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"The View": Week Of 1/30/2017

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Ok, it is obvious that Whoopie and Joy and Sunny strongly dislike Jedi and her slanted, Repuplican-even-if-they say-something-stupid, views.  It makes for very uncomfortable viewing and it seems to waste a lot of time when we could actually be discussing the topic.  Maybe it is time Jedi is replaced???

And, yikes, what was with that mess of a dress today?  Does someone else decide what these people wear and her dresser hates or  has she just got no taste in clothes???  She has a nice figure but she wears the strangest and most unflattering getups. And her hair today looked like a last minute pulled together mess.

I don't always agree with much of anything Sarah has to say and I don't think she is the most intelligent person around, but I think she is sincere and is really trying to understand everything that is happening and make judgments accordingly.  Jedi could learn from her.

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After today's show I'm convinced Jediblahblah is being paid some serious cheddar to look this ignorant. Her arguments are so far-reaching. I'm totally okay with Whoopi and Joy letting their anger out all over her.

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19 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I agree, and this is why I always considered Jedi worse than Elisabeth. There was no surprise a dumb twit like Elisabeth would follow party line to hell and back. Jedi is and always was more suspect. Her arguing for racial profiling months ago was just a foretelling of the past two days, when she'd fight to the death to defend a ban of an entire religion. She is not stupid like Elisabeth, and doesn't even get that slim excuse. She knows exactly what she's doing.

And what irks me is that she uses that, some people are saying, or, many people believe.  She also pretends to be discussing policy, but then ignores facts related to that policy and defends things like the Muslim ban as something the people who elected Trump want.  Sara was trying to get there, with talking about Van Jones' show, but just because people voted for Trump because they were angry about lack of jobs, or whatever their issue, they still have brains and should be able to see this Muslim ban for what it is.  They won't, because they are spouting the lies about the danger, which means they buy into the fear mongering that has been spoon fed to them, and in this way they can just justify their racism and bigotry.  

This Muslim ban is wrong for many many reasons, including the inhumanity, but also importantly because it is going to make matters worse with radical terrorists, and homegrown terrorists.  Take a look at the Quebec massacre at a Mosque.  Done by a caucasian Canadian who was easily swayed by Trump and Le Pen and their hateful rhetoric.  

I know the View isn't a political show, but I wish they would be more prepared than to just throw out half baked thoughts.  

One more Jed thing that irks me is the way she describes herself, I am a policy girl, I am a libertarian girl, I am not a plane girl, etc.  Shut up.  Does  anyone out there like her, because she is extremely unlikable in my mind.

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I took a break from watching news and anything that covered  the orange one after the election.  I have started to get back to watching the new,  because I want to be informed and try to help change where this country is headed.  I even started watching the view again.  Omg!  this jed  woman is infuriating!  It's not just her view of this country and her right leaning responses.  Everyone has a right to have their own view lol. It  is the  constant  laughing.  She laughs after every discussion,  as if she doesn't even really believe what she just shouted about.  You watch joy sunny and Whoopi get very emotional about what they find disturbing, what this orange  joke is doing to our country and I understand  their passion.  Jed just seems to wantto argue the counter point.  Like it's  really just a joke argument.  Sorry  if I'm not making myself clear. She really annoyed me today. Acting like she didn't understand what Whoopi and sunny were saying about the AG.   

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52 minutes ago, TheGreenKnight said:

I agree, and this is why I always considered Jedi worse than Elisabeth. There was no surprise a dumb twit like Elisabeth would follow party line to hell and back. Jedi is and always was more suspect. Her arguing for racial profiling months ago was just a foretelling of the past two days, when she'd fight to the death to defend a ban of an entire religion. She is not stupid like Elisabeth, and doesn't even get that slim excuse. She knows exactly what she's doing.

I couldn't agree more!!!  Hasselblech wasn't smart enough to think on her feet ... only spew what she'd been told by Billy-boy, & even then her ability to formulate a cogent sentence was what coined the phrase "word salad".  Bitsy was dumb, dumb, dumb.

Jedi is smart, but I haven't figured out why she is regurgitating the crap she spews because she keeps changing her stance.

