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S07.E18: Heartache

Tara Ariano

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Yeah, it bothered me on the phone when Kail sounded like she was saying it was Jo's fault she had Isaac... she'll probably just say she was mad/frustrated in general... but out of anyone there was no reason for her to take that out on Jo, who was doing her a favor. I'm sure he didn't mind coming to get Isaac, but from the looks of it, it looked like they might have been having a relaxing rainy day at home and had to pack up in the rain and go get Isaac... again I doubt Jo minded... but he didn't deserve to be snapped at to hurry.

  • Love 12
5 minutes ago, saratothej said:

Not only is it Money Hole Road, but the town is apparently RANSOM, North Carolina. 

EDIT: Sorry ya'll. The township name is Ransom, the actual town is Riegelwood...BUT STILL!

Also, Jenelle and Davey took a mortgage out on the property for $153k.

Thanks for finding this information. 


Is it stalking if I read it? lol

1 minute ago, leighroda said:

Yeah, it bothered me on the phone when Kail sounded like she was saying it was Jo's fault she had Isaac... she'll probably just say she was mad/frustrated in general... but out of anyone there was no reason for her to take that out on Jo, who was doing her a favor. I'm sure he didn't mind coming to get Isaac, but from the looks of it, it looked like they might have been having a relaxing rainy day at home and had to pack up in the rain and go get Isaac... again I doubt Jo minded... but he didn't deserve to be snapped at to hurry.

My thoughts as well! Thanks for reminding me. Poor Vivi had to be taken out in the rain because fuckhead Karl was having a meltdown.

Edited by SPLAIN
  • Love 7
35 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

I think off the grid living is awesome. Even with kids. Sometimes I think our culture is a little too obsessed with "things" and I wonder if getting back to nature wouldn't be a good move for our family. For now, we're doing a vacation cabin in the woods, a few states away. It will be mostly solar. 

My issue here is JENELLE. And her skeevy boyfriend. I wouldn't trust them in a padded cell with their children, so the idea of those kids roaming around the woods/lakes/etc. alone scares me. Most people who live that way teach their kids a lot of respect and responsibility. Jenelle tends to just let them raise themselves. 

Oh yes, totally. I wouldn't want to live anywhere with David that wasn't within shouting distance of several police stations. 

  • Love 9

UBT must've put the idea into Jenelle's head to buy a plot of land out in BFE and build on it. Especially since he's portrayed as Mr. Outdoorsman, fishing, camping, etc. She strikes me as more the townie type, doesn't want to be too far from bars, and restaurants, especially the Olive Garden. She'd never have thought of that herself, UBT is controlling her every move (literally!)

BTW, Reigelwood is about a 45 min drive one way from Babs house, so Jace will be spending a lot of time in his booster seat, assuming he has one. 

  • Love 8

Again, for the most part, these ladies never fail to impress me (and not in a good way)

Kail: I've only been a parent for a few months, but it's my goal in life to never have my child not be okay because of a situation I put her in. And if she talked to me the way she talked to Jo when he went out of his way to come get Isaac, I'd be pissed. And we'd be having a very long, very serious discussion about it later.

Jenelle: Whatever, dude. I hate to say it, but UBT is going to be the end of her. I just hope the kids are visiting grandparents when it happens. 

Leah: At least she decided not to argue with Corey over the school thing, which she would have done in the past just for the sake of arguing. She and her sister both look like death warmed over, so I'm guessing there's still pillses in the holler. Also, did she have trouble pronouncing the name fo the girlses school district? Mother of the Year right there. 

Chelsea: Thank God her immediate family is fairly normal and stable. I couldn't handle watching another wreck. If I was Mandi (that's their producer, right?), I'd have the MTV legal team on speed dial and call Adam on his breach of contract the moment he stepped even a toe out of line. Does he actually think he looks like a too-cool-to-care badass when he's acting like that?

  • Love 7

I hate that I got a creepy feeling on Jenelles land tour, I personally have trouble even joking about it (I don't care if anyone else says anything, I just have a hard time saying it myself) but it does feel like we are going to be watching that very footage again in the near future in regards to Jenelle being missing, or found there. I worry more for the kids, Ensley might be safe but I seriously fear for Kaiser, it feels like David actually dislikes him. And everything is always peachy up until the baby is born with Jenelles pattern... which means the clock is ticking.

