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S04.E01: Knocked Up?

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7 minutes ago, Nowhere said:

Has she lost weight? I can't tell but she's saying she's been going to the gym all the time. She looks the same if not bigger.

I can't tell either. In the talking heads she looks like she has a little more defined waist but in the other shots she looks bigger. 

So she bought the house (and her parents had to co-sign on the loan) and NOW that she (and her parents) is legally obligated with the mortgage she's worried about Buddy leaving because she can't afford the mortgage. DUDE!! Maybe work that -ish out before you BUY! I'm surprised THAT didn't give Babs AND Glenn a stroke. 

  • Love 11

Boo Bear needs to fuck off when it comes to home decor. He's not even paid up on the rent. And what's wrong with taking your shoes off in a small area of the living room? He's a selfish asshole. 

However, did she not qualify for the house on her own? Why does she need rent from him? Did she claim his rent as income on her app? I don't get it.

Sorry but no. Friends don't massage each other naked, tits out and all that. I've never needed a bare tits massage from a friend, or a clothed tits massage for that matter. And get dressed before you go talk to your dad. Have some respect. And Glenn sure did call her out on helping buy the house. Whitney is weird as hell. Does she know this?

French, feel, finger, fuck? Is that what she said?

wow. She's pregnant. 

  • Love 20

She told the people at the radio station that she was pregnant.  With all the dancing and workouts in the upcoming season, I have to wonder if she's still pregnant.  And if not, did she miscarry or terminate the pregnancy?  The show has featured her journey with PCOS and the difficulty that some women can experience getting pregnant with it.  It will be interesting to see how this plays out.

  • Love 3

Sadly, a lot of pregnancies end naturally in the first trimester. Especially in the first two months. Often before the woman even finds out she's pregnant.

The ultrasound they showed in the preview of this season was NOT a pregnancy.

IF she's pregnant it may not show until the last trimester.

Edited by Nutella
  • Love 5
16 minutes ago, Nutella said:

Sadly, a lot of pregnancies end naturally in the first trimester. Especially in the first two months. Often before the woman even finds out she's pregnant.

The ultrasound they showed in the preview of this season was NOT a pregnancy.

IF she's pregnant it may not show until the last trimester.

My obese coworker never showed at all- you would never know she was 7+ months pregnant! She didn't make it to 10 months ( had a preemie) but I think when you are that large you can't really tell. 

  • Love 3
15 minutes ago, mamadrama said:

I find it interesting that IF she is pregnant, scenes from the upcoming season showed few references: no baby visits, no nursery setups, no baby shopping, etc. Instead, we got weight lifting and horseback riding-2 things most docs recommend against preg women doing unless they are activities the woman already does regularly. 

Maybe they're editing creatively and playing with the timeline. Perhaps the pregnancy happened very recently.

  • Love 4

I'm having a large serving of crow for dinner... I am shocked she is/was actually pregnant... it's like I'm waiting for the other show to drop, like there is a catch. I agree with others that I hope she did not lose it because I would not wish that on anyone, but her behavior based on previews does not indicate she is still pregnant, like @mamadrama said, who knows maybe the previews were deliberately edited to not give it away, but idk. 

That being said, I am going to be pissed if this is a ratings ploy, meaning she has lost the baby in real time and is going to drag it out for the season for a reveal at the end... if she has lost the baby I personally think she should go ahead and let us know... this is not a cliffhanger, it's real life.

  • Love 16
19 minutes ago, what said:

Who the hell hangs out with their best friend in bed, topless, receiving a massage? That's not hanging out that's foreplay. Ugh she's such an attention whore. 

Coincidentally the "walk in" occurred when TLC was already taping in her house and the lighting was already conveniently perfectly set up to record the dramatic moment when Babs walks in on her daughter enjoy a "sensuous massage" aka foreplay with her lady friend. Or at least, that's what they want us to believe was going on.