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1 hour ago, bannana said:

I watched a lot of the coverage last night and heard several lawyers debate whether the Acting AG did the correct thing or not.  What the nitwits at the View didn't offer, is that there is precedent, called I think the Saturday Night Massacre, where Nixon fired his AG, because his AG was not willing to follow orders that he thought were unlawful.  

Yup. I'm old enough to remember this.  Elliott Richardson, generally considered a man of great integrity.

1 hour ago, bannana said:

Whoopi was trying to make a good point, but they were all screaming by this point, and that is that President and his fascist cohorts did not consult with the AG, or the Dept of Homeland Security, etc. 

Or Congressional leadership. 

Jed's dress made her look like she should be working in Al Swearigan's saloon.  

Edited by Haleth
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3 hours ago, Medicine Crow said:

Jedi is smart, but I haven't figured out why she is regurgitating the crap she spews because she keeps changing her stance.

Well, call me a conspiracy theorist, but with her former boss at Breitbart having so much power now, I wouldn't be surprised if she's sucking up to him from afar (or maybe even directly) as an agent of misinformation.

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And, besides her dress, Jed was a total idiot.  she seems to have the attitude that an Attorney General needs to bow down to the supreme commander and do what she is told, or quit.  

Where did Jed go to school?  has she heard of checks and balances?  Sally Yates has some obligation to explain to the public why what Trump is doing isn't legal?  She advises the president, he REJECTS the advice and fires her, and somehow she owes us an explanation?

I'm glad Whoopi seems to have woken up recently.  She had been just sleep-walking through this job, but she is certainly awake these days.

Edited by backformore
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6 hours ago, backformore said:

And, besides her dress, Jed was a total idiot.  she seems to have the attitude that an Attorney General needs to bow down to the supreme commander and do what she is told, or quit.  

Where did Jed go to school?  has she heard of checks and balances?  Sally Yates has some obligation to explain to the public why what Trump is doing isn't legal?  She advises the president, he REJECTS the advice and fires her, and somehow she owes us an explanation?

She's an absolute ignoranamus maroon.  This is the same person who said that Comey was answerable to Congress, to let those fat asses know the status of his "investigation" into Hillary, when his boss is the Attorney Fucking General.

More and more I wonder just what grade she taught and if she wasn't fired for sheer ignorance and incompetence. 

Im going to go into a media blackout now, because I so do not NEED this kind of rage two days before surgery.

Happy Thoughts! Shallow Thoughts! Puppies and Kitties and horsies!!!!

Edited by GHScorpiosRule
It's important to get the correct spelling of an apt description coined by Bugs Bunny!
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I hate Jedi, Bitsy, KAC,  Omarosa, and Drumpf, et al.

I think Jedi is doing what the producers want her to do--present the despicable WH spin--so as to 1) cause sparks cuz arguments is really what gets ratings; and 2) unfortunately,  many media sites have gone over to the dark side for ratings--MSNBC included--exceptions are few,  although Lawrence O'Donnell remains my stalwart truth to power resister. 

The media/sponsors are trying to appeal to those voters who felt ignored by Wash DC and capitulated to a racist,  misogynistic pig.  Nevermind the rest of us popular voters. 

I truly cannot watch much news, and dont look at the tv when the orange pig is on. I like to stay informed to a point.  The Spew , particularly Jedi is a fucking drag with her double talk and alt. facts. 

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Jed seems to be overtanning or wearing to much bronzer or something. Her face looks kind of crusty. And her "style" is terrible lately. 

I wouldn't be surprised if Bannon placed her in that position (maybe not him directly). Remember when tRump "fired" Corey Levandowski and CNN hired him as a consultant so he could get paid for bashing Hillary. Then tRump bragged about what a great contract he negotiated for Corey. Then after blowback, CNN fired Corey. Then tRump hired him back when he got elected.  You know, I was never a grassy knoll person, but this election has made me a very suspicious and doubtful person.

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Whoa......don't remember the Corey L thing.  Doesn't surprise me in the least.