  • Love 14

LOL @ the tweet from Javi that he was so upset because he hoped Kail would fall back in love with him when he came back.  I might have some tolerance for that if you weren't dippin' your dick on the regular while on deployment too.  Boo.  Glad those two are done with each other.  

While I gave Jo a lot of side eye when he was complaining about child support because of his lack of job....I actually don't consider him to be unemployed.  MTV pays him well.  And it's not like he hasn't worked...Kail too.  They both would go out and get a job if the MTV money dried up.  Right now MTV is paying his bills, so he's cool.  

I didn't see Kail as pissed at Jo when she called. She was just stressed the fuck out.  Jo's known her a long time and recognized it from jump street.  It's the one moment in this shit show that I'll give her credit.  She realized it all went sideways that is mostly her fault with a little bit of Javi, but it's mostly on Kail.  I've had those "are you there yet, where you at?" freak outs.  Kail didn't want Isaac gone IMO so she could hop back on the dick, but because she realized she was upset and he was upset.  I'll give her small props for knowing the best place for Isaac is to be with Jo where no drama is gonna hop on up.  Small props.  Very small.  

I do think Jace should have someone talk to him about court.  I don't think it should be Jenelle or Babs though.  They usually have an advocate for the child.  It would be great if that person could explain what is going on and what he would like.  Then he could answer honestly instead of just saying whatever he thinks someone in front of him wants to hear.  I still think Jace worries that if he says the wrong thing....they'll both leave him.  Poor kiddo.  

  • Love 6

Jenelle stfu about your long story about your pregnancy. I don't believe a fucking word you're saying. And the whole house bullshit. Ok she was already how far along was she when they bought the land? Yeah a house will be ready by then. They are both morons. 

holy shit Leah looks like hell. And redo your hair. My gosh root city. and the whole school bullshit. Just stop it already Leah. And damn you can see her bones near her neck. my gosh, she looks tore up. Corey's house looks well maintained and like there is plenty to do for the kids. 

Kail really is an asshole. I'm sorry but make sure your kid is ok. Quit looking for cock. Your kid should be your priority and how about she try to get along with Javi, just in front of the kids. Oh yeah I'm talking about Kail.

Thank goodness for Jo and I'm glad he is being level headed. But for her to be all acting the way she is fucking stupid and I know it's a tense time but come on. Quit acting like a brat. And I like Jo's simple house. So proud of Jo and understanding the situation and knowing how much Javi means to Isaac. And for helping his son and wanting Isaac to know that he will help.

That's a nice new truck that Dave was driving. So she buys land and a new truck for him, while he doesn't work. She's like Amber 2.

WTH was up with Janelle's fucking stupid ass dress? Jesus. You're sick of traffic and want privacy, we'll get off TV.


I love that Chelsea still has her jeep and that we actually see Aubree having so much fun

Edited by toodywoody
  • Love 12
1 hour ago, Birdee said:


Chelsea: Thank God her immediate family is fairly normal and stable. I couldn't handle watching another wreck. If I was Mandi (that's their producer, right?), I'd have the MTV legal team on speed dial and call Adam on his breach of contract the moment he stepped even a toe out of line. Does he actually think he looks like a too-cool-to-care badass when he's acting like that?

I'm more confused about how he never has trouble getting girlfriends (and decent looking ones at that.)  The guy is the world's biggest douche.  He's putting his douchiness on display over and over again on the show.  What kind of desperate woman says "ooooh, he seems like an awesome catch!"

  • Love 15

I really wish Barb would've said to Janelle "are you pregnant because you sure look like it"  BTW - whatever happened to all of Janelle's crazy illnesses?

Don't blame Chelsea for pushing off the wedding reception.  Aubree was too cute at that t-ball game.  Was that Paisley crawling all over Adam's victim or does she have a kid?  I really wish they would tell him to kick rocks but hopefully those paychecks are garnished to pay up his back child support.

Leah's a mess.  Kail's assy.  My heart breaks for poor, sweet Isaac.  Still don't feel bad for Javi, dude knew what he was getting himself into.

  • Love 8
2 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

UBT must've put the idea into Jenelle's head to buy a plot of land out in BFE and build on it. Especially since he's portrayed as Mr. Outdoorsman, fishing, camping, etc. She strikes me as more the townie type, doesn't want to be too far from bars, and restaurants, especially the Olive Garden. She'd never have thought of that herself, UBT is controlling her every move (literally!)

BTW, Reigelwood is about a 45 min drive one way from Babs house, so Jace will be spending a lot of time in his booster seat, assuming he has one. 