  • Love 14

I haven't believed anything about this show since early last season and I see nothing's changed except the plots are shaping up to be even more fictional and far fetched this season.  If the pregnancy happened later we would be able to tell any continuity discrepancy from her hair, which was very obviously half brunette and half blonde in this episode, and I doubt she would keep it that way on purpose.

I don't know if I believe there was any real pregnancy.  If so that would be horrible if she lost the baby but I can't see how she could still be pregnant through the rest of the season if the previews are any indication.  I know that obese women don't necessarily show, but there's nothing about the pregnancy in any of the previews except her breaking the news to Lenny.  She doesn't seem to be preparing in the least for it.

And about her roommate - wasn't there speculation here last season about the nature of their relationship?  Why do I think this entire episode was some kind of overdone, fictional attempt at quelling viewer suspicion of her being a lesbian?  Not that her not being a lesbian means she wouldn't fool around with her female friend anyway.  But the pregnancy story would seem to function as an elaborate way to convince the world she digs men enough to have sex with them.

Also, that whole thing with Buddy and the lease was completely staged, IMO.

  • Love 8

Those were 2 very dark lines. Typically a pregnancy test will start out as the test line being a bit weaker than the control, then if you test again and the hCG has increased (it doubles approximately every 48 hrs as the pregnancy develops) the test line will darken. That's not an official way to tell that the pregnancy is progressing properly but it can be reassuring. So the color of those lines to me says it might be a fairly established pregnancy, at least when she tested. 

  • Love 2

Okay so now I've watched it.  Maybe I'm a "slut-shamer" or maybe I'm a "homophobe" - or maybe I'm just a "person who has watched for three seasons and never seen/heard of Donna, so I'm calling BS that Donna is her BFF with whom she hangs out naked in bed getting massages from".  Seriously, show - Donna is her best friend?  She said it - and I checked the DVR to see what season we are in.  I already don't like Whitney and disrespect her friends - so I was most disappointed in Babs and Glenn tonight.  I said in a previous post that I have a hard time giving up on series once I start - but this is it for me.  You all are great fun so I will be checking in for the snark once in a while - and to see how they explain away the "pregnancy" :)

  • Love 7
1 hour ago, Diamond Dog said:

I'm in full cringe mode. Even though 88 percent of this show is staged, it was still enough to give me the Whitney dry heaves. 

First of all, Buddy is an ass. Two months behind on rent gives a person no room to complain about frilly cushions, and a no shoes on the carpet rule.  He's a mouth-breathing slug, and Heather could do far better than him. He's the type of guy who sits on the couch digging for boogers, and then flicks them on the floor. 

Secondly, who gets full frontal with a friend for a 'massage.' And notice how it is the friend who has to administer the massage, and not the other way around?  Whitney is always asking her friends to massage her, and touch her.

The radio guy got called out for not giving her a proper hug, or letting her know about his dating life. Whitney thinks every guy is into her, because the texts don't lie! She totally humiliated the guy on air, and in front of his work colleagues. Then in the next breath, she's has the nerve to ask for a job, because she's a 'professional.' 

Thirdly, we see the TLC paid friends fill out a form about HER, for an online dating profile. "Oh Whitney, you're so smart, funny, strong, and brave...."  Again, I get the dry heaves the same time as Whitney does, except mine are real. I don't about the rest of you, but my friends get together to socialize, play games, watch movies etc, and not worry about my dating life. 

The tipping point was the parents waltzing in her room.  Babs, whom I don't find particularly funny, asks Whitney if she's a LESBIAN, almost like it is a swear word. Actually, Babs, your daughter is most likely bisexual, or TLC is working that angle, because we've got to experience how full, fabulous, and fat life is y'all!  My god, she's a 32 year old with the mental aptitude of a vapid teenager. Everyone panders to her, and its nauseating fake, and ridiculous. 

