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S07.E18: Heartache

Tara Ariano

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What the hell was Jenelle wearing? It wasn't just that she looked ridiculous trying to "hide" her pregnancy in a skintight dress, it was the other obvious fat rolls peeping through, the ill-fitting and droopy back, the awkward mic set bunching the fabric on the side, and the visible granny-panty line. Good Lord. 

If I were Javi, I'd move myself right back into that house and fight her for it. Just out of spite. Well, probably not because I wouldn't want to put the kids through that, but I'd certainly WANT to. 

Hate the fake-Southern way UBT says "buttaflies." 

  • Love 12

FFS! Adam is a flipping douchebag of the highest order. I think them pushing the big wedding is a good idea. Get married at your cabin so you can party at your reception. Aubrey is just cute as hell and well behaved. You can see she is adored.

Loved Janelle showing off her gravesite errrr land. She could lose a child in that water. How does she expect to build in less than 9 months? Good Luck with that! Jace.....just wants to live at his home with Meme. Now leave him alone. Did she move yet again? The kitchen looked different.

Leah still looks HIGH AF! So did her side kick. I can't even with this girl! 

Kail....I got nothin! She can pound salt. Poor Issac! That tore me up. I don't think it was rehearsed. He had a little time to cool off and think about it. He handled the situation well. 

  • Love 10

I say it every week this season, but I really hate Kail. Hearing her whining to her producer about how Javi dared to come into their house was annoying, but hearing that Isaac was present for their fight really left me disgusted with her. She couldn't keep it together enough to let Javi get his freaking box, so Isaac had to witness them fighting, and to top it off Karl's side piece was there with Karl and Isaac? Wtf! The worst part was Karl did not give one fuck that Isaac was upset, she said as much when the producer asked if Isaac was okay and she said " umm, i dont ......" and broke off. She is vile.

Is jc the producer she is rumored to be sleeping with? I can see it, karl would do it if she felt she could benefit from it.

  • Love 9

I was impressed with Jo and Vee. They were really great in that situation. I love that they were thinking of Isaac's whole health. It seemed they were vested in keeping Isaac's relationship with Javi stable, and just letting Isaac know that probably comforted him. Why couldn't Kail be honest with Javi? Clearly the relationship was troubled before he shipped off. Though she wants to live her life as she did during the 6 months he was away, she does need to deal with wrapping things up with that situation prior to moving forward and doing whatever she wants to do. It's being responsible.

Agree about the word "co-parenting!" How many times did they say that. Must have been at least 15! Stop!!!

Leah, why would you ask Addie if she wanted to move back to the old house when that isn't an option? And why would you wear a shirt that says rotten to the core anyway? What am I not getting? 

What Jace said to Barb sounded like it came from some suggestive conversations from Jenelle and Dave. He seemed like he was doubting Meme wanted him. So sad. Just let him be. Maybe in high school he can come live with you for a bit, but let him develop like a normal kid without the inner conflict of who wants him and where he should or shouldn't be living. 

  • Love 10

Watched this with way less focus than I usually do- so I am sure I missed lots of important stuff. But--- my take---Leah looked horrible and I really saw what many of you are saying about the druggy look. Also her grandmother was rather rough too. I can't believe how young these people are and how they look so weathered. It's all that rough living.

I always think that how sweet and kind Isaac seems somehow must reflect on his mama but maybe now I don't know. He sure is a sweet kid and I always thought that Javi was really a good guy. Jo is too. (on a side note- though- why does he not marry the current baby mama as they do seem like a nice match).  It was very touching the scene with Jo and Isaac, but I too think some of this stuff being filmed is really bad news for those involved. I guess you sell your soul to get the paycheck and not have to really do a 9 to 5 so to speak.

I thought Jace and Barbara was such a sad scene. He said what do you want me to do then that is what I will do. Poor kid. Really.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, blondiek237 said:

I think MTV is taking all of Adumb's check to pay his back child support, so he is stuck filming and getting nothing in return.  He can't quit because child support has to be paid, but he is going to make it as difficult as possible

Probably not. The "talent" on TM/TM2 are not employees of MTV. They're self-employed contractors. It's very difficult to garnish that type of wage. For example, several of these women have owed the IRS $50,000 - $130,000 (and still do). The IRS can't garnish and MTV isn't getting involved. 

Edited by CofCinci
  • Love 1

Is there some sort of issue with Jace? There seemed to be a lot of sort of twitchy blinking, I mean that kid's seen some trauma, maybe it's just a reaction. I also think that coversation is more total words from Jace than in the entire last season. So sad.

