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Season 3 Discussion

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So I like this show but I have a bunch of unpopular opinions.  Or two. I really dislike stevie. It is just too much sarcasm and no other expression. It's tedious and irritating. And this is coming from someone that is very sarcastic, but I am open and straightforward when needed. I known that sarcasm is not always the best response/approach.

And the new guy with David just seems boring. He is like the actual bland guy they tried to make the vet out to be.

The townspeople are the best.

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1 hour ago, cleo said:

So I like this show but I have a bunch of unpopular opinions.  Or two. I really dislike stevie. It is just too much sarcasm and no other expression. It's tedious and irritating. And this is coming from someone that is very sarcastic, but I am open and straightforward when needed. I known that sarcasm is not always the best response/approach.

And the new guy with David just seems boring. He is like the actual bland guy they tried to make the vet out to be.

The townspeople are the best.

ITA all three of your points! Stevie is just really unlikeable to me now. One note and rather repellent. I wouldn't want to spend time with her irl. Also, she kind of grates against anything really fun about the people around her. 

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Did anyone else notice the man in the very first scene bore a strong resemblence to the man from last season's finale? (remember the married couple who kept denegrating the town? The ones who met the Roses by accident in the restaurant?)

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Awwww, poor David. No one in his family remembered his birthday! I was hoping he would make a Sixteen Candles joke about it. Loved the entire conversation David and Patrick had about the fanciness of the cafe.

I totally agree with Ted that Alexis realizing that other more qualified people should have her job was surprisingly generous of her. And I guess this opens the door for her and Ted to start dating again once she isn't his employee anymore.

I wasn't sure how the Stevie owns the motel/Johnny helps her storyline would pan out, but I love that it gives us little moments like Johnny admitting that the computer is stuck on all caps and Stevie's reluctance to high five.

Edited by ElectricBoogaloo
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Well that was a nice season finale. Hopefully it's not the series finale - supposedly it's been renewed for a fourth season. 

It wouldn't have been a bad series finale though. Clearly there's more story for Alexis and Ted and David and Patrick, but we at least can see kind of where they're going now. Johnny seems to be settling into his role at the motel and Moira is settling into her role in the town council and with the Jazza Gals. So everyone kind of seems like they're where they need to be.

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I watched this last night and was completely charmed!  This was a wonderful episode.  The conversation between David and Patrick after their kiss was amazing, and sweet and I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it before.  I loved everyone's relationships in this - Stevie giving John a reluctant high five, Moira singing to Alexis, Alexis admitting she's not qualified to work for Ted, and Stevie giving David the thumbs up behind Patrick's head were all such lovely moments. These characters have all grown so much over the seasons - this is one of my favorite shows right now.

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Anyone who's giving up, please, bear with it. This has turned out to be my favourite season.  It's especially wonderful for Alexis, who has leap-frogged over steep competition to become my current favourite character.  I actually teared up during the finale.  Don't lose hope!

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I didn't even notice the first time I watched this, but Alexis was wearing her graduation gown off the shoulder at the graduation ceremony. Like a wrap.

I think the thing that made the scene between David and Patrick in the car so interesting was that up until now Patrick has sort of been in the driver's seat with this relationship, constantly egging David on and not really putting himself out there. It was nice to see David take control and to see a vulnerable side to Patrick. I'm really looking forward to seeing where this goes.

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The sweet, huge smile that Alexis wore while watching her mom and the Jazza Girls actually had me awwwing out loud. Alexis likes to act all detached and above it all, but she was still happy her mom came to her graduation. And Ted showed up! 

So glad this will be back for another season.

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On 4/6/2017 at 7:08 PM, ashleylm said:

Anyone who's giving up, please, bear with it. This has turned out to be my favourite season.  It's especially wonderful for Alexis, who has leap-frogged over steep competition to become my current favourite character.  I actually teared up during the finale.  Don't lose hope!

As someone who has binged the whole show in the last few weeks, I can sort of see the difference people are talking about in S3. I think what's happening is the show is trying to grow beyond what it can reasonably pull off in the 20 minute format, so some stuff is getting lost (like David/Stevie scenes, grrr). We're not getting enough connective tissue in the stories.

I think it would have been good as a 42 minute comedy (I know it's not typical, but Crazy Ex-Girlfriend pulls it off).

