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S02.E10: The Legion Of Doom

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Anybody else getting ready for Malcolm and Damien to kiss? Okay, that may be because John Barrowman is involved, but the tension was so thick and funny. And they're both more appealing than Cap'n Eo.

Dammit, why does the team say anything around Mick? The guy has no filter. At least Martin and Lily managed to get past the aberration thing. Also, did it look like she and Ray were getting close? We know he likes his women brainy, and she probably has more degrees than Felicity.

Is that supposed to be Flash-2/"Jay"? At least Zoom doesn't have to play impotent in death.

No Sara action this week. She'll probably work her feet through a shitload of redcoats next week.

  • Love 1

I liked seeing the pov of the villains. They seem so much better on this show then on their original shows. Now it looks like we're getting zombie Zoom. The LoD is the evil version of the Legends. We also got to find out what time they are all from. 

Yeah, it looks like Lily Stein and Ray were getting close. And hey, maybe that's why Ray had such terrible luck with love, she didn't exist yet. 

  • Love 9

Is it wrong that I "aw"-ed at Eobard calling Merlyn and Darhk "partners" at the end? Like I actually found the villains bonding heartwarming. I mean, I still hate them, but now I want them to die as a team. I enjoyed the Damien narration at the beginning. I want an Eobard narration next week. 

I think Ray likes every single woman he crosses paths with. Like last week, he was overly insistent that he and Vixen weren't a thing and now he and Lily are shipping champagne. I do think she reminds me just a little of Brandon Routh's real life wife, which makes me see that vibe even more than usual.

I'm really surprised Lily didn't know about Firestorm and the time travel missions. Clarissa knows about Firestorm, does she know about Martin's time travel shenanigans? I could have sworn she did.

  • Love 9

It was a very fun episode. The Legion of Doom were the complete highlight of the episode. They managed to make Malcolm not annoying and walking joke! They're a great 2some and a better 3some. 

Sara freaking out about Lily being brought out of the timeline was a bit much, yes, she is aberration but she is here to stay. She will be fine going to the future or the past. 

  • Love 2

Merlyn and Darkh were a blast!! I could've watched them bickering all episode.  I am still rather meh on Eobard.  But I love that he can't use his speedster power, it brings him to the level of everyone else.  That makes me happy. And I am sure they aren't going to settle into peaceful partnership.  At least I hope they don't.  This is the most I've liked the bad guys.

Poor Rip, er, Phil. 

"My former self encountered your mother's former self.  And when two former selves love each other..." I didn't see the ending of that sentence coming but when it did it was great.  Especially because it was delivered with such utter seriousness. 

  • Love 8

I love this show. I loved the LoD credits, I loved everyone knowing Mick would spill the beans AND THEN HE DID, I loved Stein doing a birds and bees talk, and I loved Thawne being brought to the same level of everyone out of fear of ZombieFlash. 

But what I loved the most was how, well, endearing the formal partnership of the Legion was. Who knew that was even possible? I agree that I want them to die as a team. 

  • Love 10

Phil was surprisingly awesome when he got the Legion to fight each other.  I mean, okay, they made up.  But still.  Well done, Phil.

The Lily plot line was very sweet in the end, but I'm a bit angry at Mick for his "fake food for a fake person" comment.  There's being bluntly insensitive and being cruel.  I thought that crossed the line.  I'll get over it, I'm sure.

Edited by squidprincess
  • Love 7
5 minutes ago, rubyred said:

This show has gotten so much better. I mean, sooooo much better. I don't watch Arrow so don't know much about Darkh and Merlyn, and this episode focusing on their POV has told me everything about their characters - and it was glorious.

This episode felt a little hokey in spots to me, but it is definitely still much better than the best episode of last season (as has the entirety of the season). I do like that the show actually addressed why Thawne hooked up with the other two, and that they're tackling the lingering question of why Thawne can still exist even though Eddie killed himself at the end of Flash season 1. They even sort of addressed why there isn't a Time Wraith after him (it seems this other thing- Black Racer? Black Flash? I'm pretty sure its based on something from the comics- is after him instead).

I do wish they'd have used an actual actor in makeup for the Black Flash, though, rather than CGI. 

  • Love 1

Ha!  I love seeing the Legion of Doom (sorry, Sara!), in all of their bickering, squabbling glory!  It was hilarious, but it would actually make sense that these three with their egos, wouldn't actually be a well-oiled machine; especially Malcolm and Damien being second-fiddle to Eobard.  At least they are now on equal footing, and I like how they found a solid reason why Eobard will actually need them.  This trio is awesome.  Matt Letscher, Neal McDonough, and John Barrowman are splendid together!

Even though it didn't work out, I did like that Rip/"Phillip" actually was able to get into Damien and Malcolm's head, and pit them against Eobard.  Even without his memories, he's crafty and not just going to roll over.  Of course, now it looks like Eobard has reinstalled his memories, but has turned him evil, and is kicking things off with trying to murder George Washington.  Uh oh!

Meanwhile, back to the actual Legends, everyone finds out about Lily, and it pretty much goes the way its expected.  And now Lily knows too, thanks to Mick (really, Martin.  If you wanted to keep it a secret from her, you can't just tell Mick not to say anything.  You need to either lock him in a closet or get him passed out drunk.)  But it seems like they might work it out.  Victor Garber was his normal awesome self.

I do wonder if they are trying something with Lily and Ray.  She does seem like his type.

Not much of Sara in this one, but I still enjoyed the moments when she got her Captain Lance on, and got everyone to chill and quick bickering like the children they become.

Not sure if was my favorite episode, but it was a great, hilarious diversion from norm.  Right down to Neal/Damien doing the opening narration.  It goes without saying though that, of course, the Legion of Doom are a massive step from Vandal Savage, and have made this season way more entertaining and interesting (and Amaya and even Nate are vast improvements over the Hawks.)

  • Love 14

That was awesome.  This show has improved so much.  They even managed to make me like Malcolm.  I was so over him that I didn't think that could be done.  Long live the Legion of Doom. :) (Sorry Sara)  

I hope Lily gets to stick around, and maybe even be a regular next season.  And I also liked that they finally managed to provide a semi-reasonable excuse for Thawne still existing, because that has always bugged me.  And is that supposed to be Black Flash (fka Zoom?)

