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S07.E05: Amnesia Appetizers

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20 minutes ago, dosodog said:

I tell this because I relate and it made me smile...

My boyfriend woke up one night complaining he had heartburn.  He went into the shower and moments later collapsed.  I called 911 and began doing CPR.  Sadly, it didn't matter as he had an aortic aneurysm and was already gone.  The paramedics arrived and tried for an hour to revive him, but it wasn't possible.

Sad part over.. .

So people do what they have to and I believe in humor and laughter and that there is always something positive even during awful times.

Jim was a modest man.  I decided that one positive in his dying was that he didn't have to live with the "humiliation" of paramedics/strangers seeing him buck ass naked.

I guarantee if he had lived? For the rest of my life, he would have occasionally said to me...

You couldn't have stopped CPR long enough to put underwear on me?  

Guarantee. It. 

So sorry for your loss!  But girl, I get it - my grandmother had us all swear on stacks of Bibles that if she died in her sleep, we'd put her teeth in before calling anyone :)

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9 hours ago, laurakaye said:


Vinnie always gives me a weird vibe when he's onscreen...like he knows he's playing a part and just wants to get the nonsense over with.  I almost feel like he speaks to Eileen in a degrading way whenever they have to make small talk regarding a particular plot point.

I think it is because Vinny is tired of it and it is showing. He is tired of being Eileen's sounding board every time she takes issue with something which seems to be every damn time they are together. He just doesn't want to hear Eileen go on and on, nit picking every single detail and motivation as she always does. Men usually don't want to hear women bitching about their problems with other women, that's what girlfriends are for.  Also if she has treated Vinny in the past the way she has treated Lisa, nagging Lisa constantly about her apology, I can see him resorting to speaking to her that way, always thinking what have I done, what is it now. While we have seen disagreements between all the spouses, we've really seen very few happy moments of Vinny and Eileen in their home compared to Kyle or Lisa V, Eileen is always bitching about something. More than once we've heard her complain about Vinny or her son not listening to her. They have learned to tune her out.

Edited by Giselle
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On 1/5/2017 at 7:14 PM, zoeysmom said:

Well, the conversation was about the discord between Rinna and LVP, and Rinna threw out her father died.  I am pretty certain LVP wasn't angry at Rinna because her father died, PK said, "that is a game changer."  Then Rinna complicated the conversation bringing Eileen into it.  The conversation was about LVP and Rinna.  So I don't think she is a nitwit in this instance when Eileen opened with, "a gathering of all the women BEFORE MY MOTHER DIED. . . "  Clarity is essential.  And I do think Dorit adequately conveyed the dinner conversation wasn't about Eileen.  If you are going to rely on second hand information, you better at least keep the facts straight.  So either Eileen's mom didn't two days before the Reunion, or Eileen misspoke.  Did they even mention that Eileen was on the outs with LVP?  Eileen also gives a mixed message with survival.   She has to add she didn't want to color the other women's attitude towards her.  (Fat chance of that with this group of barracudas.)  That is a subjective opinion by Eileen of how the others might conduct themselves.

Eileen's point in bringing it up was off, as she didn't think PK and Dorit had a right to their opinion.  They do.  It is okay for Eileen to explain herself and try and sway their opinion but totally wrong to declare someone doesn't have a right to an opinion.  I am quite certain had Eileen explained herself instead of the matter she went about it, there would have been less confusion. 

Eileen also led with the Erika nonsense, after as a group, they heard Erika and Dorit decide the issue was over.  So Eileen is really pushing boundaries and encouraging cross-talk.

She didn't adequately convey anything, except to convey she is a nitwit. After Eileen explained to Dorit what she was talking about, Dorit said "I don't even remember your name coming up at dinner".  Nitwit indeed. 

Edited by motorcitymom65
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1 hour ago, dosodog said:

I tell this because I relate and it made me smile...

My boyfriend woke up one night complaining he had heartburn.  He went into the shower and moments later collapsed.  I called 911 and began doing CPR.  Sadly, it didn't matter as he had an aortic aneurysm and was already gone.  The paramedics arrived and tried for an hour to revive him, but it wasn't possible.

Sad part over.. .

So people do what they have to and I believe in humor and laughter and that there is always something positive even during awful times.

Jim was a modest man.  I decided that one positive in his dying was that he didn't have to live with the "humiliation" of paramedics/strangers seeing him buck ass naked.

I guarantee if he had lived? For the rest of my life, he would have occasionally said to me...

You couldn't have stopped CPR long enough to put underwear on me?  

Guarantee. It. 

So sorry for your loss,

This is why I take a bath every morning, weed out ratty clothes and holey underwear and try to look my best. With my luck the day I miss a bath or just put a ratty something on, well, that is the day I will end up in the hospital, or on the news, or see someone whose opinion of me matters, or worst of all someone I don't care for with whom there is mutual dislike, there are one or two.  My aunt and grandmother had a pact to put on each others eyebrows. It is why my elderly great uncle would go each morning and clumsily put on his wife's, my great aunt's, make up and comb her hair when she lived at the nursing home. She was always a lady proud of her appearance.  

Edited by Giselle
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My son is a paramedic, and believe me, they don't notice.  The one thing I told him since he was  6 and decided this was what he wanted to do. .. "just remember, when people call you it's most likely the worst day of their lives, and their families.  Have compassion, don't embarrass anyone, and show them the dignity you'd want paramedics to show your grandmother".   He has always remembered that, and except for the guy that called 911 at 2am to have his pillows "fluffed", he has held to that memory.

