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S21.E02: Wedding Photo Shoot


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Jade's Maid of Honor made no sense, she was totally out for tv and got called on it. All she had to do was ask Jade for Nick's number, she didn't need to go on TV. She waited for TV. Glad Nick cut her. 

Or she was a producer plant.  How do we know the producers didn't concocted the whole story for drama and both are in on it.  They could have offered her plenty of money to play the roll.

I think Nick is average.  I've never really though any of the Bachelors were gorgeous and the ones I did find good looking got less and less attractive as the show went on because of their personalities.

28 minutes ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

Nick looked almost comatose when greeting the women for that first group date.  I noticed that there were almost no THs from him during that segment.  I skipped past most of the 2nd group date, so perhaps he was more animated. I'm waiting to see this confidence some women keeping referring to, and it makes me wonder if they're confusing experience with confidence.  

I think he's incredibly uncomfortable with the awkward, scripted intros that they have to do. Ben always sounded stilted and ridiculous too, but Nick's got such a dry, sarcastic nature that I think it's killing him to give the cheesy Bachelor spiels. I wonder if they're limited in what they can add. Personally, I'd rather see someone use their own words, but no one ever seems to do so, so I guess there is a script they have to deliver.

  • Love 3
4 hours ago, wings707 said:

Corinne is working on getting fired by her dad,  LOL.  I don't think he will praise her for going out of her comfort zone as she said, never mind she seems to be in it.  

Yes she said, "I think my dad would be proud of me. Even though I was naked." Eww, really? That's messed up and a little disturbing. No wonder she acts like she does. Between the pampering and that revelation I see no hope for this girl, ever.


2 hours ago, scribe95 said:

Also, just a note, why are they all wearing hideous rompers?

Yes I was thinking the same thing. I actually noticed it on Ben's season too. Must be some new, hip style that the younger set are wearing but it absolutely does them no favors. Especially Liz's. The way it was cut made her look like she had wings on her butt when she walked. It would bug me in the shots of her backside as she was walking away and I even commented that it looked as though she was wearing a diaper.

Very few women could wear that style well and for most of them it looked awful. Also some were cut so short that they left nothing to the imagination. C'mon girls show a little class and mystery. Be enticing but not slutty. Make him wonder what's under those clothes.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 3
1 minute ago, Laurie4H said:

Or she was a producer plant.  How do we know the producers didn't concocted the whole story for drama and both are in on it.  They could have offered her plenty of money to play the roll.

I think Nick is average.  I've never really though any of the Bachelors were gorgeous and the ones I did find good looking got less and less attractive as the show went on because of their personalities.

They do a lot of manipulating but Liz is legit.  There are pictures to prove she was Jade's maid of honor if anyone wanted to cry conspiracy.   Jade and Tanner probably told production she wanted to be on and dropped it in their lap.  Bingo! she is added to the possible drama folder.

 Liz motive is clear to me.  She wanted to "win" or get the bachette slot and BiP is not a bad gig either.  She wanted in.  She didn't give Nick her number because he had not been redeemed yet and she did not want to become involved with a "loser" which is how he was viewed at the time.  She had one of those 'oh shit' moments when she saw how cool he turned out to be.  

  • Love 3

I couldn't believe Liz's bullshit speech about wanting a man who fights for her. Uhh... let's turn the tables. Say she asked Nick for his number, he said no, and she kept trying to pursue him. She'd look crazy and desperate. And if he had continued to try to reach her after she'd said no, he would look like a creepy stalker. It was on her to get in touch with him, and she had no reasoning for him about why she hadn't done it until he was on TV. He gave her every opportunity to make an argument in her favor and she continually failed. Like he pointed out, she just made less and less sense, and I loved that he sent her home (he was obviously avoiding her during the date like she noticed). He really couldn't have handled the situation any other way, to be honest. I guess he could have sent her home the first night, but then it looks like he didn't give her a chance to explain herself. Although I will agree that, unless the producers cut that speech at the end down to fit making it seem more abrupt than it was, he should have eased the women into it a little bit better. I like that flaw though, his total bluntness is one of the things I think is attractive about him. ETA: I also loved that even her new friend Christen wasn't buying her reasoning at all. "If Nick had asked me for my number a month ago, I wouldn't have turned him down."