I have to admit, I didn't see the part coming about Thawne messing with Rip's memories, even with the spoilers that are out there.  That will make things interesting.  

Edited by Starfish35
  • Love 7

I loved this episode! When it started with Damien narrating I was highly entertained. Loved how in his version he was "murdered by the Green Arrow". Interesting to see that Damien is the most fearless AND ruthless member of the team. Of course, he is the oldest since he's been around for centuries. He's had all that time to learn how to stay calm. It also seems like he enjoys killing and torturing people.

Malcolm only got in to the villain stuff because he thought he was being a hero and was going to wipe out the bad people (like the person who killed his wife). I do find it interesting that he sided with Damien out of fear (and just thinking that Damien would win because of his power) over on Arrow. I loved how they showed him watching the news of Damien being killed and then all of a sudden Eobard and Damien were standing there talking to him. Loved how Malcolm pretended to be brave and smiled in Damien's face but was holding a knife in his trembling hand behind his back.

It was cool to see that Damien was not about to fall for any tricks when he realized that Malcolm was trying to manipulate him and turn him against Eobard.

Eobard lamenting that he had to depend on idiots was funny-- also loved how he said they were going to win bc the Legends were idiots.

Interesting how "Phil" got Damien and Malcolm to stop fighting one another and to team up against Eobard-- I also found it amusing how Eobard thought it was cute when he realized they were teaming up against him. The "Aww" part had me chuckling. But, I think in some ways, having the slower team members assert their authority and demand equality may actually help their cohesiveness as a team in the future, but we will have to wait and see.

I had assumed that Eobard would just vanish or disintegrate the way he did in The Flash season 1 if he stayed in one place too long, but being chased by Black Flash was even better. I find it even more entertaining because Black Flash was named Hunter Zolomon and he is hunting Eobard. The look on Eobard's face when he realized he was trapped was great-- and it got even better when Eobard heard BF. The way his voice got higher and he was trying so hard not to panic. What I don't understand is how they knew that BF couldn't actually see.

I think the scene of the Legion of Doom waiting in the dark bank for BF was probably my favorite part of the episode. It was like a really good horror movie and Matt Letscher did a great job of showing Eobard's silent and almost motionless panic. I bet he was in need of some Depends then. Still don't understand why BF couldn't see him and why he didn't hear Damien. But I did love how Damien just softly encouraged Eobard to stay calm. I was wondering if Eobard was going to break and try to run or if he was going to move and give himself away. The only thing that detracted from the scene was that they used cg for BF and it was not very good. The CG for him on The Flash was better. There was just something off about it that made it less scary. They should have kept it more in shadow. And when it got right up in Eobard's face, you could tell that there was nothing there for Matt to react to.

That was one hell of a superspeed punch that Eobard used to knock BF in to the vault. Which brings me to a good question.

21 hours ago, Argenta said:

Can anyone explain why Eobard didn't just phase through the walls of the bank vault when Malcolm and Damien were keeping him trapped?

I assume that since it is set in the future after The Flash already exists and there are other speedsters, that maybe they put something in the door and walls that could block a speedster from phasing through. Which is why it worked to lock in Black Flash-- but he can time travel so maybe the only way he was able to get out was by jumping in to the time stream. Although, that makes me wonder why Eobard couldn't just run around and build up enough speed to just jump to another time.

I did love how Eobard called the other two "partners" and how he seemed genuinely relieved to have them on his side. Sure he likes to be in charge and all, but I think he felt better to know they had his back-- plus they did help save him from BF. I wonder if that means he can't use his speed at all now, or if it means he can only use it briefly. I suppose if he can't use his speed for fear of summoning BF, it might be the convenient plot device needed to level the playing field a bit with the Legends.

It also seems like this is NOT the same Eobard who would have the memories of living in the form of Dr. Wells all those years-- which is a bit sad to me because it would be interesting to see that version still around. I found it interesting that he actually came to care for Barry and Cisco over on The Flash. So, it seems he's capable of love. I hope they can show flashbacks to what he remembers from his life and how he got interested in the Flash in the first place and what caused him to snap. I want to see them start an episode with "My name is Eobard Thawne..."

Edited by zannej
  • Love 5

Best episode of this show, period. I've been casually watching from the start, but I never felt compelled to post. Well, I do now.

The Trio of Villains was glorious, thanks to the hammy but perfectly-in-tone performances by three very good actors. Not gonna lie, I like the Legends (some more than others), but acting-wise most of them leave something to be desired. There's always a weak link. Meanwhile, the villains are all expertly portrayed, and when the writing actually helps them (like last night), they just pop. So many great and hilarious lines, a badass action sequence, plus a great ending to the plotline (complete with an explanation of Eobard's existence and true motives, plus the formation of a truly heartwarming partnership). Great stuff.

I mean, they managed to make Malcolm, Damien and Rip/Phil flat-out amazing? How? I, like most people, haven't exactly been the number one fan of these characters (Damien would be my favorite, if I had to pick, but that's faint praise) and yet they all worked perfectly in this episode. (I must confess I have always loved Eobard, in all his iterations)

Plus, to speak of the Legends for a moment, we got a heavy focus on Victor Garber, plus some Mick hilarity? And a lovely little scene between Stein and Jax? It's like someone asked me how to create the perfect LoT episode, honestly.

I'm sure this awesomeness will be short-lived, but I'll enjoy it while it lasts.

  • Love 10

Ah, the Legion of Doom. Even though they took the forefront this episode, I actually enjoyed it? I shouldn't have been rooting for them, but I was. I mean, they all still need to die or go away, but I bought them as a villain team. I was wondering why they brought in Malcolm, of all people. I was wondering why Malcolm deserved a spot on that team when he didn't seem to contribute anything. Turns out he's the most level headed in the group, the one to help bring them all together in a weird way. He was the one convinced that they weren't a team and that Eobard was hiding something. It was cool to see the differences that Malcolm and Damien brought to the team. Plus, Phil bringing them back from their feud to focus on Eobard was well done. 