Is this the same land/pond where they went fishing in the first half of this season. That looks just like the same place they put the boat in. 

  • Love 3
1 minute ago, greatscott91 said:

I had to laugh at Nathan suggesting Jenelle marry UBT before getting pregnant.

I thought it was interesting to see Nathan even suggest that UBT "made" Jenelle go off her birth control.

I think he "makes" her do a lot of things. Makes her buy him a truck, makes her buy land & move into a trailer in the middle of nowhere, makes her pay the bills since he doesn't work, for starters.

  • Love 13
38 minutes ago, Miss Chevious said:

I think he "makes" her do a lot of things. Makes her buy him a truck, makes her buy land & move into a trailer in the middle of nowhere, makes her pay the bills since he doesn't work, for starters.

Is there a school that produces the Dave's and Matt's of the world? Perhaps a class at the Learning Annex.? How to hustle and scam reality stars so you never have to work again.

  • Love 15
6 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

UBT must've put the idea into Jenelle's head to buy a plot of land out in BFE and build on it. Especially since he's portrayed as Mr. Outdoorsman, fishing, camping, etc. She strikes me as more the townie type, doesn't want to be too far from bars, and restaurants, especially the Olive Garden. She'd never have thought of that herself, UBT is controlling her every move (literally!)

BTW, Reigelwood is about a 45 min drive one way from Babs house, so Jace will be spending a lot of time in his booster seat, assuming he has one. 

Yep. In all the years Jenelle has been on our TVs, have we ever seen her go camping or fishing? Hell, NO. Her idea of the great outdoors is going to the beach and getting high. She meets UBT and suddenly, she's into fishing, camping and buys property in the boonies. Lets start a pool on how long it'll be until we see a post on Instagram of a deer hanging on their porch with her saying how cool it is that UBT can bag dinner while sitting on the porch drinking beer. Modular homes can be really nice, especially if time and money is spent on building a nice deck/porch, concrete walkways, a driveway and landscaping around the home. I'll bet Jenelle's dream home will wind up looking like a trailer plopped in some trees with mismatched boards and plywood thrown together as a 'porch'. And, an assortment of broken down trucks, ATV's and boats scattered around.

  • Love 13
1 hour ago, CofCinci said:

Janelle takes on the interests of her partner because she's so desperate for them to love her. Kiefer was into drugs so she was high ya both high.  Nathan was into fitness so Janelle got into that for a while.  Dave is into hunting/fishing, so of course Janelle is buying swamp land. 

Yeah, I've noticed that, too!

Reminds me of when Mr. Calm81 (at the time first date) would "like" everything I did until we married and he said he hated it all. Lol. I'm talking little things like "Oh I love drowning my food in hot sauce, too" & " I love covering my pizza in crushed red peppers we are sooooo much a like we're meant to be." Ha.

Poor guy suffered serious stomach problems to get me to like him. He didn't need to do any of that. Bless his heart.

He wouldn't adopt a drug problem though to be with me and Jenelle is crazy. You don't have to be into the same things as your significant other...opposites attract, I'd hate to be with someone EXACTLY like me as there will be nothing new added to the relationship- I'm great and all but need only one Mrs. Calm81.

Holy shit I totally just rambled on about nothing. I'm still hitting the submit button. Peace.

Edited by Calm81
Holy shit not hoky shit
  • Love 15
5 hours ago, CofCinci said:

Janelle takes on the interests of her partner because she's so desperate for them to love her. Kiefer was into drugs so she was high ya both high.  Nathan was into fitness so Janelle got into that for a while.  Dave is into hunting/fishing, so of course Janelle is buying swamp land. 

I always feel bad for people like this (it's not exclusive to women) because when they inevitably break up with their "host" they're lost much more than someone with their own sense of individuality would be.  Not only are they partnerless, they're without an identity, since they simply borrowed theirs from their partner temporarily.  These types of people are never able to just be by themselves, even for a short period of time.  Her poor children.

  • Love 13

I thought the same thing about Jenelle trying to have the same interests as every guy she's with.  She looked kind of embarrassed at UTB's comment about having butterflies in his britches.  That sure didn't stop her from putting his name on the land deed though.  When Mr. Abmis and I bought our place we managed to refrain from kissing and declaring our love at the closing.