I think Leah's actual story this week was meant to be "Wow, she looks terrible. Like ILL terrible, like smoeone who cares about her please get her help terrible." There's no way the entire story was "I think they should temporarily change schools!" That's not how it works. Somehow this was even more of a story than Chelsea (which was...Adam sucks? I don't know), but she was smartly paired with Kailynn for most of this episode, because that, my friends, was some darkly sad shit. Say what you want about Javi, and I'm not a huge fan of his (I don't see or don't remember much of the emotional abuse everyone here seems to), but HIS version of the story of their argument makes way, WAY more sense to me than her version ever did. One thing that's important to remember, I think, is while we've watched him returning home from service for three weeks, that looks like it might not have been three actual DAYS. What an asshole. Can't be bothered to sit and explain shit to that poor kid, but runs all of these machinations to get a little fuck on? Poor form. Can't wait until Dr. Drew glosses over it and says what a wonderful mom and person she is. 

  • Love 16

Heartache is right. I think this is the first time I've been really really uncomfortable watching this show. I'm seeing kids' lives torn apart and their little, tiny, innocent, trusting hearts broken. And I just don't know how much more of it I can stomach. 

First there's Isaac. My heart just goes out to that kid. Divorce is hard on ALL kids, but there's something about Isaac's nature. He's sensitive and the type to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. The way Kail and Javi are handling this is so unfair to him.

 It's hard to know exactly what went down, since production wasn't there. But, for one, it appears ALL of their scenes since Javi came home have taken place over the course of one day. Kail and Isaac, I noticed, were in the same clothing. So Javi came home in the morning, they took the kids to camp, he came back to the house, Kail yelled at him about the mail, then after camp he took the kids to dinner and then brought them home....or attempted to bring them home. Or maybe he brought Isaac home, but kept Lincoln for a bit? I'm super confused about that. Because Kail acted like it was some big shock that he showed up at the house, but he said he was trying to bring Lincoln home. She lied about being at Wal-mart, to buy her time to get some dude out of the house. Clearly. 

Now look, I don't begrudge the woman her boy toys. If she wants to get it on with whatever guy strikes her fancy, go for it. Javi and Kail have been done for a LONG time. So it's not even that. It's the fact that dude JUST came home and everything is different, and one of your kids is obviously struggling with it, but you can't wait FIVE minutes before having some dick over??? Really??? Focus on your damn kid. Get him through this tough time. THEN start weenie shopping. For God's sake. 

Thank the heavens for Jo. He is the real MVP here. I loved everything about how he handled the talk with Isaac. He truly wanted to know if the kid was okay, instead of how Kail just insisted to her producer that Isaac was okay. He reassured him not only that the kid would get to see Javi, but that HE wasn't going anywhere either. That showed some real insight into the the total state of confusion and chaos his son must be experiencing right now. Bless your heart, Jo Rivera, you have come a long damn way. 


Jace also seemed really a wreck tonight. The kid should not have to be stressing about court. And he's clearly stressed over it. Did anyone else notice he seems to have developed a facial tic, when he's worried about something? When he was asking Barb about where he would live, court, etc. he was blinking extra hard. Almost like a stutter for his eyes. I've never seen him do that anymore. And he only did it when asking those questions. That really concerned me, and pissed me off at the same time. Again, too much fucking weight on that little kid's shoulders. I'm actually dreading the baby announcement next week, because I think it's really going to hurt him. 

Jenelle is a fucking moron. If she doesn't want people to ask about her pregnancy, how about not wearing skin-tight dresses? And no matter how much you and Uncle ID Channel get Kai to parrot, "I'm a happy boy", I'm not going to buy it. The dirty hot dog face crying in the crib says otherwise. 

I literally yelled, "No, Barb! Don't go into the woods with that man!" when David was showing them the land. I'd fear for all their lives, but half of me doesn't think a house will ever get built out there. 

When a dude says he has butterflies in his britches about the thought of his baby-to-be, that sound skeevy to anyone else??? And Jenelle is so clearly bitter about Chelsea getting a good reception with HER baby news; it delights me to no end. 


I'm glad Cory and Leah were able to work out the school situation peaceably. Leah seems to think they've reach this great co-parenting plateau. But I have my own theories. I think she's back (still?) on drugs. Anyone see how loopy and spaced out both she AND Victoria looked at the nail place? So yea, I think she's doing shit, but maybe a bit more conservatively. She got in real hot water before, and is trying to hold it together a bit better. So part of that is just agreeing with whatever Cory wants, so she doesn't raise suspicions or look like a bad parent again. Just a thought. 

My suggestion to both of them, amid the flooding and displaced student situation, was to just pick the wellest school and be done with it. 


Thank God for Chelsea's scenes. The only ones to offer a bright spot amongst all this doom and gloom. All the other kids are living in these fucked up situations, and here's little Aubree, watering her trees and playing t-ball. Even surly asshole Adumb can't really spoil it. It's like Chelsea and Cole and the people surrounding them are SUCH a positive force, that Adumb's douchery barely registers. 

And I agree with their decision about the wedding. I really do think the pregnancy was a bit of an accident. Because I think Chelsea really was planning her dream wedding, and now she's having to postpone. It may have been a bit of a naive, ignorant accident, but I do not think she meant to get pregnant so far out from her wedding. So yea, going ahead with tying the knot, but saving the big ceremony for later makes sense to me. Chelsea is a good person and she's earned the right to a perfect day, IMO. 