Also I have a pact with friends, if I am ever in the hospital,  in a coma, they will be there for me with tweezers and I'll do the same for them!

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4 hours ago, Mannahatta said:

I do believe that I'm officially sick of this program. I'm tired of watching how hard they have to work at the gym. I'm tired of hearing all of their giggly anatomically incorrect references to their "vaginas" and the "vaginas" of others. I'm tired of their shopping trips to buy more of the same stuff they already own. I'm tired of their mincing little steps as they scurry to greet each other with phony enthusiasm in too high heels. I'm even tired of their house porn. And don't even get me started on their meaningless verbal exchanges. (I hesitate to qualify them as actual conversations.) But yet, like an addict chasing that first high, I will probably continue to watch. Is there a 12-step program to stop watching this crap?

My favorite housewife move?

When they rush up to meet each other and check each other's outfits?

LVP does the fast downward scan, LR walks up to a person, then leans back and gives them a slow once over - always followed by a comment about clothing.

Erica Joon sticks her nose up and squints, like she is sizing up prey.

The fake air kisses and sound effects are a hoot, too.

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While Eileen would have been damned if she did, damned if she didn't tell them her mother had died she is now using it as a way of shading the other ladies  by saying their conversation, attitude and tone at the reunion would have been different. Every one of those ladies would have called a spade a spade regardless of her mother dying. They are housewives because they are outspoken and opinionated.

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Was thinking about Erika and her husband is 77, and at that age, most men slow down a bit, no matter how high powered, take fabulous vacations, etc.  By that time in one's career you now enjoy the benefits of all your years of hard work.   From what I get on the show, Erika and Tom, manage one night a week to meet up for dinner.   Erika seems to be a possession of Tom's, to be there when he deems fit.  She is to behave, except for the Erika Jayne persona.   I think she sold her soul to be the wife of a wealthy older man, knows the rules set up for the arrangements, and lives an extremely lonely life.   She is the ultimate trophy wife - put on a shelf until needed.  Her alter ego is an escape from a very very lonely life.   She is one sad woman.   No emotion, no friends, only paid "friends" who bolster her ego.

Can LisaR ever, ever, ever,have a conversation with anybody she doesn't agree with???   When Dorit was talking about E and the puss debacle, LisaR nodded and agreed, but she always goes on her TH and disagrees.  WTF -Lisa - OWN IT!    I am sick of her agreeing with everyone, then going to Eileen to tell her how awful the other ladies were.    In her TH where she speculated that PK was a little too informed on her fight with LVP, all I could think was "are you kidding me?" .  She goes to ANYONE who will listen to talk about Kim, LVP, her hairdresser, etc. to talk about ongoing events.  Cripes, last season her scene on the beach with Eileen was so one sided, and did nothing more than to serve her interests.   When any of these ladies hear anything from her, they should know she's leaving out several facts.    Eileen just loves the dish LisaR serves her.   Funny that Eileen never questions LisaR's facts, or interpretation, but she gloms on to it to use as ammo.

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46 minutes ago, ElDosEquis said:

My favorite housewife move?

When they rush up to meet each other and check each other's outfits?

LVP does the fast downward scan, LR walks up to a person, then leans back and gives them a slow once over - always followed by a comment about clothing.

Erica Joon sticks her nose up and squints, like she is sizing up prey.

The fake air kisses and sound effects are a hoot, too.

I love, love, love how you call Erika Jane Erika Joon a la Shahs of Sunset!  It fits her SO well!! 

It got me thinking....I wonder if Vida would rather have Erika as a daughter rather than MJ??

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2 minutes ago, crgirl412 said:

I love, love, love how you call Erika Jane Erika Joon a la Shahs of Sunset!  It fits her SO well!! 

It got me thinking....I wonder if Vida would rather have Erika as a daughter rather than MJ??

I can't speak for Vida, but, I'd rather have a tubal ligation than have either one of them for a daughter.

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OK.  I'll say this and then go back to the other side of the pool.  I get why LR is so upset about Kim.  First, she had to go through one of the scariest rides in House Wive history with Kim - Game Night.  Heck I was scared for her.  I would have had the limo stop at the next safest place (like a restaurant or something) and get the 'f' out of the car and make a phone call.  It didn't seem like there was a producer with them.  Just set up go pros.  Second, Kim chose to throw out accusations about her husband in Amsterdam.  Now, LR throwing the glass was wrong but nope, you don't do that to my family on national TV or otherwise.  Did Kim ever apologize?  Sure, it's easily said to just ignore and take the higher ground but the reality is Kim needs to give LR a sincere apology.  I do feel for Kyle in all this as well.

Also, in defense of LR, she did not randomly bring up the death of her father at Dorit and Pk's dinner.  PK brought up regrets, etc. and IMO he was specifically doing this in regard to LVP and their problems last season.  LR mentioned her dad because she felt life was too short to hold on to things.  The reality is for me is that LVP is the one who holding on more than LR. 

On to Eileen.  She's not making the death of her mother and other family members as a storyline.  LR talked about it to PK and Dorita (who conveniently forgot the conversation).  It's only a storyline because of Dorit and PK and then Dorit's memory loss.    And I agree with Eileen that how she handled her mother's death in relation to the reunion was her choice and I understand why.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not a 'defend to the end fan' of either Eileen or LR.  There's things I don't like (and do like) about each of them and have no problem calling them out but in these cases I get where they're coming from.

