody who wasn't so much a person who played soccer because he was a natural athlete who was most comfortable playing sports and because he loved the game but who played soccer because he craved having people praise him as the bestest most wonderfulest soccer player EVAH. And when that wasn't panning out, he freaked out and got completely tied in knots about it, seeing his less-than-stellar soccer career as some kind of deep message from God about him and his life and his sins. Even though, as I recall, a coach or somebody (somebodies) tried to give him sensible advice about a more realistic take on his sports career. 



ok. that's a good theory/answer to my question #3 from yesterday morning. When Jinger said it , it was the 1st time I heard the grad school detail. Syracuse MBA school (link)... wow.. wow..wow..

Edited by sATL
  On 2/14/2017 at 5:24 PM, sATL said:

I'm guess I'm just the opposite. the more unnecessary stops you make the longer it takes to get somewhere.  driving 12 hrs somewhere is no joke and really not a vacation. A lot of attractions you have to venture to far off the highway to get to, which is out of the way. So either I plan to stop (ie 1/2-way ,call it a day & spend the night) or keep pushing though - getting something to eat & bathroom on the same exit as the gas station. Given they had 3 drivers, when one got tired, they could had just switched off.

I do wonder how much was the car part of the problem. I would have found a PepBoys or something and turned the senor off, and to make sure that's all it was.

I do agree about shipping some of that Goodwill wardrobe ahead. Or bringing some of the clothes when they brought suitcases full of homegoods on the prior visit.


Remember, this is pretty much the first trip they've taken without a gaggle of siblings or the watchful eye of JB or the Mullet...they might have meandered and enjoyed things with this tiny bit of freedom and with someone who appears to have "successfully" adulted in some capacity and understands life without unending supervision.


Oil change lights are easily reset by the operator. If it wasn't that, it wouldn't have reset or it would have thrown a new code pretty quickly as a rule.

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  On 2/15/2017 at 4:22 AM, Adeejay said:

It wouldn’t surprise me if Jinger is the favorite sister.  She appears to be easy going and mild mannered.  I had no idea she and Joseph were so close. I can’t think of one scene or conversation that hinted at such.  I teared up when seeing him for first time in nine weeks, she said quietly and to no one in particular, “I just want to hug him.”  I hope she follows in Alyssa Bates’ footsteps and keep some distance between her family. 

Josiah seems to be a nice and friendly guy.  I distinctively remember when Jim Bob announced to the family that Jessa and Ben were officially courting, he was the first to shake Ben’s hand and say, “welcome to the family.”  On last night’s episode, I noticed that he greeted Jeremy and gave him a “man hug.”  I hope he meets someone soon. 


And I hope that when he does, if the "someone" doesn't happen to fit the fundy vision of a helpmeet, that Josiah will find a way not to cave to pressure. 

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Did Jeremy actually finish grad school or did he just do a year so he could play soccer at Syracuse? His resume is kind of murky. If he did finish, what the hell is wrong with guys like him and Derick where they have all the qualifications to find a decent job but choose to bum around instead? I know everything shouldn't be about money, but when you plan on creating a Child Army for Christ, it sort of is.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 5
  On 2/16/2017 at 2:53 AM, BitterApple said:

Did Jeremy actually finish grad school or did he just do a year so he could play soccer at Syracuse? His resume is kind of murky. If he did finish, what the hell is wrong with guys like him and Derick where they have all the qualifications to find a decent job but choose to bum around instead? I know not everything shouldn't be about money, but when you plan on creating a Child Army for Christ, it sort of is.


Everything I've seen said he started the graduate program, then left after a year for Finland.  Now he could have finished it up in the interim with online classes.  His timeline was kind of sparse from late 2014 when he quit soccer to late 2015 when he took over the church so it's not impossible.  

  • Love 3
  On 2/16/2017 at 2:53 AM, BitterApple said:

Did Jeremy actually finish grad school or did he just do a year so he could play soccer at Syracuse? His resume is kind of murky. If he did finish, what the hell is wrong with guys like him and Derick where they have all the qualifications to find a decent job but choose to bum around instead? I know not everything shouldn't be about money, but when you plan on creating a Child Army for Christ, it sort of is.


Maybe they think that because it's God's army, God will provide. I'm nearly serious. The Duggs actually kind of preach something like this, seems to me.

And, really, these guys have to be delusional to some degree in the first place to crave getting involved with these brainwashed incompetents in five layers of clothing, with the insanely intrusive control-freaky parents and a horde of completely uneducated brothers and sisters who also will some day need financial support. 

  • Love 6
  On 2/16/2017 at 2:31 PM, Churchhoney said:

And, really, these guys have to be delusional to some degree in the first place to crave getting involved with these brainwashed incompetents in five layers of clothing, with the insanely intrusive control-freaky parents and a horde of completely uneducated brothers and sisters who also will some day need financial support. 