Corinne creeps me out because she looks like a small child next to Nick. A small, oversexualized, very drunk child. He did look pretty uncomfortable a lot of the time with her and I'd like to think the rose was producer-driven, but who knows. It did seem like he was thanking Taylor (that's her name?) for coming back and saving him that last time.

As for the other girls: I love Danielle's hair, but I wish she was a whole lot less boring. I can't stop looking at the Russian girl (Kristina?)! She's so, so very pretty. And of course being an oral hygienist, her teeth are perfect. More of her on screen for shallow reasons, please. Christen seemed like a very likable person I'd want to be friends with. I like that she hasn't once (post-intro video) harped on her virginity the way Ashley I. used to. I liked the wedding photos (love seeing different themed dresses) and thought whoever that cute girl was who jogged up to him the first night did the best... I think she was the Vegas wedding one. Brittany (right?) looked smoking in that Eve outfit. Corinne's reaction was straight out of a parody, hilarious. 

I still love Nick, he just needs to relax a little. He'll probably get less nervous as filming goes on. Unfortunately I'm still not sure any of these girls are the one for him.

Edited by jade.black
  • Love 5
18 minutes ago, Laurie4H said:

 I've never really though any of the Bachelors were gorgeous

Because any truly gorgeous man would have all the attention he wanted and would never need to go on this show. I've seen a few that in my opinion were pretty close and with good occupations too. Which does make you wonder about the motive of tv exposure and the financial opportunities that come with it.

  • Love 4

Ahhhhhhhhhhh I could sustain myself for weeks on Corinne's all-consuming jealousy and insecurity. You can actually see her heart start to devour itself the instant anyone else is talking to Nick. She's the Chad of this season, yes? (But where is she keeping the protein powder?) When she said "Guys don't listen to me" - Corinne, I think you're a terrible person but I say this with love: you need to meet better guys. Also I'm so glad I'm not 25 anymore. 

Hard no on the whole Masterpiece (Bachelorpiece?) The-a-tre breakup improv... thing. (But points to Nick for "Did you floss?" "Definitely not" - that made me laugh.) 

And Liz! Liz. GIRL. "You asked for my phone number, but I didn't really know you." YOU JUST F*CKED HIM THOUGH! I mean: get a grip. You played this 100% wrong from the jump and the sunk cost fallacy's a killer, I guess. Just... stop digging while you still have a shred of dignity left. 

I like Alexis in spite of myself. Gotta hand it to her: the girl is game. 

Edited by alannaofdoom
  • Love 8
7 minutes ago, yorklee2 said:

Because any truly gorgeous man would have all the attention he wanted and would never need to go on this show. I've seen a few that in my opinion were pretty close and with good occupations too. Which does make you wonder about the motive of tv exposure and the financial opportunities that come with it.

Oh I can think of many.  Let me start with Brooks from Des' season.



Edited by wings707
  • Love 6

Oh Brooks would be delicious.  He's not only breathtaking, he has that "urbanity born of disinterest," thing down pat.  I can still hear him telling poor Des (who I loved,) that he knew he was in love with a woman by the way he couldn't get her out of his mind when they were apart.  Then he proceeded to tell Des that he forgot about her as soon as they finished a date.  So cold and yet so compelling to watch.

  • Love 6

I know Bachelor blogs are heavily edited by TPTB, but still, it has input from the lead. On why he gave the rose to Corinne:


I love how assertive and bold Corinne is, I just never wanted to intentionally make the other women uncomfortable. After such a fun day, I was really looking forward to spending more one-on-one time with the women going into the afterparty. A handful of women continued to be assertive with their time, and none more than Corinne. I appreciated her focusing on our relationship above everything else. 