In the end, I just want to hang out in Kyle's kitchen, throw the ball for Bambi and make toast in the Hello Kitty toaster...and grab a 'beverage' out of the fridge....in a pair of Levi's and a t shirt.   

Edited by breezy424
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10 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

She's not making the death of her mother and other family members as a storyline.  LR talked about it to PK and Dorita (who conveniently forgot the conversation).  It's only a storyline because of Dorit and PK and then Dorit's memory loss.    And I agree with Eileen that how she handled her mother's death in relation to the reunion was her choice and I understand whyi

We saw her walk through her mother's house and talk about the loss, we heard her mention it to others and in THs in regards to LVP, and she felt it necessary to have a convo with Vinnie about it and confront Dorit about it,  so she is keeping it alive as is Lisa R who brought it up and then felt the need to text Eileen an inaccurate account of the convo.

I am not saying Eileen shouldn't talk about it but she and Rinna have made it a storyline much more than Dorit and PK.

Edited by biakbiak
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3 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

OK.  I'll say this and then go back to the other side of the pool.  I get why LR is so upset about Kim.  First, she had to go through one of the scariest rides in House Wive history with Kim - Game Night.  Heck I was scared for her.  I would have had the limo stop at the next safest place (like a restaurant or something) and get the 'f' out of the car and make a phone call.  It didn't seem like there was a producer with them.  Just set up go pros.  Second, Kim chose to throw out accusations about her husband in Amsterdam.  Now, LR throwing the glass was wrong but nope, you don't do that to my family on national TV or otherwise.  Did Kim ever apologize?  Sure, it's easily said to just ignore and take the higher ground but the reality is Kim needs to give LR a sincere apology.  I do feel for Kyle in all this as well.

Also, in defense of LR, she did not randomly bring up the death of her father at Dorit and Pk's dinner.  PK brought up regrets, etc. and IMO he was specifically doing this in regard to LVP and their problems last season.  LR mentioned her dad because she felt life was too short to hold on to things.  The reality is for me is that LVP is the one who holding on more than LR. 

On to Eileen.  She's not making the death of her mother and other family members as a storyline.  LR talked about it to PK and Dorita (who conveniently forgot the conversation).  It's only a storyline because of Dorit and PK and then Dorit's memory loss.    And I agree with Eileen that how she handled her mother's death in relation to the reunion was her choice and I understand why.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not a 'defend to the end fan' of either Eileen or LR.  There's things I don't like (and do like) about each of them and have no problem calling them out but in these cases I get where they're coming from.

In the end, I just want to hang out in Kyle's kitchen, throw the ball for Bambi and make toast in the Hello Kitty toaster...and grap a 'beverage' out of the fridge....in a pair of Levi's and a t shirt.   

I agree 100%, (even moreso on the bolded!) and I thank you for saving me the time it was going to take to type it all up!!  

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23 hours ago, Baltimore Betty said:

I think I know why Rinna goes after Kim...it may be related to the 12 step program, specifically the one where you have to make amends with the people you have hurt while you were drinking or using what ever, she never got that apology (if she was even due one).  She feels slighted. Maybe?

Kim Richards: I don't know why Lisa Rinna keeps talking to me about steps or stairs or whatever. She's never even been to my house. It's a ranch. There aren't even any stairs. She should mind her own beeswax or I'll start telling people what I know about Lisa Rinna, Harry Hamlin, and stairs.

Edited by HunterHunted
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What the hell is PK's problem? Why was he on Lisar's case? He also looks like he's made from spam. 

Mr Elliot Mintz must have had a change of heart about appearing on this show, because he was obviously one of the blurred out people at Dorit's birthday party. 

Kyle should have invited Kim along for some laser resurfacing.

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24 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

OK.  I'll say this and then go back to the other side of the pool.  I get why LR is so upset about Kim.  First, she had to go through one of the scariest rides in House Wive history with Kim - Game Night.  Heck I was scared for her.  I would have had the limo stop at the next safest place (like a restaurant or something) and get the 'f' out of the car and make a phone call.  It didn't seem like there was a producer with them.  Just set up go pros.  Second, Kim chose to throw out accusations about her husband in Amsterdam.  Now, LR throwing the glass was wrong but nope, you don't do that to my family on national TV or otherwise.  Did Kim ever apologize?  Sure, it's easily said to just ignore and take the higher ground but the reality is Kim needs to give LR a sincere apology.  I do feel for Kyle in all this as well.

Don't forget what preceded the Amsterdam dinner - Kim basically berating Lisa on the plane ride, sniping at her and then refusing to let get a word in edgewise. It's easy to forget two seasons later, but Kim was incredibly provocative and nasty in many ways that season.

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40 minutes ago, biakbiak said:

We saw her walk through her mother's house and talk about the loss, we heard her mention it to others and in THs in regards to LVP, and she felt it necessary to have a convo with Vinnie about it and confront Dorit about it,  so she is keeping it alive as is Lisa R who brought it up and then felt the need to text Eileen an inaccurate account of the convo.

I am not saying Eileen shouldn't talk about it but she and Rinna have made it a storyline much more than Dorit and PK.

If I remember it correctly, she had the convo with Vinnie because of Dorit and PK's statements.  She confronted Dorit because of what Dorit had said.  What was inaccurate about LR's statements regarding Dorit and PK?  Pk clearly said that Eileen should have told the other women before the reunion.  I agree with Eileen's reasoning to not say anything.  It was too raw and it would have 'influenced' their thoughts. 