Edited by ghoulina
  • Love 20
3 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

 It's hard to know exactly what went down, since production wasn't there. But, for one, it appears ALL of their scenes since Javi came home have taken place over the course of one day. Kail and Isaac, I noticed, were in the same clothing. So Javi came home in the morning, they took the kids to camp, he came back to the house, Kail yelled at him about the mail, then after camp he took the kids to dinner and then brought them home....or attempted to bring them home. Or maybe he brought Isaac home, but kept Lincoln for a bit? I'm super confused about that. Because Kail acted like it was some big shock that he showed up at the house, but he said he was trying to bring Lincoln home. She lied about being at Wal-mart, to buy her time to get some dude out of the house. Clearly. 

I've been trying to figure out this timeline myself. So he came home at like 11pm, went out with his friends, then basically over the course of MAYBE two days, the rest of this shit happens? Both the friends are there, the clothes look the same. Whatever you think of this person, there's no fucking way that's what he deserved. I'm not saying he should be surprised, but ONE DAY features "Don't open your mail, no you can't borrow the car seats, give me your keys, your truck sucks, don't come over because I'm fucking someone at the moment, welcome home American hero?" What the mother fuck? What kind of person is this? I don't care who she fucks, she could get a whole slew of guys and girls for all I care, but you can't let a few days go by so you can deal with all of this complication FIRST? Without even telling your son what's going on?

And you know she's going to say she DID tell him and he didn't understand, but WHEN? When would she have had this conversation with him? And even if she DID tell him, if he doesn't understand, if he seems uncomfortable, if he (most likely scenario) seems to just want to hug on you and be close to you, THAT IS WHAT YOU DO. Not say "Well, this is how it is, First Dad is coming over to pick you up now because I need some vitamin D stat, talk later okay byeeeee?" I love how she called Jo basically telling him to hurry up...the fuck bitch? The way that poor kid climbed silently into the car, it just sends fucking chills down your spine. And Jaci's version of this story made WAY more sense than Kailyn's. She left out "and some guy was here to get on this so he was going to be totally cockblocked, I'd even set up Jo to come and get Isaac for the hour I needed, and then Javi fucked that up." It's just gross. 

  • Love 16
10 hours ago, SPLAIN said:

That whole house in the woods near the lake idea just screams horror.

That's my dream location - it's DAVE that makes it scream horror for me. 


10 hours ago, Miss Chevious said:

Now we know for sure UBT's on the deed for the land. He couldn't grab that pen  to sign his name fast enough in that lawyer's office. Boy will she be sorry when they eventually split up.

I have this really crazy theory that UBT is a serial killer who needs somewhere to bury the bodies. So he's using Jenelle's money to fund his secret lair. Yea, I'm a whacko. 


9 hours ago, shelley1005 said:

I'm not sure Jenelle will run to Babs for babysitting.  She seems to shove Kaiser off on anybody else, but her.  Instead of Jenelle being grateful for Babs giving Jace a life...she thinks she's some evil witch waiting to pounce and snatch any and all of her babies.  

Yup. She does really seem to think Barb stole Jace. She appears to have amnesia over all of her late night partying and drug abuse and leaving the state with her boyfrieeeeend. 


7 hours ago, kdl88 said:

Omg, I had no idea what "a loop" meant! Thank you, Shelley1005! The Teen Mom cast is full of geniuses. 

That's the one thing we can always count on Nathan for - butchering the English language. 

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, mayvenne said:

Watched this with way less focus than I usually do- so I am sure I missed lots of important stuff. But--- my take---Leah looked horrible and I really saw what many of you are saying about the druggy look. Also her grandmother was rather rough too. I can't believe how young these people are and how they look so weathered. It's all that rough living.

I always think that how sweet and kind Isaac seems somehow must reflect on his mama but maybe now I don't know. He sure is a sweet kid and I always thought that Javi was really a good guy. Jo is too. (on a side note- though- why does he not marry the current baby mama as they do seem like a nice match).  It was very touching the scene with Jo and Isaac, but I too think some of this stuff being filmed is really bad news for those involved. I guess you sell your soul to get the paycheck and not have to really do a 9 to 5 so to speak.

I thought Jace and Barbara was such a sad scene. He said what do you want me to do then that is what I will do. Poor kid. Really.

I have a feeling they are not yet married so Vee can look poorer on paper and get Medicaid and other government benefits. 

2 hours ago, bounnatalie said:

Leah, why would you ask Addie if she wanted to move back to the old house when that isn't an option? And why would you wear a shirt that says rotten to the core anyway? What am I not getting? 


It is very punk rock. Although Leah is most certainly not.

  • Love 5
20 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Right? He hauled his baby out in the pouring rain, to come deal with the mess YOU created, but can't be bothered to clean up after - and you're yelling because he's not there fast enough. Jo is giving Kail a lot of grace right now. Much more than she deserves. 