Ok Nick. If you say so. I thought her focus was making sure she has her ticket booked on the next BIP.


I didn’t want the target that was probably forming on her back to intimidate her to just be herself, and so that is why I wanted to give Corinne the rose. 

  • Love 1

Chris Harrison is shifting from safe slightly older married (now divorced) guy to still-youthful school principal.  His pep talk, however, is repeated verbatim every season:  ‘When you get time with XYZ, make the most of it.’  Really helpful stuff, this.

The group date commences and Corinne is interviewed first in the most obvious bit of foreshadowing since Rey’s Rebel pilot rag doll was spotted on the shelf at the start of The Force Awakens.  Love, Making A Connection, Spending Time, et al are important to the Bachelorettes, but more important to the producers are budget-easing corporate tie-ins so the ladies are driving…Buicks.  As in your Uncle Fred’s sedan make.  Yes, they’re convertibles and yes it’s a sunny SoCal day but the gals are herded in quickly before it dawns on them they’re not riding in BMWs.

Corinne has ‘never been a bridesmaid.’  She regards this as coincidence but perhaps she’s overlooking some of the prerequisites such as a) having one or more friends who would ask her and b) having one or more friends who are actually getting married.

Danielle L appears to be making life dead easy for the production makeup department as she’s turned out to perfection in every interview so far.  Sarah is excited to be ‘going on a date with Nick’…never mind about those other 11 females tagging along.

Nick appreciates the women’s interest ‘despite his dating past.’  Er, Nick, as the saying goes it’s not the long fall that kills you, it’s the landing.  In your case, landings plural. 

Danielle hits the door at a dead run to outpace the pack behind her, her tied-off top struggling to contain her assets (TM dailymail.co.uk).   Corinne lays some Yiddish slang on us – to be fair, who among us hasn’t gotten ‘a little schvitzy?’  Oy.  Franco the photographer appears to be an escaped SNL Chris Kattan caricature with his rainbow jumpsuit, accented English, dramatic gestures and mirrored shades.  Themes and gowns are issued except for the glum bridesmaids and Brittany, who has received some Jungle Jane bottoms and no top.  Brittany deftly employs the oxymoronic ‘literally like’ speech affectation.  Linguistics is going the wrong direction in the new century.

Taylor?  Is still uptalking?  And doesn’t appreciate Corinne’s open declaration of her intention to kiss Nick?  Memo to Taylor:  if you’re worried about being ‘psyched out,’ you’d better focus less on her words and more on the white bikini top Corinne is barely wearing, to say nothing of Brittany in her Clairol Herbal Essence monokini and strategically placed hair.

Sarah, it must be conceded, is burying herself in the Vegas bride part and hamming it up on cue especially contrasted with the tepid, awkward Hailey.  Despite Alexis’ claims, Nick as a biker is as convincing as Fat Albert as an Olympic sprinter.  Random kisses ensue.  Taylor is not happy and uses various forms of ‘connection’ a dozen times in a sentence.  Anyone who uses the grammatically incorrect ‘between he and I’ because they think it makes them sound intelligent automatically goes in the Root Against column.

Liz has some guns but not the veiny gym-vixen type.  Pretty Kristina has the Jen Saviano/Samantha Steffen serene thing going on with, regrettably, a corresponding amount of minimal camera time..  Josephine has that goggle-eyed ‘wore glasses til age 20 and now struggles with contact lenses’ look.

Corinne is getting the full Bunny Boiler edit but she’s making the producers’ lives easy with her commentary and deranged jealous gnawing of her fingers.  We see a glimpse of all the crew in gray t-shirts in the background as they maneuver the SteadiCam in front of the ‘brides.’   Corinne wants Nick to experience the Corinne side of Corinne.  Or was that the other way round?  In either case it involves getting her baps out.  But the photographer, no stranger to what is euphemistically called glamour photography, rewards Corinne for her, er, front.  It’s the worst-case scenario for Taylor who is spotted grinding the fillings out of her molars.