My darling son loaned me his Game of Thrones (just finished season 4) and so much of the dialogue and  plots echo what is happening right now.  Except you don't behead your enemies, you eviscerate them in the media. 

I'm moving to Australia.......

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On 1/30/2017 at 0:11 PM, Apprentice79 said:

Joy is so over her and was pushing  back against her lies again.  They are mischaracterizing what Obama did in 2011, with respect to, the countries that are now on Trump's ban list.   I wish that Joy was armed with facts against Jed.  The situation with the Middle East is so complicated and Jed says that they hate the West because we are a Democracy. It is much more than that.  She was just spewing Foxnews talking point and I am sick of it.   

A lot of people believe that, but most of us who are originally from those banned countries are terrified of the States because they keep bombing us. And despite that, they still wish to come to the US, because they believe that they'll have a better life there.

Plus, democracy isn't really democracy here or anywhere really...

Jed saying these things proves that she's not a Libertarian, because Donald Trump has been doing things that go against their beliefs. It's fine if you wish to follow POTUS, but at least be upfront about it. She'll spew lines like this, then say "I was critical of him before and I don't agree with him blah blah blah." It's lies.

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Jed was a fool for hanging her "she deserved to be fired" hat on the fact that Sally Yates failed to explain what she believed was unconstitutional about Trump's executive order.  Seriously, would Jed really feel like Yates deserved to keep her job if she had specified in her statement exactly what part of the Constitution she believed Trump's order violated?  Hell no, she wouldn't.  It was just all she could come up with to counter Sunny pointing out the reality of the job responsibilities of the Attorney General, which Jed clearly didn't understand. 

It is incredibly obvious that Yates - like so many other people - recognize believe Trump's order violates both the requirement for due process as well as the establishment (of religion) clause of the Constitution.  In plain English, people are being barred from entering the US without being heard in a court of law, and it is being done on the basis of their religion.  Jed friggin' KNOWS THIS IS THE ISSUE.  To say that Yates' statement is inadequate because she didn't spell this out is pure crap.  

But I guess Jed had to come up with something after Sunny mopped the floor with her raggedy ass, explaining that it is not the job of the Attorney General to simply do the bidding of the President regardless of the legality of what is being asked of them. So suddenly the problem then becomes that Yates didn't explain what she thought was illegal .... which to Jed means Yates might have had a dumb reason for being disobedient, so let's just assume that's the case and condemn her. Just grasping at anything to support her position that Yates did wrong ...

What an intellectual whore Jedidyuck is.  She should be standing under a lamppost someplace, soliciting random politicians the way hookers solicit sailors, offering to tell the lies they need told on national TV in exchange for ... whatever the hell it is she gets out of being a phony little right wing mouthpiece.  Fun? Attention? A chance to advance her misguided ideas?  I can't figure it out. 

She's just the worst.

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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I'm watching what happened today and I'm surprised no one jumped on Jed's comments about how Trump isn't a reflection on Americans or even Republicans, when a Muslim ban is judging everyone based on the action of a small few. Trump isn't how America really is, but all of us Muslims are the same as those who behead people because we don't like the US' democracy and freedom.

Okay then...

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2 hours ago, Haleth said:

I refuse to watch the dog and pony show tonight.  Why oh why couldn't the networks have said "no thanks" when Trump requested an hour of prime time?

It was worth it just to see the Orange One's new dye job because he's been looking rather straw-colored for the last couple weeks.  Looks like he's using Clairol Nice n' Easy #104, which is my shade.  ;-)  I'd pay big bucks to watch him going through the coloring process...can you picture it?  Sent Joy a tweet about it just to give her a chuckle.  LOL

Edited by Tunia
Caps are good!
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Yeah .... What is taking Joy so long to seize upon this so-easily mocked feature of our dear POTUS?  His head changes color more often than a traffic light.

You know it's weird ... people always make fun of his hair style but not so much the obvious shitty dye job. I wish Joy would get on it because I think it would really bother him. It would be different from people making fun of his Flock of Seagulls 'do, which he actually seems to enjoy.  He  colors his hair because he thinks it makes him look younger and to have that become an open joke would rankled his ego. He thinks people don't realize he is an impotent, senile old geezer but dragging his ass over dying his hair would let some of the air out of his balloon just a bit. The sooner that happens the better!