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14 minutes ago, breezy424 said:

If I remember it correctly, she had the convo with Vinnie because of Dorit and PK's statements.  She confronted Dorit because of what Dorit had said.  What was inaccurate about LR's statements regarding Dorit and PK?  Pk clearly said that Eileen should have told the other women before the reunion.  I agree with Eileen's reasoning to not say anything.  It was too raw and it would have 'influenced' their thoughts. 

Lisa R didn't mention that she was the one who brought it up, she also implied that that their was much more to the conversation then implied that Dorit and PK made a much bigger deal out of it and not just responding to how Lisa presented the conversation, bringing it up like it was an excuse for how she reacted to LVP which isnt true and Eileen said the main message she wanted to convey was that her mother's death had nothing to do with her fued with LVP but since Rinna chose to bring it up when talking about her fight with LVP it seemed natural to think that she was mentioning it because it was relevant to the discussion they were having.

The problem is Rinna and Eileen both talk about it in a confusing manner and both mention the deaths of the people in their lives when talking about their fueds with LVP, it starts out like they are saying it's why they let things go but they then keep talking in circles so it ends up making it seemed it's the reason they acted in the fights they way they did.

There was absolutely no reason to bring up Eileen, her mother's death and the reunion because that isn't where their fued started or ended.

Edited by biakbiak
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1 hour ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Don't forget what preceded the Amsterdam dinner - Kim basically berating Lisa on the plane ride, sniping at her and then refusing to let get a word in edgewise. It's easy to forget two seasons later, but Kim was incredibly provocative and nasty in many ways that season.

And Lisa couldn't keep her damn nose out of Kim's addiction. She made it a public crusade even when asked to stop. I get she was mad because of the car ride from hell. But if somebody tells you to leave them the fuck alone and you choose not to and it continues to escalate on both sides then you are part of the problem not the cure. You may not be the one that can help them. Lisa Rinna has not once disengaged from Kim and her wacked out drunk life. She has continued to talk about Kim even using Eden's story to take another jab at her. I hate Kim but I hate Rinna just as much when she pulls that shit.

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26 minutes ago, Giselle said:

And Lisa couldn't keep her damn nose out of Kim's addiction. She made it a public crusade even when asked to stop. I get she was mad because of the car ride from hell. But if somebody tells you to leave them the fuck alone and you choose not to and it continues to escalate on both sides then you are part of the problem not the cure. You may not be the one that can help them. Lisa Rinna has not once disengaged from Kim and her wacked out drunk life. She has continued to talk about Kim even using Eden's story to take another jab at her. I hate Kim but I hate Rinna just as much when she pulls that shit.

This!!  Kim was so evil in Amsterdam that it was easy to dismiss how infuriating it would be to have this bobbling bob glommed onto your deepest/darkest struggle.  

And I call bullshit on the car ride being a terrifying experience for Rinna.  First of all it was pretty hilarious in a dark insane Richards way. Not to mention it was clearly heading towards teaser highlight of the season material, which is the cream that wets a c-list vets panties.  And Kim was already being a nut at her house so if she was actually scared she wouldn't have gone ahead to Malibu w her. Basically.. bring on next week! 

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I just had the opportunity to catch up on three weeks of this show. I hate being late, I apologize if I blur episodes together. 

Am I to understand that the drama this season is a woman not wearing panties, some weird-ass dinner conversation about dead relatives and when to relay information to coworkers, and some kind of argument about the fight last season between LVP and the soap queens (I say that with love, for the record), and all of this is driven in large part by a woman with a bizarre accent and her creep-tastic husband who just appeared on the scene?  Because...look, I love sci-fi and soap opera and all manner of random nonsensical fiction so I'm willing to roll with it for the most part, but this is getting to be a stretch on a "reality" tv show.   

I enjoyed Eden, I actually like most of these characters (Dorit is like a less interesting/fun Gamble from the Melbourne franchise, I can do without her), and I'm really glad we're not (yet) in some kind of teams situation. But...can we get better storylines? I can't get unnecessarily passionate about any of this, and I really need the outlet these shows provide when you can get all mad at the people on them.

Game Night better frickin' deliver.

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5 hours ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

Don't forget what preceded the Amsterdam dinner - Kim basically berating Lisa on the plane ride, sniping at her and then refusing to let get a word in edgewise. It's easy to forget two seasons later, but Kim was incredibly provocative and nasty in many ways that season.

Kim was a total ass all through Season 5.  Actually Seasons 1 through 5.  Rinna will never let us forget Kim's behavior both on screen and off screen.  The problem is after the offending  behavior, Rinnstigator, decided out of boredom to star texting Kim that she would fuck her up.  Rinna claimed she did because she was alone and not finished with Kim. Once Kim left the show, Rinstigator could not leave Kim alone and started bemoaning about her outrage at Kim and Brandi having lunch with Yolanda.  To me those two stupid conversations were the precursors to Rinnstigator and Eileen going off the rails and deciding to blame LVP for pretty much everything in the world but specifically for being the originator of the Munchausen conversation and really going after LVP in Dubai.  All because Rinna was angry with Kim for having lunch with Yolanda and depriving Rinna of camera time with her.  Again this is Rinna and Eileen's go to thing to do-predict what someone would have done.  There is no guarantee lunch or no lunch with Brandi and Kim, Yolanda would even want to go to a dinner where Ken and LVP were, with her pretend friends Tom and Erika, all the way in Pasadena.  Most of all why would she want to have dinner with Rinna?