I'm impressed by Matt Letscher's portrayal of Eobard Thawne. From the moment he was locked in that vault, he sold his panic and fear very well. It almost made me feel bad for him. Almost, but not quite, since he did do a lot of evil things. It was nice to finally get an explanation as to why he was sticking around and how it was possible. Having Black Flash also chase him was a neat twist. Having a Flash season 1 villain being chased by a Flash season 2 villain was neat. Plus, seeing Black Flash just reminds me of the Wendigos in the video game Until Dawn. If you don't move, they apparently can't sense you.

This show really has gotten better since last season. It's a show I wish more people watched. I really love Lily Stein. I really want her sticking around because she's awesome. I noticed that they did set it up for Ray/Lily in future seasons, which is fine. I think Ray needs to be with an equally smart woman and Lily can challenge him in ways that Felicity never could. Plus, I think Ray knows that Stein will kill him if he ever hurts his daughter. How is it that this show actually has gotten its female characters right in terms of writing, and they can't do it on The Flash or Arrow? I love Sara, Amaya, and Lily the most out of all the characters now. 

As for Eobard having Rip's memories and now altering them, that's an interesting twist. Of course, with what they're doing on Agents of SHIELD, I guess this is just a different version of that. 

  • Love 8

How is it that this show actually has gotten its female characters right in terms of writing, and they can't do it on The Flash or Arrow? I love Sara, Amaya, and Lily the most out of all the characters now. 

After they dropped the barista, the show has done a great job with their female characters this season (and of course Sara was already awesome last season).

  • Love 2

What is the big deal about not revealing to Lily that she is a Time Aberration?  "In the world where I came from, you didn't exist, because we were never able to have children.  But in this timeline, you do exist, and I am overjoyed.  I am so happy to have found you."  Being a Time Aberration doesn't change any of her memories.  As far as she is concerned, he is and has always been her father.  He just doesn't have those memories.  So she could sit down with him and show him photos or tell him stories.

I thought this was a fun episode.  Liked the interaction between Damien Dahrk and Malcolm Merlyn.  I was amused by Merlyn on "Arrow" but I was really irritated with Dahrk there because he was this seemingly all-powerful telekinetic that never lost.  Here he doesn't seem to have his telekinesis, he's just a League of Assassins fighter.  So he's much more human and down to earth.

I don't watch Flash, so I am still a bit confused on who Eobard Thawne is.  Pardon my ignorance, but:

1) The team determined that he was wiped from temporal existence when his ancestor Eddie killed himself.  Really?  Isn't that a bit extreme on this Eddie's part?  Couldn't he just, you know, have gotten a vasectomy?  Or if he was concerned about the slim chance, maybe undergone chemical sterilisation?  I'm sure in the advanced tech world of Arrowverse there could surely have been a way to prevent the future birth of Eobard without resorting to the drastic measure of suicide.

2)  That dark thing chasing Eobard, Eobard said he couldn't use his speedster powers because that thing was chasing him.  They locked the thing in the bank vault.  Isn't it just going to get out of the vault when the bank people open the vault or repair it?

  • Love 1
49 minutes ago, blackwing said:

Being a Time Aberration doesn't change any of her memories.  As far as she is concerned, he is and has always been her father.  He just doesn't have those memories.  So she could sit down with him and show him photos or tell him stories.

Maybe I'm misremembering it, but I thought he did have those memories now--that they'd rushed in to fill the gap, so to speak...?

As to the episode, I'm probably the lone voice in saying I didn't care for it. I'm not impressed with the Legion of Doom, and while a few parts were funny, I don't like any of the three villain characters (although I normally like the actors). Which is kind of unusual for me, because I'm normally all about the bad boys. If I had to guess, I'd say it was the sheer number of kills/the torturing that turned me off.

Luckily, the Stein/Lily/Jax scenes and Phil/Rip saved the episode for me. 

Edited by kirinan

1) The team determined that he was wiped from temporal existence when his ancestor Eddie killed himself.  Really?  Isn't that a bit extreme on this Eddie's part?  Couldn't he just, you know, have gotten a vasectomy?  Or if he was concerned about the slim chance, maybe undergone chemical sterilisation?  I'm sure in the advanced tech world of Arrowverse there could surely have been a way to prevent the future birth of Eobard without resorting to the drastic measure of suicide.

Well, Eddie was kind of pressed for time. Eobard was in process of murdering Team Flash, and then there was the Singularity which was going to destroy the world.  He was too stressed to realize that making an appointment to get snipped would have the same effect.

  • Love 10
11 hours ago, Starfish35 said:

 And is that supposed to be Black Flash (fka Zoom?)

Yes. The speedforce's own version of the grim reaper because the regular one is too slow for speedsters. 

I liked the episode. Hell, this entire season so far is awesome. It's so totally tongue in cheek and cheesy and they revel in it. I love it. 

Edited by mrspidey

This was another great episode, although I did miss seeing more of the team. However, the Legion of Doom was a lot of fun, basically being set up as an evil version of the Legends themselves. Hence, the opening scene where the LoD snarks at each other and criticizes each other plans, followed by a scene where the Legends...snark at each other and criticizes each other plans. I love that the LoD basically got the standard "team leans the power of teamwork/friendship and learns to communicate" plot that heroes always get, but its for the villains. I could watch a whole spin off of Damien Dahrk and Malcolm Merlyn throwing snarky lines at each other while being cheerfully evil. And by the end of their respective runs on Arrow, I was SICK of those guys. Its really impressive how great this show is at taking characters that I didn't care for or got sick of in their original shows, and making me like them again.

Speaking of great characters, I already love Lily Stein, and I am totally all about her joining the team. She doesn't seem to have many combat skills, but she is ridiculously smart and competent, and is clearly taking all this comic book time travel stuff in stride, so she could still fit in. Maybe she gets powers later or something? Seems pretty easy to get in the Arrowverse these days. Or she can be their Felicity, that works too. And Lily and Ray? Man, Ray just ends up getting shipped with everybody doesn't he? He was with Felicity, he was with Kendra, he had a flirty thing with Amara a few times, even got a little flirty with Sara once or twice, plus his tendency to get really touchy feely with his male friends (Cisco, Snart, Mick, Nate), plus his Anna baggage, the guy is just looking for love in all the wrong places. I did actually like the scenes with him and Lily. Their both smart, enthusiastic, and kind of quirky from what we`ve seen of her, so I can see it working. Plus, as far as we know, she doesn't have a past life boyfriend, or a kind of thing with a mask wearing vigilante, so that's a plus.