There seems to be some scene next week where Jo confronts Kail about it in a FAR more composed manner than I could imagine doing. The way she hurt that kid, the way he reacted, I'd have been in an absolute rage, once I figured out what had happened. Involving Jo in that whole thing, it's all collateral damage that's easily avoidable if you're not a total asshole. Don't do that in front of my kid, jackass. 

  • Love 5

I need someone to make Kail watch the footage of Isaac crying over and over again until she admits she's a shitty mother. How fucking heinous is she that she couldn't remain calm with Javi while Isaac was there. The poor kid is going through enough as it is since he's losing his second dad, and Kail makes it worse by making him witness her and Javi fighting. Javi isn't a saint, but he was right when he said that Kail needs to stop focusing on other guys and creating drama and instead put her kids first. But I guess it's easier to shove Isaac out the door to Jo and let him clean up the debris from her shit storm. 

But honestly, thank god for Jo and Vee. At least Jo cared enough about his son to sit him down and reassure him that he'll always be loved and that he won't lose access to Javi. I never would have guessed that Jo would turn out to be such a great dad, but he truly is.

  • Love 12
11 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

How stupid is Jenelle? If you want to hide a pregnancy you don't wear skin tight clothing! And poor Jace, once again being asked to choose between Barb and Jenelle. What is wrong with these people? Grrr!


Jenelle wore a skin tight dress on purpose, she wanted to rub Barb's face in it. She wanted Barb to ask her so she could deny everything, and she was enjoying putting Barb in that position. Everything is a power struggle with Janelle. She wants to win. By behaving like an ass to her mother she felt like she won. Fuck her. She is gross and Dave is creepy. He considers Janelle and her kids his possessions, to do with as he pleases. It won't end well.

8 hours ago, kdl88 said:

Leah looks awful, 20 years older than she is. She needs to eat a sandwich. 

Leah looks rough. Her hair looks like cotton candy from excessive bleaching, her eyes are pissholes in the snow, and she is scrawny and bony. She's only what--23? 24? She looks 40. She and Victoria were baked when they went for their mani-pedis. Victoria looked like she was about to pass out any second (though maybe it was just with boredom over Leah's endless monotone whinging).  And once again Ali is wheelchair-less, helmet-less, and doing things like jumping on a trampoline! How do they not understand that this is bad for her?

1 hour ago, ghoulina said:

Heartache is right. I think this is the first time I've been really really uncomfortable watching this show. I'm seeing kids' lives torn apart and their little, tiny, innocent, trusting hearts broken. And I just don't know how much more of it I can stomach. 

First there's Isaac. My heart just goes out to that kid. Divorce is hard on ALL kids, but there's something about Isaac's nature. He's sensitive and the type to carry the weight of the world on his shoulders. The way Kail and Javi are handling this is so unfair to him.


@ghoulina, I agree with every word of your post, but especially this. Isaac is a lovely child and Kail is beneath contempt.

35 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

Right? He hauled his baby out in the pouring rain, to come deal with the mess YOU created, but can't be bothered to clean up after - and you're yelling because he's not there fast enough. Jo is giving Kail a lot of grace right now. Much more than she deserves. 

I damn near dropped my teeth when Kail called Jo to demand to know where he was, then order him to "hurry up". Girl, take a goddamn seat.

  • Love 20

I had to pause the TV and call my husband in the room when Jenelle started talking about not wanting to admit her pregnancy WHILE WEARING A SKIN TIGHT DRESS THAT SHOWED OFF EVERY CENTIMETER OF HER OBVIOUSLY PREGNANT BELLY.    He immediately started cracking up.  Jenelle is a special kind of stupid.  And Jenelle, honey?  If everyone is happy for and congratulating Chelsea for doing it "the right way" and no one is congratulating you, maybe you should think about possible reasons WHY?  Of course that would take a tiny bit of self awareness.

There's a special place in hell for Kail.  I couldn't believe when the producer was saying "and Issac's okay?" and she replied he was HE HAD TO YELL OVER HER THAT HE WASN'T.  I can't.   What a selfish bitch.  Thank god he's got one good, loving, caring parent.  Kail is impressively self involved right now.  I couldn't IMAGINE ignoring my six year old as he tries to tell me he's hurting and isn't okay.   What kind of fucking mother does that?  She's the worst. 

Leah looks cracked out as hell.  I know she's a fan of the pillses but she's totally getting meth face. That girl is gonna look 50 in about 5 years at this rate.

  • Love 15
4 minutes ago, lezlers said:

Leah looks cracked out as hell.  I know she's a fan of the pillses but she's totally getting meth face. That girl is gonna look 50 in about 5 years at this rate.

The scene on her porch swing, she looked like the skank from Breaking Bad S3 who crushes Spooge's head with an ATM. I don't like to bag on physical features, lord knows I'm no prize, but I agree, that look is likely caused by drug usage. 

  • Love 9
Just now, teapot said:

I thought he looked almost relieved, like he wants to stay w/his Memere but he doesn't dare to say it, and he doesn't want that decision on him.  Who could blame the little fella?