And now she's allegedly pregnant, and it is with Bushy beard's baby. *dry heaves*

Diamond Dog, You really shouldn't hold your feelings in, it's just not healthy. Don't sugar coat it, say what you REALLY mean. ? LOL!

I co- sign your post 100%! 

However, I will say this, I LOATHE her, but I'm OBSESSED with her cat! I just want to snatch him from her chubby clutches and bring him to live with me!

  • Love 8
3 hours ago, okerry said:

I think the preg story is just meant as a way to convince people that she really does have actual old-fashioned sex. There's been a lot of doubt about that here and probably on other boards, too. I'm sure there will be some way to resolve the storyline without an actual baby being involved. I hope. 

I paused the ultrasound picture, and doesn't the sac look empty? I'm not claiming to be an expert but I had a hard time staying pregnant and had daily ultrasounds for 7 pregnancies (only 2 were successful). The empty sac would show up as a positive pregnancy test but there would be no baby. 

I realize this show is scripted or very storyline driven but I hope as others have stated they are not going to be dishonest at all when it comes to pregnancy since it seems like so many Whitney followers with pcos seem excited about a possible pregnancy. 

Just such an odd start to a season , is she gay or pregnant and the whole rent situation. They could have easily made 3 episodes out of tonight's storylines so why did they jam it into 1? 

  • Love 2
7 hours ago, what said:

Who the hell hangs out with their best friend in bed, topless, receiving a massage? That's not hanging out that's foreplay. Ugh she's such an attention whore. 

That whole scene was just....bizarre.  And the friend is just...sitting there, with this sort of bemused look on her face. Not getting dressed...not covering up....not moving. Just...sitting there.  Like...she'd been told to just...sit there by the director.

And tromping out there to speak to her parents in that sheet?  Does this woman have no shame?

Her pregnancy....I'm reserving comment on this. It just seems too .....weird, the way it's being portrayed.

  • Love 8
4 hours ago, silverspoons said:

I paused the ultrasound picture, and doesn't the sac look empty? I'm not claiming to be an expert but I had a hard time staying pregnant and had daily ultrasounds for 7 pregnancies (only 2 were successful). The empty sac would show up as a positive pregnancy test but there would be no baby. 

I realize this show is scripted or very storyline driven but I hope as others have stated they are not going to be dishonest at all when it comes to pregnancy since it seems like so many Whitney followers with pcos seem excited about a possible pregnancy. 

Just such an odd start to a season , is she gay or pregnant and the whole rent situation. They could have easily made 3 episodes out of tonight's storylines so why did they jam it into 1? 

Yes, I had the whole "empty sac" thing a few pregnancies ago. I can't remember the medical term for it.  And you're right, it would show up as a positive test. 

  • Love 3

I see this show hasn't improved in any way.  I agree that the sheet thing and massage with her "friend" is very strange.   Ain't no way I'm begging friends to massage me naked in my bed and shrugging it off, much less have my parents walk in and have zero shame.

Roy should file an abuse case.  I felt abused for him with her antics.

Edited by Noirprncess
  • Love 6

I haven't watched since season one but was sucked into watching it last night by the pregnancy clips.  My first thought was the pregnant DJs urine was used to ensure a positive pregnancy test.  On an upcoming episode, I saw where Whitney tells the people at the radio station she's pregnant.  I'm wondering if she's even been to the doctor to confirm that it's not a false positive.  When I was pregnant, my husband and I never uttered a word -- not even to our parents or siblings -- until after the first trimester.  If Whitney is pregnant, I wish her nothing but the best because having children is one of the most beautiful experiences of a woman's life.  If she's not and this is just a preconceived plot to suck in viewers, I will be done with the show forever.  Oh how long for the good old days before 'reality' tv which isn't reality but scripted.