I always love Jax and Stein scenes, so their scene in the study was likable as always. They're always a bit of an odd couple (he's a teenage former football star turned mechanic! He`s an elderly former hippie college professor! Together, they fight crime!), which makes them a lot of fun together.

Poor Rip/Philip. He is just having a crappy time of it. Now he's been brain screwed and the team will have to save him and get him back to normal. Then Rip and Sara can get back to co-parenting their time traveling super powered children. I have to say, for a guy that is, as for as he knows, just a hippie film student, Phil did a pretty good job against torture and super villains.

Edited by tennisgurl
  • Love 10

What an amazing episode - I loved every moment of it, and I'm happy to see that most of you guys did as well. It was an excellent idea to have an episode from the villain’s perspective. The only other series I’m into that I can remember doing that was Lost (with the Others.)

8 hours ago, zannej said:

I loved this episode! When it started with Damien narrating I was highly entertained. Loved how in his version he was "murdered by the Green Arrow".

 I know! Poor ‘murdered’ Damien. Nasty evil Oliver. It’s not like Damien was doing anything wrong at the time, just trying to destroy the human race enjoy an innocent evening stroll and all... :p

8 hours ago, zannej said:

Interesting to see that Malcolm is the most fearless AND ruthless member of the team. Of course, he is the oldest since he's been around for centuries. He's had all that time to learn how to stay calm. It also seems like he enjoys killing and torturing people.

I think you meant Damien there rather than Malcolm? I noticed this too - it was fascinating watching the two of them side by side and seeing how different their approaches are. Malcolm is ruthless when required, certainly, but Damien is actively sadistic. He takes positive pleasure in tormenting people (verbally and physically) and looks for opportunities to do so, whereas Malcolm appears to use violence mostly as a last resort. He spent quite a lot of the episode keeping Damien’s rampant murderous impulses in check.

(And folks, when you’ve got a scenario in which Malcolm Merlyn is the most moral and reasonable person in the room, you know you’re dealing with some serious villainy.)

8 hours ago, zannej said:

Loved how Malcolm pretended to be brave and smiled in Damien's face but was holding a knife in his trembling hand behind his back.

Yeah, I’d call that a very sensible precaution. There’s very little Damien wouldn’t do, and Malcolm knows it. The shot of them facing off from behind the weapons rack was neat.

8 hours ago, zannej said:

Eobard lamenting that he had to depend on idiots was funny-- also loved how he said they were going to win bc the Legends were idiots.

An awful lot of people got called ‘idiots’ in this episode! And Eobard’s face creasing in incredulous-borderline-dismay when Damien questioned what was their big advantage over the Legends…PRICELESS. I must screencap it. The same goes for Damien's eye-roll when Malcolm boasted about being called 'the Magician'. 

Basically I lapped up every bit of the bitching, insults and scheming among the Legion. Hugely entertaining stuff, and Neal, Matt and John did it all so well. They work brilliantly together.

Their coming together to help Eobard and reaching an understanding towards the end was unexpected and quite moving. It seems they’ll be more of a team moving forward, perhaps even friends. It will be interesting to see how the addition of Snart, when he finally shows, affects this dynamic.

8 hours ago, zannej said:

I think the scene of the Legion of Doom waiting in the dark bank for BF was probably my favorite part of the episode. It was like a really good horror movie and Matt Letscher did a great job of showing Eobard's silent and almost motionless panic. I bet he was in need of some Depends then. Still don't understand why BF couldn't see him and why he didn't hear Damien. But I did love how Damien just softly encouraged Eobard to stay calm.

Aww, yes. I really felt for Eobard in that scene. It’s sort of cool seeing his usual confidence falter, though. At least his evil pals came through for him. Their job will probably be a lot easier now the other two don’t have to put up with him zipping off all the time (or at least if he does, they’ll know he has a good reason).

I found Black Flash really creepy, despite the flawed CGI. That face...horrible.

8 hours ago, zannej said:

It also seems like this is NOT the same Eobard who would have the memories of living in the form of Dr. Wells all those years-- which is a bit sad to me because it would be interesting to see that version still around.

Agreed. The other big issue that’s never been raised is his family/home life etc. Eddie’s death must have erased that line of his family from existence so presumably he’s completely alone, homeless, jobless, etc. I hope that gets touched on at some point, because you’d think it would have to be a major part of his motivation for changing history.

8 hours ago, zannej said:

I want to see them start an episode with "My name is Eobard Thawne..."

“My name is Eobard Thawne, and despite competing claims from certain gawky young upstarts, I am *actually* the fastest man alive. Go me!”

"My name is Eobard Thawne, and I am surrounded by idiots.”

"My name is Malcolm Merlyn, and I really need a drink..."

I already nitpicked how Eobard could get trapped in the vault when he could phase out; one further bug is the inefficient and circuitous way the Legends went about ID’ing Thawne. When Stein said he was going to Central City in 2017, I assumed he would call in at S.T.A.R. Labs and ask Team Flash to help. There must be security footage from Eobard and Malcolm’s attack on the Waverider. All they have to do is show it to Barry & co. and they’re sorted. But no, they have to skip past this massively obvious option in favour of having long meandering quasi-philosophical conversations about who this man could possibly be, etc. Eobard was right - they are idiots, albeit well-meaning ones.

But really, the only significant negative about this episode was that it’s probably spoiled me for the rest of the season. I feel like I’ll just want to see the Legion doing their thing all the time now, and the far-less-entertaining Legends will get in the way. *sigh* I just like the bad guys better! #LegionofTomorrow

Going to rewatch the episode now :D

  • Love 6

I take back much of my criticism from earlier episodes.  It turns out that several of my complaints about Thawne not needing assistants turned out to be plot-relevant.  So good on the show for addressing that.  And also helping to address why Thawne still exists despite Eddie's sacrifice.

Villains are usually more fun than heroes.  Which I think is why my favorite of the Legends were Mick and Snart, the antiheroes.  So that was probably a big factor in why this episode was so enjoyable.

  • Love 7

I think the reason Thawne didn't phase out of the vault was the same reason they had him stand still when Black Flash showed up. Using the speed force draws its attention, but it doesn't seem to be able to find him otherwise. If he had phased through the vault, which requires tapping into the speed force, to get away it would have been right on him.