The producers are missing a trick by not assigning seats or having the Bachelorettes draw lots seats at the cocktail parties.  The reactions to a good or bad seat would make for quality footage.  Corinne, now fully playing the role of Veruca Salt, does her Daddy I Want My Very Own Bachelor and steals Nick yet again with the also-rans completely at a loss.  Of course, the Bachelor himself  doesn’t have the presence of mind to actually converse with nearly a dozen other women assembled there.  To make herself more annoying Corinne/Veruca is repeating words many many many times.

Nick has decided the best way to select a life partner is to lock on like a barnacle upon sitting down – none of that old-fashioned conversation.  Raven is given the most obvious off-camera producer prod in history as she interrupts.  The Steal Rule should go away.  Now.  Raven squanders her chance by conducting a job interview and calling Nick a ******* but reassuring him she likes ********s.

Veruca’s had a skinful of wine and opts for efficiency by trash-talking her peers as a group.  Her bete noire Taylor is reciting her resume and…Veruca is back.  Gumby – sorry, Nick – gives it every male’s ambivalent, default greeting:  ‘Hey you!’  Taylor is not impressed but turns the tables on Veruca who is incensed at being ‘re-interrupted’ (when was the first interruption?).  Nick’s body language with Taylor is nothing short of tragic (for her).  He is leaning as far away from her as possible and fidgeting mightily.  Taylor is giddy but officially in the Friend Zone.  Nick has squandered the group part of the group date by barely conversing with more than half of them.  Next AM, Corinne hilariously claims Nick ‘listened to her’ when 90% of their interaction was purely physical.

Danielle M and her dimples get a 1-on-1 date helicopter ride that comes somewhat early in the season with a Bond-style landing on a yacht.  Liz has a massive and massively unattractive back tattoo (possibly tautological) and entices Christen with ‘I have a secret but don’t want to spill it’ only to spill it with very little provocation.  Now Christen is Bearer Of The Secret Knowledge That Won’t Stay Secret For Long.

Speaking of secrets, Nick is unburdening himself to Dimples, who has more than a passing resemblance to Tea Leoni.  Now it’s Danielle’s turn, who has a much more serious, tragic story.  The producers are relieved that it’s much easier to stage a romantic dinner on an already-clean Santa Monica street than it is sweating blood trying to dress up third world blight.  Fair play to Danielle who absolutely walks it to a rose.

Does Kristina have an Eastern European accent of some kind despite her Lexington KY hometown?  [EDIT:  she’s Russian!  Very enticing.]  Her bio states she was adopted as her real mother was an alcoholic.  The museum is mostly a dud, with lots of crossed arms, adjusting of hair and hands on hips by the bored B’ettes.  A clever lad, not necessarily Nick, might perceive that girls who are good at improv play-acting might be equally fake beyond the walls of the museum.  As predicted, Josephine’s full-on slap was play-acting (albeit the method kind) that was portrayed as genuine angry violence in the season previews.  Liz is mistaking real drama for fake drama and Nick is not best pleased.  

Once again, body language tells the real tale.  Nick is back to scratching his cheek as a means of blocking his mouth and face with non-starter Josephine.  Contrast this with his determined clutching of Kristina’s hand.  Christen is talking herself rapidly into the Friend Zone with the go-between act.  Finally, the Nick/Liz showdown and Liz has worn…a kitchen apron.  But there won’t be any cooking with Nick.  Oven off.  Lights out.  Is she actually surprised?

Edited by Rainsong
  • Love 6
6 minutes ago, Alison said:

When Liz said one of the reasons she didn't give Nick her number is because she doesn't like talking on the phone....um, hi, ever heard of this little thing called text messaging?

I know, like imagine that you had slept with some dude and asked for his number. He says no, you move on, then hey! Nine months later this douchebag shows up at a weirdly opportune time trying to capitalize on your success while pulling out lame excuses like this one. Later, asshole.