  • Love 9

Given the empty sonogram they showed, I think the show might turn the result of the pregnancy test into a "false positive".  Those are rare but still possible for any number of reasons, including not following the directions properly, certain medical conditions affecting the result, or even that the tests were past their expiration date.  I wouldn't put it past this show to pull one of those reasons out of its rear end.   Who knows, this may have actually happened to her at one point in her life.  I could just see her and the rest of them sitting around a table looking for ideas for possible plots and Babs saying, "Remember that pregnancy scare you had once?  We could turn it into a plot for the show!"

  • Love 7

Well, that was all kind of embarrassing there.

Whitney continues to be as attention hungry and obnoxious as ever. And yes, she does look like she gained a significant amount of weight around her lower abdomen. She dresses and acts like a teenager, not a grown woman in her 30s who by this point should start having her shit together if she's supposed to be some kind of "inspiration". And having her parents co-sign on a mortgage that she can't cover without a tenant paying rent? That's a disaster looking to happen.

Her behavior at the radio station was beyond juvenile and this is how she acts when asking for an actual job? Besides the fact that she arrived dressed like I'd dress if I'm rooting around in my garden. And then making a big stink about Roy not being as into her as she'd assumed he was while on the air? Yeah... that's a good way to get a radio job. But of course she'll get it because TLC will make it happen.

As far as her pregnancy goes... huh... Still not totally convinced but if she is, then I feel sorry for the kid because his/her mother is mentally sixteen and can barely take care of herself let alone anyone else. 

  • Love 7

I had a lot of second hand embarrassment for Whitney when she was discussing Roy.  I mean even if you think he was flirting with you, most people can hold it together and outwardly act fine.  I am sure it was staged for the show but it was still embarrassing because in real life it would be so awkward if it happened.

I was surprised by the pregnancy, we shall see where that goes.  

  • Love 5

I'm throwing this out there.  In the movie The Meddler, the daughter thought she was pregnant and had mom go out to get a pregnancy test which she brought back a HUGE box and all of them came back positive.  So said daughter went to the doctor which told her that no you are not pregnant.  Daughter and mom went home confused because of the pee sticks and turns out that mom bought ovulation pee sticks.  My point is that maybe Twit or Twit's minions got her the wrong pee sticks which would come out positive if she was ovulating.

TLC is famous for bait and switch. And even considering Twit and Yukon's demon spawn makes me ill.

Other than that, I didn't see the episode yet. I rather watch This is Us.  

  • Love 3

I haven't taken a pregnancy test in years, but haven't they advanced a bit past using a dropper and aiming urine in a tiny test window?  Don't the First Response tests have curved ergonomic handles and flashing lights for a positive that can tell you right down to what time you'll go into labor?  Her test looked a bit dated. 

Let's say she is pregnant.  I don't think she is but lets just say.  What would a OG/GYN advise her regarding weight gain?  Whitney is closing in on 500lbs now.  What would be safe for a baby at this point?

  • Love 4
25 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I haven't taken a pregnancy test in years, but haven't they advanced a bit past using a dropper and aiming urine in a tiny test window?  Don't the First Response tests have curved ergonomic handles and flashing lights for a positive that can tell you right down to what time you'll go into labor?  Her test looked a bit dated. 

Let's say she is pregnant.  I don't think she is but lets just say.  What would a OG/GYN advise her regarding weight gain?  Whitney is closing in on 500lbs now.  What would be safe for a baby at this point?

The test she was using was the cheap dollar store type tests. There are the clear blue and first response fancier ones that you described but they run $9-15 each. It seems like the trend these days is to take a dollar store one first, then confirm with the expensive test. There have been lots of studies to stay the dollar store tests are more accurate earlier then the expensive tests. 

TLC has had shows on obesity and pregnancy. Being as heavy as Whitney is automatically high risk. Obviously diabetes is high on the list of complications not just for Whitney but for the baby. Not only can the baby be born larger but can really struggle during the first few days after birth. 