My heart aches for Jace and Isaac.  Jo and Vee are saints to put up with Kail's crap.  I think Isaac would flourish in their calm and seemingly happy home. When I was watching the show,  I  wondered if they were working or going to school.  I mentally compared them to Tyler and Cait from TMOG and there is no comparison.   Jo and Vee live in a clean house and actually interact with their daughter.  Whether or not they have jobs, they seem to live a normal life.  I'd love to see Isaac live with them, but I think he and Lincoln would be miserable being separated.  The whole thing is a big mess and I blame Kail.

Leah's is a total mess and a crappy mother.

I'm so happy for Chelsea, Cole, and Aubree.  It's so nice to see a happy child on this show for a change.

  • Love 15

The whole thing is a big mess and I blame Kail.

Kail had the chance to be honest and lay it all out there (no pun intended) to Javi about her not wanting to be married anymore. Instead, she denied, denied, denied. She played the victim. She was not honest in therapy. If one is not honest in therapy, they will get dishonest help.

@lovesnark yep!

Jenelle didn't even seem concerned about the baby after the accident. It was all about why people didn't seem concerned about HER. Her daughter, in utero, doesn't even garner any sort of concern, just like the children she already brought into the world.

  • Love 8

Finally watched! I have to say this is the first time I actually cried at an episode and it was mostly for what Isaac is going through. When he said "I just want to you guys to get along, I want Dad (Javi) to live with us" I was having flashbacks to myself as an 8 year old, begging and pleading with my mother to get back together with my dad. Watching your parents go through a divorce sucks, especially being so young and not understanding the real reason and why it's happening. Of course, my mother is nothing like Kail, she was more like Jo in that situation, assuring me that she would always be there and I could see my dad whenever I wanted, they just weren't going to be married anymore. Not to get too OT, but throughout my parent's divorce, my mother put myself and my brother first before anything. I wish Kail ( and some of these other mothers) would do the same. Javi has his faults, but I'm glad that he recognized that Isaac is having a hard time and Kail needs to focus on him.

Mandi the producer is a stronger woman than me, I would have slugged Adam and told him say bye to your money! Wtf is up with that girl he was with? What do these women see in him?! Every time I see Adam or UBT I want to hurl.

  • Love 15
19 hours ago, saratothej said:

I believe that she did mean that Isaac shouldn't have been at her house while she was "figuring" things out with Javi. I agree, he would have been better of with Jo and Vee since Kail and Javi are unable to control their arguing in front of the kids. 


18 hours ago, leighroda said:

Yeah, it bothered me on the phone when Kail sounded like she was saying it was Jo's fault she had Isaac... she'll probably just say she was mad/frustrated in general... but out of anyone there was no reason for her to take that out on Jo, who was doing her a favor. I'm sure he didn't mind coming to get Isaac, but from the looks of it, it looked like they might have been having a relaxing rainy day at home and had to pack up in the rain and go get Isaac... again I doubt Jo minded... but he didn't deserve to be snapped at to hurry.

I was going to say the same thing - it came across that Kail was blaming Jo that Isaac was at home although I don't think she meant it that way but if she thinks Isaac didn't need to be there then maybe she should check herself and having a screaming match with Javi while Isaac is there.  I think she needs some help in controlling her anger - being able to not get riled up by Javi so they can have at it sometime later when the kids aren't around (and give them time to cool off) 
Jo is probably so used to Kails up and down moods that he didn't blink an eye when she was snapping demands at him. 

  • Love 5

Everything else has been said so...

Wow, Adam's girlfriend is weird looking. I don't feel bad saying so because she must be an awful person to date that POS. And to just sit there silently. Idiot. It's disgusting that Adam is still on this show. Also, he's seemingly introduced more random "women" to his children than all the other idiots on the show combined.

  • Love 3
3 hours ago, Rebecca said:

Everything else has been said so...

Wow, Adam's girlfriend is weird looking. I don't feel bad saying so because she must be an awful person to date that POS. And to just sit there silently. Idiot. It's disgusting that Adam is still on this show. Also, he's seemingly introduced more random "women" to his children than all the other idiots on the show combined.

Her name was Stacia. I say was because I really don't think they are together anymore.  She had mentioned on Instagram she did not want to be filmed. They briefly got engaged and then she locked up her account and he no longer posted pics of her. 

  • Love 1

Through the years I have saved little trinkets from serious boyfriends to keep for memories. I think most of us do this. Jailnelle has taken it to a whole other level now by having a baby as a souvenir for each relationship she has. I'm surprised she didn't have a little Keif-ahhh or Courtland as well. 