4 hours ago, Lokiberry said:

Well, Eddie was kind of pressed for time. Eobard was in process of murdering Team Flash, and then there was the Singularity which was going to destroy the world.  He was too stressed to realize that making an appointment to get snipped would have the same effect.

I've seen this brought up before. While a vasectomy might have taken care of Reverse Flash it would mean leaving STAR Labs, booking an appointment, getting in to the doctor's office, and having the procedure, all while Eobard was murdering Team Flash. Eddie shot himself right then and there because it was the only way to save Iris and the others.

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, blackwing said:

What is the big deal about not revealing to Lily that she is a Time Aberration?  "In the world where I came from, you didn't exist, because we were never able to have children.  But in this timeline, you do exist, and I am overjoyed.  I am so happy to have found you."  Being a Time Aberration doesn't change any of her memories.  As far as she is concerned, he is and has always been her father.  He just doesn't have those memories.  So she could sit down with him and show him photos or tell him stories.


I can see this point, but I also see Lily's point. Although she didn't know why her parents didn't have her in her father's original timeline, all she knew was that she was being lied to. Being an intelligent woman and a Stein, her first thought was that her parents chose not to have kids, and she was right. Stein even told his daughter that he and Clarissa opted against kids, not that they couldn't have any. I think in major life reveals like that, it's hard not to act emotionally and a bit irrationally at first. Even the smartest of people can act on emotions first. It also took Stein a while to actually tell her all of that, as evidenced by Jax having to point out to his partner that telling Lily that he loved her would help fix things. Personally, I would have reacted differently, but Lily has been shown to be highly intelligent, so she quickly came to the right conclusion about the circumstances, even if she didn't know the whole story now. 

In any case, once they did sit down to talk, they worked it out and they most likely landed at the photo/memory sharing stage anyway. 

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, blackwing said:

What is the big deal about not revealing to Lily that she is a Time Aberration?  "In the world where I came from, you didn't exist, because we were never able to have children.  But in this timeline, you do exist, and I am overjoyed.  I am so happy to have found you."  Being a Time Aberration doesn't change any of her memories.  As far as she is concerned, he is and has always been her father.  He just doesn't have those memories.  So she could sit down with him and show him photos or tell him stories.

I thought this was a fun episode.  Liked the interaction between Damien Dahrk and Malcolm Merlyn.  I was amused by Merlyn on "Arrow" but I was really irritated with Dahrk there because he was this seemingly all-powerful telekinetic that never lost.  Here he doesn't seem to have his telekinesis, he's just a League of Assassins fighter.  So he's much more human and down to earth.

I don't watch Flash, so I am still a bit confused on who Eobard Thawne is.  Pardon my ignorance, but:

1) The team determined that he was wiped from temporal existence when his ancestor Eddie killed himself.  Really?  Isn't that a bit extreme on this Eddie's part?  Couldn't he just, you know, have gotten a vasectomy?  Or if he was concerned about the slim chance, maybe undergone chemical sterilisation?  I'm sure in the advanced tech world of Arrowverse there could surely have been a way to prevent the future birth of Eobard without resorting to the drastic measure of suicide.

2)  That dark thing chasing Eobard, Eobard said he couldn't use his speedster powers because that thing was chasing him.  They locked the thing in the bank vault.  Isn't it just going to get out of the vault when the bank people open the vault or repair it?

I didn't quite get Lilly's reaction either. I guess maybe since I've never been in a situation like that, I don't know how it would feel- but I've always been someone who is not easily offended. I suppose what she was upset about was feeling like she had never been wanted by him or something. It was totally irrational. It must also be odd to know that on some level her father didn't remember her and she might have felt it meant he didn't love her as much (or at all). I'm glad Stein straightened things out-- but I do wish he'd told her that in the original timeline he'd been afraid to have children because he thought he would be a bad father.

1) I know this has been answered, but to go in to further detail: Reverse Flash had the Flash by the throat and was about to kill him. He had just said something like "Just so you know, I'm going to kill you and then I'm going to kill ALL of them!" (indicating Flash's friends and family that were there). He was pissed off because he'd made a deal with Flash. The Flash would go back in time and save his mother from being killed by Eobard and Eobard would use his time capsule to go back to his own time. The Flash went back in time and Eobard was in the bubble about to go home when the Flash came flying back out of the portal and literally burst Eobard's bubble. He smashed it to bits and Eobard was furious because he had spent 15 years stranded in the past. He never directly lied to the Flash during season 1-- so when he said he was going to kill everyone, he meant it. Prior to this happening, he'd held Eddie Thawne hostage (I guess to protect him from harm) for a few weeks but he wasn't very nice to him. He told him he was a "failure" and that he wasn't going to get the girl. Eddie wanted to marry Iris West  (who, in Eobard's timeline, married the Flash instead). So he showed Eddie the news article with Iris West-Allen on the byline as proof and said that Eddie was mostly forgotten by history. Eddie was feeling pretty down about it. So, when he realized Iris was in danger and that he'd been told he wasn't going to end up with her and he wasn't going to amount to anything, he decided to sacrifice himself and be the hero. He shot himself in the chest, Eobard disintegrated with a scream, and the singularity opened back up.

2) It looked like there was some sort of laser thing blocking the door and who knows how thick the walls were. Since it was set in 2025, it's possible that the walls were designed with something to dampen the speed powers and/or prevent phasing through them. It might not have affected the beings within the vault until they would try to pass through the walls. Or maybe extra thick walls took more concentration and time to get through? But, they did acknowledge that the Black Flash was going to get out eventually so they needed to get out of there.

11 hours ago, Argenta said:

What an amazing episode - I loved every moment of it, and I'm happy to see that most of you guys did as well. It was an excellent idea to have an episode from the villain’s perspective. The only other series I’m into that I can remember doing that was Lost (with the Others.)

 I know! Poor ‘murdered’ Damien. Nasty evil Oliver. It’s not like Damien was doing anything wrong at the time, just trying to destroy the human race enjoy an innocent evening stroll and all... :p

I think you meant Damien there rather than Malcolm? I noticed this too - it was fascinating watching the two of them side by side and seeing how different their approaches are. Malcolm is ruthless when required, certainly, but Damien is actively sadistic. He takes positive pleasure in tormenting people (verbally and physically) and looks for opportunities to do so, whereas Malcolm appears to use violence mostly as a last resort. He spent quite a lot of the episode keeping Damien’s rampant murderous impulses in check.