Edited by Celia Rubenstein
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Once again, Whoopie -who can't quite read the TelePrompTer, high school drop out, "I'm self taught smart"- out shouts and out interrupts the Well Educated/Well Spoken/Former member of the AG's Office .  I wanted to know what Sunny had to say, what she was told by friends and colleagues.  That's what I turned in for.  Whoopie, like Trump seems too self involved to know when she needs to shut up and listen!

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17 hours ago, Silver Raven said:

What is it with Jedidiah and the off-the-shoulder dresses?

Fashion victim.

11 hours ago, Haleth said:

I refuse to watch the dog and pony show tonight.  Why oh why couldn't the networks have said "no thanks" when Trump requested an hour of prime time?

Wait - they did? A whole hour? I needed a mental health break from the news, and was watching Seinfeld until Colbert came on.

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6 minutes ago, gatopretoNYC said:

Wait - they did? A whole hour? I needed a mental health break from the news, and was watching Seinfeld until Colbert came on.

I was assuming so since NBC pushed their entire lineup back an hour.  I don't know how long the Royal Proclamation actually lasted since I opted to watch something else.  When I did go back to network tv before 9:00 the regular programming was already on.

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This is a link to an article about Trump's "malignant narcissism" and it's worth a read, even though it's nothing we don't already know.

Whew! Could Jedi have been any more loud, rude, ill-informed and obnoxious than she was on Tuesday? And in that dress?!!! I'm sure Whoopi wanted to scream "STFU!!" A spirited debate is one thing but I hate it when people start to yell, interrupt and talk on top of each other and ever notice how Jedi is always smiling....that wolfish, almost leering grin....it drives me crazy!!! 

I know they need a Conservative on the panel but does it have to be HER?!!! I thought she had a job at Fox, where she belongs, among all the other Trump drones.

16 hours ago, Morgalisa said:

I wouldn't be surprised if Bannon placed her in that position (maybe not him directly). Remember when tRump "fired" Corey Levandowski and CNN hired him as a consultant so he could get paid for bashing Hillary. Then tRump bragged about what a great contract he negotiated for Corey. Then after blowback, CNN fired Corey. Then tRump hired him back when he got elected.  You know, I was never a grassy knoll person, but this election has made me a very suspicious and doubtful person.

The worst was The Crypt Keeper. Early on in Dump's campaign, she was all over the place, mouthing off about how terrible he was and "unpresidential" and then a few months later? The hypocrisy is stunning....just stunning.

Please let the show today be more than Whoopi and Jedi yelling at each other. And are Joy and Whoopi at odds? I was sure I saw Whoopi do an eye roll and make a face when Joy was saying something.

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It irritates the hell out of me when Whoopie interrupts Sunny to argue a point of law.  Sure Whoopie, you're more knowledgeable about the law than Sunny.

Jedijustshutup may force me to give up this show.  She's just so horrible.

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1 hour ago, Bronzedog said:

Jedijustshutup may force me to give up this show.  She's just so horrible.

So true!!! Some days I honestly wish I could leap through the TV and SHUT HER UP!!! How about today, when she defended Dump's latest choice for the Supreme Court? Gorsuch is nothing but a Scalia clone and people can kiss Planned Parenthood, Roe v. Wade and many women's rights good-bye. 

And yet she still won't call herself a Republican. What's that saying....if it walks like a duck, quacks like a duck......

And the strip down the nose - what is up with that?

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When Jedi-bile started commenting on the SC appointment and offering her opinion, she awkwardly referenced Sunny.

Whoopi says, what did you think, to the group.  Jedi-bile immediately, of course, says:  I like him, not shocking.  He's an originalist, he supports the Constitution, basically he believes, from what I am looking at in his rulings, Sunny, I don't know, you're the lawyer here, so I am sure you'll have an important take on it, from what I am seeing, he basically thinks we should live by the letter of the Constitution, that whatever that says, he doesn't believe in legislating from the Bench.  One thing I like is that he supports the separate of power, so he doesn't want the Executive Branch infringing on the Judicial Branch, blah blah blah.  She also said  she liked that he supported religious freedoms, which I took to mean that he would support businesses discriminating against others based on their own religious beliefs.