Seriously, if you have a six year old familiarizing himself with court in any way at all, you're doing something very, very wrong. 

  • Love 14

If she's referring to the conversation at the tea party, couldn't that also be seen as Barbara taking into account what Jace wants, how he feels, too? The problem is that you've waited too long NOT to do that, Jenelle. The kid should have some say, I'm sorry, that means someone who cares about him has to ask him what he thinks. 

  • Love 8
42 minutes ago, Pepper Mostly said:

I damn near dropped my teeth when Kail called Jo to demand to know where he was, then order him to "hurry up". Girl, take a goddamn seat.

And then Jo was trying to ask if she was okay, because her state was clearly agitated, and she was basically like, "I'm fucking fine. I don't need your sympathy, I just need you to get this child". She is such a cold and heartless person. 


28 minutes ago, lezlers said:

I had to pause the TV and call my husband in the room when Jenelle started talking about not wanting to admit her pregnancy WHILE WEARING A SKIN TIGHT DRESS THAT SHOWED OFF EVERY CENTIMETER OF HER OBVIOUSLY PREGNANT BELLY.    He immediately started cracking up.  Jenelle is a special kind of stupid

She really is. I have to remind myself that this is the girl who thought a Ke$ha concert was a legit reason for getting out of going to jail. ("But I got feathers in my hair!")


24 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

The scene on her porch swing, she looked like the skank from Breaking Bad S3 who crushes Spooge's head with an ATM.

Oh my gosh, YES. That's it. Spot on. 


14 minutes ago, Mkay said:


Read the bottom tweet first. 


Of course Kail retweeted it, but hasn't commented on the episode, yet. 


Javi is really kissing her ass for some reason. I'm not saying it's all one sided. Javi is no angel. But she behaved HORRIBLY in the scenes since he arrived home, and here HE is apologizing. Has she done similar on HER Twitter? Somehow, I'm doubtful. 

It's okay, Javi, go watch The Last Song and cry in your pillow. There, there. 

Just now, Uncle JUICE said:


If she's referring to the conversation at the tea party, couldn't that also be seen as Barbara taking into account what Jace wants, how he feels, too? The problem is that you've waited too long NOT to do that, Jenelle. The kid should have some say, I'm sorry, that means someone who cares about him has to ask him what he thinks. 


Absolutely. Jenelle asks him where he wants to live all the damn time. The difference is she phrases it with her preferred answer already in the question - "You want to live with US, right, Jace?" Barb leaves it open ended. Plus, Jace is the one who brought it up this time, eye twitch and all. That says a lot to me, that the kid is so worried about that he feels he needs to get a solid answer. 

Honestly, at this point, even if Jenelle was a totally upstanding citizen, I don't know that it would be good for Jace to go live with her. What is he now? Seven? He's established at school, has his friends and activities. He is clearly very attached to Meme and craves the structure of their routine. Why disrupt that? If you really loved your kid, wouldn't you realize it's a bit too late and let them be?

  • Love 8

I just finished the episode.

KAILYN: Is that purple tye dye shirt your new black ripped pants? You wore it on the "TM2 Funny" special and three episodes in a row thus far. I know the first two episodes are footage from the one day Javi returned, but still. When Kailyn finds a piece of clothing she likes she wears it to DEATH.

I can't believe how selfish she is to bring a new D around her emotionally sensitive son before she explains to him what is going on with Javi, etc. I don't care what she does after filing for divorce, but don't parade him around your son that is clearly taking everything so hard. 

I also don't care how angry you were but I didn't like how you were ordering Jo and Vee around, "hurry up and get here," after they were already doing you a favor by stopping what they were doing to pick up Isaac for an unplanned week stay. JO - "I'm down the street like 5-minutes away" Kail - "Hurry up" bitch, please.

Leah: Victoria is losing tons of weight on her sister's pillses diet, and I think she has a favorite hairstyle because she always wears her hair like that and it looks goofy. What was with the old car Leah was driving to meet with Corey? I'm not dogging the car only that I just saw her driving her somewhat new white ford SUV earlier in the episode - her grandmothers?

Jenelle: Jenelle gained her weight quick for 14 weeks, I'm the same way, I always gained weight early in my pregnancies before the baby is the size of a thumb due to excessive bloated and cravings, but she does have that snapback so she doesn't need to worry about losing the weight. That dress she was wearing was NOT flattering and something to avoid if keeping a pregnancy a secret if people are used to you being a fit girl. Thanks, Nathan, now I want a blueberry munchkin but can't because I do Keto. :-(

Chelsea: I want to see him working at a minimum wage job the way he treats people and his daughter.

That's all I got, nothing witty or snark worthy, I'm in an annoying mood the reason for my rude post, lol.

  • Love 9
5 minutes ago, Calm81 said:


Leah: Victoria is losing tons of weight on her sister's pillses diet, and I think she has a favorite hairstyle because she always wears her hair like that and it looks goofy. What was with the old car Leah was driving to meet with Corey? I'm not dogging the car only that I just saw her driving her somewhat new white ford SUV earlier in the episode - her grandmothers?