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1 minute ago, Cherry Cola said:

The seasons for the show are much too short! 

I loved that Ted came to the graduation. 

Catherine O'Hara was made to play the role of Moira.  She is fabulous! 

I thought the show lost some of its mojo Season 2 so I haven't tuned in.  I looked on IMDB and it appears they had a new director.  Maybe I'll give it another try.  Season 1 was fabulous!

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On March 29, 2017 at 3:39 PM, giovannif7 said:

I love the way they're building up to David/Patrick, both in the writing and the character choices by the actors. This type of (relatively) slow burn is almost never seen on TV anymore. Every show nowadays seems to shove their designated couple together within an episode or two based on their "undeniable chemistry" (usually indicated by a hot-and-heavy makeout session,) and expect the audience to buy into the "written in the stars" soulmates trope.

With David and Patrick, it's taken half of a season for them to get to their first hug, which I found very sweet. It's clear to me (based on the character choices by the actors) that both Patrick and David realize something is going on, but neither man seems to be clear on what they want to do about those feelings. As far as I'm concerned, this dance is far more indicative of how a relationship develops organically between two people.

As for David and Stevie, I think their connection as friends is perfect - each of them really understands and cares about the other, and they've been through enough together to tell each other anything. Everyone needs that type of friendship in their lives.

Agree with every word. You don't see many m/m couples on TV anyway - maybe it's just the shows I watch, I don't know - but almost every single one is either middle-aged men in a comfortable relationship or young guys having hot hookups. I've NEVER seen one where the guys are fairly young, getting to know each other and doing as slow a dance as this one. I'm utterly enchanted!

And I loved the sleepover with David and Stevie a few episodes back. I loved how excited she was for this opportunity with Patrick.

On April 6, 2017 at 6:36 PM, Sisygambis said:

I watched this last night and was completely charmed!  This was a wonderful episode.  The conversation between David and Patrick after their kiss was amazing, and sweet and I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it before.  I loved everyone's relationships in this - Stevie giving John a reluctant high five, Moira singing to Alexis, Alexis admitting she's not qualified to work for Ted, and Stevie giving David the thumbs up behind Patrick's head were all such lovely moments. These characters have all grown so much over the seasons - this is one of my favorite shows right now.

I loved the dialogue in the diner. That's exactly how I josh with my husband and friends alike - the chemistry was just oozing and yet completely natural. Patrick's self-consciousness about David opening his gift in front of Steve, and David's face when he realized Stevie was right and it *was* a sentimental gift (and a really intimate one at that)... Honestly, this is the sweetest romance I've seen on TV in ages.

On February 6, 2018 at 12:43 PM, reneforkelly said:

Hi everyone!  I'm new here and just discovered this show.  I binged watched all the episodes on netflix and am now onto the 4th season.  I'm in love with David and Patrick.

Join the club!

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Semi-slowly binging this show and just finished S3 last night. I agree that it just gets better. They've developed the characters and their relationships so wonderfully. I loved the scene with Johnny and Moira where she admits that they are no longer the same people that they were in the comically large family portrait. Just perfect level of growth, and still funny in that he agrees with her but then they both slip into talking about how much they miss their money. Very real and well-written, especially for a premise that could (and sometime does, in a good way) easily go over the top.

[shallow]Dan Levy has such nice hands. I was noticing them more and more with all of David's gestures, culminating with him placing his hand behind Patrick's head when they kissed. Just big and strong and...swoon![/shallow]

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Sorry. I originally made a post about the Xmas Episode to this thread before I saw there was a separate thread for the Xmas Episode.

So, I deleted my original post and re-posted it to the Xmas Episode thread.

But while I'm here, I'd like to say a few things about the Roland character:

I really enjoy this entire show. I especially enjoy some of the funny themes they explore that are not typically explored by other shows.

But the Roland character really bothers me.

My first problem is that I can never seem to forget that is Chris Elliot. He has been in several other shows and some of them were just so terrible and his characters have been such incredible idiots that I just can't seem to forget that. Also, his acting is not strong enough to make me forget about all his past catastrophes.