(And folks, when you’ve got a scenario in which Malcolm Merlyn is the most moral and reasonable person in the room, you know you’re dealing with some serious villainy.)

Yeah, I’d call that a very sensible precaution. There’s very little Damien wouldn’t do, and Malcolm knows it. The shot of them facing off from behind the weapons rack was neat.

An awful lot of people got called ‘idiots’ in this episode! And Eobard’s face creasing in incredulous-borderline-dismay when Damien questioned what was their big advantage over the Legends…PRICELESS. I must screencap it. The same goes for Damien's eye-roll when Malcolm boasted about being called 'the Magician'. 

Basically I lapped up every bit of the bitching, insults and scheming among the Legion. Hugely entertaining stuff, and Neal, Matt and John did it all so well. They work brilliantly together.

Their coming together to help Eobard and reaching an understanding towards the end was unexpected and quite moving. It seems they’ll be more of a team moving forward, perhaps even friends. It will be interesting to see how the addition of Snart, when he finally shows, affects this dynamic.

Aww, yes. I really felt for Eobard in that scene. It’s sort of cool seeing his usual confidence falter, though. At least his evil pals came through for him. Their job will probably be a lot easier now the other two don’t have to put up with him zipping off all the time (or at least if he does, they’ll know he has a good reason).

I found Black Flash really creepy, despite the flawed CGI. That face...horrible.

Agreed. The other big issue that’s never been raised is his family/home life etc. Eddie’s death must have erased that line of his family from existence so presumably he’s completely alone, homeless, jobless, etc. I hope that gets touched on at some point, because you’d think it would have to be a major part of his motivation for changing history.

“My name is Eobard Thawne, and despite competing claims from certain gawky young upstarts, I am *actually* the fastest man alive. Go me!”

"My name is Eobard Thawne, and I am surrounded by idiots.”

"My name is Malcolm Merlyn, and I really need a drink..."

I already nitpicked how Eobard could get trapped in the vault when he could phase out; one further bug is the inefficient and circuitous way the Legends went about ID’ing Thawne. When Stein said he was going to Central City in 2017, I assumed he would call in at S.T.A.R. Labs and ask Team Flash to help. There must be security footage from Eobard and Malcolm’s attack on the Waverider. All they have to do is show it to Barry & co. and they’re sorted. But no, they have to skip past this massively obvious option in favour of having long meandering quasi-philosophical conversations about who this man could possibly be, etc. Eobard was right - they are idiots, albeit well-meaning ones.

But really, the only significant negative about this episode was that it’s probably spoiled me for the rest of the season. I feel like I’ll just want to see the Legion doing their thing all the time now, and the far-less-entertaining Legends will get in the way. *sigh* I just like the bad guys better! #LegionofTomorrow

Going to rewatch the episode now :D

Oops. Yes. I went back and changed it. I did mean Damien, not Malcolm. For some reason I keep getting the names mixed up. Maybe because Damien reminds me a little of Malcolm McDowel? I think it's the hair.

It is interesting how Malcolm was trying to deter Damien from killing. It isn't a big deal to Eobard to kill people because to him they have been "dead for centuries", but he clearly doesn't enjoy the pain-causing part and his kills tend to be rather clean and bloodless. Btw, I loved that he put the tooth in Malcolm's hand when he realized that it grossed Malcolm out to even look at it. I also found it interesting that he put his hands on Malcolm and threatened him, but he never once laid a hand on Damien. I can't recall if he ever called him "Damien" yet. Thus far he seems to have addressed him as "Mr. Darhk". So I suspect there is a little more respect for Damien than for Malcolm, but they are still just tools for him. I don't think he would grow attached to them the way he grew attached to Cisco in the other timeline.

I have to keep remembering that Eobard started out wanting to be a hero, the version of him that died actually loved being a hero in the form of Dr. Wells, and he doesn't seem to have the stomach for torture. When he told Stein that hopefully the device he was going to use on him would only cause "a little pain" I think he meant it. I don't think he intended to cause serious pain, but he was willing to inflict the pain to get what he needed. Plus, it was a two-way street. The way the device worked before, he felt pain too.


courtesy of http://fatedxdestiny.tumblr.com/post/156660471371

After watching the bank scene over and over, I also noticed the looks Malcolm and Damien shot each other when Eobard was freaking out in the vault. They were not buying his story and Malcolm seemed to enjoy getting a rise out of him by asking him to "be more specific" about the "thing". And the way Malcolm subtly shook his head and rolled his eyes when Eobard said his ancestor killed himself to wipe out his existence was great. I don't think they really believed him until after he told them about the time wraiths and they saw that haunted look on his face.

I saw comments on Tumblr where people were saying things like "Did I really just feel for Eobard? Damn!" But really, he's being chased by a scary CG monster and he knows that it will kill him but probably isn't sure just how horrible of a death it would be or how much it would hurt-- but clearly he's terrified. I do think that if they had put something up in his face when BF was supposed to be up there-- it might have helped a little for his eyes to have something to focus on or it could have given him something to react to with a microexpression. As it was, what Matt Letscher said was that there was no creature there, but he was observing John Barrowman off camera eating a bratwurst (which he described as "terrifying and hypnotic").

I had several issues with the CG thing-- for one, it never seemed to cast a shadow. Another thing was that the leather looked more like satin, the texture seemed too smooth, the contrast wasn't quite right-- it looked too light compared to the other objects in the room, and the texture just wasn't right. Also, the eyes would have looked better blacked out like they did when Zoom first turned in to the creature on The Flash. The teeth looked too white, and the tongue looked too normal. It was just a normal healthy pink tongue. They should have made it more blackened or gray and maybe even slightly pointed. The teeth should have looked a little darker and maybe showed some signs of decay. And something was off about the position of the right eye or the mask opening for the right eye that made it look like the eyes were too close together.