To me, the reason Rinna is such an instigator, is she walked away from Dorit's party with the wrong emphasis and then sought to draw Eileen into what was a pretty uneventful evening.  Rinna is becoming the master at inserting non sequiturs into conversations and turning it into a storyline.  Case in point bringing Sassoon aboard and having her second hand accounts of Kim Richards filming "Tuff Turf" in 1984, when Eden was 10 years old, and somehow that movie being the gateway drug to various co-stars addictions.  

So I have to say to Rinna, keep Kim out of your mouth.      

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13 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

Kim was a total ass all through Season 5.  Actually Seasons 1 through 5.  Rinna will never let us forget Kim's behavior both on screen and off screen.  The problem is after the offending  behavior, Rinnstigator, decided out of boredom to star texting Kim that she would fuck her up.  Rinna claimed she did because she was alone and not finished with Kim. Once Kim left the show, Rinstigator could not leave Kim alone and started bemoaning about her outrage at Kim and Brandi having lunch with Yolanda.  To me those two stupid conversations were the precursors to Rinnstigator and Eileen going off the rails and deciding to blame LVP for pretty much everything in the world but specifically for being the originator of the Munchausen conversation and really going after LVP in Dubai.  All because Rinna was angry with Kim for having lunch with Yolanda and depriving Rinna of camera time with her.  Again this is Rinna and Eileen's go to thing to do-predict what someone would have done.  There is no guarantee lunch or no lunch with Brandi and Kim, Yolanda would even want to go to a dinner where Ken and LVP were, with her pretend friends Tom and Erika, all the way in Pasadena.  Most of all why would she want to have dinner with Rinna?

To me, the reason Rinna is such an instigator, is she walked away from Dorit's party with the wrong emphasis and then sought to draw Eileen into what was a pretty uneventful evening.  Rinna is becoming the master at inserting non sequiturs into conversations and turning it into a storyline.  Case in point bringing Sassoon aboard and having her second hand accounts of Kim Richards filming "Tuff Turf" in 1984, when Eden was 10 years old, and somehow that movie being the gateway drug to various co-stars addictions.  

So I have to say to Rinna, keep Kim out of your mouth.      

I agree, at this stage, Rinna has had no contact/interaction with Kim so she needs to stop bemoaning what happened 2 years ago. She doesn't need to like Kim, she doesn't need to support Kim's lifestyle, just stay away from her. That said, I will wait to see who starts the conversation we see in the preview, although, whoever starts it is looking for max camera time and did it for that purpose IMO.

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20 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

From this episode I think this will be the scene that keeps on giving:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-7/episode-5/videos/it-was-pre-f-ed-up-days

I am thinking neither Kim or Kyle will really appreciate these assertions by Eden.  First off Robert Downey, Jr., started smoking pot before he was a teenager with his father.  Kim claims she never had her first "real drink" until she was 24 years old and Monty was on social media before he died reminiscing about the good old days on the set of "Tuff Turf".  I just wonder if Eden will have the moxie to repeat these assertions to Kim and/or Kyle.  Or maybe Rinna will just give her version of the conversation which guarantees conflict.

Nah, I think it was a throw away conversation.  It almost seemed like a way for Eden to show she has a connection to Kyle through her sister through Kim.. Or whatever.  But what the hell do I know.  Panty gate became a thing :) 

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29 minutes ago, imjagain said:

Nah, I think it was a throw away conversation.  It almost seemed like a way for Eden to show she has a connection to Kyle through her sister through Kim.. Or whatever.  But what the hell do I know.  Panty gate became a thing :) 

Here is the headline from People Magazine:  Eden Sassoon Says Her Late Sister's Addiction to Drugs Began with Kim Richards and Robert Downey, Jr.  http://people.com/tv/eden-sassoon-catya-sassoon-kim-richards-robert-downey-jr/

I did think Eden was reaching to impress Erika and Rinna but damn Kim Richards didn't deserve that headline.  Granted one can't control what another writes but without mentioning the distant work history connection and her sister's addiction there would not be a basis for the headline.

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On 1/4/2017 at 2:32 PM, RedheadZombie said:

Does the Italian government really think it can enforce a speeding ticket from a year ago?  Does the US send year old speeding tickets to foreign countries?  Is it a money maker?  I guess it's worth a try.  Maybe it took the entire year to track Mauricio down.  They must have Inspector Javert in charge of that department.

It can and it does.  If you do not pay up you are blacklisted from the EU. And not able to rent a car throughout the EU.  There was a law passed in the 90's.  It was designed to safeguard countries from tourists not respecting local laws. If I remember correctly the credit card company gets hit first and they follow up which is why it takes time.

Sorry too lazy to look it up.

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Was thinking about Erika and her husband is 77, and at that age, most men slow down a bit, no matter how high powered, take fabulous vacations, etc.  By that time in one's career you now enjoy the benefits of all your years of hard work.   From what I get on the show, Erika and Tom, manage one night a week to meet up for dinner.   Erika seems to be a possession of Tom's, to be there when he deems fit.  She is to behave, except for the Erika Jayne persona.   I think she sold her soul to be the wife of a wealthy older man, knows the rules set up for the arrangements, and lives an extremely lonely life.   She is the ultimate trophy wife - put on a shelf until needed.  Her alter ego is an escape from a very very lonely life.   She is one sad woman.   No emotion, no friends, only paid "friends" who bolster her ego.