Funny, I noticed the same thing the last couple episodes. I've nicknamed her The Bedraggler. 

  • Love 9

So Jenelle's explanation to the producers about why she denied being pregnant did not match up with her super complicated tweet storm after last week's episode aired.  I guess she needed the extra time to come up with that story?

Poor Jace.  His mannerisms during lunch with Barb were really sad.  At first I thought he was just tired, the way he was rubbing his hair, but y'all are right.  That eye twitch and sort of stutter when he talked had to be stress related.  At least he got a great big piece of yummy looking cake.

  • Love 6
1 minute ago, TexasGal said:

So Jenelle's explanation to the producers about why she denied being pregnant did not match up with her super complicated tweet storm after last week's episode aired.  I guess she needed the extra time to come up with that story?

Poor Jace.  His mannerisms during lunch with Barb were really sad.  At first I thought he was just tired, the way he was rubbing his hair, but y'all are right.  That eye twitch and sort of stutter when he talked had to be stress related.  At least he got a great big piece of yummy looking cake.

And I'm sure some serious side eye from his mom's boyfriend for attending a tea party, she is a-turnin' that boy into some sorta QUEER! Like his bitch ass half brother! Even money if they ever get to court he wants to introduce that tea party as evidence against Barb raising that kid any further. Even though he'll be what, 8 by then?

  • Love 5

Really Jenelle!? I believe that Jenelle and Dave's constant grilling is why Jace brought that up to Barb, he gets asked by them all the time. I agree with whoever above said he seemed relieved when Barb said she wanted him to stay with her.  And I don't think anyone has said that any of the girls "got it right" by pregnancy, but Chelsea definitely made the best of it, even the first time around, of course she made mistakes, like any mother does... but overall I think that's why it's easier to be happy for Chelsea. Also does Jenelle not realize that we SAW her abandoned Jace? She is the one who left Jace with Barb so she could go out... but yeah Barb "stole" him.

I don't even know what to say about Kail... she keeps acting like Javi is coming in and invading her privacy, but I believe Javi when he says he thought they still had a chance at that point... they had said they'd wait until he came home and discuss, but Kail filed for divorce before he got there. And I did smirk a little when she was begging Jo to pick Isaac up, after she previously had basically said no way in hell would Jo get any of her time... this sort of situation is part of the reason Jo stated for moving nearby... and now he can't get to her house fast enough. 

Poor Isaac, he had that look around his eyes where he was crying a lot, for a long time. I bet he was supposed to go with Javi and Lincoln to look at the house, and being spiteful Kail said no when they walking in on her with the new guy... Javi had even said in the last episode that he didn't think it was right to bring lincoln back to a hotel instead of his actual room... so obviously something changed if that was all the same night. I never thought I'd want to give Jo a parent of the year award.

  • Love 7
22 minutes ago, leighroda said:

I don't even know what to say about Kail... she keeps acting like Javi is coming in and invading her privacy, but I believe Javi when he says he thought they still had a chance at that point... they had said they'd wait until he came home and discuss, but Kail filed for divorce before he got there

Kail is acting like Javi is some stalker, abusive ex who she's filed multiple restraining orders on at this point. She needs to chill. 

  • Love 13

I find it interesting that we are all applauding Jo for acting like a normal adult. That just goes to show how those these idiots are. I suppose in the context of these other losers, my beef with Jo appears small, but I take it he is still not working. I mean seriously, dude is what 24? He needs to be working, even if MTV is paying him. He's got 2 kids. Why not work and take your MTV money and put it into a college fund for your kids? I don't get it. 

But again, that is minor compared to the Kail and Javi drama. Poor Isaac, her still doesn't understand why he can't see Javi. And Kail is too focused on her anger and new dick to notice or care.

I just fast forward through Leah. It's the same old, same old, every week.  I'm a good mom and Germy is a bad dad and Corey used to be a bad dad but he is ok now. Was Allie jumping on a trampoline? I cannot imagine that is a-ok with her doctors. They think if they put knee pads on her that makes it not dangerous. 

Adam is an ass. They need to drop him. He has a lot of nerve telling the producer he can do what he wants, then proceeds to cash their check. 

Janelle - OMG, no words. You want to move into the woods with 3 kids? She and UBT are probably so stupid they didn't find out if utilities are  available. What if there's no electric way out yonder? Or water? And yeah, there's a lot of space, but there's also a great big body of water and you will soon have 2 kids under the age of 2. No way can they just wander around. She just doesn't want the cops called when shit goes down. I was LOLOL over Janele talking about the "haterz". Yannow, she of course wanted everyone to know she is pregnant. You don't have to give up that info in a police report unless you think something is wrong. Yes Janelle, court and police records are public. Bear that in mind. 

Nathan and his roided bro are  not ones to talk. Multiple kids, multiple baby mamas and daddies. That seems to be the order of the day. 