I think the Duggar girls are a trophy for these "wanna be super funds".  I bagged a Duggar girl! I'm super righteous! 

Like they reached the pinnacle of a mountain!  

  • Love 4
  On 2/16/2017 at 4:46 PM, Marigold said:

I think the Duggar girls are a trophy for these "wanna be super funds".  I bagged a Duggar girl! I'm super righteous! 

Like they reached the pinnacle of a mountain!  


Yep, I think you're exactly right. 

I also think they're deluded enough to be shocked when those trophies turn out to be really big white elephants! I mean, really big white elephants. 

  • Love 3
  On 2/16/2017 at 4:54 PM, Churchhoney said:

Yep, I think you're exactly right. 

I also think they're deluded enough to be shocked when those trophies turn out to be really big white elephants! I mean, really big white elephants. 


Agree 100%.

Jinger is not sharp at all. Hope Jeremy is ready to handle a 12 year old in a 23 year old woman's body. 

  • Love 4
  On 2/16/2017 at 6:35 PM, Mrs. P. said:

I really like Jeremy and Jinger together, at least what we've been shown of them so far. They are a very good looking couple and obviously have a real physical connection.


I can't disagree. They both look happy. Jessa already looked fed up with Bin before the wedding;  Derick and Jill seemed to have a connection but look checked out soon after. 

  • Love 3

I watched this episode and actually thought it was kind of sweet. Did anyone else notice that Jeremy seemed to be doing a lot of directing and not a lot of the carrying? Jinger seems to actually have a personality and siblings who've noticed. 

Also, I usually fast forward --or plain don't watch--episodes. Derick's talking head shots were startling. I hope whatever is going on with him gets taken care of. He was never handsome, but now he's painful to look at. 

  • Love 1
  On 2/16/2017 at 2:53 AM, BitterApple said:

Did Jeremy actually finish grad school or did he just do a year so he could play soccer at Syracuse? His resume is kind of murky. If he did finish, what the hell is wrong with guys like him and Derick where they have all the qualifications to find a decent job but choose to bum around instead? I know everything shouldn't be about money, but when you plan on creating a Child Army for Christ, it sort of is.


Unlikely that he finished the MBA if he just did it for the 5th yr of soccer eligibility - though some sports teams have you do summer school etc. to ensure your degree gets done even if you leave early for the pros. But even if he didn't finish - he has a business admin undergraduate degree and Derick has an undergrad degree in accounting and economics. All of those are so employable it's painful. I mean these guys could easily get entry level corporate jobs for 50k+ -- Derick in fact had one of these jobs at a Fortune 500 and walked away in barely 1 yr. It would be one thing if they were English literature and French majors bc then JB could lord it over them that college means nothing and even with college they still need the ministry for jobs or need to clean JB's toilets or something. But with the degrees both of them have, they could easily kick JB and TLC to the curb and go live happily ever after with their wives and 11 kids each.

Yet I believe both are lazy. Why work 40+ hrs a week for 50k and benefits and to wind your way slowly (and sometimes painfully) up the corporate ladder, when you can roll out of your bed at noon, spend a few hours a week "counseling" or "fellowshipping," spend another 2 hrs writing a sermon, and spend an hr delivering it on Sunday. I mean 10 hrs work/wk vs. 40?? They're both dumb. The show won't last forever and when the show goes so will their fake ministeries bc ppl will soon forget that they were fundie "stars." And by then they'll have 10 kids each - so then what? Sure they have college degrees unlike their Duggar brothers in law but the world is competitive - employers are not particularly forgiving of 35 yr olds who don't have corporate experience.

  • Love 8

I know it's been said before but can I also chime in on how much I absolutely despise Jilly Muffin? When she rudely tapped Jana and barked at her to make a packing list, while walking away without even making eye contact! I don't know about Jana but I felt an urge to punch her. And I swear I'm a hippie pacifist! I bet you that she learned that kind of thing from Mullet. Jana's response of "bitch please, take your man bun skeletor and giant baby and go back to CA. Don't you have a shower rack to cry over? Because none of us have missed your ass" was perfect ?? 

Because she said that right? At least her face did so I'm just going to pretend she actually said it out loud. 

I think it's obvious that none of the siblings (minus Joy the intellectually challenged) are close to Mrs. Dill Pickle at all. I know we all feel bad for Jana for being the Cinderella of the household, but I think she has it made now with all the sisters out of the house and all the littles out already being elementary age. She has more of a chance to grow as a person than her sisters did. She seems to have friends and hobbies at least. Now if only I could take her out to happy hour with my girlfriends next week ?

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  On 2/18/2017 at 6:01 PM, fuzzylollipop said:

 Jana's response of "bitch please, take your man bun skeletor and giant baby and go back to CA. Don't you have a shower rack to cry over? Because none of us have missed your ass" was perfect ?? 