Kail is too vile for words, Leah is higher than a plane piloted by Snoop, Wiz Khalifa and Lil Wayne.

Chelsea is like a breath of fresh air compared to these hoes.                     

  • Love 11
1 hour ago, Mkay said:

Her name was Stacia. I say was because I really don't think they are together anymore.  She had mentioned on Instagram she did not want to be filmed. They briefly got engaged and then she locked up her account and he no longer posted pics of her. 


That's the most recent info I could find on them earlier, it's after all the break up rumors so who knows. Either way I think she's an idiot. You're an awesome sleuth (seriously, you have provided soooo much info!) can you find anything confirming they've broken up from after that? I found a nauseating article about her long ass post in defense of him (http://starcasm.net/archives/355246) but it's from August.

  • Love 1
8 minutes ago, Rebecca said:


That's the most recent info I could find on them earlier, it's after all the break up rumors so who knows. Either way I think she's an idiot. You're an awesome sleuth (seriously, you have provided soooo much info!) can you find anything confirming they've broken up from after that? I found a nauseating article about her long ass post in defense of him (http://starcasm.net/archives/355246) but it's from August.

Thank you!! I try. I have a lot of time at night when I'm wide awake. I love finding things, especially when I'm reading a good non fiction book. It comes from that. I want to see the people, the locations, whatever the story I'm reading so that I can have a visual. It's fun to find those things. I'll see If I can find anything. 

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, chrissybk said:

Through the years I have saved little trinkets from serious boyfriends to keep for memories. I think most of us do this. Jailnelle has taken it to a whole other level now by having a baby as a souvenir for each relationship she has. I'm surprised she didn't have a little Keif-ahhh or Courtland as well. 

Kail is too vile for words, Leah is higher than a plane piloted by Snoop, Wiz Khalifa and Lil Wayne.

Chelsea is like a breath of fresh air compared to these hoes.                     

Remember, she was going to have a little Courtland but chose to have an abortion. Then got pregnant with Kaiser immediately. She wasn't sure if the positive pregnancy test was due to being pregnant or due to hormonal leftovers from the abortion. She's so damn classy! It's amazing that she didn't get pregnant with Kief-ahhh..............that we know of.

  • Love 9

Her telling whoever it was that she didn't know for sure if she was pregnant because she'd just aborted another pregnancy is Jenelle in a nutshell. Utter and total trash. She chose to say that in front of a camera crew! Kail is veering dangerously close to Jenelle territory. Screaming fights in front of the kids - check. Lying about where she is and what she's doing because she's with her new dick - check. Dumping her son because of screaming fight and new dick - check. Yelling at the person picking up her son on a moment's notice - check.

  • Love 13
On 1/31/2017 at 3:01 PM, mrsh said:

Finally finished watching, and this episode is so infuriating. Poor Jace is so stressed out at the thought of having to live with Jenelle and Uncle ID Channel. At this point Jace needs to stay with Babs, he has lived with her his whole life and has a life with her. Even if Jenelle was a changed person (which she's NOT!) It's too late now and he needs to stay where he is. I pray for Babs to be healthy and live for another 20 years, because I can see Uncle ID channel being abusive to Jace, and Jenelle turning a blind eye to it if he were sent to live with them permanently. Add to that the fact that Jenelle keeps popping out kids, while she had no problem abandoning Jace. Yes Jenelle! You ABANDONED Jace! Barbara did not steal him!

As for Karl, I posted earlier about my loathing of her. She's a horrible human being and mother. Watching the segment with Javi and his friend at his hotel, I'm inclined to believe his side more than Karl's. If blurry dreads guy was just a friend, karl could have easily told Javi, I have a friend over, but go ahead and drop off Lincoln. Instead she lied that she was at walmart, why go through all that? Plus, was she banging that guy with Isaac in the house?? What kind of nastiness is that? If I were Jo, I would be livid at he doing this in front of Isaac.

Chelsea- so cute, I love her segments because her happiness is obvious. She's great with Aubree and they are a sweet family. Only bad thing is Adumb. He is really the biggest piece of shit ever. Funny enough, when I was young and dumb, I actually had a 2 year relationship with a guy named Adam. He was great at first, but within the first year he turned into a lazy, mooching piece of crap. Once i got mad at him and told him that i could do better than him and he told me I was lucky he was even interested in me. He actually looks alot like Adumb, so everytime I see Adumb on screen he disgusts me so much. I wish mtv would cut him loose, we don't need his ugly mug on our screens.