  • Love 9
3 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I find it interesting that we are all applauding Jo for acting like a normal adult. That just goes to show how those these idiots are. I suppose in the context of these other losers, my beef with Jo appears small, but I take it he is still not working. I mean seriously, dude is what 24? He needs to be working, even if MTV is paying him. He's got 2 kids. Why not work and take your MTV money and put it into a college fund for your kids? I don't get it. 

Nathan and his roided bro are  not ones to talk. Multiple kids, multiple baby mamas and daddies. That seems to be the order of the day. 

To be fair we don't KNOW that Jo isn't working, he just might not be SHARING that he's working, but who am I kidding...probably not. I don't know, maybe he's a really savvy investor? 

And that Nathan scene, agreed. Once you have more than one baby daddy / mama, you don't get to judge others for having more than you. You just haven't gotten around to another one yet. 

  • Love 3

Wow, what an absolute shit storm Karl has created. If she knew there was no way she was going to give Javi a chance when he got back, she apparently did not make that clear to him.  Instead of simply saying, "I'm completely done with this relationship, we need to move forward," she chooses to just be a nasty bitch. The fact that you can't even keep your new man away for like 2 days while you sort stuff out with your still husband is ridiculous.  Javi caught a lot of crap for being insecure and not trusting Kailyn before, but can you really blame him?  She's always been a liar and cheater. She cheated on that Jordan kid with Jo, had a new boyfriend when she was still living at Jo's, etc.   Obviously, if he never could trust her then they should have ended it a long time ago, like before getting pregnant with Lincoln.   How long until she gets knocked up by Mr. Blurry Face?  Also, I can't help but laugh that she's showing off her new "black and white" bedroom and now she's....never mind.  

I understand she had a messed up childhood and learned to do whatever it took to save herself, but at some point that excuse runs out.  She needs counseling, parenting classes, and a reality check. Simply dressing your kids like models and giving them a picturesque home does not make you a good mother.  I'm also really sick of her throwing fits about not wanting to film certain things. You signed up for it, you buy all your nice stuff with the money from it, and you created the situations you don't want to air. You need to grow up and own up. 

  • Love 10
7 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I find it interesting that we are all applauding Jo for acting like a normal adult. That just goes to show how those these idiots are. I suppose in the context of these other losers, my beef with Jo appears small, but I take it he is still not working. I mean seriously, dude is what 24? He needs to be working, even if MTV is paying him. He's got 2 kids. Why not work and take your MTV money and put it into a college fund for your kids? I don't get it. 


Apparently he is going to school. 


With the money he makes and the job he could currently get, it is honestly pointless to work. It wouldn't bring in any significantly additional income and it would take time away from his family. There's really no point if he is actually attending school. Supposedly Vee is working towards an interior design degree too. 

  • Love 4
16 minutes ago, poeticlicensed said:

I find it interesting that we are all applauding Jo for acting like a normal adult. That just goes to show how those these idiots are. I suppose in the context of these other losers, my beef with Jo appears small, but I take it he is still not working. I mean seriously, dude is what 24? He needs to be working, even if MTV is paying him. He's got 2 kids. Why not work and take your MTV money and put it into a college fund for your kids? I don't get it. 

But again, that is minor compared to the Kail and Javi drama. Poor Isaac, her still doesn't understand why he can't see Javi. And Kail is too focused on her anger and new dick to notice or care.

I just fast forward through Leah. It's the same old, same old, every week.  I'm a good mom and Germy is a bad dad and Corey used to be a bad dad but he is ok now. Was Allie jumping on a trampoline? I cannot imagine that is a-ok with her doctors. They think if they put knee pads on her that makes it not dangerous. 

Adam is an ass. They need to drop him. He has a lot of nerve telling the producer he can do what he wants, then proceeds to cash their check. 

Janelle - OMG, no words. You want to move into the woods with 3 kids? She and UBT are probably so stupid they didn't find out if utilities are  available. What if there's no electric way out yonder? Or water? And yeah, there's a lot of space, but there's also a great big body of water and you will soon have 2 kids under the age of 2. No way can they just wander around. She just doesn't want the cops called when shit goes down. I was LOLOL over Janele talking about the "haterz". Yannow, she of course wanted everyone to know she is pregnant. You don't have to give up that info in a police report unless you think something is wrong. Yes Janelle, court and police records are public. Bear that in mind. 

Nathan and his roided bro are  not ones to talk. Multiple kids, multiple baby mamas and daddies. That seems to be the order of the day. 

Touché... he probably really should have a job... I guess for me personally I applaud him for how he is handling this specific situation, I don't agree with everything, but I do think he has handled all of this in the best way possible for Isaacs sake.  I can't say that I would be the same in his situation, if I were the dad who Kail  had attempted to replace I think I'd be a lot more smug/I told you so at this point. It's gotta sting a little bit when Isaac insists on calling him dad, but Jo takes it in stride.