Now you make me wish I'd seen that episode.  I'd put that look of stank on a loop and watch it all day long!!

Man bun skeleton!  LMFAO! 

  • Love 5

Add me to the list of someone who does NOT like Jill or Derick at all.  She was super rude in that scene and Jana's face showed a variety of emotions...the most obvious is that she does not like Jill.  I'm sure she loves Jill but it's obvious she does not like her.  Never see those two together.  Never even see them arguing.  Just ignore each other. 


Note: I feel sorry for Jill because I think she is the most messed up from Josh but I cannot stand her. 

  • Love 9

@Marigold: ITA with what you posted. I really think the Dugg siblings only tolerated Muffy. The only reason she never got her ass kicked or put in her place was the fear of consequences from being ugly to Daddy's favorite.

They have to love her, because Jesus, but it's clear none of them like her very much. Unlike at Jessa's wedding, one of the Lost Girls was crying as though her little heart would break. At Muffy's wedding, they all seemed happy to be rid of her.

  • Love 4

Can't speak to the younger siblings bc there are so freaking many of them - but I agree that Jill just doesn't have close relationships with the siblings. Sure she's one of the sibling crew and they are each others best friends bc mom and dad said so. But the Jana and Jill are BFFs and Jinger and Jessa are BFFs narratives are just for TV. I think Jessa and Jinger ARE close. I don't think Jana and Jill are. I think Jana is closer with Joy Anna - they have similar personalities. And I think Jana is close - to the extent allowed - with her twin JD. But I feel like it was said before - hard to be close with Jill bc she'd snitch on them for every little thing . . . .

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  On 2/19/2017 at 8:34 PM, louannems said:

In one of Jill and Derick's many going away parties, Jenny, Jill's buddy, was sobbing.


You have a good memory! So,do you recall if Muffy comforted her or just gave her this wooden stare while the poor little one sobbed? Or did Boob or another sister mom comfort her?

Jill is probably one of those annoying people in life that you try to avoid.

I find her tweets and posts etc to be so irritating.  She has zero self awareness of how she comes across. Overall, very immature.  I cannot stand Derick at all.  They are perfect together. 

I'm sure she irritates the shit out of her siblings and they just try to steer clear of her and her bizarre husband.   

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  On 2/20/2017 at 4:40 PM, Barb23 said:

I've never liked Jill either.  It has to do with her being the self appointed speaker of the older girls way back when.  It seemed like she answered all the questions even tho they were directed at the others. 


Jill lost me way back when she stood star-eyed in J&M bedroom and announced "I think I'm in love with a man I never met". Then proceeded to ask her  parents if she could travel 1/2 around the world to meet Derrick in person - for the first time.

  • Love 6
  On 2/20/2017 at 4:51 PM, sATL said:

Jill lost me way back when she stood star-eyed in J&M bedroom and announced "I think I'm in love with a man I never met". Then proceeded to ask her  parents if she could travel 1/2 around the world to meet Derrick in person - for the first time.


And they said yes, as if none of this was all preplanned and probably had several takes for the TLC camera crew

  • Love 9
  On 2/20/2017 at 4:51 PM, sATL said:

Jill lost me way back when she stood star-eyed in J&M bedroom and announced "I think I'm in love with a man I never met". Then proceeded to ask her  parents if she could travel 1/2 around the world to meet Derrick in person - for the first time.


Obviously, this was something Boob may have encouraged...they were in on the Skype conversations, so yeah, it was scripted. Since women aren't encouraged to pursue men in their world, Boob was going to control all of this, even though it looked like it was all Muffy's idea.

  • Love 2
  On 2/20/2017 at 4:51 PM, sATL said:

Jill lost me way back when she stood star-eyed in J&M bedroom and announced "I think I'm in love with a man I never met". Then proceeded to ask her  parents if she could travel 1/2 around the world to meet Derrick in person - for the first time.



I started to see Jill differently during her delivery and as a first time parent. Reality and Jill don't go together and the fact that 3 years after being married she hasn't figured out how to navigate adulthood irks me.

Edited by GeeGolly
Weird merge/not merge thing happening with my posts
  • Love 6
  On 2/20/2017 at 8:49 PM, GeeGolly said:

I believe it was at Jill's wedding and JB comforted her.


We can say what we like about JB, and he's a real asshat most of the time, but he's capable of more tenderness towards his children than Michelle is. At least you can tell he actually likes them.

Damn, I can't believe I said something nice about Boob.

Edited by Arwen Evenstar
  • Love 11

Seeing her just sit around the apt while Jeremy reads his lessons...I wonder if Jinger will pick up some classes at the community college.  (The on campus kind. Not just online.)  IMO, it would be a good idea.  A chance for her to get out and give Babe some private study time.  I mean, if they are ready for that now.  lol  I hope one day to see a Duggerr daughter receive a degree of higher education from some legitimate school. 

Edited by SunnyBeBe
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