I get the feeling - which is just a guess - that Eugene Levy may feel beholden to him for some reason and arranged for him to have this work because he may feel he owes him something for some reason. There are a huge number of other actors who are much closer to home (in Canada) who could have played this part much better than did Chris Elliot. In fact, it is my opinion that almost anyone - right off the street - could have done a better job with this character than did Chris Elliot.

The chemistry between Roland and his on-screen wife is entirely absent - less than zero, if that is possible. I can only fault the writing so far. The fact that this character behaves like a cross between someone who is totally stupid and someone else who is totally insane seems to me to mean that two people control the writing - one of whom likes him and the other one who hates him.

Interestingly enough, it seems pretty clear the entire show - in particular the writing - are indeed controlled by two people - Eugene Levy and his son Dan. I think both these men are extremely talented. But when it comes to the writing of Roland Schitt, I think they have not only dropped the ball, I think they lost it and cannot seem to find it again. Bleh! They would have such a better show if they got a different actor to play Roland the imbecille.

Edited by MisterBluxom
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I'm currently bingeing this show for the first time, and totally loving it. I just had to pop in here to express my love for the David/Patrick first kiss scene. I've actually watched it more than a few times now, and always have a smile on my face. It's so sweet, and the acting is so amazing for both. There is so much on their faces in the long silences that say SO MUCH! It is just a perfect scene, and I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.

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7 hours ago, lovett1979 said:

I'm currently bingeing this show for the first time, and totally loving it. I just had to pop in here to express my love for the David/Patrick first kiss scene. I've actually watched it more than a few times now, and always have a smile on my face. It's so sweet, and the acting is so amazing for both. There is so much on their faces in the long silences that say SO MUCH! It is just a perfect scene, and I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.

I'm so glad you've started watching the show!

I've watched seasons three and four a bunch and I never do that.

Patrick's smile and internal conflict is totally projected after he tells David, "thank you" is so emotional for me. I adore everything Patrick does.

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On 2/8/2017 at 8:01 AM, ElectricBoogaloo said:

So Bosnia isn't lovely this time of year?

That scene kind of bothered me.

Ok you want to use an obscure country to make the deal less sweet, fine.

Bosnia. ok... sure. but then the line about paying in Baltic currency. I hate the underesearched mocking of lesser known areas...

Bosnia is a Balkan country, not Baltic. 

Also, filming movie in Bosnia, and releasing the movie in Croatia, Herzegovina...

There is a country Bosnia and Herzegovina. It's not two separate countries...

It's not a new development either. Yugoslavia fell apart in mid 90s. If you want to use obscure European geography as a punch line, at least do it right...

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On 3/17/2017 at 12:06 AM, MerBearHou said:

I'd never seen the Sebastian Raine actor before.  Good Lord, he's handsome.  

Might i suggest Borgias then

come to think of it. that episode made me realize i missed Francois Arnaud on my screen and now i want to rewatch Borgias. for like 5th time lol

on the topic of the finale (and the show in general i guess). I just love how matter of fact this show treats the so called "non traditional" preferences. More often than not these days the shows are trying to insert a token LGBT character(sorry i know there are more letters now i just can't think of them and the order right now lol) just to be current and not offend anyone. and usually it's done so sloppily and in your face. I love that David likes different wines, I also like that his character isn't defined by being a wine drinker and his story doesn't only include wineries and discussions about new blends.

That story development with Patrick was so adorable and natural. And the chemistry even with almost no physical contact is off the charts. 

now. on to the 4th season. 

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I binged almost the entire season over labor day weekend.  As much as I love this show I'm not certain I'd be interested enough to tune in every week during the first airing, so I'm glad I can watch 2 or 3 or 4 episodes at a time. 

I liked that they're finally heading somewhere, at least with Alexis and David coming in to their own by the end of the season.  I loved the "everything has been handed to you" banter in the car - they get the sibling vibe perfect, down to the expressions and frustrating tone. 

My one quibble is the portrayal of Johnny as such an inept businessman when it comes to helping Stevie run the hotel, or even his own business out of the garage (whatever that business was supposed to be).  He's smart and experienced enough to know what he doesn't know, so the whole "tweeter" thing was just stupid - I can't believe he wouldn't have gotten outside advice on that type of thing, even if he just asked Alexis or David.

But that aside, I loved Season 2 as much as I loved Season 1.  Hoping to make Season 3 last a little longer than a weekend... 