  • Love 9
15 minutes ago, jade.black said:

I know, like imagine that you had slept with some dude and asked for his number. He says no, you move on, then hey! Nine months later this douchebag shows up at a weirdly opportune time trying to capitalize on your success while pulling out lame excuses like this one. Later, asshole.

Also, there is a doctor theory in play here...the theory being that doctors dump who they dated while in med school once they become doctors. Nick's status was elevated once he ended up with his own season, so I could see him having no desire to slum it with anyone he had messed around with in the past.

  • Love 1

Liz entices Christen with ‘I have a secret but don’t want to spill it’ only to spill it with very little provocation

Not to mention they changed outfits three times (and apparently showered and redid their hair) for her to tell the whole story of: We got drunk at a wedding and hooked up.

I also liked the producer stoking with the Nose Ball Girl (you dig your fingers in your nose ONE TIME on National television and look what happens!)--Nick says, totally unprompted, "Tell me about your past relationships? Were any of them good for TV? One was a girl?? No way!!"

  • Love 7

I didn't watch Kaitlyn's season, so question: did Nick pursue Kaitlyn before coming on her show?

I have no issues with him letting Liz go, but the show's narrative of "Liz may not be here for Nick, but to be on TV because she didn't try to contact him before the show" is HIGHLY ironic for a Bachelor who continues to leverage this franchise to "find love." I mean, any other season...it would still be over-dramatic.  But at least I wouldn't be chuckling at the irony.

Liz didn't seem all that upset to me, but perhaps we'll see tears next week? I never believed Liz was buying her own BS, try as she might.  Girlfriend was trying to use their "history" as leverage to stay on the show, but in their one-on-one conversations, she looked as uninterested (while trying to look interested) as Nick did (who didn't have to fake interest). 

3 hours ago, scribe95 said:

The only gorgeous bachelor was Brad Womack. Others I found cute on looks alone were Ben and Jake (before I knew he was crazy)


Edited by ribboninthesky1
  • Love 2

Oh Brooks would be delicious.  He's not only breathtaking, he has that "urbanity born of disinterest," thing down pat.  I can still hear him telling poor Des (who I loved,) that he knew he was in love with a woman by the way he couldn't get her out of his mind when they were apart.  Then he proceeded to tell Des that he forgot about her as soon as they finished a date.  So cold and yet so compelling to watch.


I think we still have that episode where Brooks dumped Des saved on our tivo, it was that good.

  • Love 2

Danielle is WAY too good for Nick!  I would have thought so much more of Nick if he had declined to grab onto Corinne's boobs with all his other dates watching.  It's not like he wouldn't have gotten his chance to do that anyway in private. I am already back to thinking Nick is the sleazebag appearing on two Bachelorette shows in a calculated move to become the next Bachelor before being eventually redeemed in BIP (although it sure seemed like HE dumped Jen in a hurry on BIP, not the other way around).

  • Love 4

Did anyone else notice that Hailey, (I think that's her name) said after Corrine took her top off, "My parents would kill me if I did that." Really? Corrine's on a level all her own but it's not really that much of a stretch nor exactly the height of taste to tell a man you've just met that your not wearing any panties. So I'm not buying the shocked and scandalized reaction.

Edited by yorklee2
  • Love 4
28 minutes ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

I have no issues with him letting Liz go, but the show's narrative of "Liz may not be here for Nick, but to be on TV because she didn't try to contact him before the show" is HIGHLY ironic for a Bachelor who continues to leverage this franchise to "find love." I mean, any other season...it would still be over-dramatic.  But at least I wouldn't be chuckling at the irony.

HA! You nailed it! I like Nick, but this, right here, so much win.


I didn't watch Kaitlyn's season, so question: did Nick pursue Kaitlyn before coming on her show?

Yes, I think they were calling/texting each other but the first time they saw each other in person was when Nick came on the show. Both of them have said that they were talking regularly but Kaitlyn stopped communicating with him shortly before going on the show.