I've long speculated that what prompted Eobard to go hate Barry so much and to go to the extreme of trying to kill him as a child was because one day he may have tried to return home only to find that his family and home were gone and that nobody knew who the hell he was. Part of this was prompted by the speech he gave to Eddie-- the one where he asked him to think about all the things that defined his life, his job, his co-workers, etc and then all of a sudden "in a flash" it all vanished. Eobard had been a "distinguished member of a distinguished family" and now he was all alone and his family's legacy was no more. I suspect he didn't know what caused it but just assumed that the Flash was responsible and figured that if he went back and stopped the Flash from existing, then it would never happen. He probably had no inkling that he would be the one who caused it to happen in the first place. And now, on top of being persona non grata in his own time, he is being chased by some horrible monster. It makes sense that he would desperately want to get some object to change his circumstances.

I at first thought that the walls might take awhile to phase through or that the laser thing in the door might stop him, but then I came to suspect what I posted-- that maybe there was metahuman power dampening effects when the vault was locked-- at least within the walls since Eobard was able to vibrate his hand while in the room. Good point about them not speaking to Team Flash about it though. I've noticed that a few times they visited STAR Labs and none of the Flash people were there. Even if they couldn't show the other actors, they could have said that Stein just got back from showing footage to Team Flash and determined that the speedster was Eobard. Or said that the Flash people were not available when they went there-- something to explain why they didn't ask them for help.

  • Love 2

Good episode. Loved the POV of villains from this one.

Having Malcolm, Damien and Eobard all together has brought some new energy to all of their characters and I liked that they've now cemented themselves as a team.

Not a great week for Rip but at least he got his memories back and that last moment was a nice lead into next.

Hated the way Mick blurted out about Lily being an aberration but at least the show has now dealt with that storyline. I do like Lily and Stein though.

About time the rest of the gang figured out that they were up against Eobard though, 8/10

  • Love 3
On 2/1/2017 at 0:47 PM, blackwing said:

  I was amused by Merlyn on "Arrow" but I was really irritated with Dahrk there because he was this seemingly all-powerful telekinetic that never lost.  Here he doesn't seem to have his telekinesis, he's just a League of Assassins fighter.  So he's much more human and down to earth.

I think since Eobard took Damien from a time period way earlier than his death, Damien did not yet have telekinesis. That's my fan wank anyway!

3 hours ago, diebartdie said:

I think since Eobard took Damien from a time period way earlier than his death, Damien did not yet have telekinesis. That's my fan wank anyway!

Yeah, I think that Eobard pulled him from a time when he had just enough knowledge and power to be useful but not too much power that he would be a threat to Eobard. Perhaps he believed that Damien at this point in time might be easier to manipulate.

Just now, Cthulhudrew said:

{T}hey're tackling the lingering question of why Thawne can still exist even though Eddie killed himself at the end of Flash season 1.

That was a bit rushed so thanks to everyone who explained it here.

Just now, Argenta said:

Can anyone explain why Eobard didn't just phase through the walls of the bank vault when Malcolm and Damien were keeping him trapped?

The door and walls are made of PLOTonium!

Just now, tennisgurl said:

"Of course its not whiskey! Its Brandy, what do you take me for? A Sailor?"

Sailors drink run, Martin!

  • Love 3
14 hours ago, zannej said:

Perfect! Thanks for that, Zannej. 

15 hours ago, zannej said:

After watching the bank scene over and over, I also noticed the looks Malcolm and Damien shot each other when Eobard was freaking out in the vault. They were not buying his story and Malcolm seemed to enjoy getting a rise out of him by asking him to "be more specific" about the "thing". And the way Malcolm subtly shook his head and rolled his eyes when Eobard said his ancestor killed himself to wipe out his existence was great. I don't think they really believed him until after he told them about the time wraiths and they saw that haunted look on his face.

Indeed. What was noticeable was that Eobard obviously REALLY didn't want to tell them about having to run from BF, to the point that he was very secretive and got defensive and then angry whenever Malcolm remarked on him always being in a hurry, running off etc. Probably because he didn't trust them and thought they might use it against him somehow, which is a valid suspicion - yet as soon as they got the truth out of him, they immediately pledged to help him. I'm not sure if the three of them will become personal friends but at least they've got each other's backs now.  There was still some mild sniping in their final scene but it seemed to have a more relaxed and good natured tone. 

15 hours ago, zannej said:

I do think that if they had put something up in his face when BF was supposed to be up there-- it might have helped a little for his eyes to have something to focus on or it could have given him something to react to with a microexpression. As it was, what Matt Letscher said was that there was no creature there, but he was observing John Barrowman off camera eating a bratwurst (which he described as "terrifying and hypnotic").

I also read that, on Matt's Twitter account. Seems like a very nice guy and very friendly with the fans.


8 hours ago, darkestboy said:

Not a great week for Rip but at least he got his memories back and that last moment was a nice lead into next.

Not a great week for sure! Poor guy. I hope he doesn't suffer from too much guilt after being turned into a mind-controlled murderer. 

  • Love 2

I'm kinda rooting for Mick to join the Legion now. I have a feeling they would have more respect for him than his current teammates do. Granted, he's not doing himself any favours with his behaviour - he's never been written on this show to be as cruel to anyone defenseless before as he was with that "fake person" crap - but it'd be kind of nice to know someone cared enough to go deeper and find out what the hell is going on with him, without having to be threatened into it first. The guy used to be Chronos for crying out loud, and now he can barely use the English language? The guy who never met a joke or a quip he couldn't crack? That's just not right. And his teammates are acting like they can't stand him at all, even Amaya, who was all cozy friends with him *two freaking episodes ago*! And you wouldn't know Ray even knew the guy, much less had a broship brewing ever since Episode 5 in the first season! What the hell?!

I really hope this is leading up to something, because otherwise it looks like Mick has not only lost every single bit of character growth he earned last year - don't think I don't remember that he actually torched his family in an accident, Show, *not* in fit of maniacal glee - but has now actually regressed way past where he was when he joined the Legends to start with.

Which is all fine if there's a point to it besides "Eh, we like him better as a villain so we're just gonna pretend all that never happened, mkay?" If it leads to a breakthrough in his personal growth or his relationships or something, fire away. But don't backtrack on what was possibly your most promising character arc (together with Snart) last year because you suddenly have a bunch of shiny new toys and more respect from the blogosphere. Dance with the one what brung ya, Show!