Leah- obviously high as all, and she always looks like she rolled out of bed and is unwashed. I'm sure a cloud of cigarette smoke, failure and BO follows her wherever she goes.

She smells like Marlboro light 100's and broken hopes and dreams....

43 minutes ago, lovesnark said:

Remember, she was going to have a little Courtland but chose to have an abortion. Then got pregnant with Kaiser immediately. She wasn't sure if the positive pregnancy test was due to being pregnant or due to hormonal leftovers from the abortion. She's so damn classy! It's amazing that she didn't get pregnant with Kief-ahhh..............that we know of.

Yes, I am so surprised that she didn't keep the baby with Courtland and have one with Kief-ahhh too. Maybe Kief-ahhh's little swimmers weren't strong enough and drowned in the toxic waste of Jailnelle's cooch.

  • Love 4
On 1/31/2017 at 5:11 PM, SPLAIN said:

Thanks for finding this information. 


Is it stalking if I read it? lol

My thoughts as well! Thanks for reminding me. Poor Vivi had to be taken out in the rain because fuckhead Karl was having a meltdown.

It's only stalking if you whip up your grandma's recipe for traditional ice water in a mason jar first then go to her trailer and then toss it at her head. 

  • Love 7

The Jace and Isaac situations just make me sad, so I'll skip over them for now. Instead, I'll share the one light moment I had watching this episode.

During Aubrey's t-ball scene, I noticed how she was doing a funny little run-hop-run thing while running the bases. Just as I was wondering what was up with that, Cole showed up and Chelsea did the exact same run-hop-run thing over to Cole. So that was cute.

Janelle, David, Kail, Javi, and all their assorted children just made me sad this week.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Vandy10 said:

The Jace and Isaac situations just make me sad, so I'll skip over them for now. Instead, I'll share the one light moment I had watching this episode.

During Aubrey's t-ball scene, I noticed how she was doing a funny little run-hop-run thing while running the bases. Just as I was wondering what was up with that, Cole showed up and Chelsea did the exact same run-hop-run thing over to Cole. So that was cute.


That was a sweet moment. One of many I am sure happens in Aubree's life.


She smells like Marlboro light 100's and broken hopes and dreams....

But! she has the best washer and dryer in town.

  • Love 3

Despite all his flaws, I think Kee-fuh probably wrapped it up. He saw Jenelle's crazy (parking lot fight and I'm sure a lot we didn't see) and maybe also knew in his selfish junkie haze he didn't want kids. He's about the only one of her men we never saw with a baby scare (IIRC) and knows he doesn't want to be tied to anyone long-term (jenelle or not).

  • Love 6
35 minutes ago, sunsheyen said:

Despite all his flaws, I think Kee-fuh probably wrapped it up. He saw Jenelle's crazy (parking lot fight and I'm sure a lot we didn't see) and maybe also knew in his selfish junkie haze he didn't want kids. He's about the only one of her men we never saw with a baby scare (IIRC) and knows he doesn't want to be tied to anyone long-term (jenelle or not).

Big shout out to the Keifers and the Robbies of the world who know how to keep their bullshit lives to themselves and not breed children to suffer their stupidity.

  • Love 11
24 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

I thought Keiffer also had a child in another state (NJ?) that he rarely saw.

He does. Jenelle dropped that bomb when she was being called out for being a dead-beat mom. I remember the article being posted here. It was also during that time when Jenelle referred to Kieffer as the N word. Effing bitch! Whatever Kieffer may be, referring to him by using such an ugly slur really burns me up. Jenelle and Kail are two of a kind.

  • Love 2
On 1/31/2017 at 0:44 PM, heatherchandler said:

He looked super relieved.  Janelle keeps telling him not to worry, he will be back with her one day... that is making him worried!

Poor Jace. I also thought he looked super relieved when Barb said she wants him to stay with her and was so cute with his, "Then that's what I'll do." I'm glad he felt comfortable asking her about it, too, AND that he told Jenelle last week that he wanted to go home so he could go to camp. He knows that Jenelle would never sign him up for camp or the boy scouts and all the other things he likes and I'm sure he absolutely does not want to go live in the woods with that crazy bunch. I wonder if the tour of the land is what made him ask Barb about where she wanted him to live.

Also felt sorry for poor Isaac. Thank goodness he has Jo because I don't trust Javi to work on fostering that relationship and Kailyn will probably find ways to keep them apart, too.

  • Love 6

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