  • Love 2
27 minutes ago, Brooklynista said:

I haven't taken a pregnancy test in years, but haven't they advanced a bit past using a dropper and aiming urine in a tiny test window?  Don't the First Response tests have curved ergonomic handles and flashing lights for a positive that can tell you right down to what time you'll go into labor?  Her test looked a bit dated. 

Let's say she is pregnant.  I don't think she is but lets just say.  What would a OG/GYN advise her regarding weight gain?  Whitney is closing in on 500lbs now.  What would be safe for a baby at this point?

It will be interesting to watch again but TLC had a series about overweight expectant mothers.  I remember watching a few episodes.  Perhaps that's what they are gunning for with Whitney - IF she is pregnant.

#TEAMSKEPTICAL - not because of her weight but because I don't think she and Lenny were doing anything more than posing in bed for the camera.

  • Love 7
2 hours ago, Snarklepuss said:

Given the empty sonogram they showed, I think the show might turn the result of the pregnancy test into a "false positive".  Those are rare but still possible for any number of reasons, including not following the directions properly, certain medical conditions affecting the result, or even that the tests were past their expiration date.  I wouldn't put it past this show to pull one of those reasons out of its rear end.  

This! One of the reasons you can have a false positive is if you have blood or protein in the urine. Given that she's pre-diabetic and the crap we see her eat, her blood sugars are elevated frequently. This can cause protein dumping into the urine. Because of how home pregnancy tests work, that protein may cause a false positive when it's in sufficient concentration by overwhelming the markers the test are looking for. Also, we know she's got PCOS. If one of those cysts ruptured (and probably caused the nausea and/or pain) while it had excess fluid or blood in it, again, you'd have protein (and possibly HCG depending on the type of cyst) in the urine with a false positive. It would also explain the ultrasound image. She doesn't seem to be on top of her health at all so all of these things are potentially in play.

I'm not believing it until she pops out a kid, which will be handed off to Babs and Glen so she can continuing being "fabulous".

Can anyone explain why she felt that after Babs and Glen had walked in on her and her BFF, she felt the need to wrap herself in a sheet like it was a bad toga party instead of putting on clothing? I am sure they would have waited the 2 extra seconds it took to throw on something to cover herself that wasn't just the sheet off the bed.

I also noticed that when Buddy brought her the tray, her bed looks like it's one of the ones that sit all the way up. It reminded me of several My 600 pound life participants in their hospital beds at home who couldn't lie flat anymore without being unable to breath. It looked like she was napping sitting up before the scene started.

  • Love 7
12 hours ago, yogi2014L said:

My obese coworker never showed at all- you would never know she was 7+ months pregnant! She didn't make it to 10 months ( had a preemie) but I think when you are that large you can't really tell. 

That is actually kind of sad. I mean you would think that is one of the "cool" things about being pregnant is the visible changes in your body that you are carrying some precious cargo.

Never been pregnant but when my horse was pregnant and then showing later in her pregnancy it was exciting and so much more real.

  • Love 3
1 hour ago, Noirprncess said:

#TEAMSKEPTICAL - not because of her weight but because I don't think she and Lenny were doing anything more than posing in bed for the camera.

Of course, we don't know that "Lenny" was her only partner, or even if he was really a partner at all. Apparently Whit has quite a full life that never makes it to the TV screen. Her gal pal giving her the massage is, IIRC, her actual roommate and/or personal assistant who lives with Whitney. Apparently "Donna" wanted a little screen time so that's why she was on last night.

I think that some reality shows have at least some truth to them - 600-lb Life, for one - but I think Whitney fabricates virtually everything we see. She could have had a whole line of partners or none at all. There are plenty of chubby chasers out there, but we've speculated here before that it's pretty tough to have sex when you're 5"1' and pushing 400 pounds.

Also, people with NPD (Narcissistic Personality Disorder,) which Whit shows every sign of having, are often quite promiscuous because sex is such a great way to get immediate attention and validation. (Feel free to Google - it's out there.)

  • Love 10

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