Respectfully, that's presuming a lot.  Not all men over the age of 75 are taking fabulous vacations, no matter how wealthy they are.  A big complaint of the women of those men is that you can't get them out of their comfort zone.  

I don't think Erika made a deal with the devil, she fell in love and is living her life.  There are many women out there who fell in love with men who are older and are caring for then today, would you say they made a deal with the devil?  As far as being lonely? She's doing something she loves, not all marriages turn out to have multiple children and grandchildren.  If she had had multiple children with Tom she would be criticized for setting herself up with child support.  

She's 45 and he's 77, they've been married 20 years.  He was 57and she was 25; look like he made a deal with the devil...Erika is his long term Care!

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43 minutes ago, hisbunkie said:

Respectfully, that's presuming a lot.  Not all men over the age of 75 are taking fabulous vacations, no matter how wealthy they are.  A big complaint of the women of those men is that you can't get them out of their comfort zone.  

I don't think Erika made a deal with the devil, she fell in love and is living her life.  There are many women out there who fell in love with men who are older and are caring for then today, would you say they made a deal with the devil?  As far as being lonely? She's doing something she loves, not all marriages turn out to have multiple children and grandchildren.  If she had had multiple children with Tom she would be criticized for setting herself up with child support.  

She's 45 and he's 77, they've been married 20 years.  He was 57and she was 25; look like he made a deal with the devil...Erika is his long term Care!

I would like to get these high powered men out of the grocery aisles at both my local grocery store and Costco.  It drives me crazy when I see some local high powered retired executive, now conferencing with his wife of 40 years over which hamburger to buy the 85% lean or the ground sirloin.  She managed just fine, all on her own, until he retired and now he needs to weigh in on decisions she performed just fine without him.  The cart is always diagonal in the aisle when they conference to make the decision.  I say sent him to the lightbulb aisle and make those important wattage decisions. 

Edited by zoeysmom
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1 hour ago, zoeysmom said:

I would like to get these high powered men out of the grocery aisles at both my local grocery store and Costco.  It drives me crazy when I see some local high powered retired executive, now conferencing with his wife of 40 years over which hamburger to buy the 85% lean or the ground sirloin.  She managed just fine, all on her own, until he retired and now he needs to weigh in on decisions she performed just fine without him.  The cart is always diagonal in the aisle when they conference to make the decision.  I say sent him to the lightbulb aisle and make those important wattage decisions. 

Zoeysmom, at first I thought you were making fun of my post...had to read it twice!  But, yes! Absolutely!  Welcome to me life and that of many of my friends.  There is a lot of projection in these sights and some ignorance (not in a mean sort of way) about aging in America.  It's not your great grandmother's experience.  For a lot of baby boomers retirement may not include grandchild, it may also not include the need to travel -since a lot has already been done, there may also not be the financial stress of other generations.  The age difference of some couples just adds different dimensions.

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12 hours ago, swankie said:

Full of milk maybe?

I'm almost positive that, among the coterie of nannies Dorit introduced us to, a baby nurse was among them. I assumed that was code for wet nurse.

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2 hours ago, zoeysmom said:

I would like to get these high powered men out of the grocery aisles at both my local grocery store and Costco.  It drives me crazy when I see some local high powered retired executive, now conferencing with his wife of 40 years over which hamburger to buy the 85% lean or the ground sirloin.  She managed just fine, all on her own, until he retired and now he needs to weigh in on decisions she performed just fine without him.  The cart is always diagonal in the aisle when they conference to make the decision.  I say sent him to the lightbulb aisle and make those important wattage decisions. 

How would YOU feel if you let a person hold on to your testes for 40 years?

I'd be asking them EVERYTHING.


Poor Daddy Warbucks needs to work to support his lifestyle and to pay for Erica Joon's hobby.

You earn money working a job, when you subsidize your dream(s)?

Its a hobby.

Some men work and work - they 'become' their jobs and never take a fucking day off because they believe

that their biz is going to close down if they don't show up the next day. 

I'd never tell my wife WHAT to do with herself, but I'd have a talk with her about spending money on her 'sham squad', especially whoever does her hair.

Wash it, condition it and style it.

Whenever she shows up on screen with that flat-ironed, frizzy multicolored bird nest?

I laugh.

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14 hours ago, crgirl412 said:

I love, love, love how you call Erika Jane Erika Joon a la Shahs of Sunset!  It fits her SO well!! 

It got me thinking....I wonder if Vida would rather have Erika as a daughter rather than MJ??

When I first heard 'Erica jane', I thought of Momma June from the Honey Boo Boo show.

To make it sound trashier and dumber?


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12 hours ago, Giselle said:

And Lisa couldn't keep her damn nose out of Kim's addiction. She made it a public crusade even when asked to stop. I get she was mad because of the car ride from hell. But if somebody tells you to leave them the fuck alone and you choose not to and it continues to escalate on both sides then you are part of the problem not the cure. You may not be the one that can help them. Lisa Rinna has not once disengaged from Kim and her wacked out drunk life. She has continued to talk about Kim even using Eden's story to take another jab at her. I hate Kim but I hate Rinna just as much when she pulls that shit.