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On 1/12/2017 at 6:55 PM, iMonrey said:

That was the Season 1 finale, Evagirl. The Roses retrieved him from an Amish farm in the Season 2 premier. 

The shows with David at the Amish farm are some of the funniest shows I've ever seen - or can recall, anyway.  

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On 4/5/2017 at 11:43 AM, Nancypants said:

I've always wondered what was up with the ginormous menus at the cafe!

LOL, you must not have lived in NJ, home of countless diners with ginormous menus!

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On 3/24/2020 at 8:03 PM, Paloma said:

LOL, you must not have lived in NJ, home of countless diners with ginormous menus!

Though kind of weird that the huge menu on the show opens the way it does, taking up so much space. The diners I always ate in had menus that worked more like a book with multiple pages. Much more manageable.

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On 4/6/2017 at 4:08 PM, ashleylm said:

Anyone who's giving up, please, bear with it. This has turned out to be my favourite season.  It's especially wonderful for Alexis, who has leap-frogged over steep competition to become my current favourite character.  I actually teared up during the finale.  Don't lose hope!

Thanks for this. I’m really not getting the Patrick thing yet at all...he seems like a bland little pudding face with a condescending streak...and as I am fiercely protective of David  I am not at all convinced this guy is worthy of him. But I will give it a chance, even though the horror show of Moira waking up next to the ever-creepy Roland (does he ever change at ALL in this show?) caused me to leap, shrieking, off the treadmill and now I’m scarred.

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I feel like I'm one of the last Canadians to finally watch this show, but I finally am, and I'm loving it.  Just finished season 3, and I can't wait to start season 4.  I love really love all the characters, even Roland, but I think David is my favourite.  

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This season took me longer to get through, as I found it a bit uneven, plus watching too many episodes at once puts my daily exposure to Chris Elliot way over the limit.

I am blown away by how much I enjoyed the growing relationship between David and Patrick; romantic relationships are almost always my least-favorite aspect of any show, but this one I adore.  I figure that since they took time with it, this is going to last a while, and I look forward to it.  Because I love the friendship between David and Stevie (but hated every one of the five minutes they inexplicably wrote her as having romantic feelings for him), I am particularly excited by how instantly Stevie and Patrick took to each other, and how they gang up on David.  That keeps me from worrying that this new relationship will take time away from that friendship.

I loved Alexis's reaction when her mom took the stage at graduation.

And Moira's performance at the used car lot was one of the funniest things I have ever seen.

Edited by Bastet
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1 hour ago, kathe5133 said:

Can anyone tell me what I missed?  Stevie owned the Hotel.  Jonny offered to help her run it, Jonny had no money.

Why was he the boss?

From the very beginning, the finances never made sense, because the Roses owned the town but didn't seem to actually own a single thing within it.

With respect to ownership/management of the motel, after Stevie inherited it from her aunt and freaked out, looking into selling it (which would leave the Roses with nowhere to live), Johnny offered to manage it in exchange for a percentage of the profits once it started turning a profit.  He wasn't the boss, but she did rely on his business experience once she had to run more than the front desk.



They later hired Roland when he needed extra income for his surprise baby, and then when they started to expand, Roland bought in to make that possible. 

So, by the end, the three (with Roland and Jocelyn apparently constituting a community property unit) were partners when they got investors to back buying up similar hotels and creating a proper franchise.  The logistics of how they'd all get there, whatever the respective percentages, take tremendous liberties, but that's what was put forth.



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On 4/5/2017 at 11:02 AM, Pamela said:

The scene with David and Patrick in the car was just so lovely. And Alexis's face when she saw her mother up on stage... Happy tears from me. Well done, show.


On 4/29/2019 at 1:13 PM, lovett1979 said:

I'm currently bingeing this show for the first time, and totally loving it. I just had to pop in here to express my love for the David/Patrick first kiss scene. I've actually watched it more than a few times now, and always have a smile on my face. It's so sweet, and the acting is so amazing for both. There is so much on their faces in the long silences that say SO MUCH! It is just a perfect scene, and I don't think I've ever seen anything like it.

Well said!  The end scenes brought tears to my eyes, in such a good way. I love how so much more depth has been added to the characters. I felt so much genuine emotion at the kiss, Alexis’s graduation, and the birthday cake scenes. Bravo, show!

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