  • Love 7
1 minute ago, leighroda said:

Touché... he probably really should have a job... I guess for me personally I applaud him for how he is handling this specific situation, I don't agree with everything, but I do think he has handled all of this in the best way possible for Isaacs sake.  I can't say that I would be the same in his situation, if I were the dad who Kail  had attempted to replace I think I'd be a lot more smug/I told you so at this point. It's gotta sting a little bit when Isaac insists on calling him dad, but Jo takes it in stride.

Good point. Jo has every reason to hate Kail but chooses to let all the shit go that she did for the sake of Isaac's well-being. Jo remembers how he felt when Kail was trying to make Javi THE dad and it's good to see that he's going to try to make sure that Javi doesn't get shunned from Isaac like he almost did.  I think Jo and Javi will be able to work together to make sure Isaac/Javi/Lincoln all get some time together, despite forthcoming attempts by Kail to delete Javi from Isaac's life. 

  • Love 8

Javi and Kail kinda sit at the same place on the scale to me.  Sometimes I feel bad for on or another and then that person does something stupid and it switches.  Last week I felt bad for Kail demanding that Javi hand over the keys to HIS house. But now I think it's likely that he would be that ass hole that would show up whenever he wanted, especially if he wanted to get Kail all riled up.   I think Kail just needs some sort of therapy to handle how aggressive she gets though.  The way she responds to people who are trying to help her is just wrong.  Your ex is doing you a favor by picking up your kid at the last minute and you're telling him he needs to hurry up when he's just a few minutes down the road?? Ughhhhhh 

And we all know that Javi can be an ass when he wants to be.  We've seen it, it's there.  I think he hides it better than Kail and is more passive aggressive. 

I never thought that Jo would turn out to be the mature and reasonable one in that whole group.  

And I had to laugh a little bid - Jo was consoling Isaac that he would still get to see Javi and Isaac was just concerned about seeing Javi's new house lol (Although I know deep down Isaac was sad about not being with Javi, kids express stuff in a funny way sometimes)


Does anyone know where Janelle's house is currently at on the building timeline?? I would think building in an area that hasn't been prepped for a development yet would take FOREVER to build. 

  • Love 5
7 minutes ago, gunderda said:

Javi and Kail kinda sit at the same place on the scale to me.  Sometimes I feel bad for on or another and then that person does something stupid and it switches.  Last week I felt bad for Kail demanding that Javi hand over the keys to HIS house. But now I think it's likely that he would be that ass hole that would show up whenever he wanted, especially if he wanted to get Kail all riled up.   I think Kail just needs some sort of therapy to handle how aggressive she gets though.  The way she responds to people who are trying to help her is just wrong.  Your ex is doing you a favor by picking up your kid at the last minute and you're telling him he needs to hurry up when he's just a few minutes down the road?? Ughhhhhh 

And we all know that Javi can be an ass when he wants to be.  We've seen it, it's there.  I think he hides it better than Kail and is more passive aggressive. 

I never thought that Jo would turn out to be the mature and reasonable one in that whole group.  

And I had to laugh a little bid - Jo was consoling Isaac that he would still get to see Javi and Isaac was just concerned about seeing Javi's new house lol (Although I know deep down Isaac was sad about not being with Javi, kids express stuff in a funny way sometimes)


Does anyone know where Janelle's house is currently at on the building timeline?? I would think building in an area that hasn't been prepped for a development yet would take FOREVER to build. 

They dropped a trailer on it today. It's... a trailer. Look, people have to live where they have to live I guess, but these two were so excited about the possibilities of this land, and...the most exciting one was a trailer? It sounded like they were going to build a Chelsea or even Kailynn type of house. Someone has SERIOUSLY mismanaged her money, if she'd been saving as she told Barb, this is what she invested in?


Edited by Uncle JUICE
  • Love 5
39 minutes ago, saratothej said:

I understand she had a messed up childhood and learned to do whatever it took to save herself, but at some point that excuse runs out.  She needs counseling, parenting classes, and a reality check.

Kail could absolutely benefit from counseling and parenting classes. She needs to deal with the psychological trauma from her childhood in order for her to move forward in a positive way. I'm sure she thinks she's a great parent because she's probably not as screwed up as her mom was. I live in Pennsylvania, and in my county, there is a court ordered program called "Our Children First", that divorced couples with kids have to attend. It's a relatively short program, but at least it's something that might give them pause to consider what their kids are going through. I'm curious if Kail and Javi had to attend something similar. It could only help.

  • Love 2
5 minutes ago, Uncle JUICE said:

They dropped a trailer on it today. It's... a trailer. Look, people have to live where they have to live I guess, but these two were so excited about the possibilities of this land, and...the most exciting one was a trailer? It sounded like they were going to build a Chelsea or even Kailynn type of house. Someone has SERIOUSLY mismanaged her money, if she'd been saving as she told Barb, this is what she invested in?


Someone here called it a few months ago!! When Jenelle mentioned the delay on twitter I remember the commenter here on the boards asking if it was stuck coming down the interstate. You guys are great!

  • Love 4

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