  • Love 1

I'm sorry, but being from the South does not necessarily make you have an accent.   Both of my parents and their families are from the Deep South, my sister lives in Arkansas and her husband and his family are natives of Arkansas.  None of them  talk like Raven.  Maybe it is regional, or something within a certain family.  It is just too simplistic to say that someone speaking with a drawl and some inflection is doing it just because they are from the South.  That's just like all the people who came to Dallas during the Dallas show days and expected everyone to be walking around in a hat an boots.  Notice how JR had an accent an Bobby did not?  I have friends from Alabama, Oklahoma,  Georgia, etc. and no one sounds like that. 

I find Raven so far just as annoying as  Corinne.  I like a....holes?  Really, who says that? I don't think much of you, but I like that, or at least I'm willing to put up with it to be on national television and have some opportunities beyond my small town. 

These girls must really make their families proud.  Let's celebrate my boob job!   I slept with someone as soon as I met them!   

Good lord!  The sad thing is that this is what Nick so far seems to like.....you know, as opposed to someone like Taylor.   No doubt that both Corinne and Raven will get far.  That's what men like.....sex and emptiness. 


Were these guys the Bachelor, or just people that were on one of the Bachelor franchises?  Maybe I am crazy, but I don't find them attractive either.   I would agree that most of the guys (and girls) look tons better once stylists or whatever gets a hold of them.   None more than Nick.  I finally saw his previous pictures...what a transformation.   Obviously he is still working on the whole mouth/teeth issue....

I thought last week that Nick really had finally transmogrified from "contestant" to pure "character" who will do/say whatever Fleiss & Co. tell him to.  And his treatment of Corrine this week just further confirmed that for me.

I do think that the Leads are required to allow contestants to interrupt their one-on-one time with another contestant.  But, of course, there would be nothing stopping Nick from allowing Corrine to interrupt, and then explaining "you're not helping yourself with this bullshit."

Nick is, and will always be, to me a sad leprechaun for whom a real haircut is as elusive as the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow.

  • Love 7
35 minutes ago, catrice2 said:

I'm sorry, but being from the South does not necessarily make you have an accent.   Both of my parents and their families are from the Deep South, my sister lives in Arkansas and her husband and his family are natives of Arkansas.  None of them  talk like Raven.  Maybe it is regional, or something within a certain family.  It is just too simplistic to say that someone speaking with a drawl and some inflection is doing it just because they are from the South.  That's just like all the people who came to Dallas during the Dallas show days and expected everyone to be walking around in a hat an boots.  Notice how JR had an accent an Bobby did not?  I have friends from Alabama, Oklahoma,  Georgia, etc. and no one sounds like that. 

I find Raven so far just as annoying as  Corinne.  I like a....holes?  Really, who says that? I don't think much of you, but I like that, or at least I'm willing to put up with it to be on national television and have some opportunities beyond my small town. 

These girls must really make their families proud.  Let's celebrate my boob job!   I slept with someone as soon as I met them!   

Good lord!  The sad thing is that this is what Nick so far seems to like.....you know, as opposed to someone like Taylor.   No doubt that both Corinne and Raven will get far.  That's what men like.....sex and emptiness. 


Were these guys the Bachelor, or just people that were on one of the Bachelor franchises?  Maybe I am crazy, but I don't find them attractive either.   I would agree that most of the guys (and girls) look tons better once stylists or whatever gets a hold of them.   None more than Nick.  I finally saw his previous pictures...what a transformation.   Obviously he is still working on the whole mouth/teeth issue....

No these guys were bachelors competing on bachelorette seasons. I happen to think they are both very attractive but as they say... beauty is in the eye of the beholder.

I must have missed it when Raven said that because I don't remember it at all. She doesn't come across to me like that but everyone's entitled to their own opinion.

I live in Tennessee and almost everyone I know has an accent to differing degrees. Or at least we don't notice it much until we go out of the South and people pick up on it instantly. No not everyone has a accent but I do believe it depends on what region your in. I know people from the deep south who I think have a deeper accent than mine but I've also met people who had none. Raven's from Arkansas same as Bill Clinton and he has a very noticeable accent. So I really don't think she's stressing the accent for effect. I think that's just the natural way she speaks.