It's been a few years, but this isn't how I remember it. Kim's plane ride behavior stemmed from what Brandi told her Lisa Rinna had been saying at their lunch together - and, if memory serves, wasn't it in fact Brandi who brought Kim up at their lunch? As a way to deflect from talking about herself? And wasn't it good friend Brandi who pretty much implied Kim wasn't really sober and needed more help? And didn't Brandi then completely misrepresent how it all went down to Kim? From what I recall, other than that one lunch with Brandi, there was the one afternoon at Eileen's house where Lisa R. and Eileen asked if Kim was going to meetings - which, okay, maybe was not the best course of action - but I also think they were trying to find a way to move on from the strange, rude events of Poker Night (in large part because Kim never once gave an apology!). After the night in question, Kim was all about pain pills and Monty and she was still sober, etc., etc., to my memory she never once just manned up and took responsibility for the way she acted. So, I don't think Eileen and Lisa R were that over the top in that one scene. So, that's what prompted Kim to tell Lisa R. to "leave her the fuck alone" on the plane ride - and Kim's warning was so unnecessarily angry and completely lacking in any self-responsibility (replete with not even letting Lisa R. respond to her), Lisa R. did not deserve that kind of treatment at that point, she hadn't really stuck her nose in the addiction much at all, she was just trying to navigate the strange situation that Kim (and no one but Kim) created. To me, Lisa Rinna didn't start getting messy until later when she kept making it an issue (with the texting, etc).

Edited by PhilMarlowe2
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14 hours ago, breezy424 said:

OK.  I'll say this and then go back to the other side of the pool.  I get why LR is so upset about Kim.  First, she had to go through one of the scariest rides in House Wive history with Kim - Game Night.  Heck I was scared for her.  I would have had the limo stop at the next safest place (like a restaurant or something) and get the 'f' out of the car and make a phone call.  It didn't seem like there was a producer with them.  Just set up go pros.  Second, Kim chose to throw out accusations about her husband in Amsterdam.  Now, LR throwing the glass was wrong but nope, you don't do that to my family on national TV or otherwise.  Did Kim ever apologize?  Sure, it's easily said to just ignore and take the higher ground but the reality is Kim needs to give LR a sincere apology.  I do feel for Kyle in all this as well.

Also, in defense of LR, she did not randomly bring up the death of her father at Dorit and Pk's dinner.  PK brought up regrets, etc. and IMO he was specifically doing this in regard to LVP and their problems last season.  LR mentioned her dad because she felt life was too short to hold on to things.  The reality is for me is that LVP is the one who holding on more than LR. 

On to Eileen.  She's not making the death of her mother and other family members as a storyline.  LR talked about it to PK and Dorita (who conveniently forgot the conversation).  It's only a storyline because of Dorit and PK and then Dorit's memory loss.    And I agree with Eileen that how she handled her mother's death in relation to the reunion was her choice and I understand why.

Don't get me wrong.  I'm not a 'defend to the end fan' of either Eileen or LR.  There's things I don't like (and do like) about each of them and have no problem calling them out but in these cases I get where they're coming from.

In the end, I just want to hang out in Kyle's kitchen, throw the ball for Bambi and make toast in the Hello Kitty toaster...and grab a 'beverage' out of the fridge....in a pair of Levi's and a t shirt.   

ME TOO!!!!!!  That would be a great time! 

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20 hours ago, Mannahatta said:

I do believe that I'm officially sick of this program. I'm tired of watching how hard they have to work at the gym. I'm tired of hearing all of their giggly anatomically incorrect references to their "vaginas" and the "vaginas" of others. I'm tired of their shopping trips to buy more of the same stuff they already own. I'm tired of their mincing little steps as they scurry to greet each other with phony enthusiasm in too high heels. I'm even tired of their house porn. And don't even get me started on their meaningless verbal exchanges. (I hesitate to qualify them as actual conversations.) But yet, like an addict chasing that first high, I will probably continue to watch. Is there a 12-step program to stop watching this crap?

THIS is our 12 step process, you have just acknowledged step 1 - you are powerless over your addiction./1




/1  Apologies to all those who have/are affected by addiction issues.  No harm meant, just trying some humor.

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1 hour ago, ElDosEquis said:

When I first heard 'Erica jane', I thought of Momma June from the Honey Boo Boo show.

To make it sound trashier and dumber?


Oh!  So, you aren't using in the Shahs of Sunset way then! I'll explain what I meant then

On SoS they all speak Persian and use the term of endearment "Joon" after their first name with each other frequently: Reza Joon, Asa Joon, etc.  http://www.mypersiancorner.com/2014/02/the-many-persian-joons.html

Vida is the hell-on-wheels mother of one of the female cast members, Mercedes Javid (MJ).  She is a shrew and huge bitch to poor MJ and has told her that she is a complete disappointment to her as a daughter.  It's truly a dysfunctional even emotionally abusive relationship.  

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22 minutes ago, PhilMarlowe2 said:

It's been a few years, but this isn't how I remember it. Kim's plane ride behavior stemmed from what Brandi told her Lisa Rinna had been saying at their lunch together - and, if memory serves, wasn't it in fact Brandi who brought Kim up at their lunch? As a way to deflect from talking about herself? And wasn't it good friend Brandi who pretty much implied Kim wasn't really sober and needed more help? And didn't Brandi then completely misrepresent how it all went down to Kim? From what I recall, other than that one lunch with Brandi, there was the one afternoon at Eileen's house where Lisa R. and Eileen asked if Kim was going to meetings - which, okay, maybe was not the best course of action - but I also think they were trying to find a way to move on from the strange, rude events of Poker Night (in large part because Kim never once gave an apology!). After the night in question, Kim was all about pain pills and Monty and she was still sober, etc., etc., to my memory she never once just manned up and took responsibility for the way she acted. So, I don't think Eileen and Lisa R were that over the top in that one scene. So, that's what prompted Kim to tell Lisa R. to "leave her the fuck alone" on the plane ride - and Kim's warning was so unnecessarily angry and completely lacking in any self-responsibility (replete with not even letting Lisa R. respond to her), Lisa R. did not deserve that kind of treatment at that point, she hadn't really stuck her nose in the addiction much at all, she was just trying to navigate the strange situation that Kim (and no one but Kim) created. To me, Lisa Rinna didn't start getting messy until later when she kept making it an issue (with the texting, etc).