*sigh* Suddenly I feel a lot of solidarity with Felicity, Laurel and Sara fans. Watching these shows is not much fun when you're not sure the writers see your favourite character the way you do and you don't quite trust them to do right by him/her. I really kind of wish I hadn't gotten so interested in Mick as a character and could take a more balanced view of the show. I've become one of those posters I hate, the kind with tunnel vision. I apologize!

Oh, wait - I do have something non-Mick related to say! I just had to get that stuff off my chest first.

While I enjoyed the banter between the villains, I can't forget they're the *villains* and I can't root for them - because watching them torture Rip was somehow really, really hard. I don't think I realized how much I liked Rip as a character until they started in on him, and while I never wanted him off the Waverider I'm now looking forward to his joining the team and finding his new dynamic with them with great alacrity. I also liked Lily and the chemistry she had with Ray.

Edited by Miss Dee
more clarity
  • Love 4

 So....Reverse Flash is basically running from a Langolier?   OK then.

 That explanation from Stein was a mess.  In one sentence it's 'Thawne's ancestor killed himself an erased Eobard' and the next sentence it's 'as a member of the Speed Force (what they membership cards a T Shirt now?) he was able to escape his own erasure'.   And I still can't believe they didn't involve Barry in this conversation.  It's not you were just in Central City or anything anyway.   Thawne's right.  They are idiots.

  • Love 1

I'd like to hope that whatever is going on with Mick has something to do with the past having been altered by either the team or by the Legion of Doom.

Or maybe the writer just didn't follow continuity from other episodes. They are supposed to have a script coordinator who makes sure that there are no huge continuity errors from one episode to another-- although I know sometimes small things get by-- like maybe things that weren't pitched in the episode outline and maybe didn't come out until the table read or something.

With multiple writers, there will always be the problem of each writer having a different interpretation of the characters and their "voice".

I noticed that Damien and Malcolm didn't seem overly sympathetic to Eobard's plight, but they still need his help to get to the spear since he knows more about it than they do. I don't doubt that Damien at least would turn on Eobard the moment he had what he wanted- because I think what Damien wants would conflict with what Malcolm and Eobard ultimately want. And really, Eobard is just concerned with his time period so he couldn't give a rat's ass what happens to those two in the past-- after all, to him they've been dead for centuries. I don't expect that he will bond with them the way the Wellsobard version bonded with Barry, Cisco, and Caitlin.

On a side note: Do any of the admins here ever do reviews of the episodes like the admins do for The Flash?

Edited by zannej
  • Love 1

I loved this episode!! I love the Villains perspective. I found it interesting and answered some important questions. I really think the trio of actors works well of each other. I truly hope they are not killed after this season. I don't need them back next season, but I like having them be there on the back burner to cause trouble.

I love Lily. I really want her to be a permanent member. I do not believe there was ever a prerequisite that all Legends must be fighters. I also don't care that she has a similar function on the team to Ray. She brings another female perspective, which is crucial. I also think the smarter the Legends fight the more successful they will be. It's also cheaper than having to do CGI fights. And besides SL/CL, the fight scenes can be repetitive with so many stunt doubles and groups. Lily provides them another option. I will admit I was not happy with how they handled the whole "I'm an aberration" hissy fit, but I'm glad that they resolved it quickly and well. I do get the Lily would be hurt and may act emotionally first. I just felt like it was weak storytelling. It wasn't that huge of a deal, that they made it to be - but at least it didn't linger.

As for Mick, I think he is regressing because he is still grieving from losing Snart. I also think that he is losing his way and trying to figure out how to get it together. I think he is therefore becoming very withdrawn from his friends, which is why perhaps they are acting the way they are. For me, I haven't seen his character change that much. I've just seen him withdraw more and throw up walls, which is exactly how I expect Mick to act when he is under emotional stress.

All in All, the show is doing an amazing job!! It is the only hour of Flarrowverse, I need to watch the same week it airs.

  • Love 3
6 hours ago, zannej said:

I'd like to hope that whatever is going on with Mick has something to do with the past having been altered by either the team or by the Legion of Doom.

Though I know I'm likely to be disappointed I'm hoping the stuff with Mick is on purpose. That Purcell is playing it like without Snart around Mick is devolving because he is not close to anyone else and he has no one to prop him up, plush he's drunk all the time to kill the pain of losing his friend so he's not thinking as clearly as he should. Or...like kismet beat me to saying.  :)


6 hours ago, zannej said:

I noticed that Damien and Malcolm didn't seem overly sympathetic to Eobard's plight, but they still need his help to get to the spear since he knows more about it than they do.

That, and without Thawne they'll be trapped whenever and wherever they are. They certainly don't care about Thawne or each other and all of them will gladly (and in Damien's case probably gleefully) stab each other in the back when it is most appropriate.

Edited by KirkB
  • Love 5
22 hours ago, KirkB said:

Though I know I'm likely to be disappointed I'm hoping the stuff with Mick is on purpose. That Purcell is playing it like without Snart around Mick is devolving because he is not close to anyone else and he has no one to prop him up, plush he's drunk all the time to kill the pain of losing his friend so he's not thinking as clearly as he should. Or...like kismet beat me to saying.  :)


That, and without Thawne they'll be trapped whenever and wherever they are. They certainly don't care about Thawne or each other and all of them will gladly (and in Damien's case probably gleefully) stab each other in the back when it is most appropriate.

But weren't they able to take the time bubble and travel to 2025 all on their own while Thawne was off avoiding Black Flash? I can't remember if they returned to base and then went back though. I'll have to watch again. But it seems like they could conceivably use the time bubble on their own (unless Thawne is the one who input the parameters for them to travel). Speaking of the time bubble-- it only has one chair so how are they handling that? I don't think Malcolm would be sitting on Damien's lap... Does one of them have to stand while one of them sits? And now there are 3 of them probably using the bubble (if Thawne is using it instead of using his speed).

I definitely agree that Damien would probably gleefully carve up Eobard and Malcolm if given the chance when he no longer needed them.

21 hours ago, MarkHB said:

Not currently. There was editorial coverage of last season and the first few episodes of this season, plus the crossover, but not since then.

Thanks for answering. Bummer that no-one has been doing the reviews. I find them entertaining.

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