Edited by yorklee2

All I know is, my husband's kitchen manager told him at work this morning that she was so bored with this ERP that she fell asleep.  He gave her the synopsis from where she left off and all is right with the world.

clearly, the staff are running out of creative ideas.  Corinne is a mess.  I have to wonder how well the ratings will hold up.

  • Love 1

.  Just because I have not found anyone in Bachelor world drop dead gorgeous, doesn't mean that others feel the same.  I honestly went back and looked at all the actual  Bachelor photos.  There were two that I thought were attractive last year, but I can't remember who they were. I would have no clue about the  contestants on the Bachelorette or an other show.  I think Ben was cute at a certain angle in a little boy way, but not gorgeous, or really handsome.  I am sure Nick has his appeal.  I certainly have no issues with his body.....he is in great shape. 

 I've heard a lot of the women described as gorgeous that I didn't think were that attractive.   I think my expectations were raised by the number of people that watch the show. Escapism I get, but for me to watch this show for fantasy I'd have to want something that they have.  The guys have not been attractive enough or accomplished enough for me to truly understand why 25 to 30 women would put themselves (and their families) through this, and the I look at the girls and I don't see anything special.   Of course, now that I know there is a financial aspect it makes sense.  Oh, but I forget this show is about a "connection," not about anything as superficial as looks! 

I'm sure many find Raven charming and her accent cute and I'm quite sure a lot of people talk like that, but not everybody in the South or who is from the South.  I am just skeptical of anything being real on this show....from their boobs to their accents.   I know I love a French, Italian and Spanish accent myself.....to each their own.  Corinne does not have an accent and I find her just as annoying.  It is just that I feel that all of the girls are playing their assigned "type."  Corinne the airy, beach bunny....Taylor the earnest, educated studious type....Alexis the funny one, the virgin, etc.  Raven is the "down home girl next door."    

I am just as tired of the "California girl" as I am the "southern belle." 

Perhaps it was the wine, but I enjoyed this trainwreck debacle of an episode. I went from cringing (Corrine), to getting teary-eyed over the thought of Danielle finding her fiance dead from an overdose, to cringing again (Liz), to applauding Nick for not dealing with Liz's BS. Unlike past seasons (cough, cough JoJo; Ben; Kaitlyn; Chris) I actually watched the episode from start to finish without falling asleep or doing chores to amuse myself.

Not to mention, there were little moments where Nick just felt ... real.  Seeing him briefly get lost in the moment when he showed the ring he chose for Kaitlyn; having him talk about his vulnerability with Danielle; even seeing him get genuinely uncomfortable and embarrassed while Liz did her "break up skit," reminded me that at the end of the day, Nick is just a guy who got his heart broken twice on national television and had the sense to profit from the rejection. 

I'm excited for this season. It seems like a healthy mix of right/wrong reason contestants, and it's not as obvious as Ben and Lauren, or JoJo and Jordan were. 

  • Love 8
15 hours ago, Superpole2000 said:

The museum of broken relationships (that's not even a thing)

Yeah, actually it is.  It's on Hollywood Blvd., just down the street from the Dolby Theater.  Hubby and I were in Hollywood a few months back and walked past it, debated going in, and decided not at $20 a pop.  But it really is a thing.

Edited by Kerri Okie
3 hours ago, slowpoked said:

Yes, I think they were calling/texting each other but the first time they saw each other in person was when Nick came on the show. Both of them have said that they were talking regularly but Kaitlyn stopped communicating with him shortly before going on the show.

Thanks.  As I mentioned, ironic.  I'm not sure why I feel a bit sorry for Liz, since she made her bed by deciding to do the show. But I do.   

As for the rest of the women, I only know a few by name, and I don't really care much until the herd is culled. 

3 hours ago, catrice2 said:

By the way....and I the only one who found the photographer creepy?   I kept feeling like I knew him from somewhere. 