I remember it this way as well. After poker night, Rinna approached LVP and Kyle about Kim but they both made it clear that she needed to stay out of it. Rinna and Eileen asking Kim about her meetings was really the last that Rinna discussed anything to do with Kim's sobriety until Rinna met with Brandi after doing Brandi's podcast.

Rinna was asking Brandi why she behaves the way she does and BRANDI turned it into a discussion about how worried she was for Kim and how she didn't feel like she was a good enough support system for everything that Kim had going on. Rinna said "Well, it's not like we can do an intervention." Brandi ran with that and said they should do an intervention for everyone so that Kim doesn't feel like she is being singled out. Rinna never agreed to that (but, I suspect Yolanda did and that was what started the scene in Amsterdam).  Brandi then went to Kim and said that Rinna was talking about Kim and how she needed an intervention as they were all preparing to get on a plane to Amsterdam. Once on the flight, Kim went off on Rinna and Kyle. While Brandi played innocent. Then at dinner, Brandi got the beginning of the intervention she was wrangling for when Yolanda said they should all go around and talk about something that showed just how imperfect their individual lives are. 

That's when Rinna talked about her sister. She apologized to Kim for upsetting her and for involving herself. And then Kim went off AGAIN on Rinna, Eileen, and Kyle.

Rinna was ready to let the whole pokernight/limo ride thing go and BRANDI stirred it up again to deflect from her own actions. 

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16 minutes ago, Mrs peel said:

THIS is our 12 step process, you have just acknowledged step 1 - you are powerless over your addiction./1




/1  Apologies to all those who have/are affected by addiction issues.  No harm meant, just trying some humor.

I thought this was funny and I come from a family of people on various steps and some still in active addiction. 

My sister and I would need to do Step 9 with our dad as we will all be sitting around and we start talking about everyone from all Bravo shows and he thinks we are talking about our friends and gets very confused, annoyed then I think worried!  We then have to tell/remind him these are women on the TV not friends of ours IRL.

(Btw, I am seriously still waiting for my sister to do AA's Step 9 with me like she did with all of her "friends" four years ago!!  I digress.......)  

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A refresher-the plane ride:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/videos/the-ladies-experience-some-plane-turbulence

I can't find the beginning of the conversation where Rinna switches from talking about her sister to apologizing" to Kim again-   http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/videos/the-ladies-explosive-dinner-in-amsterdam  Kim's behavior is pretty indefensible.

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9 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

A refresher-the plane ride:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/videos/the-ladies-experience-some-plane-turbulence

I can't find the beginning of the conversation where Rinna switches from talking about her sister to apologizing" to Kim again-   http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/videos/the-ladies-explosive-dinner-in-amsterdam  Kim's behavior is pretty indefensible.

Kim didn't break any laws at dinner. Can't say the same for Lisar. 

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1 hour ago, crgirl412 said:

Oh!  So, you aren't using in the Shahs of Sunset way then! I'll explain what I meant then

On SoS they all speak Persian and use the term of endearment "Joon" after their first name with each other frequently: Reza Joon, Asa Joon, etc.  http://www.mypersiancorner.com/2014/02/the-many-persian-joons.html

Vida is the hell-on-wheels mother of one of the female cast members, Mercedes Javid (MJ).  She is a shrew and huge bitch to poor MJ and has told her that she is a complete disappointment to her as a daughter.  It's truly a dysfunctional even emotionally abusive relationship.  

I USED to watch SoS, but I had to stop.

That is a group of the most entitled, dysfunctional set of morons on the planet. You know it's time to quit watching a BRAVO program when you ask yourself, "I have never seen people act LIKE THAT in public....."


IF I remember correctly?

MJ and her mom are pretty vicious towards each other.

One day, one of them is going to sit down and worry about all time they lost while being assholes to each other.

Edited by ElDosEquis
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21 minutes ago, zoeysmom said:

A refresher-the plane ride:  http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/videos/the-ladies-experience-some-plane-turbulence

I can't find the beginning of the conversation where Rinna switches from talking about her sister to apologizing" to Kim again-   http://www.bravotv.com/the-real-housewives-of-beverly-hills/season-5/videos/the-ladies-explosive-dinner-in-amsterdam  Kim's behavior is pretty indefensible.

I think in all of that, the person I felt sorry for the most was Kyle. Kyle is an easy target for Kim because Kim has most likely been manipulating Kyle for most of her adult life. So, even when Kyle is not a part of the confrontation, Kyle is still going to be singled out for being a "bad sister". And, I think Brandi really played into that when dealing with Kim. 

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Kyle is an easy target for Kim because Kim has most likely been manipulating Kyle for most of her adult life. So, even when Kyle is not a part of the confrontation, Kyle is still going to be singled out for being a "bad sister". 

Yup...and Kim also knows somewhere in her addled brain that no matter what she does, Kyle's most likely not about to ditch Kim. 

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