I just thought it was so odd to reference Sunny being the lawyer, but jumping in first, as always, to comment.  And Sunny's face when she looks at Jedi-bile is hilarious, she looks at her as if she is just the biggest dummy.

Sunny also liked the pick, though. I don't know that much about it but when I looked up this guy, and check out about his mother, btw, I find him to be pretty right wing.

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1 minute ago, bannana said:

When Jedi-bile started commenting on the SC appointment and offering her opinion, she awkwardly referenced Sunny.

Whoopi says, what did you think, to the group.  Jedi-bile immediately, of course, says:  I like him, not shocking.  He's an originalist, he supports the Constitution, basically he believes, from what I am looking at in his rulings, Sunny, I don't know, you're the lawyer here, so I am sure you'll have an important take on it, from what I am seeing, he basically thinks we should live by the letter of the Constitution, that whatever that says, he doesn't believe in legislating from the Bench.  One thing I like is that he supports the separate of power, so he doesn't want the Executive Branch infringing on the Judicial Branch, blah blah blah.  She also said  she liked that he supported religious freedoms, which I took to mean that he would support businesses discriminating against others based on their own religious beliefs.

I just thought it was so odd to reference Sunny being the lawyer, but jumping in first, as always, to comment.  And Sunny's face when she looks at Jedi-bile is hilarious, she looks at her as if she is just the biggest dummy.

Sunny also liked the pick, though. I don't know that much about it but when I looked up this guy, and check out about his mother, btw, I find him to be pretty right wing.

Sunny did like him. She, like, a lot of people on the left are pissed that Obama never got his nominee  the benefit of a hearing by the Republicans, for the supreme court.  They deprived him of his right as the President. 

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Whoopi seems sure that  Roe vs Wade cannot be overturned. I'm not so sure about that. I've read that it would be difficult, but I don't think conservative Republicans will ever give up on this.  I read this in Business Insider:


"The most drastic way the court could get rid of Roe would be to overturn the case. The more likely scenario, however, would see the court letting Roe stand but incrementally upholding laws that restrict access, making abortions impossible to get — rendering the procedure virtually illegal over time."

I'm sure a conservative stacked court will find a way to do this, and that is scary. Remember when Trump was all for pro-choice? Now he will go along with the ultra right no matter what, the scumbag.

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5 minutes ago, Kenz said:

Whoopi seems sure that  Roe vs Wade cannot be overturned. I'm not so sure about that. I've read that it would be difficult, but I don't think conservative Republicans will ever give up on this.  I read this in Business Insider:


"The most drastic way the court could get rid of Roe would be to overturn the case. The more likely scenario, however, would see the court letting Roe stand but incrementally upholding laws that restrict access, making abortions impossible to get — rendering the procedure virtually illegal over time."

I'm sure a conservative stacked court will find a way to do this, and that is scary. Remember when Trump was all for pro-choice? Now he will go along with the ultra right no matter what, the scumbag.

It can happen, we have 2 elderly liberal Justices on the Supreme Court.  If they die or retire.  We will have Sotomayor and Kagan left on the Liberal side.  Look at what the Conservatives did in Texas, in regards to Abortion.  Whoopie is so ignorant that she would not let Sunny, the seasoned Attorney speak on this.  She was insufferable today. 

Edited by Apprentice79
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Oh God, I hate her too...she ruins the show for me, I think I may hate her more than Elizabeth H. from before, and that is saying a lot. It's that shit eating smile that makes me want to slap the fire out of her as my mother used to say. Oh, and while I am bitching, who keeps telling her that she is so "hot", she needs to get those fang teeth trimmed. Okay, I'm through now. Snort. 

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2 hours ago, geekburger said:

Yeah, REALLY think whoopi needs to show some humility for once and realize she is NOT all knowing and the history of judge and rulings just may be one of those things.