I believe @Rainsong's description upthread was pretty spot on, in case you missed it.   

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I'm sure the newly opened Museum of Broken Relationships will benefit tremendously from being on the show.  I wonder if they bribed someone (TPTB) to be included. 

I am glad Liz went home but wish they did a rose ceremony. Christen is pretty. 

Somebody here  last week called that the girl with the curly hair and nose ring would have an ex-girlfriend and they were right! 

Edited by Temperance
15 minutes ago, ribboninthesky1 said:

Thanks.  As I mentioned, ironic.  I'm not sure why I feel a bit sorry for Liz, since she made her bed by deciding to do the show. But I do.   

As for the rest of the women, I only know a few by name, and I don't really care much until the herd is culled. 

I believe @Rainsong's description upthread was pretty spot on, in case you missed it.   

Yeah, I think they nailed it.  I didn't even see all of shots he made me feel so slimy.

21 minutes ago, Temperance said:

I'm sure the newly opened Museum of Broken Relationships will benefit tremendously from being on the show.  I wonder if they bribed someone (TPTB) to be included. 

I am glad Liz went home but wish they did a rose ceremony. Christen is pretty. 

Somebody here  last week called that the girl with the curly hair and nose ring would have an ex-girlfriend and they were right! 

Which contestant was that?  I must have really not been paying attention, to miss that statement.

See, this is why I cannot take any of them seriously.  It is like they have decided that after all the press this is the season that they address DIVERSITY!!!  Let's have more minority contestants AND how about a bi-sexual one??  We are inclusive.....our Bachelor welcomes it all!    Nick will be the most with it Bachelor EVAH!

So the question becomes how far will they go?  Will they set one of the girls up to be the next Bachelorette?  What minority  (Asian, HIspanic, Black) is left? Jasmine (I think I have the one) is not in the running.  In fact, I don't know why she is sto;;  here.  Maybe the bi sexual contestant?  Now that would be an  interesting Bachelorette...but again, I don't know why she is still here. 

See, that's the problem with this show.  It is so fake- from the producers pretending they had "no idea" about Liz and Nick, that you find yourself thinking that everything is fake.  If Nick were to really fall for a minority contestant I probably would not be convinced just because they are so manipulative.   Then on the other hand it seems I am being dismissive of the women involved and don't believe it could be real interest.  I am not saying that Nick could not have feelings for one of the women, but just that Nick seems more intent on shocking or being "different"   Even in one episode after reading your comments I feel like he has an agenda and everything he does has a purpose.   Maybe that is unfair.  I am new to this, so I need to give these people a chance..ok, not Corinne, but maybe everyone else. 

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I really wish Liz had just skipped the 'right reasons' crap and gone with the truth (or, at least, a ‘Nick-positive’ version of the truth} and just told him something closer to likely reality of the situation was/is:
That she really enjoyed meeting him at the wedding (obviously) but didn’t feel a huge connection after their ONS. She wanted to be a part of the show/franchise with her bestie who has raved about the experiences (and benefits) of doing so. And she thought Luke was going to be the bachelor so she applied figuring, who knows, she might even end up liking Luke (who knows). Of course, the bachelor turned out to be Nick and while that was a bit awkward for both of them at first, she still thinks this could be fun and, who knows, they might really click after all and she’s open to seeing if that happens.

He knows people want to do the show just to do the show and ‘love/finding a spouse’ is only a possible and unexpected side bonus and he might have respected that approach and responded very positively towards it.   And if he didn't she, at least,   might have come across as an honest, well spoken grown-ass woman rather than like an insane person spouting ridiculousness all the time . But, no, she has to try to sell him Kool-Aid about her original and Bachelor related intentions. (eyeroll)



Of course, that might have happened off screen but I don’t think so based on the interactions we saw. And it’ll be nice to not have to listen to her babble on like she has been. And it’ll be nice to not see that creepy smile anymore (I wonder if she smiles like a sane person in other situations).

Edited by nicgwatchingtv
spelling and clarity
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