Are pigs still taking flying lessons...or have they given up?

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It really would have been helpful to have an experienced lawyer discuss the possibility of overturning Roe, rather than Whoopi pontificating her thoughts. This subject is a tremendous concern to many of us and we would appreciate educated legal opinions not guesses. Whoopi's most useful contribution would be to direct her opening question specifically to Sunny so Jed will not take the chance to make the issue hers. Thank you Joy for staying strong and expressing the anger  half the country is feeling at the corruption in this administration and lack of any checks and balances. Sara has to realize that this is not just a game that we lost, it is a battle for our democracy. To forget what happened and move on is to give permission for them to overturn our Constitution. Joy and Sunny are the reasons I keep coming back.

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and I understand Whoopi frustration and that she was using hyperbolic language BUT comparing Trumps misogyny to that of Al Qeada is sooooo unneeded and disrespectful to terror victims and those being persecuted by terrorists. idk why she made it and essentially was saying he might eventually become like that. WTF, idc if you don't like Donald don't make that comparison, Americans even the ones we don't like are not equivalent to terrorists. 

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52 minutes ago, Bmarsh said:

and I understand Whoopi frustration and that she was using hyperbolic language BUT comparing Trumps misogyny to that of Al Qeada is sooooo unneeded and disrespectful to terror victims and those being persecuted by terrorists. idk why she made it and essentially was saying he might eventually become like that. WTF, idc if you don't like Donald don't make that comparison, Americans even the ones we don't like are not equivalent to terrorists. 

I think that Whoopie was inarticulate in expressing her views. I kind of understood what she meant.  She could have said that terrorism is not just in Islam. We have had terrorist Christians in this country, known as the KKK, that terrorized, Black people in the South for over 100 years. 

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It irritates the hell out of me when Whoopie interrupts Sunny to argue a point of law.  Sure Whoopie, you're more knowledgeable about the law than Sunny  --Brozendog


Yeah, REALLY think whoopi needs to show some humility for once and realize she is NOT all knowing and the history of judge and rulings just may be one of those things --geekburger

That you for wording that much better than I was better able to.

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2 hours ago, Bmarsh said:

Tamron Hall left NBC, wonder if ABC could bid on her and she could replace Whoopi as moderator when she leaves. Would be nice to have an experienced, level headed journalist back at the moderator spot. 

I don't know.  Tamron was so goofy on the Today Show that she's kind of hard to take seriously sometimes.  I'd see her acting the fool on The Today Show and then see her anchoring the evening news and it was strange seeing her in an adult, professional capacity.  There was something off putting about her in the dual roles.

Edited by Bronzedog
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8 hours ago, Bmarsh said:

and I understand Whoopi frustration and that she was using hyperbolic language BUT comparing Trumps misogyny to that of Al Qeada is sooooo unneeded and disrespectful to terror victims and those being persecuted by terrorists. idk why she made it and essentially was saying he might eventually become like that. WTF, idc if you don't like Donald don't make that comparison, Americans even the ones we don't like are not equivalent to terrorists. 

Banning people of one religion isn't too many steps away from killing people of one religion. Is it a matter of not "liking" Trump at this point? Considering the in-progress destabilization of this country (and other countries) is believed to be deliberate by many people, Whoopi likely being one of them, he isn't that different from a terrorist.

I wish Whoopi wouldn't interrupt Sunny whenever they're talking about something from a legal perspective. She just talked and talked and went nowhere during the abortion topic. Still better than listening to Jedi though or her "lawyer friends."

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19 hours ago, inkworks said:


Which begs the question. Are their any sane republicans out there?

Rallymantis, at your service.

I don't often agree with Jedidiah (dumb decision to leave Red Eye for this hen party), but as re: Yates: Her job is to defend government policy. If she doesn’t want to, that’s fine. But then she can’t have that job.

And Whoopi! "Al-Qaeda"?  What, the "Hitler!" accusation been done to death?  You're better than that.  Because throwing acid in a schoolgirl's face, and proposing federal funding be cut from Planned Parenthood: NOT the same thing.

Edited by rallymantis
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